Don't Be Late, Piggy's Got Work

Story by The Bloody Seje on SoFurry

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#5 of Old Men Preying On Lads

Just something to make sure my writing hasn't decayed at any point. Think I started on this a few hours ago and only recently finished.

Hmm, guess I can devote to something if it's horny enough.

Sunset, nippy breeze; lights on, traffic aplenty; windows lit and cheery voices; that's a winter going into spring for you. It's not like a whole wonderland straight out of a fantasy book but it'll do. Besides, maybe barely having any snow to wade through like water was a good thing. Worked out for Pete anyway.

The big pig watched the evening slowly drift over his neighborhood, seeing kids who came outside to enjoy the crisp temperature go inside and seeing adults come home in cars to rush inside. That was the ritual before everyone's doors closed and the cozy hours began.

The door behind him slammed open and the cigar he was smoking was put in an ashtray.

"You're late." Pete only glanced to his left but not to look behind him, reaching down and dropping his pants on sight. He had gone commando today, which warranted him to stay inside for the whole day. But that was hardly any different from his norm-only reason he put on any clothes over his fat ass was to get the mail and not have cold sweat on the way back inside.

"Shut up, better late than turnin' around." The newcomer shared Pete's no-nonsense tone, but the porcine didn't even react harshly. Nope, he got on one knee and turned to face the inside of his house. There was a stranger in the dark, but a few quick steps revealed them to be a stallion; chesnut fur and scars straight out of an action movie. Pete heard a belt buckle come loose and felt strong hands cup his ass like his cheeks were bread dough and in no time flat he had a dick in his cunny.

"You being late means everyone else won't have much time on me without getting tired. Can't be getting stuck in traffic or rubber-necking." The accusatory gesture hardly held any ground when he had a pussy full of dick girthy enough to stretch him out and hit deep enough to make his cervix feel like a deep tugger, but Pete still got his cheek slapped by the equine.

"I ain't have no control over traffic, lard-ass. I'm here, now shut up and let me get my dues." Pete just got his cigar back in his mouth and kept his peace, which helped ease him down since his guest was starting to really dig into him. Hips smacked into his ass like a paddle stick, balls heavy with seed that needed to be dumped inside of a tank rather than on or in a body dragging across the back of Pete's thighs, and hooves dealt the damage that showed off as reddened skin on the pig's backside. And yet, he merely gritted his teeth when a flinch-inducing slap occurred in the dark of his own home.

Almost like he was used to it.

"Here's one..." The horse warned, coming in to chuff hot air in Pete's ear before taking a quick bite on the porcine's shoulder and muffling their whinny as their cock pumped its way to nirvana. Seed nearly as viscous as paste soiled the inner workings of that baby maker of Pete's, almost enough to make him warm all over but only being enough to keep his belly at a little ember by the time they finished. But they resumed, hence why Pete didn't say a word.

At least for the next five minutes.

"Alright..." He dug around the chair until he felt where his phone had fallen in when he had forgotten about it after talking to the stallion pounding his pork curtains. This wasn't him rushing or anything like that, he was dialing up the pizza parlor. "Hello...Y-yeah, I'll take four pan pizzas...Large...pepperoni and extra sauce..two boxes of breadsticks...regular...Don't be late."

The unnamed horse chuffed in the way of a scoff and got a beefy handful of Pete's butt. "So all of this is pizza fat, huh tubby? Sure you shouldn't be making cutbacks? Not that I'm complain', I like a bitch that don't whine about me going too hard, but I don't exactly feel the end of yer li'l cave here and it's worth concern."

"Oh shut up. I didn't let you come over here to body shame me, I'm letting you finish what you started..." It's not Pete's fault he didn't know restaurants around here didn't like finding customers in the bathroom getting fucked against the far wall. The last place he lived at was far more lenient; you could spend a whole night out sucking someone's dick without even being quiet without so much as a judgmental grimace from anyone-not even the staff that worked there.

"Don't try an' sound like you're better than me, tubs. You came to me begging to get you full of my foal cream, so lemme give your hole some mare treatment before I take that cigar out and brand you like a cow." Pete snorted but left it at that, feeling his hips bounce in tune with the stallion's thrusting. They were close, but they needed to hurry so Pete could clean up for the next guy, and would be most impolite to look like he was the star of a mandingo party yet only had the first member going at him for the time being.

And just before the pig had to employ some kind of incentive to get the damn stallion to finish up without deterrence, they whinnied with their chest and hot baby batter poured right into Pete's womb. Unfortunately, a pig and a horse making a baby is as possible as the former growing wings to fly, so that's why there was no balloon of cum following that large, phallic organ out of Pete's pussy. No cum followed either, which seemed to displease the horse.

"Hey, what the fuck? That was two loads worth, that'd knock a mare up three times over and still have room to leak." Their skepticism almost got Pete humored enough to laugh but he held it in. Still laughing his ass off in his head.

"Maybe if you took some shortcuts here, you could have all day to try. But your time's up, unless you wanna pay me to keep going." They scoffed and moved away, reaching to the floor and getting their clothes. Judging from the sweaty shirt, they were eager to get this job done enough to ignore taking off everything. Talk about casual.

"Don't blame me that folks don't know how to drive." And that was it of them, out the door and into the night. Pete came down from his chair and meandered his way to the downstairs bathroom, barely able to push his gut past the door frame without getting any splinters on him so he could get a bath running to wash his back off.

Don't worry, he did this every time he had any kind of fun; in his condition, leaving damage has some very sneaky effects in the long run and he'd rather not look like he got his ass beat and not appealing. Hell no, he needed dick as much as someone in the desert needed water. It helped him get through tough times; it helps to have someone to talk to, even if they're someone of a few words; and it builds connections. Dick was a bridge that only broke when it did, and it's hard to do that with a pussy that don't quit.

No seriously, he could ride someone until they fired blanks and they would still be fine once they're out of him.

Pete summed it up to 'rejuvenating juices' or something in his pussy, though he wasn't certain. After all, who heard of a cunny that energized someone who fucked it?

He didn't get time to dwell on it forever, because as he washed away the sweat buildup, the hair that tickled his skin, and eased his stinging backside, the front door got its bell rung and he had to get up from the tub. He couldn't get in it, he only had the shower on is all. He once had a spray nozzle that he could attach to the faucet for an easier time, but he broke it. He'll never say how though.

(He jammed it where the sun don't shine and it snapped.)

"I'm comin', I'm comin'! Relax...!" Pete berated through the barrage of ringing, a towel draped over his back and scrubbing the water away before being wrapped around his waist. It barely covered much, and it was liable to drop thanks to his saggy gut, but he hoped he could time the inevitable fall until after he got his food as he opened the door.

Outside was a raptor that looked like a college scrape-goat that stayed inside his house the second he got his degree and left his graduation; they were built like a twig, looked twitchy, and gave off the impression that they were recent in the pizza delivering service. It's not that Pete's neighborhood was problematic in any sort-no, the pig himself must have been why they looked ready to turn tail and back to their delivery car.

"Took you long enough." The pizza place's policy is the standard "30 minutes or it's free", and it had only been ten or so since the call, but Pete was impatient when it came to genuine food. He took the boxes away from the reptilian, which of course rustled his towel off his waistline and led to it pooling around his ankles. Of course, the raptor's gaze shot down on instinct-as sudden movement catches everyone's eye no matter how laser focused they can get, but they weren't expecting to see a beefy display of a thoroughly used pussy instead of a thick cock.

Pete can tell they were thrown for a loop because their silent panic did not hamper the growth of their dick in their uniform.

"Guess we both know what kinda tip you're getting for yourself. Get in here." Before the raptor could complain, Pete yanked them into his house and kicked the door closed.

"S-sir, this isn't company po-polic-" Their stammering was to be expected, and frankly Pete hardly cared that they were apprehensive at what the pig was suggesting, but they didn't do anything to stop him from getting their pants off and cock free to breathe on.

"Relax, kid. I only have enough for the food." No, he had plenty more. Thing is, why waste money on tips when you can ease the stress of a hard day off someone's shoulders so they're not always a stick in the mud? "Think of this as insurance. It's not like I'd tell you no if you were askin'. Besides, I could use some young meat."

"Mm-mmph..." They covered their face with their hands, so Pete used that to get them on his arm chair. His couch was meant to be slept on anyhow, since upstairs was more really, and he wasn't in the mood to have his sleeping space reeking of other people. As soon as the raptor was laid out across the cushion, Pete got situated above them and aligned his girthy labia towards the shaft before he lost the comfortable angle. The raptor looked ready to go on a full hyperventilating tirade about why he could get fired and whatnot, but the pig was already coming down, and whatever words they had to say came out as an almost pathetic moan that escaped them.

Pete knows a working man is on a clock, so he didn't play games here; he made that cock his bitch, riding it hard and making sure every inch of it was squeezed on. Due to it not being very thick, he had to force himself down so the tip collided with the packed flesh within that cavernous passage still warm from the stallion's nut, though he had a way to fix that.

"Alright boy, here's what's gonna happen. You ain't big enough to slip into my pork hole, but I got a little thing for that. Question is, how long til your shift ends?" Just so they could speak clearly, Pete kept to a squat that let him gyrate his hips like a belly dancer, but even with that the lad still blurted out like a nerd asking the prettiest girl in high school out to junior prom.

"I h-have to close tonight...! My bo-boss' boss'll kill me if I'm late...!" The green of their face was marred with a deep red that could have been a gnarly bruise if not for the lack of blemishes and damage.

"Easy kid. No boss of yours'll do anything to you. Besides, you look like you bring a lot of good for the place...~" Pete loved the parlor he got his pizza and whatnot from, and this delivery boy was indeed a new face he hadn't been expecting to see-his eyes had been set on encountering that bull who 'knew the drill' when it came to delivering to Pete's house. They were cute, but not Pete's type for anything more than being a ride to get out some last minute urges. Before he ended up stalling too much looking down on them like a predator, he brought his hands down around their head and lowered his hips until he couldn't sink the raptor's dick into him any further.

Then his pussy got to work putting a vacuum on that shaft like it were a stubborn pile of crumbs in the carpet.

"AAHHH! HAHA! S-SIR! SIR PLEASE...!" Their screams were understandable, for such tender flesh was not built for this kind of treatment. But not only did Pete keep going in spite of their pleas, he began to slowly bounce on them some more. The lad went from letting his hands twitch freely to reflexively bringing them to Pete's hips in an effort to keep him still, but he merely rocked down down until they were at the widest point of his asscheeks while he milked their soul out from their dick.

"C'mon boy. Don't tell me you ain't no good outside of delivering food...~" Pete can already feel their cock pulsing in the incoming throes of climax, but they weren't big enough to reach his womb yet. They were getting there; the vacuum effect was definitely bringing a form of elongation to the phallic piece of meat to make the touch the pig wanted so bad. "I want your tip to get you through the rest of your night is all."

"NnnnnGGHHHH!" Alas, they blew their load just before their cock had reached a state of arousal that would extend them to their true limit, splurts of raptor jizz painting all over the entrance of Pete's cum cave before coming to a stop. The pig kept on riding for a minute after they were spent, noting that they didn't 'rise up to the challenge' even when being knocked down for a little, so he slid off of them with a loud *SHLURP* and brought them into the bathroom.

By their ankles; apparently their legs barely handled the ride.

Pete stuck them at his sink and got it running, sprinkling cold water on their red-tipped dick so they were soft enough to be cleaned before scrubbing them with a towel. They whimpered, but didn't cry once the porcine was done. One toweling off and they were limping out of his house. Before that though, Pete made sure to give his last regards.

"You got potential, kid. Maybe if you work this job for a year 'r something and you'll get into the groove better. Now run along, don't get yourself fired. You gotta keep earning this 'tip' of mine after all." Pete ushered them on with a hard pat on their butt, chuckling as they blushed and rushed off to their car, visibly at an internal conflict as they drove off towards their job. This left Pete alone again, gut full of cum that would soon digest like soda and food as far as the eye could see.

Oh yeah, he had food.

He had planned to eat it while getting boned by that bull he had been expecting, but catching some new meat had made the prospect slip his mind. So thus, he cracked open those boxes and got busy stuffing himself. Pizza cheese went flying, sauce painted the corners of Pete's lips, and crumbs peppered the pig's fingers as he blazed through each offering of pasta in pie shape topped with cooked meat slices. By the time he got to the breadsticks, he felt like he just got ran in by the local football team one at a time, but he cracked those open and laid waste to the contents within.

When he finished, he popped each of his digits into his mouth and sucked vigilantly. The pizza was top-notch and those side snacks were a good send-off to what was the perfect dinner for someone his size. But unfortunately, Pete was not sated.

After all, he had folks to call.

"Hey, get down here. Had a long day and not enough nut in my pork hole...For the last time, you don't need no rubber. You ain't no hog." Pete snorted to vent the sudden agitation out of his systems before fishing a new cigar out from his chair's cushion to smoke it. Whoever was on the line was on the move, so he just put them on speaking, set his phone on the table, and waited with spread legs while making sure he was calm. One can argue chain-smoking was a terrible way to relieve stress, especially in one who regularly sought to be fucked silly and thoroughly, but Pete needed any avenue he could get in this neighborhood. He'll drink, smoke, and strip naked every chance he could nab.

Stick-in-the-mud city does him no favors.

By the time his puffs were making him a little fuzzy-headed, someone banged on the door. He coughed as he still had some leftover smoke to get out and yelled to the door so he knew he was heard, "It's open!"

Right away, it burst open, leaving the wooden structure to collide with the wall behind it before slowly swinging forward. Who walked in was quite the sight-a hippo. But they weren't the holly-jolly, bombastic, peachy smile on their face-type of hippo. No no, they looked like what a bear would look like with skin rather than fur and blunt teeth instead of fangs; fuzz dipped into their holey shirt that trailed all the way back up to a beard that looked like it made a ton of noise when scratched, a face that spoke of many fights won without a sweat stared down Pete, and a build reminiscent of someone who needed to shave off some pounds for convenience rather than for good.

The pig, however, was smug where he sat, patting his belly as he laid the cigar out in the ashtray but left it lit. "So, you want me to beg, or are you waiting for the stuff?"

The hippo didn't make a peep, but when they started moving again, their footsteps rocked everything that wasn't nailed to the floor or carrying something atop of its surface before they stopped at the coffee table. Pete smirked as they got down on one knee to take the cigar and get a hit off of it. It seemed to ease them down from what he could make of the gesture, but he was already getting out of his chair to go upstairs. This guy was always one for the dramatic spiels, that's for sure.

First room on the left greeted him with an open door yet with darkness, but with some practiced leg work Pete waded through the junk inside that had yet to be properly cleaned and picked something up off the far wall before coming downstairs. Only when he was back in the light of his living room did it become clear what had been taken:

A wearable leather harness and a gag.

"You all gussied up yet, or do I need the ridin' crop too?" Pete glanced over to his seat, where the hippo had gone from looking dressed for a diner home to a biker gang to being ass-naked on both knees with their hands clutched around a leash that extended to a collar on their neck, and strolled over without any visible sign of surprise at the sudden change. Hell, he walked up to their kneeling form and gave their beard a little brush. "Well?"

"I'm...ready..." Their voice was deep, and gravelly, like they woke up everyday and gargled on sharp rocks for a living.

"You're ready what?" The pig giggled as the hippo shut their eyes to groan to themselves, calming down once they were ready.

"I'm ready...sir."

"Much better." Pete didn't get them to put on the harness, he got them in it himself. He may have had a little too much fun around the legs, because the hippo was built like a stud in the field who got weekly offerings to handle downstairs, but he made sure to keep it together as he got that gag situated into their mouth. "C'mon, big boy."

"..." They nodded, slowly getting off the carpet and flanking the porcine as he got on his chair. His gut sagged towards the cushion but he didn't worry about it as he squeezed on the leash in his hand.

"You know the drill. You get in there and you go as I say. Anymore and that's a month with raisins in your 'coin purse'. Got it?" It came a little slowly, but the hippo nodded in compliance. "Good. Now get in there."

Pete got his ass jiggled by the force of the hippo's grip coming in for leverage, but the pachyderm still entered through the pork curtains claiming to be a cunt as gently as one would with a virgin. The pig waited for a bit, just keeping his hand relaxed on the leash so it didn't give him any kind of friction burn or make his knuckles ache from the effort, and felt the hippo start up a pace with gradual work to it. Only when they were getting speedy did he pull on that leash.

"Hey now. I didn't say go fast. Keep it steady, ole hare. You ain't in no rush." The pachyderm sucked in air before they were back to a simple pace of being in and out. Pete's smug grin looked punch-worthy, but he knew it wasn't coming. After all, when you find a guy like this hippo who also hated how the city was very closed off from sexual expression, you tend to be all for having some control on somebody.

After all, this was their thing: being told what to do in bed.

Only reason Pete gets off easy with his antics is because he somehow fit every check in the hippo's needs; bossy attitude, the means to really get into the role, and more holes to play around with. But unfortunately for the hippo, Pete was all about getting his cunt looking like he sat down on a metal pole-repeatedly-and there was no way he was gonna let them have it easy without a good reason besides 'wanting to test things out'. Hell, Pete doesn't even do ass stuff besides cleaning it.

Nope, it was either these curtains or his mouth.

As the hippo settled into the pace, the porcine pulled them towards where he laid and they loomed over him like a dark knight making sure their king was fine while they went to sleep in response. They did not accelerate or go any harder, which was promising news to Pete.

"That's it...Ease your way up in there...I wanna feel you plow your way into my pork hole...~" He brought the leash into his free hand so he could get a lock on the pachyderm's neck. They grunted from the shift in position but did not alter their pace once the go-ahead to breach the womb was given. And the satisfactory ahegao that etched on Pete's face when he felt that cock head punch through his soft walls to settle into his hammerspace for cum was picture-worthy.

Once he was sure they were still going, he gave them a curt yank and let their head go. "Alright boy, now you can plow me."

Right away, the burly hippopotamus went ham on those cheeks, barreling into them in an effort to keep their dick consistently drilling into Pete's core. The pig was loving it a million, tongue lolled out and drooling on the arm rest a little as he was rocked back and forth. This was the stuff, and always made him somewhat glad he got out of his old town. Having folks who followed orders was a nice change from being passed around like a cigar to be dumped in the trash, that's for sure.

Who knows how much time passed since Pete green-lit the notion to fuck him with more vigor, but the hippo didn't even show signs of being close until a while later, where their precum oozed onto Pete's decimated cervix and the ring of flesh surrounding the womb from the inside. The warm trickles of new fluids to take home within him was welcome, because it got him to sit up a little so he wasn't just laid out looking like a bitch.

"Alright boy. You better nut when I say so, or we're going back to the prod...~" As much as Pete really wanted to incentivize good behavior, he won't deny that feeling the hippo get even more excited in spite of the threat laid out for them to avoid was some amusing stuff. Made him glad they met while he was drunk enough to need to go someplace to puke that wasn't a public bathroom. Their cock was flexing inside of him, marking the efforts of the pachyderm's will to be ready to cum on command, and bringing that smug grin back on Pete. Only when he was sure he felt a twinge in his own pussy did he bother giving the other. "Now, boy."

"Mmmmnnnph!" Hearing them seethe against the ball gag was music to the porcine's ears, and so was listening to their cum splatter the interior of his baby maker. All of what was lost from the stallion was replaced and then some, but Pete stull nudged the hippo away with his foot. They caught on immediately and pulled back, but kept the tip in so every drop stayed inside. When they were done, Pete looked back before flipping around so that he faced them.

"Well boy, guess you won't be needing the gag next time. Shame, I was looking forward to see you try your best to not nut from getting zapped." The hippo did not respond, not even when Pete sat up and removed the ball gag from their muzzle. Though the pig laid right back down and opened his legs up. "Eat up. Work hard enough and you might get a drink."

"Yes, sir..." Their begrudging yet obedient tone never failed in getting Pete's buttons pushed, but soon he had a hippo's head between his thighs and a tongue thick enough to pass off as that raptor's dick pushing through his beefy folds. Right away he was moaning, since getting eaten out was so much of a rare occurrence that it felt like he was in college all over again. Bullying his roommate into helping him 'relax' so he could do homework was the best two years he ever spent, but those were the only times they happened since then.

Pete was squirting before the hippo even got deep enough to taste their own cum.

"Oh ye-yeah...Get your bacon j-juice...boy...~" He felt them clench on his ass harder as they thrust through his pussy, leaving it to quiver and quake from the firm presence at it brought out what could be described as a flood of "grease" out of Pete's hole. It went on for a little bit, with a few more splashes across the hippo's face leaving it looking freshly spit shined, before that leash got pulled and the hippo was allowed to get up. Pete laid across his chair with his hips twitching up in the air as he watched the hippo get dressed. Without a shame, when they bent over to get their underwear and pants back on, Pete smacked their gray ass and marveled at how many ripples it caused before settling into those hastily yanked-up clothes.

However, the hippo didn't leave right away, despite being ready to go, so once Pete had enough of drinking in the sight of how much their pants pretty much caved into their ass like daisy dukes would, he popped the question, "What'chu waitin' for?"

"...ard..." Their voice was docile in that little utterance, so of course Pete didn't hear it.

"What's that, boy? I didn't quite catch what you flapped." Pete got his authoritative tone out, even if they were done playing with roles, and stood up behind the obviously taller hippo. He smacked their ass but only to get them to turn around, coming up to see their complacent expression hanging low.

"My reward...sir..." Pete sucked his teeth in a bit. Oh yeah, he forgot they did that too. This thing between them wasn't no blackmail, it was just how the hippo wanted to be excited while they worked a deadend job and a stressful divorce plan.

"Alright, uh..." Damn, he had eaten all the food, and the hippo was probably hungry enough to ignore that helping of pork that was given to them. "I guess, I'll buy you a meal when you come next time? Didn't exactly slouch my appetite this time around, so you'll have to make due with this." It was a 20-spot, what was supposed to be the tip for the delivery bull had they come around. The hippo timidly held their hand out and Pete gave them the tender.

"Thank you, sir..." They turned to leave, but like all folks that leave the pig's household, Pete got a hold of them and they stopped in their tracks. What he did was a simple gesture; he dug a hand in the back of their pants and grabbed one of their cheeks, much to their lack of a reaction.

"Next time, if you're well-behaved again, I might just go ahead and peg your fat ass. Got me?" Pete left them off with a quick little slap before pulling out of their clothes.

"Yes, sir." Obedient to the end.

"Good boy. Now get." And finally, the pig was alone. He heard the hippo's car drive off, but fell out of focusing on the sound as he saw a shape of light slowly come across his coffee table. "Sheesh, and they tell me that I'm always late."

Pete laid himself back in his chair, hand to his pussy as he watched what looked like something straight out of movie special effects etch in full across his poor furniture before slowly opening up like a portal to hell. A clawed hand reached up towards the ceiling before coming down to help pull up who it belonged to.

A massive, gnarly-looking green demon came out from the opening; claws looking sharp enough to maim anything, horns and protrusions just about everywhere imaginable on their body, tail long enough to be mistaken for a giant snake, and eyes as malevolent as what one could perceive Hell to be. Their little showcase ended when the portal closed behind them, leading to their gaze to fall on Pete, who watched with disinterest like he was watching a flick from the 60s.

"You done looking like you're ready for digging through trenches? This pussy ain't getting any looser if you're just standing right there." Right on cue, Pete's cunny squirted some arousal straight at the behemoth's leg, which prompted quite the comical response in their dick growing hard almost immediately, like a flag pole being raised but several times thicker.

"Watch your tone..." The beast spoke, slowly coming around to greet the lax porcine awaiting them. He was pulled off and laid on the soft floor, the demon looming over them like a foot to an ant as they lowered themselves down. Their eyes spoke of wanting to do so much more to Pete, but he stared back with challenge. And thus, all they did was smash their way inside of his pussy and go to work.

That's what happens when you're tardy to the pussy-fucking party.