Gian's First P1
#2 of Roommates
Giancarlo gave a faint sigh, stretching his legs out along the couch. His toes curled and splayed at the peak of his stretch as his arms swung high over his head as he lay back on the plush, soft furniture. He sighed happily, enjoying the feel of his leg muscles burning as he stretched. A couple of months ago he picked up longer distance running. He used to jog a few times a week with Santino, but his friend, Nathan, had gotten him into much longer distance running.
At age fourteen, thanks to puberty, Giancarlo's body had developed into being acceptably tall, with strong legs that were perfect for track. Santino, his brother, had much the same build, and would be an excellent runner if he were interested. He stuck to fencing, martial arts and dancing, however. Giancarlo's friend, Nathan, was a tan-ish, sandy brown yoshi. He stood a little shorter than Giancarlo, but the boys being in the middle of puberty made it possible that they would grow much more, so who would win height was unclear.
At this point, it should probably be clarified a little that Giancarlo and Santino had moved to America with their parents when they were ten-years-old. They grew up in Italy, living near their mother's parents. Their father's parents were an hour and a half south of them.
Once they'd moved to America, it took Giancarlo a while to adjust. Both he and Santino had learned English along with Italian, and their thick accent was just starting to become unnoticeable. Gaining friends proved to be more difficult than masking an accent, however. Fortunately for both Giancarlo and Santino, they moved into a house near their school. A number of the houses around there had children their age, one such example was their next door neighbors: a raichu couple with one son, Geraldo. Within a few months of moving in, a mutual love of gaming, geek-dom and cartoons brought Geraldo to be friends with Santino and Giancarlo. At the time, Geraldo was a bit chubby and short. Between ten and fourteen, he'd grown and filled out, and essentially became the definition of a "twink."
Over time, each of the twins' social networks spread from there, Giancarlo's far more than Santino's. Santino had always been the quiet type; more of an observer than a social butterfly. He had very few close friends, mostly on the internet, and generally kept it that way.
More to the luck of Giancarlo than Santino, a year and a half after moving to the U.S. (halfway through age eleven), someone new moved into the area and into his classes: Nathan, a tan yoshi. He had moved from Australia where he had lived with his father until age eleven.
Nathan's story was a bit sad. His mother, June, had visited Australia on a vacation. The green yoshi was "twitterpated" with Nathan's father, Richard (whom Nathan got his sandy brown trait from, coupled with height and a rather attractive body). "Twitterpated," in this case, happened to be a lot of alcohol and a whorish spring break before returning to her strict religious ways. Discovering that she was pregnant a month after her break, and Richard being the only yoshi she'd done, she searched for him and emailed him. She was ready to abort in a second's time, but Richard stopped her and rescued his son to be. June carried him through, and a week after he was born Nathan was on a plane back to Australia to be with his father. Given the circumstances, this was best choice for everyone; Nathan's life was amazing down under.
Then came the unfortunate part. Nathan's father died. He didn't care to talk about it very often, and Gian was under the impression it was a medical complication of some sort. Nathan moved to America to be with his mother as legal custody shifted to her. June destroyed most of the photos that Nathan brought back with him of the yoshi who 'ruined her life' and 'chased away potential husbands,' but Nathan managed to always keep a photo of his father in his wallet.
That brings us back to the present. A month ago, summer break had started. This involved considerably longer lessons for fencing with Santino. And Nathan, giving the biggest puppy eyes he could, begged Gian to join track with him the next school year. Grudgingly, Gian agreed, if only to spend more time with the brown yoshi, and to get his body looking more like Nathan's. Nathan had a rather attractive body, just like Gian liked. Toned, sleek, with gentle muscles that would be perfect to trace with his finger... Gian had been fantasizing as of late, to say the least. Oh, how he fought it... to be gay was bad enough to deal with, but to be so interested in his best friend... he hated it.
Gian was laying on the couch in his running shorts, and nothing else. He was just a bit sweaty, most of it drying away during the walk home. His legs were burning due to Wednesdays being double practice days; four hours of hard fencing in the morning, coupled with a seven mile run in the afternoon. Worse than that, Nathan wanted to move it to eight miles next week. When he just started running, Gian would be totally paralyzed on Wednesdays. Two months of training later, and his legs were a little sore each Wednesday, and found he was better the next day.
A loud flush and the sound of a sink indicated his friend's return. Gian looked down, faintly adjusting the bulge in his shorts. Thinking about tracing his fingers along Nathan's muscles wasn't very constructive toward a flaccid state for his shaft. He seemed to find a position for it going along his thigh that made it the least obvious. He put his paws back behind his head, relaxing, watching TV as Nathan came back from around the corner. Gian lifted his feet up and Nathan flopped onto that end of the couch. Gian put his feet back down, just before Nathan's lap.
Nathan, of course, was fine. He was a long distance runner, and had trained since the summer prior. He could go for very long runs and be fine. The few times a week Gian ran with him were his short runs.
"How are your legs feeling, Giancarlo?"
Gian gave a faint huff and rolled his eyes. "Don't call me Giancarlo... Only my brother and parents do that."
Nathan chuckled. He lifted Gian's feet, resting them in his lap. "Fine, Gian... Your legs?" He prodded gently at one of Gian's thighs which made the flamedramon cringe.
"Yeah, still a bit tender... My feet are hurting the most though." Gian flipped through a few channels with the remote, surfing for something to entertain them both. A quiet gasp escaped his lips his body tensing slightly as he felt something warm caressing along his sole.
"Well, that sucks. I keep telling you to get better running shoes."
Gian's eyes shut tight and let his toes splay as Nathan's warm hands took the paws. The yoshi's fingers rested atop his foot, his thumbs kneading into the ball of his foot, slipping between his toes when they pressed too deep. Gian's eyes opened to slivers, gazing down at the yoshi massaging his feet.
"Nathan... You don't have to, I can..." As the yoshi's thumbs pressed firmer, Gian let out a quiet groan. He started to become more worried; the faint bulge he'd hidden down his thigh earlier was becoming far more prominent now. That's the last thing he needed Nathan to notice. Of course, these things always happen at the worst times.
A faint chuckle came from Nathan, his short tail giving a gentle thump against the couch. "Didn't know your feet were so sensitive, Gian."
Gian opened his eyes, and found Nathan's gaze just where he hoped it wouldn't be. The flamedramon bashfully moved his hands to his muzzle, trying to pull his foot from Nathan so he could turn to his side. Nathan's grip on his ankle stopped him, though. "I... I'm just pent up, u-uhm..." he stuttered faintly.
Nathan gave another quiet chuckle, spreading Gian's toes with his fingers, slipping them between the toes. "It's okay Gian... I like making you feel good."
For a moment, there was mostly silence, quiet sounds of skin stroking against skin as Nathan continued to rub. Gian slowly lowered his hands from his face, looking over his fingers at the yoshi. The yoshi smiled at him, then his eyes traced along Gian's body. He giggled quietly. "Wow, you're big..."
Gian went scarlet, squeezing his eyes shut. Nathan grinned, looking back up to him. "Don't be shy, Gian... I don't mind at all. It's, uhm... well, looks nice. Y'know... through your shorts."
Gian was sure his body had pumped every drop of blood into his cheeks. Yet somehow, there was enough blood in him to feed the stiffie just barely hiding inside his running shorts. Barely...? The tip might be peeking out the leg, from the look at his angle.
"Uhm... Guess this is a good time to bring it up, uh..." Nathan's eyes looked up from Gian's groin, their eyes meeting; Gian's blue to Nathan's odd, mismatched eyes. The yoshi gave a shy smile. He looked back down at the feet in his lap, obviously avoiding eye contact. "I like making you feel good... Pleasuring you is... ah... nice... and..."
Gian couldn't move. He had the oddest fluttery feeling in his chest and stomach, and his breaths were shallow and slow. He was so excited, so nervous, he had no clue what was going on inside him.
"I like you, Gian. I know you're probably not gay and you don't really look at guys all that often and I'm totally fine with that and all but I just wanted to let you know because it's been on my chest for a while and I really thought I should let you know and-" Suddenly, Gian's tail raised up gently pressing at Nathan's lips.
"Nathan, I... uhm... It feels good..." Using his tail to bring the yoshi's head up, he brought their eyes into contact again. Gian gazed into Nathan's odd eyes for a moment. One was blue, reminding him of his own, the other a beautiful green. "I'm... Uhm... Bi? Maybe... I dunno Nathan... I don't think it matters. I like you too, I think... I mean, I've thought about it..."
Nathan's mismatched eyes lit up, the yoshi giving a smile Gian had never seen before. It was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Nathan's paw came up, gripping Gian's tail. The yoshi stroked his cheek against it, nuzzling at it affectionately. It'd always been a small point of jealousy for Nathan, Gian's long, beautiful tail, compared to his shorter, useless one. "So... Can I keep rubbing?"
Gian nodded vigorously, grinning a little. "Sure... Just stop and give, uh... him," he gestured to his groin, sure that the squishy tip of his white foreskin was peeking out, "about twenty minutes to go away before Santino comes home."
Nathan nodded as he starting to rub the feet again, delving his fingers between Gian's toes once more. Nathan found it cute the way Gian's toes wiggled when he did. Gian started to flip through the channels again, his other hand absently adjusting his shaft, making it more comfortable in his shorts.
"We match, y'know."
Gian peeked up curiously.
"Our captains wear their caps to dinner, so to speak." An awkward moment of quiet. Nathan clarified, "Mine's more creamy than yours, though... mine matches my belly, yours matches your belly... and you know, size, but yeah..." he trailed off.
Gian giggled, nodding slowly. He had always been curious, and the fantasies he'd enjoyed while masturbating being confirmed only helped to keep his shaft hard. A few moments later, Gian settled onto the SciFi channel. Nathan raised one of Gian's feet, cupping the heel in his paw and kissed his toes. Gian grinned, looking down at Nathan. "Sure you're not the one into those?"
Nathan grew a devilish grin. Gian knew it all too well, how it had gotten them into trouble on occasion. Nathan's tongue slid up along Gian's sole, making Gian drop the remote and dig his body against the couch, a quiet squeak coming from him.
Nathan chuckled, "They're not bad... kinda salty... look nice..." Another slow lick swabbed up the foot, slipping between Gian's toes.
Gian whimpered softly, shutting his eyes, feeling a faint dribble against his thigh. He noted how useful a yoshi's tongue skills were. Nathan had proved it before, far surpassing anyone else Gian had ever seen before. He'd show off by unscrewing bottles with his tongue, or unwrapping candies.
Quickly, Gian spoke up. "S-stop. Nathan... I'll never get soft if you keep doing that..."
The yoshi sighed reluctantly, rolling his eyes. "Fiiiine, Gian..." One last quick lick with his tongue and he rested the feet back in his lap. "But if you stay over tonight, I'm giving your feet a full rub."
Gian's cheeks reddened again, the digimon nodding while watching the television. "I'd like that... They are really sore."
Resting his hands atop Gian's feet, the yoshi idly hummed for a few moments, then, as Nathan tended to, he got bored. "Want to play some Tekken Tag?"
Gian perked up instantly with a huge smile on his face. The offer from Nathan to have his own arse handed to him in Tekken was rare. "Hell yes!"
Nathan stood, slipping Gian's feet out of his lap. Gian saw it was obvious Nathan had enjoyed rubbing his feet a bit as Nathan was heading to the Playstation 2. Luckily for them, thirty minutes later when Santino returned home with the raichu neighbor, Geraldo, Gian and Nathan were both flaccid and free from embarrassment, save for Santino's jab at them of needing to shower. Santino headed to his room with Geraldo to play games, listen to music... whatever those two spent their time doing.
Nathan leaned over to Gian, smiling. "It's okay... I like your smell."
Gian grinned, nodding a little, whispering back. "I like the way you smell too."
Nathan leaned in closer with that devilish grin again. Gian gulped and shivered as their lips met, feeling their warmth and softness. He pressed back into it; his first kiss... his first boyfriend.