Gians First P2

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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#3 of Roommates

Gian moved his backpack off one shoulder, slipping into Nathan's bedroom. He slid the strap of his backpack down his arm, catching it in his palm, and he lowered the bag down to the ground, resting it next to Nathan's bed.

After three hours of gaming back at Giancarlo's house, the two new boyfriends had decided to spend the night at Nathan's house, an occurrence far from out of the ordinary. Gian jumped and gasped quietly as Nathan's arms wrapped around his waist from behind. The yoshi giggled at the jump.

"Someone seems a bit excitable, hmm?"

Gian chuckled nervously with a shiver passing through him.

"Well, what can I say...? I suddenly have a boyfriend... It's a bit new for me. Besides, we're at your mother's house, and you know how she is about ... uhm..."

"Gays? ... Non-Christians? Minorities? Anything that bitch can hate?"

Gian lowered his head a little, wincing his eyes at Nathan's gruff words. "Yeah, pretty much... I mean, she puts up with me because I'm ... y'know, similar species and stuff. She likes that my family has money and all, and that we're Catholics... But she doesn't even like that I came from Italy, if she found out we were gay together..."

Nathan moved around Gian and kissed his lips gently and quickly; both boys were still shy to the notion. "Well, she doesn't have to know. She'll be at work for another two hours... Would you like to go shower?"

Gain paused a moment, a curious look in his eyes. The yoshi's lips pulled into a bit more of a grin. The expression was shy at the corner of his lips.

"Ya' know... together?" he continued.

Gian's cheeks turned redder and redder as Nathan proposed, and Nathan smiled wider and wider as Gian did. He loved how shy and cute his new, blue lover was.

"So...? You don't have to..."

"Sure... We are both all sweaty and stuff... Should shower anyway..." Gian giggled nervously, "And we'll save water, right?"

Nathan smiled wide, nodding. "Water conservation: It's very important. All those fish and whales and stuff right?"

Gian nodded a little, his tongue tip licking Nathan's muzzle. Gian smiled and looked down, kneeling as he rummaged through his backpack, pulling out clean underwear and socks. He looked back up and his face turned even more red. Nathan was grinning playfully down at Gian. His crotch was just an inch in front of Gian's muzzle.

After a good half minute of Gian kneeling, blushing, eyes-to-crotch with him, Nathan chuckled and reached down, stroking atop Gian's head. "Come on, you'll be seeing it without the shorts in a minute."

His fingers gently wrapped around Gian's ear, pulling him up by the blue rod of flesh. Gian sheepishly giggled and licked at the Yoshi's muzzle again then slipped out of the room toward the bathroom. His shirt flew in the door, landing on Nathan's muzzle causing the yoshi to chuckle under his breath. Gian's scent was thick on the shirt, and Nathan scented it a moment before tossing it on the floor, following after Gian.

When Nathan arrived in the bathroom Gian was naked and leaning over the tub. His hand was in the water coming out the faucet and the other hand adjusted the knob to get the temperature right. Gian's tail was raised a bit, balancing his forward-leaning body. Nathan smirked, sneaking in quietly and ducking his muzzle, spotting his target. His long tongue slipped out of his mouth and pushed forward, right between Gian's rump cheeks and tail. The tongue ran along Gian's tight tail hole causing him to squeal and fall forward into the tub with his waist bent over the edge. Nathan couldn't help but giggle, though he felt bad. "You alright?"

Gian heaved a sigh, squirming and twisting to roll over; His head rested against the wall, his rump dipped into the tub, and his knees hung over the edge of the tub. He glared up at Nathan whom covered his giggling mouth with both of his paws. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just bumped my head." His bare feet and tail pushed at Nathan's tummy gently.

"You look so beautiful naked, Gian."

Nathan gazed into Gian's eyes as he complimented him, his hands coming down and stroking atop Gian's sensitive feet. He stepped back and took his shirt off and pushed his own shorts to the ground, adding his clothes to Gian's pile on the floor. "I wish I had a long tail like yours. It looks so sexy."

Gian flushed a little more as he laid there rubbing the small bump on his head to soothe it. His eyes lit up as he watched Nathan undress. His tail tip flicked excitedly as the yoshi's smooth, creamy belly was exposed. Lower and lower the shorts slipped until Nathan's shaft hung freely before Gian. Their shafts were similar, both as creamy white as their respective underbellies. Their markings were somewhat similar, after all. Gian pulled his legs up to his chest a bit, his shaft hardening against his belly. Nathan smiled suggestively and knelt before the tub.

Gian shivered, a combination of the cool tub and Nathan's muzzle kissing along the white under belly of his tail getting closer and closer to Gian's butt. Nathan's paw stroked along Gian's inner thigh. The sensation was gentle, but intense. It made Gian's tail and toes curl, and a soft, submissive moan escaped his lips. Nathan grew a devilish smile, then his eyes met Gian's and noticed his concern. He lifted his muzzle, "Is everything okay?"

Gian paused a moment. His tail curled up between his legs as he hands held it, stroking it. It was a nervous habit of his. Gian's mother called it childish, but Nathan couldn't help but smile. He found it adorable.

"Uhm... Nathan..." Gian looked worried. He took a slow breath, biting his lip. "I'm not sure I ... really want to... do that yet."

Nathan tilted his head to the right, curiosity taking his face. "You don't want to be intimate?"

Gian hugged his tail closer to his chest. He nodded in a meek, worried way. Nathan smiled charmingly. His paw rested on Gian's tail, stroking the length of it, slowly tracing over it and Gian's own paws. "Gian, it's fine. I don't want you for sex... I want you because I like you so much. I just thought you might like it, that it'd feel good."

Gian blushed again, lowering his head, rubbing his tail tip on his muzzle. "It did..." he giggled playfully, but smiled wide. "But... For now, I want to wait to uhm... well, blowjobs... sex... all that, okay?"

Nathan nodded and stood up. His shaft was erect and bobbed with his movement. Overall, the length looked a bit chubbier than Gian's, but wasn't as long as his. Nathan took half a second to compare the look between them as Gian's was erect against his belly. He smirked a little; his boyfriend was big.

"Anything for you, Gian." Nathan stepped over Gian's body, straddling his ankles over the blue and white digimon beneath him. He squatted down so his rump rested softly upon Gian's belly as warm water swirled around his ankles and Gian's back. Nathan leaned in and gently gripped the back of Gian's head, then kissed him firmly. His tongue tentatively swabbed at Gian's lip.

Gian shivered and lifted his arms. They tenderly held around Nathan's waist. Gian opened his mouth and felt Nathan's long tongue push between his lips, licking along his own. He timidly lifted his tongue and curled it around Nathan's. With such a positive response Nathan became more aggressive. His hands stroked at Gian's cheeks and neck. Their tongues wrestled and pushed against one another. Gian began to get more into it. He pushed back, a cute, playful growl escaping him, much to Nathan's delight.

Their paws caressed one another, their tongues sliding along together. Gian became more adventurous. He began exploring deeper into Nathan's mouth. His tongue tip brushed over teeth and soft flesh, playfully wrapping around Nathan's tongue.

Gian twitched in surprise as a drop fell upon his belly. He broke the kiss, withdrawing his tongue from his boyfriend's mouth. Nathan sat up a little and lifted himself so he sat on the edge of the tub. Gian looked at the small blob of precum on his chest and the thin string that attached it to Nathan's shaft.

"Good thing we're in the shower..." he commented, smiling at Nathan.

The yoshi responded with a grin. His paw pointed lower. As Gian's eyes traced down, he saw a considerably larger puddle of goo on his belly dribbled into his navel, making small pool. A thick trail led an inch away back to his shaft, its source. Gian went scarlet, a resound huff coming from him. Nathan traced his fingers through it, then licked the goo clean from his digits and smiled.


Gian nodded in reply. Nathan stood up into the tub, Gian turning and taking a hold of the hand Nathan offered. Nathan leaned in, giving a long lick up Gian's belly to clean all the pre off it. He gulped and licked his lips, smiling to Gian.

"Tastes good... I look forward to giving you a blowjob..." his right arm wrapped around Gian's waist, his left reached over and turned the water from faucet to shower head. Hot water poured down their bodies. Looking back to Gian, he smiled. "When you're ready, of course."

Gian nodded, "Thank you..."

Nathan smiled and kissed Gian's nose. He turned, bent down and gathered a bath puff and body wash. Gian's eyes wandered down, taking a quick peek at that tan rump. He licked his lips, curious about the lick Nathan gave him earlier. He didn't have long to think about it before Nathan stood up and turned to him, assaulting him with a sudsy bath puff.

Nathan pushed Gian around so he could put himself closer to the shower head. He reached up and turned the shower head to the wall. The bathroom was thick with steam from the shower. Nathan smiled, moving the sudsy puff up and bumped Gian's chin, leaving him a sudsy beard. Nathan was soon rubbing the puff along Gian's shoulders, then his sides. His paws guided Gian to turn around and Nathan worked the top of Gian's head, ears, and down his neck and back.

Soon Nathan had his opportunity for making Gian "suffer" yet again. His left paw lifted up Gian's tail, the puff sinking under his rump between his cheeks. Gian rested his hands against the wall, moaning as the puff touched him in such inappropriate places, getting the back of his balls and his tail hole. Nathan was merciful enough to not draw it out, his paws moving down as he knelt, working over Gian's legs. Knowing where it was going, Gian left his hands against the wall, the feeling of his soft feet being cleansed making him shiver. He lifted each foot for Nathan. Nathan was sure to stroke and scrub over every inch of the soles and between the toes. He worked until he was sure Gian couldn't stand anymore and stood up himself.

Nathan turned the blue digimon around again. Gian was smiling dreamily, his cheeks still a gentle pink with blush. Nathan moved his paws to Gian's chest, lathering his front, down along his soft abs, toward his groin. Pausing at his pubic bone, Nathan looked up to Gian, seeing his reaction.

Gian smiled, nodding. "Gentle, please..."

Nathan squeezed the lather out of the puff and gathered it in his hands. Putting the puff aside, Nathan spread the lather onto Gian's semi-erect cock and sack beneath it. He lathered the genitals softly, watching his paws as they worked.

"You're really big Gian... your balls are nice too..." Gian's blush grew brighter, his breath peppered with moans. "Your foreskin's so soft too..." The yoshi teased, his paws rolling back Gian's foreskin. Gian nearly collapsed, a very loud moan coming from him. Nathan giggled, "Thank goodness Mom's at work..." Gian cupped his hands over his muzzle, twitching as his glans and foreskin was cleaned.

The 'torture' was finally complete as Nathan took the shower head and began rinsing the soap off from the top down. Gian roamed his paws around himself, lifting his arms, letting all the soap run off his body. He squirmed as his foreskin was rolled back and rinsed under.

Nathan hung the shower head again, smiling to Gian. He snatched up the puff again, starting to wash himself. Gian snatched the puff away and pinned his boyfriend against the wall. "No way, no how, are you doing that to me without me returning the favor."

Pushing a paw to Nathan's back, Gian firmly scrubbed between Nathan's cheeks, the yoshi squirming and laughing mixed with moans and bobs of his shaft.

Gian moved over Nathan's rump, up along his back, over his shoulders, then back down along his legs. Gian admired Nathan's feet, stroking his fingers along the soles. The toes wiggled as quiet giggles echoed in the shower walls from Nathan, but no gasps and moans as Gian had given. Gian moved back up, giving a small bite to Nathan's shoulder - ignoring the suds over his lips - then turned Nathan around by his shoulders. Pinning Nathan's back to the shower wall (Gian was stronger from fencing and martial arts and the like), Gian started to wash Nathan's chest.

Nathan squirmed a little and a gasp came from him. It was odd to have Gian pushing him like this, but it was also enjoyable. The hand roamed down over his belly, washing his upper crotch, all the way down to his genitals. The puff scrubbed gently over his nuts, then over his shaft. Gian practically masturbated the yoshi. It was how he cleaned himself, stroking the foreskin back and forth with soap, and Nathan nearly lost himself as Gian did before.

Suddenly Nathan's world changed as hot water was suddenly pouring over him again. Gian smiled, holding the shower head over Nathan. The soap rolled off Nathan's body as Gian kissed him, rinsing his tan and cream body. The shower head moved over his tan and cream body. Soon, the two were standing with the shower head off. Each of their erections had mostly subsided.

"Shall we?" Nathan inquired.

"Yeah, just in case your mom gets home." Gian replied, stepping out and snatching a towel from the cabinet. He tossed it to Nathan and grabbed one for himself. They each toweled off - Nathan making sure to towel off Gian's genitals for him - and hung the towels. Gian slipped on his socks and underwear and then peeked outside the bathroom, making sure no one was around. Nathan pulled his own boxers on, following Gian out to Nathan's bedroom and they both finished getting dressed.

Heading downstairs, the two sat at the PS2 and started up Time Splitters 2. They had some time left until Nathan's mother got home and they were both rather fond of the game. It was their third run through the game!

An hour later Nathan's mother came home, the business yoshi quickly heading to the kitchen with little more than a "hi" to each child. Pots and pans were heard a moment later and the scent of food soon filled the air.

Dinner was served shortly afterward. It was a quick box meal Nathan's mother had purchased. There was some quiet conversation over dinner. Most the topics were about school, though Nathan's mother, oddly enough, asked if Gian had a girlfriend yet. He replied, with a blush, that he had someone in mind and Nathan had to look away to keep his expression hidden.

After dinner was more gaming, and Nathan's mother complaining about this and that, the house and work, while Nathan helped her clean the kitchen.

Finally, the time Gian had hoped for finally arrived. The young boys made their way to Nathan's bedroom. Gian headed to Nathan's futon and assembled it up and out into a bed. The two traded smiles, Nathan pulling the covers back and inviting Gian under them with him. Gian smiled playfully and pulled his shirt off, and dropped the pants he'd worn. Tight briefs dropped next and the nude digimon climbed into onto Nathan's bed.

Nathan was nude by the time Gian was. Gian pressed his weight onto him, Nathan shimmying backwards until he laid flat upon the bed. Their hips met as Gian rested his weight on him, smiling down at his yoshi. "You're so cute."

Nathan squirmed a little. He frowned playfully. "And here I was worried I was being too aggressive."

Gian growled - quite possibly the cutest sound Nathan had ever heard - and Gian bent down, kissing the yoshi firmly, licking into his mouth. Nathan shivered a little in surprise. His paws gripped Gian's hips. Just as his tongue began to respond to Gian's, the blue digimon sat back up, grinning widely, but nervously.

"So... I don't want to ... well ... can we jerk off? Ourselves... I think I'd be okay with that."

Nathan's heart beat excitedly at Gian's idea, the yoshi nodding vigorously. He was rather surprised at how fast Gian had his longer white shaft in his paw, happily - noisily - fapping away.

Nathan's tongue tip hung out as he gripped his own shaft. He happily masturbated with Gian, Gian shifting so their shafts were right against one another, knuckles brushing against each other's shafts, their balls touching, sharing their warmth. Their soft, tender skin was slightly damp and sticky, stimulatingly so as the wrinkled flesh ran against each other. Gian's hand stroked his length in longer motions since Gian had a good two... maybe two and a half inches on his boyfriend. His might barely be thicker. Gian had the advantage in inches, having developed during their adolescence earlier; Nathan was a late bloomer, or so the yoshi'd hoped. They stroked together; both of them were rather eager in their first true act of intimacy. Gian was moaning quietly, his cock drooling profusely upon Nathan's shaft and belly.

The hot, gooey precum lubricated his shaft and inside his thick hood... Nathan couldn't handle it long. He whimpered softly, his left hand holding Gian's back. He could feel heat, moisture. He realized they both had a soft sweat to their body, not helped at all by the goo all over his tummy.

"Gian... I'm almost..."

He didn't get to complete his sentence as Gian arched his back, moaning. The yoshi felt an odd sense of worry, but so many senses of pleasure as hot cum shot onto his chest, over his belly and over his shaft. After only the second shot Gian let off, Nathan arched, hips pressing up against Gian's rump, his own shorter shaft spurting upon his slightly plush tummy. He hadn't shot nearly as much; his semen was actually a little thinner than Gian's, but they finished nearly at the same time.

Gian panted, the only sound echoing through the room spare one wet sound of Gian's foreskin rolling back over the head of his dick. Nathan moved his left hand to Gian's face, caressing it a bit before bringing their lips together for a soft kiss. Their warm, moist breaths poured over each other's muzzles, their tongues massaging each other.

Nathan pushed Gian back up. Gian nuzzled against Nathan's hand before it was pulled down. He smiled happily as he took Nathan's right hand, bringing it to his lips. He sniffed tentatively at the gooey fingers, glancing curiously to Nathan, then licked across one. He wrinkled his lips a little, giggling, "Salty."

Nathan returned the favor, Gian's fingers feeling a long tongue weave between them. Nathan looked surprised, eyeing the puddle on his belly. "Wow, yours is really sweet. Like... wow, it tastes SO good..."

Gian felt himself flush a little. His hips slipped back and began grooming over Nathan's tummy, giving him his first tongue bath. Gian slurped up the copious, cummy mess before his tongue licked up the small pool of semen. He smiled up at Nathan's flushed face. "They taste great mixed."

Nathen stuck his tongue out at Gian. "Well, if I could happen to taste some... but some greedy little Gian ate it all..."

Gian slinked up and kissed Nathan firmly, tongue wrestling a few moments. Sitting up, Gian licked his lips clean of saliva.

"... Yeah, not bad..." Nathan replied with a cute smile. Gian nodded.

He moved around to lie in the bed proper. They looked at one another for a few moments before Gian smiled, turning his back to Nathan. "It'll be okay, right?"

Nathan scooted forward and wrapped his arm over Gian's side, spooning up behind him. His snout nuzzled along Gian's shoulders as he nodded. A few soft kisses trailed over the back of his lover's neck. Gian's tail and toes curled. His body shivered.

"Mm... Goodnight, Nathan..."

"... Night, Gian..." was whispered behind him, a few more kisses trailing over Gian's shoulders.

Gian closed his eyes and sighed contentedly. He tried not to worry about Nathan's mother just two doors down the hall, and to focus on Nathan.

He leaned back against his boyfriend... His first boyfriend, his first intimacy... his first love.