No Real Plans - 2

Story by Krance on SoFurry

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#3 of No Real Plans

Raphael got a text from Theo saying exactly what he was hoping to do that night. Rather, who he was hoping to do. Raphael slid the thick black flip phone back in his pocket and sauntered over to his couch. Not that it took very much to get to his couch. His entire place was rather tightly packed. An apartment wasn't very big, almost by definition. His, particularly, was small, to compensate for his income. He worked at a telemarketing place downtown, and they paid extremely well for the work he did. He came out with about 36k a year, and Raphael found ways to waste it. Mostly spending it in places he didn't have the money to spend it. Mostly on his friends.

His tiny apartment fit a maroon three-person couch, dark wooden coffee table, glass and metal entertainment center with a twenty-four inch HDTV, desk and computer, as well as lamps and wall decorations. His kitchen was a small separated area in the back left corner, and his bathroom branched off to the right of his living room. It was all one giant room, really. The bathroom and bedroom were separate, in the back and right.

Raphael collapsed onto the couch, and threw his arm up over his eyes. Theo was off fucking Alex, the boy he was practically in love with, and Raphael was lonely enough to call a stripper. The TV was murmuring in the background, casting a soft light on the white-walled apartment. Raphael's thoughts wandered from this to that, as if they had nowhere to go. A piano was playing on TV, and he turned to look at it. A black wolf was gently caressing the keys of a black grand piano, stroking them as if they were the gentle hands of a lover. For the first time, Raphael was jealous of a piano. Jealous of a fucking piano.

The wolf stood up and walked off screen, the creaking tune of a music box filling the air. It melted into something more electrified, and the camera angles became snappy. The rest of the movie was confusing. A few shots of him standing next to a bride, looking bored. The next few were of him standing next to a well-built grey wolf in a white suit. With a smile, they seemed to walk off. A crying bride, a broken picture of something moving to fast to see, the look of a black muzzle on a grey neck...

Apparently Raphael had been watching the "Make Raphael feel like a loser" channel. He shut off his TV and walked over to his constantly-running computer. He pressed the space bar and looked at the screen. He clicked on a nice rock song, and let it play in the background softly. He updated PawBook and FurSpace, giving each a quick update. He kept them happy, and talked about the music he was listening to. A few minutes ticked by.

Raphael's phone buzzed, and the canine slipped it out of his pocket. He flipped the thing open, and scanned the name. Alan? He opened the text, and sorted out what appeared to be a drunk text.

cn i cum ovr? i ned hlp cuz im drnk n i nd to tlk

He smiled at the grammar and spelling, and sent back a short and simple


Apparently Alan had been just around the corner, because Raphael's land line went off after only about a minute. He picked up the cordless silver phone, and placed it to his perked ear.

"Hello?" Raphael asked with his light voice.

"It's Alan," The thick voice panted out.

"I'll buzz you in," Raphael smiled and hit the 7 on his phone, and Alan hung up. The thudding of heavy footsteps neared his door, and Raphael stood up to answer the door. Heavy rapping shook the door, and Raphael flicked open the brown door with a quick twist of the silver handle. The huge figure of Alan came stumbling in, barely clearing the doorway.

"What's up?" Raphael asked. Alan staggered past him and landed himself on the couch, his big arm landing to his right. He was wearing a black muscle shirt and cargo pants, as well as a black leather watch. He walked there in sandals, apparently.

"I'm not really all that drunk," Alan admitted, looking up at Raphael with his pathetic eyes. "I just really needed to talk to you." Raphael was taken back, and he sat down on his couch, close to Alan. He placed a consoling paw on Alan's shoulder, which was shrugged off immediately.

"About what?" Raphael questioned further.

"I just..." Alan struggled to get his words out, swallowing hard down his throat. "I feel..." He searched around the room for a long time before finally resting his eyes on Raphael. "I'm worried I'm..." This pause of his, the simple pause of his own caution, was one of the longest pauses of Raphael's short life. "Curious." Alan suddenly sighed in relief, and Raphael looked down at his own lap.

"What got you thinking this?" Raphael continued, mulling over what this all meant.

"I was at the party," Alan began, trying to look at Raphael's eyes. "And we started to play a game of truth or dare. But then things got..." Alan made a circular gesture with his hand. "Far. The girls were daring guys to do really gay things, while the boys were daring the girls to do lesbian things. Simple enough... At first. Hugs, kisses on the cheek, and some shirtless action..." Alan looked down at his lap. "And then that preppy kid, Daniel Ravv? He was dared to give me a sexy lap dance. I laughed at it and waved him off, but he came at it anyway. I don't know what it was, but his arms around my neck, his gentle grinding against my stomach, maybe his close face, whatever it was, got him all active. He took his tongue and ran it over my neck out of nowhere, and then comes back down. I didn't notice it, but apparently he did, and goes 'Is that your fucking dick?' And suddenly everyone is staring at my tent, and they're all laughing at me. I laugh it off, and eventually the game stops. It happened to some other guy, but that was after they'd been rubbing his dick for a good minute and a half. So I left, but I just... It has me worried, y'know?"

"Do you want an answer?" Raphael finally looked back up at Alan, and locked eyes.

"What?" Alan asked, his brow tightening.

"Do you want an answer?" Raphael asked slower and more articulately. "I've got a way, if you want it." The two of them shared an intense silence for a few seconds, drawing out every last millisecond of tension. They didn't dare break it, or act on it. It was so thick with tension, it practically pinned them down. Alan slowly nodded, and Raphael stood up. "Then we have two options. I can show you some porn and see how you react to it, or I can strip myself." Raphael smiled and tugged on the edge of his jeans.

"Porn," Alan answered with a smile. Raphael returned the face, and dug out a red-covered smutty video of a lion and a horse staring each other down with interlocked hands. Alan popped it in the video player, and turned the TV on. It booted up, and showed the familiar scene of the two of them working in a hay field. They were talking and smiling, introducing each other and learning more about each other, until they kissed.

The video had finally reached the actual porn, and the lion was forcibly taking it from the loaded horse. Raphael turned his head to Alan, and nodded.

"So?" He asked. Alan jumped, and turned his head towards his crotch. They both looked, and saw the obvious evidence. His shorts were practically bursting at the seams. "And there's your answer." Raphael snaked his way up, and walked over to the video player. He turned it off, and slid the DVD back in its place. Replacing it on the shelf, Raphael turned around to meet Alan's muzzle with his own.

"I've wanted this..." Alan pressed his open mouth to Raphael's, pressing his tongue against Raphael's closed lips. After a hesitant moment, Raphael finally gave way to the bull's forcefully powerful mouth. The bull's long tongue explored Raphael's mouth, intertwining with the canine's own tongue. Raphael pressed forward, trying to establish dominance. No such luck. Alan pushed back harder, forcing Raphael's head down. Raphael lifted his arms, and wrapped them gently around Alan's neck. Alan's hot fingers found their way against Raphael's soft underbelly, and he pushed the shirt up. The hyena raised his arms, allowing the shirt passage over his svelte frame. Their contact was broken for a moment, but Alan pushed his way back as soon as the shirt was gone. Raphael began to rub Alan's chest, gently stroking the muscles making up his pecs and abs. He pushed down on them lightly, rubbing them softly.

"You're so muscular," Raphael praised between breaths. Raphael could see the blush play across Alan's hot face, and he built on this by further moving his muzzle up and dragging his tongue against Alan's firm neck. "Here, too." Raphael drew up his leg on Alan's thigh, hooking it over his waist. The hyena pulled up on Alan's shirt, pushing it over the bull's head. Immediately afterwards, Raphel pushed his fingers into Alan's pants. His thumb and forefinger did away with the button easily, and his hand pushed away the zipper with ease. Alan let them drop, and kicked them off with his sandals immediately. The slick black boxer briefs beneath his pants were a size too small, clinging to every edge and curve of Alan's body. Raphael's hand remained, rubbing the thick package he felt underneath. His face moved from the bull's shoulder, and he ran his cheek over the bovine's refined chest.

"I don't know if I can go, uh, all the way," Alan confessed placing a hand on Raphael's shoulder. The hyena stopped his soft rubbing, and placed his muzzle on Alan's shoulder.

"We'll take it slow, then," Raphael whispered. Raphael grabbed Alan by the hand, and led him over to the couch. "Have a seat." Raphael played, stroking the black, heavy muscles. Alan plopped back onto the couch, and Raphael dropped his own pants. He was sporting a tight pair of red briefs that day, but they were a common choice for him anyway. His bare feet moved to the center of the room, and Raphael turned his back to Alan. He gave a look back to the bull over his shoulder, and playfully licked the air. Raphael bent over, stretching the fabric of his briefs over his tight ass. His grey tail poked up in the air, swishing back and forth. He wasn't all that good at this stuff. He'd done it a few times, but really Raphael was almost entirely new to the process. He stood back up, and hooked half of his hand down into his briefs. He gave a very sexy, lusty look back towards Alan, and then spun to face him. He lowered himself to a squat, and ran his hands along the insides of his thighs a few times. Raphael watched the bull's eyes, which closely trailed the movement's of Raphael's hands. The canine stood up, and strutted over to Alan. He swung both legs quietly over the bovine's strong thighs, and grabbed Alan's head in his hands.

Raphael brought him into a deep kiss, and moved his hand back to Alan's neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. He wrapped his tongue around Alan's, and moved his hand down to stroke Alan's strong black chest. The bull placed his large, warm hand on Raphael's back and slid it down slowly, following the curves of his body until he reached the ass. He gave it a tentative squeeze, and stuck his fingers in the waistband. Raphael took this opportunity to slid himself up on Alan's legs, running his crotch directly into the bull's. He began to grind his groin into Alan's, forcing a stirring into his sheathe. His head began to poke out of his sheathe, and he let out a short sigh of passion. He pulled out of Alan's mouth, a long string of saliva following his tongue as it pulled back. He grabbed behind the bull's black head, and pushed it down onto the canine's neck.

Alan immediately began to lick and stroke the hyena's neck, and his left hand moved to their crotches. He rubbed his own for a brief second, and then went to gently massaging Raphael's. Raphael's member slowly moved outwards, exposing the first inch or so. His briefs became tighet and tighter, until the elastic started to pull from his own waist. He moaned as Alan began to gently rub Raphael's head, and grunted when he gave it a nice squeeze. Raphael stood up, and Alan's hand swung around to hook the front of his briefs.

"You wanna help?" Raphael asked. Alan silently noded, and pulled down on the waistband. The briefs feel quickly, exposing Alan's full five inches. The hyena had a cock true to his species, and was colored black. The underside of his cock, however, was a dark red. It faded to black as it came up to the top and to the base, but it was clearly a dark maroon on the bottom. Raphael smiled, and lifted his legs to rid himself of the bothersome, constricting briefs. The canine reached down to Alan's legs, and ran his fingers up the taught, tented breifs. He reached out to Alan's black waistband, and tugged down on it. It came quickly enough, showing off the huge, black cock buried beneath. It was a more humanoid cock, black at the base and fading to pink at the top. The eight inch monster called out to Raphael, as if telling him to just try. "You're freaking huge..." Raphael said, running his fingertips along the sensitive head. Alan twitched a little, but let out a soft, quiet moan.

"Thanks," Alan expressed his gratitude by leaking a tiny bead of pre. "Sh-Shit..." Raphael moved his finger to it, and swiped it up. He placed it in his mouth, and took the thin, salty fluid all at once.

"Mmmm," Raphael moaned in pleasure. He moved his hand to the base of Alan's shaft, and brough himself to his knees. Alan spread his legs, making ample room for the hyena's figure. Raphael moved his muzzle up above the tip of Alan's cock, and dragged his tongue over the head. Alan shudderd visibly, and let out another muffled moan of pleasure. Raphael moved in his free hand to take Alan's large orbs. He gave them a tiny squeeze, eeking out a small bead of dog water*. He took it greedily, and ran his tongue one more time along the head. He made sure that it was ready, before easing his maw over Alan's ready cock. He slipped his lips onto the top of the bovine's cock, working it slowly. His tongue slid down the cock, prepping it for his mouth. He pushed his mouth down over the first couple inches of the meat, and carefully worked it.

"Shiiiiit," Alan moaned and let his head fall back, resting on a combination of the back of the couch as well the wall. "Raph... I just..." Raphael pushed farther down, taking in the first four inches of Alan's cock. He ran his tongue left to right, slicking the member with his mouth. Without any more though, Raphael pushed his head down the entire way, pressing his nose directly into the intense musk surrounding Alan's cock. He swallowed the spare juices in the back of his throat, his tongue rippling on Alan's sensitive head. He pulled back up, and found a comfortable depth. Four inches was the most comfortable that he could take in, and Raphael worked with it. He worked up a slow bobbing motion, and moved as smoothly and gently as possible. He squeezed and played with Alan's balls, trying to tug out the lust burried in Alan's loins.

Alan placed his hand on the back of Raphael's head, encouraging him to speed up. Alan chanted his gratitude of thanks, mixed in with an on-beat grunt as Raphael hit the base of the bovine's cock. The hyena wrapped his free hand around Alan's exposed cock, and squeezed it to add to the experience. Raphael pushed himself as hard as he could. Alan started to tighten up, and he moaned louder than he'd moaned before. His balls pulled up, and his dick twitched. Raphael shoved his muzzle down the entire length, and deep throated the member. The seed poured directly down Raphael's opened throat. It poured down easily enough, jet after jet filling Raphael up.

"Fuck!" Alan shouted as the last rope flew back into Raphael's throat. Raphael pulled his head away, and gulped down the last bits of cum. Alan pulled himself back, and Raphael stood back up. "That was amazing..." Raphael smiled, and strattled up on Alan's hips.

"You ready now?" Raphael coaxed Alan, and ran his fingers down his sculpted body. It was a farm-labored body through and through.

"I don't know..." He trailed off.

"Come on. I'll be gentle," Raphael traced his fingers down his chest and abs. Alan's head turned left and right, swimming in choice and ecstasy.

"O-Okay," Alan stuttered. Raphael lifted his ass, and slowly eased the tip of the bovine cock into his cheeks. He cautiously lowered his tailhole onto the head, and slipped it into his pucker. He pushed the first few inches into hole, which had been well-used and stretched in the past. He lowered his own thighs down cautiously, until the entire thing was taken inside. No lube required. There was enough sloppy cum left over to ease the entire process. He grinded against Alan's groin, and raised back up with a slick, sloppy noise. Raphael pressed his lips against Alan's, and pulled him into a deep kiss, slowly adding tongue and motion.

His right hand moved over to his own cock, and he began to work it quickly. The heat that had been building up was intense, and he couldn't hold it back. His knot formed after what seemed like seconds, and he pulled up Alan's hand. He placed his hand around the forming knot, and helped him squeeze it. His first rope shout out, slapping against Alan's chest. His ass clenched, and pulled out the second orgasm of the night. The second, intense orgasm of Alan's. The shuddering matched perfectly, and they shivered against each other in throes of intense ecstasy. They both threw their head backs, breaking the kiss.

"Fuck!" They both shouted loudly, followed by a low moan from Alan and a high howl from the hyena. Raphael fell back down to Alan's neck, and raised his muzzle to Alan's ear.

"You got it straight now?" Raphael whispered, his breath tickling the edges of the bovine's ears.

"I know so," Alan muttered. Raphael began to raise up, and Alan's hand reseted on the hyena's thin shoulder. "Stay with me."

"No problem," Raphael answered. They fell to the side, pressed to the couch.

*Dog Water - Slang for precum.


Chapter 3 will be an interesting experiment in my story-telling. I don't know if it'll be good or bad, but stay following and you'll definitely see the results!


No Real Plans - 3

It's midnight, the end of Friday and the start of Saturday, and two hearts are hanging on a delicate balance. It's eight twenty AM, and a hyena opens his eyes to see his partner. He nudges him awake with a smile. Raphael? Hi, sweety. What did I do...

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No Real Plans - 1

Theo was busy looking busy and balanced a pea on the end of a plastic fork. The school lunch they served wasn't bad or anything. It was just... average. The green orb rolled back and forth, the focus blurring the animals...

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After School Break

It's short, it's bad, it's non-canon, but it's a submission. I think about doing this stuff all the time, but my schedule suddenly overflowed, and I was worried about writing something non-pornographic. So this is what you...

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