Furry High Chapter 1: No Entry After Hours

Story by Rier Cat on SoFurry

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#1 of Furry High

A black cat notices changes in his school.

Furry High Chapter 1: No Entry After Hours

Story by Riercat

All characters were created and belong to me.

Two best friends sneak into their school at night where they end up in a bigger mess then they were expecting.

Warning contains Vore, Nudity, Foul Language and Homosexual themes. You've been warned!

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Wade asked his friend nervously.

"You wanted to know what happens at this school don't ya? Now hold still!" Axel the cheetah said as he stood on top of his black cat friend's shoulders, balancing so he could reach and pry open the small window.

"A-Almost and there! I got it." And with a click the cheetah successfully opened the darn thing. He had to admit the schools security was tighter then usual, but Axel knew how to get around most security measures. "Give me a boost I'm going in!"

Wade on the other hand was not used to doing something that could get him expelled or worse arrested. Seeing no turning back he pushed his taller and skinnier friend up and watched as the cheetah crawled through the window. Then nearly jumped when he heard a loud crash on the other side.

"Axel?" No reply. "Axel?!" Still nothing... "AXEL!"

"Dude what?" The cheetah asks from behind his friend making the cat jump out of his skin.

"Don't do that! Where were you?! Wait...how did you come back outside?

"Before you were screaming my name I was busy opening the backdoor. Now be quiet! We're supposed to be sneaking into school remember?" The cheetah nonchalantly walks back inside the door he just opened.

"R-right." The black followed behind his friend.

Axel and Wade have been best friends ever since they met freshman year. The black cat always kept to himself and the cheetah was a delinquent. How they ever became friends in the first place was an even bigger mystery. Where Axel was tall and looked like he was only skin and bones. Wade was shorter and average. The two felines seemed to contrast each other with Wade's pitch black fur and Axel's bright yellow with dark spots.

"Shit! Hold up!" Axel lifted his arm holding back Wade.

"What is it?" Wade asked as they stopped behind some lockers.

"I think I heard something?" Whispered Axel, slowly peeking around the corner to see a huge figure in the hallway. Both him and Wade start to hear something.

"Stupid Kids! Making me work extra hours without overtime." The voice grumbled loudly as the owner stomped through the halls.

"I know that voice anywhere. It's the Janitor!" Before Wade could look around the corner himself, the black cat and the cheetah froze as the Janitor came into full view. A giant rat who filled out the entire hallway, whose head almost brushed the ceiling and a huge belly. What terrified them the most was on top of being three times the size as normal he was completely naked.

The obese rat had lost his signature jump suit letting his giant gut out to dangle over his legs. Thankfully hiding his crotch from the two boys. The janitor unaware of the two intruders kept walking past them giving them a view of his huge ass and even stranger a giant pink rat tail. The boys held their breath as the fat rat stopped in his track only to reach one pink paw behind and scratch his asscheek. After that he continued on like nothing happened, dragging his giant tail behind.

Finally letting out a sigh of relief both boys looked at each other and without one word started running back where they came.

"What was that?!" Wade tried to keep up but he wasn't the most athletic student as he started to lose his breath.

"How the hell should I know! I knew that fatass was fat but never that fat! And did you see his his ass?!" Axel was used to running from the law so much so he could probably be the fastest person in school, but he didn't care for sports.

Wade couldn't keep up much longer, but finally the cheetah stopped in front of the door so he could catch his breath. But he noticed his friend wasn't moving. He looked up in shock to see the door and window closed.

"No no no no no!!! This can't be happening... I swear I left them open!" Axel was in a panic. He tried to force the door open and tugged on the windows. "They're locked! They can't be locked! We can't be trapped in here!"

"Get a hold of yourself!" I grab Axel by the shoulders and turn him to face me. "Look at me! This can't be the only exit it's a school for gods sake not a prison! You should know, now think. Is there anyway we could get out?" I look into my scared friends eyes and start to see him calm down.

"There's a fire exit a couple hallways down. That shouldn't be locked from the inside but the moment we open it all the alarms will go off." The cheetah blankly said. "Wow, I didn't pick you for the one to take charge. Thanks Bro." Axel brings me into a tight hug. "Okay let's get the heck out of here I really don't want to run into whatever that was!"

"Agreed." Axel leads me back down the hallway and we trek through the school.

"Alright we just need to go down this hallway and we're home free." The cheetah looks down the hallway and sees the red fire exit door. "Alright coasts clear let's..." Axel stops as he turn around to look at Wade.

"What?" Just before I get an answer Axel pushes me to the ground as something flies above us and crashes down the hallway and hits the exit. I look up to see it was one of the school metal garbage cans but now it was horribly crushed like a soda can. I turn around to my horror a very large naked fat rat glaring at us.

"I thought I heard some rats running about!" He grinned showing his sharp white teeth. "But I thought it was just me!" From behind him a very large tail raised into the air twisting about. " Now isn't this my lucky day! I thought I'd be cleaning after you dumbs kids by myself but I could always use some helping hands." He stomps forward the ground shaking with each step from his weight as he blocked the only weight out.

"Time to take out the trash!"