Gold Digger: World of Lust Flashback Chap. 1

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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#3 of Gold Digger: World of Lust

When Gina rebooted reality, the changes were retroactive. The past changed, so events changed with it. Taking place during the events of Issue 41 of the Black and White series, Britanny finds herself stalked by a trio of wererats with a mission. Can she survive their attack? And what has changed in this new universe?

The first of the "flashback" chapters is up! This is where I reimagine events from Gold Digger and put a new perverted spin on them! I have plans for more chapters like this in the future! Hope you enjoy!

Gold Digger belongs to

"THAT is the big bad $&amp*ing werecheetah, bane of our^&%ing race, prophesied $#&%ing doom of wererat-kind?!" growled a female voice from within the concealment of the leaves of a tree. The owner of the voice was a strange looking young woman in her late teens. She had brown fur and glowing yellow eyes, which were narrowed in a glare. Her appearance was mousey; in more ways than one as she actually resembled a rodent. Short teardrop ears poked out from her shoulder-length hair, and a pair of buck teeth threatened to peek out from under her upper lip. Her body was slim and small, trained with lithe muscle as she clung to the branches and peered over the suburban fence. She wore a black bodysuit, her small breasts exposed through a cut-out. She perched in a squatting position, allowing her penis to hang down between her legs, swaying with every movement. A long hairless, rope-like tail swished behind her in an almost predatory manner.

"Like... I s'pose... Y'know, I don't think we're s'posed to... like, be here," murmured another female voice, speaking with an exaggerated valley-girl accent. Crouching down below in the shadow of the tree, peering through a gap in the slats of the fence, a purple-furred wererat glared. She was taller than the first by a couple of inches, though still not very tall overall. She had long, billowing, silky tresses of hair that fell down to her lower back, threatening to fall in her face and obscure one of her glowing yellow eyes. She wore a similar bodysuit to the first wererat, but the chest cut-out was stretched to its absolute limit around a pair of enormous mammaries. Large, bright pink nipples poked through the purple fur, rock hard in the cool air. The purple wererat's pink cock contrasted pleasantly with her fur, dangling down easily past her knees as she crouched, bracing her hand below her.

"I wholeheartedly agree, my dear comrade! We should abscond from the premises immediately before we are discovered! Lord Gothwrain will surely--" said a third wererat, this one male. He laid in the grass, peering under the fence, wincing as the purple wererat's hand rested on his rump, forcing him down. Lanky, bordering on downright skinny, the male had dark blue fur, cut short on his head. His eyes shined just as balefully yellow as his companions', but his were wide with worry rather than narrowed in cunning. His bodysuit was just as black as the others, a cut-out in the chest exposing a swath of flat blue fur. His compatriots seemed to suppress a snicker of laughter every time they saw it; as his uniform was designed for a female like their own. Neither of his companions could see it clearly from their position, but both were well aware that his erection was trapped between his stomach and the soft grass; the tip brushing just below his pectoral muscles. A pair of swollen, blue-furred testicles hung low, poking out of the opening in the bottom of the suit, jiggling tantalizingly with every movement. His cock pulsed, splashing the grass with precum.

"Lord Gothwrain ain't gonna do #%$+!" growled the first wererat, leaping from the branch and landing lightly beside the other two without a sound, "Because we're gonna complete the mission and kill that %#÷*er an' prove ourselves."

"Like, I kinda hope so... But, y'know, it's like, our cute, perky butts on the line if we don't... or somethin'..." the purple one drawled quietly, examining the delicately applied paint on her claws.

"I do so hate to repeat myself, but I think we should retreat from here... at the very least so we may plan and investigate to give us the greatest tactical advantage," the male whispered, wincing as he tried to push up off the ground. The purple wererat's other hand was resting on his rear end, her weight braced on it. She prevented him from lifting up, his erection grinding into the soft, well manicured grass. He pursed his lips together and whined weakly, shuddering as his cock pulsed hard, drenching his chest-fur with more clear, syrupy pre.

"Hey, is somethin'... y'know, wrong?" asked the purple wererat, a malicious smirk growing on her lips.

"...You know perfectly well that I am trying to stand up, and you are keeping me from doing so," said the male, trying to keep his tone even, his cheeks flushing red, "...And you know th-that I am p-prone to..."

"Prone to what?" asked the valley girl, smirking mischievously. There was no doubt she knew exactly what he was referring to, but she wanted to make him say it aloud.

"...I achieve the peak of ecstasy with great alacrity," he muttered, his blue cheeks flushing an odd shade of purple with embarrassment, "...and I am on the verge of tipping over into that Dionysian realm of purest rapture and rhapsody. And ruining my 'stealth uniform' to boot."

"I caught maybe, like, a tenth of that," said the magenta-furred woman, looking quite nonplussed as the male struggled to get out from under her grip. She squeezed his furry buttock tightly, grinning as he tried to stifle a yelp and his hips jerked against the grass.

"He's *$%*in' got a hair trigger and he's gonna #&in' cum soon," translated the brown-furred rat flatly, planting her half-bare foot firmly on the male's back. Her clawed toes dug into his back, just enough to hurt without causing injury.

"Y-Yes. So p-please let me up. I-I fear I'm only m-moments away!" he whimpered, trying desperately to keep his voice down. The wererats froze for a moment as someone passed by the other side of the fence. The yard beyond was occupied, a loud and happy conversation taking place. The figure walked away and the male struggled to push the others off him. They did not let him.

"If you're gonna cum, you better #+&$in' do it silently, mother&amp*$er! If she hears us, we're dead!" snarled the brown rodent. Her admonition did not stop her from continuing to push her foot down, forcing his hips to grind into the lawn. Indeed, the danger seemed to thrill her, driving her to molest the male further, even as her erection swelled between her legs rapidly.

"A-Ah-ahhh! Hssssnnn!!!!" moaned the male, before gritting his teeth and forcing it into a hiss. The two female wererats watched with sadistic glee as his rear end tensed. His swollen, heavy balls clenched tight to his shaft. The sound of something thick, wet, and gooey splattering the grass filled the air, even if neither of the girls could see it... at first. A puddle of milky white fluid began to expand from under him, even as he drove his hips forward into the lawn uncontrollably. The girls snickered at him, vicariously enjoying his pleasure and delighting in his misfortune equally. The brown-furred one's foot kept him from rising, and the purple-furred wererat continued to squeeze his rear in time with his ejaculations. His cock pulsated again and again, splashing his front with copious amounts of semen, turning his clothes a creamy grey and his chest-fur a milky pale blue.

"Hey, Muffin, did you hear somethin'?" a voice asked. The wererats gave a collective gasp of surprise.

A moment later, Britanny "Cheetah" Diggers-Gia peeked over the side of the fence. The tall werecheetah frowned curiously, her tail swishing as she looked back and forth along the fenceline.

"Huh. Someone was having a good time," Brit remarked, frowning as she looked at the puddle of semen pooling against the pickets.

"What was that?" a male voice called from the other side of the yard.

"Ah, nothin', Stryyp. Just looks like one of the neighborhood kids was relieving stress or somethin'," she called back, "Musta been pent up too. That's a lycanthrope sized puddle."

"I'll wash it away with the hose later, once I'm done grilling here," Stryyp called back.

"You don't mind if I get a taste, do ya?" asked the werecat, turning back towards her husband, licking her lips eagerly.

"...Britanny, I literally just put it on. It's sashimi at this point," Stryyp replied, exasperated, "It's gonna be a few."

"I wasn't talkin' about tasting the salmon, muffin..." Brit replied, her voice husky.

As moans of pleasure filled the air, wafting over the picket fence, neither Britanny nor her husband were aware of the three tiny mice (two with unusual fur-color) who scampered into one of the drainage pipes on the side of their home...


GET 'ER!!!" screamed the brown wererat, leaping out from behind the curtain at Britanny Diggers. The feline's reflective green eyes went wide in shock as the brown-furred wererat swung a blade at her face.

"What the f--?!" Brittany gasped.

She had just been going about her day as normal, wandering her house. She had just finished taking a shower to get Stryyp's semen out of her fur, and had opened her dresser drawer... to find a massive pair of purple-furred breasts in there, and a pair of eyes peeking out of the drawer above.

Her furniture had been destroyed as a purple-furred wererat erupted from her dresser, slashing a high kick at her chin. Brit had dodged away on instinct, shocked first to find an intruder hiding in her clothes drawer, and even MORE surprised to see it was a ninja lycanthrope on top of that.

Brit was not going to take this lightly. She kicked out, knocking the purple rat's planted foot from under her. The girl hit the floor on her rear end, kinking her long tail painfully, and her massive breasts bounced up and bashed her right in the face, knocking her silly. She moaned weakly, dazed by the impact.

Brit had picked up the girl by the scruff of the neck, examining her curiously. She could not have been more than eighteen, far younger than Brit thought she was at first.. She wore all black, a skin-tight ninja suit that left her breasts exposed and a surprisingly long penis hanging down between her legs.

Britanny could not decide where to place her emotions: anger at being attacked; amusement at how inept that attack was, surprise at encountering a new lycanthrope that she never knew about; or arousal at the size of the woman's endowments.

"OUCH! That looked like it HURT. I know how that feels, girlfriend," Brit said sympathetically to the half-conscious wererat, "I've whacked myself in the face like that too on occasion. Now what the heck are YOU doing here?"

She lifted the girl higher, her feet dangling inches off the ground in Britanny's grip. Brit's keen ears suddenly heard muttering behind her.

"I... make the ultimate sacrifice..." a male voice whimpered. Brit felt a hand suddenly slap against her fuzzy right buttock, squeezing her cheek and groping it. She whipped around, glaring over her shoulder to see a blue-furred male wererat on the ground, his hand squeezing her rump tight.

"Farewell, dear world... I have lived a full life..." he muttered dramatically, tears of fear welling up in his eyes as Britanny rounded on him.

"Oh, now YOU wanna piece o' me?!" Brit snarled, "C'MERE, YOU!!!"

It was at that moment that the third wererat attacked, slashing at Brit with her blade.

Brit looked around herself, surrounded by the wererats, who seemed far more scared of her than she was of them.

"Lydia, we... like, gotta get outta here, y'know..." drawled the purple rat in the thickest valley-girl accent Britanny had ever heard in her life.

"Don't you think I*%#in' know that, Moisha?! But we gotta complete the mission first!!!" snarled the brown-furred rat, her yellow eyes darting around nervously. Her voice was a thin snarl, and Brit had the feeling that she was quite extensively foul-mouthed even when she was not under the stress of battle.

"I daren't say we have a chance of that, my dearest compatriots! I fear we are fated for misery!" cried the male dramatically, in what Brit could only describe as a Shakespearean accent. Brit could not help but notice his penis was standing proud and erect from his hips, already dribbling pre onto her carpet.

"Oh, shaddup, Romeo, an' just get ready, like we practiced!" Lydia growled.

"You PRACTICED for this?" Britanny asked incredulously, tightening her towels around her waist and breasts before slipping into a fighting stance, "This is the worst assassination attempt I've ever seen. And I've seen a few! What are you guys even? Weremice?"

"Oh, %&$^ you, lady. Do it now!" called Lydia. She whipped into a brown and black blur, her blade streaking at Brit's chest. The werecheetah smoothly stepped to the side, and snapped a kick at her. The impact knocked the rat clean into the air and across the room to bang loudly against the wall.

"Your first mistake was not bolting the instant I caught ya," Brit said conversationally, "Assassins don't stick around to fight; they run, regroup, and try again when their target's guard is down."

She wheeled as the purple-furred wererat leapt at her, chopping her hand at Brit's face. She caught Moisha's arm and returned the attack by dealing a deft series of palm strikes to her face and chest (taking a moment to satisfy her curiosity by groping Moisha's breasts; they were real and they were spectacular!). The would-be assassin gasped in pain, staggering backwards as she clutched her bruised nose.

"Second, you tried to brawl with a brawler. Again, you're assassins. You're trained to go for the quick kill, maybe a follow-up strike or two, then you bug out whether you're successful or not," Brit continued lazily, as if this was merely a conversation held in her living room, and not a life-or-death assault. Romeo attempted to attack her from behind, but she easily caught him, kneed him in the stomach and drove the wind out of his lungs. Twisting, she threw him at the other two, where he landed in a painful heap of tangled limbs with the others.

"Third, you tried to brawl with someone with two feet of height on you, more than a hundred pounds of superstrong lycanthrope muscle than you, AND someone who can throw punches at 400 miles an hour," Brit finished, crossing her arms over her chest, "...Just because you're were-Mickeys doesn't mean you got what it takes."

The brown-furred rat replied with a stream of some of the most creative vulgarity that Brit had ever heard. It was actually quite impressive. The werecheetah scooped up a sock and vanished in a blur of gold and black. Lydia gave a choked sound of outrage as Cheetah stuffed the sock in her mouth, cutting off the invective in mid-syllable.

"Annnd that's enough of THAT," she grumbled, brushing her hands off, "...I went easy on ya, and didn't hurt ya. I'm nice like that. Now you can get outta my house on your own, or I CAN hurt ya and MAKE you get out."

Brit scooped up Lydia's blade off the ground and examined it. She scoffed.

"You didn't even bring SILVER? Oh, come on!" she exclaimed, "There's no way you could..."

She trailed off and eyed the wererats suspiciously, frowning as she easily snapped the blade in half, as if it were made of a graham cracker, rather than titanium carbon steel.

"...You aren't here to kill me, are you? Not like that, at least," she said, frowning.

"Mrpfh ee mrmirn. Mrrshr! Mmr fff!" Lydia growled through her mouthful of sock.

"...I didn't catch that," Britanny remarked, crossing her arms over her breasts.

"She, like, said, 'Eat me, werecat. Moisha! Use it!' or somethin'," Moisha translated. There was an awkward silence as Britanny and Lydia both stared at her expectantly.

"...Oh, right! Like, totes sorry!" Moisha remarked, digging around in her suit. With a sudden move that caught Britanny off-guard, she threw something to the ground. Noxious green smoke erupted upward, filling the room. Brit hacked and coughed, waving her hands in the air to try to clear her lungs and her vision.

She could hear the wererats scrabbling and cursing at each other, heard a clicking noise, like a latch being released.

Britanny gasped. Something small, hard, and cold had wrapped around the base of her penis. The werecheetah did not have time to investigate, as she leapt for the window and threw it open, allowing fresh air to rush in and displace the smoke. She shot the wererats an angry glare, and to her surprise, they gave a gasp of terror in unison and cowered in the corner of her room.

"What the heck was that?!" she growled, once the air was clear enough for her to see. She looked down past her breasts to her groin.

Pressed snugly to her sheath was what appeared to be a golden ring. It was etched with strange, black arcane markings, which seemed to shimmer strangely with a light of their own. It was just one size too small for the girth of her cock, squeezed around it tight. She could feel her penis surging, blood flowing in more than out, hardening against her will. A small, bejeweled golden sphere was attached to the bottom of the ring, dangling down.

Brit reached down to try to pry the ring from her flesh, but it seemed to be stuck fast. Its surface was too smooth for her to get a good grip. She tried reaching for the sphere to tug on.

As soon as she touched the sphere, it let off a soft chime. She realized it was a bell. That was the last thing she realized.

The bell's ringing echoed in her ears far more loudly and far longer than it did in actuality. It was a pleasant noise, a musical chime that filled Brit's head. It was so loud in her head that it seemed to leave no room for thought. The single note swirled in her mind, and Brit felt strangely lightheaded.

All of her anger seemed to slip away from her, leaving her with nothing but a vague blissful contentment instead. She forgot why she was angry. In fact, she forgot how to think in the first place. A strange, warm fog was rolling over her, her mind fading away. Her green eyes began to glow, not in a feline manner, with light reflecting off her corneas; but instead with an energy all their own. Her eyelids were heavy, falling half-lidded over her eyes. The werecheetah's head drooped forward slightly, as all the tension in her body seemed to release.

Britanny stood still, staring into space with wide, glassy eyes. Her arms hung at her sides, her tail curled lazily around her right leg. Her breath came soft and slow, her chest rising and falling in a steady, calm manner. Her towels had slipped loose, exposing her large, furry breasts, pink nipples hard with arousal. Her penis was rock hard from her hips, twitching with her heartbeat.

"Wh-... Wh-What happened?" Romeo panted, daring to look up at her from beneath his arms.

"...It's the ring, %$&#head..." whispered Lydia, as if her voice might jolt Britanny out of whatever state she was in, "Gothwrain said that the ring would put the &^$$% into a 'docile state' or whatever."

"I, like, think "docile' is an'... y'know, understatement. She's totally zonked!" said Moisha, venturing to prod Britanny's left breast with a finger. The werecat did not react in any manner to the touch, continuing to stare somewhere in the distance. Romeo climbed to his feet, looking ready to bolt the moment Britanny even twitched. Outside of her erection, she did not. Her reflective green eyes glowed slightly, a nimbus of energy surrounding them.

"I thought it was supposed to be a collar," Romeo remarked, blushing as he watched the golden ring sparkle, snugly pressed to her sheath.

"I guess it resized itself for the nearest, y'know, body part or somethin'..." Moisha guessed vaguely.

"...C-Can she hear us?" Romeo ventured weakly.

"...I can hear you..." Britanny answered softly, her voice a low, droning monotone. Her response came so unexpectedly that the wererats all leapt away from her, diving behind the furniture in the room for cover. They only peeked out after a moment, aware that the werecat had not moved at all.

"...I think you're right, Mo... I think the werebi%# is completely $*in' out of it!" Lydia said a little louder, daring to stand up and walk forward. She was so short (and Brit was so tall) that she only came up to the werecheetah's nipples. Walking around her curiously, she frowned.

"...Why would Lord Gothwrain give us an artifact that would hypnotize her?" asked Romeo, panting nervously as he tried to slow his frantic heartbeat. Lydia and Moisha looked at each other, frowning curiously.

"Maybe a test of our cunning... or somethin'?" Moisha asked, shrugging, "Find a way to make her, I dunno, like, kill herself 'n' look like an accident?"

"Maybe to protect us against the Doom Gaze," Lydia suggested, resting a hand on her hip.

"...The what?" Moisha asked.

"...Were you not paying attention to Lord Gothwrain's lecture?" Romeo asked incredulously, glaring at the valley girl.

"...I might've tuned out a lil' at one point," she confessed, her violet-furred cheeks tinging a shade of pink.

"For &^ing =#>+'s sake, Moisha, THAT WAS THE IMPORTANT %+ avatar?user=494961&character=0&clevel=2 ing PART!!!" snarled Lydia angrily, not bothering to keep her voice down. Cheetah did not seem to care, nor even notice anything she said. Her eyes remained unfocused and straight ahead at some vague point in the distance. She swayed on her feet slightly, her head lolling a little.

"Gimme the cliff notes?" Moisha asked, seeming unperturbed by her leader's outrage. Lydia vented another stream of quite explicit vulgarity, while Romeo and Moisha tuned her out. Romeo sighed.

"Very well, the 'long story short' such as it is, is that all lycanthropes were created by Iceron, an ancient and malevolent wizard. Wererats were created to be his assassins, and werewolves his bodyguards. However, after a wererat betrayed Iceron and killed him, the lycanthropes were freed," explained Romeo rapidly, keeping one eye on Britanny for any sign she wasn't actually entranced.

"Iceron survived due to his magic, and created werecats as a measure against our kind. He then discovered that a race of werecat he thought was a failure was actually far greater than he believed. Werecheetahs were natural rat-hunters in his dungeons. Their speed was greater than ours, their strength superior, their ability to detect us unmatched."

"But to make werecheetahs even more deadly to the wererat clan, Iceron gifted them with a special type of innate optical magic called the 'Doom Gaze.' We just fell victim to it a moment ago, when she glared at us, and all we could do was cower... And that was just a small dose," Romeo concluded dramatically, "and I shudder to fear what she could have done if she had made full and continuous eye contact and used the full force on us!"

"...Knowin' you, probably cum on the floor and whine about it," Moisha replied, unfazed by the fear in Romeo's voice. Lydia stopped cursing (which Moisha and Romeo were unsurprised to find that she had been doing the whole time) and snickered at her friend's comment.

"Well, with her all, y'know... like, entranced 'n' stuff, no chance o' her gettin' us with the Doom Gaze... so... what do we do with 'er?" asked Moisha, reaching down and prodding Britanny's penis. The pulsing length of pink flesh jerked upward, a bead of clear liquid forming on the tip and dribbling down.

"...Well, she's locked the door... an' I haven't seen %*$#in' soundproofing like this outside o' a nuclear bunker," Lydia remarked, looking around Brit's bedroom, "An'... it seems like it'd be a shame ta just kill 'er when we've got time, an' she's completely at our mercy..."

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Romeo asked, his cheeks turning purple again as he glanced at the werecheetah, "...Because if you are, I must protest. I think that is an extremely bad idea!"

"Y'know, Romeo, you're, like, a total buzzkill, totes. I'm with Lydia," Moisha said, wrapping her hand around Britanny's erection. She began to pump it slowly, sliding the foreskin up and down over the fat head. Her own length was rising up between her legs, plumping with arousal.

"You're outvoted, Romeo," Lydia said, smirking as she watched the purple wererat's hand glide up and down the werecheetah's shaft. She might have been there to kill the feline, but she had to admit to herself, Britanny was pretty hot.

"...As I am with disturbing frequency," Romeo sighed exhaustedly, "I tire of acting as the conscience and common sense for you two, and I find myself failing at that task far too often."

Lydia ignored Romeo, turning her attention to Britanny, who showed no sign that she was even aware of their presence, much less the fact that one of them was currently stroking her shaft eagerly. She walked around the werecat for a moment, circling her to take in every inch of her curves, her fur, her muscles.

"Okay kitty-&#$%, can you hear me?" she asked.

"...I can hear you..." Britanny repeated. Her voice was a low monotone, devoid of any conscious thought or emotion. She blinked slowly, her facial expression strangely vacant and sleepy.

"Okay, then... Listen up. You're gonna do whatever we tell you, you hear?" she ordered, smirking. The cock-ring jingled softly as Moisha's fingers massaged the base of her shaft, sliding around her sheath. Britanny gave a full-body shudder, which made Romeo flinch, but she otherwise did not react or move.

"...I will do whatever you tell me," Britanny echoed. Lydia's words seemed to drive themselves into the empty space where Britanny's thoughts should have been. It seemed to make sense to her to obey what she was told. It sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine and into her loins, making her cock pulse and her thighs grow a little more damp.

"See, Romes?" Lydia said, smirking, "The $% is lobotomized. We can do whatever we want with 'er, and she won't do a $&&^ing thing except obey, right?"

She emphasized the last word by elbowing Britanny in the side. The werecat swayed precariously, as if the nudge might send her toppling over, but she stayed on her feet.

"...I will obey..." Britanny droned, blinking slowly. It was all she could do other than listening to the bell chiming inside her head. Every time Moisha touched it, she shuddered from head to toe. It sent a burst of pleasure through her, and wiped her mind freshly clean with its ringing.

"Like, I totally call her dick!" Moisha shouted, raising her hand rapidly and bouncing up and down on her heels. This caused her breasts to bounce about tantalizingly as Lydia and Romeo watched in fascination. Shaking their heads to regain their focus, they glanced at each other.

"...Romeo gets to plunder her pussy," said Lydia, smirking. Romeo shook his head rapidly and waved his hands.

"I want no part of this, my dearest friends!" he exclaimed, blushing, "I just KNOW we will be victim to the harshest whims of that cruel mistress, Fate, if we don't just leave now while we have the chance!"

"Your mouth says 'no," and it says it way too &$&%in' much, by the way," Lydia said, sidling up behind Romeo. She grabbed his arm and wrenched it behind him, forcing him to bend over as he yelped in pain. Moisha grabbed Britanny's hand and led her to the bed. Brit followed with slow, shuffling steps, swaying precariously. The rat pushed Britanny back and the unresisting werecat fell backwards onto her mattress. She landed with a loud "fwumpf," laying flat on her back, limbs splayed out. She barely seemed to notice the change in position, staring up at the ceiling. Her cock stood straight up from her hips, pulsing and throbbing at its full sixteen inch length, rock hard.

"But your big, drippin' cawk says 'yes, yes, yes!'" finished Lydia, frogmarching him forward and ignoring his protests. Romeo glanced down. Sure enough, his pink shaft was rock hard, and a steady river of clear, syrupy precum was running down his shaft, over his blue, fuzzy testicles, and onto Britanny's carpet. His length jumped and twitched eagerly, ignoring the rest of his body and mind's dismay at the situation.

Moisha, ignoring her companions, was already climbing onto the bed, grinning as she looked down at the pink pillar of werecat cock. Her own was fully extended from her sheath, throbbing eagerly. She mentally compared her size to the mindless cheetah-woman, smirking.

"Like, I think we're totes the same size or somethin'!" Moisha said, grinning as she gripped her own erection proudly, "Maybe werecats aren't, like, totally awesome in everythin'..."

"Or maybe it's because you're totally $#in' abnormal for a wererat, Mo," Lydia replied over Romeo's shoulder, still forcing the male closer step by step, "Last I checked, wererat eugenics focused more towards slim, small, an' athletic body-types, not triple-D busts and cocks more suited for a stallion. Think a porn star swam around in your ^%=#in' gene pool."

Moisha frowned and threw an exceedingly rude gesture at Lydia. Both girls smirked, no real offense taken between them. Romeo flailed in distress as Lydia finally got him hip to hip with Britanny, his penis sliding up and down against the warm, soft, wet fuzz of her vulva. He could feel the little hard nub of her clitoris pressed to the underside of his cock, and he whimpered desperately.

"Oh, no, ya don't. You ain't &*in' cummin' until you AT LEAST get inside 'er first!" Lydia growled in his ear, biting down on the sensitive lobe. She tugged, letting her buck teeth nip in just hard enough to hurt. He gasped, but his cock throbbed all the harder for it. He could feel her erection pulsing against the small of his back, her wetness against the base of his tail. That was almost more arousing to him than the situation he was in.

"Th-Then I... s-suggest you s-stop t-teasing me, dearest Lydia... F-For I fear that you are only accelerating my i-impending ecstasy!" he panted, gasping as she forced his hips forward, making him thrust roughly against Britanny's cleft. His cock already glistened with her nectar, the werecat's feminine fluids coating his rigid flesh.

"...See, I, like, totally knew he was fakin' it, Lyds," drawled Moisha, grinning as she spread her legs, lifting her hips as high as she could, and gripped Britanny's cock to aim it towards her own dripping muff. She was panting with the effort and arousal, her hips and legs trembling as she had to squat down over the head of Brit's shaft to get it in her properly.

"No, b-but I know fighting y-you both when you are in this mood is futile," Romeo sighed dejectedly, "So I might as well resign myself to the Elysian pleasure of intercourse and..."

"Oh, shut up and %&#in' %&$@ her already!!!" growled Lydia, cutting him off in midsentence. She gripped his penis to aim it at Britanny's opening, and forced his hips forward hard enough to make him drive in all the way in one swift movement. Thirteen inches of wererat cock buried themselves in Brit's tight, wet grip. Romeo gave a weird, strangled yelp of delight as his balls slapped up against her rear end.

"That's more like it," Lydia growled, gripping his hips. Pressing herself to him, she dug in her claws, forcing his pelvis back and forth. She guided him roughly, mimicking the act of sex herself with her hips pressed to his, while she compelled him to pull back and drive forward. Brit, while still utterly entranced, reacted on instinct, beginning to thrust back against him. Her hips met his with a wet slap, her nectar soaking his pelvic fur. He cried out in pleasure, convulsing inside Brit, his penis jerking violently as his muscles spasmed.

He did not even notice that he had begun to thrust on his own, and that Lydia was no longer behind him until he saw her beside Moisha, lending the purple-furred woman a hand. Mo's position was so awkward that she needed a little extra support to sink down upon Brit's cock. Lydia provided a hand (though not without certain amount of obligatory complaining and expletive-laden commentary). quite a bit of teasing and cursing), providing the stability that Moisha needed. Moisha gasped in delight as the werecat's cock plunged into her muff, spreading her inner walls as wide as she could go. Her tail thrashed back and forth as she wiggled her hips, working more and more of the werecat's shaft inside her.

"Ohmahgawd, she's so biiiig!" whimpered Moisha, gasping as she felt inch after inch of Cheetah's cock vanish inside her, "I can feel her, like... bulgin' my stomach!"

"This from the girl who was just sayin' that the cheetah-*+ wasn't as big as you expected," Lydia remarked with more than a touch of sardonic wit. She grinned and let go of Moisha's hands. The violet-furred rat gasped and flailed in sudden surprise and horror, sinking down onto the remaining inches uncontrollably.

"ARGH!!!" she yelped, feeling the golden cock-ring at the base press against her folds. The bell jingled, sending a rush of pleasure through Britanny, who shuddered and spasmed around Romeo and within Moisha. Moisha's glowing yellow eyes were wide as she shuddered and gave a few incoherent squeaks, feeling Brit's cock pulse inside her. Her own jumped up and down of its own accord, rock hard and drooling onto Brit's stomach.

"More than you can handle? I wouldn't blame you if you gave up like a lil' pussy!" Lydia teased, smirking as she watched Moisha gyrate her hips, trying to accomodate the monster invading her.

"Oh, like, shaddup. I-I'll be fine in... y'know... a minute or two, once I'm used to it," Moisha grumbled, "Just do whatever you're gonna do with 'er and leave me alone."

Lydia grinned, climbing onto the bed. She regarded the mindless werecheetah for a minute, thinking about what to do. Then, with no preamble, she mounted Britanny's chest. Her tail swung as she did so, smacking Moisha in the face. Moisha yelped as Lydia looked over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out teasingly.

"You are ASKING for it later, girlfriend..." Moisha grumbled, turning her attention back to Brit, as she lifted her hips and sank back down again slowly.

"Okay, were-bimbo. Dunno how much you know about wererat physiology, but we're a pretty horny bunch," explained Lydia. Brit blinked sleepily, letting out a soft moan and shuddering as Romeo pumped his hips into her and Moisha ground on top of her. She gave no sign she even knew Lydia was there.

"It takes a LOT to satisfy us. Romeo here can literally go all day an' night if he wants to... or if we make 'im," Lydia continued, grinning. She did not need to look over her shoulder at Romeo to know he was blushing deeply. He was too easy to tease. Lydia gripped her erection and swung it back and forth, slapping it against Britanny's furry breasts. She traced the line on each side where the fur turned from golden and spotted to fluffy and white. Lifting her hips, she teased both of Britanny's nipples, grinding the swollen helmet of her shaft against the pink nubs, watching the werecheetah shudder and shiver at the sensation.

"An' you're not just gonna lie here like a lump while we USE you. You're gonna be an active $%in' participant in this," Lydia growled, sitting back down on her chest and sticking her penis into Brit's cleavage. Lydia was impressed despite herself; only the very tip of her cock peeked out the other side. The only other person she knew with breasts big enough to cover her fourteen inch shaft like that was Moisha.

"...I will not lie like a lump while you use me. I will be an active participant," Britanny repeated slowly, the words echoing through her head.

"You're gonna start humpin' back against my friends. Give 'em the ride of their lives," Lydia ordered. She rested her hands on Brit's mammaries, her rock-hard nipples pressed firm into the palms like pebbles. The wererat leaned down low, until she was almost nose to nose with Cheetah, her yellow eyes filling Brit's range of vision.

"...I will start humping back..." repeated Brit mindlessly, gasping as Lydia squeezed her teats tight. Even as she said it, she began to rock her hips off the bed, making Moisha and Romeo gasp in surprise and pleasure.

"And you're gonna use these big $+in' udders to squeeze my cock until I go off like a fire hose. You get me?" Lydia asked, grinning as she pinched Brit's nipples hard.

"A-Ah! I will use my breasts to squeeze your cock until you cum... I obey..." said Brit weakly, gasping in pleasure and pain, until Lydia let go.

"That's not how I put it, but what-#$&÷in'-ever. Get to it," Lydia commanded.

Britanny moved with the slow, awkward movements of a sleepwalker, reaching up and pressing her palms to either side of her chest. She pushed her fuzzy breasts together around Lydia's pulsing shaft, smothering it in soft fur and firm flesh. With an almost mechanical movement, Brit began to massage Lydia's cock, rolling her large bosoms up and down the other side of her pink rod. Lydia moaned happily, throwing her head back.

"Oh, yeah... that's what I wanted..." she groaned, shuddering as Brit squeezed around her head.

"Nnng... AHNNN!!! RRRGHH!!" groaned Romeo, drawing the other two wererats' attention. He was thrusting violently into Brit's sopping-wet quim, once, twice, three times. He buried his cock to the hilt, his balls hitting her rear, and he remained there, grinding his sheath against her labia. Neither Lydia nor Moisha seemed particularly surprise to watch Romeo shudder and cry out in ecstasy, his entire body tensed from head to toe. Brit, however, gasped as she felt a pulsing rush of hot, thick fluid splash inside her. It sprayed her wet, velvety walls in messy gouts, easily spilling back out of her and coating Romeo's pelvis. It soaked his black outfit, drenching the fabric as much as his fur. He did not seem to care, groaning as his orgasm raged, his tail thrashing in time with his ejaculations.

"Really, Romes? You, like, couldn't last longer than that?" asked Moisha lazily, bucking casually against Brit's rocking hips. She rode the werecheetah now with ease, having found her balance. The long, fat werecat cock drove in and out of her treasure, glistening with Moisha's juices.

"I-I would like t-to see... Ngfff! last a-any longer in such a predicament!" Romeo panted, "She is remarkably... t-tight!!!"

"Maybe I'll hafta take a turn after you," Moisha replied, shrugging, "See if you're, like, tellin' the truth."

Neither Moisha nor Lydia found it particularly odd that Romeo continued to pound away at Brit's cleft the entire time he was orgasming; nor did he miss a beat when his climax ended. Indeed, his penis remained rock hard, and he continued to drive his hips into the werecheetah's fuzzy muff, his pink cock's entire thirteen inch length sliding in and out smoothly. Despite the thick, milky fluid glazing his penis and dribbling out around it, he continued to thrust away, his furry testicles bouncing off her rear.

Neither wererat showed even a hint of surprise when less than a minute later Romeo began panting heavily, his body began to tense up, his thrusts grew ragged. His blue sack was clenching tight to the base of his sheath. With another groan of ecstasy, the male buried himself to the hilt; his slim, almost feminine frame shaking with pleasure. His cock convulsed again inside Britanny, beginning to fire a second volley of thick, gooey wererat cum into her accepting folds.

The girls took their companion's inability to hold back an orgasm in stride. Apparently quite used to this behavior, Lydia and Moisha merely snickered at their friend's pleasured cries and his "o-face," before turning their attention back to molesting the hypnotized werecat.

"See what I mean,&$#-kitten? Romes can go pretty much forever, even if he keeps cummin' every thirty seconds," Lydia purred, gasping as Brit continued to squeeze down around her cock. The werecheetah's soft fur tickled her flesh, making her shaft twitch eagerly at the attention. Lydia's small hips began to pump, and she thrust into Britanny's cleavage with quick, jerky little thrusts. The movements caused her cleft to scoot back and forth against Brit's lower chest, the feline's fur tickling her clitoris.

"And me and Moisha can keep goin' just as long; though we aren't total $=^&s who don't know how to hold off an orgasm," she said, glancing behind her past Moisha to stick her tongue out teasingly at Romeo. He did not seem to notice, far too busy flooding Britanny's muff with a fresh load of wererat-goo.

Britanny did not appear to register a word that Lydia said. In fact, she continued to drift in her trance, blissfully unaware of anything other than Lydia's commands echoing through her head endlessly and the chime of the cockring sending bolts of pleasure through her spine. Every time Moisha's hips struck hers, the bell jingled and jangled, wiping Brit's mind freshly clean. It was bliss and contentment and pleasure over and over again. The trance did nothing to dull the physical ecstasy either; every squeeze of Moisha's inner muscles on her shaft, every pulse of semen into her womb, every throb of Lydia's cock between her breasts, she felt it all with incredible intensity. But despite this, she appeared to be entirely insensate, lying with her head on the mattress, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Like, so glad I've been practicin' my squats and, like, workin' my glutes..." Moisha grunted as she bounced in Cheetah's lap, impaled upon the rigid length. Even with the werecat's bucking and thrusting, she was doing most of the work on her end. Brit's cock was huge by her standards, and it filled her almost to the point of strain. Her purple-furred hips, wider than Lydia's (with considerably more "bounce" to them) struck Brit's repeatedly, nudging the belled cockring each time. She delighted as Brit's penis surged inside her every time it jingled; she swore she could actually feel it expand and contract. Her clitoris ground against the rigid length, sending shivers of pleasure up and down her spine.

Moisha panted, reaching down to begin stroking her shaft in time with her thrusts. She gripped her swollen cock tight, peeling back the foreskin from the fat, dripping tip of her cock. She took her time, gyrating her hips like a pole dancer, thrusting into her palm at the same time as she ground against Britanny. Her massive breasts jiggled and wobbled tantalizingly with every movement. Moisha grinned, watching Lydia's rear end tense and clench as she pumped into Brit's cleavage, the sight arousing her almost as much as hearing Romeo climax a third time into Brit's depths behind her.

Lydia grumbled as she watched her penis disappear and reappear between Brit's teats. It felt amazing, but she was missing something. She smirked and nodded to herself.

"Okay, kitty-slave, I need a bit more. You're not putting that mouth to good use. I want you to start lickin' and suckin'..." she ordered Britanny.

"...I will start licking and sucking..." Britanny echoed numbly. As the head of Lydia's penis peeked out from her cleavage, she lifted her head and dipped her neck. She stuck her tongue out and dragged it slowly across the fat helmet. Lydia shuddered in delight, mildly surprised to find that Brit's tongue was rough and raspy, stimulating her flesh. As Lydia thrust back in a second time, Brit's lips were there to meet her, wrapping around her tip. Lydia gasped as her tongue slipped under her foreskin, swirling around the unexposed head, teasing it.

"Hoooleey... this &+^% has got some talent!" Lydia groaned, her eyes rolling up in her head and tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Romeo grunted and gasped, panting as he pounded into Brit's cleft as fast as his body could go. He was on his fifth orgasm so far, and nowhere near his last. His mating instincts were powerful enough to override the embarrassment and his fear of what might happen if things went wrong. The fact was, he thought ruefully as his cock jerked and fired another pint of spunk into Brit's already well-past-flooded cleft, it just felt too good to stop. Common sense was losing out to pleasure.

His hips slapped hers wetly. A mixture of his cum and her juices had thoroughly soaked both of their pelvises in a messy glaze. His grapefruit-sized balls bounced off her rear, rising up as a climax was impending, clenching and churning as it raged, then relaxing down as his orgasm ended, only to repeat the process a minute later. His cock never stopped pulsing and lurching, though the waves of orgasmic pleasure rose and fell. For a minute, nothing but a steady dribble of creamy spunk would spill from his member, then with a groan of ecstasy, a torrent would blast forth, drenching her already soaked tunnels. A puddle had long since formed in Brit's bedsheets, and was growing larger and deeper with every passing minute; spilling onto the floor in a messy river.

"Heh, I wonder just how much control o' you we have?" Lydia wondered, bucking her hips as Cheetah's tongue slid up and down the first four inches of her cock, "...If I ordered you to cum, would ya do it?"

"..." Brit did not reply, instead continuing to mechanically work at Lydia's shaft with single-minded determination, while thrusting her hips against the others. Lydia "tsked" in irritation.

"...Okay, let's try it this way... CUM, biyatch," Lydia ordered.

Even if Britanny had not had a unique talent to control her orgasms, to be able to consciously start, stop, control how much she gushed, how hard, and so on; she would not have been able to disobey that command. The trance was too deep, the magic gripping her mind far too powerful.

Unable to do anything else, she simply arched her back, strained, and gave a muffled cry of ecstasy around Lydia's penis. Her inner walls clamped down so tightly around Romeo that he could not pull free of her, convulsing as they began to milk him for his seed. Her cock jerked violently inside Moisha, and her eyes went wide as she felt a sudden hot rush of incredibly thick fluid. Brit overflowed Moisha in one shot, and the second was even larger.

"Ohmahgawd, it's l-like sittin' on a fire-hydrant that g-got knocked over!!!" Moisha squealed desperately, gasping as she pressed a hand to her lower stomach. She could actually feel the drumming of Brit's ejaculation through it, the fluid blasting into her.

"Hahaha--hrnnnrg... Ahh, $&!!!!" Lydia laughed, then grunted, then cursed. Even as Moisha was trembling from head to toe with the force of Brit's orgasm inside her, Brit had continued to obey the command to pleasure Lydia. She had moaned deep in her throat as she came, sending vibrations up Lydia's cock. That alone was enough to send Lydia teetering suddenly and furiously over the edge of her own climax.

Lydia's entire body tensed, her tail thrashed like a whip, and she threw her head back with a surprisingly feminine gasp. Her erection began to jump and lurch, and Brit's mouth was instantly flooded with hot salty-sweet cream. Brit's mouth was completely filled almost immediately, and she had to swallow on instinct. Lydia groaned and cursed, moaning as she slowly thrust forward in time with her ejaculations. Cum splattered Brit's face, drenching her fur, streaking her hair in wet ribbons. The entranced werecheetah barely reacted, not even flinching as Lydia grinned maliciously and traced the black stripes over her eyes and cheeks with her cock; soaking them a messy grey. As Lydia drew back her hips, her spunk bubbled out between Brit's breasts, pooling on her upper chest.

"Like, I'm gonna... totally... y'know... CUM!" Moisha drawled. Lydia yelped as a moment later she felt a messy blast of hot gooey fluid strike her back, leaving a skunk's stripe down her fur. The brown-furred rodent glanced over her shoulder and was unsurprised by the sight of her friend in the throes of ecstasy. Watching Moisha climax was almost hypnotic in its own right, as her enormous breasts juddered and bounced, her wide hips wobbled, and her huge (by wererat standards) cock lurched and fired ropes of semen into the air. Her stomach was notably swollen as if she'd eaten a very large meal, and Cheetah's spunk burst out from between her legs, soaking her thighs and Brit's pelvis.

Lydia turned away, more to avoid taking a blast in the face than out of disinterest in her friend's orgasm. Moisha was rubbing her clitoris with one hand, using the other to massage one of her breasts, letting her penis lurch about haphazardly as it fired again and again. She liked to let it "do what it, like, wants" when she came, and did not much care where her ejaculations landed. Sex with Moisha usually required a lot of mopping up afterwards, not because she had particularly huge bursts; but because it usually went EVERYWHERE. She could feel great gouts of the sticky, white goo strike her shoulder blades and drip down the small of her back; only enhancing her own pleasure.

Their collective climaxes continued for a while. Lydia repeatedly soaked Brit's face, drenched her breasts, and filled her mouth with cum. Moisha's inner muscles milked Brit for as much spunk as she could produce, even as she splattered Lydia (and Brit, and the bed, and the wall ahead of her) with her own bursts. Romeo lost count of how many times he had climaxed, but continued to pump away all the same; unable to pull free of Brit anyway with how tightly she had clamped down upon his cock.

"Unnnghhh..." moaned Moisha, sliding her cock back and forth in Brit's sticky, soaking wet fur, "Like, that was totes radical..."

"Nnnf, gotta say, Lord Gothwrain knew what he was doin' when he gave us that..." Lydia sighed, stroking her penis, sending thick splatters of spunk into Britanny's face, soaking her cleavage.

"I-I fear we shall still pay for this i-in some way..." Romeo panted, pulling free of Britanny. He stroked his sticky, wet shaft, spouting stripes of semen up Moisha's back, much the same way she had done to Lydia. He added, "I just have this awful premonition that..."

"...Your mystical cock-ring thingie's magic would run out, I'd snap outta whatever mental whammy you got me with, and I'd get my revenge by taking it out on your butts in a VERY literal fashion?" interrupted a voice conversationally. Lydia's blood ran cold and her fur stood on end. The brown-furred wererat hesitated and slowly lowered her eyes.

Britanny lay on her back, arms crossed across her semen-glazed breasts. Her eyes were clearly focused now, and held none of the dreamlike vacancy they had while she was under the enchantment. The mystical glow had faded, leaving them their normal reflective green. They were narrowed in an angry glare that sent a shiver of fear down Lydia's spine. An enormous glowing red angry mark throbbed on the side of her forehead, growing larger with every passing moment.


"...So, you gonna get off o' me anytime soon?" Brit asked, danger creeping into her voice. Lydia scrambled to climb off her as fast as she could, leaping out of Brit's reach. Romeo tripped over himself trying to get away, and wound up knocking his head against her dresser, stunning him. None of the lycanthropes spared a glance his way; he would be perfectly fine after a few moments. All werefolk possessed a healing factor that could handle things like a minor concussion in an incredibly short time.

It was Moisha who had the hardest time, still impaled upon Brit's still-gushing length. She squeaked in surprise and worry, scrabbling to try to get her legs under her so she could stand up again. Brit made no movement to aid her, merely watching with palpable aggravation, tapping her fingers against her bicep idly. It took her three tries (the second time, she actually slipped in a puddle of her own spunk and fell against Britanny's chest. The werecheetah growled deep in her throat, and Moisha yelped in fear and scrambled to try again), but she finally pulled free of Brit's shaft with a wet slurp. The feline's cock fell against her own stomach, continuing to pulse and fire small strands of fluid. Moisha retreated from the bed and joined her friends, looking back nervously as Brit pushed herself up.

"Y'know, I WAS gonna just kick your tails and throw you out, before you pulled THIS crap," Brit growled, climbing to her feet and gesturing at the thick glaze of cum that coated her fur, "But NOW, I'm not feeling so kind."

She met their gazes, glaring into each of their eyes in turn. Lydia couldn't help it; as she locked eyes with Britanny, she felt her insides go cold. She could not look away. It was as if the werecheetah was draining away her will to fight, her courage. She knew she had to do whatever the werecat commanded without hesitation, or some vague but horrible fate would befall her; she knew it to her core. Some small, still rational part of her mind knew she had just fallen victim to the legendary Doom Gaze, but that knowledge made no difference against its effects.

She felt her cock stiffen of its own accord, quickly enough to make an audible slap as it struck her stomach. Her thigh-fur was absolutely soaked with a fresh wave of her nectar. The arousal was embarrassing, but utterly overpowering. She whimpered helplessly, feeling Moisha and Romeo both shudder in fear and lust next to her, unable to even move while transfixed by Britanny's eyes.

For her part, it should be noted, Britanny had no idea what effect she was having on the wererats. She was just trying to intimidate them, and had no idea of the mystical power her gaze held. All she knew was how miffed she was at the wererats... And how incredibly horny she was.

The cockring was keeping her erection at a solid, painful rigidity. While it was no longer hypnotizing her, the bell's quiet tinkling and chiming still sent a thrill of pleasure through her loins and up her spine. A steady dribble of semen oozed from her bulbous head onto the floor; the remnants of her previous orgasm (and admittedly, a controlled drip using her abilities for effect). She turned her hips in Lydia's direction and was delighted to hear her give a squeak of fear and arousal.

"Bend over, hotshot. You're gonna take it all, and I ain't gonna be gentle," Brit growled at her. Lydia squeaked and nodded rapidly.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes, ma'am!" she squeaked, dashing over to the bedside. She couldn't stop herself, even if she had tried. She bent over the mattress, locked her elbows to support her, and lifted her tail high. She bit her lip, shivering as a trickle of arousal ran down her leg. Even though she had broken eye contact with Britanny, the mental image of the green reflective orbs continued to glare at her malevolently from the depths of her thoughts.

"So, you said a LOT of crap about me while I was under... Not gonna lie, don't remember most of it, but what I do remember has thoroughly TICKED ME OFF," growled Britanny, gripping her penis as she walked towards the young adult, stroking it slowly, "And you two don't dare move. Don't make me look for you. I'll deal with you in a minute."

"I-I shan't leave, madam!" Romeo gasped, shivering from head to toe.

"Like, not a chance, l-l-lady," agreed Moisha, whimpering.

Nodding in satisfaction, Brit turned her attention back to Lydia. She stepped up behind her and slowly rubbed the head of her shaft against Lydia's mound. She suppressed a smirk as Lydia let out a gasp at how hot and hard her cock was. The brown-furred petite rat whimpered, feeling Brit's cum smear into her fur as the werecheetah slid back and forth against her.

With no warning, Brit drove her hips forward, spearing Lydia to the hilt. Already well-lubricated from her orgasm, Lydia's folds were spread wide around the massive invading shaft. It felt like a hot, thick unyielding iron rod plunging into her core. Brit was true to her word and made no concession for Lydia's comfort or pleasure. She drove in with the full force her body could muster, her enormous shaft filling the wererat slightly past the point of being uncomfortable. Lydia groaned and squealed as the golden-furred woman thrust forward with enough force to lift her feet off the floor for a moment.

Brit growled and reached forward, gripping the base of Lydia's tail like a handle, drawing back her hips until only the head of her cock remained inside the brown-furred rodent. With as much power as she could bring, she thrust forward again, burying herself until the golden ring pressed against Lydia's opening. Lydia gasped, her own cock slapping against her stomach with the force of the thrust, splashing her uniform with precum.

"Nnng! Ah! %&!!! S-So big!!!" Lydia whimpered, gasping.

"How about you go five minutes without cursing? It's obnoxious," Brit growled. Lydia winced. That was a command that was going to be particularly hard to obey, but she had no choice.

"...Yes, m-ma'am..." she replied weakly, hanging her head. She glanced over at her friends. Romeo and Moisha were both still on their knees by the dresser, watching with a strange mixture of fear and arousal. Their erections pulsed in their laps as they watched Brit drive into Lydia hard, but they made no move to touch them. Indeed, Lydia realized, they had not moved an inch since Brit had hit them with the Doom Gaze. She realized that Brit had ordered them not to move, and they had taken that order quite literally.

"So, you wanted me to cum earlier? Here, have some more," Brit snarled in her ear. Lydia blinked in surprise. They had just gotten started. The werecheetah had lasted quite a while earlier. She couldn't have been that oversensitive...

Brit leaned forward and concentrated, tensing certain muscles within her loins and focusing on energies. She cried out in pleasure and shuddered from head to toe. The werecheetah's cock began to jerk and lurch inside Lydia, swelling even further. Cheetah let out a snarl as she erupted hard inside Lydia, flooding her depths with thick, sticky spunk. Lydia let out another squeal of surprise. Even having told her it was coming, she could not have expected the sudden blast that filled her tunnel. It overflowed her in one shot, backwashing out onto the floor with a loud, messy splatter.

Brit's breath was hot against Lydia's neck, her body pressed roughly against the wererat's. Lydia could feel Britanny's cum-soaked breasts pushed against her back, the rock-hard nipples poking her. Lydia could do nothing but shudder as the surges of fluid steadily blasted into her womb, knowing her friends were watching her get dominated. Somehow, that thought was incredibly arousing, and her inner walls began clenching down on Brit to milk her of their own accord.

Romeo seemed to agree, as he gave a whimper, pressed his thighs together, and came right onto the floor without touching himself. His toes curled as thick bursts of cum fired from his hooded head, splashing onto the carpet; his penis lurching up and down on its own. He grunted and groaned, bucking his hips forward with each spurt. Moisha watched him with a strange expression of irritation, arousal, and hunger.

"What, REALLY?" Brit growled over her shoulder, watching the blue-furred male climax helplessly, "They weren't kidding about you and that hair trigger. You, big-boobed mouse bimbo!"

"L-Like, eek! Uh, y-yeah?" gasped Moisha at being addressed.

"Heh. You actually answered to that," Britanny snickered, before ordering, "Keep him from making MORE of a mess of my carpet!"

"Y-Yeah, okay, sure, like totally!" Moisha whimpered. She suddenly leapt into motion, diving between Romeo's legs. Romeo gasped in surprise as she opened her mouth wide and took him to the hilt into her throat. Almost immediately, she began gulping (probably quite a bit louder than was strictly necessary), his rich cream dribbling down her chin.

Satisfied that Moisha had at least contained most of the mess for the moment, Brit turned her attention back to Lydia. She pumped her hips in long, rough strokes, using the full length of her penis to her advantage. Lydia could only squeal as she felt the mammoth shaft torturously grind against her little clit, sending bolts of ecstasy through her. Lydia's shaft dragged back and forth against the sheets in a puddle of her own pre. She was helpless in Brit's grip, and loving it.

Moisha released Romeo from her mouth, coughing and gasping for breath as he sagged back against the dresser. His erection continued to pulse, sending thick, sticky spurts of cum onto his chest, but nowhere near the gushes of moments before.

"I, like, did as ya told me to..." Moisha panted, wiping her mouth clean with the back of her hand.

"Whaddya want, a medal?" snapped Britanny snarkily, "Make yourself useful and shut this girl up with that oversized dick."

Moisha winced as Britanny met her eyes, inadvertently reinforcing her power over the wererat. Moisha mumbled her obedience meekly, climbing up onto the bed in front of Lydia, gripping the base of her cock.

"S-Sorry, Lyds... I, like, can't help myself," Moisha murmured apologetically.

"Mo, don't do it, don't-- GLRK!!!" Lydia growled, cut off in mid-sentence by the purple-furred wererat taking advantage of her open mouth.

"Nnng..." Moisha moaned, driving her cock all the way to the sheath into her friend's throat, ignoring Lydia's muffled protests. Despite herself, Lydia moaned around it, powerful mating instincts taking over. She began to suckle, bobbing her head upon the pulsing shaft. Moisha's precum splashed the back of her throat in syrupy spurts.

"Hey, cum-boy!" Brit called, and Romeo leaped to his feet, his cock still standing proudly from his hips, showing not a hint of flagging.

"Y-Yes, ma'am?" he asked timidly, his tail tucked down between his legs, ears folded back.

"Get up here. Why don't you use the rat-bimbo, make sure she's getting hers?" she ordered. Romeo nodded rapidly and climbed up onto the bed behind Moisha. Blushing deeply, he aimed his penis between her thighs, and with a thrust buried himself inside her. He murmured apologies into her mane of violet hair, whimpering as he began to pump away, driving into her rapidly. She gasped and shuddered, feeling his cock trembling inside her, already on the verge of another orgasm.

"...Really? You actually did it?" Brit said, surprised, "...Dunno why you guys are doing everything I say, but whatever."

She shook her head, her long spotted hair swaying as she continued to drive into Lydia. The wererat was whimpering and shuddering around her, her inner walls trembling with pleasure. Britanny had filled her with the equivalent of three uncontrolled orgasms' worth of spunk by now, and showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. Lydia's stomach was expanding out, swollen as if she had eaten a five-course meal. She could feel the fluid sloshing around with every move she made, coating every square inch inside her. If she did not have Moisha's cock currently bouncing off her tongue, she would have asked what Brittany's secret was.

As it was, all she could do was try to thrust back against the werecheetah the best she could. She whimpered helplessly, feeling the sensation of pressure deep in her loins. Her muscles were beginning to tense, clenching down around Brit's cock tighter and tighter with each thrust. Her cock was pulsing hard enough to repeatedly hit her stomach, soaking her fur with precum.

She could hear Romeo cry out behind Moisha, hear the wet "GLRSH" noise of his semen filling her muff. This was barely audible under Moisha's whimpers and gasps, and the slap of her hips striking Lydia's chin again and again. The poor young woman was nose to nose with Brit over Lydia's back, getting the full dose of the Doom Gaze again and again. She was babbling random nonsense syllables, and Lydia feared what it was doing to her mind.

She did not have time to worry for too long, as Moisha suddenly gave a loud, high-pitched scream, burying her cock until her pelvic fur met Lydia's lips. Lydia had to suppress her gag reflex as she felt the head pulse hard, and hot, thick semen spilled down her throat. Her choices were swallow for dear life or drown, so she did the only thing she could and gulped again and again. Moisha shuddered against her, her hands resting in Lydia's shorter hair, massaging her ears.

"Hey, rat-slut," Brit's voice purred sibilantly in Lydia's ear, "...CUM, biyatch."

And Lydia had no choice but to obey. She gave a muffled cry around Moisha's shaft, her inner walls clamping down hard on Brit's mighty length. Her own began to splatter the mattress and bed with lances of cum, ricocheting back up onto her forearms and even splattering her breasts. Lydia whimpered mindlessly, her senses exploding into nonsense with the force of her orgasm. For the longest time, her world consisted only of the burning ache of ecstasy in her loins, the pulsing and throbbing of her cock, the splatter of semen against and inside her body, and blinding blasts of delight.

She came to what could have been an eternity, or merely minutes later, laying on her back as Cheetah, Romeo, and Moisha stroked themselves over her. Ropes of spunk criss-crossed her body until she was coated in a sticky, uniform glaze. She moaned, feeling her own hand on her shaft, pumping it in time with her surges.

Brit stepped back, huffing for breath as Romeo and Moisha collapsed next to her with a loud splat. The werecheetah growled, waiting with arms crossed over her breasts. She waited for the wererats to catch their breath and start sitting up before she spoke again.

"Stand up, get in a line over there, and bend over and grab your ankles..." she growled angrily, narrowing her eyes. The Doom Gaze ensured the rats' obedience, as they scrambled across the room to stand in front of Brit's window, facing it.

The three rats leaned over, presenting their rear ends to the werecheetah. They lifted their tails high, their shafts hanging down at an angle under them. They exchanged glances with each other, wondering what horrors the werecheetah had in store for them. With the power of her Doom Gaze, she could make them her slaves forever, and they would not be able to do anything about it.

Whatever they were expecting, Brit surprised them.

"You attacked me. I roughed you up and went REALLY easy on you and was gonna let you go. Instead, you put THIS thing on me," she growled, and they heard the cockring jingle as she flicked the bell, "And hypnotized me, then used me like a blow-up doll. And even THEN, I let you guys get off."

"You try something this stupid again, next time I won't be as nice," Brit huffed. The three wererats glanced over her shoulder. She was limbering up, stretching her legs.

"Now, GEDDOUT!!!" Brit snarled, whipping her foot back. With three mighty punts, she sent the trio of wererats flying out of her window, over her fence, and with stunning accuracy into a dumpster on the other side of the backstreet.

"...Worst assassination EVER!" she grumbled to herself, shaking her hands and slinging messy strands of semen all over her carpet. She sighed, grabbing one of her towels off the floor, attempting to mop the fluid out of her cleavage, as she walked to the door.

"Muffin, do you remember where Gina left the industrial steam cleaner? We're gonna need it for the rug up here..." she called down the stairs, sighing.

She reached down and tried to tug the cock-ring free of her erection. It remained stuck fast, though to her relief, the ring's jingling seemed to have no effect upon her mind. The hypnosis enchantment must have expended itself completely, but whatever other spells there were upon the golden adornment were still in effect. Groaning, she pinched the bridge of her nose in raw frustration.

"...Wonderful. At least I'll have a fun story to tell at parties for my new bling..." she sighed, turning to clean up the mess.


In a pile of bruised bodies and bruised egos, the three wererats lay in the dumpster, groaning.

"...Romeo, your idea sucked," Lydia grumbled, upside down, her tail draped into her own face. The Doom Gaze's effects had worn off, and her thoughts were her own once more... leaving her in even more of a foul mood than usual.

"Totes. If we ever listen to Romeo's plans again, just gag me with a spoon," Moisha agreed, her voice muffled by her breasts in her face.

"MY idea?! It wasn't MY--... Oh, never mind..." Romeo sighed wearily, "...I just fear what Lord Gothwrain will say when we get back..."

The wererats cursed and grumbled and griped at each other as they worked to extricate themselves from the dumpster.

As Lydia picked a banana peel from her teardrop-shaped ear, wincing as she felt the werecheetah's cum pouring down her inner thighs. She glared back up at the window through which she had just been defenestrated. She could see Cheetah puttering about, cleaning up the mess they had made, not bothering to give them a second glance. The sight just made her even more angry. She swore she would make Britanny Diggers pay someday.

But despite this, she would never have been able to admit it to anyone, not even Romeo and Moisha, whom she grew up with; had known since birth and knew her better than anyone... She'd never be able to admit just how AROUSED being under the Doom Gaze and being dominated by the werecheetah had been. It would remain a frequent topic of her masturbatory fantasies for quite some time to come.


The days to come were unpleasant for both Britanny and for the wererat trio, but for entirely different reasons. Britanny had an irremovable piece of jewelry that kept her at a constant, aching erection for days on end, until she was eventually able to visit her father to have him dispel it. Little did she or her family know, but this would only be the first in a long series of troubles... but that is a story for another time.

The wererats would return to their master Gothwrain, and would be punished severely... not for failing their mission; for indeed, they had served their purpose and delivered Gothwrain's "present" to Britanny (even if it had been attached to the wrong part of her anatomy). No, they had failed their mission because they had gotten caught; and instead of using the opportunity given by the collar's hypnotic enchantment to place suggestions in Brit's subconscious to render her vulnerable later, they had chosen to pleasure themselves with her. The Doom Gaze was simply insult to injury.

Lydia, Moisha, and Romeo would be sent to China for further training with their fighting master. That would have been punishment enough as far as they were concerned (given that his training usually left them with no less than 37 lethal injuries, had they not been wererats, and unkillable except by magic, silver, and other lycanthropes).

Gothwrain, however, ever a lover of irony, had made sure they would not be distracted from their training. And so the three young adult wererats would leave for their mission; each wearing a custom-forged, freshly enchanted "cockring of chastity" to ensure that they wouldn't be distracted by inconvenient things like the ability to orgasm.

To Be Continued...

Digimon Defenders Chapter 14: Defenders At War

Gato had never experienced anything like this in her young life. She had experienced chaotic melees, battles where entire villages were razed from the damage... But she had never experienced a war. She'd certainly never fought in conflicts that lasted...

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 13: The War Begins

The Data Transfer crackled, sending arcs of lightning sparking out, before several Digimon materialized on the transport pad in a flash of light. Gato threw her equipment bag down in frustration, growling loudly. "HEY! You know better, Gato!"...

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 5 Part 2

\*\*\*\*\*\* "Hnnrrrg..." grunted Vee, his twin penises pulsing rapidly in his claws. As he pulled back his foreskins, two thick jets of milky blue fluid erupted from his heads at the same time. He moaned in pleasure, arching his back as his...

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