Lemon Colored Lovers

Story by Cubone on SoFurry

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(A compilation of all three Lemon Colored Lover storys all put together in one big story. I hope you enjoy. Adults only please. :) )

I grinned as the little Pikachu shivered uncomfortably in my grasp.

"...Jolteon, I don't think..." He whimpered, but I held a paw up, pressing it against those adorable lips.

"Hush, that's right, don't think. Just relax." I whispered, leaning down to press my nose against the sensitive hanging orbs, just below Pikachu's sheath. Pikachu whined quietly, opening his muzzle to protest more, but I had already gone to work. I pressed my nose in between Pikachu's balls, holding it there and letting that musky mouse scent assault my muzzle. It was like he was in heat or something. The soft fuzz covered spheres quivered under my frosty nose pad, and I could feel the Pikachu jump when I licked him. He was so cute!

"Like that?" I asked. I didn't wait for a response, and went about my business, slowly allowing my tongue to snake out and slather over each individual orb once, then twice, before I worked on one separately then the other. I pulled one into my muzzle, nibbled on it gently, electing a pleasurable mew from the little guy, and then the other, surrounding it with loving kisses while Pikachu shuddered under my torment. I grinned, taking another huge breath of his aroused scent. He needed it. Bad. And I would give it to him, but making him wait while I teased was half the fun. Next was his sheath, which I worked my way up using soft, tender licks. Little teasing ones with just the tip of my tongue. I had to tighten my grip, because with each of these little 'licks' Pikachu thrashed, or wriggle in my grasp, his little lemon hips arching, forcing more of my muzzle to be buried deeper in his little crotch. I lapped my way up until I met the throbbing shaft, which simply begged me to lap it. It was bright red, and throbbing with Pikachu's racing pulse. It seemed like I was really working him up.

"Aww, you poor little chu, you look like you really need this." I teased. I was rewarded with a little lustful sounding whimper and more of that adorable cock pressed into my face. But I took it slow. I wasn't about to lose control now. I started at the very bottom, giving the underside a small teasing lap, that caused a squeal from it's owner. Another one, and another one. I slowly worked my way up, nuzzling against his erection every now and then and getting another full breath of his musky crotch. Soon, his entire cock was glistening with my saliva- save the head, which I left for last. I could feel him grip the fur on the back of my head, arching his hips and trying to get me to continue. I refused, and watched in secret joy as he began to beg.

"P, please...Jolteon...please suck my cock? Please? I need it...I...I really, really need it!" He whined with lust riding his voice. I gave him another batch of licks, but once again I completely avoided the tip of his erection, the crimson underside of the tip was the most sensitive place of a pikachu's cock. (Trust me, I'v licked a lot of 'em)

"Jolteon...I, Stop! I'm gonna explode! Please finish it!" He nearly shouted, arching his hips again. I grinned.

"Stop, start. Pikachu, I'm getting confused." I teased. He whimpered, and reached down to finish himself off, but I batted his paw away.

"Hey! Naughty Pikachu's don't get to touch themselves! Now knock that off." I scolded, and grinned as he whimpered in frustration. Little trickles of his precum seeped down all sides of his cock, like a little cascading waterfall of need.

"P, please...please?" He begged me, his voice barely audible. Of course, I wasn't about to leave the poor little guy in need. I lowered my head again and slurped the tip of my tongue across Pikachu's penis, letting that sweet precum coat my tongue. He moaned, and wiggled of course, quite unused to this level of pleasure. I grinned and did it again, letting the hot pre fluid seep out all over himself. He was so cute and sexy, that suddenly, I couldn't resist. I leaned down and kissed the tip of his prick, before engulfing the erection in it's entirety. I could feel every hot throb and every bulging vein. The heat, the warmth, the smell, the taste! The little chu's cock was magic in my mouth! I swirled my tongue around, feeling the hot red peg buck and jump. He was close. I wrapped my muzzle around the base, my paws gripping his balls with a gentle massage, and my muzzle sealed around it, suckling down each drop. He burst. Hot milky ribbons of his glorious semen invaded my muzzle, which I swallowed flawlessly.

"J, Jolteon! S, stop!!" He yelped, his eyes wide with pleasure and panic. I assumed he'd never continued to paw off once he hit an orgasm and the way I kept licking him, well I guess I was over stimulating him. When his sweet flow finally ceased, and he collapsed in front of me, I let him go, looking at his soaked, sleeping form. "Sleep tight little guy, cause when you wake up...I grinned, and gave his little round behind a gentle squeeze.


I smiled sweetly at the little pikachu. The soft mouse's body was hot, his fur racked with nervous sweat and his musky scent was tickling at my nose. He was like a male in heat, absolutely needy with lust. He looked at me with his little marble eyes, his chest heaving up and down with every horny breath he took.

"A, a, are you su, sure about this, j, Jolt?" He whimpered sheepishly. I grinned, and wrapped my paws around his tender little bottom, squeezing both his cheeks softly and electing a tiny moan from my mouse.

"Are you? You're the one who asked me..."I said, nuzzling him quietly. Slowly, I slipped my fingers up and down the little crevice of his round, yellow rump, listening to him sigh quietly. I watched with perverse fascination as the tip of his cock slowly slipped out of his sheath. Already he was beginning to pant.

"Sensitive buns, eh?" I asked, causing a deep tint of red to slip over his cheeks. He nodded shyly, his lighting bolt tail bobbed up and down, while I continued to mold his tail end with my fingers. When they pressed against his pink entrance he let out an aroused yelp, his little chest taking a sharp intake of air.

"Goodness, this is getting to you, isn't it? I haven't even started yet, and your already drooling." I teased. And indeed he was. Long strips of his honey dribbled down from the tip of his cock, pooling slowly in front of him. He quivered a little while I watched, his hot little penis bobbing up and down every time I tapped his little pucker gently. When I actually slipped the first digit in, he arched his back and squealed, a long howl of growing chu pleasure.

"Chaaaaa, w, what did you do?!" He gasped. I chuckled gently.

"I just pressed inside. My goodness, if you react like that, imagine what you'll do when..." I grinned, and twisted him around, pressing his back to me. I gazed down, mouth watering when I saw those soft yellow buns. I draw my claw tip up the crevice of his butt cheeks once more, causing another gasp of arousal from my charge.

"J, jolteon...don't... tease..." He began to whisper. But I was through teasing. I bent him over quickly, getting whapped in the snout with that electric tail that bobbed up and down. I moved it aside, and pressed forward, much to his surprise. Without listening to the squeaks of shock from his front end, my nose and most of my muzzle disappeared into his tail end, and I began to lick. The first one didn't seem to have any effect, probably because his brain refused to accept the level of pleasure I was giving him. But the second lick really knocked him for a loop. I could see little sparks of electricity shooting off from his cheeks, and I was almost positive there was a deep red blush across his muzzle. (And indeed their was)

"W, wha, wha, wha a, are you..." He whimpered, but I didn't answer, I just kept licking, pressing my tongue up against the little pink pucker, and then inside. I received a shock when he came, his rump cheeks squeezing against my nose, while his cream shoot at least 6 feet into the damp grass in front of us. When he tried to collapse, my paws were already around his middle.

"W, what now..." He asks meekly, an orgasmic grin pasted on his muzzle.

"Now is the real fun." I cooed quietly into the quiver shaped ear. I was already so stiff it hurt, but the sweet little twitching behind in front of me was going to solve all that.

"Take a deep breath." I whispered to him. I felt him inhale, and just as quickly, I thrusted in. He and I both gasped. I never thought his little behind could be this tight, but Mew above, what a feeling!! I took my first thrust into him, feeling his ass clench down on my cock, which forced a jet of pre to fire into the warm recesses of his rear.

"OH!...Pikachu..."I cried, pleasure grasping me, over taking me. I think he liked it to, the way he kept scrabbling his paws at the ground and whining loudly, pumping his butt back against me was a clear indicator of that fact. Unfortunately, I wanted a nice, long screw with the cute little mousie, but the way his ass gripped my cock, it wasn't going to happen. Already I felt another hot gush slide into him, the warm tunnel of flesh gripping my cock was relentless.

"OH..f, Fill me Jolteon! Please? Please take me!" The chu cried out in lust, lowering his front end to the ground so only his rear was up, busily being taken by my ass-thirsty cock. He cried out, the hot, sticky mousie, squirming with every thrust as I did my best to bring him to a second orgasm. My hips slapped against his chubby rump, and suddenly, I felt it boiling inside of me. Like a creeping lion, my orgasm pounced my by surprise, and I emptied my load into him, panting his inner walls with hot streaks of white.

"CHHAAAA!!" Pikachu moaned while I buried my cock in him to the hilt.

When it was all over, we found ourselves sitting quietly next to each other, him in my lap, snoring quietly under my chin. I too, was sleepy, and rested my head against his. I closed my eyes, listening to him breathing softly. With our hearts beating as one, I drifted off to sleep, with the raising of the sun...


I smiled, watching him look up at me with those small brown eyes. He took a nervous step forward, resting a paw against my hip, while he took a slow, cautious sniff of my musk. I grinned at him, grinding my hips forward a little bit towards him.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" I snickered. He blushed softly (He's so CUTE when he does that) And shook his head, little yellow paw balling into a nervous fist.

"G, gimmie a break, okie? I, it's my first time." He whimpered quietly, gazing up at me. I smirked, watching him draw closer, his nose brushing gently against my sheath, while he inhaled my musk again. I arched my hips again, this time forcing my crotch against his muzzle. He yipped sheepishly and drew back, and I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Aww come on!" He yipped, but I reached down with one paw and found his head. I pulled him close, resting his muzzle against my groin and tsked.

"It isn't that hard...go on, just have a lick." I whispered to him. He mumbled something quietly, his voice muffled thanks to my pubic fur, but I could feel the soft, little red tongue worm its way over my full balls. I tensed for a moment, feeling a tremble of pleasure arc through my body as he started to work. His tongue, small and nimble, slid across my orbs, washing them with slow, nervous licks. I gripped his head a little stronger with my paw, holding him against my thickening sheath. His nose was buried between my balls, his tongue worked feverishly to please me, slurping over the sensitive spheres, his paws on my hips. I grinned to myself; for his first time, the little guy wasn't bad.

Slowly, his work progressed upwards, the little ruby organ slurping up higher and higher towards my sheath, licking it gently and coxing the hot, crimson member out of hiding. It didn't take much to do that though, not with Pikachu around. I grinned a little, watching my own shaft slowly raise up and bob proudly over Pikachu's head. He looked up at it for a moment, and blushed, his gaze shifting to me, as if to ask for my permission. I nodded my head once, and he reached up with both paws to grasp my cock. I watched in raising pleasure and amusement as he licked me like an ice cream cone, holding my erection in both paws, his tongue slurping over the dripping head of my erection, again and again. I had to admit, he was really getting me going.

So much in fact, I jerked my hips forward without meaning to. The result was a small burst of precum that shot forth and splashed across his muzzle. He giggles shyly, another one of those cute blushes appearing over his sticky muzzle, and he continued, but with more gusto then before. He bobbed his head, matching the hot throbbing of my erection with each thrust of his neck. Another spurt of pre, landing across his face, forming an 'X' If he didn't pull my cock into his mouth soon, I was gonna....that was the idea. What a naughty little fellow! I chuckled quietly, and arched my hips forward, forcing him to increase the grasp around his cock.

"Piiiika...pika pi." The chu moaned quietly, pulling the tip of my head into his small muzzle. I could feel the sensation of his little fangs scraping against my cock, only to have it erased seconds later by my tongue-a technique I taught him, I'm sure. I felt a tremble in my hips, pleasure and pressure working it's way thought my body, as another hot burst of pre shot into pikachu's mouth. I was going to cum.

"H, hey Pikachu..." I began, but did quite have time to finish. I burst, right then and there, shooting my first load directly into his belly. The poor little guy coughed and sputtered, pulling back from my cock and trying to breath as I kept shooting. The second and third spurts landing on his muzzle, the forth and fifth left sticky white trails over his chest and tummy. The sixth, seven, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth shot over the rest of his front, almost covering him with my hot creaming. He sighed quietly, blushing and grinning up at me like a little kid, one ear cocked to a side, his wet, sticky chest heaving in and out in aroused pants.

"H, how'd I do?" He giggled shyly. I grinned, and looked him over, noticing his own little red erection bobbing gently through the cum soaked fur of his crotch.

"Not bad." I churred. "But let me give you some pointers..." And with that, I leaned him down and grinned. I didn't make it through lesson one before he shot into my mouth...

The End