Mon sitting

Story by Dreamous on SoFurry

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Heyo~ So yeah, I'm finally posting a story again. This is a trade with the oh so talented Circeus. Mind, this half is very, very... very very very late. And he's a wonderful person for letting me take so long on it ^^; anyway. 18+ years of age, or DON'T READ IT. Sheesh, what's wrong with you people c.c Also, contains gay sex, and some food play... etc. Gabu/Goma. I do not own none of the characters in this story; this is simply a parody of the main Digimon series, owned by Toei and Bandai... or such. I'm bad at this part. XP Anyway, enjoy!


Mon sitting

Gabumon raised the hot, thick meat tube up to his muzzle, closing his eyes part way. The scent filled his nostrils, making the rookie shiver with anticipation. Slowly, his tongue slid out, licking at the rounded tip of the flesh log. He quivered, the salty flavor spreading over his tongue, his eyes closing with bliss. His toes curled against the carpet, his fingers gripping tighter as he opened his maw wide, slipped the wiener forward, and took a nice big bite out of it. He practically squealed with glee, the hotdog so tasty with relish and onions! Oh, this was the life, a plate with three other hotdogs in his lap, laying back, watching the tv. Any digimon's dream, he's sure.

Gabumon was currently watching some sort of human show; as far as he could gather, it was about people who were rather low on the intellectual chain being provoked into equally unintelligent arguments- and sometimes fights- by some guy named 'Jerry'. The small, lizard like mon rolled his eyes as someone was restrained by the show's guards, and flicked through the channels a few times, his fuzzy dog coat keeping him comfy. He sighed faintly, "Ah... nothing ever on."

Finally having settled upon some old cartoons- two hotdogs having disappeared during the course of channel surfing- Gabumon laid back, lifting another hotdog. Ah, ketchup and mustard on this one! He took a nice, large bite down upon the phallic food; he heard a quiet 'plop', feeling something warm splatter upon his stomach. He chewed a bit, swallowed, and then looked down. Right upon the blue of his belly symbol was a thick, red splatter of ketchup. He rolled his eyes, leaning down to lick it up, discovering his chubby tum preventing him from bending that way. He

heaved a sigh, laying back into the couch... he'd get it later. Food. He grinned to himself, lifting the hotdog up. He turned it, licking the ketchup from the opposite end of the bun, so it wouldn't drip again. A few moments later, another wiener was gone, and Gabumon was rubbing the sides of his stomach with a warm, content feeling. He soon lifted the fourth hotdog, just about to bite down upon it when there was a resounding knock upon the door. He paused a moment, then resumed biting down upon the food. It wasn't his job to answer the door when no one was home; on the contrary, Matt would be rather upset if he did.

Gabumon chewed upon the bite, mrring quietly to himself, then heard something that made him nearly choke.

"Gabbuuuuuu~ Open up!" came a squealing voice, and Gabumon couldn't help but sigh and whimper.

"Comiiiiing..." came a muffled reply. He looked sadly to his hotdog, giving it a look a lover would to his mate as he was pulled away. Setting the food down upon the couch next to him, he slipped off the couch and plopped over to the door, his large feet making quiet 'plod' sounds with each step. He curled his toes into the lush carpet as he got to the door. He reached up with both his paws, taking the knob, and turning it. The door gave a click- the lock designed to auto-unlock when turned from the inside- and peeked out with his large rust colored eye. Indeed, there, at about his belly level, was Gomamon. Behind him, two khaki pillars caught Gabumon's eyes. Tracing the pillars up to a very prim and proper school-sanctioned uniform, and above it, the face of Joe, looking mildly flustered.

"Heya Gabumon! I'm really sorry to do this to you, but is Matt around?"

Gabumon shook his head absently, looking down to Gomamon, with that perpetual grin upon his face, his eyes closed to thin, smiling lines. Gabumon couldn't help but smile at the cute expression, Joe continuing above.

"Darn... I'm guessing you're all alone then... would you mind if Goma stayed here tonight? Mom suddenly went into berserk spring cleaning mode, and I don't want him being found..."

Gomamon gave a quiet giggle, his short tail kind of flopping side to side behind him. Gabumon sensed impending destruction at this equation, him all alone with Gomamon... but Joe was such a kind friend, and he knew that- since they moved so many years ago- Matt's residence was the only one on the same side of the city as Joe's.

Gabumon took a breath, and stuck his tongue out, giving his characteristic, friendly smile. "Of course he can Joe! What are friends for, if but hiding digimon fugitives?" A faint giggle accompanied the reply, Gabumon stepping backwards, Gomamon bounding into the house.

Joe replied with a chuckle of his own, his right hand rising to push against his glasses with his pointer finger. He gave a thumbs-up to the mon, Gabumon chuckling sheepishly at the human's geeky nature. "Thanks Gabumon, I owe ya one!"

With that, the human dashed off down the hallway, trying to catch the elevator, leaving the mon to think, "boy do you...".

Gabumon grinned as he heard a, "Aww, darn it!" and the button clicking repeatedly.

Gabumon locked the door again, wandering back into the house. He quickly found Gomamon on the couch, licking the last of the mustard off his lips, the remains of Gabumon's last hotdog gone. Gabumon huffed a loud grumble.

Gomamon turned and grinned, "Hey! Eat it before someone else, or it's not yours. Rule of the sea!" he giggled playfully and hopped off the couch onto the ground, slipping his flippers over to Gabumon.

Gabumon shook his head indignantly, giving a sigh. "Your rules of the sea are so rude." Gomamon gave that large grin again, giggling.

"It was tasty!" Gomamon opened his large green eyes, looking down Gabumon's body. "Ha! Looks like you were hiding some!"

Gabumon gave a puzzled expression, but it soon turned to one of surprise- and quite possibly fear- as Gomamon practically tackled him. Gabumon was on his back before he knew it, with Gomamon atop his belly. If anything, it would be a missionary-mounting position between the two, Gomamon's hind legs between Gabumon's legs, and Gomamon's body resting upon Gabumon's crotch and belly. Gabumon, to put it quite blatantly, was utterly shocked; his breath lost in his throat, not sure what at all was going on. He gulped, sputtering "G... Goma...?" then let out a gentle moan as a long, triangular tongue licked across his belly. He felt it scoop up something upon his belly, leaving a cool trail behind.

Gomamon gave that close-eyed smile again- which was getting to make Gabumon more worried than anything- Gabumon proceeding to lick his lips. He gave a gleeful giggle, giving only a reply of "Ketchup's tasty!" And yet, he still didn't move. Gabumon lay there, politely, not saying anything for a number of moments- it seemed to stretch to eternity, he'd swear it was!- before he coughed gently into his hand.

"Gomamon... think you could get off?"

Gomamon opened his eyes, tilting his head aside. That eternal grin was still on his short, little muzzle, making Gabumon shiver. "Why? It's comfy!"

Gabumon shook his head gently, turning away, a blush under the cheeks of his fur, glad he had it to wear. "Just... 'cause I'm not a bed... okay?"

Gomamon grinned deviously... Gabumon would swear that closed eye smile was evil in purest form! And suddenly, Gabumon whimpered and yelped out as Gomamon gripped with his forelegs more, and started thrusting with his hips; "Why? 'Cause I'm on ya like this?"

He kept thrusting for a bit, Gabumon whimpering and closing his eyes. "S... stop it! Cut it out Goma!"

Gomamon slipped off a moment later, but Gabumon whimpered as he felt one of those large flippers slide right over his crotch... he was defiantly swollen inside his pouch, Gomamon must have felt it. He opened his eyes, sitting up slowly, Gomamon giving the same smile, though it seemed much less menacing.

"I'm just playing with you Gabumon! Come on, let's go raid the fridge!" Gomamon quickly scampered off- more of a bouncing trot than a scamper- and Gabumon huffed, his yellow cheeks puffing out ever so faintly. This was going to be more stress than he cared for, he was sure. Looking down, the Gabumon gently adjusted and fondled himself through his thin yellow pouch. His genitals- very much human, a sheath-less length with heavy foreskin over the tip, and two pudgy balls- were protected from sight by a thin, double layer of skin; it was kind of like foreskin- soft and squishy- and he could control the 'lip' of the pouch, holding it tight, the skin nearly seamless to the casual observer, only a round small bulge providing any evidence of genitals. The bulge a bit larger than normal, after what Gomamon had pulled. Grumbling faintly to himself, Gabumon walked to the kitchen as well.

Gabumon found Gomamon at the base of the refrigerator, giving a mildly pathetic look. Gabumon grinned widely, his short, thick tail giving a slight sway. Of course, he wouldn't rub it into Gomamon's face that the small seal was too short to open the miracle unto all digimon, the refrigerator. Gomamon flushed faintly, looking away.

"Would you mind...?"

Gabumon gave a faint chuckle, acting like he was daydreaming. "Oh... oh yes, of course." He reached up, opening the fridge. Before them spread a heavenly glow, and escaped the chilled scents of cool foods. They both gave a nice, deep sniff and an 'ahhh...' of pleasure.

Something everyone should understand is that when digimon raid a fridge, there are no survivors. Soon, the fridge was empty. Between the seal and the fur-wearing yellow lizard, at least two dozen foods- leftovers, soon to be open goodies, and random drinks- were upon the coffee table before the TV.

Gabumon shut the fridge with a twist of his body and a bump of his plump bum, soon walking into the family room, crawling onto the couch with Gomamon. Goma already had a can of soda between his two fore flippers, tilting it back, the fizzy purple soda trailing through the air and into the seal digimon's mouth, a steady 'glug-glug-glug' sounding from Gomamon. Gabu spotted a bulge between Gomamon's hind flippers- like a tube pressed half out of his body, with a thin slit at the end, two round bulges at the base. He quickly turned to the TV, not having intended to take a peek at Gomamon's sheath. Well... at least... not to get caught at it.

Both seemed fine with the show that was already on, some old cartoon series, making little sense, but occasionally rousing a chuckle from one of the two mon. Which, truthfully, probably wouldn't say much, given a mon's humor. Human antics usually made little sense to digimon, and were often humorous because of it. Though Gabumon was having trouble watching, Goma seemed to be... plotting. He would glance at the food, then Gabumon, then back to the TV... and Gabumon was sure the sheath was swelling... thickening... was the tip wet with fluid? Oh goodness... Gabumon was so confused with what was going on. He bit down on his lower lip, and simply focused upon the television, as hard as he possibly could. It must be all in his hea-

Gomamon rolled over, gripped the lip of Gabumon's pouch- the long claws surprisingly round, the tips lacking sharpness, and tugged in a way that made Gabumon whimper and squirm; not enough to be painful, but it was close, his length swelling in his pouch. A firm command came in Gomamon's high, boyish voice.

"Relax it."

Gabumon looked over to Gomamon, a whimper just faintly upon his breath, his eyes wide. He was so confused what was going on.

"Do it, Gabumon... I could feel your arousal earlier, and I wanna get off too..." he gave that smile, bordering upon a Cheshire grin. "And, of course... I know what you've done with Agumon... So come on..." Another faint tug was given, making the poor yellow mon whimper. He gasped gently, curling his thick, yellow toes, biting down upon his lip. He thought a moment, then- unsure how stupid his choice may have been- he relaxed the muscles at the edges of his pouch. He gasped and whimpered gently as Gomamon's thick, black, dull claws gently pulled the pouch down, slipping it back, under Gabumon's balls, where it rested as it was designed to.

Gabumon's chubby, uncut length lay there, resting nestled between two well sized testicles, comparable to the rest of the Gabumon's body. A musky scent hit Gomamon's nose; Gabumon's scent was kind of ... heady, was a good way to describe it. Just barely, though. It made Gomamon's nose tingle in a funny way, and there was defiantly plenty of male musk and pheromone. The seal gave a happy grin and rolled back onto his back, the grayish tip of his length poking out of his inlaid sheath. It was tapered, and the skin looked slick. Gomamon grinned to Gabumon, nodding a bit, his fore flipper reaching up, one of his claws pointing to the length.

"Hey Gabumon... make friends with Goma Junior".

Gabumon's cheeks felt afire with blush... as he watched, more of the slick gray length slipped out of the sheath, showing to be about four and a half inches in total. It would easily beat Gabumon's length by an inch, but Gomamon's was much ... weirder, Gabumon would say. It kind of had a lazy "s" curve to it, and it was tapered from the base all the way to the tip, which was thin and dribbling clear pre. In its entirety, it never got close to the thickness of Gabumon's cock, even were Gomamon's cock folded double.

"Go on, Gabu... I'm getting bored, just give him a lick..."

Gabumon whimpered, he couldn't just... not do it, that would be so ... rude? Something... there had to be a reason he had to do it... with a quiet whimper, and his three and a half inch length throbbing gently, Gabumon leaned down. At first, a musk hit his nostrils; it smelled like the sea, but there was something much more... creature like to it, a mild, sweet musk, the standard male pheromone telling Gabumon this was a mature male creature. He gulped gently, feeling a gentle warmth emanating off the tapered shaft. He closed his eyes tightly, let his tongue out near the base, and gave a quick slurp form the sheath tip all the way to the cock tip.

Quickly Gabumon retracted, sticking his tongue out, a wrinkle upon his muzzle. "It tastes weird." Gomamon gave a sad look, one of near humiliation. He whimpered softly "O... uhm..."

Gabumon blinked, quickly lifting his hands, shaking them, making the paws of the fur he wore shake. "N... no Goma! It's not like that, I've just... never tasted anything like it before... I've never played with an ocean creature." Goma still looked a bit crest fallen, sighing, looking to the side, then got that mischievous smile back.

Gomamon reached over to a Tupperware of spare vanilla frosting- the original intention for a cake frosting, but too much had been purchased- and dragged it across the table to himself, opening it. Gabumon gave a questioning look, as the frosting was moved down and set upon Gomamon's tail base, just below the wrinkly tail hole. Gabumon gave a stunned look as Gomamon tilted the jar toward him, the gray colored cock suddenly moving on its own, tilting down, and digging into the frosting. Gomamon let out a shiver and giggle, moaning "C.. cold...." As the cock wiggled all on its own, Gabumon stared, thick, creamy frosting spreading across grey surface.

Gomamon didn't miss the shocked look, and gave a quiet giggle. "It's prehensile, us sea critters gotta be able to find the hole under water, and flippers don't help!" he grinned widely. "Rule of the sea, always be able to screw!." He pushed the frosting onto the table again, then leaned back, his grey member now looking like an oddly shaped and frosted cake. "There ya go Gabu!"

Gabumon simply looked from the shaft, up to Goma, then back. He shrugged his shoulders. Cock, and food? How could the combination go wrong? 'Hell, how can anything with food go wrong?' The chubby digimon thought. Soon his muzzle was down between Goma's legs, smelling sweet vanilla and potent sea creature musk. Surprisingly, a good combination. The ice type's tongue lapped out against the cock, slathering up the thick frosting, Gomamon moaning pleasurefully. The salty cock taste mixed well with the sweet vanilla. Gabumon quickly engulfed the length, suckling happily upon it. The taste changed quickly, though, as the chub's hungry throat took down the vanilla, leaving the odd- but strangely pleasant- sea creature cock flavor.

The sweet taste gone just a few moments later- and a mouthful of sticky pre replacing the vanilla- Gabumon leaned his head back, and gave a hard gulp, licking his lips. He could smell his own breath; he blushed, it reeked of Goma cock. He gulped again, eyeing the table. He smirked at Gomamon, who got a questioning look in his purple eyes. The seal thought to himself, 'oh no, I'm rubbing off on him...' just as Gabumon pulled over the remaining two cold hotdogs. He drew one out, smiling at its cool, wet texture. Gomamon scooted back a little.


The chubby mon simply grinned, snatching Goma's tail so the seal couldn't escape. "Now now Goma, be a good mon... we both know how wonderful food is." He licked the hotdog's cold tip, and grinned. "And after all, you said how good hotdogs are..." he lowered it down, pushing the cold tube of meat against Gomamon's wrinkly pucker. The seal shivered, gasping. "Have another," Gabumon offered, his voice dripping with sadistic pleasure.

Gomamon gasped out loudly, shivering; his hole wasn't exactly virgin- what else are you going to do with thick, long, black claws?- and thus it didn't take too much convincing before the cool meat slid a few inches in. Gomamon gasped, arching his back; the cold, solid meat pressed outward against his snug, warm inner walls. He groaned gently, his arcing, pre shooting into the air, splattering on the mons' own belly. Gabumon continued to feed the length into Gomamon slowly, seeing how much he could get. It was surprising; a bit over half of the dog slipped in, Gomamon squealing with glee.

Gabumon grinned a little. "Looks like I'm not the only one who has been with someone else..." he mrrmrred as he slipped the hotdog out a little, then back in, rewarded with more pre.

Gomamon just grunted in reply, his eyes closed. Probably a mistake, with the things Gabumon was picking up. Moments later he felt a shift in the couch, and felt something warm, wet, and squishy against his lips. Figuring it was food at first, the pungent scent hit his nose, and he knew Gabumon was straddling him. The mon opened his eyes, watching his fuzzy little lips play with the moist foreskin, watching a heavy, sweat moist yellow sack dangle over his eyes. He looked up, his eyes going to lines with that mischievous smile. He made Gabumon squirm, his lips 'nibbling' on the foreskin, playing with it, but not opening his muzzle enough to let the cock in.

Gabumon huffed in frustration, frowning.

"Hey..." he grinned.

The hotdog slipped most the way out, then Gomamon groaned out, back arching as it was shoved even deeper than before. Of course, Gomamon had opened his mouth out of reaction, not thinking... and soon his little maw wasn't so empty any more, the musky, sweat-moist flesh of Gabumon's cock filling his mouth. Gabumon groaned happily, his eyes closing, the rather thick, but not too long, yellow cock sending extreme waves of pleasure through his whole body. The sweat-moist nuts above Goma's nose rose up, the potent, near ripe scent of the Gabu's musk lessening... but only a bit. Of course, it was made up for as Gomamon's tongue slid under Gabumon's foreskin, taking in a slight bitter taste, and the thick, musky, gooey taste of Gabumon's pre. Gomamon shivered, feeling the yellow meat slip down his throat. In the back of his mind, he idly wondered what the mon's head was like, hidden deep in those silky folds of thick foreskin. Gagging as the cock was pushed deeper caused Goma's mind to become a bit more distracted from the questions, however.

Gabumon's hips began thrusting gently, his eyes intent upon the hotdog. He wasn't sure why he felt like this... may haps this is how Agumon felt as he held Gabumon's arms behind his back, shoving that orange cock deep down Gabumon's throat, nuts slapping the mon's yellow chin... Gomamon was rewarded with an extra thick splurt of pre down his throat, as Gabumon felt a shiver down his spin. He shoved the hotdog in until only an inch remained out, grinning to himself. Maybe he could enjoy this a role... just a little... some spice to his bottom life... but boy did he love cock down his throat. Though, he was curious... The hotdog was pulled out with a resounding 'schlurp!' like sound, and a pop. Gomamon arched, his seal-like cock squirting pre across Gabumon's chest and neck.

Gabumon bit his lip rather firmly, his thick yellow feet paws pushing against the couch, pushing his hips up, dribbling pre over Gomamon's face. He was too close, too soon... and from the way pre was constantly squirming and dribbling out of Goma's cock, and the way his hips were twitching, thrusting- though mighty cute, mind- Gabumon was rather sure Gomamon was close to.

Gomamon watched with his large eyes as Gabumon moved around over him again, yellow limbs barely missing his body as the Gabumon moved face to face with the mon below him. Gabumon put his paw on the backrest of the couch, his other paw moving down, using two fingers to align his cock while the others held the tailpipe-warmed hotdog. Gomamon shivered, biting his lip as Gabumon's squishy foreskin pressed against his tailhole, freeing Gabumon's paw..

The small seal mrrmrred, "T.. this isn't what I was planning, ya-" but he was suddenly cut off as Gabumon shoved the hotdog into the smaller mon's mouth, the taste of tail hole and musk strong on it, warmed to a body temperature. He shivered, not sure how to feel about this... but as Gabumon forced his extra chubby cock into the small mon, his mind was rather decided.

"That's it, my little seal... eat it down..." Gabumon gave a wide grin, but his body shook a little, as he shoved in, until his now tight sack pressed to Gomamon's floppy white tail, his pubic bone flush with Gomamon's cock's base. His body quaked gently, never before having felt something like this, so tight and warm, his foreskin rolled back off his cock head, experiencing the silkiest, most intense feeling, the inside just barely textured, stimulating him so... he couldn't help but groan out loudly as Gomamon bit down on the tube of meat, chewing gently upon the bit, then gulping it down. Gabumon watched the lump of meat slide down the mon's throat, disappear into his body. He grinned, pushing it forward again, into an awaiting mouth, a bigger bite this time.

Gabumon was thrusting his hips in and out rather steadily, his hip bone bumping and grinding gently, some of Gomamon's cock rubbing against Gabumon's chubby belly. The seal quivered, swallowing down the next bite, and was fed more, as his tail hole was fed that chubby cock. Gabumon panted, considerably more weight on his paw and the backrest of the couch, his legs used to brace himself, thrusting hard as he can. His maw hung open, his tongue hanging out a little.

"G.., Gomamon, eat it down... faster... I want you to finish before I cum..."

Gomamon gulped, and nodded gently, opening his mouth again. Just over half the hotdog was gone, in four bites. But Gabumon, as his thrusts became more erratic and his prostate throbbed as it drained as much pre as it could, couldn't wait too long. A nice, firm push with one of his chubby yellow fingers sent more than half the remainder into the Gomamon's mouth. Gomamon's eyes bulged out a little, and he gagged again. Gabumon's paw left the hotdog, straight down to the seal mon's cock. Squeezing it firmly and stroking it roughly, his lips dove down, biting off the end of the hotdog still out of Gomamon's mouth. A rough kiss ensued as he slammed his hips against Gomamon's, roughly working the seal's cock. Normally, he would take more care to pleasure whoever he was with, being the little cock whore he was... but this was all so new to him, and the pleasure was so extreme.

He slammed his hips down, grinding his crotch into the seal's smooth groin, breaking the kiss, arching is back and swallowing. The entirety of his yellow body was moist with sweat, dripping in some places. His cock gushed forth, letting all the thick, cool, ice type seed into the little seal. Gomamon gulped and squealed out, his back arching, his flippers slapping against the couch, his hips pushing up hard as his own thick semen burst across his belly and chest, his cock spurting up across Gabumon's belly, both sharing an intense fifteen seconds of orgasming, releasing their large loads into and upon one another.

Soon after, Gabumon supported himself- although weakly- as before, panting, sweating, looking down at the mon he had just ... er... made his bitch? Something to that effect... the little slutmon truly wasn't the best at topping, he would suppose. He grinned and leaned down, and they shared a kiss again. Gabumon could feel cum smeared over his balls, having leaked from Gomamon's overly full tailpipe. He pulled his cock out, causing both to gasp, writhe, moan. They giggled and kissed again, and then the licking began.

Mon were notorious for their love of food, but this was based mostly on their loves of tasting, enjoying, and filling their bellies. Sweat and cum fit both categories nicely. Gabumon hungered for the seal's scent as well, enjoying the salty, musky tang of it. The white seal was clean far before Gabumon. Now that he had released, the chubby mon's true nature was coming out. He even teased Gomamon's tail hole; after cleaning above and below it, his tongue lapped hungrily over the gaping hole, enjoying the tastes of his own musk, sweat and seed, before his lips sealed to the tail hole. Heavy suckling and long tongue cleaned the mon out quickly, as well as giving Gabumon the chance to swallow down a nice, healthy load of his own seed.

Gomamon would soon push Gabumon to his back, moving over him. The cleaning began with his own seed, licking it off Gabumon's chest and belly though most of that was already gone from their previous cuddling, kissing and licking. His attention switched to between Gabumon's legs, mostly his inner thighs. They were a little messy with Gabumon's own seed, which was soon licked away, despite the seal's smaller tongue.

Now came the prize, for Gomamon, as his lips neared Gabumon's genitals. He pressed his short muzzle to Gabumon's nuts, taking a slow, deep sniff. He grinned that evil grin, making Gabumon cringe just a little. He took his revenge for the statement upon his cock's taste. "Ya know... these stink," mrrmrred the little mon. Gabumon's face went scarlet, and he looked away. Gomamon's flippers wrapped around the chub's waste, and his lips and tongue soon attacked the sack, causing Gomamon's body to quiver, soft gasps and moans escaping his lips.

The yellow, wrinkled sack was soon clean, and Gomamon licked over Gabumon's' thickening length. Despite recently cumming, the cock could give this small effort. Gabumon bit his lower lip again, moaning gently as his length was suckled clean. Finally, Gomamon pulled his lips off the cock, tugging back that copious foreskin that had made him so curious.

His large, blunt claws rising, Gomamon took the cock and fiddled with it, finally peeling back the excess foreskin. Thick, gooey seed was still inside, making small bridges between the head and inner foreskin, a sharp musky scent escaping with it. Gomamon gasped, and then giggled as a head, blue as Gabumon's belly, was revealed. "So cuuuute!" exclaimed the seal.

Gabumon rolled his eyes and huffed. "Just clean it!" he grunted, his paw going behind Gomamon's head, forcing it down. This, he leaned, was a bad idea, as the post-orgasmic, hypersensitive blue cock head was engulfed along with his inner foreskin, and suckled, hard. Gabumon's paw quickly pushed at the seal's head as he whined and squirmed, and this only caused the seal's skilled tongue to attack his frenulum, rather roughly at that.

Gabumon gasped and whined, his paw too weak to push off the seal with his flipper death grip. Gabumon raised his feet up, putting them on Gomamon's shoulder and face, pushing him back roughly. The cock escaped with a 'pop!' sound, the poor blue head tinged purple with extra blood.

Gabumon whimpered gently, taking care in rolling his foreskin back up, and replacing his pouch to its standard position. He looked up, pushing his foot against Gomamon's face. "There! Lick those instead."

Gomamon shrugged, nuzzled into the thick, yellow toes, and sniffed. He grunted and stuck his tongue out. "But they stink too~" whined the seal mon, teasing again. Gabumon's face went scarlet yet again, and he whined, rather insecure about his own scent. He knew his species was ... well, potent. He began drawing his feet back, but thick flippers wrapped around them. Gomamon winked. "But I'll lick them regardless."

Gabumon was about to reply, but only a soft gasp came out, followed by a drawn out moan. The seal mon's tongue was working over and between his toes, and along the ball of his foot. The other foot was gathered as well for treatment, and the yellow mon began learning about how sensitive, and pleasurable, his toes were. His yellow paw moved down, massaging the lump in his pouch. Gently, of course.

Gomamon giggled quietly, nuzzling into the other foot, sniffing again... the scent wasn't that bad, one he could get used to... maybe enjoy it, the way this was making Gabumon writhe and moan. His tongue sunk between two toes again, and then there was a loud 'click!'.

Gabumon's paw shot out of his crotch to his belly, his head darting to the TV. Matt stepped in, his eyes taking in the scene for just the briefest of moments before lowering to take the key out of the door. They shot up again, taking in the food, and Gabumon laying there, Gomamon at his feet, but turned to watch the television. Matt could have sworn Gomamon's face was buried in Gabumon's feet, but... well, he had only glanced for a fraction of a second. But was there a ... well, very distinct bulge between Gabumon's legs...?

Matt rolled his eyes. What the hell was wrong with him... the digimon sex dreams when he was younger were odd enough, but to be thinking about it now? He needed some help.

He drew the key out, locked the door behind him, and stepped in... sighing. "Let me guess... Joe needed a mon sitter?" he looked at the table. "And did you guys have to empty the fridge, really? ... And what's that smell?" he looked about, frowning "Did some food go bad or something...?"

The two mon exchanged glances, Gabumon blushing faintly, shrugging, looking back to the television. "I'm not sure Matt... I'm sorry, I'll start cleaning up..." He slipped off the couch, going to grab some food.

Matt reached down, picking up a cookie, and then the open frosting. He dipped the cookie in, gathering up some of the sugary spread, and popped it into his mouth. Two munches and he made a sour face, looking at the frosting, giving a hard, forced, 'gulp!'.

Matt stuck his tongue out "I think this stuff's gone bad...". Gabumon's face was scarlet, but luckily out of Matt's view, and the yellow mon quickly scrambled off into the kitchen to put away some of the food as Gomamon gave a quiet giggle, a flipper over his muzzle.

Hope ya liked it! Feel free to reply where posted, or email me at [email protected]


Soo.... Happy bday, you perverted blue doggy :p Yes, this is a [late] birthday present for Keto, hope you like it ^=^ You all know the standard, must be 18 to read and all. Gay stuff, don't read if you're offended by that. I don't own the characters,...

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Veemon's Day

So... yeah... \>\> I wrote and put out two stories within one week. And goodness did it kill me XD But I did it ^^ So here you all go ? Digimon, of course, are © Toei and Bandai. I claim no ownership. The song is also copyright... them I think. If you...

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Gabumon's Service

Hi all :) I've finally got another story out. ^-^ m/m as always. This one's a lil extreme, lotsa cum, domination, submission, oot fetish, scent play, sweat, cleanliness, cock, foreskin, prostitution.. yeah, think that covers it all XP I think I did a...

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