White and Gray

Story by Udee on SoFurry

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A soft breath touched a tuff of fur on the cheek of a cat. He turned his yellow eyes to the exhaler and smiled softly. Two paws pulled themselves over his snow white chest, dipping as his stomach sucked in. The paws belonged to another feline, this one gray like smoke. His features were placid, love showing in his deep hazels.

White purred, the warm sound vibrating his chest cavity as Gray sat on his pelvic. Both were fuzzy and marveled in how velvety both of them were. White drug his finger down the middle of Gray's pecks, passing over an abless stomach. Reaching the soft paunch, he rubbed over its squishy surface, enjoying how it felt whenever Gray breathed.

Gray's head tilted as he watched White. The simple touches excited him and sent fire through his core. Yet he didn't rise. He was too scared to let that happen. What if White wasn't ready?

"I love you," White purred, watching Gray breathe. "Your tummy is so cute," he added sweetly.

Gray heated up beneath his fur, blushing a deep red that he was glad White couldn't see.

"I love you too...."

Oh how he wanted so much more from this delicate snow flake beneath him. They'd been going out for so long now and having these little "pettings" every night. But nothing ever went farther than that. But he didn't want to scare White off.

White's paws curved around Gray's middle, tugging on him, wanting him to fall over. He did and landed in the sheets beside White, gazing at him intensely. Those yellow eyes innocently watched the hazel depths, trying to read them. A desire aroused itself and the White pulled away, putting his paws to his chin and then over his face.

Gray twitched his ears and scooted nearer, spooning White gently. A cooing noise came from his throat as he laid his head in the snow of White's shoulder. White peeked through his paws, giggling at Gray. Turning over, he wrapped his legs around Gray's thighs and pulled their pelvises together. Gray blinked as he felt White's bulge touch his. So warm, so soft.

"You can have me," White whispered.

Hazels widened as Gray searched over White's features. Each whisker was like pearl, each patch of fur like whipped clouds. Could he really have it? Could he really sink into this being of warm snow? A smile found his face as he wrapped White up in his arms. Out came what he had tried to hide before. Swelling with the need, he started licking White's cheeks.

Gentle and pink, White's anus let Gray come in. Like lips to a kiss it stretched and squeezed around his heated mass. There was a moan and shift of white body against blue sheets. Gray paused.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked.

White giggled and returned the licks to Gray's face, shaking his head while closing his eyes. He wasn't a virgin.

Gray didn't care. All he knew was that this treasure was now his. Holding onto it, he rolled over, putting the pearly creature onto his back. White's arms stretched over his head, tensing as Gray started to move into him. A strained smile overtook White's small mouth, little sounds escaping it as Gray worked against him.

The world seemed to fill up and things grew hot and heavy. Gray moved gently at first, then a bit harder to build up the feeling, the moment when the world is perfect. Paws digging into the sheets to either side of White, he quickened his breathing. It was rising.

White's own dick turned hard and hot. Right beneath Gray's moving stomach, White opened his eyes to watch the pink organ get rubbed by that cute stomach he loved so much. Gray bowed deeper over White's cock, making sure every movement was felt on its slick surface. White shuddered and dripped, as did Gray.

The were perfectly timed, both reaching their climax. Gray released himself inside White, watching as his partner tightened and smiled. Spooge dabbled his fur, blending slightly into it. Both breathed into each other. Gray's cock didn't shrivel, but he didn't worry. It wanted to stay in that welcoming place, leaving him the option of laying himself over White.

The two rolled over, still connected in a deep embrace of arms and organ. Facing each other, they closed their eyes and fell into a slumber that they both would share.


Note: Eh, let's try again. It was simple, yet still he stared so stupidly at me. The fear in his eyes only made me madder and I just had to bring my paw across his face. He grunted stupidly and jerked to the side stupidly. God I hated...

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