When Weasels Whisk Away Wary Rodent Wuv

Story by JayDeth on SoFurry

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Justin, a young, brown coated hare, was a bit nervous walking home from high school that day. Prom was coming up soon for the third year student he was originally just going to skip it. He wasn't the most out going anthromorph, mostly because many high school gathering involved acohol and he wasn't much of a drinker. And besides, he'd reasoned, every female I'm interested in is taken anyway. Then, a new student arrived in town and Justin suddenly found it difficult to concentrate in class, particularly the one that had the newcomer sitting directly in front of him. Justin had thought he'd out grown crushes, but that didnt seem to be the case as he constantly had to stop himself from leaning too far foreward in his seat and looking suspicious as he inhaled the scent of the new student. Later, he caught up with the new student and offered to help him with his homework, and thus we come to the source of his nevousness. Justin's crush, was a guy.

He wasn't even one of those effeminate guys whose sole purpose seemed to be to confuse the curious straight males. Despite having a weasel heritage, he, Andrew by name, was quite solidly built. He had a darker brown coat than Justin with a white underbelly, a black tipped tail, and a splash of black around his eyes that sorta made it look like he was wearing a mask. His eyes were a briliant green and Justin wasted no time stealing a glance at them whenever he thought he could get away with it. Once, he caught Andrew quickly looking away from him and Justin swore he saw him grinning.

On his way to make the offer about homework, he stopped to think about recent events. Why am I falling for a guy? he wondered. Of course, the answer was obvious, but Justin had never before been fond of males in the same way he felt about females. He had never once knowingly looked at gay porn beyond just for curiousities' sake. One time in his youth he'd even been approached by one of his friends who'd suddenly decided he was gay. Justin had somewhat tearfully turned him down, not because he was confused about his own feelings or sexuality, but because he really cared for his friends and it hurt him that he was hurting his friend. Justin tended to wear his heart on his sleve, but he liked to think he did a good job hiding that fact. Not shockingly, he'd found Andrew already talking to a female panda who no doubt had the same idea Justin did. A simple shake of his head was all the coaxing he needed and the panda was pouting considerably as Andrew, somewhat eagerly, jumped at Justin's offer quickly lead the way to his house.

This immediately set off warning signs in Justin's head. Sure, if Andrew was gay, for Justin no less and not just being friendly, this would make things really easy on a relationship level. But Justin had to seriously wonder if he wanted his feelings to be reciprocated. Homosexually was still somewhat taboo in the area he lived in, at least, the open aspect of it. He'd heard one story about a student he'd never met being beaten, supposedly for being gay. The local new of course had a feild day when they caught wind of the story, but like most things that appear in the media, it was quickly forgotten.

Now Justin was recalling the story and many what-ifs began racing through his mind. What if he wants to openly show his affection? What if my friends found out? Oh god, what if my dad found out?! He tried to silence his internal fears, knowing rationally that nothing good would come of them, but it became apparent that they were still the forefront of his thoughts when Andrew startled back to the present by suddenly announcing, "We're here!" Justin, embaressed, because the look on Andrew's face told him that he'd said that more than once, sheepishly appologised. The weasel merely chuckled at the distracted hare and lead the way inside.

"You can put your stuff down in the living room," Andrew said as he walked into the kitchen, "Do you want something to eat? Drink?"

"No thanks," Justin replied, setting his stuff down and taking a seat on the couch. Andrew returned a moment later, sipping a beverage as he took a seat on the other end of the couch. After a moment, the weasel noticed the hare staring.


"... What happened to your shirt?"

Andrew chuckled again, setting down his drink and laying back on the comfy sofa so that he was half sitting, half facing Justin.

"Sorry, I'm just so use to doing that when I come home," he said, making no move to retrieve the lost garment. The hare nodded and tried to keep his expression blank, but the weasel could almost see Justin's internal machinations: Oh god, he's hot! Andrew grinned slightly as he said, "Why don't you take your's off?"

This was the turning point both knew. Guys just don't casually get half naked indoors when no one else is around.

"When do your parents get home?"

Andrew's smile widened. The hare's immediate answer wasn't 'no' which meant... "Not until late tonight."

Justin nodded and, taking a deep breath, pulled his shirt off over his head. He quickly looked back to his host, somehow expecting him to be almost on top of him at this point, but to his credit, the weasel did little more explore the carmel colored creature with his eyes. Justin could almost hear him whistling his approved and that thought made him blush a bit which surprised him a bit. When did he ever blush?

Several ackward moments passed. Well, ackward for the hare who seemed more interested in his footpaws at the moment. The weasel remained completely at ease, though in truth neither was sure where to go from here. Andrew finally decided to take the initiative.

"So... did you only want to help me with the homework?" Justin bit his lip, thought for a moment, and shock his head. "That's good," Andrew said with a laugh. "I don't need help with it anyway. We were on more complex stuff at my old school." Justin finally looked up then and smiled, making the weasel's heart swell with love, and joy, and all those other mushy feelings. Sure, Andrew was gay, but he watched sports and drank beer with the best of them. Being so lovestruck with another guy was just as new to him as it was for Justin, though in a different way.

"So, um... are you gay?" the hare asked.

The question really caught Andrew off guard who laughed and said, "Yeah. Are you?"

Justin bit his lip again and look back to his footpaws. "I.. guess so."

Hearing movement, the hare found himself backed almost off the armrest of the couch as Andrew had crawled over on top of him, their faces inches apart with the poor hare's heart hammering in his chest from being startled as much as from desire. Slowly the weasel's face came closer and with hardly a thought the hare's lips parted as their muzzles came together. The kiss stole away Justin's fears that had been pecking at him all that day as his eyes slowly closed and he really started to kiss back. His arms drew up around the weasel's back, drawing him closer as their tongues came together. Both seemed tentative, even now, but a small groan from Justin was all Andrew needed who reached down and freed his erection from the uncomfortable confines of his jeans and boxers while his tongue took up the lead in their dance.

He then placed a paw on the front of Justin's shorts, causing the hare to gasp and his own growing hard-on to throb. Chuckling, Andrew teased the other male, gently rubbing at his cock and balls through the fabric and listening to the chorus of soft oohs and ahhs. He tested various things, trying to find out what got the biggest reaction from Justin as he fondled and gently squeezed his balls and gently stroked his cock, elicting various squirms, throbs and moans. Justin finally broke the kiss, panting when Andrew's paw came to a stop at a wet spot on the front of his short, the hare looking very embarressed and wanting to sink in the floor and just stay there. Andrew, who knew just what to say, only smiled.

"Are you still unsure about being gay?"

The weasel's grin was infectious and Justin smiled as well. Depsite never knowing the other existed before today, Justin found he cared deeply for Andrew who felt very much the same way. Justin then reached up with his paws and brought Andrew back in for another round of kissing, though more passionately this time as they cuddled close together, the hare's legs wrapping around Andrew's body. Neither were strangers to kissing, but neither had experienced one like this before, wrapped in each other's, keenly aware of the mutual beating of hearts and each other's scent. The embrace couldn't have been warmer had they been in a sauna. They looked into each other's eyes then. Each heart presented openly to the other.

No more regrets.

No more doubts.

No more unsurities.

Just the deep love and affection they felt for each other in that embrace between bodies, lips, tongues, eyes, hearts, and souls.

After a moment that seemed to strech on forever, Justin became aware of the erection pressed against his crotch. He smiled and pushed Andrew to arm's length before reaching down with his paw and stroking his lover's hard-on. He got his first good look at it and his first ever foreign cock then, sighing with relief that he normal sized, an insecurity the hare had that he wasn't sure where it came from. He heard a gentle groan and looked up to see Andrew with a look Justin thought was cute with his muzzle slightly open and his eyes closed, verilly purring. A thought crosses Justin's mind and it takes a moment for him to muster up the courage to say it.

"Do you... want to be my first blow job?"

Andrew opened his eyes, concerned.

"Are you sure? I mean, we did just meet today. Perhaps we should get to know each other better first..." He let that reminder hang in the air, but Justin just shook his head.

"I don't think I've know anyone better my whole life."

They were both silent for a moment, save the sounds of Justin masturbating Andrew, who finally grinned and said, "Do you know how cheezy that sounded?" Justin, who immediately stopped his menstrations, was dumbfounded.

"... Well fine!" he said with a smile and a playful shove which sent Andrew back to the other end of the couch, "No blow job for you!" They both shared a laugh as Justin made his way between Andrew legs and went back to stroking him, though with a bit more vigor which had the weasel grunting and humping into his paw.

"Sorry, nmm, I have a bad habit of opening my mouth at the wrong time- ah!" he's cut off as Justin suddenly takes in about half of his cock, the hare groaning and lapping at the throbbing flesh. He was surprised at the taste as well as the smell of another male's nethers. He expected it to be off putting, at least at first, but he found it strangely comfortable right away. He came to the conclusion that it was because of his deep rooted feelings for Andrew and that had it been anyone else he'd have been disgusted by it, though one can never be too sure in matters of love. He raised his head off of the man flesh and smiled as he nuzzled it and looked up at his lover.

"You're lucky I have a good sense of humor."

Andrew smiled as well, thankful that their connection was obviously deeper than one would expect despite so little time having passed since they met. He reached down and petted the hare who found great satisfaction in the simple gesture. He gave the underside of the cock a small lick and was about to go further when both anthros stopped upon hearing something outside.

"Wait, what day is today?" Andrew quickly asked.

"Wednesday, why?"

"Crap! My mom gets home early today."

Afterword: *Runs from the assault of assorted objects*

Sorry! I really wanted to go the full ten yards or however the expression goes! I truely did! However, due to time constraints I have to break it off here. And what's worse is that I wont be able to finish it until Monday at the earliest.

*More objects and more running*

Please forgive me!