Tower of Ancients Chapter 1~The Lover's Test

Story by Raven Capatora on SoFurry

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#1 of Tower of Ancients

Chapter 1:

The Lover's Test

In the open fields of Sirten, high in the valleys of mists. There a young maiden trained in the the mystic arts of magic, her name was Rebecca De La Reigna. Standing beside a large old oak tree, with her white hair gently flowing in the breeze. Her soft green eyes look at a strange creature before her. She slowly appoached the creature as it tended to its wounds. She spoken in a soft tone as she slowly walked closer to it.

"Please don't worry mister wolf, I won't hurtyou." she said.

The young wolf snared at her as he stood in a weak defensive position.

"Please let me tend to your injuries." she replied.

The wolf's eyes dimmed as he collapsed to the floor, Rebecca quickly rushed to his side as she placed her hand on his bleeding side. She tore off a strip of her dress and tied it around his body. The wolf twitched in pain as she applied pressure to his wound.

"Don't worry mister wolf, I'll take care of you." she said as she took off her gloves.

Strange markings appeared on her palms as she placed them on the wound.

"By the power of Isis, allow this injury to heal with no pain to feel." As she spoke, white aura encased her and the wolf.

The wound slowly began to heal, the wolf's eyes slowly opened as he saw the young girl before him; his vision faded.

The wolf opened his eyes as he was in a strange place. He laid on a bed covered with a blanket, there was a table that carried lots of different bottles and books. A fireplace was lit and burning bright as a big pot was streaming a sweet smell. The wolf looked around as he wondered where he was. He then looked at his body as the wound was no where in sight.

"What is this magic? Where am I? And where did that girl go to?" he thought to himself.

Suddenly the door opened as a young girl came in wearing a white skirt and a lowcut sleeveless shirt.

"Oh? You're awake mister wolf? Please don't be worry, you are safe now. I healed your wounds but you are still weak. Please don't move around too much." she said in a soft sweet tone.

As he finished, he licked teeth and around his mouth,

"Thank you miss." He said in his head.

The girl smiled at him as she placed her hand on his muzzle,

"I wish you can speak. We would have lots to talk about mister wolf." she said as she sighed a bit.

Suddenly an idea popped in her head,

"Oh, I know!" she replied as she quickly dashed to the table throwing books at the side.

"Come on where is it? I know I seen it in one of these books." she said.

The wolf looked at her with a strange look on his face as he tilted his head.

"What is she doing?" he said in his mind.

"Ah ya, where is that blasted book?! I found it!"she yelled with a huge grin on her face.

She turned to him with a huge book in her hands, she walked over to the bed as she placed the book in mid-air; the book quickly opened pages flying around the two, the wolf sat up in alarm as he turn around looking at the strange magic around them.

"In magic the world of tongues shall now speak in thy creature. Ancient God Anubis allow this wolf to speak in the tongue of man. Reki lai Spoklin!"

Bursts of light sprewed out from the book, as streams of blue aura surrounded the wolf. He couldnt move as his body lifted into the air, ancient symbols surrounded him as the light faded. The wolf slowly floated back down as he landed on the bed, the pages slowly disappeared as the young girl slowly closed the book.

"Are you okay mister wolf?" she said in a curious tone.

The Wolf stood up as he looked in all directions.

"What did you do to me craftuser?!" he yelled.

Silence filled the room as she smiled at him, the wolf was in shock he actually spoke human tongue.

"It worked!" she yelled as she jumped up and down in excitement.

The wolf looked at her and said,

"I...I can talk? B-But how? What did you do to me craftuser?" he questioned.

"Well, I always wanted to know what you would say so I remembered something that I studied back in magic school. It worked, so let me Introduce myself to you mister wolf. My name is Rebecca De la Reigna, I am a craftuser from the regions of Celeria. What is your name mister wolf?" she said.

"Its nice to meet you Miss Rebecca, I thank you kindly for everything. My name is Inuko, one of the four guardians of the mother of all that is. I fought against a deadly opponent who wished for the rebirth of the one named Set." he replied.

Rebecca placed the book back on the table as she walked back over to the bed. She sat down besides Inuko and places her hand on the side of his head slowly combing back his fur. She looked deeply in his eyes, and said

"Then we have the same goal then mister Inuko. My older sister died at the hands of a taitor by the name of Seth. My big sister was the strongest craftuser out of our clan, when Seth used a forbidden spell to release one of Set's powers she used all of her spirit energy to seal it back. She was forced to use her life energy as well..."

Inuko looked at the saddness that she beared in her eyes,

"I see...With my powers and your magic we shall set things right Miss Rebecca." he said softly.

The next day, Inuko awoken to see Rebecca asleep on top of her books she was researching. He watched her quietly as he sat up.

_"She have been doing research this whole time? Well at least she is finally asleep. Such a young girl taking on this task alone? Heh I shouldn't even be talking about going out alone." thinking to himself. _

Rebecca moaned softly as she tightened her eyes moving slightly. Inuko looked at her as he got off the bed quietly and walked over to her nugging her softly. Rebecca slowly opened her eyes slightly still half asleep,

"Hi...Inuko..."she quietly muttered.

Inuko replied, "Come sleep on the bed Rebecca."

Rebecca slowly stood up as she dragged herself to the bed. Her body fell hard on the mattress, her hair fell over her face. Inuko jumped on the bed with her, he placed his muzzle against her face and brushed her hair to the side. Rebecca softly moaned as snuggled closely to Inuko. Inuko froze, his fur coat turned bright red with embarassment.

"Inuko...." Rebecca softly muttered under her breath.

Inuko sighed as he laid beside her.

A few hours later, Rebecca awoken from her slumber as she gently sat up besides the red fur Inuko. She started to yawn as Inuko's ears started to twitch. Inuko quickly opened his eyes as he sat up besides her, his fur returning to normal as he moved from her body.

_"So you are finally up Rebecca. I seen you sleeping at the table and decided to awaken you to the bed." he said as he yawned. _

Rebecca giggled and replied,

"Oh? Hey Inuko, why were you red when I was snuggling with you?"

Inuko suddenly grew quiet as he moved his head the other way.

"Ummm...I don't know what you are talking about." he replied.

she looked at him cluelessly, she then got out of bed and went into the dresser and took out a few towels and some black and white clothing.

"Well lets wash up Inuko, I have a hot spring behind my house then we can eat." she said smiling.

Inuko looked at her and nodded.

Inuko looked down at the steaming water as he patted the water.

"Its warm..." he said.

He then backed up and quickly ran towards the spring. He jumped high in the air as he performed a flip. He hit the water as a huge wave rippled from his landing spot. Inuko began to swim around when he found swallow waters and sat there submerging himself in the calming and smoothing waters. He closed his eyes as he started to daydream his stress away. His ears quickly twitched as he heard footsteps coming towards him. Inuko's eyes quickly opened as he saw Rebecca wearing a towel walking towards the spring. He was speechless as he saw her snow-like hair flow in the gentle breeze, her green eyes sparkled like the leaves that danced in the trees, her soft toned body wrapped tightly in a towel. Rebecca stopped at the edge of the pool as she smiled at Inuko. She slowly began to unreel her towel as it dropped to the floor. Inuko's eyes widen as the beauty of her body have taken his heart. His fur burned like fire as it changed colors like the burning sun. Rebecca slowly stepped into the spring as the water rippled gently, she gently walked over into the deeper end as the waters barely cover her breasts. She quickly dived under the water as Inuko stood up looking for her to resurface. She quietly swam over to Inuko as she resurfaced in front on him. He froze as her long hair covered her chest. She sat besides him with water dripping down her body.

"Wow Inuko, so it wasn't my imagination. Your fur really does change colors." she said as she giggled.

Her eyes meet his as he tried to speak.

_"...y-yes...R-Rebecca y-y-ou are very beautiful." he muttered as his fur blazed like fire. _

Rebecca placed her hand by her chin and giggled. She sat closer to him as she thought to herself,

"I-I really like him...Even if he is a wolf, he is the only one who cares for me even if I just barely met him. I wish I can be strong enough to just tell him..."

Inuko began to panic in his mind,

"What am I doing? I-I shouldn't be looking at her the way I am right now. She is human and I am a guardian, I cannot allow myself to fall in love with her."

Rebecca slowly placed her hand on the side of his muzzle,

"I-Inuko?" she asked.

Inuko couldn't stop looking into her gentle, sweet eyes.

"Y-Y-es..." he stuted.

Rebecca leaned in closer to him as the water from her hair dripped off her cheek, their eyes moved like water as they saw thru to each others hearts. Her soft breasts leaned up against his chest as his fur moved like an endless fire in the water. The steam surrounded them both as Rebecca's face stood before Inuko's. His ears moved downwards as his breathing grew hard, his heart pounding in his chest as hers did the same. She moved closer to his muzzle as she gently kissed him. She closed her eyes as her soft rosy lips pressed against his muzzle. Inuko closed his eyes as they expressed their hidden feelings for each other. Their kiss slowly came to an end as she pulled back. They both opened their eyes, Inuko leaned towards her as he licked her cheek and snuggled his head by her neck.

"Rebecca? I-I want to protect you." he whispered into her ear.

Rebecca wrapped her arms around him as she snuggled with him,

"I-I want to be with you Inuko...I-I love you." she replied gently.

Inuko's aura surrounded them both as all he could think about is her. She slowly let go of him as she kissed his nose and said nerviously,

"I-Inuko c-can we m-make love?"

Inuko's eyes widen as he was speechless, did he hear her correctly?

"R-Rebecca, I-I w-would l-l-like to. he muttered in shock.

Rebecca and Inuko slowly swam over to the edge of the spring as they got out. The hot water dripped from both of their bodies. Rebecca sat on the grass as Inuko walked over to her, her pendant glowed a strange light as Inuko's fur reacted to the strange item. The strange aura surrounded his body as he began to morph into a half human, half wolf form. Rebecca's eyes widen as he stood before her, his fur was the color black as white stripes formed under his nose and eyes.

"I-Iunko? y-you changed?!" she said.

He stood before her in wonder as he opened and closed his claws.

"Yes, I feel stronger...The feeling I have for you has made me stronger." he replied as he walked her.

He slowly kneeled down as he got on top of her.He rolled over as Rebecca's body layed on top of his. Her legs rubbed against him softly, as her breasts pushed up against his chest. She began to kiss Inuko as he embraced her. Their tongues played with each other,as she placed her right hand on his neck. Inuko's left claw began to slide down her back and up again. His right claw was on the side of her face as they kissed passionately. Rebecca sat up as her stands slid from the top of his shoulders down his muscular chest. She felt his package grew harder underneath his shealth, she slowly pressed her pussyagainst him. Inuko grinned as he leaned up and kissed her. His dick slowly began to slide out of his shealth as it began to enter her tight warm pussy. Her wet cunt tightened around his hard dick as Rebecca wrapped her legs around his waist. Inuko moaned as he closed his eyes and lifted her up closer to him. He could feel his dick throbbing in her,as she slowly moved her hips in and out. Her cunt rubbed tightly around his shaft as it began to slide in and out, her body pushing up against his balls as Inuko started to lick on suck on her soft firm breasts. His right claw grabbed hold of her breast as he firmly massaged it while his finger teased her nipple. Rebecca's body leaned back as she placed her left hand behind his neck as she began to ride his dick faster. Her long hair danced in the breeze as Inuko's tail wagged wildly. Inuko groaned loudly for Rebecca as she moaned and begged for Inuko.

_"Ah, Ah, Ah. Yes! Oh yes Inuko! More Inuko!" she begged.


Inuko placed his claws on her hips as he lifted her up on him, her body slid down his dick closer to him. Her pussy grew hotter and wetter as his dick grew stiff as a rock, it wouldnt stop throbbing in her tight, hot pussy as if her cunt was sucking on his shaft deeply. Inuko then placed her on the grass as he opened her legs, he place one claw on her face and the other behind her neck. Inuko stood over her as the tip of his dick slid up and down the entrance to her pussy. His dick was wet from her juices as it pulsed for her. Inuko tongue slipped into Rebecca's mouth, her tongue began to play with his as they slided against each others. Inuko rammed his dick straight into her as Rebecca embraced Inuko firmly. Inuko began to pant harder while she begins to whisper something into his ears. Inuko's eyes widen as he leaned back to let his dick slide out of her wet pussy. Rebecca sat up as she turned herself upside down, she slowly yet lovingly grabbed Inuko's throbbing dick with her right hand and licked up his long shaft. Inuko loudly groaned louder as he wouldnt stop panting. He slowly put his hand on her wet pussy as he slowly opened it revealing her hot steaming cunt. Inuko slowly began to eat her out as his tongue reached in licking every inch of her pussy. She orgasm as he reached in deeper into her, he slowly pulled out as Inuko began to lick his mouth. Hecontinued again as her tongue circled around the tip of Inuko's dick. She slowly began to rub his long shaft as her mouth began to suck on his dick.

Deepthoating his dick as far she can go, her tongue wrapping around it, her head sliding up and down sucking on him. She felt his dick tense up as she began to massage his balls. Inuko placed his claws behind herlegs eating her more and more, her aroma drove him wild for her. Suddenly, Inuko cummed in her mouth. She pulled out his dick from hermouth as the cum continued to ooze from it. Her mouth stood open as her placed her hand on the base of his dick and firmly pulled it up forcing all the cum to ooze in her mouth. She closed her mouth and swallow his cum, she then began to lick his sweet cum from his wet dick. Moaning while she slowly sucked on him. Inuko sat up as Rebecca slowly rose and walked up to Inuko. She slowly got on top of him once more, his dick slipped into her soaked hot pussy as she pulled him on top of her.

"Inuko, please fuck me Inuko." she begged.

Inuko smiled and pushed his dick into her pussy, his sweaty body pressed up against hers. He embraced her as she placed her handson his board shoulders.He began to ram in dick deeper into her pussy, her burning hot cunt rubbing hard around his shaft. Harder and harder Inuko humped her.

Rebecca yelled out,

"Oh Inuko! Yes Inuko! Pleaase Harder! I Want You Inuko!"

Inuko placed his head next to hers as he moaned holding her harder. Suddenly, a burst of cum shot into her pussy as it slowly began to drip down his shaft. Inuko rolled over as he couldnt stop breathing hard, Rebecca laid on top of him as she took deep breaths as well. Rebecca softly kissed Inuko's neck as she looked at him smiling, Inuko looked at her gently and embraced her softly.

"Rebecca, I want you to be with me. I promise to never leave your side." he said as he brushed her hair from her face. Her green eyes grew soft as she replied, "I will follow you till the end of time, Inuko. I love youwith all my heart."

A few days later, Rebecca was carrying many books as she exited her lil house. Inuko walked up to her and took the books from her, "You should have told me it was more than two books you needed, let me carry them for you." he said as he smiled at her.

She looked at him and replied,

"They are lighter than they look, you know."

Inuko kissedRebecca's cheek and walked off to the caravan. She walked over to his side as they gathered what they needed to start their journery to the Kingdom of Celeria.

"Hmmm, we got food, water, sleeping equipment, spell books, potions, what else are we missing?" she asked.

Inuko placed the books down in the caravan as he looked at her, his eyes were calm as he placed his claw on her soft rosy cheek.

"I have everything right here, as long as you are with me Rebecca, I will never need anything more." he said as he embraced her gently, holding up her chin as they kiss.

She smiles and lays her head on his chest,

"Once we reach the Kingdom of Celeria, we can forever be one at the Twilight Ceremony. Joining of the Sun and Moon's love for each other." she replied.

Suddenly, Inuko lifted Rebecca from the ground and placed her on the caravan, he stood before her as she reached behind her and pulled out a spell book.

She lifted up hand in the air as she yelled,

"Hehi Letza Hortor!"

A gylph circled around the caravan as Inuko quickly jumped on it, electricity surged around the ground as blue orbs surrounded the gylph. The caravan began to shake as it slowly began to float in the air.

"Inuko hang on tight." she warned him as she embraced onto the caravan.

Inuko looked around and asked,


Suddenly, the caravan burst with great speed into the air. Inuko was thrown into the back of the caravan with great force as the caravan rode thru clouds, the vast endless blue sky was their ocean. Inuko forced himself up with a lil help from Rebecca.

"Sorry I asked." he said.

As the day came to the end, The caravan slowly desended upon a open field as the blue orbs faded. Rebecca laid asleep in Inuko's arms as she gently drifted off to the realm of dreams. Inuko looked down at her as he softly brushed her hair behind her ears.

"Rebecca..."he said in a quiet tone.

Suddenly, Inuko's ears began to twitch as began tolook around his surroundings. He placed Rebecca in the back of the caravan as he looked around with a snare.

Inuko looked up as yelled,

"You! That bastard who wishes death upon the world. Seth!"

There high in the sky a dark cloaked figure stood accompanied with another cloaked figure. Seth looked down at Inuko and at the caravan,

"So this iswhere the mutt have gone to...Good work my puppet. Now attack." he said in a dark twisted tone.

Inuko looked in shock at the second cloaked figure as his eyes had no life in him.

"R-Raven?!" he yelled.

The cloaked figure's hood fell down, a young boy looked at Inuko as his long black hair flowed in the wind. His eyes were dark and empty as his soul, as he looked on a strange eye appeared on his forehead. Raven lifted up his right hand as black fire sprewed forth, it twisted and turned into a black orb as black lightening shot out. The lightening dashed towards Inuko has he tried to dodge Raven's attack. Suddenly, Raven shifted his arm as the lightening changed course and struck the caravan.

The caravan erupted as it exploded in flames, Inuko watched in horror as his love was shattered before him.

"R-Rebecca!" he yelled out loud as he slammed his fist into the ground as he falls to his knees in tears.

"H-How dear you take her away from me!"Inuko said in a deep dark tone, his fur stood up as his eyes turned a gold color.

Raven looked at himwithout fear in his eyes, he stared at him as the wind began to burn.

"...P.." Raven tried to speak.

The earth began to shake as Seth looked on grinning,

"Come show me your anger. Kill him, the one who murdered your love. KILL RAVEN!" Seth shouted out loud.

Inuko's hatred quickly began to consume him, his powers of his former self, the ancient god Osirus; began to bleed thru.His eyes glowed a golden color as shiny metalic armor began to appear all over his body, his claws began to tighten as strange aura wrapped around them. Inuko burst into the air as he appeared before Raven. He punched him in the stomach as Raven flew into the ground, the ground shattered from impact as Inuko dashed towards him again. Black lightening burst from the ground as it struck Inuko pushing him back.

Inuko howled out a menacing cry as the lightening seperated and flew in different directions. Raven arose from the broken earth as blood slowly dripped from his mouth. Raven's third eye opened wider as he hugged himself in great pain. Raven placed his hands on his head as he screamed out in a violent tantrum. His eyes grew black as dark waves of energy encased his body, the black aura twisted and morphed into black armor as it began to consume his body. Inuko stared at the Forsaked one before him, he dashed towards Raven as he began to do an all assault attacks on him. Raven watched Inuko appear before him, he quickly began to block each and every move Inuko threw at him. The clash between the two sent shockwaves and sonic booms all thru out the land. Seth stood before the destroyed caravan as the black flames engulfed the area around it.

"Heh heh hahahahaha" Seth laughed.

He quickly turned around as he lifted his left hand towards the distracted Inuko as he gathered his aura for a final attack. The burning wood crackled as Seth's hand glowed a dark red color,

"Dos le Donya!" he yelled.

Suddenly, a burning carvan exploded behind him throwing Seth to the ground. Raven grabbed Inuko has he drove him down into the earth. Inuko laid in the shattered earth as Raven's pinned him down, black ooze dripped from his armor as it landed on him.

"Pu...p.p..y..."Raven shruggled to say as the darkness consumed him more and more the thirdeye turned bloodshot red.

Seth clenched his fists as he struggled to stand, he looked behind him as the black flames began to swirl around a mysterious figure. Seth's eyes widen as the figure walked out of the flames, her hair was black with white stricks. Her eyes glowed with the colors of the worlds, her aura surrounded her as the flames died down to nothing.

"W-who are you?!" he shouted.

The female looked at Seth as her eyes widen, a great burst of pure magic enlimited from her hitting Seth with full force.

Seth struggled to block the powerful attack as the wind turned into blades as it pierced his flesh. Inuko looked at the powerful sorceress as his eyes slowly returned to normal, he quickly turned to Raven as he saw Raven was struggling within himself for control.

"Raven! Wake up! I know you can do it!" he yelled at him.

Raven's eyes widenmore as tears gently rolled down his cheeks. Raven quickly jumped back as he floated high in the air, the darkness eating away at his existance as it twisted and morphed his body.

"ISKAR!" he yelled.

The third eye began to lose control as black and white streams of aura rushed out of Raven's body. It encircled him as the black armor shattered to pieces. Seth quickly turned to Raven,

"NOOO, H-How dare you break my seal over him?!" he damanded.

Seth's body began to blaze dark auras as the force of his dark arts made contact with the females holy arts. Lightening sprewed from the contact, the earth tembled under their might. The sky grew dark and gray as the clouds swirled high in theheavens.

Meanwhile, Raven's body was quickly consumed in Iskar's magic as the eye began to shake, blood dripped from his forehead as the eye began to panic. Iskar's Spirit appeared before the crying Raven as electricity continued to reek havoc to his body.

"Don't worry Raven...this is only hurt abit..." Iskar said.

Iskar looked beside Raven as another spirit appeared. The female spirit placed her body next to Ravens' as she embraces him to suppress Seth's magic.

"Aura..." Iskar said.

Iskar's hand surged with black flames as a purple aura surrounded him. He placed his hand on Raven's heart as Raven began to temble in pain. Iskar thrust his hand into Raven's body as black poisoned miasma sprewed forth. the electricity increased as it surged throughout all three of their bodies. Suddenly, Inuko appeared besides Iskar as he placedhis hand on his arm, Iskar's aura increased as waves surged into Raven's body.

"Iskar, let me help." Inuko said to him.

Iskar looked at Inuko in surprise he then looked at Raven as he forced his hand deeper in him. The third eye began to bleed even more as the electricity began to damage it. Iskar's and Inuko's symbol appeared on Raven'schest as his body was engulfed in white light. Inuko stood holding Raven in his arms as he looked at the two CraftUsers fight.

"Rebecca..." the only words that left his mouth.

The female Sorceress gathered energy into her hands as she lifted them to the heavens,

"Reha Cruti!" she yelled as her voiced echoed in the lands.

Huge spears of solid ice fell from the heavens as they crashed around Seth, Seth raised his hand in the air as the earth quaked around him. Huge boulders surrounded him as they formed a shield around him. As the ice died, there in the ruin pebbles only stood. Seth's body floated in the air as he quickly brought his arms in a cross-like shape against his chest,

"Firdi Wavkar!" Seth shouted as he thrusted his arms forth.

Waves of Fire and molten rock appeared out of the ground as it rushed towards the female CraftUser. Her eyes grew brighter as she dashed towards his attack. Orbs suddenly appeared around her body as it clashed against his magic. The lands began to burn as it torn in the war of Magic, the skys burned like fire as nature as becoming unstable.

Inuko struggled to stand as the air rushed passed him, the tembling grew worse each second. He fell to his knees as his grip on Raven tightened.

"If this keeps going on, the world is going to fall apart." he said in a worried tone.

Raven's eyes opened slightly as his eyes still seemed empty. He placed one hand on Inuko's ear as the other fell to the floor.

"I-Inuko?" he said quietly.

Inuko looked down at him as his eyes widened.

"R-Raven? Y-You're up?" he replied.

Raven looked at the two Gods clash as he rested his head on Inuko's chest,

"M-Mother..." he slowly spoke as his body gave out.

A blue tear slowly rolled down his cheek as it fell to the ground. As the droplet hit the ground it chimed a strange sound, the ripple seemed to spread out far as the eyes can see.

Suddenly, the magic ceased. The Sorceress and Seth kneeling on the ground as each one breath hard from exhaustion.

"I-I'll KILL YOU!" Seth proclaimed.

The Sorceress looked at him as she struggled to stand, her eyes continued to glow dimly. As she took a step forward, she froze; her body grew numb as if something was draining her.Seth looked at her as he stood, he quickly fell to his knees and hands as his body was also getting drained. As the ripples from Raven's tear continued to spread thru the land, a large gylph glowed beneath them. The seal of Mother Earth appeared in the gylph, small orbs also appeared as they sparkled in the air.

"W-What's is this magic?!" Seth muttered in pain.

Dark waves engulf Seth as he disappeared in the mist, the female sorceress magic disappeared as she fell to the ground. Her body slowly began to change back as her pendant slowly dimmed. Inuko lifted up Raven and dashed towards Rebecca. He placed Raven down besides her and lifted her up as he holded her close to him.

_"Rebecca..." he said.
