The Chance to Explore: Part 8 Being Thrown into the Deep End

Story by WanderLust on SoFurry

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I know, I know. It's been forever since I've updated but I have an excuse. I get distracted easily. No, that's not the reason. Well, yes it is but I have another one. I went on vacation with the nearly completed story written in my journal. And wouldn't you know it but I left it on a train and it's gone. Curse whoever took it and didn't turn it into lost and found. I hope your nuts fall off when you're jerking off to my story!!

Anyway, I've been rewriting it from memory. So here's the next chapter.

Being Thrown into the Deep End

Jaden tried he best to remain motionless as Win'telsis carried him into the small shower. Even the slightest movement caused the knotted cock in his ass to shift which made his own member jump and slap against his stomach.

"Press the green button." The wolf said as he lowered Jaden's legs to the floor.

The human touched the round tab and a jet of cool water washed over him. He shivered but the water warmed quickly and soon the shower was filled with steam.

Firm hands gripped Jaden's hips and Win started thrusting gently; testing to see if he had shrunken enough to pull out.

Breathing heavily, Jaden pressed his head against the tiled wall and let the hot water flow down his back and sooth his battered, somewhat swollen hole. It stung a little but he felt himself relax and with a final tug Win's long, pink cock came free. Jaden couldn't help but flush when he felt something other than water run down his legs.

The wolf knelt down and pushed Jaden's cheeks apart. "Detach the hose from the nozzle and hand it to me, please."

Jaden reached up to the shower-head and twisted the fastener at its bottom. The hose came free, water still gushing out, and he handed it to his captain.

Win pressed the end against his lover's entrance. "Since you've had Breyson inside of you, this shouldn't feel to strange but try and remain relaxed." And with that he let the warm liquid fill Jaden's passage.

Once the human's belly began to swell, Win pulled the hose away and a murky mixture of his cum and water flowed out. He repeated the processes a few more times until it was clear.

"There." He said handing the hose back to Jaden. "Clean enough to eat off of." And, as if to prove it, ran his tongue over the puckered hole.

Jaden gasped and immediately spread his legs hoping Win would do it again.

Win'telsis, however, had other plans. Turning the human around, he found Jaden's hard cock looking back at him. And in one smooth motion, he took it into his muzzle; coiling his tongue around the organ and giving it a 'good washing.'

Jaden fell back against the shower wall and grabbed the wolf by his damp ears. "Oh yeah...don't stop."

Bobbing his head up and down the Ookamari let his sharp fangs lightly graze Jaden's sensitive skin. Strands of saliva started to leak from the corners of his mouth when the human started pumping his hips and there was soon a salty taste present on his tongue. He swallowed as best he could, letting it travel slowly down to his stomach. As the balls slapping against his chin drew upwards, Win knew that soon he'd be tasting a lot more.

Jaden tried to keep still. He wanted to relax for awhile and just enjoy the wolf mouth but it was next to impossible. Win was so good and what he could do with his tongue...

With a long moan that turned into a scream, Jaden doubled over and released into his lover's muzzle. He gripped the twin ears in his hands so tightly that the wolf let out a little whimper.

Win pulled back so that just the head of the cock was in his mouth. He held it gently letting the white seed coat his tongue before swallowing. He continued to lap at the tip of the overly sensitive cock until Jaded pleaded with him to stop.

Win stood and pulled the human into his arms. He nuzzled Jaden and licked his ear. "I'm sorry, but you taste so good."

The human smiled and buried his face in Win's wet fur. Reaching down he took the Ookamari's cock in his hand, it was unsheathed but not yet fully erect. "Would you like some help with this?"

Captain Trovani laughed. "As much as I would like to keep you here all day, aren't you supposed to be somewhere right now?"

Jaden let out a word that Win's nano-translators probably couldn't yet interpret. He was supposed to be testing for his drop-pod and away mission certifications this afternoon.

Somewhat reluctantly the pair shut off the shower and activated the fur-dryers. Jaden exited first to avoid the at best itchy, dry skin or at worse the second degree burns on the more vulnerable parts of his body.

As he finished dressing, Win entered the living area of his quarters, his own uniform draped over an arm.

"I guess I better get going." Jaden said. "I hope we can do this again.. I...I mean if Brey says it's okay or whatever."

Win'telsis Trovani's golden eyes looked directly into the human's and he pressed his still nude body against him. "One thing you need to understand before you go. It's important so I'm going to tell you the same thing Breyson told me when we started serving on the same ship...Outside these doors, one of us is the leader, the other is not. No favoritism, no special treatment should be expected from either of us. But..." and he reached around and squeezed Jaden's firm buttocks. "...when these doors are closed, you're mine."

Jaden could almost hear the giant horse's voice speaking these words. "I understand." He added 'sir' as the doors back to the rest of the ship opened.

"Then carry on, ensign. And good luck on passing your certification trials." Answered Captain Trovani.

Next Day

No need to be nervous. Jaden told himself as he sat down at the axillary bridge's helm station. You're just the back-up. Only thing you have to do is float next to Rais while he pilots the ship. What could be simpler than that?


Jaden looked up to see Breyson staring back down at him.

" of course not." he answered, putting a little steel in his voice. "I'm ready for this."

The horse snorted with amusement. "Then I will return to the main bridge. Enjoy today, there are few things that compare to your first true flight through space. Feeling the solar winds washing over your skin, to look upon suns and planets without the need of filters or polarized viewscreens. You will never forget your first time."

"Where have I heard that before?" Jaden asked giving his secret lover's hand a squeeze. And as Brey departed, he activated the helm and Jaden's chair automatically reclined.

After a few moments, the human felt the weight of his body fade away and closing his eyes, the sights, noises and smells of the aux bridge vanished all together.

At first there was nothing, only the customary blackness one encounters upon closing ones eyes. But slowly a single shape came into focus. Lt. Rais, fox and arguably the second horniest being on the ship greeted Jaden warmly.

"Good morning, my friend. Are you excited about your first real taste of space flight?" Rais smiled and his eyes seemed to travel down Jaden's body.

"Oh yeah, I can't even begin to describe how much I've been waiting to do this. Even if I'm just watching you 'at the controls'. Hey, if everything goes smoothly do you think I could..." Jaden trailed off as he noticed the fox gazing hungrily at his crotch, a small smile sliding across his furred muzzle.

"Hey!" he yelled covering his groin with his hands. "You're seeing me naked, aren't you!?"

Rais's smile widened and he looked up at the human. "Oh no. That would be rude." He then floated closer to Jaden and despite the fact that they weren't really 'there', Jaden could swear he felt the fox's warm breath against his skin. "You do, however, look so sexy in those human undergarments. Such a delicious looking bulge and red is my favorite color."

Jaden blushed and opened his mouth to threaten some manner of revenge after their shift was over but a voice from the main bridge interrupted him.

Attention! One minute to normal space reversion.

Rais suddenly all business said, "Get ready, Ensign. Remember that you won't have visions while plugged into the helm but it will take a few moments to orientate yourself. Just follow my lead as best you can; you're my co-pilot."

"Aye, sir." Jaden answered and took up position just behind and to the right of Rais. His pulse sped up when he heard Commander Sapphira's voice counting down from from ten.



Jaden felt as if he had just ran straight into a brick wall. Instead of gliding lazily through space, he was now tumbling out of control. Something was wrong. His skin was on fire, it had to be. Nothing else could burn this badly. And every few seconds some invisible force hammered painfully at a random party of his body. Data from the ship's sensors poured into his mind but he couldn't focus pass the agony to make sense of any of it.

"Report." Captain Trovani's voice rang out. "Report!" He yelled again as something sounding like an explosion echoed in the background. This time the ship's computer answered.

Warning! High intensity gravity fields detected. Structural Integrity compromised!

"Sir!" Came the voice of a bridge officer. "Sensor's show a third sun in-system; proto-star type. It's presence is creating severe gravimetric waves!"

"A third...?" Commander Sapphira's voice buckled as the ship was hit again. "Why didn't astrometrics detect it before we jumped?"

"Unknown, but given it's position, it's possible that it's existence was hidden by the two larger suns."

*Warning! Hull breaches detected on decks 4, 7, 9, and 12! Structural collapse in 3 minutes!"

"Whatever the reason, we can't stay here!" The captain sounded haggard. "Lt. Rais, I'm authorizing emergency jump protocol. Get the Majestic cle-"

"Captain, Rais was thrown from the helm when the first wave it. He's unconscious and his neural patterns are still locked in the computer!"

The ship rocked again and this time a groan of strained metal accompanied it. The computer added five more decks to the list of detected hull breaches.

"Ensign Quinn." The wolf's voice blared in Jaden's ears. "I need you to jump the ship."

From the human's perspective, he was alone. Floating through space, curled in a tight ball with his eyes jammed shut in a vain attempt to block out everything around him. Each break in the hull was like a piece of his body being sliced away; he felt broken and half dead. But through gritted teeth he managed to answer.

"I...can't....I don't know how."

Piloting a ship though normal space was easy compared to opening a portal to underspace. Even with computer calculations and sensor telemetry it took new pilots months of hands on training before they could 'convince' a ship's jump-drive to activate.

"Ensign...Jaden" Win's voice took on a slight pleading tone. "If you don't get us out of here, the ship will be destroyed. You have the knowledge. All I'm asking is that you try."

Jaden tried, he really did. He used every bit of will he had to make the ship send them somewhere, anywhere else. But the next wave hit even worse than the last and the computer's cold voice range out again.

Warning! Structural collapse in 1 minute 20 seconds. Evacuation recommended.

"Jaden? Jaden." Breyson's voice broke thru the pain and chaos.

"Brey!" Jaden yelled. "I...can't. I..."

"Jaden." The stallion sounded so calm. "I need you to look at a star. Any one will do."

The young human forced his eyes to open as much as he could. He immediately focused on a small shining light. There was nothing special about it, but it was there and it was constant.

"Now imagine us there, flying through space; completely unharmed and safe. Feel a longing to be there...."

Warning! Catastrophic breach in 1 minute.

"...Don't try pushing the ship, just yourself."

The little star twinkled and Jaden gazed at it longingly; he so badly wanted to be there. Things were starting to melt away. The three bright suns, the sounds of the hull being ripped apart, even the pain was fading. Was this dying? Jaden didn't really care at the moment. But he did want to know what kind of star he was looking at and if there was anything nearby. It would be nice to find out.

"Captain!" Came the voice of the same panicked bridge officer. "Jump engines are coming on-line!"

Ten seconds to structural collapse!

"Jump." Was all that Jaden managed to whisper before everything went dark.

After being knocked unconscious there are, typically, two types of waking. One might awake as if from a long sleep; with no memory of what had happened or how they ended up where they were.

The second is much more violent and sudden. If someone were knocked out during a time of high stress and panic, there is a very good chance that the mind and body of the unconscious person will try to 'pick-up' where they left off. Usually resulting in an adrenaline filled start rather than a simple opening of the eyes.

"JUMP!" Jaden screamed, waking up in a dimly lite room. In his terror, he attempted to leap off the small platform he was currently laying on. However, he soon discovered that a restraining strap had been tightly pulled across his chest and he fell back, smacking his head on the padded surface.

"Easy there, ensign. You'll damage yourself." Came a surprisingly soft voice and an equally soft paw stroking his hair.

"D-doctor Sen?" The human croaked. His voiced sounded raw, like he hadn't used it for days. "What's going on?" He saw that he was in sickbay; privacy curtains had been drawn around his bio-bed.

"Shhh," The otter cooed in the same calm tone. "No arguments. I told you that I need samples from each of you to make sure that you don't end up pregnant."

The fog around Jaden's brain was started to fade and he was now trying to figure out what the hells was going on. His last memory was of the ship about ready to blow up. What was Sen talking about? And why did he feel so odd?

Suddenly realization dawned on him and he once more tried to rise and once more he was defeated by the strap across his arms and chest.

"Doctor..." he said struggling and trying to ignore the tightening knot in his stomach. "...get your hand out of my ass!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that. I must have my sample." The doctor replied, he speech slurring a little. "That thrice damned nurse Bahati won't allow me access to my medical equipment. So I'm going to have to do this 'manually'."

Before Jaden could even try to make sense of the mad-doctor's words, his body seized up and he cried out as cum shot out of his hard cock. The warm fluid splattered over his stomach, which did not amuse Sen.

"Damnation! I forgot the collecting vial. We're just going to have to do this aga-"

"Doctor! What are you doing?! Get back to your own bed!" Nurse Bahati yelled, as she stepped through the privacy curtains. Jaden dearly wished that he hadn't woken up. One of the few of his fellow humans that he actually got along with had just found him strapped naked to a bed with cum all over his front and an otter's arm clearly up his...

Dr. Sen pulled out rather roughly and yelled something about refusing to be prevented from preforming his duties as Bahati escorted him away. She came back a minute later with a damp cloth and started clearing Jaden up.

"I am so sorry. I only turn my back for a moment and he was gone." The young woman said in her deep African accent and seeing Jaden red face she added. "Don't be embarrassed. I've seen those," she nodded towards Jaden's member as she released the restraining strap and pulled a blanket over him. " do that more than a few times."

"You were a nurse back home?" Jaden asked.

"No, a photographer for a pornographic website." She leaned in close and whispered. "My government would like it very much if you did not share that with anyone."

"No problem." Jaden was really beginning to wonder if he actually HAD woken up. Perhaps this was a dream...a very strange dream.

Bahati drew back the curtains revealing the rest of the sickbay. The lighting was unusually low and several of the bio-displays were either shattered or flickering on and off. Jaden also saw that he wasn't the only crew-member occupying a bed.

"Dr. Sen was taking inventory of our drug supplies when the ship was hit." Bahati spoke as Jaden took stock of his surroundings. "We still aren't sure what he was injected with but he's getting better. He at least recognizes us now. Though what he was doing with you, I have no idea."

" did we lose anyone?" Jaden asked.

"There were a few close cases and not everyone is recovered yet but no deaths." She answered with a sigh of relief. "Thank God the emergency force fields kept anyone from being sucked out of the breaks in the hull."

At that moment all the lights in the room went out, only to come back on a second later. Looking at the damaged medical equipment, Jaden asked the second most pressing question. "How's the ship? Where are we?"

Bahati was about to answer when the sickbay's entrance doors parted and Breyson walked in.

"I think I will let your cabin-mate fill you in." Bahati said and she handed him a medical gown before rushing over to where another doctor was trying unsuccessfully to secure Dr. Sen to his bed.

The large horse marched directly to Jaden's side, though he stumbled a little when ship dipped and warbled unexpectedly. The Majestic Explorer was acting more like a sailboat in rough waters than a starship with inertial dampeners and gravity stabilizers. This made Jaden all the more curious as to exactly what their current situation was.

The second officer righted himself and pulled a chair close to Jaden's bed and sat down. "How are you feeling?" He whispered and took his lover's hand in his.

Jaden could tell that Brey wanted to do much more but was still respecting his wishes to keep their relationship a secret. A secret that Jaden was beginning to get tired of keeping.

"Is everything okay? How's the ship? Where are we?" Now that he was fully awake, more questions and the need for answers mounted.

"You did it." Breyson started. "We're in underspace, heading to...wherever you sent us. The hull breaches have been sealed and now we're trying to repair the damaged systems but it's nearly impossible right now."

"Why?" Jaden asked while his unconsciously entwined his fingers with Brey's.

"The same reason the lights are so dim. And emergency jump drains nearly 90% of our power. Barely enough for life-support and a few other back-up systems. We can't access the main computer to find out what's damaged and whether or not our repairs are doing any good. It's also why the ship keeps rocking; no power to the stabilizing thrusters. I'm afraid we're stuck like this until we return to normal space."

"And we don't know when...or where that will be. We could end up someplace worse, couldn't we?" When Breyson's head nodded up and down, Jaden covered his face with his hands. "I screwed up. I should never have been in that chair."

The stallion reached up and pulled the human's hands back down so quickly that Jaden jumped.

"That is wrong." His deep voice rumbled. "You did no worse than anyone else could have. In fact, you were beyond amazing. No helm officer with your level of experience should have been able to jump a ship this size. We should be dead. Even if we are unable to change around current situation, we are a live and for that we are most grateful. Right now all we can do is hope and wait."

Jaden couldn't help but feel a little better. He didn't about the 'amazing' part but he couldn't argue the truthfulness of Brey's words. There were alive and relatively safe. "Can we get out of here? I feel fine and I'd not have to sleep here." He gave the now bound Dr. Sen a quick glance.

"Actually," Bahati came walking up; having heard the tail end of the conversation. "....Dr. Chismia said that once you woke up you're free to leave. Unfortunately we're a little short chairs at the you can't walk. Medical regs say that any over night stays have to be 'wheeled' back to their quarters. Dr. Sen seems determined to make sure that anyone who enters sickbay doesn't walk out, I think. Plus, it seems that Lieutenant Commander Breyson has forgotten your uniform and while I'm sure many of the crew would enjoy seeing your backside-.

"Okay, okay!" Jaden said throwing his hands up in mock surrender. "I'll wait."

"That won't be necessary. I have a simple solution." Said the giant stallion and without pausing he bent down, gathered the smaller male into his arms and picked him up.

"Hey!" Jaden yelled but Bahati had on a teasing smile.

"Yes, that will work." And she walked off.

"You planned this!" Hissed Jaden, crossing his arms as Brey's hand rubbed his ass.

"Oh yes, I did." The amusement in the stallion's voice was unmistakable. "Before we go, someone else has been waiting for you to wake up."

Breyson carried Jaden through another set of privacy curtains and almost immediately Jaden found himself being pulled into another large male's crushing embrace. He didn't even have time to yelp in surprise as smooth lips pressed against his. Nor could he let out more than muffled gasp when a long, thick tongue shot between his teeth and down his throat.

"Balder!?" Jaden panted when he finally managed to pull his mouth away. The bull's arms tightened around him and he felt his ribs pop.

"You saved him! He'd be dead now if it were not for you!" Said Balder, he was speaking more now than at any other time since Jaden had known him. "I owe you debt that I can never repay."

"G...reat." the human croaked, finding breathing a little difficult. He gave Balder several hard pats on the back and the bull released him.

Settling back into Brey's much more gentle embrace, Jaden saw a motionless body resting on a bio-bed.

"Rais? Is he okay?"

The Ke'suma didn't respond to his name, he just continued staring blankly up at the ceiling. Every few seconds he would blink slowly and inhale a shallow breath but other than that there was no sign that he was actually alive.

Balder walked over to him and ran his thick fingers through Rais's head fur.

"When we jumped into that gravity field, the initial impact was so strong and sudden that not even the auto-restraints had time to react." Balder said in a hushed voice. "Being torn from an active neural interface so quickly is dangerous."

"But he'll be okay, right?" asked the human.

This time Breyson answered. "Oh yes. There will be gaps in his short-term memory; usually the last 18 hours before a neural disruption are gone. But in a few days he will find his way back to us."

Jaden watched as Balder continued to focus entirely on his lover. And he couldn't' help but wonder if Brey would do the same thing if he were the one laying there. Then Jaden remembered that for the past 3 days he had been laying on a bed, unconscious and he knew that the stallion probably had spent nearly every free moment by his side.

Breyson took advantage of the privacy curtain and pressed his lips against Jaden's cheek. "Come, let's leave them alone for now."

The pair left sickbay, Jaden still being carried by Breyson. They stopped only when ship wobbled unexpectedly or when a passing crew-member wished to thank Jaden for saving the ship.

"I wish they'd stop that." Jaden said as they approached their quarters. For all any of us know, we're headed some place worse and we don't have any idea of when we're going to arrive."

"You are a hero to them. And the more you deny it the longer it will last. My advice is accept it." The big horse couldn't help but chuckle. It wasn't that he like humiliating his lover, but seeing Jaden squirm uncomfortably and watching his skin turn that reddish-pink color. It was cute. And he had a feeling he'd be enjoying it again the moment he carried Jaden into their quarters.

A few minutes later the pair arrived at their little home. Breyson had to shift Jaden to one hand so he could manually force the unpowered door open. It wasn't easy but he managed and the pair slipped inside.

The room was a mess. Clothes and broken personal items littered the floor, the wall-display was cracked and dark; and the only light came from a small glow-rod sitting on the counter surrounding a dozen data-pads.

Jaden, of course, noticed none of this. He was focused entirely on the dark-furred individual laying on the bed. Captain Win'telsis Trovani was resting naked on his front; his ass and tail raised high in the air, directly facing Breyson and Jaden.

The wolf turned his head to look at them, a toothy grin on his face. "Ensign, in the next minute I'd better feel your weight on my back. That's an order."

As Brey predicted, Jaden blushed but he also rolled out of the stallion's arms and pulled the medical gown off. He reached out and placed his palms on Win's furry ass. Jaden could feel the heat radiating from beneath the dark fur and both buttocks clinched when he pushed them a part.

The wolf's tail rose higher into the air, revealing a tight, lubed hole that shined in the dim light. Jaden pressed his lips against it; pressing his tongue inside before pulling away and reaching between the Ookamari's legs.

Win's cock was already unsheathed and hard. Carefully Jaden pulled it towards him and slowly took it into his mouth. He managed to get all the way to the wolf's rapidly expanding cock before his gag-reflexes threatened to kick in.

Jaden withdrew the cock but Win shuddered at the last second and a stream of precum smeared the human's lips. Not a bad taste.

Getting to his feet, Jaden leaned forward and gently mounted the wolf. Wrapping his arms around Win's chest and lining up his own member, Jaden let Win take his full weight.

"Let it never be said that I didn't follow my captain's orders." The human whispered and gave such a hard thrust that Win'telsis actually yelped.

The Ookamari sighed peacefully as Jaden filled him. It had been so long since he had another male on top of him; holding him and using his body. After the past few days, letting someone else be the alpha was a welcome respite.

It wasn't long before Jaden was pumping and sliding up and down his lover's body. He was just about to reach for Win's member (which was swinging back and forth like a pendulum on speed) when a large hand squeezed his ass.

"Did you forget about me?" Breyson asked, his lips from Jaden's and Win's ear. "It seems I have to aroused mares at my disposal tonight...and I intend to use each of you." The stallion ran his hand up the crack of Jaden's rear, he pressed a thumb against the tight entrance and...slide in effortlessly.

"You are already prepared?" The surprised horse rotated his thumb, feeling the lubricant. "How did-"

"Never ask me that!" Jaden answered remembering his first minutes of wakefulness. "Never, ever ask."

I know a terrible place to end this chapter but that just means that there will be a threesome at the beginning of the next one. I hope you like it and give me some reviews. I'll try to have the next update out as soon as possible. BTW all the sci-fi terms I used, if they are incorrect you can blame Star Trek and remember that they are alien terms that might just be real.

Anyway, thanks again for all the favs and suggestions. I really like it when people ask to see fetishes and new characters. It really gets my mind pumping.

Take care.