First Impressions 2

Story by Voltscream on SoFurry

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Hey, so I finally got around to writing a sequel to that story I did a while back!

As before it will feature a pair of my F-List characters, namely my Lucario, Destiny and dragoness, Annalise, with the new addition of my bunny boi, Skye!

Destiny awoke... confused. Why was it so dark? Where was he? What's going on? Reaching up to touch his face, he felt a soft cloth covering his eyes and everything came rushing back suddenly. Annalise, the outfit, last night, falling asleep in her lap. Sitting up quickly, a yelp escaped the Lucario's throat as he realized that while the dragoness was clearly no longer buried in his rear, she'd apparently inserted a rather sizable plug in her absence, likely to keep in the massive load of cum she'd dumped inside of him, which he could still feel in his slightly distended belly. She'd even pulled the gag from his teeth and left it hanging at his neck. Maybe she was worried he'd choke if she left it in while he slept?

"Mistress?" he called softly, the title coming forth instead of her actual name as naturally as if he'd been using it his whole life, much to his own surprise. Feeling around a bit, he discovered he was not, in fact, still on Annalise's couch, but had apparently been moved to a large and very soft bed somewhere in her house. He momentarily considered removing the blindfold or trying to get up and look around, but quickly decided she'd left him where and how she had for a reason, and that he should just trust her judgement.

A moment later, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps on carpet, followed by the sound of a door opening somewhere in front of him. "Oh, you're awake!" came the unmistakable sound of Annalise's wonderfully sensual voice, drawing nearer with the sounds of more footsteps. Then, light! A scaled, clawed hand brushed against his face as she pulled up the maroon fabric across his eyes and returned his sight to him. She was dressed differently, now, clad in gorgeous red lingerie that showed off her ample cleavage and left her most prominent pair of features completely open, as well as the sheath just above them.

"Here, why don't you stand up?" she said, leading him up and onto his feet, leaving him standing beside the bed. "You stay right here, I've got someone else I'd like you to meet~" the dragoness instructed, before steeping away and heading back through the door, giving him a moment to properly assess his surroundings as he pondered just what she was planning. Like the living room, it wasn't particularly large, featuring only a bed, footboard dresser, door to what seemed to be a closet, and the open door Annalise had left from which seemed to lead into a hallway, more brightly lit than the fairly dim bedroom. It was quite a cozy affair, yes, but he did notice much of it seemed of very high quality despite the simple look. The bed had certainly been very comfortable. His wondering was cut short by the reappearance of his Mistress, with a new, smaller figure in tow. Attached to what seemed to be the same leash Destiny himself had been bound to earlier was an identical collar to his own, this one instead mushing down the neck fluff of a bunny. Aside from said collar and another maroon cloth binding his wrists in front of him, the boy was entirely nude, sporting a leaner, androgynous body than the curvier Lucario, though with a very distinct touch of femininity still. His figure wasn't the only thing smaller than the canine, though, as his humanoid penis was far less impressive in both dimensions, with a cute little pouch to match. Perhaps most notable, though, was the small metal cage around his diminutive prick, kept on with a brass lock and preventing erection or any meaningful stimulation.

"Destiny, meet Skye!" chimed that lovely voice once more, as he waved a little, clearly embarrassed to be exposed as he was. "He's going to be joining us for the fun. Right, Skye?" she explained, putting the onus on him to actually speak. "Y-yes, Mistress." was his meek response, voice soft enough Destiny could barely hear him even across such a small bedroom. Shutting the door behind them, Annalise brought the quiet boy over to the bed and stood him beside the Lucario, to whom her attention returned. Grabbing the gag hanging around his neck, she returned the red ball to his mouth and buckled the straps, silencing him once more.

Climbing up onto the bed, Annalise took a seat at the head, legs spread wide open as to leave her privates easily accessible. With a look towards Skye and a pat of the blanket in front of her, the bunny quickly picked up on her intentions, joining her on the bed and immediately beginning work on those fat orbs with his mouth, leaving his rear exposed and revealing what looked to be a plug lodged firmly inside of him. "Now, Destiny, since your cock isn't quite so embarrassing as this one's..." she said, patting the blushing bunny's head as her own shaft was already emerging from that thick sheath, "I figured you should get a chance to use it, no? Why don't you show Skye here some love?"

The Lucario needed no further instruction, canine member already beginning to free itself just from the enticing booty before him and the stimulation his plugged rear and cum-stuffed belly were providing. Clambering up to the end of the bed behind Skye, he pulled the insertion free and revealed a fittingly cute little star nestled between the boy's cheeks, already wet with all the lube for the plug itself. Lining up the tip of his animalistic shaft, the canine began to slowly push his way inside Skye who, despite how tightly he clung around him, was surprisingly accommodating, no doubt a result of the dragoness's own attentions. A moan managed to escape the femboy's lips, but Annalise quickly cut him off, pushing him down onto her own member.

It took surprisingly little time for Destiny to find himself up to his knot in the bunny, and he quickly began to accelerate his thrusts until he reached a rough, frenetic sort of pace. Skye's cock may have been unimpressive, but it seemed the rest of him had decided to make up for that particular deficiency. His rear felt absolutely amazing and, given the muffled moans, leaking precum, and the way he bucked his hips back into the Lucario with each thrust, the bunny was clearly enjoying himself just as much as Destiny, if not more. His mouth also appeared to be of much the same caliber, judging by how Annalise leaning back into the pillows, head tilting upwards and mouth opening in a silent moan of her own pleasure. She used Skye's throat like a fleshlight, rapidly pulling him all the way down to the top of knot and back to the flat head again repeatedly.

Before long, Destiny found himself nearing the limit of his stamina, unused to really using his cock as he was. With one final, forceful thrust, he Lucario completely buried his canine member, knot and all, inside the bunny's passage and released, spurting a respectable amount of his thick, sticky seed inside in a few short bursts. It was nowhere near as impressive as his Mistress's massive orgasms, sure, but it was certainly nothing to scoff at, either! As he fired off his final shot, Destiny simply collapsed against Skye's back, drooling on his fur around the gag as he basked in the blissful afterglow.

Dazed as Destiny was, he might well have missed the dragoness's own orgasm were it not for Skye's reaction. He could feel the bunny choking and gagging beneath him as she unleashed the torrent of her own cum down his throat, holding him right against her knot as his stomach bulged outwards slightly. As she pulled out of his throat finally, the femboy coughed and sputtered up her cum, gasping for air as she fired her last couple of ropes onto his face to mark him as hers.

A moment or two later, he felt a scaled hand on his shoulder, pulling him upright as his Mistress leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Stay here, love." she instructed, tone soft but still slightly shaky from her recent orgasm, "I've got a present for you..." With that, the voluptuous dragoness stepped out of the room, leaving Destiny and the bunny to their own devices for a time. Despite not appearing to have actually orgasmed himself, Skye seemed nearly catatonic after the dual fucking, barely even reacting as the Lucario pulled himself free of that plush rear. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Destiny decided to simply wait for his Mistress to come back, slowly relaxing his breathing as his cum-slicked shaft gradually returned to the sheath from whence it came.

Luckily, he didn't have to wait long. By the time he had fully cooled down, Annalise made her return, appearing in the doorway with a new set of metal objects in her hand Destiny immediately recognized as the pieces of another chastity cage, shaped to better suit a sheath. A small moment of apprehension arose in him, but was quickly quieted as he resolved to trust the dragoness, whatever she may wish. "Oh, you're already soft!" she said with surprise as she approached him, "Lovely! That will make this much easier~"

"Now, I have to head out of town for a few days to meet a few friends who've been abroad." she explained, slotting the ring piece around the base of his balls, "While I'm gone, I'd like you to wear this, and not to watch any porn or use any toys, ok? Come back in one week, with the plug, the cage, and these clothes on, and I'll be sure to reward you~" Next was the actual body of the cage itself, fitting down snugly around his thick sheath as, with a very final-sounding click, that brass lock closed, and his cock was sealed away behind metal bars. "Think you can do that for me?" she asked, removing the gag so he could respond. He didn't hesitate, a confident "Yes, Mistress." escaping his lips before he even really thought about it.

"Good boy~" the dragoness whispered in his ear, standing him up and leading him out of the room. "I actually have to get going fairly soon, and much as I'd love to have some more fun, I still have to get Skye conscious again, so why don't you head on home, hmm?" A quiet nod from the canine. "Try not to let anyone look up your skirt, yes?" she added with a small laugh as he stepped out into the cool, moisture-filled morning air. "Of course," he affirmed with another nod. "Goodbye, Destiny. I look forward to seeing you again~" "Goodbye... Mistress."