Carnal Combat II, Part II - Thieves in the Temple

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#2 of Carnal Combat II

Carnal Combat II

Episode II - Thieves in the Temple



Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sex between adults. There's likely to be bondage, hardcore sex, softcore sex, tentacle sex, ninja sex, ninja beatings, ninjas beating off, and other unspeakable acts. If you are not of age to view this stuff, or if it might make you cry, please don't read it. Thanks.

Winter angrily slammed her hindpaw down into the crook of the neck of a stuffed practice dummy. She repeated the axe-kick over and over, grunting as she pounded her heel into it repeatedly, feeling sweat soak through her fur. She was angry, she was disappointed, and she was venting.

Things had completely fallen apart for her. Winter had been forced to wait an entire extra year to compete in the Tournament due to her injury, and now that she had made it...she was the first one eliminated. On top of that, she had been eliminated by someone who was, as far as she was concerned, a pup when it came to Combat disciplines. There was no damn reason why she shouldn't have defeated Kassidy.

So the 'roo woke the next morning and, still feeling the rage bubbling inside her, had gone to one of the small training dojos that were hidden away in the Hall of Combat. She'd been there for almost three hours, trying to work out her frustrations.

She drove a hard spinning elbow into the neck of the dummy, and much to her surprise the head finally gave way, tearing off with the final blow. The straw-stuffed head bounced along the floor, rolling to a stop at the feet of a rabbit femme.

Winter panted, looking up at the brown furred bunny. She vaguely recognized her, remembering that she'd seen the lapine at the opening ceremonies.

"Sorry,' Winter said, starting to take off the fabric strips she'd wrapped around her paws. "Just blowing off some steam. You can have the room in a minute."

The rabbit smiled and nodded, bending down to pick the head up. "It's okay," she said. "You're Winter, right? I heard about the match last night. I'm Suki. I lost the opening match last year."

"Yeah? Good for you," Winter said shortly, smiling thinly at the rabbit. "Are you looking to start a club now?"

Suki laughed. "Maybe. Would you join?"

The rabbit tossed the dummy head up in the air and then she spun around on her hindpaw, swinging her other leg out just as the head came down. She kicked it hard, sending it sailing at Winter.

Winter was quick, catching the head just before it connected with her chest. The 'roo grinned a bit and juggled the head from paw to paw.

"So I hear that you get to fight a girl from your own House," Winter said. "Tough bones, that."

"Maybe," Suki said with a smirk. "I see it a little differently."

"Tell you what I see," Winter said, looking at the head in her paws. "I see a rabbit girl with a Combat tunic on, standing in a dojo with a kangaroo who really needs to blow some steam off."

"You're observant," Suki laughed.

"I'll make you a deal," the 'roo said with a grin. "You beat me in a friendly match, I'll be your personal slave girl for the rest of the Tournament."

Suki raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Oh really?"

"Sure. Got nothing else to do for the next week or two," Winter said, and then smiled again. "But...if I beat you, you have to play the bunny slut I heard you portrayed so well last year."

The rabbit blushed and frowned, but straightened out her tunic. "You won't be seeing that this year. You'll have to find someone else to blow steam at."

Suki turned to leave, but she had barely taken two steps when something struck her in the rear. He jumped, holding her backside as she spun. Winter smiled at her while Suki glared, looking down to see the dummy head laying on the floor.

The rabbit couldn't help herself. She swiftly kicked the dummy head up and at Winter and then, as the 'roo reacted to catch the projectile, Suki rushed in and pounced the other girl to the mat.

They both tumbled to the floor, each trying to out-wrestle the other. Suki was surprised by how quickly Winter gained control of the situation, but Winter was surprised at how difficult Suki made it for her to keep control; both girls laughed and smiled as they tried to one-up the other.

It wasn't long before Winter fought past Suki's guard and, as the rabbit tried to turn away, the 'roo got on the bunny's back and wrapped her legs around Suki's waist. It was a fantastically dominant position to be in, were it a real fight, and Winter took full advantage of it. She quickly wrapped her arms around Suki, sliding her paws up under the rabbit's shirt. She cupped Suki's breasts, slowly caressing and fondling them until the bunny was moaning softly, arching her chest into Winter's paws. Winter could feel stiff nipples perking up against her palms, and she laughed.

"You're supposed to fight back," the 'roo said impishly into one of Suki's long ears. Suki just gasped and shrugged.

"Maybe I am," she said with a grin, and then groaned as Winter teasingly pinched her nipples.

"Up with you, my captive bunny," Winter giggled, pulling Suki's tunic open to let her breasts bounce free. Carefully, Winter got to her feet, pulling Suki up with her, but she moved one paw down low, into the bunny's pants, to stroke and rub at her sex. As Suki whimpered in pleasure, Winter spied a long bench off to the side. There was a set of stocks at the end of the bench, complete with locks to bind a victim in. As Winter slowly walked the writhing Suki over to the device, she noticed that the holes in the stocks were adjustable to accommodate the size of even the biggest slave. Whoever had been in last, she thought, must have been huge.

Winter was about to lay Suki down on the bench on her belly when suddenly the rabbit lunged forward, out of Winter's arms. The 'roo could only blink in surprise as Suki rolled off the bench and swung a long, powerful leg into the back of Winter's knees. With a cry of distress, Winter fell forward on the bench, her neck in the hole of the open stocks.

Suki was on Winter in an instant, rolling the girl over before she pulled the 'roo's paws up and pinned them into the wrist-restraints in the stock. The rabbit grinned down at her, straddling Winter's waist as she let her bare breasts hang in front of the other girl.

"Hello there, my captive kangaroo," Suki giggled, wrestling with the grinning Winter as she tried to keep her pinned.

At that very moment, Hitomi wandered past the open door of the dojo. Her mind was elsewhere; she had a lot to do to prepare for her upcoming rematch with Ruin. In her distraction, she almost missed the squirming girls in the room until one of them yelped out playfully and caught her attention. She stopped to listen, smiling a bit.

It was then that Hitomi reached out with her senses, determining that both girls were on a bench, their heads and wrists in peculiarly perfect position to be closed into a set of stocks at the end of said bench. For a moment, she pondered the situation. She was, in a sense, one of the alumni here. She should set an example for the other girls.

But then again, she thought as he quietly snuck up behind the panting females, if this isn't a gift from the Gods, then I don't know what is.

Suki and Winter were engaged in a hot kiss when the stocks suddenly closed over their necks and wrists, pinning their lips together and their paws palm-to-palm. Both girls opened their eyes in surprise, but it was too late; they heard the click of a lock and the mechanical grind of latches as the stock holes were adjusted to their combined size.

"Sorry, ladies," Hitomi said with a giggle. As Suki and Winter protested, yelling at her as they tried to wiggle free, Hitomi slowly pulled Suki's pants down, exposing her bare bottom and nervously flicking tail.

"Don't you dare!" Suki called out, while Winter watched her rabbit friend's cheeks turn red. "Don't you even thi...OH GODS!"

Winter heard the distinct sound of a palm slapping across a bare buttock, and Suki squirmed hard atop her. As the bunny started to pant, her eyes glazing over in lust, Winter felt herself growing damp. Distinctly feminine paws pulled the 'roo's pants down as well, and it wasn't long before both girls were kissing each other hotly again, writhing in pleasure while Hitomi took her time teasing them to repeated climaxes.

* * *

Reiko yawned, sitting cross-legged on a bench in the Courtyard. There was a small crowd there enjoying the early morning air, but for the most part it was quiet. Reiko took advantage of it by reading an old text she had found in the Hall Library on the architecture of the Hall itself. She found it quite interesting.

Unfortunately, she soon found her attention drifting to the other patrons in the Courtyard. She watched them come and go, particularly focusing on the other girls. So many of them were pretty, to say the least; many were outright beautiful. Even the other Combatants were pretty, so much more than she. Reiko knew she was quite plain, with her simple grey coat of fur, her plain brown eyes, and her indistinctive features. She did not feel that she was ugly, but she knew she was not particularly...attractive.

Dusk often argued the point with her, telling her that she was very attractive. Reiko had trouble taking him at his word, though, as her adopted older brother was terribly protective of her. His bias was clear.

As she watched the crowd, someone entered that immediately caught her gaze. She hadn't met the tiger yet, but she was well aware of who he was. Khan Lei was someone that Dusk had warned her about, as had Hitomi the night of the welcoming party. While she normally would have assumed that Dusk's disapproval was due to his usual over-protectiveness, the warning from Hitomi made her wary.

The tiger caught her gaze, and with a grin he started to approach. Reiko tried to make it look as if she wasn't looking at him, but it was too late for that. She had the tiger's attention whether she liked it or not.

"Hey, pup," he said when he arrived at Reiko's bench. "You're the new gal' from the House of Sand, ain't ya'? The one who took that panther's sister's place."

Reiko had half a mind to just ignore the tiger. Something about him rubbed her the wrong way. Alas, she couldn't let the comment go.

"I am his sister," she said plainly, shooting Khan the most disapproving glare she could. "Adopted, but his sister nonetheless."

"Oh really?" Khan said, looking surprised. Something in the tone of his voice disarmed Reiko, though. He almost sounded impressed. "I guess that makes sense. I can't imagine him havin' a blood sister that looked as pretty as you. No offence to yer' family or nothin'."

Reiko smirked, but blushed just a touch under her fur. She hadn't had a male call her pretty in a long time and, despite Khan's role as a traitor, he was handsome. She didn't see the harm in accepting a compliment.

"Well, thank you," she replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to read."

"I see how it is," Khan said with a laugh. "Keep away from ol' Khan, that's the game? No problem." He smiled and held his paws up, backing away.

Reiko frowned. Somehow, she felt like a heel for turning him away so snidely. "I'm sorry, but you don't exactly have the best reputation around here."

Khan nodded. "Oh, I know. I did some stuff, pulled some rotten shit last year. I reformed, though. I'm here to fight just like everyone else. All I'm askin' is that folks gimme' a chance. By the end of the Tournament, they'll see."

"Well, actions speak louder than words," Reiko said. " know, if you want my advice, brushing up on your manners might help. Enunciate more clearly and whatnot."

"Yeah?" Khan arched an eyebrow. "I'm embarrassed to say that I ain't got the best grasp of spoken language, hon. What's an 'enunciate'?"

Reiko couldn't help but giggle just a bit. "Enunciate. It means to speak clearly."

"Ahhh," Khan said taking a step in towards Reiko. "I don't suppose you could help a reformed tiger learn to enunciate, could ya'?"

Reiko was about to answer when a voice suddenly cut into the conversation.

"No, she can't," the feminine voice said. Khan frowned and Reiko gasped as the air between them suddenly shimmered, and where the was once nothing now stood a slender, barely-clothed reptilian girl.

"Go crawl back under your rock, Khan," the reptile said, glaring at the tiger. "I don't know what you're up to, but leave this girl out of it."

"No harm meant, Selena," Khan said. Reiko looked up at the reptile when she heard the name. Selena was another one she'd been told about.

"See what I mean?" Khan said to Reiko, looking past Selena. "No chance for you if you get condemned in the court of public opinion. See you around, Miss Reiko."

Khan started to walk off, but then turned to call back at Selena.

"Oh, yeah...I heard that yer' fightin' Adonis tonight. Good luck, sweetcheeks. I hear he's good to scaled girls."

Selena flicked her tongue out at Khan as he left. She then turned back Reiko.

"Avoid him, my dear," she hissed. "I know him well. He's not to be trusted."

Reiko frowned, clearly upset. She didn't need a lecture from this other female.

"What, like you?" Reiko snapped. "Weren't you the one lurking around last year, kidnapping Combatants?"

Selena's eyes narrowed. "Let me make this perfectly clear, girl: Everything I did, everything I do, it is all for my House. Everything Khan is for himself."

The lizard girl then smoothed out her skimpy top. "Do as you would. It is your House that will bear the burden of your decisions."

Reiko watched Selena slink off. Her fur bristled. "I hope that dragon fucks you until you burst," she muttered under her breath, and then buried her nose back in her reading.

* * *

Spectre was headed down one of the corridors in the Hall when he spotted a crowd gathered around one particular doorway. His curiosity piqued, the skunk stopped by to see what had everyone's attention. He had to peer over several taller furre's shoulders, but he could make out a table sitting just inside the room, which seemed to be the center of attention.

The skunk pushed in a little, until he could get a clear view. There were two individuals sitting on either side of the table, one male wolf and one female tigress. On the table was a small steel orb that had thin wisps of smoke coming out, and next to the orb was a deck of cards.

"What's going on?" Spectre asked quietly of a fox next to him, as the crowd was mostly silent.

"Hmmm? Oh, it's called Seduction of Words, or Sensuale," the fox said, brushing his white-tipped bangs out of his eyes. "It's an old game from the House of...Fog, I think. Ever heard of it?"

Spectre nodded. "Heard of it, but never played. How does it work?"

The fox nodded. "Watch, they're about to start. See that metal burner there? The stuff inside is some sort of aphrodisiac. It clouds the mind, but increases arousal and desire."

Spectre watched as the tigress dealt the cards. She dealt one card to herself, and then one to the wolf, until each of them had three cards, face down. The remainder of the deck she set between them on the table.

"Okay, those three cards she just dealt can be used by the players at any time, but they must be used BEFORE the cards from the deck are all used," the fox said.

"So...what's the point of the game?" Spectre asked.

"To tell a better story than your opponent, basically," the fox said with a crooked smile.

The wolf reached out and took one card off of the top of the deck, and placed it face up next to the deck.

"The Master," he said slowly, clearly under the influence of the burning aphrodisiac incense. "He dictates the pleasure of others."

The tigress slowly drew a card from the deck, and placed it atop of The Master. "The Lover...she melts the Master's heart, and takes him for her own."

The wolf took a deep breath, and looked at the three cards that he had been dealt. He selected one, and played it on the growing stack. "The Slave, she draws her Master back to old ways."

The tigress drew another card from the deck and played it. "The Succubus, she consumes the Master's soul."

The wolf hesitated a moment, and then drew a card from the deck. "The...the uh, um..."

The crowd began to rumble. The wolf licked his lips, but it was clear that he was stumped. He either had no ideas for the next move, or he was too befuddled by the incense, but he was obviously done.

"That was a short one," the fox said in clear disappointment. The crowd began to talk eagerly, and Spectre watched as bets were passed from paw to paw.

"What are the stakes for the players?" He asked, but he got his answer soon enough.

The tigress had gotten up from the table and walked around, grabbing the wolf by his throat. She cleared the table with one sweep of her arm, sending the cards and the incense off the end, and she pushed the wolf onto the top. The audience laughed as the tigress stripped to woozy wolf naked and, after disrobing herself, climbed atop him. She slid her wet sex easily down his raging erection, and soon she was riding him wildly, bouncing hard on his cock while her breasts bounced freely. The table creaked under the stress, and the wolf's legs bounced limply as they hung off the edge.

"Interesting game," Spectre said. "Where can I get a deck and..."

"...some of the incense?" The fox said, grinning. He held up a small box to Spectre and opened it, revealing a small burner, a pouch of powder, and a deck of cards. "Cheap, too. Got someone in mind to play with?"

Spectre grinned. "I might. Quite a racket you have here."

The fox smiled. "You bet. The best part is..." he nodded to the tigress and wolf as they fucked, "...I don't even have to make the sales pitch."

* * *

Selena knew well where the Astronomy Arena was. In the several years that she had lived in the Hall of Combat, under the rule of the House of Shadow, she had learned her way around the entire complex. She knew every room, every Arena, every hidden passage. As she made her way through the corridors towards the second floor where the Astronomy Arena lay, she realized how much she missed the elegance of the Hall.

When Kaine had elected Ruin and herself to compete in the Tournament, she felt flattered. It was her first time actually fighting under proper Combat regulations, and she was determined to impress Kaine and bring the rule of the House of Shadow back.

She was aware that her first match might well be her toughest. The mysterious Arrigan Adonis was clearly a powerful beast; she had seen him briefly, and his size alone would make him a challenge. She shivered a bit as she thought of him. Somehow, he reminded her of the Beast, Nobu Ra' Chi's gruesome abomination. Selena liked it rough, and she liked it hard, but the Beast pushed even her limits.

Selena finally arrived at the Astronomy arena, and she slipped quietly in. She recalled that last year, the fox Daichi and the mouse Hitomi had fought here, with Hitomi emerging the victor. The reptile girl hoped that perhaps the room held some luck for the fairer sex.

Standing across the arena, his back to the door, was Adonis. His mighty wings were open and his paws were clasped behind his back. Selena swallowed hard as she looked at him. He made Kaine look small, and Kaine was someone she would never want to have to fight.

"Selena, of the House of Shadow," Adonis said, not even bothering to turn around. "I've heard of you. Penchant for dominant males, whether dominating them or submitting to their will. A 2nd Level Master of Chikyuu Sensou, some degree of talent in the Way of the Gods."

"You have me at a disadvantage, I suppose," Selena said, slightly shaken to find that the dragon knew of her training levels. They were something she kept fiercely secret, due to her role as a spy.

"I'll have you any way I like, girl," Adonis growled, finally turning around. His gaze was absolute, his eyes piercing. "Enough talk, though. You are to be an example. I want the others to fear me as they should."

Selena's mood darkened considerably. She would be no example for anyone. "Fear you? So I suppose the good will of the House of Exile is not to be extended to the Arena?"

Adonis smirked. "If you seek good will, go to a monastery."

"Selena versus Adonis. Fight."

The moment the announcement echoed through the arena, Selena lunged at the dragon. She hoped to catch him off guard early, and build up momentum from there. The lizard femme knew that her smaller size and greater speed would be her biggest advantage, and she intended to use it.

At first, she did indeed seem to find success in keeping Adonis on the defensive, landing several well-placed gropes and strokes along his body. He wore little, mostly a sleeveless tunic and a short crotch piece with loincloth, but she could see the slight bulge between his legs. Clearly the dragon was as susceptible to a female's touch as any other male.

Suddenly Selena felt the wind driven out of her. She staggered, and looking down she found Adonis' long tail wrapped around her body like a snake. It squeezed, and she gasped, squirming in its grip. Adonis' spun around and slammed his tail down against the ground hard, bouncing Selena's body in the air. When she landed she saw stars, and she clumsily staggered to her feet, putting distance between herself and Adonis.

As she shook her vision clear, she saw the dragon stomping towards her. Selena rushed him, smiling as she used her natural camouflaging talents to hide herself in mid-charge. She had barely made it half way to the dragon when he gave one mighty flap of his wings, and a gust of powerful wind billowed forth. Selena found herself carried away by it, slamming against one of the star charts that lined the arena walls.

Adonis was on Selena in an instant. His paw closed around her neck, while his other paw grabbed the loose top she wore and ripped it away. He gave one of her now bare breasts a hard squeeze, and then tossed the lizard easily over head, letting her slam against the ground.

Selena groaned as she landed. She knew she was in deep trouble. This Adonis...he was incredible. His power, his skill, his willpower - it was like fighting a statue. She tried to crawl away, but Adonis grabbed her tail and dragged her back. She whimpered as he tore her loincloth away, leaving her naked and exposed.

The reptile girl knew it was time to fight or fall. With little left to lose, at least as far as clothing went, Selena kicked her hindpaw hard into Adonis' knee. He grunted, barely, but he did fall to one knee. Seeing him hurt encouraged her, and Selena quickly leapt over the dragon, somersaulting off of his shoulder to land on her feet behind him. She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, squeezing tight. She knew she couldn't pull him down, but she could try to choke him out.

Selena's confidence was building when she felt something thick start to rub firmly at the bottom of her sex. She moaned and tightened her lock on Adonis' neck, but once again she knew she was swimming against the tide. Adonis was not showing signs of fatigue from her choke hold, and that firm something - which she quickly guessed to be his unusually prehensile tail - was quickly pushing her arousal level up.

She tried to hold out, but the slow, firm rubbing of her labia already had her dripping. The energies from the arena seemed to wash over her like a wave. With no choice but to get away from that tail, she quickly loosened her grip on the dragon and leapt away.

Or rather, she started to leap away. The instant her grip was released, Adonis spun around and grabbed Selena from behind. Darkness enveloped her as he closed his wings around her body, cutting off her light as his big arms squeezed her like a python. She felt his fingers play across her breast and nipples, her belly and sex, her clit and her thighs. She moaned hotly and writhed against him unable to move her arms or to escape. In the dark, she lost herself to his attention.

Adonis fingered the lizard girl's body until he felt a wave of energy gather around him, and Selena's body went stiff. He reveled in the moment, and then he opened his wings. The dragon hooked his arms underneath Selena's and locked his fingers together behind her neck, picking her up off her feet in a tight hold. As she slid up his body, her rear rubbing his scales, his cock slid against her ass and down until it was pointing up at the trembling female's slick sex. Adonis lowered her back down, roughly stuffing her pussy with his fat, long dragon dick. She moaned out in lust as he filled her, stretching her cunt with the meat.

Adonis fucked Selena hard, rocking his hips back and forth to drive his erection in and out of her sex. Her legs bounced limply as she was taken, and her head rolled back against his shoulder, her eyes glazed over in pleasure. Adonis showed her no quarter, pounding her pussy while her breasts bounced, claiming her body in victory.

Selena moaned louder and louder and panted harder and harder, feeling surges of energy flow through her, stinging at her sensual areas. The cock in her felt thicker, harder, longer than anything she had ever had, and it rubbed inside her at all the right spots. When she came, she came harder than she ever had before, and she cried out to the Gods in lust.

Adonis, in contrast, only grunted once. As the lizard came around him, he pumped his load into her belly. His cock spurted out cum like a river, until it literally made Selena's belly bulge, and cum poured out of her sex, oozing out around Adonis' dick. Having taken his pleasure with her, and having made the girl climax, the dragon lifted her off his cock, letting it continue to spray over her ass and legs. He dumped her on the floor like a used toy, and he wrapped his paw around his cock, stroking it as it spilled his seed out over Selena's prone, limp body. By the time the dragon was finished cumming, the reptile femme was plastered to the floor in thick cum.

Adonis panted, filling the silent room with his grunts. He looked around for a moment, and then roared out in triumph.


The silence continued a moment, and then an awkward voice complied.

"Carnality...Adonis wins."

Adonis smirked and wiped cum from his throbbing cocktip, flicking it onto Selena. "Thank you, little example," he rumbled.

* * *

Khan waited patiently in Adonis' quarters. When the dragon returned, he was naked, and he was sporting a raging erection. Khan grinned.

"You kicked her tight little ass, didn't ya'?"

"She screamed nicely, yes," Adonis said. "I think my point has been made. Report to me what you have done today, Khan Lei."

"Well, I did like you said and I talked to that wolf girl, Reiko. She's definitely worth lookin' into. Got a chip on her shoulder, I think."

Adonis nodded. "Good. Keep at her. Take your time, and be discreet. Do not make it look like you're over-interested, Khan."

"Got it, boss," the tiger said. "What else?"

"Just that, for now. The first fight is done, and so the first part of my plan is now in motion. My other agents will be proceeding with further work to be done. All I need of you is to be ready to do as I say, when I say."

"Uh-huh. Not a problem."

"Excellent. Off with you, then. I shall summon you when next I need you."

Khan grinned and left Adonis alone in his chambers. The dragon inhaled deeply, enjoying the cool night air that flowed in through an open window.

"You have it?" He said to no one in particular. "Good. Leave it here. Return for it at the appointed time."

Adonis waited a moment, and then turned. Lying on the sill of his window was a metal gauntlet, with strange lines and symbols etched into the jointed steel. A single large, polished gemstone adorned the back of the palm. The dragon picked the gauntlet up and looked it over. The gemstone pulsed brightly once.

"Just as I expected," he whispered. "Most excellent."

Adonis closed the window and bolted it, and then retired to bed with the gauntlet in his arms.


Story (c) 2006 F.J. Emerson.

Carnal Combat and Carnalities are (c) 2006 F.J. Emerson, unless Ed Boon or Midway call up and yell at me.

All characters are created and owned by F.J. Emerson.

Special Thanks: Setta Flamowitz (for creative input), Christin (for support), and everyone else who has been consistently reading this drivel!