Where's the Radio?

Story by Scarlet Dragoness on SoFurry

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-This is actually an excerpt of my life. As boring as my life is, I would have never expected this to happen. More importantly, I would have never expected to patch up friends after they had been hurt. In any way. No, it has nothing to do with a radio. Shesh.-

Nala: a young scarlet dragoness new to the "outside world" and big city life.

Taylor: the embodiment of a friend of mine. a slightly older (by 2 years) dark gray wolf.

Nala turned the radio up, AC/DC blasted through the speakers. Nala smiled, she wondered how long it would take for her neighbors to come screaming until she remembered that they were gone for the weekend. Nala stripped off her leather clothes and stepped into the shower, hot water splashed onto her scarlet scaled skin. She sunk down into the tub, certain oils and candles gave off a relaxing aroma. The water slowly turned cold and Nala was about to fall asleep when there was a banging on her door. She quickly got out of the tub and put on her robe, the banging came again, more urgent this time.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Nala cursed softly. "What do you- Taylor!"

On the other side of the door stood a dark gray wolf, Taylor. Oh, did I mention he looked as thought he had the life beaten out of him?

"Oh Taylor..."

"Hey Nala," Taylor tried to smile but grimaced in pain instead. "whoa, you look terrible."

"And you look great. Come in, come in."

Taylor nodded and allowed Nala to drag him into the apartment and lead him to the living room. Nala told him to relax and left him alone. After a few minutes, Nala came back with an ice pack and the first aid kit. She hummed a gentle song as she bandaged up her friend.

"Care to tell me what happened?"

"Sure. Where to start..."

"The beginning is always good." Nala answered.

"Ah, well," Taylor leaned back in the overstuffed couch. "about 23 years ago, I was born in a small town-"


"Happened last night."

Nala nodded and unbuttoned Taylors' shirt, she carefully began wrapping a bandage around his chest.

"Care to go into some detail about it?"

"...I was in a bar," Taylor sighed. "getting drunk, as I usually do when I've been having a bad day. You know, I got fired yesterday? Yeah, messy stuff. That was why I was at the bar actually. Any ways, there was this beautiful fem, with curves like you wouldn't believe..."

"Sounds nice." Nala cut the bandage and taped down the end. "Don't tell me she did this to you."

"No..." Taylor shook his head. "Her boyfriend did. This giant lion, I'm telling you, he was a monster! And he had friends too, three of them. And bats. Did I ever tell you I hated baseball? No one plays defense right."

Nala fixed Taylor some coffee and handed him some aspirin for the pain. Taylor simply put the mug on the coffee table and rest his head in Nalas' lap. Nala softly stroked the fur on his neck and down his back.

"I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

"That's the last time you watch Casablanca."


If you like it; Good on you mate! -thumbs up-

If you don't; Go read something else.

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