Panthora Part 1

Story by BethieBedlam on SoFurry

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Part 1: It begins

Have you ever wanted to just get away? Have some knight in shining armor sweep you off your feet? Of course you have, we all have. Relena Kibou and Sabrina Aspen are no different, they never expected it to happen, but it did. Both had always dreamed of a world of fantasy, of witches and warlocks, of dragons and unicorns, you know that old cliché, but Relena had found a name for it ever since she turned 18 (she's 20 now).

It was called Panthora, and when she was there she talked to a man--well not a man actually--he was a werecat, a tiger to be precise. She didn't know his name (she had once asked what it was, and he told her to call him Dar) but he told her of the world beyond his cage. He never called her Relena, he called her mage.

She had asked him why he called her that in her last dream, he said it was because she was a sorceress. She protested saying that she didn't know any thing about magic. He said she would remember when the time was right and then they would finally meet in person. She asked when that would be, his only reply was soon.

Now you may be wondering how I know all this, the answer is quite simple really, I'm Tora, Lena's cat. I'm merely writing this as an intro to hers and Brina's journal/narrative of their adventures. You may also wonder how they know I can talk, it's because I only kept it a secret until she rediscovered her powers.

She started her journal the night she discovered her powers(Brina started when she was changed, this will make sense later ^_^), and now we're going to type it up so people can read it (hehe their penmanship isn't the best, and I'm a cat thumbs ^^;) they asked me to write the intro and edit it, they wanted some one else to put it into perspective. I'll get to them soon, but first a description of myself: I'm a black female cat and I'm roughly 200 yrs. old, give or take a few decades. I enjoy reading large, usually ancient, books and studying all things magical. Relena's other cats are as follows: Magnus--brownish red and cream colored tom cat 200 yrs. old--enjoys astronomy and studying other creatures(my mate), Lumi--black and silver tom cat 150 yrs. old--enjoys chess and the study of wars and weaponry, Solara--black and gold female cat 150 yrs. old (Lumi's twin sister)--enjoys gardening/studying botany and the study of healing.

Oh before I go and forget, here's a quick description of Lena and Brina: Lena has jet black hair with red highlights, very expressive caramel brown eyes that flash red with any strong emotion, she is tall with an athletic build and she is usually quite candid. Has a slight tendency to be over protective of those she cares about and is quite the worry wort...she does mean well though. Brina has light brown hair with subtle gold and auburn undertones, her eyes are hazel and change color with her emotions but are usually a moss green and flash orange in the darkness, and she is average height and has a slender wiry build. She is described most often as a bundle of volatile emotion when she's riled up, but she is usually quite reserved and shy around new people, she's playful and easy going most of the time.

Well with that out of the way, let's get to the journal!


Entry 1

Tonight is the full moon, and Dar was right, I woke up at midnight and suddenly I knew of a whole other life I had lived! Rooms I didn't know were in my apartment were there and a treasure trove of knowledge was at my finger tips! I have to go, my roommate Sabrina Aspen is taking me to the circus, she's been begging me to go to for months, and I'll never hear the end of it if I make her late!


Well when we got to the place it looked like something an ogre coughed up. And the show was mediocre at best. I was ready to do anything to get away by the time the clowns came out so I said I was gonna get some popcorn and made my escape. I decided to look around the game area and then go see the animals.

I went to the game area and to my surprise it was utterly deserted! I decided to just skip the game area and have a look see at those animals...they claimed to have a 'unicorn' in their menagerie but I, of course, know that unicorns can't live in captivity. Well I was right the so called 'unicorn' was an old nag with a paper-maché horn. The lion was old and the elephant looked miserable, so when I got to the tiger exhibit I was surprised to see Dar sitting there with a chain and iron collar.

He jumped up in surprise and exclaimed "Mage you have come to me at last!" "Holy crap is that YOU Dar?!" I shouted wanting to embrace him...stupid bars... "Why are you in a cage?" I asked. "Well, I'm kinda the 'tiger' in the menagerie...I was captured and the owner of the circus is using me because I'm more 'docile' than a 'real' tiger..." he said sheepishly...a tiger looking sheepish XD...any way I digress.

"Well I'm getting you out!" I said angry at the injustice of Dar of all people being caged! "No, the guards will hear you!" he warned. "I don't care! I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you stay in a cage with that horrid thing around your neck!" I said not bothering to keep my voice down. "I won't let you get hurt for my sake." He said quietly. "Dar, I don't care. You're worth it." I said exasperated. "You really think I'm worth risking your life for..." he asked his expression unreadable.

"Yes, I really do. I can't imagine letting you suffer like this! You've been my only comfort for a long time..." I paused "In fact I used to look forward to sleeping just to talk to you." I said laughing. "I can't let you get hurt Lena, I'd never forgive myself." He said softly. "D-did you actually call me Lena? I've never heard you say my name before, much less my nickname..." I said surprised. "Well, I wanted to get your attention...I don't want you to get hurt." He said his amber eyes smoldering at me. "Well if you'd let me get you out, you could defend me." I said in a this-is-so-obvious-its-funny voice.

His jaw dropped, "Well I hadn't thought of that..." he said contritely. "Can I bust you out now?" I said sarcastically. "Um...yeah how do you expect to do that?" he asked. "Just watch!" I said laughing. I aimed my index finger at the lock and told him to stand back, "erif llab!" I shouted as a fire ball shot from my finger and destroyed the door. "How in the nine hells did you do that!?" he exclaimed. "I'm a mage remember?" I said laughing. "Oh yeah... well could you use something a little less...explosive to get the collar off?" he asked.

"Hcrot" I said and a torch appeared on my finger tip. It was easy to get the collar off but then came the guards...crap, now we have a problem... "Well you're up Dar." I said cheerfully. "Why me?" he said noticing that there were 5 burly guys running toward us. "Well my magic would kill them...all we need to do is knock them out..." I said patiently. "Ok I can manage that...I think" he said changing before my eyes from a tall athletic man with orange streaked black hair to his tiger-man form.

Wow, I never noticed how BIG he was in tiger form...I sat on what was left of the cage floor and watched him proceed to knock the guards around like they were made of paper. It didn't take long to knock out all the guards, so after that Dar stole a pair jeans and a T-shirt from one of the guards. And I called Sabrina on her cell so she could get the car...good thing that girl doesn't ask too many questions...


Entry 2

I was a bit worried that Brina would be suspicious when we explained everything, but to my surprise she not only believed us but wanted to go with us to Panthora! It's been about a week but we're making plans to go soon, until then Dar will stay in one of the secret rooms so the dean won't freak out when he does his 'random dorm check' hehe.


Was in my study, reading with Tora and Magnus when I decided to check on Dar. He was staying in the guest room, next to the potions hall. When I got there, I hesitated...why am I so nervous? He's been in my dreams for Hecate's sake! I still couldn't help the fluttery feeling I had, it must be because it's late at night...yeah that's it, it's 'cause it's late...aww who do I think I'm kidding...I'm totally stressing because I want to jump his bones--I mean because I'm attracted to him hehe...

Well when I knocked he was surprised, but happy to see me. "Well Lena, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" he asked, charming as always. "Well I thought I'd check on you and see how you were doing, and maybe we could chat for a while..." I said getting a little quieter towards the end. "I'd enjoy nothing more, my dear Lena." He said, those damned eyes of his smoldering at me and making my heart exceed the NASCAR speed limit!

"W-well good, I could use a bit of company, Brina's asleep and there's only so much you can talk about with a 200 yr. old cat that never leaves her library..." I said managing to laugh. I sat at the nearest arm chair and he pulled one up next to mine...again my heart was beating so hard I bet he could hear it with those tiger senses of his...grrr stupid were-people with their stupid super senses! And it was then that I realized the part of my brain responsible for sane conversation had suddenly turned to jello, I am so totally screwed!

"I suppose you wanted to discuss what will happen when we go to Panthora, right?" he asked. Thank you Hecate for helping me dodge that bullet! "Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to talk about, what are we going to do when we get there" I asked, relieved that he had spoken before I blurted out something stupid. "Well first we'll head to my estate so we can set up yours and Sabrina's quarters. Then we're free for me to show you the sights and such." He replied. "Your estate?" I asked. "Well it's sorta a big castle and grounds..." he said modestly. "A castle, a complete with moat and drawbridge kind of castle?" I exclaimed incredulously.

" also has a resident dragon...his cave is nearby and he helps me out in exchange for a cow every now and then when the hunting isn't that good..." he said. I was of course speechless like any normal person would be when someone tells them he has a DRAGON. "I know it's very different from things here in your world, but its rather commonplace in mine." He said trying to get the 'omfg!' look off my face. "I suppose that I will be conspicuous only for my ordinariness then." I said with a self-deprecating laugh. "I don't think you're ordinary at all..." he said in that heart speeding way of his. I looked up, and as our eyes met my heart went even speed of light fast...and I know he can hear it.

That's what's embarrassing, then I noticed that I had been leaning forward without knowing it...and then he put his hand on mine. I think my heart is going to explode...oh crap, what if I faint? That would be sooo embarrassing. I'd want to hide in one of those closets that throw things at people who try to open them--yes they really do have those!--and just when I thought I would have to pick my heart up after it slammed its way out of my chest, he kissed me!

It feels like fire is in my veins, but in a good way. At first I was too surprised to react. But when he started to pull away I pulled him closer to me and kissed him back, except instead of a chaste kiss I turned it into a full-blown-passionate-novelist's-dream-makeout-session kiss. I am soo surprised I didn't faint with how fast my heart was beating. He was the first to pull away, much to my dismay, and then he said "Wow...I wasn't expecting THAT!" "Well with how loud my heart was beating you shouldn't have been too surprised." I replied still a little breathless.

"You have a point..." he agreed chuckling. "Well I didn't really expect that either." I said quietly looking up at him. "Some of the best gifts are a surprise." He said tracing my jaw with his finger tips. Even that light touch sent my heart fluttering, I blushed realizing he could hear it. "It doesn't seem fair for me to be able to hear your heart beat when you can't hear mine..." he said chuckling softly. "Well if I had tiger senses it might be a more even field." I said without thinking.

"I could change that" he stated quietly. Does he mean...what I think he means? "W-what do you mean" I asked not daring to believe it. "I could change you, to be like me, if you want me to, I mean." He said blushing. "Would you really?" I asked hopefully. "First I should explain how that occurs..." he said blushing a deeper red. Why on earth is he so embarrassed? "Ok, explain away." I said still quite clueless as to why he was embarrassed. "Um...I have to bite you obviously, but it has to be done when we'" he said even more embarrassed than before. "Oh..." I said blushing too, that's why he was embarrassed... "Um...that's not sooo bad... at least you don't have to like kill me or something..." I said, secretly wanting to...really really wanting to.

"Y-you mean you don't mind?" he said incredulously. "Well if I didn't like you would I have asked, or kissed you for that matter?" I said trying to sound sensible. "Again you have a point...oh and when I bite you, we will sorta have each others memories in addition to our own..." he said absentmindedly, like he'd forgot during the embarrassment. "You mean I'll know what you know and vise versa, like a knowledge exchange?" I asked genuinely curious. "Yeah, it's really much simpler than people would think...just kinda embarrassing to talk about the process, you know..." he said relieved that I'd gotten it so quickly.

"Soo...are know." I stammered losing every bit of composure I had ever possessed in my entire life. "I-if you w-want to..." he replied just as embarrassed and nervous as I was. I looked up at him and he looked at me, we were both too embarrassed to say it but when our eyes met, it was all that was needed to tell eachother that we wanted to. Well I'm not going into the details, we well you know, and while I'm pathetic...he bit my neck and after a few minutes I bit his instinctively and that's basically it...minus the all the descriptions...


Entry 3

It's a good thing Brina made breakfast, if we hadn't smelled the bacon and woke up, she would have found us and it would require and endless retelling and I definitely don't want that! We quickly got showered and dressed and I ran to my study and pretended to read until Brina came to get me for breakfast. Yet another bullet dodged!


Breakfast was rushed because we had to pack to go to Panthora and Brina went to tell the dean we were leaving. I used the easy way to pack, I did a quick packing spell and got the whole contents of the dorm--and a copy of their placements--in one box. I packed Brina's room separate. And the rest of the dorm--except my rooms--were in another box. So we had 3 boxes altogether and of course the cats rode in a pet carrier, but it was so big--on the inside--that they had plenty of stuff to do.

Brina came back and told us we were cleared to leave and that the dean had no idea Dar was here. So we turned to Dar and asked how we were to get there. "We drive to the portal of course, it's disguised as an abandoned pub. It's called 'The Gate' clever isn't it?" he said laughing. And thus our bizarre road trip began...

It was hectic driving down there with Dar shouting directions to Brina and the traffic, but we DID get there! It was run down and kinda dingy but the sign said 'The Gate' just like Dar said. "Umm will we be able to take the car?" I asked. "No once we get through the portal we can rent a couple of horses and your car will be put in the Storage area till we go back to visit your world." He replied. "Cool, so let's get moving!" Brina said enthusiastically.

We took some time to admire the scenery while we rode the horses to Dar's place. So nice to see pollution free skies, and the castles and houses didn't crowd out the surrounding area either! Dar said we could have any rooms in the castle we wanted, and it was a BIG castle! I took the box with my rooms in it and decided to set up in the tower next to Dar's. My astronomy room at the top, then my study and below that my personal bedroom and bathroom.

Brina chose a few rooms on the bottom floor--her bedroom and bathroom, plus a library and her art studio all with doors leading to eachother--she refused to go any higher...I think she's got a problem with heights. Anyway I helped her unpack and Dar suggested that we go out to eat tonight because he didn't have his servants here yet--therefore no cook--and he had to call them tomorrow.


Entry 4

I'm looking forward to dinner, Dar said he was taking us to his favorite place. And afterwards we're going dancing! He said we could go shopping to our hearts content today--we only have clothes from our world and after all, the fashion is pretty different here.


Well me and Brina managed to buy one outfit each without causing mass mayhem. I got a purple and gold old-fashioned corset dress and Brina got a lovely seafoam green peasant blouse and brown leggings, a braided belt went over it completing the outfit. I thought we did rather well considering we were new to this area's fashions, I even found a cute little black beret to wear with my outfit--trè bohemian! We're about to leave for the restaurant, its a little café-ish place and Dar says we'll love it.

I thoroughly enjoyed my meal, we all had steak. Brina was the only one who didn't have hers VERY rare hehe. I'll admit, the whole were-tiger thing took some getting used to...I mean you go from normal human senses to being able to hear someone 100 ft away from you sneeze in the middle of a crowded subway terminal! It was a blessing that Brina was so understanding, she wanted to hear more about how Dar and I were together than about me being a were-tiger...Anywho, I digress. We went to the club after dinner and of course Dar warned us that there might be some powerful creatures about who didn't exactly like us outworlders.

The club was called 'The Looking Glass', and it was beautiful! Much nicer than the clubs back home, the inside was beautifully lighted so that each area had different colors that blended together at certain intervals, as well as black lights, and a fully stocked bar! Me and Dar went dancing and Brina went to the bar to get a drink.


Hey Tora here, we're switching to Sabrina's point of view now because she's more interesting...


I sat down at the bar and ordered my favorite drink, a strawberry daiquiri, and as soon as I took a sip I saw out of the corner of my eye an absolutely gorgeous woman about to sit down next to me. I discreetly observed her while pretending to be interested in the design of the counter. She had the most lovely jade green eyes and short silver hair that when she moved her head, a few strands of sky blue would show through. Her outfit was rather stunning too, she wore a black shirt with a laced v-neck and slashed sleeves that let pale green silk peep through, a knee length skirt of the same color as the silk over black leggings and heeled boots. I turned my head to face her, "Hi, my name's Sabrina." I said with a flirty smile. "I'm Allysa, but you can call me Lys." she said with a sexy fox-like grin. "You can call me Brina if you like." I replied. "Brina..." she paused, like she was caressing my name with her lips, "I like it very much indeed." She said smiling, her eyes dazzled me...

She ordered a glass of red wine. She's the type to just sip her drink slowly instead of downing glass after glass. We had been talking for a while about nothing in particular, aside from the usual small talk I found out she was 'between apartments' and that we shared a love of art, she asked me if I wanted to go get something to eat. I told her I had gone to the café down the road with my friends before we got here but some ice cream or something would be nice. Then we danced for a while, she is a wonderful dancer!

I introduced her to Dar and Lena, Lena told me that I should be sure to call when I was on my way back to the castle and if bandits or anything happened I was to return immediately. "Sheesh Lena, I'm touched that you worry about me so much, but I am a grown woman, and I know not to stick around if there's trouble." I replied chuckling. "Besides I can take care of her, right Brina." Lys said, intimately draping her arm around my waist and resting her hand on my hips. "R-right" I said blushing. Dar raised an eyebrow. Lena said "Oh, and how do you propose to do that?" "Well I AM a were-fox..." she said as if it were obvious. "Oh, then there's nothing to worry about!" Dar said relieved, "No bandit would be dumb enough to attack a were-beast, especially one that's on a date." He teased.

And we both blushed, of course...but this time Lena raised her eyebrow...hehe this should prove interesting.


Hey Tora here again, time for a short interval with Dar and Lena.


Lena turned to Dar and smiled, "I'm glad she's found's always been kinda hard for her." Dar chuckled, "Well at least here she won't be reviled like in your world. I still can't believe something as beautiful as love can be considered wrong..." he sighed. Lena smiled sadly, "To tell you the truth, neither can I...but I guess that's why I worry about her so much." She paused, "Did I ever tell you how Brina and I met?" Dar pulled up a chair for Lena and sat down in another, "No I don't think you did."

Lena sat down and began her tale, "I think it was my second year of college, I was coming back from a party and I heard someone cry for was Brina. She was getting beat up by some sorority girls, I yelled for my sisters and we stopped them. The girls only excuse was that they were 'teaching her a lesson'; and when my sorority's leader asked why, they told her it was because she was a sisters and I took Brina back to our dorm and helped her get back on her feet, she was going to leave but we invited her to stay with us. When the other girls on campus tried to pick a fight with her one of us stepped in, if anyone gave her any shit about it we shunned them, in short we made it known that we didn't tolerate that kind of behavior...even then some people were still hateful. I think if I hadn't saved Brina by vouching for her, she wouldn't have made it." I finished with a sad smile. Dar shook his head, "Your world really is a cruel place isn't it..." Lena smirked, "Yep especially if you're different."


Ok now back to Brina and Lys!


We left the club and Lys said she knew a nice little malt shop down the road where we could get ice cream. I got peach and she got strawberry, when we left I suggested we find a place to sit and eat. "Oh I know the perfect place! There's a park in town, we could sit there and eat by the pond." She said with a happy smile.

It was a bit far away so we took a shortcut through an alley...but, as soon as we got in the alley a robber pops out and sees me, freakin typical! Lys quickly got in front of me and transformed, he ran away so fast. "Hehe I thought he was gonna wet himself!" I said still a little shaken. "He did..." she said giggling. Then I noticed how beautiful she looked in fox-girl form, of course my jaw dropped...she saw me ogling her and changed back. "Now I know why the phrase 'foxy' was invented..." I blurted without thinking. She blushed, "Um thank you, I get that a lot hehe." "Oh, sorry I didn't mean to stare..." I said also blushing. "I don't mind at all if you stare..." she said with a suggestive grin.

She put her arm around my waist again, "Well, shall we my damsel in distress?" she said smiling at me. "Why yes oh chivalrous one." I replied grinning back. We walked the rest of the way without incident...well unless you count me tripping over my own feet as an incident. I'm such a clutz...when we got near the park she got behind me, put her hands over my eyes while I held the ice cream, "Ok now no peeking, I have a surprise for you." She said playfully. "Ok I won't peek, but don't let me trip and like fall in the pond or something." I replied. Trying to sound like my heart wasn't running a marathon at that light touch...

She led me to wherever it was we were going, and told me to sit on a bench--which I couldn't see--she had to help with that too...anyway once I was seated she took her hands away from my eyes and whispered in my ear "Open your eyes." I opened them to one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen, the moon was reflected in the water and the willows and water reeds were blowing in the wind. "'s absolutely amazing!" I said dazzled. "Glad you like it." she said. I handed her the ice cream and she sat down with me.

We ate in relative silence for a while enjoying the scenery. "Is that actually good?" she asked looking at my peach ice cream weird. "Well yeah...why?" I replied. "I've never had peach before...I thought it would taste odd." She said. "Well try some, you never know you might like it." I said holding it out to her. She tried a lick, "hmmm it is kinda good..." she ate a little more. "Hey, if you're gonna eat mine I'm gonna have some of your cone!" I said teasing. She actually let me, I guess she liked my ice cream after all...go figure...

We finished off the ice cream, sharing...and then I leaned my head on her shoulder. "This has been a lot of fun Lys." I said smiling. "Yeah, I like spending time with you..." she said looking down at me. Then I looked at her, I just stared into her eyes. I noticed she was leaning closer. I unconsciously leaned toward her too. When she kissed was like...nothing I'd ever felt before...she started to move away.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back with all the intensity I felt, she seemed a bit surprised but then it didn't matter...a bomb could have exploded under us and we wouldn't have noticed or cared! It was like there WAS no outside world, just me, her and that passion filled kiss. When we inevitably had to breathe, I smiled at her and said, "There's just something about you, I don't know what it is but even though we've just met tonight...I feel a connection between us and...I think I'm falling for you." She smiled shyly and said "To be honest...I think I'm falling for you to..."


We were walking home talking and laughing like we'd been together for years, but as we stepped out of the alley we saw the robber from before...and this time, he brought friends. So it was me and Lys against 5 armed robbers. "Don't worry Brina, I'll take care of these losers, just stay behind me okay." Lys said giving the robbers a 'you-really-aren't-worth-the-time-or-effort' look. "ummm okay careful." I said worried, not about myself--Lys wouldn't LET them hurt me--but about Lys...

Well I'm not going to do a blow-by-blow but she started out well, after the first 3 were down 4 more showed up and soon she was up against 5 again and she was starting to tire. I felt so helpless...all I could do was stand there and watch as my girlfriend fought for me!

All I could think of was how I wanted to help her so bad--all my life I'd wanted to find someone and now that I have, I'm about to lose her! I used to spend a lot of my time worrying that I'd never find someone that I could love...and after I came out of the closet, it got worse. If I hadn't become friends with Lena, I don't know what would've happened to that point I was so depressed, Lena accepted me even though most of the people at the college made fun of me. She risked her reputation just to be my friend, after that I met more people who understood and things got better. I used to be so I have someone to care for...and...I don't want to loose this...

I WON'T BE ALONE AGAIN! I mentally screamed. Then I saw a red smoke swirling around me and I started to I could actually fight by her side now. Then I saw a shape materialize from the smoke, it looked like a winged pegasus. It tossed its head like it was beckoning me to get on its back, as soon as I thought it I heard a soft voice within my mind say 'Yes little one, I am Aidan your guide, climb on my back and we shall fight together!' I instinctively knew that I could trust him. And we immediately rushed in to help Lys not even considering that I might be hurt in my rush to help the woman I'm falling in love with. After I joined the fight with Aidan, we managed to get rid of the bandits fairly quickly.


After the fight with the bandits we started to walk back to Dar's castle and of course she asked me about Aidan. I said I didn't know exactly how he got there but he said he was my 'guide'. "Weird...but I wonder how lil miss Lena is going to react when she hears that the bad-girl got you into trouble hmm..." she said seductively breathing in my ear. " don't shouldn't matter 'cause I like you so much." I replied blushing furiously because we were within sight of the castle.

Then I turned even redder at the sight of Lena and Dar stepping out of the door at the exact same moment that Lys decided to kiss me...awkward doesn't do this situation justice. "Well looks like someone had a good time." Lena said chuckling. "What took ya?" Dar said raising his eyebrows. I blushed "No nothing like that! We got jumped by some bandits..." oops the cat's out of the bag...pun soooo intended! "You WHAT!" Lena yelled.

"Sheesh keep your shirt on, she's always safe with ME." Lys retorted indignantly. "YOU put her in danger!" Lena shouted back. "HEY! Leave Lys alone Lena! I like her, and it wasn't her fault." I replied mad. I wrapped my arm possessively around Lys's waist. "Now if you don't mind, and even if you DO I don't care, WE are going to go inside." I said dragging Lys behind me.

When we got to my room Lys turned to me. "Wow, I'm impressed you got so mad at Lena over me." she said smiling coyly. I slid my arms from around her waist to rest my hands on her hips. "Well you're worth it..." I said giving her a little kiss on the forehead. She brought a hand up to caress my cheek, "Well aren't you risk the wrath of Lena the tigress for me." she said in a teasing tone.

"Why wouldn't I? You're gorgeous, fun AND you like me; of course I'm gonna make sure that doesn't get messed up." I said nuzzling her neck and playfully nipping her ear. "mmmmn you sure know how to make a girl happy..." she said before capturing my lips again. "You aren't so bad yourself..." I replied rubbing the small of her back. And then the inevitable happened--Lena walked through the door exactly as Lys started to kiss my neck. Ugh note to self, strangle her later! "For the love of--geez girl haven't you ever heard of KNOCKING!" I yelled exasperated. "Oh, um I didn't mean to interrupt....i just wanted to know for earlier..." she stammered as her face turned bright tomato red. "Ok you're forgiven, we'll talk later, 'cause we're kinda in the middle of something in case you didn't notice...." I said laughing a bit toward the end.

"um...ok........." she said sweat dropping a bit as she hurried out the door. Lys looked at me and then we both started laughing. We were too busy with the laughing fit to finish what we started *wink, wink nudge, nudge* so we just spent the night talking about what we'd do tomorrow.


After a few days of Lys sleeping over in Brina's room it was decided that she'd 'officially' move in, 2 weeks have passed since the night they met and so far they've been interrupted every time they try to have a romantic moment...and now back to the story...


Entry 1

Have you ever just woke up before the one you love and watched them sleeping? Its nice...she's so beautiful I don't even want to blink, just in case it turns out that this is all some wonderful dream I don't want to wake up from. I never thought I'd be so lucky to have someone as wonderful as Lys...I love just saying her name, I know its sappy but I could just lay next to her for hours and watch her sleeping peacefully like an angel...


The next day we decided to go out for a horseback ride while Dar and Lena went to get me and Lena our legal papers so that we could stay for as long as we want. After our ride we're going to go to a nice restaurant and eat. I was wearing a long rose colored ankle length slitted skirt over soft brown leggings, a coffee colored blouse with flowing sleeves trimmed in lace the same color as the skirt, and black riding boots.

Lys was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with flowers and skulls embroidered in bright green, a black T-shirt with a bright green butterfly on it, a tie-dye belt, and the same kind of riding boots. We walked to the stables together, me holding onto her arm as usual, and picked our horses. I picked a palomino mare and Lys picked a white gelding. We decided to ride through the countryside near the castle.

We rode side-by-side for a while and then I pulled ahead and said "Race ya to that field over there" pointing at a place about a mile down the road. "You're on" she said speeding after me. We were neck and neck for most of the race and then she finally beat me by a foot, both of us laughing happily the whole way there. "Ok Brina, what do I win?" she said dismounting. "Well...I don't know..." I said also jumping down. We quickly tethered the horses a short distance away. I felt Lys's arms slip around my waist and her chin on my shoulder.

"I think I should get a prize for winning, don't you?" she whispered in my ear before gently kissing my neck. "mmm yeah I guess you should." I said relaxing happily into her embrace. "How about you choose where we go after dinner?" I said turning my head to smile at her. "Anywhere I want?" she asked grinning at me. "Anywhere." I said practically purring. She chuckled "What a wonderful prize, I know exactly where we'll go..." she said with a sexy smile on her face.

I turned in her embrace to wrap my arms around her, I pulled her toward me and captured her lips. "mmn..." was the only response she could get out. Her hands wandered to the small of my back and she ran her nails along my spine, drawing goosebumps. She pressed herself closer to me and I played with her hair until we broke the kiss to breathe. "Well, seems like we should save this for tonight right love?" I said smiling. "You're right we should, and its about time to go to dinner anyway, we have reservations for a rather nice place thanks to meee." She said laughing. We quickly got back on the horses and rode to the castle, once again her grace amazes me.

We're going to a nice little restaurant called 'The Crystal Caldron' and we were about to be after we told Lena where we were headed, we immediately set off for our date. "Its nice to be away from the mundane. Usually I'd have had to listen to all kinds of lectures about remembering my cell, now we have magikal means of communicating." I said laughing. "Well I don't blame Lena for worrying about you, after all you do attract some dangerous company." Lys joked. "Aww come on, we didn't have that much trouble with the bandits." I said exasperated, "Why does everyone assume I need to be protected?"

Lys grinned at me, "Well you have me and Aidan you don't need to worry about getting hurt. I won't let anyone hurt you." She finished managing to sound sexy and serious at the same time. "Oh stop, you're making me blush." I replied still smiling. When we got to the restaurant I was awed by how lavishly they decorated. It was a general crystal themed place and the many candles created prisms, an absolutely beautiful effect. The waiter showed us to a place in the back with a view of the garden, the moonlight was beautiful and the night lilies and roses were in bloom.

We told the waiter to bring us a bottle of red wine, not too dry, and told him we'd order our meal in a moment. "So what do you want to get?" I asked looking at the menu. "Well usually I order steak, what about you?" she replied not bothering to open her menu. "Sounds good, I think I'll get some sautéed mushrooms with that." I smiled putting my menu down. When the waiter returned with our wine we placed our orders--both of us getting the steak and mushrooms. "So, where are we headed next oh race winner?" I grinned. "Weeell I think we could go to the nice little onsen spa near here..." she winked.

"Ooh sounds great, a nice soak in an onsen would be nice." I smiled reaching across the table to hold her hand. Lys was stroking my leg with her foot. Good thing the table cloth is so long, this could be embarrassing if the waiter showed up...speak of the devil! --The waiter showed up with our food so we settled down to our meal; Lys shooting little glances at me that were bordering on making me jump across the table and ravishing her on the spot.

We finished up and stopped by a smoothie shop on the way to the onsen. "So what do you want to get?" Lys asked me smiling. "Well as weird as it sounds, I like pina colada with cherry." I smiled sheepishly. "Well then that's what we're getting!" she giggled as she ordered a large with two straws. I blushed as the vendor asked who she was sharing with, Lys however immediately pulled me to her and said, "This is Brina, my lover."

The look on his face was sooo worth the nearly permanent blush! We paid for the smoothie and started our walk to the onsen.


When we arrived at the onsen we were immediately struck by how empty the place was. When we asked why no one else was around, the hostess said that people were normally gone by this hour. "So we have the entire place to ourselves..." Lys breathed in my ear sending shivers up my spine. We were shown to some changing rooms and told to simply put our clothes into one of the cubby holes and grab ourselves a towel.

We stepped out of our changing rooms and walked to one of the far pools, I was going to get in wearing my towel like most normal people do but Lys had...other ideas. She yanked my towel away and I turned toward her covering myself as best I could only to discover she had taken off her towel too. I blushed at the sight of her. "W-well I suppose we should get in now. " I said practically jumping in the water. Lys chuckled at me and stepped in slowly, even through my embarrassment I could appreciate how beautiful she was, in fact I found it hard not to stare. Her beautifully tanned skin and the rippling muscles in her legs causing quite the problem for my self control.

She swam over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, I could feel all of her against me and I let out a little gasp, "Um Lys should we really be doing this here?" I asked hesitantly, "I mean I love you and I really want to" I pause looking at her with longing and a bit of lust, blushing at the distinctly erotic turn my thoughts had taken, "I really, really want to, but shouldn't it be somewhere more, I don't know, special..." I finished lamely. "Oh I know, don't worry about it love. I'll try keep control of myself till after our little soak." Lys said grinning.

I grinned back, "Oh in that case..." I said kissing her softly and then more passionately. Her hands traveled down my back along my spine and I leaned into her, moaning into her mouth. We broke the kiss for air, "My, aren't you just determined to tempt me." Lys panted teasingly. "I can't help it you're just so cute when you're serious." I giggled. "And you're just plain cute." She said kissing and nibbling my neck. "Ooh no fair, you know what that does to me." I said shivering in pleasure. "Exactly." She said grinning as her hands moved to caress my breasts and stomach teasingly. I moaned and returned the favor, aching for the want of her.

The soak went like that for a while and finally we decided to go back home so we didn't drive ourselves mad. We left the onsen and walked down the road cuddling and kissing the whole way, a few people passed us and stared but other than that we weren't bothered the entire trip. When we got there Dar and Lena were sitting out side with their arms crossed. Uh-oh...

"Do you have any idea what time it is!" Lena growled. "Er...I told Dar to tell you we'd be out late..." I said confused as to why she was mad. Dar mumbled "Oops..." and ran inside Lena in hot pursuit. "Well that was odd...even for us." Lys said with a bemused chuckle. "Eh, tell me about it." I shrugged. I grabbed her hand and led her to my room. As soon as I had shut the door she picked me up and carried me bridal style to the bed. Then she sat down with me in her lap, straddling her.

"Did Lena tell you about how she was changed and everything?" she asked blushing slightly but trying to be serious. "Yes she did, but not very detailed cause she's so shy about that sort of thing..." I paused, "Are you asking because you think I might not want to? Cause if that's it, I'll tell you right now that isn't the case at all." I said as I caressed her jaw line, smiling. "Well I just don't want to put you in a position where you might regret it later..." she said serious again. "Well don't worry, I know I'm not going to change my took me so long to find someone like you, how could I not want to be with you forever?" I asked kissing her on the forehead lovingly.

"Well then my little vixen..." she said grinning that foxy grin again as she caressed my cheek. "Yes love?" I said teasingly. "This." She said kissing me as she gently laid me on my back, my hands trailed their way from her neck to her hips. Her hand trailed its way down from my cheek to my waist and up my shirt. I gasped at the feel of her hand on my skin and I felt my body start to heat up. We broke our kiss so she could take off my shirt and I moaned when she started to kiss my neck. In a few moments we had liberated eachother of our clothes and were really getting into it, then I felt her fangs graze my skin and she whispered, "This may hurt a little okay." I murmured "O-okay"

I felt her fangs pierce my neck and I cried out cause it did hurt but it also felt so good...I gasped out her name quietly and caressed my hands down her back as she lapped up the blood. Suddenly I had an overpowering urge to bite her I did, my bite wasn't deep as hers, at first, but then I heard her gasp in surprise at the fangs growing in my mouth along with the addition of claws to the stroking of her back. Her moans were getting me exited as well so when she moved her hand along my inner thighs I was more than ready.


Entry 2

I woke up this morning naked in her arms for the first time and it feels great. I could get used to this, I've never felt so strongly about someone else before...its wonderful. I want to wake up like this every morning for the rest of my life. We plan on going to talk to the cats today, they've been around for a few centuries so they might know what Aidan is.


I woke up with a smile, "Good morning beautiful." I said kissing her gently, "Mmmm I could get used to that..." Lys replied stroking my cheek. And like most of the best moments of my life, it was interrupted--this time by knocking at the door. "WHAT!" I shouted irritably not wanting to get up, "um...breakfast is ready Brina, just thought you'd want to know..." I heard Lena say sounding a bit confused. "We'll be out in a minute, just let us at least get a robe on." Lys said grinning at me when we heard Lena stammer okay and Dar laughing his ass off. This is going to be a good day, I can tell already.

We were still laughing when we got out of the room and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. Lys hugged me from behind and kissed my neck when I opened the door, which got Lena flustered again and Dar laughing along with me and Lys. "C'mon Lena, is it really that surprising?" I asked still giggling. "Its not that she's surprised, its that she's a bit shy about these things." Dar said grinning again. Lys giggled and replied "Well Brina wasn't shy at all were you" she lifted my chin playfully, "Well..." I said giggling like a little school girl. "You guys are horrible...teasing me like this..." Lena said sulking. "Aww Lena you know we're just playing, you know we loooooove youuuuuuuu!" I said using the puppy dog eyes. That's when Lena got into the fun, "NOOOOOOOO! Not the puppy dog eyes!" she shouted in mock horror. And thus breakfast went the way of a comedy routine.


Later on me and Lys were in the library with the cats. I explained what had happened and immediately Magnus and Tora said "Aura spirit" in unison. Magnus went on to elaborate, "Aura spirits are creatures born of the energy and emotions built up during a lifetime, not many creatures can manifest one though. They exist on a different plane than we do and it takes a certain type of medium to manifest their physical shape." He finished. "So I'm a medium?" I asked. "Yes, and you're a very powerful medium at that. Here's a bit more information about the spirits nature; the shape they take on is often a reflection of the mediums personality, their color depends on your emotions at the time and, once manifested, they will always come to your aid when you need it." he replied immediately turning back to his book. I turned to Tora, "So why do you think he was that crimson color? What emotion was he reacting to?" I asked tilting my head curiously. Tora smiled knowingly, "Red is the color of passion, the deeper the red the more romantic the attraction, if it were say pink for example, that would be sisterly love. But that deep crimson you described sounds more like it was reacting to your passionate love for Lys." She finished with a wink. I blushed and stammered a thank you while Lys looked at me, grinning like a lunatic.


"Well Lys, what do you want to do for today?" I asked as we left the library. "How bout we just stay home today and mess with Lena." She suggested grinning mischievously. "Sounds like this is going to be fun" I said laughing as I walked to the study arm in arm with my lover to pester my best friend.

I just knew this was going to be a good day...I hope everyday from now on is as good...
