Weekend in Diapers (Pt. 2)

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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When Hank drove home and parked the car in his driveway, he popped open the trunk and removed the case of diapers. During the ten minutes between him arriving home and his parents coming back from work, he managed to hide the case of diapers neatly in the garage as there wasn't enough room in his closet to store such a large box. The moment his parents arrived at the house, he was cleaning his room, preparing for the party one day in advance. The fox was excited about socializing with his classmates including Jordan.

After dinner with the family, Hank spent the night in his bedroom with the door locked from the inside. He sat at his desk, browsing the Internet for videos that materialized his sexual fantasies. He found a video of an adult bear wetting training pants that only young cubs would wear. The fox watched with undivided attention as the bear moaned, whispering, "I can't hold it anymore." Then, the camera focused on the bear's padded crotch. The video showed the blue-colored boyish designs on the cloth-like covering fading quickly to the wetness. As he wet himself, the bear groped himself and sighed repeatedly while sitting on a soft, silky blue blanket. He couldn't help to wet himself, thought Hank. Though the occurence was obviously planned, Hank felt the wetting was natural. What a baby!

Hank browsed through a series of pictures of furs in diapers. Some were in wet diapers. Others were messy -- and they all seemed to enjoy themselves. They were naughty, dirty, manly studs with a complete disregard for cleanliness. What did their diapers feel like? Was one guy more dirty than the other? What did their diapers smell like? Are they adventurous enough to soil themselves in public? The fox felt his cock pulsating as he tried to answer these questions in his mind -- and not before long, Hank felt the urge to cum. When the moment arrived to climax, he quickly dipped his paw underneath his pants and placed his thumb on the tip of his cock, effectively denying his orgasm. It wasn't the right time.

On the morning of the day of the party, the fox's parents bid farewell to Hank as they left in a shuttle to the airport. Both of his parents were going on a business trip for the weekend. Kayla started to get jealous over the fact that she was not going to be part of the party, but Hank happily reminded his little sister that the party was for "guys only." After Kayla got on her bicycle and started riding to her friend's house down the street, Hank quickly went to work. He prepared all the snacks, the beer and he synchronized his iPod with the house speaker system. The fox had fun getting ready. The sexual excitement waned over time while he focused on setting up the party.

Cars started to park in front of his house in the afternoon. Hank opened the door for the early guests. Several teens he recognized arrived. Some turned on the TV, some danced to the music playing in the backyard by the swimming pool. Some just showed up for the beer. Regardless, Hank was pleased with how the party was turning out, but he was waiting for Jordan. The red dragon didn't show at the beginning of the party. Hank shrugged his shoulders and figured that Jordan would show up eventually -- so he joined the rest of the guys and played video games on the large, flat-screen television in the living room.

Time passed and the sun was about to set. Hank nearly forgot about Jordan, but he realized that his diapers were exposed in plain sight in his bedroom closet. Hank left the rest of the boys to play as he quickly dashed to his bedroom. When he reached his bedroom, he noticed a few diapers were missing from his original stack in the closet and the door was wide open. He felt anxious, but then he convinced himself that he took out a diaper earlier to wear before the party, but the beer prevented him from remembering all the details. He hid the rest of the diapers behind a pile of nicely folded pants. He closed the closet door, took a sigh of relief and went back to the party. When no one else was around, across the hallway, Kayla's bedroom door opened. Jordan popped out his head, looking around nervously. The red dragon walked out into the hallway, pressing against the crotch. He withdrew his wings and made his way to the party, crinkling at every step.

Meanwhile, a large, male rhino walked out of the only bathroom in the house. As he pulled his pants up, water started leaking from underneath the bathroom door.

More guests started arriving in the evening. Some guests included people Hank had never seen before. Guests made their way inside the house while Hank swam around in the pool, impressing his friends with goofy dives and stunts. When the fox emerged from underwater, he looked up and saw Jordan sitting down at the outdoor dining table. Hank waved enthusiastically to Jordan. The dragon gave a warm smile and waved back. Jordan looked on as his friends swam around in the pool.

"Hey, hey! Jordan! Jump in the pool!" said Hank.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine just chillin' here."

"The water is great. Did you forget to bring your swimming trunks or something?"

Jordan shook his head and chuckled faintly. "It's cool man. I'm fine."

Suddenly, one of the guests ran out to the back patio and said, "Hank, someone took a massive shit and the toilet is totally fucked!" The fox rolled out of the pool and scrambled to the bathroom where the toilet overflowed. Hank panicked and grabbed a plunger located on the side of the toilet. He looked away from the mess as he plunged, what was a puddle before turned into a small lake. Hank opened up the bathroom door and noticed a long line of guests waiting to use the bathroom. He bit his lip, shouted, "Shit!" to himself and then he closed the door. Gasping for air, Hank dialed a family friend, who happened to be a plumber. He was told by the plumber that he was on another call and would arrive at the house in two hours. Hank didn't know what to do. Several people lined up outside the bathroom, looking like they were ready to burst any second. Suddenly, Hank had a brilliant idea.

The fox made his way through the crowd to the garage where he retrieved the case of adult diapers that he purchased the day before. He opened the case with a Swiss Army knife and quickly threw the diapers onto the kitchen counter. Hank then said out loud, pretending to be disgusted, "Who the fuck brought diapers to the party?" A few ears perked. People started talking amongst themselves before chuckling nervously in unison. People realized that there really wasn't any other choice. Most of the partygoers were drunk. It didn't matter. Everyone had to cope with the same unfortunate circumstances. While most guests decided to leave out of frustration over the lack of a restroom, some remained as they reluctantly put on diapers.

Hank got a headache over the situation, but it appeared that the problem was temporarily solved. Hank went into his bedroom and closed the door as he tried to shake off the headache, but someone laid on his bed. Jordan looked up at the ceiling with his arms folded behind his head and his legs crossed. He looked at the posters on the wall, sighed and smiled. He looked Hank who stood with his jaw dropped.

"I honestly had no idea you were into diapers," said Jordan, whose muscular, scaley body were fully exposed with the exception of a thick diaper that he had around his waist.

"How did you find out?" Hank said with a stutter.

"I walked into your room earlier, assuming that this was the bathroom. When I noticed it wasn't the bathroom, I was on my way out the door and then I looked down, saw a diaper on the floor -- and I thought that I could put it on and see what would happen. Actually, you know what? Your diaper feels great... much better than what I usually wear."

"I can't believe what I'm seeing, to be honest."

Hank's fantasy situation involved a plot twist. There were too many questions to ask, but he knew one thing for sure. The dragon looked willing. Jordan rubbed his diapered crotch up and down in a slow, sensual motion, invoking a loud crinkling noise. He moaned before grabbing his crotch with a firm grip and sighed loudly. Hank's heart was beating quickly.

"When we saw each other at the party a few months ago, I noticed you were wearing a diaper that night. We were playing on the ground and my hand slipped down there and felt it. I was like, 'Holy shit, he's wears them too?' so I got excited and leaked all over you. I was drunk. Everyone else was drunk. I didn't care."

"So you knew at that point?"

"Yeah, sorry for startling you now about this. It's so sudden, I know."

Hank was overcome with so many emotions: shock, admiration, arousal, comfortable, understanding, deceived, betrayed. The sly fox thought his plan would work on the conditions and circumstances of his choosing, but it was the dragon who planned to confront him. At the same time, his sexual appetite was growing. Hank decided to make his move quickly and carefully. Hank sat beside the dragon who was laying on the bed. He let his paws wander over to the dragon's diaper. He could feel that Jordan already wet himself, but on a smaller scale. Jordan rose up from bed and sat up against the pillows. He growled as he felt his member was touched by Hank from outside his diaper. The dragon shivered in delight. Then, Hank's wild side appeared.

The objective was revenge. Jordan was a naughty dragon for wetting himself onto Hank, ruining his good clothes for the evening. Hank stripped his clothes until he was naked. He leaped from the bed, went to his closet and took out a diaper for himself. Hank wagged his tail while his moist rump was caressed by the breeze coming through his bedroom window. Hank leaned up against his bedroom door as he put on his diaper standing up. One he finished the task, he crawled back onto his king-sized bed. He asked Jordan to lay down flat on the bed. The dragon agreed. Hank crawled on top of him and pushed his diapered waist forward until it was firmly pressed up against the dragon's muzzle. Hank wet his diaper after holding his bladder for the entire day. The piss came out with such force that it hit the inside of the diaper with a muffled sizzle. Jordan saw the outline of Hank's length pressed up against the diaper as the diaper turned a bright yellow. Jordan marveled at how large the fox's cock was and how much he was peeing.

"Dirty, filthy pup," Jordan mumbled. Hank heard Jordan's words.

"How would you like to get fucked by this dirty pup?" Hank baited. "I don't know if you want it."

"Oh, I want it real bad. I wanted it since I first laid my eyes on you."

"Dirty pups fuck dirty boys. Make your diaper yours. Own it."

Jordan had to mess. Once Hank was finished wetting, Jordan curled his body upward while sliding his tail out of Hank's view. Hank didn't know exactly what was about to happen next, but he was ready for anything. The dragon unveiled a series of farts. He whimpered and moaned quietly before feeling his tailhole expand. He unloaded into his diaper. As his load reached the diaper, it made a distinct, grainy noise. The bottom of the dragon's diaper expanded significantly. Hank couldn't be happier. Hank cradled the newly formed bulge with his paws. He could feel the warmth of the dragon's piss cover his paw. It was that stench, that feeling that drove the fox wild. He couldn't take it any longer. With blazing speed, the fox ripped apart the velcro and the tapes on Jordan's diaper, causing it to slide off of him and land on the bed.

"On all fours! Now!" ordered Hank. The dragon started panting before complying with the order. Hank pulled down the upper-lip of his diaperfront and he brutishly injected himself into Jordan. The dragon yelped in pain, but it soon subsided as he felt his prostate was poked. The horny fox mounted Jordan and fucked the dragon raw.

"Dirty slut! Dirty slut! Dirty slut!" shouted Hank as he proudly took ownership of the dragon's rear for the next couple of minutes. The dragon muttered, "Yeah, fuck me! Yes, I need it. I've been bad!" in the heat of the moment. Sweat completely saturated Hank's fur. He was excited. He's never been so excited in his life. The feeling was intense. He felt his throbbing cock moving back and forth inside of him. Suddenly, the dragon hit his climaxed and he wet the bed with his dripping, thick cum. The fox followed up with his own orgasm as it poured like hot piss into the dragon's tailhole. Jordan growled and his back legs collapsed in exhaustion. Hank pulled himself out and he got dressed before saying another word to the dragon, who rested on the bed.

Hank heard the doorbell ring. It was the plumber. Hank opened up the door and greeted him.

"Sorry Hank. It's been late and I got here as far as I could. I'll only be 15 minutes or so," said the elderly wolf who couldn't help but notice that several strangers in Hank's house were not wearing pants and in fact, they were all wearing diapers. Most of the diapers appeared wet.

"Oh, mister Stevenson. The problem has already been taken care of." The plumber was in total shock of what he saw. Hank bowed his head, apologized for calling him prematurely and he closed the door.

Hank jogged back to his room to kiss Jordan on the forehead as he slept. The fox put the bed covers over Jordan's body.

Hank forgot that it was only Saturday. There was one day left before his parents and his sister came back home. The fox pulled his pants down and did a series of cartwheels before reaching the living room in his soaked diaper. He raised his arm in the air, clenching his paw into a fist.

"Now who wants some pizza?" he shouted. Everyone in the room cheered while raising their cups of beer.