Story by BlackFireCat on SoFurry

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The next day, when Shane was heading back to the university, Frank and Robert were out for walk and came across a park that was not very far from the store that they had just left and made their way over to it before finding a bench to sit on.

While the two older dinosaurs were talking, a young T-rex was playing with a ball and accidentally kicked in the direction of the seated elders, watching with wide eyes as it sailed through the air and hit Frank.

"Who did that?" yelled Frank as he looked around quickly, before spotting the youngster running over to them and looked at him with a scowl, while Robert watched the scene unfold with a worried expression.

"Be more careful when playing!" exclaimed Frank with a yell.

"Can I have my ball back?" asked the young dino.

Frank felt a touch of guilt when he saw how innocent the kid was, but quickly shrugged it off as his expression hardened, "I'm keeping the ball" he said with a sneer as the other apatosaurus looked at him in utter shock.

The young saurian began to sniffle and looked as if he was going to start bawling, but all that changed when anger began to take over, as he went over to Frank and kicked him hard right in the shin.

"HOW DARE YOU!" exclaimed Frank as he quickly grabbed the little brat and whipped down his pants, before putting him over his massive lap and secured him there with a arm and started to spank him .

Robert looked on helplessly as Frank spanked the little brat, the poor kid was wailing away as the angry sauropod's massive hand crashed down on his chubby little bottom with hard firm smacks.

Mr Ackerman began to panic when the spanking drew in a crowd of Saurians, most of which were sauropods, but instead of being angry or even put off by the punishment, they actually looked pleased and some were cheering him on.

"Spank him" shouted a middle aged diplodocus in a business suit.

"Teach that nasty little carnivore to respect his elders!" exclaimed a old brachiosaurus as he brandished his walking cane.

Frank just kept on walloping the brat's bottom for a bit longer before stopping and let him cry it out, before lifting him up and gently put him back on the ground as he stood up and looked down at him.

"I hope that you have learned a lesson from all this" said Frank as Robert got up as well before they both headed off.

The two older saurians watched as the T-rex took off after pulling his pants back up, "I know that in our day spanking was much more common, but what you just did was what my father would've done" replied the younger male.

Frank glared at the other dino as they walked on, unable to believe that the other saurian was giving him grief over this, "you would've done the exact same thing and you know it" said Frank angrily.

"Just be glad that the cops didn't see you spanking that kid" said Robert.

"Actually we did" announced a brachiosaurus as he and another cop came up to them.

Frank and Robert felt their cocks hardening in their trousers as the cops approached, the older of the officers was the brachiosaurus, while the younger cop was a ceratosaurus and was very aroused by the other males.

The elder duo looked confused as the cops removed their gun belts and pulled down their uniform pants, Frank grinned as he knelt before the younger cop and engulfed his cock as he began to bob his head up and down while Robert's cock was engulfed by the older cop.

The smaller cop was struggling to stand as his cock was bathed by the elder sauropod's massive tongue, the carnivore was never pleasured like this by a plant eater and he gave a sharp roar as he came in Frank's mouth as he gulped down the stream of dino cum.

After Robert came in the other cop's mouth, he stood back up and turned around as the apatosaurus lowered himself on the ground so that he was lying down on his back, as the brachiosaurus came over and squat down so that he was practically sitting on the other male's face.

"Lick it" ordered the cop.

The cop moaned and grunted as his massive meaty ass got licked, Robert had to keep from vomiting when the brachiosaur farted loudly, as the dinosaur beneath him whimpered and got blasted by another thunderous fart.

After the cops had their fun, the brachiosaurus took Frank over to a nearby bench and sat down as he unbuckled the apatosaur's belt, before whipping down his pants and pinned him with a arm and began to spank him.

The cop's hand rose up and came down on Frank's plump ass with a loud smack, before another one landed and soon Frank was humping the officers lap as his butt was smacked, much to amusement of the other two.

"Owwww! ohhh! yeowwww!" yelled Frank as his butt was getting sore and he was sure that it was as red as a tomato by now, the apatosaurus hadn't been spanked like this in a long time and was completely humiliated as tears started to drip down his aged face.

The older cop smirked at his partner who was getting a bare bottom spanking as well, the cop didn't appear to be in any real pain, in fact it he actually enjoyed it as each whap of the sauropod's hand caused his cock to brush against the textured fabric of his pants.

Robert kept spanking the cop until he felt him cum before helping him to to his feet and patted his butt in a fatherly way.

The older cop gave Frank four more hard smacks before finally stopping and helped the older male off his lap, the apatosaurus rubbed his but tenderly before reaching down to pull his pants back up.

The two apatosaurs watched as the cops left before heading home, still a bit dazed from everything that just happened, "what are we going to tell Stuart and Shane?" asked the younger of the two elders when they walked in the door.

Frank hadn't even thought about how son and grandson would react.

When the four of them were eating dinner later that day, while watching television, Stuart and Shane looked shocked as they saw the video that a bystander took of Frank spanking a young T-rex that was now being reported to the whole city.

"Dad! tell me that's not you spanking that poor kid" said Stuart as he ran a hand over his face.

Frank felt like his own family was turning on him as they looked at him with displeasure, sure the old apatosaurus may have gone a bit far with the punishment, but he had to teach that youngster to respect his elders the way he was taught.

"I just did what my old man would've done" he said bitterly.

After Frank left with Robert, Shane and his father both shook their heads at how old fashioned grandpa Keller was and hoped that one day that he would understand that his method of discipline wasn't used as much any more.

The two of them were snapped out of their thoughts by a loud noise coming from upstairs, so they quickly went to see what it was, only to find the grandpa Ackerman was lashing Frank's cock and balls with his belt.

Argghhh!" yelled the apatosaurus as the belt smashed over his balls and cock, over and over, grandpa Ackerman snapped his belt like a whip as it wrapped around Frank's bloated shaft with each swing of his arm.

"I had no idea that my grandfathers were so kinky" said Shane as he got a erection just form watching.

While his Grandfathers were busy in the bedroom, Shane and his father were both masturbating, Stuart felt himself consumed with envy as his father in law punished his father and barely had time to think as his son leaned over and kissed him on the mouth.

Stuart stroked his son's cock as they kissed each other, Shane moaned as his dad increased the pace of his stroking and wrapped his other arm to hold his son as he came like a fountain.

Shane groaned when both his grandfathers licked his butt and smiled sweetly at the way he squirmed, before laying down so that they were on either side of him and gave him one last loving lick before going to sleep.

"There's no room for dad" said Shane tiredly.

"Your father's had you all to himself for last eighteen years and now it's our turn" said Frank as the elder apatosaurus wrapped an arm around his grandson protectively, while Robert got in close from the other side and gently lapped lovingly over his grandson's sleeping form.


CAST FRANK KELLER: Age 68 STUART KELLER: Age 42 SHANE KELLER: Age 18 ROBERT ACKERMAN: Age 62 Shane could feel the tension between his father and grandfather on ride to the airport, "remind me again why are allowing that uptight old fool back into...

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Outside the great valley, an assortment of longnecks were gathered around Saurus rock as they advanced on a trio of sharpteeth that were caught by the plant eaters, among the group were Grandpa longneck and Doc also known as the lone dinosaur. The...

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Grandpa longneck was out for a walk, and smiled at the sight of his son in law Bron, as the younger apatosaurus came over and greeted him and hugged him before giving him a passionate kiss on the mouth. "Looks like someone missed me" chuckled Grandpa...

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