Burning for you - Hopelessly py-romantic

Story by Nile the Buizel on SoFurry

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#5 of Burning for you

So... After that *Ahem* cliffhanger, chapter five is finally here! So I guess it's prolly time to put an 'Anti-parents suing me for the horrible fucking-up of their child's head' thing on this chapter.

This chapter of BFY contains scenes of yiffyness and suggestive/outright dark and obscene themes in some places. If you are too young to read this material, aren't into pokémon x human yiff or are offended in any way by anything you see in the tags, please GTFO immediately. ^^

Oh, and a big thanks to Guri for proof reading this chapter!

This chapter was inspired by "Always" by blink-182. (Heh, I wonder how these bands would react if they found out their music was being attributed to furry smut... Not well, I'd imagine.)

The show, however, must go on.

Burning for you - Hopelessly py-romantic

As his eyes opened he felt a searing pain course through his body. In front of him there was only woodland. Looking to his right he could see the mangled remains of the van he had been driving, standing silent. Destroyed, as it had been, by the large tree it had plowed into.

Looking through the open door he saw the body of the man he had hired for his protection. Showered in glass from the broken windshield, and bent into an unnatural position by the force of the crash, he stared out at the driver in a lifeless accusation.

The driver did what he could to hold back from vomiting, he retched a couple of times as a stream of blood from some head wound or other trickled into his right eye and forced him to close it. He tried to focus on something to take his mind off of the severe pain. In a brief moment of clarity he realized that he was propped against a tree, which was likely the only thing keeping him sitting upright.

Once again he found that he couldn't move, his upper body was unresponsive and he couldn't feel anything below his waist. Although whether that was because of the crash or the same trickery as before he couldn't tell.

Suddenly it occurred to him that to get from the van to where he was, someone would have had to move him. A chill made its way down his spine as he became aware of someone watching him intently from his left.

He felt a weight shift across him as someone straddled his waist. He could only see the man's denim clad legs, as he was suddenly unwilling to look up at the figure. He wished he didn't know who it was, but he did. It was obvious. The one straddling him had the same feel as the case he had left with the client. You wanted to look anywhere but at him. The forest, which should have been alive, and full of nocturnal life, was silent, and dead.

He felt freezing metal touch his chin, lifting his head towards the sky slowly. As his eyes were forced upwards he noted the figure's lack of a shirt, even in the near deathly cold the man was topless. His thin frame seemed completely unaffected by the temperature, for the man was not shaking.

As his eyes continued upwards, the driver winced as he saw a number of thin, but deep, and obviously self inflicted wounds scarring his captor's torso. The wounds were old, but they made it very clear that this wasn't the harmless type of psychopath.

He struggled against his unseen bonds but they would not give, and it was clear that in his weakened state, his hope rested solely on the mercy of a deranged man. He attempted to shout out, to cry for help despite the futility of his situation. Even this small gesture was restricted by the strange power which kept him still, only allowing slight gasps of air to leave him, and reducing the attempted bellow to a pathetic, wheezing gasp.

Finally, the driver was looking into a pair of listless, grey eyes through a fringe of black hair. The man was, quite expectedly, poorly groomed. A mop of uncut hair spoke of a time when it had been stylized, but now it was ragged and unkempt. His mouth was curled into a playful smirk of confidence. It was a strangely mismatched look, and the driver attempted to avert his eyes, only to have his head pulled back by the hand to look at its owner once more.

"Now... What am I to do with you?" The smile widened into a grin at the driver's reaction. "...I suppose you could help me... You see the first part of my little game is hide and seek, and I have no idea where to start."

The driver knew he should be afraid, he should be terrified, but instead he was overtaken by a sense of serenity. His mind seemed to be beyond fear, instead simply accepting that this was his end. "Wouldn't it be cheating for me to tell you?" he mocked, unwilling to give this psycho the satisfaction of begging.

His captor seemed amused by the pathetic attempt at defiance. "Yes, but I've never been a good loser. So why don't you tell me where he took it, and I'll make sure you don't die in quite as much agony as your useless friend over there." The man withdrew his hand, resting it on his leg as he remained squatting over the bloodied van driver.

Some of the driver's fear returned as he was reminded of the body guard, who had been much stronger than he was. The crash had killed the bodyguard, but hadn't the madman caused the crash?

"Took what?" the driver asked, finally relenting.

The grin instantly faded from the man's face, being replaced by a scowl. "Don't give me that. I'm being nice here, if I wanted I could rip the information I want from your skull. Don't make me do that... It's messy and I don't enjoy cleaning myself up afterwards." by the end of the sentence the man's voice had lowered to a guttural, animalistic snarl.

"I really, don't know what you want!"

"The relic you fool, the heirloom, where is it?"

"Y-You mean the case? The case my client took?"

The psychopath looked as if he had been about to shout some more but at the mention of the case his mouth closed and his smug smile returned. "Yes... That's the one... Tell me, where did he say he was going?" The tone of the man's voice had changed once again, now adopting a more suave, charming facade, as if trying to coax the information out of the driver.

"I-I swear I have no idea, he didn't say!"

"Don't try to bullshit me. You don't have the brains and I don't have the patience." The man shifted slightly and a glint caught the driver's attention. Looking to the hand resting on his captor's leg he caught sight of what he reasoned must have been the cause of the scars he had seen earlier.

On the psychopath's index and middle fingers were two rings which covered the length of the digits and ended in wicked points. Dried blood was encrusted on the tips, further cementing the driver's belief that they had inflicted the savage wounds. Hinges placed at intervals along the rings allowed the fingers to move naturally with the rest of the hand. The driver couldn't comprehend why the man would have been left with such items, but supposed it didn't really matter; it wasn't as if not having them would have made the lunatic any less dangerous.

"Wait, he... I remember him saying something on the ferry, about meeting someone in Hearthome." The driver looked up at the psycho with renewed hope. Maybe, if he told the man enough of what he wanted to hear, he would leave him be.

The man looked deep into the drivers eyes as if he could see right through him. It was... Unnerving, to say the least, being studied like that. Eventually he stood up, the inane grin still plastered on his face. "Good boy, for a second there I was afraid you were lying to me." He grabbed the drivers hand and pulled it, palm up, towards him, the driver looked at him quizzically.

"What are you going to..." the driver managed to wheeze out before he felt his throat constricting again, curbing his attempt at speech. The man chuckled darkly as he pressed one of the rings to the drivers upturned wrist.

"Well, I can hardly just leave you here can I? Still, if it helps, you're going to help with a pokémon research project I've got going. You see," the psycho looked left and right conspiratorially, the mad grin on his face disappearing momentarily, before leaning in and whispering secretively, as if afraid they were being spied on.

"The predatory pokémon around here, the Mightyena and the Absol and things like that, they don't like me. They're all hiding nearby... but I don't think they'll be gone for long once I leave, so you're going to help me find out how long they take to come back."

He leaned back away from the driver, the grin taking its place once again. The driver let out a gasp, the most he could manage, as he felt the savage claw of the ring bury itself in his flesh and tear across his wrist, separating the skin and causing rich, arterial blood to spurt from the gaping wound left behind. The warm, deoxygenated liquid spattered against the madman's arm, the grin never leaving his face as he let the mutilated limb drop limply to its owner's side.

"With a wound like that I give you... probably... six minutes before you fall unconscious, maybe a little more... At any rate you won't be alive longer than fifteen minutes, and those pokémon are going to be real hungry when they come back. If they come back while you're still awake, I want you to scream real loud so that I can hear you. If not," The man shrugged. "Oh well, it'll still be interesting don't you think?"

The driver nodded his head against his will; he was already beginning to feel light headed. "Excellent, I'll see you later then... actually, I guess I won't... Still, I'll be in Hearthome, so scream as loud as you can won't you?" The psycho gave one last laugh before seeming to vanish, in a flash of blue light, before the driver's eyes. The driver felt the energy that had been holding him in place dissipate, and he slumped back against the tree with a pathetic groan, as he got weaker and weaker with each passing moment.

Fyre tensed in surprise as Katrina broke the kiss they had been locked in, he felt her hand trace lower and lower down his flank until it reached his crotch. He gulped as her other hand began massaging his side comfortingly

"K-Kat..? What're you... doing?"

The question was redundant really. He knew exactly what she was doing. It was more a question of why she was doing it. 'Doesn't she know what that's doing?' Once again the question was unnecessary, the mischievous look in her eyes told him she knew exactly what it was doing to him.

Fyre let out a gasping yip as she gave his bulging sheath a light squeeze. He shifted slightly, involuntarily bucking into her hand as he did, making him writhe all the more. He gulped again as he felt the first inch or so of his maleness expose itself to the warm air between his sheath and her palm. New heights of a previously all but unknown feeling teased him, as Kat's hand came into contact, for the first time, with the tapered tip of his shaft.

His head snapped up to look his tormentor in the eyes; they were filled with an excited anticipation. Even underneath Fyre as she was, Kat was so clearly dominant. Her excitement was tangible, he could taste her exhilaration, could smell her... he could smell... He didn't know what it was but it was intoxicating, like a thick fog cutting through his thoughts and clouding his mind. He remembered smelling this on his mother back in the den during certain times of the year. But here, with Kat, the aroma took on new meaning, becoming sensual and exciting.

He had a basic understanding of mating at best, but he knew that a human shouldn't be affecting him like this. He was jolted out of his attempt at making sense of the situation by the feel of Kat's hand wrapping around the exposed section of his prick. The meat pulsed and twitched in her hand and caused him to have to stifle another yelp, even as another couple of inches emerged.

Kat smiled at him, her usual kind and carefree expression becoming lustful in the half-light of the room. She began to stroke the shaft, eagerly exploring his strange shape and texture. Fyre inhaled sharply as she ran the thumb of her engaged hand across his tip. Smearing the drop of pre which had formed there across his length.

Fyre was dizzy with this new sensation. His thoughts were frenzied and unfocused. He had no control over his own lower body, as his waist continued to grind against the human below him without his mind's permission.

A whine of displeasure escaped him as she released her grip, and the cooler air came into contact with his member. He looked at her confused. She only returned his stare with a glint in her eye as she wriggled out from underneath him.

Even after pushing Fyre to the far end of the bed there was little room left, but Kat managed to find space to bring her feet onto the bed, and began to remove her boots, studying Fyre intently for his reaction.

With each item of clothing she stripped, Fyre could feel his breath quickening, and his body temperature rise. He wondered, briefly, why she was watching him like she was. He felt his face flush as he realized she was staring at his exposed dick, and his knot, which was already straining to be free of his sheath, despite the briefness of her treatment.

Finally allowing her bra to slip to the ground left Kat covered only by the fabric of her pants. The heady scent in the air had become far stronger. A couple of deep sniffs had Fyre burning with desire. He watched expectantly as Kat rested her arms on her legs, which were spread slightly, just so that Fyre could see a damp patch on the white material of her underwear.

She made no further attempt to remove the final piece of clothing however, and after a seemingly eternal moment spent staring at her, Fyre whimpered. He felt as if she had somehow tricked him, and gotten him all riled up for nothing. He could see the mischievous glint in her eye again, surely she had something planned.

"Aren't you going to take that off?" he pleaded, in a way he hoped didn't make him sound as desperate as he was.

"Of course not silly..." she chided in return. Fyre felt like he'd been physically slapped by her words.

"... You are!"

Kat giggled at the slack jawed expression that crossed Fyre's muzzle. She reclined onto the bed slightly, supporting herself with her elbows behind her, and spreading her legs more to give Fyre a better view. Switching her attention between the shocked look on Fyre's face, and the five or so inches of vulpine cock, not counting the knot, protruding from his sheath, insisting that he was ready and willing.

She did feel slightly guilty, she was leading him on after all, but if his knot, only barely contained by his sheath, didn't show his willingness, then at the very least it made her more enthusiastic. The thought of the strangely shaped foreign body penetrating her most intimate place made her shiver with excitement.

She shook her head free of the thoughts as she watched Fyre begin a slow, unsure approach. He kept his dark eyes glued to her own. Watching, she assumed, for any hint of trickery or mischief. He continued his steady advance, apparently finding no deception in her eyes.

"Remember, no claws," the statement caused Fyre to pause and look at her quizzically. "that would be cheating."

Fyre's face seemed to light up in understanding as he worked out what she was getting at. It didn't take him long after that to approach her. Kat found it hard to keep her eyes off the bobbing meat between his hind legs, and the fuzzy balls nestled next to his sheath. She found it curious that she had not noticed them before, but then, she hadn't really been looking before.

Her train of thought was derailed as she felt his heated breath on her skin. He stood between her spread legs, his gaze simply shifting between her eyes and her crotch. She watched his nostrils flare, as he inhaled her scent hungrily, from point-blank range.

"What are you waiting for?" she urged impatiently, her lust getting the better of her. In that split-second she realized just how far her impulse had carried her, and how little she cared that the second guy she'd ever had sex with, was about to be a pokémon. In fact, Fyre's bestial traits only served to further excite her.

She watched as the Ninetales lowered his head to her waist and cautiously gripped the material between his teeth. Being mindful so as not to nip her skin, he began to pull the final obstacle between him and his prize down. Kat had to suppress the urge to laugh at his insecurity about the situation, even after all the encouragement she had given him, but she supposed that she would be unsure too if it was her first time.

"Fyre, baby," He glanced up at her around his mouthful of underwear. "that will take forever. You're not a little Vulpix anymore; you're my big, strong Ninetales. I bet you can think of a faster way of getting those off."

He shot her a savage grin as he let go of the fabric in his mouth and moved into a better position. Kat gasped when she felt Fyre's surprisingly cool nose come into contact with her skin, as he attempted to get a better hold on her underwear. With one last questioning look up at Kat, and with a nod of approval from the trainer, he twisted his head and pulled away, tearing the cotton with ease.

With a flick of his head the useless item of clothing was deposited off the side of the bed with the rest of her clothes. He returned his attention to her, now bare, crotch. His breath becoming heavier as he finally laid eyes upon her mound. Kat felt her own heart rate increase. Just watching her pokémon inspecting her, and feeling his warm breath tease her entrance, was enough to make her giddy.

"So, are you ready for the best night of yo-Oh god!" What was going to be a cocky comment was interrupted, as Fyre pressed his muzzle against her entrance and began lapping furiously at her labia. Every second or third stroke of his tongue hit her clit and elicited an extra loud moan or gasp from the trainer. She reached back and gripped the bed sheet as his warm, dexterous muscle began to caress her womanhood with a steady rhythm. A lewd slurping sound was made every so often, as his appendage gathered up the sweet liquid moistening her nether-lips.

Without warning, Kat felt Fyre's tongue delve into her innards. She threw her head back, closing her eyes as his inept tongue somehow managed to pleasure her beyond anything she had previously felt. The length and rough texture of the foreign muscle, compared to the human tongue, made the sensations all the more powerful. Kat couldn't help but gasp with exhilaration as her lover removed his tongue and began to run it across her lips again, only to dive back in and resume his oral ministrations moments later.

His enthusiasm and inexperience combined to make a unique feeling of utter euphoria as his tepid tongue repeatedly penetrated her velveteen slit. The random strokes and fevered lapping against her inner walls making Kat moan and buck against the invader.

Fyre's muzzle, now damp with her seeping juices, prodded and nibbled at her lips with each lick. His nose occasionally coming into contact with the nub of her clitoris, and causing Kat to grow increasingly loud in her professing of his skill. Giving random words of encouragement and praise between the moans and gasps, which only further spoke of his talent.

"God... Arceus... holy..." Kat managed to sound out between gasps. 'How can I be this close already?' She couldn't quite understand how he had managed to bring her this close to her climax in such a short time without any experience, not that she was complaining.

Fyre paused in his affections, unsure if he had displeased her. "Don't... you... dare... stop!" She commanded. Fyre gave a huff, which Kat approximated to a snigger, the sudden blast of heated air causing her entrance to tingle, before lapping at her depths once again. Kat could feel her walls begin to clamp down on the slimy intruder into her body, milking it as if it were his cock he was pleasing her with.

"Fyre... keep... going to..." her attempt at speech ended with a high pitched moan, as she bucked again, pressing her mound against Fyre's muzzle. Luckily he didn't pause this time, only pushing forward in an attempt to fully satisfy his new mate.

Kat felt light headed as her orgasm hit. Her climax weakening her arms and causing her to slump back onto the bed. She closed her eyes, and her moans intensified as her depths continued to contract on the retreating muscle inside of her. She could feel her nectar spilling into the open mouth of her lover, and every so often a soft gulp could be heard as her liquids were happily consumed.

As she came down from her natural high she managed to regain some sense and recapture her breath. "That was just... wow..." she trailed off, still breathing quite heavily. Fyre remained silent, and after a while she felt his fur tickle her naked body. She felt his calm, but heavy breathing flow across her. His chest pressed against her breasts through his thick coat of fur, and she could feel his heart beating, almost in time with her own frenzied rhythm.

As she opened her eyes she saw Fyre's muzzle, still damp with her nectar, and above it his eyes, looking desperately into her own. He was standing over her, his forepaws positioned under her arms, and his hind paws between her legs, so that he could look her in the eyes. She could feel his hot prick rubbing against her mound in an almost futile attempt at resisting his urges long enough to seek her permission.

She smiled dopily up at her lover, before leaning forward and locking her lips with his muzzle. Once again their tongues did battle, Kat tasting the remnants of her own sweet flavor, before they separated, leaving Fyre practically whimpering with desire and need.

Kat allowed herself a brief moment to enjoy this. Her mate, her flame, begging for her permission even though he could probably kill her if he so much as fancied. She allowed her idiotic, euphoric smile to turn into a lustful grin as she announced her verdict.

"Take me. Make me yours."

Fyre had to stifle an excited yip; he silently thanked God, Arceus and any other deity that may have been listening that she had said yes. He didn't think he could have held back, even if she had said no. He leaned down and gave her face a long lick of gratitude, trailing a long path of saliva across her skin. He could feel her shiver underneath him with anticipation.

He had no idea why he had kissed her nether-lips, it had just seemed right at the time, and it sounded like she had enjoyed it anyway. But now his own organ was dying for release, and he stabbed wildly with his hips, trying to find his target.

As he did, the tapered tip of his meat slipped inside her instantly, drawing a sharp inhalation of breath from both of the lovers. Kat's pussy was dripping in the aftermath of her climax, and her passage was slick with her fluids making Fyre's initial push in easy. He held back for as long as he could, but eventually buried himself up to his knot, which had popped free of his sheath during the lick out, into her depths. The sudden friction made Kat cry out, Fyre let an involuntary grunt escape him as he felt her outer folds brush the more sensitive knot.

Fyre took this opportunity to look at Kat, his friend for the last time, forever more she would be: Kat, his mate. He studied with contentment, the smile of pure bliss and carnal lust painted on her face. This was it, the end of their friendship. With a sloppy wet sound, Fyre withdrew from Kat's cunny, pulling out until just the tip was left inside her. The rest of his member, now reaching just over seven inches with the knot included, was exposed to the air, which was chilling in comparison to her heated folds.

He closed his eyes as he slammed his prick home, almost barking as he felt his tool being consumed by her sex once more. He heard Kat hiss an encouragement, but his mind couldn't quite figure out what it was she had said, too wrapped up in the new feeling from his throbing prick. He opened his eyes as he felt Kat's arms wrap around him and grip the thick mane of fur at the back of his neck. He looked into her eyes, finding there, for the first time, a hint of desperation; it seemed that for the first time, she was the one begging him for something.

She was using her legs for leverage and pushing her lips against his knot in an attempt to bring him deeper, but she had clearly never had anything as thick as his knot inside her and after a while she gave up, resorting to simply pushing herself against him and hugging his neck. Her breath was shaky and rushed, and Fyre decided, not that he had much choice, to give her what she wanted.

He withdrew again and began to pound her, building up rhythm and speed purely by instinct. Each thrust in was met with a moan or muttered compliment from Kat, and each pull out with a whimper or hiss. Fyre quickly decided that at this speed he wouldn't last long and slowed his movements, drawing out each withdrawal, and forestalling each thrust. This seemed to only further please his paramour, as his knot now grazed that bump he had discovered during his oral blundering with each pass.

After quite a while of this humping, Fyre's breathing became labored as the exertion of his position set in. He had caught his mum and dad mating once, and he knew that this was not a natural position for his species. Still, his eagerness to pleasure his master, and natural desire to finish himself, kept him going. He lowered his head and leaned it against hers, their foreheads connecting and allowing him to use her for support.

He continued to pump furiously in and out of her abused cunt, losing the rhythm he had set himself, his thrusts quickly became unfocused and sloppy. Kat's praise had gone silent some time ago, giving way to a series of unintelligible moans and groans. Funnily, Fyre's thoughts drifted to what Ashley might say if she caught him at this point. His dick buried in his trainer, even his knot beginning to slip inside her. Strangely the image only excited him further and brought him closer to the rapture which he desired.

"Oh, God! Fyre!" The first words to escape Kat's lips in some time came in the form of a clamorous yell. Her words, as well as the squeezing of her pussy told Fyre how close she was, her delicate folds began to nurse his assailing meat, drawing him deeper with each pump of his hips. Fyre began to pant heavily as he felt himself approaching his goal, his joy in finally being able to show his love superseded only by the intense pleasure from his groin.

Kat pressed her head against his as the throes of her orgasm hit for the second time that night. She yelled out as the insistent thrusting of Fyre's rod sent shockwaves through her body, setting every nerve in her body alight with fervor. Fyre plowed her harder as he felt her insides begin to milk his tool more insistently. A rush of her juices coated his member and crotch fur as she came hard. She gripped his fur tighter, and hugged him more intently as she rode out her climax.

His end was so close; he could feel it building in his loins like the thunder warns of the coming storm. He pulled back one last time, almost slipping out as he prepared for what he knew would be his final true drive into her sodden depths. With a howl of absolute ecstasy, and closing his eyes as if that would somehow protect him from the overwhelming pleasure, he plunged his sizzling length deep inside. Finally managing to ram himself home, and bury his knot in her.

Kat whimpered and clutched even harder to his body as Fyre's knot tied her to him, meanwhile Fyre lost himself in the absolute intensity of his first orgasm. He bucked wildly into her as he shot rope after searing rope of hot vulpine cum. His apex like a burning fire, spreading from his crotch to the rest of his body as he continued to attempt to withdraw and thrust back in, despite being tightly knotted to Katrina.

The fire eventually receded as his post-coitus high passed. He slumped forwards onto Katrina, continuing his ineffectual humping, his head still resting on top of hers. He opened his eyes, his breathing still fast and uneven, and his heart still beating faster than ever before. Beneath him Kat's eyes were still closed as she rested, a blissful expression on her face.

His breath returned to him slowly. When he finally felt strong enough to lift his head he lapped at her cheek silently, unable to move much else due to both the exertion of the intercourse, and the fact that he was still tied to his lover.

Kat opened her eyes as she felt his tongue run across her face, licking up some of the sweat that had gathered there. She let go of the hair on his neck and instead embraced him tightly, feeling Fyre's now lukewarm canine cum, held inside her by his knot, move around deep in her pussy. He nuzzled her as they cuddled, the pair of them too tired and breathless to even think about kissing. She took note of the way a couple of his tails were massaging her legs lovingly.

"Kat?" She only murmured in response. "I really love you!"

Katrina nearly chuckled at the simple, and innocent statement. "Well you'd better hope so after what I just let you do!" She pulled away from the intimate embrace, "I love you too Fyre," she said sweetly, before leaning forward and placing a tender kiss on his nose. "my big, strong Ninetales."

Darius collapsed onto the mud trail, gasping for air between fits of retching. Tears streamed down his face from a mixture of guilt and the pain from his stomach. As the retching finally stopped he curled into a fetal position, sobbing slightly as he calmed down.

'You really are pathetic you know that?' The voice was scolding and scornful of the trembling human. 'When I walked the earth men at least showed some backbone.'

Darius managed to quiet his whimpering long enough to form a response "Wh-what have you done? You..." He paused as bile rose in his throat, he forced it back down with a grimace. "You didn't need to kill him."

'You mean what did WE do. As pathetic as you are I need you to do what we do. You're every bit as culpable.' Darius shivered as the voice in his head seemed to echo throughout his being.

He shook his head, trying to assert his defiance. "No, it's you, it's always you ever since I held the relic you've been there, whispering, manipulating. At first I believed you, thought you really did want to help, but you're just demented. I, oh god, I'm a monster!" He buried his head in his hands.

'That worthless human was of no use to us, if we had left him he would just have been another human, trailing his blight wherever he went. We did the world a service, be proud!'

"Proud? Of... of what you did? What the fuck is wrong with you?" He managed to force himself into a sitting position. "You killed my... my family... You... destroyed my life! All I want to do is get rid of you!"

The voice seemed to cackle, that same insane laugh he'd heard escape from him so many times when the voice had been in control. 'How do you intend to do that?'

"The blade," Darius responded instantly. "I released you from it, and by Arceus I can put you back!"

The voice hissed at the mention of the Judgement pokemon's name. 'Do not speak that cursed name. He is the reason for my being, the reason for the curse of our family, and the blight of mankind. We are no servant of his!' The voice paused. 'Suppose you do find a way of getting to the blade, I was trapped inside of it for hundreds of years. What makes you think I would willingly return?'

"I will find a way."

The voice laughed through Darius's mouth, temporarily taking control. "Yes, and then you can tell everyone that it was just that bad voice in your head telling you to do those naughty things. I'm sure they'll all understand that." Darius grimaced as he took control of his body back forcibly.

'Face it Darius, you need me, just like I need you. We are symbiotes in this ruined body.' Once again there was a pause. 'Fine, I'll make a deal with you. Find the relic. When we have it, and you see how much stronger it makes us, if you still want me to go, I will.'

Darius took a while to register this unexpected concession. "H-how do we find it?"

'Start by standing up.' the voice stated sarcastically. 'Then we can find out where we are.'

Darius complied slowly, standing up and looking around himself. An off-road path stretched out to either side of him, tyre tracks in the soft mud spoke of the armored van's ill fated journey. Within his head the voice cursed. 'We are still weak... Teleporting straight to hearthome is out of the question. We will have to walk.'

"You're kidding right?" the fear crept back into Darius's voice. "We're... I mean, I'm covered in blood! I'll be arrested on sight!"

'For once, an intelligent point to come out of your mouth... Well, I'm sure we can find a river to bathe in. As for our appearence... Solaceon town still exists yes? And it is on the way to Hearthome from what I see in your mind. Could we not acquire clothes... and maybe a haircut there?'

"How? We... I don't have any money."

'Sure, we're a deranged killer, but stealing would brake our moral fibre.' the voice mocked him. 'Just get moving towards Solaceon, we'll clean ourselves up in the meantime. Don't worry about getting seen, I'll take control and deal with it as I always do, you won't have to lift a finger.'

Darius was about to protest, but knew that it would do no good. Like it or not he was stuck with the psychopathic voice. With a shudder, and a heavy sigh of dejection, he started a slow, despondent advance, towards Solaceon town.