The Photoshoot

Story by RVasil on SoFurry

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#14 of One Shots

"A typical photoshoot gone sexy."

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**Please make sure to check the tags of the submission to see if the kinks/fetish present in the story are to your liking.

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Disclaimer: This story should only be viewed by people of the ages of 18 and above due to its strong and heavy scenes that are M/M in nature. All characters portrayed in the story are of the age of consent. If you do meet the requirements and enjoy this sort of content, then by all means please, take off your pants, relax, and fap to your heart's content. The Photoshoot by RVasil and CrimsonSkies455

Manuel sat outside in the bright, warm sunlight. His ripped jeans looked to be of good quality and showed off his powerful thighs and legs. His muscular arms were out in the open due to a bright bubblegum pink tank top which had a low cut towards his chest. He looked large and the sunglasses he wore hid his bright blue eyes.

Leaning back in the chair, the large machoke pulled up his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes before checking the flier he held in his hands one more time:

"Male Pokemon models needed ages 20-40. Must be in physical shape. Pay will be negotiable. Address is 5565 Mueller Street. Make sure to wear something comfortable. Meetups can be scheduled."

Manuel put the flier at rest near his leg once again and reached into his right jean pocket to fish out his cell phone. He remembered calling the number on the flier and having what sounded like a perky 20-something to tell him to meet him at the address at 1:00 pm. The time on the cell phone gave back 1pm and there was still no sign of anyone coming by.

To make matters worse, he was starting to sweat a little bit in his tight clothes. Ugh, could this day get any more uncomfortable?


Manuel jumped as a very enthusiastic zacian began to make his way down the stone walkway. The sound of his footsteps clacked against the stone as he made his way at a brisk pace towards the machoke. When he finally got close, Manuel found himself frowning as he felt another few drops of sweat begin to make their way down his back.

"Hello!" Manuel replied, the excitement of the Pokemon contagious and he found himself smiling broadly. "Are you...."

"Yes, I'm Zachary but most just call me Zach! You must be Manuel!"

Quickly fishing out his keys from his caramel colored board shorts, the zacian stuck one of the seven different keys he had into the door knob and gave it a quick twist. "Thank goodness I arrived just in time before you started to get real sweaty out here! Would hate to have to wait to take photos. Got so much to do, you know?"

Manuel was almost surprised at how fast Zach talked and it took him a while to process everything that the Pokemon was saying. "Err, ummm so I got the job?"

"Yeah! I found pics online. You looked great at the gym! Perfect for PR. Hurry and come inside before you melt into a big, purple puddle!"

Blushing a bit at the idea that he was already researched ahead of time, Manuel replied, "O-oh. I didn't know. I thought there would be an interview or...something."

Putting his keys on a hook that was near the door, Zach almost turned on his heels and his tail was wagging excitedly. Even the zacian's appearance looked exactly what Manuel imagined on the phone. Zach probably thought the same for him. The Pokemon was in a simple checkered tee along with board shorts and neon green flip flops. He had a small satchel that was put right over his shoulder and looked to have some weight to it.

"Nah, no time like I said, but..." Zach's eyes glittered mischievously as he slid over to the machoke and placed a finger right in between his pecs. "You will be just fine. You have such a wide figure that you will be imposing for anyone wanting to get up on their New Year's resolution. A perfect specimen for a camera lens!"

Manuel was surprised at the contact but thought not much of it. He felt like he was being examined in every angle. "Umm, where did you find my photos by chance?"

"Oh, just on Instagram," Zach said as he walked over to the attached kitchen after breaking away from Manuel for a moment. The movement gave Manuel a little breathing room and he began to scan his environment, wondering where he would be getting his photoshoot done.

The living room was modern and spacious. A black loveseat sat over what appeared to be a black and white polka dotted rug and a flat screen TV sat up against a wall. A little to the right were stairs leading up to the second floor. On the left, a panoramic window with a sitting area to view out of it overlooking what appeared to be the scenic view of a beach. It was gorgeous and Manuel found himself walking over to the window to look outwards. The salty breeze was cool, relaxing, and completed the laid back atmosphere.

"Here." Manuel turned around to see Zach with two glasses of iced tea in his hands. "It should help you cool off. You must be thirsty."

"Oh, thank you!" That was what Manuel needed at that very moment. He took it, and two shared a drink with one another.

After taking a hearty swig, Zach plopped the empty glass onto the nearby table. He then turned to Manuel who was watching the ocean. "So, I'm sure you're wondering what exactly you'll be doing, right?"

The machoke turned around and nodded. The cool drink really helped him relax. It was what he needed to counter the blistering heat of the summer. "You mentioned a photoshoot?"

The zacian nodded, and opened his satchel. He took out a DSLR camera and showed it to him. "Yeah," he answered. "We've recently opened the Crowned Sword Gym and we're thinking of ways to help promote it. I was told fliers and online advertising would be a good idea."

"The Crowned Sword Gym?" Manuel asked. "That's actually the gym I go to! I love that place! It's right next to my dormitory."

Zach smiled. "Thank you. I'm actually the owner."

"Oh my goodness, I didn't know!" Manuel remarked. "I expected him to be more..." The Pokemon trailed as he realized he might offend the zacian.

"Bigger?" Zach teased. "It's fine. I get that a lot. Though to the people who question that I say: wait till you get me out of my clothes," he joked. Manuel laughed along with him, finding his personality infectious. "But anyways, I think you'd be a good fit to model for us." Sensing the hesitation from the machoke, Zach added, "you not having any experience is fine. Your natural appearance is perfect enough as it is."

Manuel blushed heavily at the zacian's compliments. "I-thank you, sir."

"Please, just call me, Zach."

He then led the man back inside to continue their discussion. "So how about it? Are you in?"

Manuel decided to bring up an important point. "Before I say yes, I want to know how much this would pay though, if that's not too much to ask."

"Ah, of course," Zach responded. He then walked over to a nearby bookshelf and pulled one of the drawers. He took out what Manuel saw was the fattest stack of cash he had ever seen. "We, or technically, I will be paying you a flat fee for this. The marketing campaign will last for six months so I figure this would be enough compensation." He handed the cash over to Manuel and the machoke counted it in his hands. This was a bigger payout than his cruddy part time job at the fast food restaurant. It was ten times that! "What do you think?" Zach asked.

"This would be alright," Manuel answered, handing over the cash.

"Perfect!" Zach responded. He then placed the cash into the satchel he had on him. "So now that's settled, let's get started, shall we?"

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

A few moments later, Manuel found himself standing in a clean, spacious room. A white backdrop was stuck to the wall, and large LED powered standing lights were propped up facing towards it. Three tripods were pointed straight at it, with the one in the middle without a camera on. Zach was attaching the DSLR he showed earlier onto it. On the roof were other cameras pointed towards the direction of the backdrop. It seemed that Zach was intending to get shots from every angle. A shelf was to the side, filled with various props that could be used for a photoshoot--funny hats, a fancy frame, an umbrella, and even some balloons. "You can place your things there," Zach said, pointing to the large black couch hugging the wall, with a small end table next to it.

Manuel walked over and placed his belongings: primarily his phone and his sunglasses. A bright flash, followed by the sound of a camera clicking made him turn around. Zach was testing if things were working properly with the remote control he had in his hands. "There we go," the zacian said to himself. He was checking the output on a tablet. He then turned around to face Manuel. "Alright, I think we're set."

The machoke took that as his cue to stand on the white backdrop. Zach took a seat from the side and sat himself behind the camera. He momentarily fiddled with the focus of the camera lenses using his tablet, before turning to face his subject. "Why don't we start with something simple?" he asked nicely. "A few profile pictures to start us off with," he suggested. "Just smile at the camera; be natural; be yourself."

Manuel nodded, doing his best impression of a stock photo worthy smile. The lights flashed, and his eyes took a moment to adjust from the picture that was just taken. "This looks great," Zach responded. He then scratched his chin. "But I don't think this would give the people the idea of going to the gym. What do you think?" Zach turned the tablet around to give Manuel a look at his photo. True enough, while the photograph was nice, it didn't exactly scream "gym marketing".

"I agree, this isn't exactly the type of photo you see on sports magazines..." Manuel responded.

Zach scratched his chin. "Sports magazines, eh?" He stood up from his spot and walked over to the shelf. He grabbed one of the pieces of publications that were placed on it. Flipping through one of them, he then snapped his fingers as he saw what he was looking for. "How about this? Do you think we can do this?"

Manuel saw that he was pointing to a photograph of someone barechested, flexing their biceps in front of the camera. It was a picture accompanying an article about the importance of health, and how it equates to better sexual performance. The machoke nodded. "Yeah, I can do that," he responded. Admittedly, his tank top drying on his back was beginning to feel icky and he was more than happy to get rid of it. Manuel then took off his shirt, tossing it towards the black couch, where it joined his other personal belongings.

Zach quietly smiled to himself, admiring the great eye candy in front of him. "You weren't kidding when you told me you loved my gym," he remarked. Manuel blushed, idly scratching his cheek. Now barechested, the work he put into his body was plain to see. His pectorals bulged out, rising and falling with each breath he took. It looked like a pair of pillows a person could nestle their head between. His arms were thick, obvious from the numerous days he devoted to lifting at the gym. A nice set of abs were on full display at his abdomen, seemingly a messenger of better things to come. It was a like a neon lit sign pointing to the machoke's crotch, still covered in his tattered jeans. "Thanks," Manuel responded, becoming self conscious with Zach's staring. He subconsciously tried to cover himself, to which Zach noticed.

Zach chuckled. "Oh, Manuel, you have nothing to hide. I'm staring because you're quite the looker, dare I say? I'm sure all the ladies are falling over for you." He began to tap on his tablet, and Manuel could hear the lenses readjusting mechanically.

"Oh, they are," Manuel answered, feeling a bit more confident. Zach's compliments were making him feel less shy and more comfortable standing bare chested. "Though, I have to keep turning them down."

"Why is that?" Zach asked from behind the cameras. "Already got a special someone?"

"Not exactly," Manuel responded. The machoke scratched the back of his head, seemingly at odds with himself at answering the question. Zach picked up on this and decided to voice his statement for him.

"Not your type?" he asked directly. "If not for girls, I'm sure the boys love you as great eye candy." He then winked at him. "Because I sure do."

Manuel blinked, and then smiled bashfully. Being complimented by a dashingly handsome man wasn't what he expected to get today, but he was more than happy to accept it. With a press of a button, the camera lights turned on, and Manuel got into a pose. Zach looked at him, nodding.

"Yeah, just like. Flex those muscles of yours."

A snap of a picture.

"How about you turn around and..."

Another snap of a picture.

A few moments later, Manuel was standing next to Zach as the two reviewed the photos on the tablet he had on hand. There were ten pictures in total, not counting the previous ones with his shirt on. They were in a variety of poses: one had him flexing his bicep, another was him showing off his chest, and another was him having his back turned and showing off his well sculpted back muscles. The photos themselves were outstanding, the type of which Manuel himself would have been glad to post on his Instagram, knowing full well the amount of attention they'd garner. Zach, on the other hand, was thinking to himself. A thoughtful hum escaped his lips.

"These pictures are great, Manuel!" Zach cried out. "They'll be perfect for printing on the fliers. Great job," he patted the young man on the back. He put the tablet down and took out the stack of cash from his satchel. "As promised, here is your pay."

Manuel took it appreciatively, feeling accomplished with his work for the day. This was probably the easiest job he ever took in his entire life. "If I had known modelling was this easy, I should have done it sooner."

Zach was tapping away on his tablet, sending the photos to his work drive for later. "Didn't I tell you, Manuel? You're a natural!" After seeing the notification that it was sent successfully, he then turned back to Manuel plopped the stack of cash next to his phone on the desk. "Now normally, this is the part where I thank you for a job well done, and I hope to see you again at the gym. However..."

Manuel turned around, wondering what Zach was going to say. "Hm?"

"Would you be interested in earning another stack of cash like that?"

Another stack? Manuel glanced at the money he literally just earned. If he were to gain the same amount, he could literally be set for the next two months! "Depends," he coyly responded. "What's the job this time?"

"It's pretty much what you've already been doing: modelling."

"What would I be modelling this time? Is this for the gym?"

"In a way, yes," Zach responded. He then walked over to a bag he had prepared earlier and unzipped it. In it were articles of clothing sealed in plastic. "We've been thinking of selling clothing merchandise for the gym. It's still in its experimental stages, since we're unsure if people would be interested in them. Either way, if you're up for it, I could have you as the model of the first wave of them."

The machoke thought for a moment. He had already spent a nice chunk of his time here, and earned a large sum of cash already for only the bare minimum of work. He would be dumb to refuse the offer.

"Oh, alright. I'll do it then."

Zach clapped his fingers. "Perfect!" He then picked up the bag and handed it to Manuel. "Get undressed and put these on. I think you'll like them. I'll go get set up."

0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0

The first contents of the duffel bag were simple and par for the course. There was a shirt with the gym's logo on it, followed by matching gym shorts. There was even a variation of it that had a very low cut, probably targeted to people who focused on cardio activities. Fitting into them was easy for Manuel.

"How do I look?" Manuel asked, stepping outside of the bathroom.

Zach was looking at his watch before turning to face him. A bright smile covered his face as his eyes took all of Manuel in. "You look splending!"

Minutes of snapping photos and Manuel was back into the bathroom, changing into the next attire. What came next surprised him. "You guys are doing swimming clothes?" he asked from inside the bathroom.

"Yeah," Zach answered back. "It's actually in construction now. We're thinking of launching this apparel on its completion date."

Digging through the duffel bag in the bathroom, a blush went across the machoke's face as he took a quick look at all the bombastic colors that created every color of the rainbow. With the everyday clothing done, what was left were interesting. Swim trunks, thongs, speedos, and jockstraps were stuffed inside of the duffel bag and each one had a unique symbol towards the bottom or near the crotch; a black emblem of a tauros's head as it snorted outward in two small puffs of black paint.

"Oh my," Manuel mumbled as he held each one up at the bathroom mirror as if analyzing the fabric. They were soft to the touch and felt almost like lycra and stretchy spandex. A pair of drawstrings were attached to the swim trunks and Manuel's cheeks grew even more crimson as he realized that if they were loose, they would easily show the start of his cock. They were the first that caught his eye; especially since the bright pink ones looked almost like the tank top he had on earlier and he felt a little warm as he held up the swim trunks by their waistband by his head as if comparing them.

"God, will this even hold me in?"

The blush that was around his cheeks continued to deepen as he slowly stripped off. The buff machoke then was left naked and staring at his reflection in the mirror. He heard a quick knock on the door and jumped as he was immediately pulled back into reality.

"By the way, don't worry about underwear, hun. I'll just have it washed after this."

Manuel gave a gulp. Although he was feeling embarrassed at the fact that the swim trunks showed pretty much all sides of his bulge and his muscles, that little warm tingle in the back of his head told him to keep going and that the lycra would feel so good around his quads and thighs.

He started to pull the soft trunks up and towards his waist, the material hugging his muscles. He gave a small gasp as that familiar warmth shot right up his spine as if telling him he was doing a wonderful job. The material fit nice and snug around his quads. The trunks fit like a glove, the rectangular design pushing out his ass and really highlighting his maleness and cupping his balls. The material helped push them outward, highlighting them while still allowing them just a tad of movement as he wiggled his thighs to see how much they would give.

To Manuel's amusement, his bulge also bounced inside of the pouch and the bright white drawstrings hung down sensually and tied together just around the base of his cock. And just as Manuel suspected, the trunks allowed the start of his member to be easily seen.

"You ready in there?" Zach asked with an almost sing-song tone to his voice. Manuel simply gave a test flex in the mirror and puffed out his chest. Due to the increase in temperature, he found himself beginning to sweat just a little bit and the flexing made him feel powerful and sexual. He figured that whatever customer wanted the clothes, they would definitely get their money's worth.

Stepping out of the bathroom, the machoke walked up the stairs and saw Zach standing just behind the camera and gesturing over towards the empty space. Manuel was surprised he got ready so quickly, or maybe he was in the bathroom for longer than he anticipated. The couch from before was positioned right in front of the camera and the window that overlooked outside. Plenty of natural light would be used in the photo and Zach gave a quick explanation that he loved the way the colors glimmered in the sun.

"Alright, you can go ahead a-...oh my..."

Manuel blushed when he saw Zach's eyes twinkle mischievously.

"Err, what's wrong?"

"Oh...ummm....come here, Manuel. You've sprung a...a leak..."

Manuel looked down to see his cock had popped out of the swim trunks and over one of the drawstrings. He blushed very bright red and like before began to stuff his cock right back into the confines of the attire. Zach was giggling like a schoolgirl and shuffled over as Manuel struggled with the drawstrings.

"Here, allow me. I did create the damn things..."

Manuel watched as Zach's nimble fingers reached towards his crotch area and started to tie together the draw strings with experienced ease. He gave them a little pull which not only increased Manuel's bulge size but also made it fit even more snugly in the pouch. The machoke was wondering why it felt so loose in the front.

"There...a perfect fit for a big guy like yourself!" Zach said with a blush as his hand brushed across and around Manuel's crotch for a second probably longer than intended. Manuel found himself blushing hard, sweat beginning to roll down his neck and over his exposed pecs as he gave a grin. That heat was still around...why was it so damn hot?

"Uhhh, thanks. Sometimes it happens."

"Not a problem, hun. Now, how about you pose over on the couch. Just lie down like ...oooooo, such a natural!"

Manuel had taken position on the couch by lying on his side and faced the camera with a confident stare. One hand was positioned comfortably on the side of his head while another was on his hips which were cocked forward. His abs and pecs looked huge in the angle and he gave himself a confident smirk. The machoke didn't even realize he had it in him to look so...desirable but it felt almost natural.

Snap. Snap. Snap.

Several quick flashes of the camera followed by a lot of squealing from the man wielding the camera told Manuel all he needed to know about how well he was doing.

"Alright stud, let's get you in a sitting position with your legs opened up just a little bit to show off the pouch....hell yeah!"

Manuel did what he was told and even leaned forward to allow some of his muscles to flex which only gave Zach further ideas on how to exploit his newest model.

"That is so about some flexing? Get those biceps up! Perfect!"

More quick snaps from the camera followed by and finally Zach gave a nod and clapped his hands. "That was perfect. Now, go grab one of the thongs downstairs. Try the orange ones. You seem to like those bright colors." Zach gave a quick wink before sticking out his tongue. "Hurry, hurry before you lose that fire you got going!"

Manuel did as he was told, quickly making his way to the bathroom with a broad smile on his face. He was practically beaming at the praise he was receiving! He never felt so wanted and needed in his career and part of him wondered if he could make this a full time gig! He was getting paid so much and he felt like Zach could be a steady source of quick income which would be especially important for college.

Manuel excitedly began to move through the duffel bag until he finally came across what some people affectionately call "butt floss." The underwear certainly did have all those qualifications. To call a thong revealing would be an understatement; the stretchy material that it was made out of could easily be held on the machoke's thick finger and the pouch look even smaller than the swim trunks that he had on.

Slipping off his swim trunks, the machoke noticed that his cock was still floppy, but he had a bit of a chub and blushed. It seemed that the photoshoot was beginning to really rile him up and get him going. His breathing started to deepen as he slowly brought his legs up to bring them through the two leg holes of the candy orange thong and brought the material upward.

The underwear hugged his bulge and brought it up and out just like the swim trunks, but this time it showed off way more of the upper V of his pelvis. The looked slim on his body and really highlighted each curve and muscle. The material that cut right between his cheeks was hardly able to be felt and the machoke turned around to see his cheeks were defined very well. Giving his ass a bit of a wobble, Manuel blushed and gave a small smirk, but that smirk was quickly replaced by a frown.

"Fuck, this is the weirdest photoshoot ever...."

Although he hasn't been to any other photoshoot, no other one involved wearing skimpier and skimpier clothing; especially for an athletic magazine for clothing for a gym and this seemed like it was way more than what Zach bargained for. Yeah, the money was nice, but there was something that Manuel felt he wasn't being told. The large machoke shifted uncomfortably as he reached for his discarded gym shorts and pulled them up and over his thong and made sure that everything was stuffed away.

Manuel made his way back out of the bathroom and up the stairs, his bulge wobbling inside of its pouch that was covered up with the gym shorts with each step until he finally made it up towards the top of the stairs to see Zach's eyes with that same glimmer behind them.

"Go to the couch and...oh why do you have your shorts back on?" Zach asked as his excited pointing to the couch turned into a hesitant huff from the photographer.

Manuel crossed his arms and made his way over to Zach with a calm look across his face. Although Zach noticed the bulge between Manuel's legs, he knew that one wrong word and he could be in danger of getting into trouble.

"These photos aren't just for the gym...are they?" Manuel said in an almost slow and deliberately piercing manner.

Zach looked somewhat confused, his body's movements betraying the innocent smile that spread across his lips and the fire behind his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but then just gave a sigh as he put his hands up in a shrug and said, "No, they aren't. The photos up to the swimwear were for the gym, but the thong photo I wanted was for me. I like collecting personal photos for models that come here."

"So you lied?"

"Not exactly lied...I was seriously going to mention it! You looked so excited that I didn't have a chance to tell you..."

Manuel looked at Zach's expression and searched for any signs of lies, but Zach's expression didn't give him any hint of him lying. In fact, it actually led him to believe that Zach was telling the truth.

"So....just photos in the thong? Nothing really else?" Manual said, still with that same slowness as if he was still processing the words.

"Yeah. Just photos in your thong. Flexing and posing and all that. And I promise another bonus for your hard work...what do you say?"

I didn't take long for Manuel to answer back. The fact that he would be getting paid just to be in underwear was something that seemed like he was doing all along and what Zach did with it was not really any of his business. Plus, he did find the whole idea adventurous and sexy. It would be really to show off to a male who was eager to see his body and appreciate it.

With a quick flick of his hand, the gym shorts were untied and Manuel was back in his candy orange thong, exposing his pouch to Zach who just grinned toothily. Manuel gave a handsome smile back, flexing in a bicep pose as he cheekily bounced his pecs.

"Excellent," Zach said with a breathy sigh. "Get in position on the couch like before and spread those legs."

Manuel did as he was told, getting to the couch and following Zach's instructions carefully. Zach instructed for his left hand to be placed on his left thigh while his right arm flexed with tantalizing power. With Zach's instruction, he licked up along the bicep and the sultry look he gave the camera was icing on the cake as he gave a wink towards the camera.

Zach went bananas and took photo after photo of Zach in the act of licking his bicep. Then Zach made another request for Manuel to pose over the black couch with his ass facing the camera.

The machoke obliged with a cocky smile and gave the zacian exactly what he wanted and more. Manuel posed over the couch and put his arms on the head of it and leaned forward. His ass faced the camera and the two beautiful mounds of muscular perfection were on full display along with the thin orange streak that ran through right between his cheeks. Manuel gave a teasing wiggle, which made the bulge between his legs bounce expectedly before the machoke reached between his legs and cupped it, the two round and full balls bulging outward in the stretchy material.

Zach practically had an aneurysm and was already taking photos like a madman. Even before Manuel looked back at the camera with that same hot grin and also stuck out his tongue. Throughout all of this, Manuel actually found himself enjoying the attention, and the act of taking the salacious photos. He even began to entertain the idea of doing this as a possible side hustle. If it was as lucrative as Zach presented it to be, maybe this was a thing he could genuinely rely on to pay the expenses. Either way, he was finding the attention of the camera comfortable.

By the end of it, Manuel found himself panting, the excitement of it all making him feel exhausted. Sweat dripped down his chest, the bead of water delicately tracing the contours of his body. It was like he ran a marathon, but all he did was just pose on a sofa. In front of him was Zach, bouncing at the balls of his feet as he looked over the photos. With the way he grinned to himself, he liked what he was seeing. Manuel then smirked. With the way Zach's pants were tenting themselves, he definitely was enjoying the whole ordeal. Even Manuel was guilty of this. All the excitement and attention admittedly left him at half mast. His thong was visibly straining in containing his cock. It looked like it was in danger of ripping.

"I do hope you like the photos," Manuel said, walking up to Zach.

The zacian had a blush across his cheeks. "Yes, I most certainly do. Thanks again, Manuel, I appreciate you doing this for me." He then looked apologetic. "Again, I'm sorry about the whole...abruptness of it."

Manuel brushed him off, waving a dismissive hand. "It's fine." He then placed his hands across his hips, his biceps flexing in the process. "So would that be everything? Because if that's the case, then I'll have to change out of this."

"Oh, about that," Zach said. "You can keep it. Consider it a gift from me. Besides, it fits you quite nicely," he said, his eyes clearly fixated on the bulge that was right in front of him. Manuel could feel him staring and found his cock twitching at the attention. The action resulted in a piece of the lining tearing slightly. A piece of thread came loose, and was dangling towards the side.

"Oh dear," Manuel responded.

"Let me get that for you," Zach said. He walked over to a shelf and grabbed some scissors. He then wordlessly took the loose thread and snipped it. His hand brushed up against Manuel's bulge, and it responded with a throb, making Zach's hand linger.

Manuel was about to ask what Zach was doing when the zacian spoke. "I'll add another."

"Add another what?"

Zach then looked up and faced him. A look of lust, longing, and determination was visible behind his eyes. "I'll add another nice stack to your bonus if you let me suck you off."

The statement hung in the air, and Zach watched as the question enter Manuel's ears and his brain began to process it. Precious seconds ticked by, and Zach wondered if he had crossed the line. Maybe he was asking for too much at this point. Photos were one thing, but sexual favors were a different matter entirely. He ultimately decided to back off. "You know what," he said, shaking his head and patted Manuel on the shoulder. "Forget I said anything. I'm already asking too much from you."

Manuel blinked. His heart beat loudly in his chest. The sexual tension throughout the entire day seemingly culminated to this very moment. Being a model was one thing, but a prostitute? He wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that label being attached to him. However, given everything that had happened, and how he was feeling, there was one thing he was sure of. He smirked. "While I'm not sure about getting paid part...don't want to be labeled as a prostitute but I wouldn't mind the latter if you're that thirsty for this."

Manuel felt a hand begin to move down and around his thigh teasingly and then brush right up against and around the bulge that was wrapped tight in his orange thong. The material felt as if it was never even there and his cock begin to bulge outward obscenely as Zach's hands danced teasingly around his length. Zach's eyes were flicking from his thong and then back up to Manuel as he studied the machoke carefully. The hand still nimbly moved and finally when Manuel gave a small, relaxed sigh did his hand move forward swiftly to cup Manuel's balls which were wrapped tight.

"God, you are so big, Manuel. Mind if I take a sniff?"

Giving a grin, the machoke looked down with a glimmer in his eyes. "I don't mind."

Taking that as his perverted cue, Zach got down on his knees and slowly kneaded Manuel's balls lovingly. He stuck his muzzle right in the machoke's pouch and inhaled the deep, manly scent. It made his eyes nearly roll back in his head and the mixture of sweat as well as arousal had such a nice, earthy scent to it that made him crave a little more.

"Puppy like?" Manuel said with a cocky smirk as he moved his hand on top of Zach's head and scratched his ears. Zach merely nodded. Manuel took that as a sign to speed things up and shoved Zach's snout right into his balls. Zach gave a whimper and nuzzled upward, feeling the large orbs simply droop over his nose in their spandex home.

"Woof," Manuel chuckled as he started to slowly grind his hips against Zach's nose. "You like that, puppy?"

Zach gave a small whimper, the act of repeating the word "puppy" in such a sentence dripping with sexual tension was making his own cock jump in his shorts and drip in his underwear. He wanted to strip so bad, but wondered if Manuel would chide him for it. He didn't want the dominant machoke to be upset. Zach simply wanted to please.

"Down boy," Manuel said as he pushed Zach away. The zacian was a panting mess as his tail wagged expectedly and his head cocked instinctively to the side. Zach could still smell the musk on his muzzle and some of Manuel's sweat stuck to his fur. It was a reminder of where he just was.

When Zach felt a hand gently move him down onto the cold wooden floor, he gave a whimper. His back was completely flush against it and he was looking directly upward at the ceiling.

"When I say 'down boy', I mean it. From now on, you'll be fully down when I say so like this, okay puppy?"

God, the dominant attitude was so hot to Zach and his tail began to wag faster. He blushed at how easily he was submitting to such a beast and part of him craved being told what to do. His ears folded downward and he gave a playful bark, but didn't speak up in a full sentence.

Zach was completely taken by surprise when Manuel's toned, large ass squatted over him. The thong strap that streaked through the crack of his ass was almost like a gay landing strip and pretty much written directions for Zach to follow with his fingers or with his tongue and the zacian knew which one it probably was going to be.

Manuel gave a grunt of impatience, his cock hopping in the pouch of his thong. "I'm gonna have you suck something, but it's not going to be my cock. Give me a good tongue bath, puppy and maybe I'll give you a nice treat at the end."

Zach was just about speak up in approval but was immediately cut off when his face was completely enveloped in muscular, purple machoke ass. He muzzle pressed right up against Manuel's thong strap and Zach immediately smelled the same musk that was on Manuel's cock but much stronger and more concentrated. It was like he died and went to gay, ass heaven.

Zach did what anyone would do when confronted with this matter; he started to lick. Manuel gave a soft gasp which he hoped Zach didn't hear followed by a very long and low groan of pleasure as his new bottom puppy started to lick right across his hole. It felt so warm and inviting that Manuel started to put almost his full body weight down on top of Zach who gave a long moan that vibrated right on up Manuel's spine. The zacian's tongue licked right along his hole and the photographer turned pervert started to salivate which added to the raunchiness of the whole affair.

With each tender and long lick across his hole, more slobber would form on the outside and give the hole such a nice sheen of slick and wet saliva. More and more licks were made and Zach started to lick faster and with more precision. The hot breath that Zach panted out only added to the eroticism of the action and the warm puffs of air continued to add a wet layer to Manuel's now hot and wet hole.

"F-fuck yeah, puppy," Manual groaned out in ecstacy as he started to grind his cheeks on Zach's face. Left and right he went as Zach moaned out with each small second of freedom from the machoke's thick cheeks. "Getting really close to your treat now. Don't give up on me yet."

Zach was such a trooper that he didn't even notice that Manuel had his hand right around his cock and was stroking it through his shorts. A large wet spot formed on the material and Manuel grinned as he watched it grow larger and larger around the crotch area. Zach brought his hands up to Manuel's thighs, grabbing them as the machoke leaned slightly forward to get a better angle to edge his new toy which only made Zach squirm.

Finally, after about fifteen minutes of constant rimming, shaking, and moaning from the two males, Manuel got up off of Zach and stood straight up over him. Zach simply continued to lay on the ground panting like a dog in heat, his face a mixture of sweat and saliva with his tongue rolled right on out.

"Take off your clothes, puppy," Manuel said as he easily slipped out of his thong before chucking it onto Zach's muzzle.

Zach obeyed, letting the pouch of thong linger on his nose without a shame as he removed his underwear and shorts in one go along with his shirt. Zach's member was engorged with blood and harder than ever before and Manuel simply admired the view as he towered over the male.

Admittedly, Zach was well built himself. He was closer to a swimmers build but still had a nice thickness to his muscles. His chest and pecs were well defined and it was clear he put several hours in the gym. However, he had nothing on the male who stood above him with his arms crossed and his cock unabashingly out and proud. To say Manuel was huge was an understatement and Zach was taking it all in.

"Legs up," Manuel commanded with his arms still crossed and a fire in his eyes. "It's time for your treat."

Zach obeyed like any good boy and put his legs straight up. His tail was wagging a million miles a minute and he was panting so much that his excitement looked like it was going straight to his cock. His tampered member drooled over his abs and the pre-cum dripped down and along the bumps of muscle before rolling over and onto his hips or the floor. Manuel gave a grin and grabbed Zach's legs to lift him up and pushed him back a bit so his ass was facing almost at a 45 degree angle.

The zacian gave a yip, but not before letting out a groan as the machoke dove straight in to pay it forward for his excellent rimming. He slipped his tongue right into Zach like a seasoned pro, the wet and warm appendage pistoning in and out of the zacian at a wicked rate. Zach howled in pleasure as the tongue hit his prostate again and again, but Manuel would simply pop right out when Zach's legs began to shake and his dick would throb hard as if on the verge of cumming.

Manuel's rimming shook Zach to his core and shot right up to his cock. The care and raw masculinity of the action was so arousing and surprising that Zach had to bring up a hand and bite down on it to prevent himself from yowling out. If he had thin walls and close neighbors, they would have thought he was being murdered. Zach could only see the machoke's head, but heard each and every movement of the big daddy's tongue as he fucked his hole with it and got it nice and lubricated.

When Manuel popped out for the final time, drool ran down his chin and he gave that dopey grin that he had before. "That was a good appetizer, puppy. I'm ready for dessert now. Are you ready to get filled with cream?"

That was probably the cheesiest dirty talk he had ever heard about dinner, but god damn was Zach in.

"Y-yes...please fill me right up..."

"Good boy."

Manuel didn't waste any time. He turned Zach over, letting the zacian rest on his belly. His large hands slapped the pump cheeks that were in front of him, getting the male to cry out in response. It was muffled by the underwear that was covering Zach's face. Manuel knelt down, guiding his cock downwards and aiming it for the bright pink, lubricated hole that was winking at him. Zach's ass felt like heaven, massaging and caressing his cock as it parted between him. He paused momentarily as his cock waited before the entrance. "If you wanted my cock so badly..." He inched forward, teasing the zacian by prodding at the saliva slicked entrance. "You should have just asked me."

It was like burying his cock into a nice, tight, warm hole. Zach clung onto him as if his entire life depended on it and it showed. The zacian let out a long, and drawn out groan, a sound mixed with pain and pleasure. His toes curled, and his fingernails scratched the floor as his hands balled up into a fist. It felt like he was being torn in half, like a log being jammed straight up into him. "Fucking hell..." he muttered under his breath. Zach figured Manuel was big, but this was something else entirely. "You're so big..."

Hearing those words spurned Manuel further. Inch by inch, his length disappeared into the zacian's ass. The machoke reached forward and grabbed one of Zach's cheeks, marvelling at how plump and soft they were when he squeezed. They felt like expensive soft premium pillows that only the finest money could buy. Zach squealed beneath him, prompting Manuel to take the other cheek and roll them under his large hands. At some point, the base of his crotch ended up kissing the two mounds of flesh. Manuel took this moment to catch his breath. Zach, on the other hand, was clenching and unclenching his backside. He was doing his best to relax despite being skewered by the largest cock he had ever taken.

But fuck did it feel good.

Manuel lowered himself so that his upper half rested atop the Pokemon's back. "Yeah, you like that?" he asked, breathing heavily. He planted kisses on his back, making Zach shiver in response. He was like a bitch in heat; an itch only a stiff cock could scratch. "You've been wanting this cock all day, right? How does it feel, pup?"

"So good, sir..." Zach answered, his voice still muffled by the piece of underwear that covered his mouth, saliva beginning to form on the crotch piece. The musk that irradiated from it was so manly and earthy that each deep sniff went right to his cock. The machoke responded by rolling his hips, and Zach could feel the Pokemon's cock throb deep inside of him. It filled every single part of him, and the zacian shivered as the head and shaft jumped within his deepest and most intimate areas. His eyes threatened to roll towards the back of his skull when it hit him right in his g-spot, threatening to push out his load. He was being milked for all he had by the cocky machoke and Manuel was just eating up the different expressions that the Pokemon gave.

Manuel's breath felt hot on his neck. "I'm going to bury my bone and fill you. I hope you know that, pup."

Zach gulped. He knew he wasn't going to be able to sit right the next few days. What scared him more was what came out of his mouth. "Please, fuck me."

Manuel was more than happy to oblige. The machoke began to thrust, bouncing his hips on the zacian's bubbly ass. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed against the room. It started off hard, but definitely methodical and if a bit caring. Manuel wasn't keen on breaking Zach. At least, not yet. All the sexual tension of today's photoshoot gone sexy was building up to this. All the teasing, all the sly looks, and all the lewd poses left Manuel hot and bothered. Now, it was his chance to release. Two strong muscular hands took hold of Zach and held him down. The machoke angled his backside, making sure to get as deep as he could with every thrust. His cock was engorged, and hard as a rock. His balls filled to the brim with hot cum, smacking the Pokemon's plump buttocks. Each thrust earned him a tender yip coming from Zach, and it was music to Manuel's ears.

Beneath him, Zach was stewing in the hormones that flooded his brain with each push against his prostate. Each thrust hit him right in the area that sent him into ecstasy. It was electrifying, sending jolts throughout his entire body. A tingle coming from his back, and travelling all the way up his spine. Zach shuddered underneath the larger Pokemon, feeling content and happy to be dominated and be played with. The smell of sex filled the room, and Manuel's scent was strong on Zach's nose. Having the underwear so close to his snout was intoxicating. Each breath he took was like taking a hit of drugs. It sent his body into a spiral. He cried out soon after, feeling his entire body surrender to the larger Pokemon.

Zach could feel the familiar sensation of that tingle but this time it was right in his balls. Each thrust sent that tingle further and further up towards his cock. His member began to form the knot, the tell-tale sign that if he was fucking someone right then that he would be ready for a tie. His cock bobbed and as it did so, cum began to jet out of the tip and splatter across the wood floor beneath him. He was a moaning and convulsing mess, his hole spasming around Manuel's hard and unyielding thrusts as he found himself getting closer to his big climax.

"Oh mmmmf...oh fuck....oh fuck....oooooohhhhhhhh....!"

He unceremoniously came, his backside clenching as hard as it could. It clamped down on Manuel's large cock, threatening to push it out. Jet after jet of hot, warm seed was pumped out of his balls and splattered against the wood floor underneath to give it a nice sheen of zacian cum. He was shaking and growling into the underwear in his mouth and he felt Manuel's hand move over his mouth and an index finger push in the thong onto Zach's tongue. Zach gave a groan as he tasted Manuel's sweat once again and

"Yeah, like my cock stretching your hole open, slut pup? Good boy...cum for daddy. Now be a good pup and take all of daddy's cum," Manuel cooed, increasing his pace as Zach's hole spasmed around his cock as the zacian slowly came down from his orgasm. The tightness on the zacian's ass was incredible. It felt amazing on his cock, and it brought him ever so close to climax. His balls were slapping even harder against the zacian's ass and machoke reflexively put more weight down on Zach. Zach squealed beneath him, the sound muffled by the underwear which prompted the machoke to grab the waistband of the thong and bull his head slightly back. Manuel practically angled himself, the machoke using his leverage to get in as deep as he could into Zach's hole.

The girth felt amazing and even though Zach came, he was still hard and his cock bobbed up and down between his legs and slapped against his abs.

"Ready for your treat? Gonna fill you up real nice. Urgh, it comes, puppy. Gonna cum! Oh fuck..."

Manuel roared loudly, feeling his balls quake. His cock stiffened, and he ejaculated. Ropes upon ropes of semen escaped from the tip of his member, depositing them straight into the Pokemon's tight ass. The sheer volume of it was too much, and some leaked excessively to the side. It joined the pool of cum that was forming below them, mixing in with Zach's own cum from earlier. Amidst it all, Manuel rode out his orgasm, milking it for all it was worth. By the end of it, the two men were tired, exhausted, and completely spent.

Manuel laid flat on Zach's back, his hot breath washing over the Pokemon's neck. The two said nothing for what seemed like minutes, content to just catch their breaths.

It was Manuel who spoke first. "Fucking have a great ass, Zach."

"Thank you," Zach answered, clenching his ass on Manuel's now deflating cock. "You're not only a great model, but you're also a great fucker."

Manuel eventually got off Zach, the machoke momentarily wincing as he felt his cock get overstimulated upon exit. He helped Zach get up on his feet. Cum dripped from Zach's ass, trailing down his leg and pooling onto the floor. The tip of Manuel's member was still dripping the white hot seed as well. "Fuck, I needed that," Zach responded. He looked at Manuel's naked form in all of its glory. "Thanks again. I'll make sure to give you that extra."

The machoke blinked. Oh that's right. He waved a dismissive hand at him. "Nah, getting paid for sex feels weird," he answered. "I'm not a prostitute."

"Are you sure? Maybe you should with how good you fuck."

Manuel felt a surge of confidence in response to the compliment. "Maybe." He then reached forward and smacked Zach in the ass. "How about instead of paying me, you give me your number? I might be down for more...photoshoots."

Zach grinned. "As long as you don't mind being my puppy afterwords."

The two made out on the wood floor, basking in the possibility of their new, professional relationship.

**Author's Notes:

Another story? In the same month?

I know, it's CUHRAZY. But yeah, the story juices are flowing and I have no intention of stopping them. Crimson and I decided to collaborate on this one. I hope you guys like it. It's not exactly story-centric, but I think we made up for it in the sexy department.

Who doesn't like good, trashy smut, every now and then right? Besides, it's nice to just dabble and not worry about plot or anything of that sort. It helps clean the palate, so to speak.**

Don't worry guys. If this didn't sate your appetite, I have other stories in the works (I know, I'm on fire. LOL) and I hope you guys look forward to reading them.

The Naughty List

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **This story was made in collaboration with CrimsonSkies455! You can find his profile here:...

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Com: Spyro's New Predicament

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **The next installment in the Reignited Sexy Verse! If you guys haven't read the previous story entry that started all of this,...

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Com: Coliseum Match

**This story has been formatted to be best read with the "FIXED WIDTH" function and "COZY MODE" function enabled.** * * * **I AM BACK FOLKS. Yes, I am not dead. I've just been quietly working on commissions and decided to grace my return with a...

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