The Pet-Sitter - P11

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#13 of The Pet-Sitter

Jessica's favourite boy is back for a visit and potential for some fun. Will the viewers enjoy it and what do you think if Jessica were to get a puppy from Saxon?

Part 11 - Saxon's Visit

Jessica's hips had been painful for about a week, she'd found herself sitting on ice packs for a while and the boss had been bringing her constant gifts in apology for going so far, but Jessica was stunned. She'd never had such a day in her life and to her surprise, the sex with Twister had not been the highlight of the evening! Everyone of the guests present had suddenly been donating tonnes to the company, leaving tips for Jessica to the point she'd earnt nearly $30,000 just for that one-off! Even Jack had been given a good bunch of tips and Candy had been in hysterics over how even she'd been rubbing herself to climax re-watching it on the website. Jessica knew she was appreciated, but damn she was reconsidering any thoughts on anal!

Jessica's week ended with something utterly wonderful, a phone call from the wonderful couple that owned her beloved first-time dog, Saxon! Just thinking about Saxon had gotten her exhausted and Jessica had done a short couple of webcam episodes explaining who Saxon was, showing off what she'd done with him and how he'd seduced her. It had got a lot of comments on how eager her viewers were to see the reunion between the pair and Jessica had even left off one little episode masturbating to the memory of that dog on camera and calling out his name to show just how excited she was about it.

Jessica had then found herself brought to the rather handsome little cottage to meet her dear friends and indeed Saxon. The great big mastiff hadn't changed much, expect he'd gotten fatter and well, she'd noticed that someone this had affected the thickness of his dick too as his sheath looked fuller! He dog had of course launched up onto his hindlegs, lowering his paws over her shoulders, panting and snuffling at her lovingly as Jessica had hugged him back and his owners had been ecstatic. They were so happy for Jessica and so glad that she could look after him for the week and well, Jessica insisted she'd do it for free because their early encouragement had led to this good job. They'd then all gone on a walk around the grounds, Saxon had done a few runs up and down the garden, his owners had left and Jessica was left in the living room with the panting brute.

"Hiya big boy... what have you been up to?" Jessica beamed, but she'd been told that they were worrying about Saxon getting old and had already had a bitch impregnated by him with first pick of a son. Jessica had to admit she felt a little jealous that Saxon had been giving attention to another lady, but as he nuzzled against her lovingly, smearing his drooling jowls against her shoulders, she gave a sigh as he flopped onto her. He groaned as he lounged onto his back, exposing her belly to her with his massive tongue lolling and then showing of his bright-pink lipstick to entice her and remind her just what this boy had done for her. Jessica gave a soft little chuckle of amusement as she tapped her fingers to her lips. "I hope you have lots of puppies, stud... I'd love to have one of your sons and train him up... but he'd never be as good as you, hey boy?"

Jessica chuckled in amusement as the big mastiff gave a grunt of affection, he was not sure what she was saying but he was happy to be around her again and swiftly he hopped up onto his feet. The moment Jessica stepped over to the bathroom, he followed her with a proud stride and a wagging tail as she pulled her shorts down, revealing she was not even wearing underwear before she then went onto her hands and knees, padding to the large flat floor of the walk-in shower and Saxon followed. His tongue flicked out to try and catch her cotton tail, his nose trying to press to her crotch, his tail wagging strongly as he lifted a paw to try and catch her as she then stepped over onto the drain of the floor, her legs apart and her backside lifted into the air. Saxon hurried over with an excited pant and then, with a sigh, Jessica began to pee a rather thick stream onto the drain and the dog gave a sound of delight.

His tongue was soon snatching at the yellow stream, lapping it up as if it might tell her she was in season before he pressed his nose right up to her groin. Jessica gave a soft grunt of surprise, trying not to stifle her stream at his attention but she found herself peeing over his nose and down his sagging jowls as he continued to snuff at her cunt in interest. He gave a soft grunt of irritation, Jessica pondered if he could smell that she'd had over dogs inside her, but excitedly Saxon was wagging his tail as his cock probed out of his sheath and his tongue then began to slam heavily and thickly against her clit with a long slimy string of drool slapping onto her lips, clinging to her fur and making her shudder in pleasure as he gave a grunt and then slid his tongue between the lips with long slurps of pleasure.

"Oh good boy... oh good, good boy... you remember it don't you? It remembers you... my big boy...." Jessica almost purred, her ears straining forward as she moaned softly, thankful that her favourite dog was still as eager to touch her as before. The dog's tail was wagging and he gave a soft grunt of delight to know he was doing what was wanted of him and to know that he was still permitted to do exactly what he wanted to do. As the strings of his drool slid down her thighs, Jessica gave a soft moan as she then stood herself up, her legs already wobbly with excitement. Saxon gave a whimper of upset, still trying to lap at her thighs at least as Jessica gave a soft chuckle and stroked his face. "Awe... sweetheart... I'm glad you still like the taste, but we need to be somewhere comfortable to have some real fun..."

Jessica teased, stepped out of the bathroom with the mastiff following her eagerly, he did not care what she wanted to do or where, he knew what he wanted and he was concerned she was not letting him do it again. Jessica was almost giggling to herself, making sure that the cameras were going to get a good angle and her boss had shown her something interesting that one of the tech-guys on site and figure out for them. This was what Jessica was going to, a large spongy, squishy almost water-bed like cushion that had a camera poking out of it. The shape was sort of like a curving box, she could lounge over it, have full support and the camera would watch the underside of her body as she had sex. She was eager for this and when she pulled it over and sorted it out, she stretched her legs and aim herself over the camera, stretching her hands back and pulled the soft lips apart as she rubbed her clitoris lightly to show her excitement and this drew the dog in.

Saxon's thick tongue was soon slurping and slapping at her form, covering her in drool he was quick to lick out as Jessica began to gasp softly, hooking about the fabric and giving a soft moan of delight. She lounged, her knees in a perfect and comfortable position as the big dog lapped about with excitement, his big fat cock probing out again as he gave his soft grunts of pleasure. Indeed, Saxon was getting very excited and as Jessica was comfortable, she turned to look at him, rubbing her fingers in her damp snatch and giving a soft moan before letting Saxon sniff, lick her fingers and then she clapped her backside loudly. This made the mastiff give a whimper of delight and swiftly he lifted his forelegs up, his paws scratching a bit at the fabric of the cushion before he hooked his paws about Jessica's waste and then gave a soft grunt of delight before he started thrusting forward.

At first his motions missed, his motions just making his cock slip out further as he grunted heavily. It seemed just the thought of being mounted properly upon his old sitter was enough to show his swelling cock. Then as another thrust skimmed her vulva, the heat made Jessica gasp and the dog give a desperate whine of excitement. He thrust again, barging her clitoris as she gave a groan before the mastiff gained his bearings. He thrust again and the thickening, glistening head of the fat cock snagged the edge of the opening, tugging it wide to force himself in. The rabbit gave bleat of shock before a wince for the sting; the withdrawal was quick and the thickening cock flashed with a red string of blood before it was buried in deep.

The pressure caused a choke, the passage within forced wide but already wet so that it slid in deep as Jessica gave a sound of pain that was mixed with a pang of joy stabbing into the base of her spine. He dog pulled back quick, almost straight out to let her breathe in with rapture before he stuffed it straight back in. She pinched her whole body, grimacing for her it still pulled and stretched her passage, a little dribble of blood stinging down to the straining bottom of her lips. The dog whimpering with delight as the bulb pushed its way free of the sheath, swelling and making the entire form thicken and quiver with excitement. Each new penetration came with a little hot squirt of precum as Saxon gave a whine of delight and then finally gripped his paws about her waist tightly, his position finally comfortable.

Then the true hammering began, Jessica had to hiccup her breath, each punching blow of his phallus into her body smacking the air out of her lungs and making her groan. She felt her eyes rolling back, the dog's form grip squeezing her to gasp more, breath seemingly harder to draw in than ever before as Saxon's weight did not shift from her body but instead his hips jerked back and forth rapidly. The motion was so fast, so frantic to be buried deeper as deeper that the dog was almost slipping from her, straining his whole weight against her body to make his motions faster, to fit in deeper as the bulb pushed it way for the thickening form. The camera below was fixated upon the sinews of pleasure and precum slipping out of the straining, reddened passage that look stretched beyond anything that could ever 'return'.

"Good boy... good boy..." Jessica grunted, trying to breath and feeling herself almost about to orgasm, the motions so heavy and hard that though her clitoris felt bruised from being pushed and stretched, its tip was straining and she felt that build up of fluid and that curiously faint sickness. Saxon paused upon her back, whimpering softly as he felt his bulb settle and then lovingly lapped at the back of Jessica's head as the rabbit beckoned that he was a very good boy. Saxon then gently dismounted from her body, turning with a few worried whimpers as he got into position. The bulb seemed to shift and twist tightly, making Jessica gasp loudly and almost retch as a fresh crimson droplet spotted on the edge of the camera below her and then... then Jessica gave a loud moan as her orgasm flooded about the dog's cock and she slumped onto the pillow. "Good... goooood... good boy..."

Saxon's tail wagged a little, giving her backside a little bit of a thumping to make her give a soft grunt before she let her body go dead as she moaned lovingly. She could feel the thick dollops of his cum splattering her hollowed out passage, mingling with her own juices to make her pinch her body slightly, milking his cock a little more though he gave a whimper of confusion although pleasure. Saxon was standing patiently; he knew to be good and wait for Jessica to give him another treat. It took about twenty minutes before his bulb loosened, Jessica still moaning as she felt it all building up within her and then Saxon stepped forward.

With his bulb down and out, he dropped to clean himself and Jessica gave the camera a real show as she stretched her legs apart to reveal her widened out hole covered in red a few dribbles of blood and then suddenly thick blob of cum began to slip out of her body. She moaned and shuddered, feeling another orgasm mix with the departing cum, letting it become more liquid and almost making it look like she was peeing out the semen as it dribbled out between her legs and onto the lens. Saxon spotted the fluid and went to the camera lens, lapping up his own mess and wiping the lens before returning to Jessica's crotch. He stuffed his big nose to it, smelling her pleasure and then slapped his massive, drool-covered tongue into it again as she moaned softly and he continued to clean her up.

The first session was over, Jessica had a good bath to stretch her legs out whilst Saxon had eaten, gone for his walk and was now lounging upon the floor outside of the bathroom waiting for her. Jessica was thinking about everything the dog had done to her in the past, how it had lapped ice cream from her nipples, and she was curious about what kind of dog treats she could play with. She did love the thought of getting on her back, sucking him of whilst he licked something out of her and she almost chuckled, Candy had said peanut butter before. But Jessica was also curious as to whether she could tie through her backside... it would probably hurt more than anything she'd ever had before but, it was something to try, wasn't it?

Getting out of the bath, Jessica trotted to the towel and dried herself off slightly before she stomped into the kitchen, stark naked and went to the box of dog treats. There was a lot of stuff in there that had little notes on where it could be used on the body and in the erotic sense to get more activity out of the dog. Her eyes were locked onto the squeezy cheese bottle, which wore a massive note to say it was high recommended to get a dog to lick or do anything! It was something interesting to consider but she was not sure if she wanted that on her fur, it looked a messy to clean up but she thought to try it all the same as she stepped over to the living room where Saxon was lounging and then she whistled to him to come to her.

"Come on Big Boy... I know you like doing this... but will you like the cheese?" Jessica questioned softly as the dog waddled over and she almost laughed to see the tip of his cock slipping in and out of his sheath. He was already pretty damn excited to be around her again and Jessica just chuckled as she sat herself down on the floor and spread her legs. She didn't have a moment to stop him before his nose was snuffling her crotch and then he was lapping at her, his nose rubbing against her clit. Jessica gave a moan, her body suddenly on fire and seriously excited as she put the cheese on the sofa. She then grasped the dog's shoulders, lifting herself upward and little and then rubbing her hips furious against the dog's face as he happily slapped his tongue about her thighs and even stretched it around to her backside as her clitoris strained over his nose and then she gave a grunt, suddenly squirting her pleasure right into the dog's mouth and making him grunt. "Ugh... I didn't think you'd do that..."

Suddenly Saxon's tail was wagging, sticking his head up to lap at her face before cleaning her up and then lounging down in front of her. His face was filled with expectation as he lounged on his side and then onto his back, lifting up his paws as if to beg to her play or stroke his belly. Jessica knew very well what he wanted, and she mused that he was a dirty boy for wanting something and the dog gave a whimper before lapping at himself. Dirty boy usually proceeded him having to have a bath and Jessica chuckled as she then lounged back and began to massage her breast gently, rubbing and pinching at her nipples to make them stand out so that she could make this a far more obvious situation as she spotted one of the little mobile cameras in a little box and brought it to the coffee table. She was able to see from the mirror on top just what angle it was getting and so she leant back just a little more and picked up the cheese bottle.

"Look at this Saxon... what's this, ey?" Jessica beamed as she took the cap off and presented the tip to Saxon's nose. Suddenly he was lapping and whimpering at it, slurping and whining for more as Jessica chuckled and then gently, she squeezed a swirl over one of her straining nipples before waiting for his reactions. Without care and probably remember lapping up the ice cream, Saxon hurried over to lap the cheese, his tongue working fast as Jessica moaned softly, throwing her head back in joy. Her nipple was visible straining out as hard as possible against the fast motions of the tongue as the dog's tail wagged and his cock probed the air as he recognised her reaction as a fun one. Then, when that nipple was clean and stiff looking, Jessica then squeezed the tube onto the other nipple and once more he was lapping away in delight as she stroked over his back, stroking towards his stomach to make his sheath pinch and bounce with excitement as he lapped up the smelly stuff in pleasure. "Now... I've got a lot more messier idea!"

Jessica then hopped up as Saxon whimpered and followed after her, desperate for her to settle back down for him to nuzzle her or for her to touch him. He watched her step into the kitchen and Jessica grinned as she put a little glass jar or premade dog gravy into the microwave for thirty seconds. She was a little worried about the mess it was going to make, but she was far more concerned over the matter that she was going to put something hot on herself, but she had a very, very interesting idea and hoped that Saxon trusted her enough to do what she wanted to do. She brought it out and Saxon could smell it, but he was clearly horny as he bent to put a large wet sheet on the ground that could easily be cleaned and straight away he was trying to hook himself up onto her. With a grunt she beckoned him down for the moment before she lounged on her back and grabbed the little glass jaw that the mastiff stuck his head into straightaway.

"Hold up sweetie... let me get this sorted." Jessica was trembling, she was worried it was too hot and it was going to burn her where it really hurt, but if the mastiff was already trying to eat it all up already, she was quite sure it would be warm enough to use. With a sigh of relief as the big dog backed off, Jessica lay herself back and then gently brought the jug to her groin and steadily she dribbled the gravy onto her form and even a little into it as she pulled her lips back and gave a soft whimper of confusion at the curious sensation it was causing, the mix of heat almost a shock more than painful but enough for her to tremble slightly as she grit her teeth and then lay back for the dog. Immediately, Saxon stood over her lounging form, his tail wagging firmly over her head and his muzzle right to her groin. His long tongue was soon slapping away in excitement at the gravy upon her form, making her moan loudly for how much sensation the dog's hungry lapping was giving her.

As she lay back groaning in joy, she spread her legs wider so that his tongue was dipping towards her passage, lapping out the brown liquid with a groan of pleasure. The dog loved the taste, but clearly he was recognising where it was coming from and the additional pleasure this area brought him, how good the smells were mixing together and his cock was probing the air. The more his cock probed the air and he licked away, the more Jessica moaned softly and eye up that probing tip, she brought her hand up, making a circle shape about it as his tip flicked her hand and pulled back a little at the sudden shock. But as he continued to lap and his cock strained out, the sheath butted the edge of the thumb and the shaft slid into the circle and grip of the hand, which made it strain even longer with a familiar sensation. Jessica jerked back the sheath a little making the dog pause and his hips thrust a little at first before he dropped his head and continued to groom, his cock now fully out and hanging low, slapping and bouncing on Jessica's breasts as she grinned and lifted her legs.

Gently, she shuffled herself underneath him in a sitting position, her shoulder to the dog's groin as his head remained desperately lapping down at her thighs and her groin. Then she grasped at his form, jerking it back and forth ever so slightly as she steered it carefully to the side and to her mouth as Saxon continued to slurp at every part of her body that came near him. Then, gently, Jessica managed to steer the head of the cock into her mouth and once it was settled into her mouth, her lips pinching about it, Saxon gave a sudden groaning sound. He tried to thrust with his hips as h gave a confused whimper as Jessica sneezed and wheezed over his length, suckling at it as the bulb swelled and slid towards her mouth as Jessica moaned and twisted to her side slightly, lifting one leg so he could still get at her groin.

Saxon gave a whimper, but he began to thrust at her whilst stuffing his nose into her groin, lapping where he could, his shaft sliding in and out of Jessica's mouth, moving so fast she was half choking and half gagging as it slid deep down into her throat, pushing visibly at her body as she gargled slightly. But as soon as his knot was in her mouth, her lips wrapped and sucking about it as the precum spat deliciously down her throat and made her drool, Saxon gave a soft snort. He shifted his leg, making the motions of the tie and standing over Jessica mover comfortably as she sat behind him, the cock in her mouth like a pacifier as she sucked and slurped against the cum now spattering her sore throat. Saxon then dropped his head down to her groin, slapping his tongue against her clitoris as her hips shuddered and she moaned and the mastiff giving a soft grunt of confusion.

The mastiff was quite sure what he was feeling should be occurring at the place that smelt so delicious and familiar to him as he continued to roll his tongue around the swollen bead that got even more exciting for Jessica as she gulped and tried not to moan, gasping by opening her mouth and almost vomiting back up the cum still pouring and sputtering into her throat as she tried to keep control of herself. The mastiff continued to lap away in excitement until he finished cleaning Jessica's form from the gravy and suddenly she gave a hiccup and pulled her head away as she cried out in pleasure as she squirted her pleasure from her clitoris at the dog's nose again as his cock swung about freely, throwing cum all over the place at her in a messy spray as it clung to her fur as she just seemed to collapse onto the ground, choking and coughing up some of the cum to have gone down the wrong hole before Saxon hurried to her side and lapped at her ears, even lapping his own cum from her body.

"Good boy Saxon... good boy..." She groaned.

That night, Jessica was so exhausted after managing another session with him knotted inside her body but allowing him to climb away as she had worn a dog collar and pretending to let it happen in the same way as a dog. When they'd separated, he'd been whimpering even more as he'd turned around to lap at her reddened groin again, only to try and mount her again, expecting what he'd recalled working as a stud. But Jessica had been hungry and quite sore, her hips quaking for dealing with his great weight and well, that night she was hoping for a good long sleep.

Jessica had actually been so exhausted that she'd fainted onto the pillows on the bed that were arranged to sit her up so she could read. Her tablet had slid off onto the bed and was playing the radio at a dull hum as she groaned softly, sleepily as she remained lounging upon the bed with a soft sigh of seeming delight. She was dressed and her legs were spread and she looked like she had been considering letting the dog up on the bed, but sleep had overcome. As Jessica was fast asleep and Saxon was awake, the dog was pacing around the bed in circles, whimpering and growling softly in frustration to think that all the fun and attention he'd been having would suddenly stop now that he was fully rested and raring to go. He could not understand why she was not there on the floor with him as she had been so eager to before, but Saxon had learnt from being around the brood bitch that he got praise when he continued to breed, even if the female was just lying on the floor trying to sleep!

Saxon stepped to the edge of the large bed, lifting his paws onto it and pulling himself up with a groan and a wheeze. Jessica made a mumble about in her sleep before opening her mouth wide as she seemed to snore this way. Saxon was unsure of the bounciness of the bed and how unstable it was beneath him, he kept giving soft little whimpers of concern as he padded over to the rabbit's side, his expression miserable until he recognised her position. Her legs were wide apart, didn't that mean she wanted to breed? Saxon's tail began to wag and he dropped his head down, only to find that the thick fabric of the duvet blocked him from the access to his favourite place to lick and penetrate.

Confusion and desperation ate into him, his cock began to strain out of its sheath as he gave a soft whimper of distress and then nudged and Jessica's sleeping form. She lifted a hand to flop onto his nose, ignoring him licking her arm as she continued to snore loudly. Saxon gave a grunt, why wasn't she responding properly? The mastiff stepped over her form on the bed, his weight should have alerted her but Jessica seemed just too exhausted and Saxon was confused. His instinct told him to just wrap himself about her body and start to mate, but how? He grimaced as he lifted a paw to try and tap Jessica's face, only to grasp the pillow behind her head. As he pushed her with his weight, she flopped further back, her mouth still open wide as she gave a soft moan. Saxon strained his paw out to the other side of her head, squashing the pillows again before shuffling closer, his big belly pushing close to Jessica's face. When her hot breath rolled over his form, Saxon was so desperate that he hooked his paws about the pillows, pushing them back and jerking Jessica back up into a sitting position, his stomach smacking into her nose to make her wake up with a grunt.

No sooner had Saxon hooked his paws about the pillow then his cock slipped against her cheek and that was it. Saxon thrusted forward, Jessica gave a yelp as his cock shoved itself into her mouth and then out. She spluttered and coughed before it was pushed back in as Saxon was whimpering for more attention. Jessica was shocked, wide-eyed and yet utterly impressed by this intelligent boy. Swiftly, she snatched hr hand about the back of his shaft, pushing and easing it into her mouth, grasping in front of the bulb to stop it being fully exposed and to encourage him to cum quicker. The dog began to thrust firmly with hefty grunts as her lips wrapped around his shaft and she gulped and slurped at his form.

His jolts and thrusts pushed the pillows against the back of her head, forcing Jessica to gag but push her mouth along the shaft. She gulped and groaned, trying to keep control of the shaft as the dog whimpered and whined, suddenly locking about the pillows and just jiggling his hips about in excitement. As she held onto the firm knot at the end of his shaft and suckled on his thick phallus, the dog was panting breathily as Jessica gulped and slurped at the hot spitting pre-cum that splashed into the back of her throat and made her moan in pleasure. She had certainly not expected a face-fuck in the middle of the night, but Saxon really was a very wily dog....

"Whenever he's with you, Jessica, he seems to be so much younger and full of life. I think he's missed you and well, we're looking forward to his puppies! We'll have to keep you posted about them!" Two days later, after far more sex with Saxon than she could remember... save anal, as he hadn't quite seemed to get it, Jessica was sad to see him go. But as always his hippo mother was so happy to have her baby boy of a dog back and she hooked her arms around Jessica tightly, kissing her and fussing how she was so glad that she hadn't forgotten their boy. Saxon of course was panting in excitement, glad to see his owner but still very much of the opinion that he was about to mate with Jessica at any given moment. However, Jessica was looking suddenly quite anxious.

"Well... about that... I would really love to have a dog of my own and I'm in a situation where I can afford and keep one so... so if the pups aren't all reserved and there's a son of dear Saxon here on hand... well, I'd rather love that." Jessica blushed, she was actually very excited of the idea of training a puppy from the first day she got it to do things with her, to let her touch him, to make him feel good and let the viewers watch as he grew and learnt everything he needed to do. She hoped if Saxon was his father, his interest in being with her would be inherited and to her surprise, the hippo grasped her tightly and gave her another hug.

"Consider it done... even if we have to breed another bitch for it..." The hippo grinned and then suddenly she was giggling softly. Jessica had to quickly pushed Saxon away from her groin, the dog was sniffing her again and Jessica was terrified that she was going to get some funny looks or panic her friend. But the hippo just cooed in delight as she urged her boy back with a soft smile of delight. "Sorry about that, we learnt he's quite the stud when he hears the 'b' word... was on the girl as soon as she flashed her tail and he did a few odd things like trying to sniff everyone in the groin afterwards. I guess some boys really are meant to breed... but consider it done Jessie... who knows, next time you might be pet-sitting Saxon and his son!"

"I look forward to it... bye now! Bye Saxon... such a good boy!" Jessica beamed, feeling almost perfect within herself for being with her favourite boy again. But she could not help but rub her chin at the thought... would the viewers like that kind of generational thing? If a pup saw his daddy mounting her, would he then mount her? Would Saxon get jealous? Jessica just sighed before turning around and getting a shock to see that rather slinky looking female that was after the boss and clearly not keen on her. "Hello..."

"No ceremony please... I'm too important to bother with waiting for you to try and get my name right. Listen Jessica... I know you like the boss, but that boar is mine. I know you thought you were just doing your job and your part of the contract, but I'm not standing for it. I'll accept a truce on the condition that you do a job for me that I refuse to do." She scowled in frustration and Jessica was just too stunned to question when the creature grinned hideously. "Good... you might want to get some practice prepping yourself for it... he's only a Falabella, but all horses are pretty thick..."

"Horses?" Jessica grimaced....