Shh! They'll hear you!

Story by rabid_rabbit on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales Of A Mateship: The Story Of Rio And Fran.

"Ok, my turn! I-spy.. with my little eye.. something beginning with... L!" "Hmm.. Lamp-Post." "Dammit! Again? How do you keep guessing them so fast?!" Francis chuckled and shook his head. The fact that the street himself and his mate were walking down was lined with rows of lamp-posts was a bit of a give-away, and Rio never had been too adept at I-Spy to begin with. "I guess I just, know you well enough to guess at your choices?" the Doberman grinned, shrugging as he made up the lame excuse on the spot. Rio rolled his eyes and sniggered. "Doesn't matter anyway" replied the wolf, sulkily. "We'll be there soon enough, you alright with those bags?" Rio looked behind Francis at the large camping-sized rucksack that was on his back which contained their clothes for the weekend. They were both off to visit Rio's parents who thankfully didn't live too far away, since neither of them had a car, and Rio didn't drive anyway. "Rio, seriously... I carry more than this at work." Francis chuckled, and Rio shrugged his shoulders. "I was only asking." Work, for Francis, consisted of being in the Army, and it was true that he slogged through far worse conditions and for far longer, with far heavier packs on his back. And he didn't have the promise of a good home-cooked meal waiting for him when he reached his destination either, which was always something to walk that little bit faster for. Rio's parents were well known for their hospitality, and had invited them around for the weekend, and both Rio and Francis had eagerly agreed. They both rounded the last corner of the well kept street that Rio's parents lived on, with rain starting to slowly drizzle through the air, making Rio shiver a little more than he had been doing already. The young wolf padded up to the door and knocked cheerfully, while Francis navigated the small gateway at the foot of the drive, and followed behind him. "Ellorio!!" The door swung open and the voice burst out into the street, along with a short, plump, female wolf, who engulfed a complaining Rio in her arms in a gigantic hug. "I thought you would never get here my darling!" "Muuuum! You're embarrassing me..." grumbled Rio, squirming slightly in his mother's grip, but not really hard enough to get away. His mother, Cordelia, finally put her son down, and set about tugging at his clothing and poking at his stomach, complaining about how skinny he was, and that tattered and torn shirts were not the right sort of clothing for anyone to wear, let alone her son. Francis chuckled to himself and greeted Cordelia with a light peck on the cheek, receiving his hug a little easier due to his larger size, and lumbered indoors accompanied by Rio and his mother. He slipped the pack off of his back, holding it in his paws until he was told to go upstairs and get things settled. "I made up the guest room for you both, as usual! Dinner will be at seven, but there is no rush! Myself and Dominic will just be watching television if you want to join us." Cordelia smiled and fussed a little longer with Rio, who eventually managed to bat her paws away and escape upstairs to the guest room. "Augh! What is it with her and her constant fussing!?" grumbled Rio, throwing his paws into the air, an expression which, Francis noticed, he must have ironically gotten from his mother. The wolf looked down at his rather ratty Nine Inch Nails shirt, which was being worn over the top of a black and white striped long-sleeved shirt. Loose, black jeans, cut off just below the knee, and black Converse sneakers comprised of his bottom half, and he couldn't work out what exactly it was that his mother didn't like about the way that he dressed. Rio looked back up at Francis, still a little annoyed, but the disgruntled expression soon changed into a small smirk as he recognised the look that was playing across his mate's face. ".... What?" "Hmm? Oh, nothing." "Nooo... What?" Rio smirked a little more, raising an eyebrow as the doberman turned and started to unpack a few items from the rucksack, laying them out on the bedspread. "Oh, nothing really. I was just wondering..." "Huh? Wondering what?" Rio padded around to sit on the bed, conveniently in the place where his mate was trying to unpack clothing. He grinned childishly. "Oh for goodness sake... if you must know, I was just thinking about how that shirt of yours got so torn up in the first place." "Oh *really*?" Rio grinned, sniggering a little as he lay out on one side, over the carefully folded clothes, much to Francis' annoyance. The doberman rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Yeah, really. If I recall, it had something to do with you, me, a stormy night, and my teeth." Francis smirked, baring his teeth a little in a small grin. The rather dim light from the bulb in the ceiling, stifled somewhat by the oversized lampshade that smothered it, shone faintly over the doberman's sharp incisors and canines. Rio knelt up a bit and shivered, grinning himself, looking down at bit at his beloved shirt and the small holes and rips that ran around the edges of its hem and neckline. He remembered that night very fondly, and to this day storms always made him incredibly horny... Francis cocked his head to one side and smirked some more at the familiar light that was beginning to sparkle in his mate's ice-blue eyes. "Now what are *you* thinking, hmm?" Rio murred slightly, narrowing his eyes softly to look up at the doberman, moving his paws around Francis' waist as he spoke. "Was just thinking about that night, and that maybe we should re-enact it... just to keep the memory alive y'know?" Francis sniggered and rolled his eyes. Rio always had a habit of choosing the most awkward times and places to try and start something, and he usually managed to get his way too. The doberman placed his large paws atop of Rio's shoulders, looking down at him, and was about to say something sarcastic before the wolf leant up on his knees and planted a kiss on his mate's lips. It was brief, and Rio kept his nose pressed up against that of his mate afterwards, giggling, his tail wagging slowly behind him. "Well, that wasn't fair..." said Francis, slyly. "Huh? What do you mean?" Rio tilted his head, causing Francis to chuckle at the expression of confusion that so often washed over the wolf's face. "I mean... that you didn't give me any warning... and you didn't let it last anywhere *near* long enough." Francis grinned wider, giving out a very quiet growl before leaning forward, pushing Rio backwards onto the bed, who meeped a little in surprise. Francis licked over Rio's lips, before pressing forward into a kiss, deepened almost instantly by the wolf opening his mouth, letting his mate's tongue slip inside, while his own moved to rub against it. The kiss continued for more than a few minutes, whilst roaming paws explored the already well-familiar territories of each other's bodies over the top of their clothes. The neatly folded pile at the foot of the bed was pushed this way and that, soon adding to the messed up jumble of bedsheets and bodies that lay over the mattress. After another moment or two, the kiss was broken, and they both lay in each others arms, murring softly. Rio giggled, a light blush coming to his cheeks as it always did in such situations, despite how long they had been together. Francis smiled and nuzzled into the wolf's throat, licking and nibbling softly over his collarbone and the side of his neck. The doberman had always had incredibly curious paws, and grinned to himself as they subtly groped and rubbed over certain favourite parts of his mate's anatomy. "Fraaaan..." murred Rio, giggling, speaking in that semi-whiny tone of voice that school kids often use. "My parents are downstairs... they'll hear us!" The wolf made a pathetic attempt to push Francis' paws away from his body, yet never managed to move him so much as an inch away. Francis chuckled quietly to himself, lying snugly between Rio's arms and legs, a slowly growing bulge rubbing up against the front of the wolf's shorts. Both were well aware of what was undoubtedly about to happen, yet both were excited further by the pretence that it was something forbidden, that they had to keep quiet and secret from Rio's parents downstairs. Leaning his head forward once more, Francis nibbled lightly at Rio's neck as his paws made their way to the fastening of the wolf's jeans. Neatly unbuttoning them, drawing the zip down with one claw, before slipping his paw inside. He smirked to himself, once more his mate wasn't wearing underwear, a habit that he often found rather useful. Rio shivered pleasantly and giggled, trying to stifle the sound with one of his own paws, the other having made its way to the doberman's rear, slipping down beneath the hem of his trousers and groping beneath the boxers that lay beneath. Francis, by this time, was slowly rubbing over Rio's sheath, the wolf lying prone beneath him, legs spread wide by the bulk of his own wide hips. He murred softly, feeling Rio's arousal make itself more and more evident as scent rose into the air, and the soft, moist tip of his shaft peeked out to press against his thumb. Shuddering at the touch, Rio pressed his hips forwards, thrilling at his mate's touch, wanting more, with Francis only too happy to give it to him. With his other, free paw, Francis silently unfastened his own jeans, Rio's paw hastening their drop to his knees, boxers along with them. The wolf arched his back lightly, squirming slightly against the bedcovers, a silly grin over his lips, before peeking down between his own legs, holding back another giggle at the sight of his mate's manhood. Fully aroused, erect and pressing against Rio's own member, dwarfing it slightly with its bigger length and girth, Francis grunted slightly, shivering as they both touched, turning his head to kiss his mate's neck softly. One paw still rubbing tenderly over both of their shafts, keeping them pressed closely together, he moved one strong arm to hold Rio in a comfortable yet tight embrace. "Mmmrlll... F-Fran.." murmured Rio softly, whispering into the doberman's neck as he nosed and licked beneath his ear, eyes flickering half open and closed, shifting his hips slowly back and forth to aid in his mate's stimulation. He snuggled his legs tightly around Francis', bucking his hips occasionally as his arousal grew and grew, a bead of pre-cum quickly gathering at the tip of his now-throbbing shaft, intermingling with the amount that had already drizzled down from Francis' own member. Stifling soft moans of pleasure, he continued to lie this way, Francis continuing to rub and stroke at them both, his own paws moving to join in on occasion. Murring, he kicked his legs up and around, wrapping them neatly around the doberman's waist, pulling their twin shafts closer together with such force that it made both of them shudder. Suppressing a grunt, and smirking down at Rio, Francis moved his arms, the both of them hugging Rio tightly, as he started to move his hips in long, slow thrusts. The combination of their pre, already smeared thickly over both of their stomachs, made it easy to move, each rubbing up hard against the other with every stroke. Rio clung tightly to Francis' chest, panting heavily yet trying to keep every noise quiet, arching his back as the stimulation drew him closer and closer to release. With one sharp thrust, Francis shuddered heavily, the quick motion causing them both to hit orgasm at the same time, dual knots making the whole experience that much more pleasurable. Thick, hot spurts of both wolf and dog-cum were plastered over both of their stomachs, and most of Rio's chest, and they both lay together, holding one another tightly, panting and nuzzling into each other's necks. "Even... even when you're not inside me... you're awesome..." sniggered Rio, through giggles and pants. Francis chuckled and rolled his eyes. "You have such a way with words..." the doberman smirked, although still blushing faintly at the compliment, slipping his hips back and forth, his body slick against Rio's. He planted a kiss on the wolf's forehead, between his eyes, and chuckled once more, before Cordelia's shouted reminder about dinner startled them both into action, getting cleaned up so that they could go downstairs and try to look innocent enough. "I hope they didn't hear anything..." muttered Rio, blushing a bit at the thought, giggling at it also. "Well, if they did, I hope they enjoyed listening to it as much as I enjoyed doing it" replied Francis with a cheeky grin. His comment made them both burst out laughing as they went down the stairs, Rio's paw held snugly in Francis' bigger one, before they both sat down to dinner, still feeling elated from the soft, buzzing afterglow that comes from sharing passionate moments with the one you love. * * *

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay! First real chapter up and running. Tell me what you think! I hope you guys like it. :3 There may or may not be some typo errors and such, since I didnt give this a full read-through upon completion (I dislike doing that.) so dont go too hard on me there, otherwise, feel free to comment or crit as you see fit! Sorry this took so long, since I said this would be up way sooner than it actually was. o.o; I just hope it was worth the wait? ~R.R