The Neighbor's Kid: It's Always the Shy Ones

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#22 of Commissions

Commission for thaton3lan3

Sequel to his previous commission, "The Neighbor's Kid is (has) a Huge Dick" -

Corey has mellowed out a little bit, now instead of wrecking the inside of Arnett's house, he just wrecks the inside of Arnett's body.

Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between consenting participants, some of which may be underage, non-human, and/or anthropomorphic. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.


The Neighbor's Kid: It's Always the Shy Ones

Commission for Thaton3lan3

** thump thump **

"Huh...? What...?"

The unfamiliar sounds were just barely loud enough for the 25-year-old stallion to even hear, but they were enough to stir Arnett awake from his peaceful slumber. He thought for a moment to turn his head and look at the clock, but stopped himself.

No, I don't care what time it is... My alarm hasn't gone off, meaning I'm just going to stay in bed until it does.

Clenching his eyes back shut, Arnett turned to lay his head back on the pillow, and let it sink into the soft cushion. He laid there face up, like he was used to sleeping, and it only took a few seconds before he started to drift back to sleep, shrugging off the sound as something going on next door.

However, it only took a few more minutes before his slumber was disturbed once again. A slight shift in the mattress got the horse's attention, though it was barely enough to wake him up, by the time he opened his eyes, he wasn't even sure what he was looking at.

Huh... red...?

A mysterious red mound filled his field of vision, and it seemed to be accompanied by a very strong, and familiar scent. Even with his mind still sleep-addled as much as it was, it only took a moment for Arnett to realize what was happening.

"Hmm... huh...? C-Corey...?" The powerful musk was unmistakable, and Arnett was quite acquainted with it. It belonged to the young son of the fox couple that lived across the hall from him, but what Arnett wasn't aware of, was why he was there.

"Hey horsie, wake up and suck me off real quick. We don't have a lot of time."

"Wait... w-what...? ACK!"

Corey didn't wait for acknowledgement, Arnett quickly came to realize that the red mound that was in front of his face was in actuality, the front of the fox boy's boxer-briefs, which was suddenly being mashed firmly against his face.


Instinctively, Arnett tried to move, at least to gain a little clarity since he had just woken up, but with the way Corey had positioned himself on the older male's chest, his knees rested on Arnett's shoulders, and thus the boy's legs were being used to somewhat pin down the stallion's arms.

In a normal situation, Arnett would easily have been strong enough to move Corey if he had seen fit. Though with him in such a groggy state, and the fox boy's musk clouding his senses even further, Arnett was finding it difficult to focus on anything other than the sizable warm mass thrusting against his face.

"Come on! Start licking! We both know how much you love it!" The impatience was clear in Corey's voice, it was a weekday, so it seemed likely that he wanted to get off before leaving for school. Either way, Arnett wasn't too concerned, just Corey had instructed him to, he began licking at the fabric covered organ, eager to bring it to life.

While Corey's appearance at this specific time-of-day was a rarity, the situation was far from it. Nearly a month ago, Arnett had agreed to watch the pre-teen fox boy after school on weekdays since both of his parents worked until a bit later in the evening. This was the first time that Corey woke the stallion up in such a fashion though.

Arnett struggled to get a grasp on the situation, but didn't dare relent at his task. He lapped dutifully at the still-clothed member that Corey was mashing into him roughly. As uncomfortable as the situation was, he didn't want to stop, he knew that before too long the growing erection that he was working towards would begin to peek out past the waistband. Though he'd seen it many times over the past month, it was still a sight that Arnett didn't think that he'd ever get used to.

The stallion's tongue and lips stayed in motion, pressed against the pulsing mound, but eyes stayed focused just a bit higher, knowing that it would happen any moment now. He could feel the length behind the red fabric growing more rigid, shifting around as it started to extend, and eventually the pink tip, poked out just into view, giving an ever-so-brief preview of what was to come.

Arnett doubled his efforts, wanting... needing even... to see the remainder of the fox boy's length reveal itself, but after only a couple seconds...

** nok nok nok **

A knock at the door, and Corey pulled himself away, tucking his escaped tip back in past his waistband.

"Damn, looks like you'll have to wait, horsie! Next time, be a little quicker with that mouth of yours!"

The fox boy hopped off the bed, and while chuckling a bit to himself, he strode into the living room, assumedly to answer the door.

Huh...? Wait, why is Corey expecting someone at my apartment...? And doesn't he need to get ready for school...? And, why is he answering the door in his underwear...?

Several questions bounced around in Arnett's head as he curiously pulled himself up and out of bed.

"Uh... Corey...?" He took a few steps out of his bedroom, and peeked into the living room to see Corey welcoming in another boy. A timid looking mouse boy, probably a couple inches shorter than Corey stepped shyly into the living room. He had light silvery fur, and was clad in the same school uniform that I had often seen Corey in, clearly a classmate of the young fox.

"You can sit down over there, Bryce, little horsie will get us some snacks."

From Corey's words, Arnett picked up that 'Bryce' was the kid's name, but past that, he was still clearly confused. Bryce didn't seem to be fazed at all by his friend answering the door in just his underwear, and didn't they need to get going to school? Why was Corey expecting snacks right then?

"Uh... snacks...? Don't you two need to be heading out?"

Bryce looked at the stallion with a bit of bewilderment on his face, while Corey snickered inwardly, indicating that he knew something that Arnett didn't.

"Umm... Heading where?" the mouse boy asked shyly, not quite understanding the confusion on the stallion's part.

"Don't you two have to get to class soon?"

"You may wanna check a clock, horsie."

At Corey's suggestion, Arnett quickly glanced over towards the wall clock finding that the time was not at all what he expected it to be. His eyes went wide, and he shouted out, "It's past 11?!?"

Arnett's alarm was set to go off at 8 AM, and it had definitely not gone off, so he had been under the assumption that it was still earlier than that. Not to mention, the fact that Corey wasn't at school yet only reinforced the assumption.

"W-Wait... then what are you guys even doing here...? Shouldn't you be in sc--"

"Hey! You heard me!"

Before I could even ask the question, Corey interrupted, "Can't you follow simple instructions? I just told you to get started on some snacks!"

Arnett stuttered for a moment, instinctively wanting to respond to the kid's attitude, but he held his tongue, knowing exactly what it could lead to, from past experience. With a sigh, he trotted past the preteens and into the kitchen.

"He just does what you say? Is he your butler or something?" Bryce asked the question to Corey discreetly, but the older male couldn't help but overhear right as he stepped into the kitchen. In response, Corey leaned over and whispered something into his friend's ear, just as Arnett stepped out of visual range.

He grabbed a couple bags of chips from his cupboard and some sodas from the fridge before returning to the living room, and placed them on the table.

"Now, do you mind telling me what you're even doing here? Do your parents even know you're not in school?"

Corey grabbed one of the bags from the table, ripped it open, and answered right as he started munching on the chips, "We skipped." He said it flatly, as if it were a regular thing. He was well aware that Arnett wouldn't dare tell his parents or anything like that, so the fox boy saw no reason to try and hide the truth, "There was this big, three-hour-long assembly that was mandatory for our class to attend today, all about our changing bodies, and new _confusing_feelings that we might experience as we mature."

"So, you guys decided that you didn't want to sit through it?"

Corey smirked at Arnett, "I didn't think I needed to sit through it, my body is a lot_more mature than _certain adults that I know." He put specific emphasis in the comment, and then just to make extra sure that Arnett knew what he was referring to, he reached down and grabbed the obscene bulge that hung at the front of his underwear.

With a blush, the equine stammered looking to change the subject, "A-And so, you two... uh... d-decided to hang out here?"

Corey popped another few chips in his mouth, "Well, I wanted to catch another few hours of sleep first, so I came over here after leaving home. That's why I turned off your alarm, so I wouldn't be disturbed."

"Ugh... of course you did..." Arnett face-palmed at the sudden realization, he hadn't even thought about how his alarm got turned off in the first place, but in hindsight it seemed obvious. Thankfully, the stallion didn't have anywhere he officially needed to be. He did plan on running a few errands that he'd missed out on, but it wasn't like he had to be on-time to work or anything. One of the perks of being a writer was that basically all of his work could be done from pretty much anywhere.

"We have a class project due next week, and once Corey told me that he was planning to skip, I figured that we could use the time to work on it."

The mouse boy spoke again, still with a little unease in his voice. Appearing to be the polar opposite of Corey, soft-spoken, shy, and very careful with his words. Arnett began to wonder if the two were actually friends, or if they were just paired together for the project by chance.

"I thought it was weird that Bryce wanted to do schoolwork while we were skipping school, but it beats wasting an afternoon I guess."

Corey leaned back on the couch as his companion began pulling a few books out of his backpack. Just as Bryce had explained, the two apparently had a project to work on, and thus didn't waste too much time getting into it.

"Err, okay then..." Arnett turned and began walking towards the hallway, "I'm gonna go shower and stuff, I still might be able to get a few things that I was supposed to do this morning done."

Leave the bathroom door unlocked, horsie!"

The request caught Arnett off-guard, he lived alone, so locking the bathroom door while showering was pretty much never a concern for him, just the fact that Corey had brought it up though had planted a thought in his head that otherwise wouldn't have been there, "Uhh... huh?" He glanced back to see Corey grinning mischievously at him.

"I might_decide to come in there and show you my _maturing and changing body, hehe."

Arnett swallowed hard, and turned back around striding towards the bathroom, not quite sure if he was supposed to take Corey seriously.

He's kidding, he has to be... He's here working on a project with his friend, he wouldn't come into the bathroom while I'm showering and... well, maybe he would... N-No... he's not THAT reckless... is he...?

The thoughts swirled around in Arnett's head as he headed in to shower, deciding to_not_ lock the door as he did. He still hadn't decided if Corey was kidding or not, but this was the kid that woke him up not-too-long ago by pounding his crotch in his face. The fox boy was unpredictable, to say the least, and it was simply less of a risk to just go along with it.

The equine stripped down and got in the shower, more than a little apprehensive the entire time. He almost expected to hear the door click open, and the fox boy to do just what he had threatened to, and though he would be ashamed to admit it, the thought of it actually turned him on a bit...

As much as Arnett hated the aspect of being more-or-less at the beck and call of a 12-year-old, being dominated was a thing that absolutely turned him on, and when coupled with the absurdly massive foxhood that the kid was carrying around between his legs, the equine often found himself unable to resist Corey. Just the thought that Corey might storm into the room at any moment had Arnett at full-mast as he washed himself up. Had the two kids not been in the apartment, he doubted that he'd even have been able to resist the urge to _take care_of himself.

After a somewhat paranoid 20 minutes in the bathroom, Arnett stepped out. Thankfully, and unfortunately to a degree... Corey had not surprised Arnett in the shower.

A towel wrapped around his waist, he glanced from the hallway into the living room to see if the two boys were still working. Surprisingly, there was no sign of them.

"Huh...? Corey? Bryce?"

Arnett was understandably a bit nervous upon having lost track of Corey. When he first met the kid, the young fox absolutely wrecked his bedroom at the first chance he got. Any time when he didn't know Corey's exact location, it was a risk that he could be doing something very distressing.

Upon seeing that they weren't in the living room, Arnett turned around and headed back towards his office, finding the boys in there working on what appeared to be the same project. The stallion let out a breath of relief at seeing that the room had been undisturbed, though seeing Bryce sitting at his desk and using his PC was a bit unexpected.

"Oh... you're using my computer..."

The two boys turned to see Arnett standing in the doorway, and the mouse boy began to explain, "Oh! Y-Yeah, I hope that's okay... Corey said that you wouldn't mind, and it's a lot better than using our phones for research."

"Little horsie doesn't mind! He only uses it for when he writes his little fanfics, or when he needs to jerk off!"

Arnett once again shrugged off the comment made by the fox boy, and opted to simply respond to Bryce, "It's fine, just... don't delete anything."

Arnett for a moment, thought to pose the question of how they even got past his password protection. Though, he remembered that he had given the password to Corey a couple of weeks ago, or rather... Corey had made Arnett give it to him during a moment of weakness involving certain parts of the mustang being filled by certain parts of the fox boy... Rather than risk that moment being brought up, he simply let it go.

"Alright, well, if you two are alright... I'm gonna go change..." The horse turned to head out and towards his bedroom, but he felt a slight bit of resistance. There was a slight bit of a tug on the back of his towel, and if he hadn't noticed when he did, the covering would have come undone. As quick as he could, he grabbed the towel around his waist securing it in place, and then turned to see what exactly had ahold of him... not that he had any doubts about it.

"Ack... Corey...?!" Unsurprisingly, it was the fox boy's paw that had a grip on his towel.

"Before you change, Bryce has been wondering why I call you little horsie, even though you're pretty tall. Hehe, wanna show him real quick?"

Arnett flinched at the thought, "What?! Corey... I... I'm..." he stopped to lower his voice enough so that the mouse boy wouldn't hear, "I'm not gonna get naked in front of your friend..."

"Tch..." Corey scoffed, not at all concerned about keeping his voice low like Arnett had, "Bryce doesn't care... I know you're not the most perceptive guy, but you have_noticed that I've been walking around like _this all morning, haven't you?"

He motioned to his mostly bare form. I had noticed it right from the very start, but hadn't bothered to ask about it. He was still clad in nothing but the red boxer-briefs that he had on when he woke me up.

"Bryce and I have the same gym class, we see each other change every day. We've even seen each other naked in the shower."

Bryce jumped a bit at the reveal that his friend just made, "C-Corey! Don't tell others that we've seen each other n-naked..." His voice started to break on that last word, and a bit of a blush came over his face.

"...b-but Corey's right... I don't mind him being naked..." he mentioned the last bit after a short pause.

Arnett had found it a little odd. Corey had been stripped down as far as he was for the entire time that Bryce was there, and that oversized bulge was impossible to not notice, yet the mouse-boy had not even given it a second glance. Was the boy just that desensitized to it? Corey was walking around looking like he was hiding a cantaloupe in his underwear, it seemed odd for it to not even faze the other boy.

"See! He doesn't care! So..." Corey moved without delay, taking advantage of the fact that Arnett had relaxed his grip. Even if it was only slightly, it proved enough for a sharp tug from the fox boy to manage to snatch the covering from the stallion's waist.

"ACK! NO! COREY!" Arnett, yelped out in surprise.

Though taken aback by his friend's actions, Bryce watched on intently as the horse's lower body was suddenly exposed, and he quickly learned the answer to the question that he had been curious about.

The mustang was tiny in the endowment department, a trait that wasn't often used to describe his species. To even say that it hung over his equally unimpressive testicles would've been a stretch, the nub of a penis didn't even extend an inch away from the horse's body while it was soft.

Arnett was fairly quick to grab a notebook that had been sitting nearby to at least hide his shame from view, but it wasn't quick enough to prevent the mouse-boy from catching a glimpse.

"Oh wow..."

The mouse boy didn't say specifically what surprised him, but he may as well have... the words still made the mustang wince, Corey pointed out the mustang's shortcomings below the waist on a nearly daily basis, but the fact that it was a new discovery for Bryce made it worse.

"Yeah, super-small, right?" Corey chimed in agreeing with his friend, "I'm surprised that you can even see it from sitting over there!"

With a sigh, Arnett backed out of the room, still using the notebook to cover as much as he could manage. He quickly headed into his bedroom, closed the door behind him, and sat down on his bed with a sigh, "Ugh... I should've known better than to walk in there wearing just a towel..."

Arnett collapsed onto his bed. It was without a doubt a humiliating situation that he had just endured, but it could've gone worse... Usually, if Corey took it that far, it didn't end that quickly. More often than not, it resulted in the fox getting Arnett into a far more compromising position. Corey had let him off easy...


...too easy...


It dawned on the horse a moment too late. The door clicked open, and Corey's impish expression peeked in.

I really should have locked the door...

"Hey, horsie!"

The sheer amount of enthusiasm that the fox boy was displaying was enough to make Arnett start to sweat. Whenever Corey started getting excited, it was pretty obvious what was on his mind, and Arnett knew what it would take to sate that excitement.

"Corey!" the stallion snatched a nearby pillow to cover himself this time, immediately whipping it over onto his lap, "I'm trying to change in here!"

Arnett's words of course didn't deter the boy.

"I just figured that I made you feel a little self-conscious about being the only one naked! So, I figured that I'd..." He paused for a moment to slip a few slim fingers under his own waistband, "...get naked too!"

"C-Corey! You don't h-have to do--"

That was all Arnett managed to get out before Corey slipped the boxer-briefs down his thighs, and freed the monster that was hidden behind the red fabric.

Arnett would swear that it looked bigger every time that he saw it, though it had _definitely_grown over the past month since Arnett had first laid eyes on it. Even limp, it hung heavily a good 8 to 9 inches off of the small preteen body, and already looked too thick for Corey to even wrap a paw around.

The correct move would have been to persuade Corey to put his clothes back on, but just like every other time that Arnett caught sight of the preteen's impossible organ, he was simply awestruck. He couldn't find the words... or any words for that matter, it was a sight that the mustang was sure that he'd never grow used to.

"See, Bryce? Told ya that he wouldn't be able to control himself. He's already staring, hehe..."


Arnett had been so entranced by Corey's newly uncovered nether-regions, he hadn't even realized that the mouse boy had come into the room as well. Just as before, Bryce immediately seemed curious about Arnett's size. He'd seen it for maybe a second in the other room, and seemed almost as if he couldn't believe what he had seen.

"Bet you're hard already too, aren't you?"

Upon hearing Corey's remark, Arnett turned his attention back to the fox boy, who had taken another couple steps towards him.

"Huh...? N-No... I-I, uh..." Arnett hadn't even realized it before answering, but Corey was right. The unobstructed view of the young fox's body was enough to excite him, and get him erect underneath the pillow. He thought about it for a moment, and then continued upon his response with a sigh, "Y-Yeah... I guess I am..."

The answer was expected, but still got a mischievous grin from Corey, "Hehe, thought so! Wanna show Bryce?"

"Huh?! N-No! Corey, I can't do that!"

"Okay then..." Corey shrugged, and then simply turned and stepped out of the room, a confusing reaction to Arnett, since it was very unlike the vulpine to simply let it go without getting his way. However, when the fox boy returned to the room holding his cell phone, Arnett suddenly had a pretty good idea of what his plan was.

"I'll just have to show him the video I took last time I made you into my bitch."

"W-Wait!" Arnett held up a hand, hoping that Corey would relent. Thankfully for Arnett, he did, though he made sure to not set the phone down. "Fine... O-Okay..."

He swallowed hard, and did his best to try and will himself from turning red with embarrassment. Hesitantly, Arnett pulled the pillow that was covering his lap away, and set it back in place on his bed, revealing his unwanted, yet still-persisting erection.

Right away he could hear the somewhat held-back laughter of the fox boy. The mouse however remained silent, at least for the moment. Bryce simply stared, with a look on his face of disbelief, as if he was thinking, wow, he really is THAT small...

"See how small he is! It's weird, right?" Corey asked, seeing how bewildered his friend was at the sight of the diminutive penis.

"Does it... get any bigger...?"

"Nope!" Corey answered cheerfully, "He says it's two inches, but I'm pretty sure it's less. Either way, I'm pretty sure that I was bigger than that when I was four years old, maybe we should find a toddler to compare him to."

Arnett bit his lip, and turned his head up and away, doing his best to ignore the conversation between the two younger boys as they examined the miniscule anomaly that was the stallion's dick.

It only took a moment after he turned his attention away before Corey took advantage of the situation. Arnett felt a warm weight against his organ, and immediately snapped his head back to face forward, only to see the young fox pressing his own cock right up against Arnett's, as if to compare the sizes of the two organs.

"C-Corey...? What are you--"

"Don't mind me, I just love the size difference, hehe..."

Arnett reluctantly turned his gaze downward, though he already knew what he was going to see. Aside from the greatly amused smirk on Corey's face, he saw his substandard stiffie completely dwarfed by the fox's dick. The younger boy's organ was so much larger than Arnett's that it actually started to droop forward under its own weight, over the top of the stallion's member.

"Hehe... less than 2 inches of dickless versus 8 inches of thickness."

Corey snickered at his own comment, just as Bryce leaned down to get a closer look at the comparison. From the look on his face, the mouse boy seemed even more intrigued than before.

"Oh... he's already hard, but you're still like... five times bigger than he is..." Without taking his eyes away from his subject of interest, he slipped a paw into his pocket, and as soon as Arnett saw the cell phone being pulled out, he knew exactly what the young mouse had planned.

"Ah! Bryce! D-Don't take any pict--nngaaah..."

He tried to stop the boy from starting up his camera, but before he could get the request out, the caressing of Corey's paw against his erection got to him. The fox boy had taken Arnett between his thumb and forefinger and started stroking him gently, sending a shiver through him, and drawing his attention away from Bryce's actions.

"You recording this Bryce?"

"Y-Yeah... I need a better angle though, his dick is too small to see around your fingers."

Corey adjusted his hold, but didn't relent in his gentle strokes. Arnett tried to bring himself to say something, to hopefully retain just a little bit or dignity, but was already at... probably past his limit, and simply didn't have the wherewithal to do anything besides listen to the conversation between the two boys.

"Wow, he's so small, your thumb covers up pretty much the whole thing!"

"Haha! I know! It's like jerking off a pencil eraser!"

Arnett swallowed hard and clenched his eyes shut. The grip he had on the bed tightened as the familiar feeling of euphoria hit him. As much as he tried to hold himself back, his orgasm hit and a few small drops of cum splattered right around his waist.

"Oh! He came!? He only lasted like 30 seconds though!" Bryce's voice was a mixture of shock and amazement.

"Yeah, it doesn't take much for little horsie here to get off, especially when he gets to see how his tiny nub compares to a massive cock." Corey pulled his paw away from Arnett, letting the small dick shrink back to its idle state which put even more emphasis on the size difference between the two males. He looked up to grin slyly at Arnett, "Now, it's my turn, don't just sit there."

It wasn't a request from the young fox, it was a clear demand, and the older stallion didn't dare to even hesitate. He knew exactly what Corey was expecting him to do, and he obeyed without delay. Fingers wrapped around the oversized foxcock, Arnett was just barely able to close his grip around the younger fur's girth as he started stroking slowly up and down the length of it.

"Hehe, does having an audience make you nervous, horsie?" Corey motioned towards the mouse boy that was still aiming his phone's camera at the action in front of him, "Usually you looove getting your hands on a real dick..."

Arnett couldn't deny his enjoyment, he had grown rather accustomed to handling the preteen's cock, and feeling it slowly expand in his hand. While the mustang was used to his own orgasms, which often took less than a minute to achieve, it generally took several minutes for Corey to even reach full-mast.

The fox boy threw his head back and let out a sigh of pleasure as he enjoyed the pleasure of the submissive horse's touch. "Ah... Thankfully, your hands aren't baby-sized like your dick, horsie..."

Ignoring the comment, Arnett kept up his actions, doing all he could to bring Corey closer and closer to full-erection. He was focused, despite it being such a humiliating and emasculating task, he was practically drooling at the prospect of getting the vulpine cock to its full size.

"This is so unreal..." Bryce's voice snapped Arnett out from his trance like focus. It had been a few minutes since he had started, and at right around 12 inches long, Corey was almost at his full size.

"It's like comparing a real car to a model car... I didn't think it was possible for an adult to be this small." The mouse-boy was still recording the scene, and with Corey's cock at over a foot long next to Arnett's, which was shriveled to its half-inch long soft state, the size difference was even more monumental than it had been.

Corey brought his head back down to gauge Arnett's reaction. As expected, the mustang's expression was an odd mix of excitement and embarrassment. With a quick smirk, he added on to his friend's words, "Nah, that's giving little horsie too much credit... it takes more than two fingers to hold a model car. He's more like a Hot Wheels car, heh..."

A small thrust from Corey's hips into Arnett's grip, served as a hint that the boy was as hard as he was going to get, "Corey... a-are you clos--"

Arnett wasn't sure if it was intentional or not, but right as he spoke, he felt a pulse through the thick organ in his grip, and before he knew it, a sizable spurt of pre surged from the fox cock, and splattered the horse's face with the watery clear substance.

"ACK! PPPPFFFTFTTT!" Reflexively, Arnett shut his eyes, turned his face out from the line of fire, and spit out as much as he could. The fox was so productive, that just the single burst of his pre-cum was enough to soak most of the mustang's front with the slick fluid "H-Hey... -cough- a little w-warning...?"

"Tch... As if you don't love getting soaked by my dick."

Arnett's eyes cracked back open only slightly, and as he expected Bryce was still there with the phone's camera trained on him. What he wasn't expecting to see though, was the mouse boy using his other hand to adjust a very large phallic shaped outline in his own pants.

Upon realizing what he was looking at, Arnett's jaw dropped. It didn't seem possible, first Corey, and now Bryce...? The shape of the outline that suddenly seemed to be stretching the bottom half of the mouse's school uniform was not one that could be mistaken for something else.

What the fuck?!? This has to be a joke! There can't be another 12-year-old with a dick that big!

Before Bryce noticed, Arnett caught himself and snapped his jaw shut. Unfortunately, for the stallion, Corey was a bit more perceptive, and immediately made note of the reaction that the older male was having.

"Hey Bryce, I think horsie is into you..."

He had been paying too much attention to the immense size difference between the two organs in front of him. It was as if he didn't even realize where his hand was, upon glancing downward, he even flinched a little at seeing that he was nearly groping himself.

"Ah! Uhhh... n-no... he wouldn't b-be..."

Corey took a few steps back from me, using a paw to idly stroke himself, just enough to keep himself hard, "Don't be shy, Bryce." He motioned towards Arnett, "Look, he's already hard just from getting a hint at what you're packing, plus..." He paused, just long enough to grab his phone again, "'d probably love a little recording of it, right?"

The mouse boy's eyes started to sparkle like a Christmas tree. It was clear that the mouse boy had a thing for catching stuff on camera.

"Uhh... yeah, okay." Though, it wasn't the most enthusiastic admission, it was clear that Bryce was 100 percent on board with it. Right away, he undid his school uniform, and tossed his shirt to the side. It only took another few seconds for him to kick the pants off as well. Less than half-a-minute after Corey had suggested it, the young rodent stood there wearing nothing but a pair of very, _very_overstretched briefs.

Just as Corey had mentioned, Arnett's erection had already been reinvigorated upon seeing the new boy trying to adjust the absurdly huge bulge below his waist, but as the mouse literally stripped down to his skivvies in front of him, it was like he was in a catatonic state. With every article of clothing that Bryce removed from his small body, Arnett was growing closer and closer to being unable to hold himself back. It was the same kind of urge that he felt earlier when Corey woke him up, he needed to witness the revealing of the mouse boy's leviathan as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately for the mustang, it was then when Bryce began to hesitate. The mouse boys slipped his thumbs under his waistband, but chose that moment to relent, presumably a bit unnerved at the prospect of being completely naked in front of the older male.

"I... uhh..." Bryce continued to stammer as he tried to work up the courage to shed the last of his clothing. His gaze dropped straight downward, and a bit of red could be seen on his face, even through his fur. He was clearly unsure if he'd even be able to go through with it, and every second that he didn't was like agony to Arnett.

So much so, that the stallion wasn't able to wait...

Arnett slipped from his sitting position on the bed down to the floor, on his knees right in front of the mouse boy. The stallion's bigger hands took grip of the strained elastic around the silver-furred waist, and gave a tug downward.

"Ah! W-Wait!"

Bryce's words fell upon deaf ears, as Arnett pulled the underwear down the boy's slim legs, need to bring them past his knees before the massive length was completely free.

** PAP**


Arnett let out a small grunt upon Bryce's length springing up and slapped him in the chin. It was so thick and heavy it felt to the equine like he had been slapped in the face with a fire hose. He rubbed his chin a bit to try and relieve the soreness, but a moment later, it didn't seem to matter in the least,

Bryce's length sprung up, and Arnett was more-or-less mesmerized by the sight. The mouse's cock was absolutely gargantuan, it stretched far enough up the preteen's body to reach his chest, and amazingly... looked to still be growing. With each throb of the massive organ, it extended and thickened more and more

How is he so timid when he's swinging a monster like this?!?

It seemed absolutely out-of-place on a body so small, much like Corey's massive member. Though, in a seemingly impossible turn-of-events it was even bigger. To a clear degree, it was both longer and thicker than what the fox boy was packing. It beckoned to the horse as it bobbed heavily in front of his face. Arnett licked his lips ready to open as wide as he could to attempt to accept it. He could practically feel the warmth of it against his tongue already when...

"That's enough, horsie!"

Corey's voice was accompanied by a firm grip of Arnett's balls, and followed by a slight tug, which spurred the mustang to back away from the mouse boy.

"Hands on the floor."

Arnett obeyed dutifully, snatching his hands away from Bryce's body, and lowering to the ground so that he was on his hands and knees in front of the mouse.

Satisfied with Arnett's compliance, Corey released his grip of the small testicles, and strode around to the horse's front to stand next to his friend.

"He's pretty big right? He's the only kid in school that's bigger than I am. When he's fully hard, it actually reaches his chin."

The fox boy leaned over to speak discreetly to the other boy without the stallion being able to hear. As he did however, his persisting erection hung right near eye-level to Arnett, and as he continued the idle stroking he was doing of his own erection, occasional spurts of pre-cum splashed onto the face of the older horse, adding to the slick dampness that his front had already been doused with.

After a few seconds, Corey turned back to Arnett, prepared with his next command for submissive equine.

"Alright, on the bed. Lay on your back, with your head hanging off the edge."

It was an oddly specific command, but Arnett didn't hesitate to comply. Right away, he climbed back onto the mattress, and laid just as he had been told to, despite it not being a standard position that Corey usually requested.

"Uh, like this...?"

Corey nodded, "Yeah. That'll make it much easier for Bryce to fuck your throat."

Arnett flinched as he heard the words.

Corey started to climb onto the bed, and the mouse boy stepped forward. Though Bryce was clearly still riddled with anxiety, his erection stood just as proudly as ever. He took a calming breath, and moved to aim himself, just as Corey spoke the next few words, words that Arnett wasn't expecting to hear.

"...and it gives a great view of your baby dick for the livestream."

Arnett's eyes went wide, "Wait! L-Livestream?!? Corey! Wha--GLLLRK!"

Just as he tried to yell out, Bryce's hips went into motion. The mouse shoved into the mustang's maw deep enough to cause him to gag over his own words.

"Yep, hehe... already have some viewers. My stream title, 'Tiny Dicked Horse Bitch Gets Fucked Senseless by 12 Year Olds' seems to be drawing interest."

In part of his mind, he hoped Corey was kidding. He couldn't turn his head to see while Bryce's pole was basically anchoring him in place, but upon hearing the sounds effects from the fox boy's phone, he knew that Corey was telling the truth.

"Livestreaming is the only way anyone will believe everything is real, otherwise it seems like just we just photoshopped a toddler's dick onto you."

Arnett's mind was screaming at how wrong the whole situation was, but he couldn't deny that the humiliation was just managing to turn him on even more. As much as he didn't want to admit it, even to himself, Arnett was loving the domination and humiliation that he was being subjected to, and the wrist-thick cock that was being shoved into his maw was only amplifying the feeling.

"Nnngh... Ah..." The inexperienced mouse boy was basically whimpering as he gave diffident thrusts of his hips trying to get further into the warmth that was surrounding the head of his dick. Even though it probably wasn't even a quarter of Bryce's full length, it was still bumping into the entrance of Arnett's throat, not to mention noticeably stretching the horse's lips to get all the way around the girth of it.

"Don't be afraid to get rough with baby horsie, you won't break him."

Arnett heard Corey offer the advice to his friend, and then a moment later, it could only be assumed that Bryce took the advice, as small hands gripped the sides of the stallion's face. Bryce gave another thrust, slightly sharper than the previous ones had been, and just enough to force the tip into Arnett's throat, thus triggering his gag reflex.

** hack cough cough **

"Nice, he's already gagging on your cock!" The pride in Corey's voice was accompanied by some slight shifting on the bed, and Arnett had a decent idea of what that entailed. And his assumptions were confirmed when he felt the familiar fox paws start lifting his legs to get into position between them.

"Guess I better get started myself then."

Yet another warm splash of pre splattered against Arnett, this time right up under his tail. Clear preparation of what was to come next.

"W-Whoa..." Bryce held still for a moment, clearly surprised by something, "A-Are you really gonna..."

Corey responded before his friend even got the question out, "Of course I am, horsie loves being fucked by a real cock, don't you, horsie?"

With Arnett in the position that he was currently in, he of course couldn't answer, still Corey paused for a moment before continuing, "One of his tiny loads is barely enough see in a microscope, so I help him out by filling him up with more cum than he could make in a year."

"C-Can he even handle it...?"

"Heh, of course he can. So don't be shy with that end either."

The familiar feeling of Corey's tapered tip nudged against the mustang's pucker, both thoroughly slicked from the fox boy's seemingly never ending flow of pre, and then without warning Arnett felt the cock head press forward, and immediately he was reminded of just how big the young vulpine was.


Arnett moaned out around the mouse dick, and once again, orgasm hit the horse's body. His entire form seized up with pleasure, and another a couple drops of white oozed from his miniscule dick.

"Haha! I caught that pathetic cumshot on the stream! Ten more of those, and you _might_make enough to cover up a dime!" Corey emphasized the insult by giving a firm thrust into Arnett's entrance, reintroducing his cock into that tight passage.

"Fuck, you're always so tight!"

As presumably one of Corey's paws was still holding the phone to continue streaming the event, Arnett only felt one small paw grip his side. The fox boy drew his hips back, making sure that only his tip remained inside of the older male's tunnel. Then with the surprising amount of power that the preteen seemed to possess, he slammed forward again, burying what felt to Arnett like half of the giant dick into the overly restrictive space.

Had he been able to, Arnett would have shouted out from the combination of pain and ecstasy, but with his mouth still full of mouse cock, it was all he could manage to do to suppress his gag reflex. Bryce's timid thrusts started to feel as if they had a little strength behind them. Though they weren't nearly as rough as Corey's, the older male could definitely feel the head of the rodent's cock find its way deeper and deeper into his throat.

"Uh, umm..." Arnett might not have even noticed if it wasn't for Bryce's stammering, but the mouse's hand had shifted to the back of his head, and his grip clenched a little more tightly in the mustang's dark mane.

"Uh... s-suck harder..."

It was genuinely surprising. The words were quiet and unsure, but Bryce was definitely_trying_ to take control.

Before Arnett could even consider the words, he felt a pang of sensation hit him, courtesy of a specifically sharp jab from Corey, a jab with clear intention behind it. Even though the fox boy didn't say anything, Arnett could basically hear the voice in his head anyway.

"You heard him horsie, get that cock down your throat!"

Arnett did as much as he could to get the cock as far past his lips as he could, while from the other end, Corey was not holding back at trying to stuff his own 12+ turgid inches into the horse's narrow passage. The fox had gradually been picking up speed and power throughout the course of the event, and it hadn't taken him long at all to reach the point at which he was pounding nearly the full length of his impressive organ in-and-out of the older male.

"F-Fucking... ch-choke on it... pl-please..."

Another timid-sounding comment from the mouse boy as he attempted to up his pace. He gave another strong push of his hips, somehow getting another inch or so past Arnett's overly-stretched lips, followed promptly by a surprised yelp, which got Corey's attention.

"Doing okay Bryce? You're only halfway in, horsie can take a lot more."

HE'S ONLY HALFWAY IN?!? It feels like there's a baseball bat down my throat!! And what does he mean I can take more?!?! I don't know how I'm even surviving this!!

"I-I uhhh... I-I can see, um... I'm b-bulging through his neck!"

Corey snickered at his friend's concern, but responded without even slowing down his own motions, "Yeah, that -ngh- happens. Watch."

When Arnett heard the young vulpine's words, he knew exactly what to expect, but it still caught him off-guard somehow. Corey pulled back until only the tip of his cock remained in the stallion's ass, and slammed in, deep enough to cause a phallic shaped bulge to appear on the horse's gut.

"MMMMMNNNHH!" Arnett moaned around Bryce's dick, he didn't know if it was an intentional act from the fox boy, but Corey's thrust was perfectly aimed. The boy's spear succeeded in absolutely annihilating his prostate, and bringing him to his third orgasm of the night.

Corey sighed, no doubt feeling the older's body tense up from the climax, "Jeez, could you be more pathetic, horsie...? You've cum three times, and your micro-dick has barely even been touched..."

Arnett barely had the wherewithal to comprehend Corey's chastising, though it didn't matter much. The two boys continued to use the adult as if he were little more than a big cocksleeve. With Bryce down his throat and Corey under his tail, he had never felt anything like it.

Each time either of the boys thrust in, the thought ran through Arnett's mind, he can't possibly get any deeper this time... but every thrust from each of the boys managed to delve just slightly further into Arnett's body. Until finally, as if synchronized with each other, he felt the indicative slap against his ass and against his face, and he knew that both of the boys had _somehow_fully sheathed themselves inside of his body.

He'd felt it before from Corey. He knew how it felt to have that huge mass tearing him open, but it still felt impossible every time... And this time, with Bryce so into his maw that the mouse-boy's balls pressed firmly against his face, the feeling was multiplied tenfold.

"You're still recording, right? I th-think I'm as far in as I can get."

"Yep, still streaming, just keep fucking his face. He's a terrible cocksucker, so he needs as much practice as he can get."

The two boys casually conversed as they continued to slam into Arnett. Once again, the mustang was at his full-mast of nearly two inches, and on the verge of yet another hands-free orgasm.

"Is he, um... hard again?" Bryce asked, genuine curiosity in his voice, "I can't really tell, since it's pretty tiny either way."

Corey paused for a moment, and leaned in a bit as if he needed to get in close in order to even discern the state of the small organ, "Holy shit, he is hard again... He's gonna cum four times before either one of us gets off even once..." Corey sounded as if he couldn't even believe it.

Arnett's fingers dug into the sheets and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He mustered every bit of willpower that he could trying to hold himself back from reaching his breaking point yet again, but even he could tell that the effort was going to be in vain. As Corey pulled out and slammed back in without remorse or restraint, the gradually expanding at the base of the fox cock was impossible to miss. The boy's knot was filling out, becoming more and more difficult to squeeze in-and-out of the passage, until finally it would no longer fit at all, not that that prevented Corey from trying.

The grapefruit-sized flesh bulb threatening to rip him in two was just too much for him, and Arnett felt the familiar feeling of euphoria hit him again.

"Ah! I can feel him... like... spasming around me!" Bryce yelped out, able to feel the effects of Arnett's climax even through the horse's throat.

Corey felt it as well, of course, "F-Fuck... ah!" The already too-small tunnel constricted even more around the thick length, "T-Take my fuckin' knot!"

It felt like slow motion as soon as Corey said it. Arnett knew what was coming, and there was nothing that he could do about it. With his mouth occupied he couldn't even shout out.

No! He can't knot me! It's too big! There's no way it will go in without breaking me in half!

With his mind moving a mile a minute, the thoughts echoed non-stop in his head, all the way up until he felt the absurd stretch, the overwhelming pain, and finally, the fullness from the huge mass inside of him.

"Fuckin' yeah... A-Ah... squeeze my knot..."

The phallic shaped distention on Arnett's abdomen showed quite clearly, that the totality or the fox cock, including the knot, was fully locked inside of him, and with as far as it felt Bryce was down his throat, it felt like the two boys were going to meet in the middle.

"You were right, Corey! He came again, but... all of his orgasms were only like a couple drops of cum..."

With a grunt, Corey responded to his friend, "Y-Yeah, that's normal for horsie. Ngh... It's fine though, I'm about to fill him with more jizz than he's produced in his entire life..."

Arnett's eyes went wide. He heard Corey, and didn't doubt it for a moment, he knew what Corey was capable of, and as the fox boy had knotted him, he knew what he was in-store for. He barely even had time to brace himself, just as he firmed his clench of the mattress, he felt the erratic pulsing start through Corey's cock, followed quickly by a very warm, and very heavy sensation spread through his insides.

Corey's balls throbbed against Arnett's ass, as they emptied their load. The horse could feel each individual rope of fox semen crashing like a wave against his insides, and they just kept coming. 15 seconds, 30 seconds, a full minute... the warm gushes just didn't relent, very much testing the limit of Arnett's capacity.

"Nggggh! Now, that's what a real orgasm looks like, horsie! Gonna swell you up like water balloon!"

He couldn't turn his head to look at it, but he could definitely feel the pressure in his gut, and the distention of his midsection. The volume of Corey's output was far, far more than Arnett could ever hope to match, and possibly more than he'd ever produced, just as the fox had declared.

The climax eventually began to subside, he could feel Corey's hold relax a bit, and not a second too soon, as he didn't feel as though he could possibly endure another volley from the 12-year-old's cannon.

"You look like you're about to blow too, hehe..."


As hard as it was to believe, Arnett had nearly forgotten about the wrist thick monster that was well over a foot down his throat.

There was no warning from the inexperienced mouse boy, save for the suggestive stillness that he had retained. Bryce pressed in as deep as he could, and right as Corey spoke the words, the huge rodent testicles that were flush against Arnett's face began to convulse with activity. Rodent cum began to flood directly down into the horse's gullet.

"OHHH!" Bryce couldn't hold back his pleasure moan. He had finally reached his apex as far as he could reach down Arnett's throat.

He couldn't taste it, and he didn't even need to swallow, it was like a geyser going off directly into him. The mouse cock was so far into Arnett's mouth that the copious load was more-or-less being directly injected into his stomach. The only thing that he could feel was an increasing feeling of dread as the overwhelming amount of semen started to back up to the point where he could feel his esophagus start to fill.

Once it backed up to the point where he found his mouth full of the fertile liquid, panic started to set in.


Cum was pouring from Arnett's mouth. He couldn't swallow it, and he couldn't breathe around it, he started to flail a bit, realizing that he was literally in danger of drowning in a deluge of cum from a preteen mouse boy.

Thankfully, Bryce chose that moment to release his grip of the horse's mane pull himself out from the depths of the mustang's throat, thus giving his would-be cock sleeve the opportunity to take in a breath.


He inhaled sharply, taking in the much needed oxygen just in time for Bryce's next blast to nail him directly between the eyes.

"GHAAAHH -koff koff- AACK!"

Both of the mouse-boy's hands moved to grip his still-unloading cock, holding it in a steady position, aimed down at the older male's face.


The smallest boy's eruption seemed just as powerful as anything he'd ever experienced from Corey, huge blasts of cum completely coated Arnett's face with a thick layer of the substance, completely obscuring the stallion's vision with white. There was so much of it, that even as it quickly poured and oozed off of his face, it was immediately replaced by a fresher, heavier layer.

"Told you he was a terrible cocksucker, haha!"

"Oh... ahh..." It sounded as if Bryce wanted to respond, though the only sounds that he could manage to produce were a few moans. His energy definitely seemed to be waning though, signifying that he was finally nearing the end of his climax. The expression on his face was one of exhaustion, and he was breathing as if he had just run a race. The jets of seed that he was unleashing had diminished greatly, and though they were still monumentally more voluminous than anything Arnett could imagine producing, they were clearly weakening in comparison to the blasts he had been shooting at the peak of his orgasm.

Arnett had long since closed his eyes, for obvious reasons, and was hesitant to reopen them, even once he was no longer feeling the warm streaks splashing over his face. Corey's next words however, made his eyes go wide with panic.

"Bring his head up, so I can get a shot of his face."

"W-What?!? -COUGH HACK- N-No! You can't show--COUGH COUGH"

With mouse sperm still literally lining his throat, Arnett couldn't get his message out without erupting into a violent fit of coughing and hacking, so thus, Bryce found the task of positioning the horse's head to a better angle easier than expected.

Before he even fully caught his breath, Arnett found himself looking at the familiar face of the fox boy, grinning widely and holding up his phone, clearly angled to catch the horse's face with the camera.

"N-NO!--COUGH COUGH" Arnett brought his hand up to try and block his face.

"Relax horsie, with that mountain of jizz on your face, no one can tell who you are. You look like some perverted NSFW version of Frosty the Snowman right now."

Arnett didn't doubt that that was true, but he still kept his hands up, not wanting to risk anything.

"Meh, whatever... I'm about at my time limit anyway. Any longer and I won't be able to post the whole thing." Corey started tapping at the phone, assumedly ending the stream, "Haha, nice! 379 viewers, and over 100 new subscribers, just from one 30 minute session of dominating my pet pony. Can't wait to see what some of the comments say..."

Arnett let his arms fall back to the bed, and his head hang limply, still off the edge of the bed. Exhaustion was setting in quickly, but he was still coherent enough to shudder for a moment upon hearing Bryce's next words.

"Corey, y-you think I can have a try from that end?"

WHAT?!? This kid just unloaded gallons into and onto me! How does he want to go AGAIN?!?

Luckily for the equine, situations didn't quite allow for it.

"Heh, definitely. Might have to wait though, my knot will be locked in for a while. Plus, even though horsie only made like half-a-thimble worth of cum, he climaxed like four times. He's likely gonna pass out."

Even as Corey was still speaking the words, they were already proving to be true. Completely depleted of energy, Arnett was struggling to stay conscious. The warm, overfull feeling weighing down his insides actually seemed to help him progress towards the inevitable slumber that was approaching.

Before he even found the capacity to respond, he could already feel his eyelids start to get heavy...





"Ugh... oww..."

Arnett woke up with a soreness in both his behind and his throat. As if the still-swollen belly, and the pool of cum that he way laying in weren't enough to immediately remind him that he had just been completely dominated by two boys less than half his age, and had it literally viewed by hundreds of people online.

He pulled himself up, catching sight of the clock on his dresser as he did.

"Already near 5... I need to clean myself up before Corey's mom gets here..."

The boys were nowhere in sight, allowing for the mustang to fix himself up unmolested. Still, that also meant that they were somewhere else in the apartment, and leaving Corey unsupervised was never a recommended thing to do, at least as far as Arnett had experienced.

Curious as to what the fox boy had been up to over the past 5 unsupervised hours, Arnett fixed himself up, just enough to look presentable, tossed on some casual clothes, and walked out into the living room.

"Oh!" He didn't expect to see an older fox standing there. He looked to be basically a 40-ish year old version of his young charge, leaving very little question as to his identity.

"You must be Corey's father?"

He nodded, "Yes, I'm Dale. And, you..." he paused as his glanced passed over the horse's abdomen, which was still visibly distended with the younger fox's load, " must be Arnett."

Shit, he can't possibly know what this gut bulge is from, can he... he probably just thinks I'm a little overweight... right...?

Without saying anything regarding his potential curiosity, he continued on, "Helen had to work later, so I'm here to pick up Corey. Thanks again for letting him come over here after class, it's a big help that we know he's not alone at home every day."

"O-Oh, it's no problem, sir... Corey's a very smart and mature kid." Arnett looked past the older fox to see Corey standing over near the door. Just like when his mom picked him up, he was paying basically no attention to anyone, rather just doing something on his phone.

"Hurry up,Dale..." Corey chimed in, showing his father the same disrespect that I remembered him showing to his mother, "I need to get on my computer, I have some video footage that I need to edit."

The fox showed the tiniest bit of a smirk on his face, causing Arnett to his gaze away from the boy.

The older fox sighed, "Mature... in some ways, I suppose..."

'_In some ways...?' he can't mean that... No... I'm thinking too hard about this..._Arnett shook the thoughts out of his head, just in time to see the two vulpines heading out the door.

"It was good to meet you, Arnett... Oh, and you uh... have something on your chin..."

"Huh?" The mustang glanced over into a nearby window, checking himself on the reflective surface, and then flinching a little, and immediately turning red with embarrassment upon noticing that there was a drop of dried cum that extended from his lip down the front of his chin, "Ahhh... oh, th-thanks... a-and nice to meet you too, sir."

"See you at school, Bryce!" Corey called out right before the door closed, and immediately reminded Arnett of the quiet mouse boy's presence. He snapped his head over to the couch, where the mouse boy was indeed still sitting.

"Oh, didn't know you were still here, Bryce."

"Oh... Y-Yeah... ummm..." Still sounding as shy as ever, he stood up, "I actually don't have to head home for a little longer... so, s-since you're awake..."

Arnett felt a sinking feeling, even before Bryce finished his question.

"I figured we... I m-mean...." He stopped, and took a deep breath. Then, quickly brought a hand down to his zipper and undid it, making sure that impressive mound, which was already stretching enough to threaten the briefs' durability, was completely within Arnett's line of sight.

Bryce swallowed hard, and spoke, "G-Get your l-lips in motion... l-little horsie..."

Arnett was speechless, Bryce was clearly out-of-his-element trying to mimic Corey, but as the equine stared at the restrained bulge below the mouse's waist, he found resisting the command a much more difficult feat than he expected.

Before he even knew it, Arnett found himself on his knees in front of the younger boy. He brought up a grip to start peeling down the boy's underwear, and glanced upward once more seeing a slight smile on Bryce's face and the rodent placed a small hand on the top of his head.

Guess I'll be seeing more than just Corey after school from now on...

How to Catch a Mythical Pokémon

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ~~~~~~ How to Catch a Mythical...

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Brotherly Beach Adventures

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, non-human, and/or anthropomorphic. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ...

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Twin Brothers' New Toy

Disclaimer: This story contains themes of homosexuality as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, non-human, and/or anthropomorphic. If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. ...

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