The Treeflower Oddyssey: Chapter 1 - The Beginning.

Story by rabid_rabbit on SoFurry

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Panting and trembling, the female squirrel quaked in the grasp of the two large wolves that held her upper-arms tightly. She had been marched from the slave encampment by several other wolves, part of the large contingent that made up the "Brotherhood." The expansive pack of wolves that had taken over the land she used to live in, enslaving any creatures that they didn't kill.

They had asked for her name, and she gave it. "T-Treeflower. My name is Treeflower." She had stuttered, tears of fear welling up in the corners of her eyes, yet still she stood defiantly before the Brotherhood's leader, their Alpha, who had twisted his lips in a sneer, laughing cruelly. The rest of the room had joined in, mocking her and her silly, countryside name, yet still she had stood, enduring their jibes and sneers, until they had told her what was going to happen.

"So then... Treeflower." The Alpha paused to snigger once more. "Do you know why you are here?" The Alpha was a tall, handsome wolf, with predominantly grey fur, mottled with black as if standing beneath a tree on a sunny day. His eyes were a deep amber colour, and he was dressed in regal, gladiator-style armour, silver and polished to a shine that would match a mirror. Yet all of this glamour meant nothing to Treeflower, who glared up at the wolf with pure hatred. He had destroyed her home, killed her family, and was continuing to tear up the land she had lived on for her whole life, to build a civilisation for his ruthless pack of murderers.

"No... but I expect you will tell me soon enough." She replied, the words gathering a mutter from the surrounding wolves, another sneer twisting the Alpha's handsome features.

"That I will, Treeflower. That I will." He paused for dramatic effect, unsheathing his short, simple broadsword from a scabbard at his hip, admiring the blade. "Tell me, have you ever heard of the Behemoth?"

The wolves surrounding this little spectacle gasped faintly, yet all at the same time, creating a whisper of shock, despite the fact that they had all known what was coming. Treeflower shook her head, the ripple of gasps creating only a mild fear in her heart. She had suffered a lot at the hands of her captors, so surely this would only be yet another test. The Alpha said no more, and stood to one side as two guardian wolves stepped forward to attatch long chains to the shackles around her wrists. They moved behind her, brandishing long spears, gesturing for her to move forward, past where the Alpha had once stood. She complied, her emerald green eyes staring straight ahead to see what it was she was being led to, but saw nothing, only a long path leading into the forest she had once called home.

"I do hope you enjoy yourself... Treeflower." Chuckled the Alpha from where he now stood, beside the path she was walking down. "Oh and, say hello to the Behemoth for me." He grinned, laughing as he gave the squirrel a little wave as she was jabbed in the lower back by a spear, and started to walk into the forest. Treeflower's eyes burned with unshed tears, the pack's laughter, especially that of the Alpha, adding yet more reasons why she knew that she had to kill him one day. The failing light of evening was darkening even more as the forest closed in around her and the two wolves accompanying her, the ground uneven at their feet, yet she never tripped, she knew the forest too well.

Eventually they had reached a small clearing, not too far in from where they had entered the forest, and Treeflower was stopped roughly in her tracks due to the wolves yanking the chains on her wrists. She toppled over, falling flat on her face, coughing and spluttering as the dust rose up into her mouth and nose. It was then that she noticed the grate.

A huge, metal grate, set into the floor of the forest itself, with thick bars covering it, dull from all the dirt that had blown over them. She moved one of her paws over something large and lumpy on the floor next to her... a hinge. This grate could be opened.

Suddenly she tried to scramble upright. They were going to put her down there, she just knew it, and from the way the two wolves looked, ears flattened, casting wary glances left and right, whatever was down there, was something to be feared. Treeflower stood up and felt another spear-thrust to her back. Uttering a squeal of fear and pain, she took another unwilling step forward as one of the wolf guards moved to a hidden arrangement of levers, pulling one of them, setting in motion a horrible clanking noise. The grate slowly opened with a roar and scrape of rusted metal, and the darkness within seemed to spill out, the area seeming less and less like the forest she had known as home.

"N-No! Please! No!" She turned to the one guard who had remained behind her, tears spilling from her large eyes as she pleaded with him. All she received was a round smack with the staff of the spear across her face, and she fell to the floor once again, her nose bloodied, tears mixing with the crimson drops as they fell to the floor together. "No.." she panted, eyes tightly closed shut, her heart filled with despair. This was it.

The wolves pulled her to her feet once more, grabbing her by an arm each, and stood her on the edge of the hole that had opened up in the ground. No words were spoken, and without any further time being wasted, they threw her forwards. Treeflower tumbled down into black oblivion, the small square of twilight getting smaller still, before she hit the floor, and blacked out.

It was some time before Treeflower regained consciousness. She had cracked her head hard against the stone floor of the chamber she now found herself in, and dried blood had plastered one side of her face. Every movement she tried to make only flooded her with pain, so she continued to lie where she was, thankful she was still alive, testing her limbs for further injuries. More time passed, the pain in her head and body ebbing away to a dull throb rather than a piercing stab, and she tried to move again. Staggering to her feet, she found that the chains attatched to her shackles had been removed before she had fallen, and was left with only the four cuffs of metal around her wrists and ankles.

Rubbing at the areas where the shackles had rubbed her skin raw, she tried to look around. It was very dark, the only light coming from the grate that seemed so far above her now. She marvelled at how she had even managed to survive, then blamed all the times she had fallen from trees in her life, must have given her a strong skull. She took a few steps around the area, the minimal light casting a small square of visibility which she kept within. Looking down, she noticed her feet dragging through small clumps of hay and straw that littered the floor.

"Strange..." she mumbled to herself, before realising that hay and straw meant other living creatures, usually. Quickly turning around, she kept her eyes and ears open for any sounds of movement or breathing, and found herself spookily alone. Alone, that was, until she saw the eyes.

Two, dark red ovals, glowing faintly from one of the far-away corners of the stone chamber beneath the earth.

Treeflower cried out and scrambled away, before she scurried off into darkness, and squealed again, moving back into the light. The eyes remained there, unblinking, trained on her as she trembled, fearing, and not for the first time tonight, for her life.

After what seemed like hours, when really only minutes had passed, the twin ovals narrowed, and started to move closer. Treeflower squeaked in terror, her throat choked from a combination of fear and horror, as, slowly, the eyes revealed their owner. Step by step, a gigantic, hulking minotaur came into the faint starlight that filtered down through the grate. Standing easily eight feet tall, with huge curved horns topping a wide, shaggy-furred head, he was a perfect specimen of his kind, a strong bull-anthro in his prime. Broad shouldered and well-muscled, the minotaur, who Treeflower instantly worked out to be the "Behemoth" whom the Alpha had spoken of, stood glaring down at Treeflower's trembling form.

Squinting up at him through tear-filled eyes, the squirrel managed to make out that he had a large golden ring through his nose, and at the clink of metal, looked down to see that he too wore shackles around the ankles of his hooved feet. The Behemoth grunted and bent down, kneeling to push his face closer to the female squirrel, so close that she could feel the hot breath that came from his nostrils. She could see that he had more than a few scars over his face, and also on his wide shoulders, and that his eyes weren't completely red, but they did have shocking crimson irises. Other than that, she thought that his eyes looked sad and lost.

Treeflower hoped that the Behemoth wasn't going to eat her, that she hadn't been thrown down into the pit for that purpose, and she let out another squeak of fear as the minotaur stuck out a warm, pink tongue, running it over her shoulder, neck and cheek, continually sniffing and snuffling at her with his bullish snout. Giving her a rough push with his nose, Treeflower tripped and fell backwards, landing on a mixture of straw and stone and banging her elbows in the process. Before she had a chance to twist or turn out of the way, the minotaur had crouched over her, his hands taking a firm but gentle hold of her wrists, easily pinning her down. Thoughts of being eaten were quickly thrown from her mind while another fear took its place, as she looked up into those sad, crimson eyes once more. The minotaur leant down to give another long, slow lick to her cheek, while she squirmed pathetically in his grasp.

Treeflower didn't know why, but somehow she was beginning to lose her fear of the giant that was currently nuzzling into her neck. Surely this wasn't what her punishment was supposed to be? To be licked and nuzzled to death by a poor, captured creature, almost twice her size? She pondered further upon this, before she was brought back to reality by a very strange feeling...

Something was pressing against her thigh...

Risking another glance downward, Treeflower's eyes widened at what she saw. Lying between her legs, where the minotaur had carefully nudged them aside with his own, was the glistening, pink tip of a minotaur-sized shaft... With a gulp, she tried to squirm free again, but it was useless. The minotaur had her too well pinned with his own heavy body, and although she wasn't uncomfortable, there was no chance of escape. His large, clumsy hands were moving again, one finger stroking at her opposite cheek as he nuzzled into her neck on the other side, which then travelled downward, pulling and scraping at the grubby brown dress that they had given her in the slave quarters. Treeflower knew what was coming, and accepted her fate gracefully, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth tightly together as she felt the hem of her dress rise. The minotaur's member had extended another few inches now, already an inch or so thick, its tip rubbing over Treeflower's mound.

The squirrel shivered at the touch, not exactly a novice in the bedroom, but it had been so long... Slaves weren't allowed the privilege of sex, and any female caught pregnant was instantly killed. The minotaur's thick tip pushed between her lips, and pressed roughly against her moistening slit. Treeflower stifled any sounds she might make by biting her bottom lip, which proved to be ineffective once she felt his tip finally penetrate her. Letting out a sharp gasp as the minotaur pushed forward, quickly inserting four inches of his impressive length inside of her warm, tight sex, she clenched her hands together into fists, muscles tightening all over her body. The minotaur himself shuddered, pausing for a moment before continuing to move forward, reaching six... eight inches within the squirrel.

Treeflower moaned, both out of the initial pain at the sheer size of the minotaur's shaft, but mostly from the immense feeling of being well and truly filled. The minotaur continued until he had finally hilted himself within her at an impressive fourteen inches, before pausing once more with a heavy shudder. He bucked his hips slowly back and forth slightly, the movements quickly becoming easier due to the fluids being generated by them both. Treeflower's inner walls clung tightly to his member, the feeling being almost too much to bear as his tip spurted large amounts of pre into her depths. Beginning to withdraw, he moved his arms to rest them tightly by her sides in a tight hug, his head resting next to hers as he began to make love to her. Each slow, steady thrust, filling her over and over with the same thick fourteen inches of bull-meat making her gasp and moan, her back arching as her eyes remained tightly closed.

Moving her hands to his neck, not even realising that they had been released, she took handfuls of his thick, curly hair as he continued. Her legs twitched, lifting up to wrap around his hips as his pace increased, his thrusts becoming rapidly more intense and desperate.

"Nggh.. Gods.. yesss.." hissed Treeflower through clenched teeth, her voice barely more than a stifled whisper as she tried not to let her pleasure show. As if hearing her, the minotaur kicked the pace up another notch, pounding quickly and deeply into her, a combination of their juices pooling up between Treeflower's legs. The squirrel suddenly gasped, scrunching her eyes tightly closed as the familiar surge of electricity shot through her body, hitting her orgasm at high-speed. The minotaur grunted loudly at the sudden tightening around his shaft, thrusting forward one last time to bury himself within her as he filled her with spurt after spurt of built-up bull-cum.

They lay together, tightly embracing one another, both panting heavily and still feeling the afterglow from their climaxes. Treeflower had her nose buried into the minotaur's thick, musky-scented mane of hair, her arms still wrapped around him, feeling the last tingles of electricity ebb from her body. She wasn't sure what kind of punishment this was supposed to have been, but she thought to herself that things could have, most definitely, been worse.


I hope you like this first installment of what I hope to be a popular series! There are definitely going to be more chapters, and you'll be seeing more of Treeflower and the minotaur very soon! Plus I hope to get some other stories focusing around the Alpha and other members of The Brotherhood, so keep your eyes peeled!

I really appreciate any feedback, either comments or crits, so feel free to leave some and I'll be sure to get back to you! Let me know what you think and I'll be really grateful. :)

