Sweet, Dirty Sly and Me (Full)

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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We met up at a cafe on the west side of Toronto. It was winter and both of us decided to spend a good chunk of one afternoon relaxing indoors, sipping on creamy, frothy cappuccinos and watching cars pass by. I appreciated the opportunity to sit down with my friend, Sly, and talk about old times.

Sitting at a small table in the corner of the small cafe, Sly and I started to toss around a few jokes.

"Look at you. You look like you just came out of a gay biker bar. What's with the white tank-top and shiny leather pants?" I asked Sly. The brown-colored cougar looked around, chuckled a little and shrugged.

"I like being different -- and I'm proud of who I am and what I wear," he said, hitting his chest with pride.

"If you grew a little moustache around your whiskers, you could audition for the lead singer of Queen."

Sly slapped his paws on the table, rose from his seat and marched in place. I looked up at him. He looked down at me. I was prepared to be embarrassed by his untimely singing.

"I see a little silhouetto of a man. Scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the fandan--"

I bit my lip and gritted my teeth. I told him in a terse whisper, "Come on, sit down. Don't make a scene!"

To my surprise, Sly sat down and listened to me... for about five seconds. He rose from his seat and sang in a falsetto, "Galileo!" Then he pointed at me to repeat the line. I gave him a dirty look. He knew I was uncomfortable with the improvised singing act so he finally sat down -- but not without laughing heartily at himself.

"You seem to be in a real, cheerful mood."

"I got the part!"

I was excited to hear the news. "Are you serious?"

"Oh, absolutely! I knew I was going to get the part in the commercial. I am an actor trained in the finest art of Method Acting! I memorize Shakespeare! I am a very, very poetic cat!" He spoke to me in a faux British accent that earned a few laughs from some patrons in the cafe.

I rolled my paw out to Sly as if he was royalty. I countered his accent with my own.

"Ma lady, I am so pleased to hear the good news."

"My dear tiger, I propose a toast. To success!" Sly lifted his cup of cappuccino and I lifted mine. We bumped cups and finished our coffee. "So how about we head out and take a walk around the neighborhood? I'll tell you more about the shoot. It's going to take place next Friday."

"Sure, I'm down for a stroll -- and Friday, you said?"

"Yeah. Let's check out of here."

Sly and I walked out of the cafe and headed toward a park, which was a few blocks north. It was breezy outside. I managed to dress for the occasion with my blue sweater with brown cordoroy pants. Being his typical, eccentric self, Sly worth a thick, black leather jacket over his shirt. I couldn't imagine anyone dressing in leather pants during the winter season. With Sly, it was all leather. I couldn't help but look at him with a puzzled look on my face, but I've known him for so long, it didn't bother me. It intrigued me, though, perhaps because I am a feline who likes shiny things.

In order for me to not stare at his leather-covered crotch for uncomfortably long periods of time, I looked down while I was walking. I made sure that I would look up once in a while so I wouldn't bump into someone by accident.

"Well, I just wanted to say, 'Congratulations!' for landing the part," I told Sly.

"After I dumped my ex-girlfriend, I needed something to do -- something to take my mind off the bullshit. I auditioned for this car commercial. After I finished the audition, I told the casting director, 'Guess what? You're never going to find a guy more handsome than me,' and he told me that he liked my charisma, my charm..." Sly puckered his lips and tried to kiss me, but I took a large step away from him.

"... so he called me the next day. My heart was beating... ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum! I grabbed onto my chest and thought I was going to get a heartattack at 30 and when he said, 'You got it,' I ran around the apartment and channeled my rage over the breakup into complete, adrenaline-pumped excitement. I was so happy, I ran around my place naked, shouting, 'You can suck it, Stephanie!'"

"Now that's a wonderful way to spend the time," I said sarcastically.

"And so is World of Warcraft."

In my opinion, World of Warcraft is an addiction. It's a mind-melting addiction. Many of my friends (including Sly) have been addicted to it. I told him to audition for the commercial because he got addicted to the game. When his girlfriend left him, he went into a heavily depressed phase where he would play the game non-stop and never leave his desk. At one point, I was so frustrated with him not answering my calls or e-mails, I started to fantasize this idea of taking a sledgehammer and hitting his PC with it. While we talked, I chuckled a little just thinking about the expression on his face when his monitor is crushed into pieces.

"Oh no, no, no. No you don't. Do not go there," I said.

"How's your level 68 Blood Elf Rogue doing, Lawrence?" Sly asked me.

"Shut up."

We arrived at the park. There was a few inches of snow on the ground, but it wasn't as cold outside as I expected. Since I got some exercise and some much-needed circulation, I felt energetic and warm. Sly and I continued to walk through the park for a while before we veered to another walking path that wasn't used as populated as the others. There were some people walking on the path, but it felt like we had the park to ourselves for the most part. The park attracted many carefree, Bohemian-inspired visitors who had a fancy for striking a conversation. Sly was a regular at the park. He liked the social interactions while observing the lush, green trees and open spaces.

Sly found a park bench and sat down. I wanted to keep moving.

"Okay, I'll see you later," I joked. Sly yanked at my tail and told me to sit down with him. I didn't need much convincing. I was tired from the long walk.

"You're out of shape. You should try walking," Sly suggested.

"Are you kidding? I walk all the time."

"Yeah, from the bedroom to the bathroom and back. Great exercise routine there, champ. Way to go. Your love handles can be used as a parachute in case your ass fails to deploy."

That time, I didn't succumb so easily to the relentless teasing. I leaned my head back on the park bench and looked up at the sky. Snow was coming down a little more than I expected, but I didn't mind. I was starting to relax until I started to hear a hissing noise. It was loud. My ears guided me to source, which was Sly's pants. I knew what was happening, but I bit my lip. A solid stream of piss poured from his bulging crotch. The piss was flowing so much and so quickly that a second stream, albeit smaller, appeared. The first stream flowed outwards, hitting the snow on the ground with a loud, continuous thud. The second stream poured down his leg. Sly's leather pants were glistening as he wet himself. To my surprise, the cougar sighed and smiled. He looked at me and nodded before looking down at his crotch, indicating he was proud of his accomplishment.

I was turned on immediately. Unfortunately, Sly decided to have his fun in public view. I would have shown my appreciation privately. The cougar didn't make things easier for me when he started to squirm and move his legs around as if pissing his pants gave him a euphoric jolt. Once he finished, I leaned over the bench to look at the large puddle he made on the grass.

"I am relieved. I am happy. No, really, I am. I feel much better now," said Sly before quickly rubbing his crotch. "But it appears I forgot to put on my diaper."

"Apparently. You don't mind walking back to your car like that? Well, I guess not. I answered my own question." Sly turned to me and grinned devilishly.

"Of course I don't mind. See, I like this. I like how it feels. You should just toss your diaper aside for a day and see what happens. It's fun."

"Well, you know, we're in public -- and we're not suppose to soil ourselves in public. You know the drill. Come on, man."

"But it's so humiliating! Geeze, you're a real buzzkill, but I have the antidote! There's a party tonight at my friend's place and I'm going to chill over there for a while."

"Ah, well, I don't think I want to go with someone who will likely make a nice puddle on the floor for people to slip on."

"Now you're just being cruel. Looks like I'll have to withdraw your invitation."

"Wait, I was invited? I'll go, but..."

"I'll reconsider if I can... do this!"

Sly reached over and grabbed my crotch. The cougar could easily notice that my diaper was wet. The front of the diaper was warm, wet and a little heavier than usual. I was shamelessly aroused with the tip of my member grazing the soaked inner-layer, but by the time Sly's paws moved directly above my pointed shaft, I turned away from him. I didn't want him to get any strange ideas. Though I wanted him to rub me more, eventually we would have come across a very "awkward bulge" moment.

I stood up, brushed myself off and took a deep breath. "Yeah, I guess I'll go to the party. I don't have anything that I need to do at -- wait, what time is the party at?"

"Seven sharp."

"You'll pick me up around then?"

"Sure. The party is right down the street from your place. And Lawrence, might I ask what you're looking at?"

I was looking at his leather pants. I was intrigued -- and admittedly stimulated -- by his brazen, shameless approach to relieving himself in public. Ignoring universally recognized social conventions, he felt that he was entitled to completely wet himself from start to finish like an undomesticated animal who just so happened to wear pants. Sly didn't care. Sly didn't want to care. It was almost as natural as inhaling and exhaling.

"Ah, nothing. I need to head back to my car soon so I can get home and change. You'll e-mail me directions and I can walk over if it's close to my house."

"Then it's settled! Let's get out of here!" said Sly as he asked me for a paw to pull him up from the park bench. We walked over to my car. Along the way, he wrapped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I was very tempted to lean my head on his shoulder for the rest of the walk, but I resisted. I admired how assertive he was, especially since I was a shy, introverted person. The word "love" was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. He recently left a very bitter relationship behind -- and it seemed too soon to say anything.


I arrived at the house where the party was being held. I walked over without a diaper on so I wouldn't be waddling all over the place in front of company. The sun had gone down and I felt my blood moving after having a relaxing, brisk walk. I made a sincere effort to look my best. I wore a white dress shirt and brown pants. Upon walking on the lawn of the house, I noticed the atmosphere was very casual and energetic. I heard people talking loudly, dance music playing inside -- and I thought I could handle it until I reached the doormat. I wasn't much of a party person. Interacting with others was a daunting task for me. I tried to not think about my insecurities when I rang the doorbell.

By the time I managed to exhale, the door opened. A short, orange fox appeared in the doorway, studying my appearance with an eyebrow raised. Then suddenly, the fox looked at my eyes and smiled warmly.

"Hey there, welcome. Come on in, have some food and refreshments. We got beer, wine, hard liquor -- you name it!" said the fox. He gestured me to come inside. Before I could set foot inside, the fox lifted his nose. Immediately, I thought, "Oh shit, did I have an accident?" He chuckled and turned to me to ask, "Are you wearing cologne?"

I nodded and gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, I am, actually."

"I was hoping you had some air freshener for the party," said the fox. I was puzzled by that statement, but I was so relieved that he didn't smell anything suspicious, I overlooked it and walked in. The moment the fox closed the door, someone came up behind me and put their paws over my eyes. I knew it was Sly right away. I could feel his slick, leather pants with my tail.

"Hey buddy, buddy, buddy! Who turned out the lights?" said Sly.

"Your ex-girlfriend after she saw your face."

Feeling proud about my joke, I turned around with my chest forward. Then I saw Sly playfully step back, stagger a bit and fall to his knees. "Oh, right in the heart! You got me, partner... Oh lawdy, lawd. It's getting dark. Hold me!" Sly shouted in a southern accent. The partygoers looked at Sly and laughed as he fell on the living room floor and pretended to gasp for air.

"I took out a life insurance policy on this guy. Item dropped: one million dollars. Anyone want some free loot?"

Sly extended his paw, gesturing me to pull him up. Once I got him to stand, the cougar walked over to the fox, who was standing in the corner of the living room with a table full of liquor. Sly told me to come to the table and meet Max, the party's host. I shook the fox's paw, smiled and bowed slightly.

"I see you and Sly are good friends, yeah?" Max started to pour drinks.

"Yeah, sorta," I replied timidly.

"The Hell do you mean, 'sorta'?" Sly crossed his arms and looked at me with a disappointed expression on his face.

Max looked at me, snickered and pointed at the cougar. The fox leaned over to whisper into my ear. "Between you and me, you'd think the guy is completely baked and bonkers, but he's naturally high. It's crazy. It's like he gets high from oxygen," said Max.

Overhearing the whisper, Sly shook his head and chuckled at Max. "I heard oxygen is legalized in Canada," Sly joked.

Max walked over to his stereo and turned down the music to a low volume. The fox clapped a few times and whistled to get people's attention, but his attempts were futile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. Please may I have your attention." Channeling a relatively awkward Yoda impression, Max shouted, "Attention, please, I have." The crowd of partygoers in the living room laughed loudly. After the laughter died down, the fox began to speak.

"Tonight, right now, this is the official start of the party. Now we're going to start this party off with a game. What I am about to tell you is important, so listen closely. In this room, the last person to... drop their pants after five seconds will have their pants removed and they will have to walk home humiliated. Okay, ready?"

I turned to Sly and said, "Wait, what? What's going on?" Before I could ask another question, Max shouted, "Go!" and everyone quickly dropped their pants. At the moment everyone started taking their pants off, I became extremely uncomfortable. I froze while my eyes wandered aimlessly around the room. To my surprise, everyone at the party was wearing diapers. What made matters worse, I didn't pull my pants down and I wasn't packing a diaper underneath.

Some of their diapers were dry. Some of them were wet, but I was too preoccupied to see if anyone was messy. Several partygoers held me down on the living room floor, pulled my pants off and marveled at my tight, white briefs for a moment. Then Max appeared with an extremely thick, disposable diaper.

"Who wants to take off his underwear?" the fox asked the crowd. An otter appeared, towering over my body. He looked at me and smiled. He leaned down onto the floor and told me, "Relax, bud. This will be quick," before pulling my underwear down to my feet. I closed my eyes and shook my head nervously as people laughed and whistled at me. I opened my eyes a little to see my hung, erect shaft with its tip staring right at me. I tried in vain to squirm out of my compromising position, but my arms and legs were held down by willing participants.

At one point, Sly's head appeared, hovering over everyone. In the midst of all the laughter, chatter and shouting, the cougar told me, "You're one lucky son of a bitch to get this kind of treatment. Right, guys?" Everyone in the room replied with a loud, "Yeah!"

I could feel my heart beating fast. I felt like I was trapped in a dream of pure fantasy, but everything was real and everything was happening quickly -- perhaps too quickly. The next five minutes would become a blur. The only things I could remember was the feeling of the soft diaper grazing my bottom and my tail, the feeling of the diaper being brought to the front. I could hear the diaper's unmistakable crinkling noise. Throughout the ordeal, I was very horny, but after a while, I didn't mind.

Sly helped me up while he was talking to some of the partygoers. He told them, "Oh yeah, he wears diapers. He loves them as much as I do. He was just not wearing any tonight, but obviously things change." He grinned and put his arm around my shoulder and asked how I was doing. I wanted to tell him, "I just need to jack off. I'll be right back," but I maintained my political correctness -- even though the situation I was in wasn't politically correct at all.

When the crowd dispersed, I looked for my pants and then I remembered what Max said earlier. Once I remembered what the fox said, I was distressed for a moment. However, I began to relax. My uneasiness coming into the party was overpowered by my sexual adrenaline. That adrenaline eventually faded into relaxation, which I found to be unusual. I was always nervous, insecure and doubtful, but knowing that I was in a party full of people wearing diapers, I felt a little more at ease.

Wearing nothing but a diaper, I sat on a couch and looked around the room anxiously. I didn't want to make eye contact with anyone specifically as I struggled internally with my embarrassment. "I shouldn't be embarrassed," I told myself. "Why would I be? Everyone in the room is wearing a diaper. What makes me so different in this situation?" Even though I was aware of the most logical answer, I felt like I was completely naked and everyone was staring at me.

I looked over my right shoulder and saw Sly talking to a handsome, tall female cheetah who immediately took a liking to his jokes. Both of them were deep into the conversation. I figured that Sly would be back on the prowl, looking for another woman to keep him company, and knowing that was painful. I was very selfish. Clearly, I had feelings for him -- and I wanted to be with him. Sadly, I figured that it wouldn't work between us. Once I arrived at that conclusion, I started to look around the room and walk about. I took several deep breaths in order for me to finally clear my mind. I felt that the party was the right place and the right time to strike up a conversation with someone new.

Fortunately, the conversation came to me. I didn't need to look for long.

"You look really cute in that diaper, I have to tell you," said one guy, who was standing next to a table full of pizza boxes. After fetching a slice of pepperoni pizza, I looked at the husky who complimented me. He smiled back at me and wagged his tail. "How come I haven't seen you around these parties?"

I answered bluntly, "Because I didn't know someone as sexy as you would be attending." It was definitely an amateurish pick-up line, but I couldn't care less at that moment. I was horny and looking for some action.

The husky blushed, turned to his side and chuckled. I laughed along and grinned. "So how do you and Sly know each other?"

I looked over my shoulder after the husky asked that question. I looked at Sly and the cheetah he was talking to. It took me a few seconds to come up with a fairly objective reply. "Sly and I met a few years ago. He had a small group of guys and gals who were into diapers. I found out about that group on the Internet, joined and went to one of their meets. As soon as I met him, he left an impression on me... in the form of a gigantic headache. And, well, we became friends because he and I both had a sense of humor."

"He's very witty and funny."

"Oh yeah, very much so. He's also very -- what's the word -- very unabashed."

"You can say that again. Hey, so, what's your story?"

"Well, I came from Brooklyn and I moved up to this area about two years ago. I'm in college, graduate studies... going for a doctorate in Psychology and Behavorial Sciences."

As I was talking to the husky about my educational background, I could feel his paws rubbing the front of my diaper. He squeezed my crotch. He paws stopped after he caressed my hardened bulge. He withdrew his paws and looked up at me.

"You're feeling me up and you haven't introduced yourself to me yet. At least you gave me something equivelent to a handshake."

The husky introduced to me as John, a muscular, fratboy jock who seemed more interested in getting in bed with me than anything else. My sexual tension was consistent throughout the night, but it didn't take long before I started using some suggestive language.

"It's not as much fun when I only show you what I have to offer. Show me what you got," I told John.

"You want to see me all wet?" John asked, pointing to his khaki pants.

"Go for it!" I couldn't believe what I was saying.

John unzipped his fly, pulled down his pants slightly and let me take a look at his diaper. He was wearing a diaper with colorful, cutesy art full of airplanes, balloons, sailboats, hearts and flowers. His diaper was sopping wet to the point that it was leaking a little from the bottom. The husky had a nice, rich musky scent, which was fitting since the scent matched the appearence of his drooping, full diaper. He let me touch it. I could feel how warm and heavy the diaper felt. As I rubbed his diaper, I could feel an ever-increasing warm sensation pouring up to my paw. At that moment, he was wetting his diaper. The husky moaned loud enough so only I could hear him.

"Am I soaked enough for ya?" John asked.

"You sure have. Looks nice you need to change."

I encouraged him for making good use of his diaper and told him he was a "good boy." To show my appreciation, I leaned him up against the wall with my paw pressing against his chest. He knew I wanted a little more than to see his diaper. He jerked his head aside to the direction of the bedroom. I snorted at the suggestion, but I accepted the offer. However, my body had other plans.

After I ate some pizza at the party, my stomach was grumbling vociferously and aching. I felt the pressure mounting steadily over time. I even felt a little nauseous -- and that feeling stopped me from walking back to the bedroom with John. I looked down at the floor and held onto my stomach.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard John ask me.

"Yes, no. Um, I'm alright. I'm alright," I falsely assured him. My erection had died down, but I wasn't completely left unrewarded by my time with John. I felt a growing pond of silky, thick precum caress my sac inside my diaper. I realized that I was getting sicker and I was losing my sexual buzz. My bestial cravings backfired and I was in a very uncomfortable situation.

Calmly, I walked over to ask Max where the bathroom was.

"Come on, man. You're asking me where the bathroom is at a party when everyone is wearing diapers?"

"It's not that. I feel like I'm going to hurl."

"Was it the pizza?"

"Yes, I think I ate some Domino's."

I held onto my stomach and looked around the room. I could feel something traveling through my stomach. Time was not on my side. I was merely moments away from coughing up something more than a hairball. My tail twitched and my eyes scrambled, looking for a clear path to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the party crowd blocked me in on all sides. I had no place to go.

People in the crowd knew that I was distressed -- and a few were even kind enough to ask if I was okay. By the time I uttered the words, "I need to head to the bathroom," people moved aside to clear a path in the hallway. After taking only a few steps toward the bathroom, I felt my stomach gurgling even more, but this time, I felt the pain traveling through the lower part of my stomach -- and that could mean only one thing.

I squatted down on the ground and started to mess my diaper loudly and generously. I could feel it coming out of me uncontrollably, which was something I never accomplished before. I always looked up to Sly because he was able to dirty his pants without the slightest care -- and here I was, in the middle of a party crowd, messing my diaper.

As I looked down at the floor, I heard several people cheering me on, teasing me, talking to me.

"What a baby!"

"Can you believe this guy? He's messing his diaper."

"I would love to change him!"

"This is really hot!"

I had no idea that relieving myself so prominently would garner such encouragement. It turned me on. I groaned and moaned as I filled up my diaper. I could feel my mess dropping further to the floor. I smiled a little, catering to the illusion that I messed my diaper on purpose. After I finished messing, I flooded my diaper. The yellow stain on the front expanded. The appearance of wetness was accompanied with a loud hissing noise. I whispered to myself, "I can dirty my diaper whenever I want... whenever I want, anywhere. I don't care! I'm a big baby!"

I looked up for a moment and saw a paw dangling before my eyes. Without knowing who offered the paw, I took it and was pulled up. There was Sly, smiling at me. In a rare moment of tenderness, he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Come with me, I think you need a change." I nodded and followed Sly to the kitchen, but not before taking a bow and waving farewell to everyone. Sly and I walked into a kitchen and headed out the back door, which led to a modestly sized backyard.

Sly and I were under the stars. The moon was overhead, and for once, I heard no coyotes howling in the distance. This was the first time all night that I would spend some time along with Sly. He came up to me and felt my diaper. He didn't say anything. He didn't crack any jokes. He wasn't as enthusiastic as he usually was. He took a deep breath and sighed before looking at me and smiling warmly. He wrapped his arms around the back of my diaper, feeling how full and heavy it was. In a moment of affection, the cougar nuzzled his head against mine. I could feel his breath touching my lips. In an instant, I kissed him on the lips. He looked at me with some surprise, pulled back temporarily, but only to chuckle.

"You made me proud," said Sly. "A grown tiger in a dirty diaper is just so... oh..."

I wouldn't let him finish the rest of the sentence. I kissed him again and softly guided him with my paws to the ground. He pulled down his pants and I caught a glimpse of his diaper, which was also full. Slowly, I untaped his diaper and set it aside. Sly crawled on all fours while I pulled down my diaper. I was too excited to remove it the old-fashioned way. I pushed myself into him and rode him like an uncaged, feral beast who wanted nothing more than a complete, satisfying release. We had sex on the grass and mingled aimlessly in a puddle of mud, under the stars. Even without our diapers on, we were both dirty and happily so.

After I climaxed, I rubbed Sly's chestfur and his back as a sign of my appreciation. After a while of not talking to each other, I broke the ice and teased the cougar. "You never had a diaper to change me with, did you?"

"Of course not!" he snapped at me playfully.

"I was waiting to have you for so long," I confessed.

"You know at the end of these movies when the guy gets the girl in the end?" Sly asked rhetorically. "Things didn't work out according to the script, but I still love the ending."

We got dressed and headed back inside. Obviously, we were both covered in mud and dirt, but partygoers didn't seem to mind. I also found my pants, which were hanging on a clothesline in the corner of the backyard. I even managed to slip on a new diaper courtesy of the party host, Max, who expressed disappointment that we didn't invite him along for the romp outside. We partied late into the night -- and when the party finally ended, I left the house as a completely different tiger. I radiated with confidence, knowing that I don't have to care about the little things. If I wanted to walk the streets in dirty diapers, that was my choice and I wasn't going to have anyone tell me otherwise.

By morning, I woke up to find my new boyfriend soundly asleep in my bed. At least I'm no longer the only one who is responsible for the sheets being so wet.