Hydra Issues

Story by Topo on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

A hydra gets up to some mischief one night, but only it seems one out of three of the heads has a different sexuality, one gay head to two straight heads. See what happens with plenty of bickering, embarrassment and a little sexual action.

The glass shined under the luminescence of the light, a set of small cat paws scrubbing with it with a cloth. A large counter spread out across the side of the room, sets of stools with red velvet seats. Drinks lined the walls of the tavern with prince, a grey cat with scruffy fur sniffed at the air, traces of alcohol lingering.

Booths lined the walls near the windows next to the door, animals crowded in gossiping while sipping on the beer. The cat coughed, eyeing his customers at night. Normally the bar was packed, but tonight was rather quiet. A wolf came in through the glass door the bell ringing on the doorjamb. He took a seat at the bench, resting his paws on the table. The cat brushed his apron, "what can I get you sir?"

"Just some of your regular. Not in a picky mood tonight." He nodded, grabbing a bottle with some brown liquid and a glass cup, setting it down in front of him. He poured the contents into the glass, froth bubbling over the rim. "Thank you, I needed this."

"That'll be five bucks mate, either pay it up now or keep it on your already overdue tab, I don't care at this point." The wolf smiled, chugging the alcohol down, the slight sting of the liquor sticking to his tongue.

"Glad you agree then." Terry the cat groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Fuck off, you are always coming around here with that cocky grin on your face, I should just kick you out." The wolf beamed at him, patting Terry's head.

"You know you love me," Terry batted the paw away, "fine, but I'll be back tomorrow; I'm your best customer." He went and opened the door across the room.

"You mean my worst!" he yelled out after him. Hopefully that was his last customer for the night, I think he needed a drink right now himself. Another ring sounded from the bell. Who could that be at this time of night? He only had two customers left!

Pounding rattled the floorboards to the room. Terry looked up from his glass, his eyes gaping at the sight. "Woah, who are you supposed to be?" Stood there was a hydra, red scales running down all visible locations, four big sturdy paws holding up its weight. The three heads split off at the neck, identical patterns and two horns at the base of the skull.

The middle one spoke, "I'm flame, the one on the right is Flare, and on the right is fire. And we want a drink."

Terry eyeballed heads, "wait, which one am I talking to?"

All three of them said, "me!" The middle one spoke, "I thought we agreed that I was doing the talking?"

Flare sighed, "fine, just be quick about it. I don't want to be here too long, I hate alcohol."

"Well some people actually _like_the taste of it. Besides, it gives me respite from you two!" Flame said.

"We don't need to fight, please. Arguments never lead to solutions." The other two heads looked at Fire.

'We didn't need your opinion!"

The cat chuckled, "can I help you boys?" This got their attention, staring down at Terry.

"Some of your finest wine please, I'm in a wine mood." Flame said.

"Flame, you know alcohol is not good for us. Please, we don't want any--Ow!"

The middle head bit Fire, the scales slightly scratched from the teeth marks. "Nobody asked you to speak! Stay silent, both of you!"

Terry remained speechless. He grabbed some red wine off the shelf, pouring some into the glass he had just cleaned. "Here, just take it free of charge and leave, I don't want to have anything to do with any of this."

Flame licked his lips, reaching a paw out to grab the glass, but blinked as it ended over his scales. It dripped down his snout, on to the floorboards beneath him. "Wine is disgusting! I'm not letting you drink that crap. I only agreed to come in here for some chicks, not this stuff!" Flare snarled, whacking the middle head.

Terry spoke up over their rambling, "how can you even live like that, sharing the same body but having different minds?"

Fire smiled, "we normally decide what we do and take turns doing stuff. Its supposed to be Flames turn but somebody is currently breaking our rule." He looked at Flare expectantly.

"Hey, you were against him drinking it too!" he replied.

"Well I didn't act on my intentions, did I?" Flame just sighed, looking at Terry.

"There is something I can do to gain full control over the body if I have to. That way I control our body, forcing them out. We are kind of connected to the main nervous system of the body in the same area, so we agree that one of us gets full control over what we do every three hours. I just thought. Earlier we decided to give sharing the body a try, but clearly that did not go so well did it Flare?"

The head glared at Flame, "well I'm not having that in my system! Wine is disgusting, to drink and to look at!"

Flame shook his head, closing his eyes. The other two looked at Flame with surprise, "I thought we promised to share_the body today Flame! You just took it for yourself _again!"

Fire lowered his head toward the ground but nodded, "its his turn Flare, he lets you drive, and you did just try control without permission. I think its fair."

Flame smiled at him, "thank you fire. He actually makes sense unlike you Flare!"

Terry coughed purposefully, "you know what? I don't care about all this taking control of nervous systems hydra problems. Just leave, I'm not asking. We are closing anyway."

Flame, in full control, sat and lowered his snout over the bar counter, blowing hot air into Terry's face. "Not until I get some wine; I'm not leaving until I do."

"But wine is gross!" complained Flare.

"I don't care if its from another planet! I like it and I don't want you interrupting me when its my turn to do what I want!" Terry poured another glass of wine whilst he was arguing with Flare, shoving it in his face.

"Take it and get out! And please don't ever come back!" Flame grumbled, taking the glass in one of his paws. Downing the glass, he slammed it back on the counter.

"Fine then, my evening is ruined anyway thanks to somebody."

He took steps towards the door and pushed it open, a breath of fresh air in the night. "Thanks to you Flare, I got kicked out. But our night is only just begun! I'm going to love what we are attending tonight."

Fire spoke, "are we going back to that strip club you are always attending at night? Should we really be doing that so much? It doesn't seem right?"

Flare's eyes half closed, tongue lolling out of his jaws. "I love the strip club, so many super cute dragonesses to meet... and have sex with!"

Flame shook his head, "you and dragonesses. No, we're doing something even better! And its just around the block too. Was going to take a trip down there for an hour or two!"

The hydra walked down the street at night, a sliver of moonlight peaking in through the clouds. The streetlights flickered as there was a loud clacking of claws against the pavement as the ventured. "Where are we headed anyway Flame? I don't know what I feel about you leading us to a place you refrained from telling us?"

"Ah Fire, that innocent mind of yours is so cute. You will find out soon enough. We are already here, told you it was around the block!"

A large building stood next to a couple of other buildings. A sign glowed above the roof, A dragon's pleasure. "What on earth on this place? What have you done this time Flame; I object to this; you don't deserve control of the body!"

"Hush Flare! This is for me, not you. The world does not rotate around you!"

He rose a claw towards a metal door with a male dragon painted over it. The room emanated a wave of heat, a musk hung in the air. Flame breathed in deep at the sensation. There were no windows into the room, but another bar was spread out against the inner wall next to the entrance, with a large stage at the far side of the room. An extension to the room was open and had a series of booths where you could sit. It was the members of the club that came surprising.

"Jesus Christ Flame! A Gay club, really?!"

Flame nodded and sat near the bar. "Cool right? I have been wanting to do this for a while. Was going to come earlier, but I didn't think it was appropriate."

At the bar a grey furred cat had his back turned around wearing his apron. His mouth fell agape at the sight of the hydra. "What--what on earth are you doing here!?"

Flame chuckled, "good to see you too. Do you work two jobs or something? This is the last place I thought you'd be."

Terry shook his head, "I work here after I close up at my main job, for some extra cash. I don't really care about the shenanigans that happen here. Go find another dragon or something, I am not in the mood to deal with any of your three heads."

Flare snorted, "whatever. Also, this was Flame's idea. We just have to tag along with this, and by god we are _not_finding another dragon. I'm not gay!" He snarled.

Fire spoke, "neither am I Flare, but we have to respect his wishes." Another bipedal dragon came into the club, wearing a jockstrap with a large bulge underneath. Fire's face contorted, "What the heck is he wearing? I mean, that's an interesting piece of clothing..."

Flame laughed, "that's a jockstrap, cool isn't it! Let's go ask around, get to know some people around this place."

"Flame, this is ridiculous! You know full well that we are not into this type of thing!" Flare spoke.

Flame shook his head, "I need to find something to shut you up. Terry, do you have anything?" He looked at him expectantly.

Terry sniffed, "well this _is_a gay club. I'm sure they keep some sort of bondage thingy for your friend there. I don't want to know, that's that. Scamper off now, I have other customers to attend to."

Flare's mouth contorted into a frown, "you wouldn't dare do anything to me, or I will exact punishment! Punishment Flame, punishment!"

Flame saw a bouncer in the corner, crossed arms and shades across his eyes. He had black scales running from the top his head to his hind paws. He glanced at the hydra across from him from under his shades. "Do you need something sir... sirs?"

Flame spoke, "yes, do you have anything I can silence Flare with?" he gave him the death stare.

"You are not allowed to silence me! How is that remotely fair, its not like you ever appreciated me anyway."

"Well, I want to enjoy myself and you're ruining all my fun!"

The black dragon nodded, walking past the hydra and entering a backroom behind a staircase that led to a second floor. A bathroom was located beside the stairs, across from the bar. He came back rather briskly, holding a black plastic object.

He stood up to Flare, and buckled the muzzle behind his horns, his nose peaking out from the plastic. "Mmfgh?" He shook his head, trying to dislodge it.

"Thank you, kind sir, with him out of the way, lets see if we can some fun hey Fire?"

He stumbled for words, "uh... what kind of fun could you possibly be thinking? We are inside a gay bar, and you want to have more fun? I don't like the sound of that."

Flare shook his head, staring at Flame, a spark of fire in his eyes. Smiling, he turned around, approaching a smaller green dragon, who was standing idly near the bar. He was talking to Terry, something about some whiskey.

"Hey there cutie, what's cookin' good lookin'?" Terry noticed the big three headed dragons approach the smaller green one, cringing at the pickup line. Fire lowered his neck towards him, sniffing.

"Hey, that's the dragon I saw earlier! He's still wearing the Jockstrap!"

A blush fell over Flame, staring daggers at Fire, "pardon him, I'm Flame, and you are?"

The green dragon smiled, "I'm Voridian, and just so you know I liked the pickup line. I thought it was cute." Terry gave a look of fake shock, rolling his eyes.

"Here's your whiskey mate, just drink it and take a room upstairs. I can already see where this is going." Terry said.

Flame looked at Terry, "there's rooms here? Really? I didn't think it would be a motel."

"It's not, the manager decided he should install some cause there is so many horny dragons in here. And I sense two more right in front of me."

Fire blinked, "wait, you're not actually thinking of doing that surely. You are aware we're not--Ow!"

Flame whacked Fire, "stop talking! Voridian, I'm so sorry."

He chuckled, "I think you should show some more respect to your little friend there; he seems nice. Also, I came here tonight seeking some action, and I think I just found it. Terry, how much are the rooms here?"

It was his turn to laugh, "for you two, its all yours. That and I want that dragon out of my hair, he's been bugging me all night. Here," he tossed a key toward the green dragon, "you'll find the rooms upstairs, the key has the number on it."

"Alright big fella let's go then," Voridian fumbled the keys in his claw. He took the stairs to the second floor, the hydra following behind him.

Flare muffled behind the gag, shaking his head in the air. "Hush Flare, I still have control for another two hours, I want to enjoy this while I still can until you take over." Fire sneezed, seeing the dragon ahead of them unlocking a door with the number 6 on it down a hallway, lit partially by lanterns on the walls.

He disappeared into the room. Flame entered after him peeking his head around, seeing a queen-sized bed in the centre, a bedside table next to it and the green sitting on the bed. "I know we only just met, but you seemed eager enough and like I said earlier I need some action in my life."

"Flame, please don't do this, you know we're not even into this sort of thing."

His tongue lolled out of his mouth, "well, guess what? I am! Let's have some kinky fun Voridian."

He nodded, closing the door behind Flame, Fire and Flare for them. He locked it for good measure. "I'll go bottom, always love being bottom." He slid off his jockstrap, revealing an extended pink sheath from his slit.

A short murr aroused from the back of Flame's throat at the sight, Flare and Fire recoiling at it. "Lie down you scaly thing, I could just eat you up!"

"Mffgh!" Flare protested, he couldn't fathom the idea of penetrating another male, he was into dragonesses, not male dragons!

Flame growled, pouncing upon the green dragon, his erected shaft rubbing against his scales. He pushed his arms down, an embarrassed smile caressing Voridian's maw. "Boy, don't you have a strong grip Mr. Flame. Does this make it a foursome, since there's three of you? Or just the one body?"

Flame smiled, "let's find out," he aimed his dick around the dragon's sphincter, pushing into the hole. Fire, in a blush looked away from the unholy sight.

"Ugh, I can't do this! This is the last time I agree to let you in charge Flame!" Panting, Flame began to thrust into the smaller dragon below him. Flare tried to bunch up as far away as he could, smushing his face into his neck.

Heat fell over Flame's cheeks as he enjoyed the pleasure of the humping. The other two were horrified as they witnessed Flame pulling in and out of the dragon. "How is it even possible that I can feel that? Jesus Flame this is so wrong!" Fire said, eyes shut and head turned up.

"Well, I--mmf, love being handled by such a strong bunch as you three..." Voridian sighed, feeling the dragons knot pulsating inside of him. Flame could feel an orgasm building up, clenching his eyes harder as a stream of ejaculation filled the insides of Voridian. "That's the good stuff, boy you are something aren't you?"

Flame breathed in deep, the other two warily eyeing each other as he slowly pulled out, sitting back on the carpeted floor after the fresh sex. "That was amazing hey guys, we should do that again shouldn't we?"

They both shook their heads vigorously, "no! no please! That was awful, how are you even into that? Can we just leave now?" Fire asked. Voridian groaned, pulling himself up with cum dripping down his crotch. His cock was twitching madly.

"Hold on, we have to meet up again some time! Same time next week?"

"Of course, Voridian! That will be a blast. Won't it Flare?"

"Mghfh!" he screamed through the muzzle, shaking his head like mad. Flame smiled, standing up. Voridian coughed, attempting to brush off the ejaculate off his scaled and pulling on the jockstrap that was laying on the floor.

"Yes, well, I'll see you around, it's going to be this one's turn soon," he gestured towards Flare, "toodoloo!" Exiting the room, he went back downstairs and took a seat near the bar once more, searching for Terry. "Hey Terry, you there?"

He could hear a groan coming from the back. "Yes dragon, I'm here. Do you mind, I was just getting ready to pack up and leave. My shift is over."

"Well, I'll have you know that I had the best time ever. Its just ashame that these two don't agree."

Fire piped up, "of course we didn't, we are straight dragons, for some reason you're gay?!"

"Actually, bisexual, I love myself a good dragoness thank you, I just wanted to try something new." He turned towards Terry. "Let me tell you how it all went down, all the juicy details."

Terry backed up, "no I think I'm good thanks. I'm leaving now!"

"Well are you free tomorrow night, if you catch my drift?" Flame asked.

"Leaving!" He grabbed a bag with an attached strap and hooked it around his shoulder. He got a bottle of this grey liquid, and poured a glass, setting it on the counter. "There's a departing gift, hopefully I never have to see you again." He rushed out the back door, a wave of fresh air mixing into the musk.

"We are so coming back here tomorrow!"