Chastity's Journal (a teacher's pet) Chapter One: Prologue

Story by Grym on SoFurry

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Yo ho me bucko, This was one of my favorite rp's my mate and I did together, like many it started out as a casual remark, and next thing we knew it came to life, with hopes, dreams, fears, ups and downs, and I hope everyone finds their dreams come true one day. Enjoy

Chastity's Journal, Teacher's Pet

Chapter one

Chastity looked at herself in her dresser mirror, brushing her long blue hair back over a white furred shoulder. She was a young vixen with large lavender eyes and just entering her teen years so her breasts were not as large as she wanted. She smoothed down the t-shirt and shorts she usually slept in. They were actually her gym clothes too. She had outgrown her last nightgown a long time ago and her mother had not taken her clothes shopping except for the beginning of this year when the school sent home a note listing the clothes required. Her mother had bought her the minimums and her father had complained loudly about the expense and the laws that said that Chastity couldn't get a job yet to pay for her own stuff. They had both been angry enough that she had not dared to ask for a new nightgown or anything else. She didn't mean to be a burden, she really didn't. The sound of raised voices and a shattered bottle could be heard even through her closed door. Her mother was home from work.

Chastity quickly checked that her alarm was set and turned off the light, climbing into bed before her bedtime. It was just easier. She lay back on the blankets and closed her eyes but opened them again almost immediately as she heard the door open and she smiled as Mr. Clawtooth stepped through, closing and locking her door behind him. He seemed to fill her small room with his presence and his body. Mr. Clawtooth was her teacher and a liger which meant he was the biggest male she had ever seen in her life. He was even bigger than the lion seniors and the football players at her school. He had broad shoulders and golden fur. He always wore suites but hints of light brown stripes could be seen just past his sleeves and around his collar if you studied him long enough and she had spent a long time studying him...and other things.

She smiled in welcome as she watched him pad over to the bed, shedding his suitcoat and tie and shirt on the way. She slid her own shorts off her body so they wouldn't get dirty and pushed up her shirt to expose her nipples to the cold air, caressing them into tingling hardness like she'd seen done on her father's video. Her legs were spread even as he shed his own pants and she could feel the bed dip under his weight as he stared down into her eyes, purring approvingly at her. She moaned as she felt fingers spread her netherlips wide for him, another finger teasing and playing with her clit, her body squirming over the blankets, mewling and whimpering softly, careful not to be heard outside her bedroom's four walls.

A finger wiggled into her tight opening and she gasped as her hips bucked up, taking it in to the knuckles, whimpering for more even as the finger worked in and out of her wet channel. Then, two were there and she panted through in open mouthed gasps as her young body trembled in excitement in pleasure, moaning. "Mmmmm, yes, sir, ooooh like that, please, fuck me, please." Her channel was spread wide and she bucked up into each thrust, gasping as a finger rubbed over her clit, her eyes roaming his gorgeous muscled body, watching him push in and out of her tight body, hearing him tell her she was doing very well, reveling in the approval in his voice. "Ohhhh, thank you, sir, thank you, oh fuck, right there, please." She was gasping the words with difficulty, her young body demanding release so strongly she could not resist any longer. She bucked up hard, grabbing a pillow and pressing it over her face to muffle her small cry of pleasure as her wet channel trembled and gripped and leaked fluids down over her faded blankets. Her body trembled and bucked a second and third time before she collapsed with a whimper, moving the pillow as she gasped for breath and opened her eyes.

That had been the very best fantasy yet and she still had other things to try. She had gotten a peak at some of her father's newest magazines and had seen some stuff that she didn't understand how it could be fun but she was willing to try. She murred to herself and slowly wiped herself and the fingers she'd used insider herself clean with a corner of her blanket then pulled on her shorts and curled up alone in her room, smiling. She was definitely going to have to remember to write this fantasy up in her journal, maybe with an illustration or maybe she should draw herself and Mr. Clawtooth in that position she'd seen in the back of the magazine, her bent over his desk while he pressed one of his big fingers into her tailhole. Mmmmm, she liked that idea. She fell asleep mentally painting the details