Lion King 3 part 3

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#4 of Lion King 3

Lion King 3 part 3

See now, I got good ratings of last chapter and I guessed that I did something right. Anyways, a few of you weren't expecting that to happen but this was all in my dream and P-Leo from here came up with something funny. Every-thing that is happening in the story is part of my dream but not the sex. Though I kind of wish I did, so I could have done this earlier! LOL!

He also wanted more sex, pissing and cub and I guess that is what many of you want, so I will do it but better then the first chapter.

Also, I would like to thank Coduck clearing a few things for me about Africa and the Lion king.

Also, this chapter won't be super sexual in any way but it will involve some. So here it is.

Lion King 3 part 3

Amrai woke up groggily and he felt so cold. He opened his eyes to see that he had floated onto a shore of the river. He recalled all the events that had happen yesterday and realized that he was still alive.

With a hard effort, he slowly tried to stand, only to end up falling back on the shore with a small splash. He sighed as he knew that hardly anyone would have been able to survive that fall. He was lucky though and thanked the kings of the past that he survived. However, he was still week and his bruised leg didn't help either. He will wait in till he was stronger but in the mean time, he used all of his remaining strength to get off the water and into a dry spot where the morning sun was shinning. He closed his eyes for a bit and hadn't realized that he slept for a long time. When he did open his eyes, he felt his fur dry and that the sun was in the middle of the sky which meant it was noon.

He had strength and with it, he slowly stood up on three of his four legs. His left back was the one that hurt but he was glad that he had three others. He made his way back to the river which was slowly drying away. He lapped up at some of the water before turning around and heading into the forest.

He didn't know how far he had drifted off. HE had no way to tell if the cliff was near or far and he knew that he wouldn't survive out here if he didn't find food and shelter. With slow steps, he decided to follow the stream upwards, where it may take him back to the cliff's edge. Maybe he could find the way home.

He spent a good deal of the time, trying to find prey worthy of hunting. Bugs, insects and all small creatures helped ease some of his hunger. It was something Simba had taught him when it came to survival. It may not be satisfying but it helped.

He managed to catch a small gopher that was already old. With his belly satisfied, he walked upstream of the river with a slow pace.

It was near evening and he still couldn't find the cliff and ran into another problem when there was a fork in the river. Two rivers where coming from different directions and both look like if it was the last of the rain. He sighed a bit and decided to rest for the day. He looked around the area to find a small den or rocks he could lay under. He had a hard time finding anything other then trees, bushes and other things. There were hardly any animals except for the ones that lived underground. He continued looking in till he found a small rock formation that wasn't all big but it could keep him safe.

He approached and smelled a few scents of animals in the past. However, there was one that was just recent and he though it smelled a lot like a lioness. He probably thought that she left already. He went in to the small place and circled around a bit before lying down. Although it was evening, he wanted to wake up early tomorrow so he can find which river came from the cliff edge. He sighed and soon fell in to a gentle sleep, unaware of the approaching presence.

Meanwhile, back at Priderock, the lionesses all came back with out Amrai during the evening. Kiara cried more as she realized that none of them came back with him. Simba came back by himself later on. When Kiara asked where Kovu was, he said that he was still searching. She grieved more and began blaming herself for all this. If she would have kept him under her watch and never let him out of her sight. If only she would have let him play in the rain instead of running away to have fun. It was all her fault and she kept crying.

None of the lionesses could keep Kiara from crying. Even Nala had a hard time stopping her daughter's tears. She wasn't the only one affected by this as much.

Vitani and her sisters all mourned for Amrai. They would never be the same if he wasn't around. Without him, they would never know how to bring back the joy that they had never had as exiles. With him, he broke the bond of their past training with Zira and opened up a new window. He brought them joy and love. They may have loved using him as a pleasuring thing, but he also gave love to each of them and treated them like real relatives. He treated them better then any of the other lionesses of the pride lands. They were truly part of the lands with him.

Kovu came back some time in the night and was in tears as he too came back with out their son. Kiara couldn't cry no more for she was to broken to even do that. He did the tearing for her and none of them slept right that night.

As night approached, Amrai woke with a start as a roar awoke him. He quickly stood up before falling back down when his injured leg hurt badly. He looked up to see that a lioness, that he couldn't see well, was angrily growling at him.

"What are you doing in my den, cub?" she said in snarl. She slowly began approaching him and kept her teeth showing. Amrai was scared and tried to find a way out only to see that the lioness was blocking any way out. With a raise of her paw, she slashed the cub on the face, causing him to yelp and smack against the back part of the den.

Amrai could feel the slash that had left him a scar on his right eye, just like his father. He looks back up at the lioness that was ready to swing again. He closed his eyes, reading for the slash that could kill. She was about to strike again before she stopped and gasped when she realized something.

Still scared, he cautiously opens his eyes to see the lioness looking down at him with a surprised look. She backs away a bit and steps into the moon where it began coming up and light hits her.

Amrai still is scared but also confused as to why the lioness didn't kill him and why she had a smell that was familiar. It reminded him of his father and his aunt. At a closer look, she looked almost like Vitani.

It was the lioness who broke the silence between them.

"Who are you?" she asked with a hard edge on her voice. She was growling almost with her voice.

Amrai stuttered a bit before speaking.

"My...My name is Amrai." He said softly yet loud enough for her to hear.

She thought for a moment before sitting on her hunches and began thinking. She was calm but she had that scary face with her all the time.

"Where do you come from, little one?" she asked in a curious voice.

Amrai blinked a bit before speaking again, still stuttering.

"I...I come from...the Pride lands."

The lioness's eyes got a bit wide before a small snarl escapes her lips.

"And who is your mother and father?" she said in a low growl, almost ready to attack him.

Amrai shakes more as he could feel the bad vibrations coming from the lioness. He swallowed a bit before speaking.

" mother and father... are Kiara and Kovu. Next to be king and queen of the Pridelands."

The lioness roared with anger and swiped a paw on the ground. The action made Amrai cry out a bit and shields himself with his paw, expecting another attack from her.

The lioness however just growls to herself and begins muttering to herself as she paces back and forth.

"So dear little Kovu and Kiara have a child do they?" Her pacing was marking trails on the ground and it was making Amrai nervous and scarred.

She continued to pace around in till she stopped as she made a long lines of claws on the ground. She looked down at it before looking at Amrai who seemed he couldn't stay up for long. When he saw her stop and looks at him, he quickly began shaking and shielded himself once more with his paw.

The lioness some how got a smile out of that, which made it look dark. She slowly approached the cub as his shaking became vibrant. She walked in her den and smiled down at the shaking cub. She slowly extended her nails and slowly and gently brushed them over his fur.

The sudden action caused him to arch his back as she went to his tail before coming back up to his neck. With a soft voice, she spoke.

"Shhh... it is alright dear child. I will not harm you."

Amrai stopped shaking and lifted his paw away from his face to see the lioness's creepy yet gentle smile. She ran her paw against his back once more, causing him to purr a bit before realizing what he did. She chuckled and lowered her head to his.

"Dear Amrai, you should not be afraid of me. I am sorry for the earlier incident but I had a hard time dealing with you. It's hard to find out my son has had a child with your mother." The word 'mother' was almost a growl.

Amrai was confused by her words. 'Her son?' It was then when it hit him. The looks, the smell and the attitude, no way it could be....?

"Grandmother Zira?"

Zira could only smile at that.

"Yes indeed I am." She said with a dark chuckle. Amrai couldn't believe that she was alive. More importantly that he was alive with her. If he remembered what his mother said, she was exiled from the Pridelands and then when she fought in the war, Kiara and Kovu stopped the fight. Then they convinced the two groups that they were both the same.

He didn't realize that Zira had lain down by him and was now staring at the outside. He looked at her from the sides to see that she actually looked peaceful.

With all this in mind, he spoke to her.

"IF you are my grandmother, how did you survive? My mother said that you died."

Zira got a hard edge in her face and sighed as she continued to look out into the night.

"Would it surprise you to know how I died?" she asked.

Amrai blinked and remembered that she tackled Kiara and both fell off the cliff where a dam had busted with all that water trapped by a storm. Zira was falling off and Kiara tried to help her but she slipped and fell into the water.

He shook his head and looked at her.

"No." he said quietly. "I survived the same way you did."

Zira lifted her head and looked at him. She looked into his deep blue eyes to see that the cub did suffer the same fate as her. She gave a slight smile before laying her head back down.

"So you truly are my grandson?" she said. "I guess that you are not so different. You surviving something not even Simba could, that proves you are a strong child."

Amrai narrowed his eyes at her.

"Simba could survive something like that! And you tried to kill him too." he said, talking back to her.

She scoffed a bit before raising her head and sitting slightly on her hunches.

"Yes I tried to kill him but do you think that Simba, a week excuse of a lion could survive that? Please he didn't even survive on his own with out that help from his two stupid fat friends. He would have died like a week cub. I survived worse things then him and he knows that I am stronger then him." A small smirk grew in her face. "I on the other paw, I had to be exiled because I wanted to follow in Scar's footsteps. Now he was a great king! He showed that two different races can live together. Now Simba just wanted to keep everything to himself and not share. Even when I was trying to get the Pridelands back, he wouldn't even take my son in. He didn't even want Kiara and him to be together."

Amrai listened to all of her words and didn't know that Simba kept his mother and father away from each other.

"Simba didn't want my mother and father together?" he asked.

Zira seemed surprised by this. How could they not tell him about it? But then an idea hit her. She hid a smirk as she could find a way to deceive the little cub. With a pretend scoff, she spoke.

"No, Simba didn't want your mother and father together. He wanted to separate them but couldn't when your mother pleaded with her life to be with him." Again she tried to hide her smirk. "He denied it but when your mother said that she would leave the Pridelands forever, he had no choice in that matter."

Amrai couldn't believe that Simba didn't let his mother and father be together at one point. Kiara threatened to leave because she knew that without her, the kingdom would fall. Simba couldn't deal with it, so he let them stay. But what of the other exiles that where with them?

"If Simba didn't want my mother and father," He asked. "Then why did the other exiles stay in the Pridelands?"

Zira gave a small smirk.

"Do they really stay in the Pridelands?" she asked with a questioning look. "Do they stay in the lands or do they live in the graveyard where the only times they can leave that place is for food and water. Otherwise they must stay there to sleep. They may never leave there."

Amrai grew a bit sad knowing that his Aunt Vitani and his other aunts were forced to stay there. But then they were happy there. Were they?

Zira could see the inner conflict in the cub and realized that her deceiving was working. She grew proud as she knew that he was thinking that they were happy. She spoke out before he did.

"What? You think that they are happy there?" He looked up at her with sadden eyes. "You think that just because they look happy, means they are happy? Think about it. They live in a place where bones are. Soon, he is going to keep them in there and never let them out."

"But my mother can leave and he would have to let them out!" he said almost angrily.

Zira shook her head.

"Yes she can but Simba can hide the truth and say that the cave collapsed in which he can tell the animals to do. Or he can have the animals chase them out and say that they left the Pridelands. Then what?"

Amrai couldn't deal with it, knowing how evil Simba was. How he was keeping his mother and father under his control and how he may lose Vitani and all of his aunts. He then thought of something.

"Well Simba can't live forever." He said a bit hopeful. "He will die and then my mother and father will be King and Queen."

Zira nodded and grew a sadden face.

"Yes that may be true but he won't die for a long time. So before he dies, he can order his lionesses to do as he commands, even long before his death. They can kill all of the old exiles, including my dear and most beautiful daughter."

Her face grew of sadness and hurt. Secretly, she was screaming with joy in her mind. Her plan worked to deceive the little cub against Simba had work.

Amrai was sad and angry, knowing that Simba would kill Vitani and his other aunts. He loved them all and wishes he can protect him but how. The cub was smart and probably guessed that she was deceiving him but then again, she said that she was exiled for doing that wasn't so bad. He just didn't want it to happen to his aunts and his mother and father.

Zira easily knew what he was thinking and made a smiling face.

"I know that you don't want that to happen but I just thought of something that can save them."

Amrai looked up at her with hopeful eyes, waiting to find the answer to save his mother, father and his aunts.

Zira hid her smirk and lowered her head to his.

"If you can kill Simba, you may take over his lionesses and the Pridelands. That is how many fights are won against males and win other females."

Amrai thought of this and realized that he couldn't kill Simba. He was too small and he couldn't even roar properly. Not to mention that the other lionesses would be guarding him.

Zira could see this and spoke out once more.

"I know that you can't do it since you are a cub and can't take on a full grown lion and all the lionesses will be protecting him. Yet you can kill when he is sleeping and that way when all of the lionesses wake up, they will know he is dead and have no choice but to either give to your father or you."

Amrai narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"I will kill Simba then." He said with anger in his attitude. "And I will kill him at night."

Zira had an evil grin, knowing that she has successfully deceived the cub. Once Simba was dead, although she has doubts that the cub will succeed, she knows that Simba would never harm the next heir to the line.

"And you won't forget about your dear grandmother will you, Amrai?" she asked in a sweet tone.

He looked up at her and shook her head.

"No. I will never harm anyone who won't harm my family." With that he brushed against her chin and purred.

Zira smiled before rubbing against him as well. Her plan will work out perfectly and she will once again try to end the life of Simba!

Her next thoughts were disturbed by Amrai, who was moving down to her belly. HE was really being affectionate at her. She guesses that he truly trussed her so she let him wonder on her body. It wasn't till she was getting really sleepy then till she noticed that Amrai had brushed down lower and began moving her legs.

What was this cub doing to her? Then it all came to a surprise when Amrai began brushing his snout in between her legs. She was about to growl at him but all that left her maw was a purr. She realized what she had done and tried to move away from him but he just continued rubbing.

Amrai found her slit where it was beginning to open do to his actions. With a lap of his tongue over her slit, Zira gave off a loud moan and moved to her side to allow the cub more better access.

Why was the cub doing this to her? And why is it she hasn't felt this good since.... Well ever! She moaned more as little Amrai had opened her vaginal hole and began sticking his tongue in her. She gasped at the sudden penetration and gave a loud moan at the cub's tongue. He was so magnificent with that little tongue of his, it was almost so relaxing.

He then shoved his muzzle hard against her pussy and buried his tongue deeper into her dripping cunt. Zira roared out as she could feel her vaginal muscles closing. This cub was taught well and secretly, she thanked any of those in the Pridelands who taught him this.

Amrai stuck his tongue deeper into her, causing more of her juices to spill out onto his muzzle. He then stopped and spoke with his muzzle covered in her juices.

"You taste like aunt Vitani!" he said to her happily.

Zira was surprised at his words. Her daughter let him do this to her? She didn't get to think more as she moaned loudly once more as he shoved his muzzle back into her cunt. With his tongue in her, he slowly began giving nips on her clit, causing her to roar again as the cub was truly giving her the bliss in which she has wanted in so long.

After nearly a year of loneliness, she has only satisfied herself with her own tongue and branches that stuck out of the trees. The hours of her last few heats had driven her mad with lust.

The cub's constant torture was making that look like a stub on a toe when he wasn't letting her climax. HE stopped once in awhile to tease and she would growl to him but was quickly pleasured harder.

He kept doing this to her and soon, she was becoming weak from all of this pleasure. Amrai could tell that she was losing it. SO when he bit on her clit and stuck his tongue deeply, her vaginal walls closed and she roared as she came hard on his muzzle. Amrai opened his mouth to the explosion of her juices and drank it all down.

Zira passed out as the cub cleaned up her from between her legs and cleaned himself up as well. He smiled once he knew she had passed out. It was something that tended to happen to the older lionesses that were pleasured. He lay by her belly and sighed as he closed his eyes. Tomorrow he will find a way to return to the Pridelands.