War of the Tribes Part One The New Chieftain

Story by Topo on SoFurry

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#1 of War of the Tribes

This story will be uploaded in parts, but is meant to be read as a full story, so chapters won't be written with large time skips but will be written directly to the next part. This story will contain adult themed content later down the line, so don't read if any of the tags don't appeal to you. This story is focusing on plot progression, so if your looking for a quick nut, this story is not for you.

First part is Yiff free, so feel free to read.

Written for my gorgeous boyfriend Jarrah the Roo. He can be found here: https://jarrah-the-kangaroo.sofurry.com/

The land was home to various creatures, all of which stayed sardined with each other, away from any other species nearby. In a tribe they would form, separating themselves away from anyone else. Out of the tribes, two had been waging war for a century, along the beaches of Garhai, where their tribes sat on opposite ends of the beach that spread for several kilometres between the two tribes.

This tale tells of the unlikeliest of events, where one unfortunate kangaroo finds himself stranded within dragon territory. Unlike most days, the sky was grey, clouds looming over a dark morning as the tides of the ocean clashed against rocks fiercely, the waves hungering for the sand. The wind blew with a grip, sending pockets of sand into the air.

Far north of the beaches of Garhai was a large wooden fence, which circled in around itself to prevent intruders from sneaking past its walls. Each segment was reinforced by horizontal wood planks, with carved spikes lining the wall. A gate loomed higher than the rest, proving its size to the sands below by casting its large shadow in the early day.

Beyond the walls, tepees with fabric tenting them, shielded one such fluffy kangaroo from the harsh winds and oncoming rain, droplets trickling down the fabric as he stretched his arms and let out a yawn. Wiping his eyes of morning tears, he blinked twice, resting his back on a thin mattress finely crafted out of reeds and seaweed, with an accompanying pillow using the feathers of the chicken tribe, which had offered their trades to them previously.

The kangaroo named Jarrah, was a green furred kangaroo, with white around his snout and running down his belly. His strong, powerful legs were blue of colour, little flecks of blue just below his eyes and his tail tip also stained his fur. Big ears were dark green, with white innards painting the roo like a colouring book. He wore no clothing aside from a loincloth tucked around his private area, the same fashion every roo in the village adorned

Jarrah pushed himself upright into a seated position, squinting at the narrow light coming through the fabric of his tent. He could here the light rain, and bustling movement outside as he peered outside his tent, looking upon the sand. Yesterday had been gruelling work for the roo, as they had just set up a large stage near the centre of the village, where the chief would announce today the new chieftain who would take his place. The current chief, having no children in line, would select a kangaroo worthy for such a position, and Jarrah was going to be the one to do it.

He and the chief had come to know each other well, for he had proven himself worthy of the tribe by defending them against the nasty dragons. On the other end of the beach of Garhai, the dragons dwelled, wanting more land to increase their ever-increasing population. They were greedy and selfish, and the previous time they had invaded, Jarrah had engaged in his leadership to stop them. They were successful at defending their home, and he was recognised as their saviour.

The only thing remaining in his path to becoming chief was his Nemeses, Topo. Topo was a red furred kangaroo, with blue head floof and blue fur running down his back and tipping at his tail. He also had a fair chance at defeating him in the trials, as he had to prove himself in front of the tribe in order to be chosen. For this reason, he woke to train early this day, to seek an advantage over his opponent.

Topo was arrogant and greedy himself and would be overcome with power if he became chieftain. Jarrah had to ensure he did everything in his power to not let this come to pass, which is why he found himself exiting his tent, approaching the back gate to his village. Atop the gate was a red roo, asleep with his helmet slanted on his snoring form.

Jarrah yelled up at the guard above, "hello! I wish to seek exit to the trees past the sands guard, open the gate for sergeant Jarrah!" The name sergeant was something earnt by him when he saved the tribe against the dragon menace.

The snoring guard awoke with a fright, saluting to Jarrah, "yes sergeant! Proceed!" The gate opened the way, revealing a line of trees. The front entrance to the village leads out into the beach, but the back entrance lead out into a dense forest, where Jarrah would go to train his physical physique on a daily basis.

Jarrah nodded to the guard, hopping out into the trees. He didn't have to hop, but the convenience and ease made it fun and efficient for travel. He weaved between the trees, pushing his legs to the limit as he strained for the highest jumps, fastest speeds. The sun to the grey morning came out as he continued his training, not noticing the day pass by rapidly as he beat his small white fists against the tree bark, swiping branches out with his powerful kicks. The sun rose to the centre of the sky by then, sweat dripping from every nook and cranny off the roo. It was time for the ceremony, and he was prepared.

Returning to the main gate, the guard noticed the green sweaty roo from below, and raised the gate for his return. The village had begun to be busier, the merchants setting shop up in the market area, north west of the front gates, he noticed the blacksmith and his apprentice wandering together, headed for the forge, and in the distance, was the chieftain, frail but wise, leaning over on a walking stick, grey hairs poking in several locations over his fur.

Jarrah approached the chieftain, straightening his posture and huffing into his hand, checking his breath. The chieftain saw these actions and let out a low giggle, clearly bemused. "Lad, you don't need waste your time with appearance, a true warrior is one of a true heart, who is not afraid to protect his people in time of need. That, is what we shall find out today small one."

One thing that was forgotten was the fact that Jarrah, was small. Easily smaller than any dragon he had ever seen, and smaller than most kangaroos around the tribe. He was considered strong in heart and to have great leadership skills, but this didn't size up to his, size. Some people to tease him like to call his Wallaby, for being so small. "Chieftain, when does the ceremony start? I am ready to prove my worth to show I am the next in line."

"We shall see little one, but for now, let us sit." The elder located a nearby chair in table, handcrafted by the village carpenter from the oak trees in the forest. Jarrah sat with him, sharing the table across from each other. "Tell me, does something trouble you? Any feelings of nervousness before the ceremony is to be understood, this is a big deal after all."

Jarrah shook his head, "not nervous, I just don't see how Topo, such a greedy and belligerent kangaroo, could even possibly be chosen for the role of chieftain. How could you not see that?"

The chieftain spoke, "even so Jarrah, I must give every kangaroo in the village, no matter how vile, a fair chance. It is our customs and our ways, which must always be respected."

Jarrah nodded slowly, "I understand, no matter the customs, I shall prove I am worthy to be the chieftain."

"I am sure you are, but hush now, its time."

The elder stood from his chair, hobbling up to the stage built yesterday, overlooking a crowd of gathering roos. From the crowd, Jarrah came up and stood beside him, noticing the late arrival of Topo, who apparently seemed missing.

From across the village, Topo was still in his tent catching some Z's. A commotion started to rise outside, which brought his sleep into a hazy state. His eyes felt groggy, and he shuffled slightly on his bed. Most of the roo's new him to be a nasty individual, and lazy at that, for he was known for sleeping the day away. The thoughts of the chieftain filled his mind, and he awoke in a panic, heart fluttering as he stumbled out of the tent with his fur all mangy.

He knew he was severely outmatched to the green kangaroo, but he had a back up plan. If he doesn't succeed in becoming chieftain, he had a backup plan he could enact that would, accidentally bring Jarrah out of the picture. The sun beamed into his eyes as he squinted, giving his fur a quick pat down as he rushed towards the centre of the village, noticing the large crowd that had already gathered there.

Jarrah, glancing down at the other kangaroo's, noticed the other roo, still taller than him, with blue head fur rushing through the crowd. Jarrah groaned to himself at the sight of the roo as he gathered himself to the right of the chieftain, smiling wryly.

The chief began his speech, "we are gathered here today to announce the new chieftain of the kangaroo tribe! Through a test of honour and courage, these two roos who stand beside me, one of them shall be crowned the newest chieftain by the end of this day!" Cheers and hoots came from the crowd below, as Topo grew a smirk over his muzzle whilst pure determination coursed through Jarrah's veins. "The challenge shall be a test of bravery and wit, and the first to return will have demonstrated cunning and brilliance. Both roos shall collect one of the many gems found within the dragons territory, scattered throughout the sand."

Both roo's readied themselves at the front gate to the village, the gate raised in preparation for the race. The elder gripped a finely woven staff, that swirled at the top. Using the staff, he slammed it into the sands shouting, "go!"

Jarrah took off, using his practiced leaps and bounds to soar ahead past the beach, hopping past the rocks and waves pushing into the land. Behind, Topo knew he was severely outmatched, but knowing they were entering dragon territory, slowed down to a dawdle, casually stepping through the sand with his big paws.

Ahead of him, Jarrah focused on maintaining his speed, paws cramping at the extra exertion. The difference in territory became obvious as the sands started to assume more sparkles, with the gems hidden in the sand. The dragons loved their gems, and they used them to mark what territory was theirs. Taking a gem was considered treason within the dragon tribe, let alone for a kangaroo taking one, he'd be subjected to a fate worse than death.

Without thinking, he snatched up a blue sapphire, a shiny glint under the afternoon sun. His legs were rather tired from the long dash, so he began to waddle, holding the large gem in his arms as he treaded. Topo was barely in sight, but his blue fur could be seen in the far distance. Topo and Jarrah approached one another, as he noticed the grimace across Topo's face as he'd been pounded into dust by Jarrah's ability. Little did he know that Topo had a plan, which didn't entail him winning in the slightest.

Holding the gem, Jarrah paid some more attention to the beaches presented to him. Across from the water was the large forests that spread across the land, and rocks glistened under the sun being freshly wet from the ocean. He felt the heat flush through his body, approaching the front gates once again.

Some of the kangaroo's from earlier began to cheer at the sight of such a priceless gem. The elder approached Jarrah, a warm smile caressing his face. "well done young one. You have succeeded the challenge. Kangaroo Tribe, I present to you your new chieftain, Jarrah!"

Roars of cheers exploded the village, and Jarrah felt a warm blush through his fur. He dreamed of this moment, being called chieftain by the village. "A feast shall be held in the new chieftains honour here in the centre of the tribe. Now, would you do the honours little one?"

"Hey, being the new chieftain, I don't want to be called little. Its degrading." He approached a large totem pole, which he dipped his paw into a red dye, marking the totem with his paw print. More cheering and applause sounded out, which was far away to the ears to Topo, who was lingering outside the gates of the dragon territory.

"Hello in there? Any dragons just hoping for a simple kangaroo to stumble across their fort?" Like the kangaroo tribe, the dragon tribes fort was built from a large fence, but this fence was much higher than the roo's, considering the height of the dragons. Despite popular belief, these dragon's couldn't breathe fire, or it would have been a question how their tribe had not burnt down by now.

A ragged, hoarse voice spoke down to the roo. "What stupidity must the small roo have to approach the dragon gates? You must either be brave or daft to try this." The roo smiled, a twisted smile that made even the green dragon's spine tingle.

"I have a deal, let me speak with your warchief, I have a proposition." This made the green dragon chuckle.

"You seriously think I will let you of all creatures in? You are surely mistaken puny roo."

The kangaroo mocked disappointment. "That's a real shame then. Guess I will be going then. I did have an idea to take down the kangaroo tribe, but it mustn't be worth such a _mighty_dragons time."

The dragon fumbled for words, "wait, wait! You said the kangaroo tribe? Fine then, I'll go get the warchief, but this better not be a trick, or I will take the pleasure of mounting your head on a pike."

"Yes yes, just go get your warchief, I shall be waiting here." The green dragon ran to fetch the warchief, a black and red scaled dragon, with red scales pouring down his belly and black wings with red tendrils. His tail was black, with red scales underneath running down to his tail tip. He wore no clothing as the green dragon rose the gates, Topo staring into his red eyes. The dragon smiled; you tell me of a plan kangaroo. What was it again?"


The moon split the clouds of the night sky, casting the village in a slivery hue. Festive music was playing, a long table filled with delicacies brought upon the best chefs in the village. Jarrah, taking the hand of another male kangaroo, danced to the large drums and horns the musicians provided, around a large fire that burned brightly into the night sky.

The chief sat at the table, watching the new chief with a smile. He knew Jarrah was fully worthy, but he couldn't help but feel something was wrong. Not wrong with the celebration, but as if something bad was coming. He felt Jarrah should know about this feeling.

"Little one! Come here please."

Jarrah looked over to see the elder at the table, his staff in one paw. He approached him, "I thought I said not to call me little chief, I am fully capable of standing up for myself."

The previous chieftain chuckled, "You are still little to me my young one. As for calling me chief, you can refer to me as Winfrey. Jarrah, something bad is coming. I am aware that tonight is of celebration, but you need to secure the perimeter. It feels as if a storm is coming."

Jarrah nodded, Winfrey was rarely wrong, and he had realised Topo had not been back in hours. "Guards! I want two stationed at each corner, watch the perimeter for any sign of movement!" There were some groans from the crowd, but the other warriors of the tribe began towards their posts, when one spotted movement in the shadows.

"Chieftain! I have movement on the.. Ack--"

The guard fell from the wall, as Topo and a group of three dragons, which included two red dragons and the warchief, gathered at a hidden tunnel beside the fence. Topo spoke softly, "this leads directly into my tent. We are to lure Jarrah over to the tent and remove him from the fray. You can do whatever you want with him, as long as I become chieftain."

The dragon squinted at the kangaroo, "don't forget our part of the deal. We take your old chieftain off your paws, and you allow us entrance to the village whenever we want. We want free supply lines and ability to take what we please."

Topo nodded, "I will work with you warchief to expand your empire. Once the beach has been claimed, we storm the forests as well. Towards the avian tribes that live in the trees."

Hushed, they crawl through the entry way and Topo pokes his head up into his tent, crawling out slowly. "Wait here dragon, I shall lure the kangaroo toward the tent."

Topo exited the tent, hearing the tribal music and the food wafted on the air. He smiled, knowing full well how this will collapse underneath him, the kangaroo hopped over toward the central village, with a pseudo-distraught look across his face. "Jarrah, I need your help!"

The roo's ears perked upward at hearing Topo's voice. "Topo! Where have you been? You've been gone for hours!"

"The dragons, the dragons are coming! They spotted me when I tried to grab a gem, you need to help me return it before they come for me! The gem is in my tent."

Jarrah thumped his thick tail against the sand, shaking his head. How does Topo always get himself into these situations he asked himself. "Alright, lead the way, make this quick Topo, your ruining my night as usual."

Topo hopped toward his tent, Jarrah following him with brows furrowed. He had to crouch down do enter the tepee, but what he found sent shivers down his spine. On four paws, was the warchief of the dragons, staring at him with his red eyes. "Well, hello chieftain. Hope I'm not stamping on any parade of yours. I believe its time for us to go isn't it?"

Jarrah, panicked, tried to scramble out of the tent, but one of his red dragon bodyguards drove a blow to the back on his head using their elbow, knocking the kangaroo unconscious. "He is yours to do whatever you desire to him. Though I would say he is more valuable alive than dead if you catch my drift." Topo winks at the dragon, who smiles as a response.

"Oh, I get you, he will make an excellent pet. I have always wanted one. I tried a dragon pet, but it's just not the same. I will have much fun with him. Now, go uphold your end of the deal kangaroo."

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