Story by BlackFireCat on SoFurry

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Grandpa longneck was out for a walk, and smiled at the sight of his son in law Bron, as the younger apatosaurus came over and greeted him and hugged him before giving him a passionate kiss on the mouth.

"Looks like someone missed me" chuckled Grandpa when the kiss ended, and the two longnecks nuzzled each other lovingly before they continued walking, "something wrong Bron?" asked the elder male with worry.

Bron sighed heavily before looking at Grandpa, "it's those damn sharpteeth, ever since they had been allowed in to live in great valley city, they have been causing trouble and many other longnecks think that some kind of law must be made about punishing them" stated the other longneck firmly.

"Perhaps you are right" he replied sadly.

Bron looked a little guilty at making the elder male think that the sharpteeth behaving badly was his fault. But in fact, he was actually proud of his father in law for uniting the species, even though some of the others were not so pleased about having sharpteeth living along side them.

Later that day, Bron and Grandpa longneck were sharing a kiss, when the sounds of youthful giggling caused them to stop and look down at the pair of young sharpteeth that were grinning at them..

"You gonna fuck or what?" said the younger of the two.

Both of the longneck's mouths hung open in total shock, before Grandpa leaned down and fixed the younger dino with a disapproving look on his normally kind face, "YOUNG MAN THAT IS AN AWFUL WORD AND I NEVER WANT TO HEAR IT UTTERED AGAIN" said the angry old longneck.

"Or what" replied the young raptor with a challenging tone.

"Or your butt will become familiar with my belt" snapped the old longneck.

Bron looked at the elder with a curious look as he felt a stirring in his crotch and tried to ignore it, while this was happening, a very familiar green sharptooth appeared out nowhere no doubt attracted by the noise.

"Y-you can't spank me" said the younger sharptooth as his slightly older brother looked at him with a nervous expression, and without warning, the elder longneck scooped up the young raptor and whipped his pants down before putting him over his wide lap.

Bron looked on in shock as Grandpa longneck slowly lifted his massive weathered hand up, and for the first time in the the little sharptooth's life he felt scared, and the elder male lifted him off his lap and patted his bottom lovingly and pulled up his pants.

"Let this be a good lesson for you son" stated the elder longneck with a small smile.

"Well I'm just happy that dad wasn't here" said both sharpteeth.

"Oh but I am here boys" growled Thud as he emerged from the tree he was hiding behind.

"D-dad!" they both said wide eyed as he stalked towards them with a angry scowl on his face.

"You to are in so much trouble, you know better than to leave the house with your mother or myself" said Thud as he glared at his defiant offspring and began unbuckling his belt as they cowered before him in hopes of being granted mercy.

"Now Thud there's no reason to overreact" said the old longneck with concern.

"I don't want to hear it longneck!!" snapped he sharptooth.

"You can't speak to him like that you coward" Shouted Bron.

"Go plow your wife and let me do my job" snapped Thud angrily.

You little!!" said Bron as he moved to clobber the raptor, but was held back by the older longneck as the sharptooth pulled off his belt and folded it over, "alright that is quite enough!" exclaimed Grandpa with a angry yell.

"Kids go back home and wait for me in your room" said Thud as he put his belt back on.

Once the younger sharpteeth left, Grandpa longneck unbuckled his belt and pulled his suit pants down and motioned for the other two to join him, "since you two can't behave like adults I'm going to teach the both of you a lesson and perhaps you'll even enjoy yourselves."

A little while later, Thud was bobbing his head on Grandpa's cock while Bron was licking his wrinkly old bottom, "better hurry up unless you want me to give you a spanking" teased the elder as he savored the feel of tongues on his personal bits.

"Ohhhh yessss suck it!!" grunted he old longneck with a moan as Thud's tongue slapped over his cock again and again, while he was practically sitting on Bron's face as the kneeling longneck licked and lapped all over his father in law's meaty ass.

When the old longneck came, the sharptooth gulped it down without spilling a drop, "good sharptooth" said Grandpa tiredly as the raptor went behind the old longneck and knelt beside Bron and licked his plump meaty ass with gusto.

Grandpa longneck had a blissful look on his aged face as his backside was bathed by two large tongues, and was brought to full hardness once more as Thud lapped his scrotum while Bron's tongue went inside the old longneck's ass as he licked upwards toward his tail.

"Papa longneck can I stop yet" whined Bron.

"Not yet" he told him with a laugh.

"That's it I'm done!" exclaimed Thud as he got to his feet, watching in amussement as the younger longneck kept on licking his in law's ass, and bit back a laugh when the elder dino let loose a loud thunderous fart just as Bron gave another lick.

"I needed that" moaned Grandpa happily.

"Feel better you geriatric sadist" said Bron with a laugh.

Grandpa pulled up his pants and buckled his belt before giving the sharptooth a smug grin. "That's the last time I eat tree stars with swamp grass" said the old longneck as he said with a laugh.

"YOU THINK" shouted both Bron and Thud at once.

Grandpa longneck quickly grabbed Bron and dragged him over to a flat rock which he sat down on and pulled Bron's pants down, before bending Littlefoot's father over his knees and placed an arm over his back to hold him in place as he lifted up his other hand.

The old longneck looked at the younger male lovingly before smashing his mouth against Bron's in a passionate kiss, as he brought his hand down on the younger male's rump with a loud smack.

Thud's cock begant to harden in his pants as he watched what was happening, Bron gave muffled moans and cries as the kiss deepened, tongues lashing each other's mouths as the smacks to his bottom got harder with each passing minute.

Thud's moans soon turned to whining when the kiss ended, the horny sharptooth knew that he had to get home to his family, but the sight of a longneck getting spanked was just to good for him to pass up.

Thud could tell from the way the younger longneck behaved that he was not in any serious pain, he knew that spankings were mostly for punishment, but it appeared as if the younger male enjoyed it.

During the session, Thud saw Bron humping the elder longneck's lap in a attempt to orgasm, but was thwarted when Grandpa spread his legs so that the younger male would have nothing for his aching cock to rub against.

The curious sharptooth wondered how a simple adjustment of his legs was going to do anything, but he soon learned that the old longneck was purposefully keeping Bron in a state of arousal so that when he did finally orgasm it would be really intense.

"PLEASE PAPA LONGNECK LET ME CUM ALREADY" cried Bron as his bottom was getting hotter and hotter.

"Do you feel that you've learned a lesson yet Bron?" asked Grandpa longneck in a inquisitive tone.

Thud was over the moon at the sight before him, and the only thing that would be the proverbial icing on the cake would be if the old longneck's grandson were here to witness his father getting spanked by him.

And the raptor almost came in his pants when he heard the voices of both Grandma longneck and littlefoot. "W-what they're back already, quick Bron off my lap" said the panicked longneck as they both got to their feet.

When Grandma longneck arrived, she came over a hugged both her husband and son in law, "how was your trip dear?" asked Grandpa with a warm smile as he tried to hide his straining erection.

"Wonderful" she replied happily. Both Grandpa and Bron looked relieved when she hadn't said anything about what they did, which was probably a good thing, because she wouldn't of understood.

After Thud left, Bron had followed Grandpa longneck into the living room and pulled their pants down before hugging, their cocks pressed together as kiss deepened while massive tongues lashed inside each other's mouths.

When the kiss ended, Bron looked at the elder longneck lovingly.

"I still haven't had a orgasm yet old timer" he told him.

"You are not to old to be taken over my knee" laughed Grandpa as he lightly smacked Bron on the butt with his tail.

Bron yelped at the sudden smack to his butt and gave Grandpa the kicked puppy look, which made the old longneck laugh, "papa longneck that wasn't the kind of licking I wanted you to give me" he said with a smirk.

The old longneck dropped to his knees as Bron turned away from him and moved his ass closer to Grandpa's face.

"Lick it" he told his father in law in a commanding tone.

Grandpa longneck tentatively licked Bron's butt, making him moan, before really going to to town on the other longnecks ass, and after a couple minutes he stood up and took a seat on a chair that was in the room.

Bron practically threw himself over the old longneck's knees, before once again sharing a passionate kiss, little did either of them know that Grandma longneck was watching and listening from upstairs and was wet from arousal.

As Grandma watched from above, she smiled at the thought of Bron howling over her husband's lap and was already planning to spank them both when she got the chance, as she toyed with the large scrubbing brush that had been used on Grandpa's bottom many times before.

While Grandma longneck let her husband and son in law have their time together, she would just have to bide her time until Grandpa was back over her knees where he rightfully belonged hollering like a baby as his saggy old butt was walloped with the dreaded brush.

Oh yes, she'd make Grandpa howl alright, and then she would do the exact same thing to Bron.

"Enjoy yourself while you can" she chuckled darkly.

Because tomorrow, grandpa's ass would belong to her.

The next morning when Bron woke up, he was feeling horny, so he left the bedroom and began looking for his in laws, and heard the sound of something connecting with bare flesh coming from downstairs making the younger longneck pause for a moment.

As he crept down silently, he saw that Grandma longneck was seated on a stool fully naked with her husband who had his pants down and bent across her knees getting spanked with a large scrubbing brush.

"Ahhhh! oooh! owwww! p-please Dear" cried Grandpa longneck as he begged his beloved wife to stop.

"I don't think so my dear husband" cackled the grinning female longneck.

Bron watched wide eyed as Grandpa longneck bellowed in absolute agony as his bottom got walloped with the brush. Tears soaked his aged face as his cock began hardening, and was filled with shame when he began moaning while getting spanked.

Bron's cock got harder and harder as the spanking went on, then after at least a dozen more swats with the brush, she stopped and patted her husband's roasted ass lovingly before leaning down and kissed Grandpa intensely.

Both Grandma and Grandpa longneck had grown up with corporal punishment, and while Miriam got her bottom whipped with a switch, Kenneth's bottom was familiarized with his father's belt and razor strap.

Bron was absolutely stunned by what had just happened and he grinned at the purplish red color of Grandpa's ass, the two elder longnecks broke their passionate kiss after a couple of minutes, before kenneth looked at his son in law and smiled warmly at him.

Kenneth got off his wife's lap as Bron joined them in the living room, and before he knew what was happening, Bron found himself bent over Miriam's lap and looked over at her with worry.

"Relax Bron I'm not going to spank you as hard as I did to Grandpa" chuckled Miriam.

Twenty minutes later, Kenneth and Bron were in the bathroom and Grandpa was on the toilet, and the younger longneck couldn't believe that he was taking a dump right in front of him.

Grandpa chuckled at the look on the younger longneck's face, clearing his throat as he farted loudly, the old longneck looked over at the younger male and beckoned him over to his side.

"There's nothing wrong with two mature adults in the bathroom together son" chuckled Kenneth.

The old longneck noticed the Bron really had to pee, so he moved back on the toilet as much as possible, before the younger male moved in and pointed his cock at what little room was left for him to pee into.

Grandpa closed his eyes and sighed softly as Bron began peeing, and grinned when the old longneck leaned down and actually began lapping at the stream of piss and part of Bron's cock as well.

"Kinky old geezer" thought Bron as he finished pissing.

Giving the old longneck a quick kiss on the mouth, Bron leaned in close to him and sat on his lap while Grandpa was still seated on the toilet, "put me over your knee and give me a good spanking" said Littlefoot's Father with a grin.

The old longneck's eyes widened briefly before giving Bron a warm smile.

"I'd love to" he replied happily.


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