Halo: FUBAR Chapter 04 - Of all the Covenant Carriers she walks into mine...

Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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#4 of Halo: FUBAR


The rescue mission was launched. Using sniper rifles, Seth and Boone managed to clear the way for pelicans to pick up survivors from the crashed escape pods.

"Bam, said the lady!"

That was until Captain Locks got into contact with them. Seth and Boone immediately re-routed to rescue the captain, but were almost shot down. Seth fell from the hornet, and re-united with Sergeant Major Token, joined the marines fighting for survival.

"Take this and watch our flank!"

They fight off the covenant, but are overwhelmed by an elite with a sword who thins out their numbers. Seth manages to take it down, but they are knocked out of action by an explosion, before being captured by Covenant re-enforcements.

"Bring the survivors to the ship."



Chapter 04

[Of all the Covenant Carriers she walks into mine...]

> 2552, Olduvai, The Inner Colonies, Mission Time: 15 Hours.

The Covenant didn't often take prisoners. Those who had been taken captive before me, and believe me when I say that I've seen quite a few live prisoners enter Covenant captivity, were never seen again. There were nasty rumours spread among ranks, particularly those of the ODST, stating the gruesome torture that awaited humans in the Covenant brig. Stories of ravenous jackals, torture-adept elites and flesh eating brutes made sure I'd rather take a pistol to my own head than become a Covenant prisoner.

Unfortunately, thanks to the UNSC Cuddles' cream-puff captain, I wasn't given the option for self-termination... aw, who the fuck was I kidding? Give me the choice of a quick painless death and a few extra hours of living, I'd pick living any day.

When I woke I was in the brig. Not that I knew exactly what the inside of a Covenant brig looked like, but it was just a deduction of logic. I mean, where else would my captors have placed me? A five star hotel suite on board the mother-ship?

The first thing I was looking at was the ceiling, smooth and made of a purple-ish alloy. The walls angled outward, including the back of my cell, and were jointed at each corner with curved support struts, leaving no sharp angles in this oddly rounded room. As I slowly sat up and looked around, one hand brushing through my hair as my forehead throbbed, I saw the low, narrow entrance to my cramped personal cell was guarded by a semi-transparent force field that emitted a faint pink glow. The floor of the brig was at an upward angle towards the door of my cell, hardly wide enough to fit three men side by side.

Looking down I saw I had been stripped. Not down to indecency, just down to my fatigues. Charcoal combats and a shirt with breast pockets. My boots and laces were at least untouched, but every other shred of equipment was missing, from my helmet down to my web-belt.

Rolling slowly onto my knees, I looked up, facing the force field covering the door of my cell. Outside were visible figures, humanoid but huge, taller than the doorway and almost as wide. There were two of them, hunched over slightly and huddled together to squint through the haze of the pink light. Already I could sense that the situation was going to go south, quickly.

Let's analyse that for a moment. So far I had several encounters with the Covenant on Olduvai, one such encounter led to rape, another encounter led to an ass-kicking and semi-consensual sex, and the last engagement led to complete ass-rape. The odds for today were leading in favour of another rape session.

As I shifted my weight to my feet and half stood, I heard a voice.

"This one is strong." The voice said. It was deep, gruff yet had a light feminine side to it.

"I agree." A second voice agreed in the same tone. "He can probably last longer than the others."

"Probably." The first voice said as the figure to the right straightened up. "But he is still only human."

"Never the less, his flesh looks tasty." I heard a tongue smacking over lips. "I call first dibs of sinking my claws into that skin."

I scowled. "What do I look like to you, ass-wipe? A fuck toy? Bugger off, assholes!" possibly not the most tactful thing to say to my captors, but at this stage I didn't care very much for tact. I was pissed off, and with good fucking reason. I made a solemn vow. If I ever saw that fuck-stick Captain Locks again, I'd sock him right in the face.

The force field suddenly powered down. The light faded and I found myself looking at two brutes, females, and each of them were the size of two men. Their bodies, very little of which was left to my imagination thanks to the revealing armour, were mostly hairless. Just sleek black manes across their lower arms, legs and a long mane starting from their scalp and flowing down around their neck like a velvet scarf. The one on the right was slightly bigger than the other, and both were clad in sleek, battered looking armour plating that protected their chest, shoulders crotch and hips, strapped in place with leather straps, revealing the rest of their muscular, slender bodies to the world. They didn't wear helmets. The armour was moulded grey metal of some sorts, shaped to fit tight against the sleek, feminine curvature of their torso, fitting around the large rounded breasts. Each of them had a brute shot mounted to their back and knives attached to their belts alongside a selection of ammo belts and grenades.

"Aw, nuts." I muttered as they moved into the cell, ducking as the tops of their head's brushed the doorpost.

"I will ride him until he is battered and bruised." The shorter of the brutes murred, her crimson eyes half closed, staring at me with ape-like seduction. "I'll be sure to have my fill before we devour this sweet looking one."

"Be sure to tenderise him nicely." The bigger one said in a similar mur, bending over to take a closer look at me as I dropped onto my ass and scrambled backwards into a sleek wall. She smiled, savouring the stink of my fear that filled the room. I didn't often scare easy, but I'd say even a Spartan would be scared in the face of these ladies without armour or a weapon. "You have a pretty mouth." She whispered, her thin lips stretched in a smile to reveal the pointed teeth and elongated canines in her mouth. "I wonder how well you can use it."

The larger of the brute guards moved to grab me... I cringed... a voice stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Hold!" this new voice was similar, gruff and feminine, only held much more volume. The bass caused my chest cavity to vibrate and chills to roll down my spine.

The brutes did as commanded and straightened up to look over their shoulder. Leaning sideways I saw a hazy figure standing in the shadows outside. It was dark outside my cell, so I couldn't quite see what was standing there. But something in the back of my mind was preparing me for the worst.

"Bring him!" the new voice commanded.

Immediately the larger of the females grabbed me by the arm, sinking her short, dog-like nails through my sleeve and into my skin. Ignoring the sharp stinging sensation, I struggled every step of the way, kicking and thrashing wildly. My attempts of pulling away were feeble. The brute didn't even notice and tossed me forward, out of my cell like a live grenade.

When I connected with the ground, my grunt was so loud it echoed throughout the brig outside my cell. Lifting my head, the first thing I saw was the area outside my cell, a long, high corridor with numerous cells identical to the one I had until recently held residence lined in the walls. At the far end was a master control, manned by an orange armoured grunt. Pressing my hands against the slick, cold floor, I felt grains of dirt and dust cling to my clammy palms. Slowly my vision panned back and I found myself looking at a pair of armoured boots.

The next thing I felt was a claw grab my collar and lift me clean off the ground. My legs kicked at air, and my eyes widened as I stared at a brute chieftain.

The chieftain was unlike the one other I had seen before. The one I'd seen about a month or two earlier had been clad in ornamental armour, armed with a mighty hammer and had been charging through a line of marines mounted on warthogs, and smashed through the line forming a hellish inferno of debris and carnage around him. In all, it had been a terrifying sight, only to descend into an anti-climax as the ODST I'd been paired with unleashed a rocket and obliterated the bastard in one clean hit.

This chieftain was different in one specific way. It was frightful, armoured and heavily armed with a hammer attached to its back, only she was far more aesthetic than the war-chieftain I'd seen explode at the hands of a rocket launcher wielding Helljumper.

This chieftain was a female, like the other two, stood a little higher than the taller one by a few inches but was just as broad. Under her dark chestnut fur rippled subtle bands of muscle, forming her slender, athletic hourglass figure. She had long, almost delicate looking fingers clutched tight to the collar of my fatigues as she held me up in front of her like I weighed nothing. She was clad in a unique set of armour. She wore a stark white tunic that hung from her right shoulder, covered the lighter brown, almost grey mane that tickled the top of her abundant breasts and bound around her waist, with a single loin-cloth falling down over her crotch and falling a little above her knees. On her right shoulder was a large plate of steel ornamented with silver etchings and golden trims. Around her waist was a belt of pouches, holding various grenades and keeping the moulded silver chest plate in place. Etched into her chest plate were alien runes that followed the elegant curve of her body and circled around her breasts.

She pulled me close as I stared into her dark, almost black eyes, her light grey mane standing up slightly as she snarled in my face, revealing two rows of pointed, serrated teeth. Oddly enough, she didn't smell nasty as I expected. I was expecting the odour of sweat, un-brushed teeth with a hint of rotting flesh on her breath. Instead I got a face full of minty freshness, and a hint of sweet smelling oils from her perfectly groomed, soft fur.

And in one deft move she let go, pushing slightly so I landed flat on my back. My vision flashed painfully as I hit the deck, bruises forming on my ass and elbows. Blinking hard a few times I looked up and saw the chieftain-ess turn her head to her minions, using one claw to brush the light hair on her scalp back.

"Bring him to the commander." The chieftain commanded.

"Yes, Ressentia." The shorter of the brutes nodded idiotically before the chieftain turned her head back and let out a sharp bark, causing her to cringe. "I mean... yes, chieftain."

Both brutes dropped their gaze as they grabbed an arm each, lifting me to my feet and dragging me into Chieftain Ressentia's wake. All I really could see was this chieftain's shapely ass in full view, her privates hidden only beneath a short, flat bunny-like tail hanging over her buttocks. She may as well have rolled on her back and let me eat her out, that's how close my head was pushed into her ass. To the sides were the chieftain's stooges. Beyond that all I could catch were glimpses of sleek, high corridors, and the faint hum and bustle of the ship's engines and crew. Some grunts walked by. I saw a few jackals, even one elite minor. There were some other brutes around, and the striking oddity I was seeing were female crew. The jackals, the brutes, even the elites I saw pass us by were all females.

"Almighty chieftain." The taller of my escorts asked her superior. "Why must we heft this baggage?" her tone was inquisitive and respectful, almost timid, which was odd to hear from a brute. "Any of the rooms would do. We could have our way and have a grunt detail bring him the rest of the way."

"Bring him the rest of the way?" the shorter complained. "After we have our way I intend to do more. My belly aches, and his flesh is so soft and tender." She leaned in closer to me, and from this brute I did get a whiff of rotting meat on her breath.

"Silence!" Ressentia commanded. "You whimper and whine like grunt bitches taking anal stimulation for the first time! The fleet commander has something special in mind for this one." She added with a hint of anticipation, like she was eager to see what was in store for me.

Our steady march quickly halted as we paused before a bulkhead. The chieftain stepped to one side and palmed the control pedestal beside the doorway. The door was a tall arc, with small glowing windows in the centre of the bulkhead. As the chieftain touched the holo-panel on the pedestal, the windows winked cool blue light. A moment later, a set of curved interlocking plates running over the surface of the door slid away before the whole door parted down the centre, each half sliding neatly away into the walls to either side. White light spilled over me for a moment and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust.

When I blinked away the light and looked up again, I almost dared think I was no longer on a Covenant ship, but in a beautiful Japanese garden. There were rocks with moss growing on them, and a neat gravel path weaving through the rock, patches of grass and flowers, with cherry blossom trees hanging overhead. There were hanging pots, strung from the high, cool blue ceiling by chords of purple light from which weeping-willow-like plants grew, tendrils hanging over the small streams that cut through the large, rounded crater-like garden and gathered in a small pond in the centre.

That was when Ressentia stepped in front of me again, blocking my view. I looked up and saw a smirk cover her face as she looked down at me.

"Enjoying the view?" she growled softly, wagging her hips slightly as she led the way into the garden.

I kept my mouth shut as the chieftain's stooges dragged me onward. No use tempting fate. Everything on this ship wanted to either kill me or eat me... or do something else to me... with me.

My boots crunched loudly on the white gravel as we rounded a mossy boulder and came into full view of the pond... well, I was still in view of the chieftains ass, but I saw part of the pond, hearing the splashing of water as a stream curled alongside the path. Seated by the path was an old crooked figure.

Chieftain Ressentia stepped aside again, allowing me a proper view over the pond area. The pond was rounded, surrounded by a pavement made of perfectly smooth grey pebbles. Beside the pond, on the neat red grass was a bench of sorts. It was bulbous, and elegantly curved, more like an elaborate alien throne than a chair, and seated on this bench was a prophet. I never thought in my lifetime I'd see a live prophet, the leaders in the Covenant hierarchy. These old looking wretches were frail, with delicate, sinewy arms, long necks and flat, leathery faces on egg-like heads. This prophet in particular was extremely wrinkly, to the point the excess sagging of flesh formed wings under his arms, clearly visible because of his sleeve-less robes.

As I said before, I never thought I would ever come face to face with a prophet... never mind a prophet receiving a blowjob from a jackal.

The jackal, a female naturally, was stark-bullock-naked, had wide hips and a surprisingly large bust. She was tall, a little taller than your average jackal, with steel-like spines running down the back of her slender neck. Her long legs were bent as she sat on her knees and bent over, revealing the smooth rounded curve of her behind that led into her slender back as her face was buried in the prophet's lap. Thank God I couldn't see any prophet-privates, as her muzzle was clamped tight over it, her head bobbing up and down as she made soft gagging noises with every thrust into the back of her throat.

"Commander." The chieftain dropped to one knee and bowed deeply. Her stooges forced me down to my knees and pushed my face into the ground, my ass hanging in the air. I swear I felt someone cop a feel.

"Chieftain." The prophet nodded, waving the brutes off. "You may leave us."

The chieftain hesitated for a heartbeat, and by the look of the changing expression on the prophet's face, it was apparent the fleet commander was not amused by the pause.

"Yes, commander." The chieftain growled in a low tone, looking over her shoulder and nodding to her stooges. Immediately the brutes let me go and I straightened up.

As one the three brutes stood, turned and crunched away. I watched them go, replaced by two male brutes in power armour, spike rifles anchored to their hips. The males stood by, to semi-attention their eyes fixed on me as I rose slowly to my feet. The sound of the chieftain and her stooges' boots on the gravel faded to give way to the light splashing of water, and the suckling of the jackal.

The jackal suddenly stopped as the prophet pushed her off and covered himself over. I swore I heard a disappointed moan from the jackal as he waved her off. In one elegant move the naked jackal turned and strode past me, her eyes shifting sideways to meet mine before she winked with a smirk and trotted off after the chieftain.

"Sylivia." The prophet said in an old, hoarse voice. "One of my best courtesans."

Jackals were hateful bandits, brutal guerrilla fighters and heartless pirates. Until then I never imagined any as courtesans.

"I know a joke. Told to me by a human soldier who reminds me much of you." The prophet continued. "Tell me if you heard it. What do you call a whore who works because she likes the sex?"

"A dumb whore." I replied dryly.

The prophet roared with laughter. Even the brute guards chuckled lightly. Every saggy bit of flesh on the prophet swung and jiggled as he leaned back in his bench, head thrown back, laughing at the ceiling. It was a long while until he recovered, chuckling as he wiped away a tear from under his large, bulging eyes.

"Sylivia's problem exactly." The prophet sighed. He smiled looking up to me as I remained rooted on the spot, confused and scared but hardly showing it. My face was neutral as I could make it. The prophet continued. "I'm sorry, where are my manners? I am the Minister of Arms, commander of the invasion fleet named Vipress. You are aboard the flagship. I assume you find her facilities adequate."

I didn't say anything.

"I'll assume your silence means yes." The Minister of Arms nodded. "I'm a good judge of character, you know. My eyes never deceive me, old as they may be. When I saw you for the first time... that's when I thought; 'this boy... this boy can get it done.' And judging from the images I have seen, my preconceptions of you are proven to be true." He nodded. "You survived Nezz's hive. Killed countless soldiers. Enjoyed the company of my fleet's best sniper. Fought well in battle, and earned the respect of many elites on board this flagship."

"You're been watching me?" I asked quickly, unsure if I should have interrupted. "How?"

The prophet's smile widened further. "I have access to many things on this colony. You'd be surprised. And your continued survival in the face of tough odds has attracted my attention."

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I snapped, glaring now.

The prophet leaned back in his throne. "I want us to come to an understanding. You need something I have, and I have something you need. We can make an arrangement."

"What exactly do I need?" I asked, wondering what he was talking about.

"You have been through a lot, haven't you? I assume you'd like nothing more than me to turn my rudder to this world and never return..." The minister said. "How about a trade? Tell me the location of earth, and I spare this world."

I gritted my teeth. Of course, that was what the Covenant were always about. Trying to find earth and destroy the human race. Straight up cliché. 'Ooooh, we're going to take over the world.' Queue maniacal cackle.

"Yeah, I can do that for you." I answered. "It's on the corner of 'fuck you' avenue, number 'blow me.' You want earth? Pull it out my ass."

The prophet's disposition changed like a switch had been thrown. His face turned grim and his smile disappeared. "I was nice before." He said darkly, glaring. "Now I am tempted to fulfil your request."

His mouth opened to add something else, but froze. His eyes widened and I saw a glint of blue light reflected in his eye. A moment later there was a crash of energy.

I whirled around to see a two pronged energy blade plunge deep into the first brute's back. The tips exploded out his chest with a fountain of black blood. The blade twisted as the second brute turned to face his gutted buddy. The blade swished sideways in an instant, nearly cleaving the impaled brute in two, and slashing across the gut of the second. The second guard doubled over and crumpled to the ground as the energy blade hung hissing and sizzling in the air, as if wielded by a ghost.

Suddenly the air around the blade distorted. Slowly, inch by inch the figure wielding the weapon revealed herself.

Within seconds, standing before me now was an elite. Seven foot something tall, standing significantly higher than me, and clad in some kind of ceremonial armour. It was unlike any I'd seen before, entirely gunmetal grey plating over a light chainmail. It jutted out at the shoulders and elbows in sharp angles and followed the sleek, feminine contours of the female elite's slender body. The armour revealed the ashy grey skin of her mid-section, and the front of the chest plate was formed in a low V revealing much cleavage. And there was much to be seen. The sleek curves of the parts of her that were armoured left nothing to the imagination. The ceramic armour plating was so thin and well fitting, she might as well have been naked.

She didn't wear a helmet, letting her long charcoal plume hang down along her sleek neck and over one shoulder, reaching down to just above her breasts. She had long drawn back eye-lashes, and piercing blue eyes.

The white hot blade swished loudly as she sliced through the air to her side and strode stepped forward until she stood toe to toe with me. I had to look almost straight up so not to have my face sucked into her cleavage.

"Arbiter!" the minister cried with shock behind me as I slowly stepped aside and turned around. The prophet was leaned forward in his seat, hands clutching the arm-rests so hard his knuckles were turning pale white. "What are you doing? Heresy!" he seemed to answer his own question.

"Go suck a cock, faggot." The elite growled in clear English, even sporting a hint of a very sexy earthling British accent, which seemed very much far-fetched to me at the time. But hearing her say 'cock' in that accent was at the same time arousing for some strange reason. "I don't answer to you anymore. I'm done with your Covenant." She started walking backwards the way she had entered the gardens as she looked down at me. "Hey, kid. You wanna stick around the gay-wad, or you wanna get off this flying dildo?"

She has some mouth on her, I thought glancing between the prophet and the elite. It was a bit of a choice that had been made already. Stay with the nasty minister, or go with the hot elite who had liberated me from the brute guards.

"Fuck this, I'm with you." I answered almost immediately, walking after her.

Before I knew what was happening we had left the gardens and were running through endless maze of corridors. Just shaft after shaft, open bulkhead after bulkhead. We didn't meet anyone on the way.

"Where is everybody?" I called breathlessly, following the elite as she elegantly strode a few paces ahead of me.

"Most of the crew is fighting on the surface." The elite answered simply. "This fleet is merely a small support fleet. We weren't supposed to attack any colonies, but the minister had his head up his ass. He has such a fucking erection for his superiors he saw a way of getting the location of your home world and risked everything coming here." Jesus, that mouth on her. I love it when a posh chick talks dirty.

"Hey, earth isn't my home world." I defended almost instantly.

The elite slowed to a jog, then halted by a closed bulkhead. "You should have given into the minister's request. It would have been easier for you to survive this, Seth." She took a few deep breaths, while I panted like a maniac, trying to get my heart to stop fluttering and my lungs to stop aching.

We'd only been running five minutes or so, but at the pace my new elite friend had set, not even pretending my worst drill instructor was behind me would have forced me to run for much longer. "Wait, what?" I stammered between breaths. "You know me? How?"

"Everyone in the Vipress fleet knows you, lover-boy." The elite turned and faced me, deactivating her sword and resting her hands on her curvy hips. I could have sworn there was a naughty smile on her mandibles. "And everyone wants a piece of you. Nezz and her hive want revenge for what you did. You know she's not going to be able to lay eggs for several years, right?" I rubbed my neck, looking away with a blush. "Well, good fucking riddance to that bitch. The male Kig-Yar crew have been trying to woe that sniper you fucked for ages. They aren't happy and are gunning for you too. Then there are my Sangheili brothers and sisters who want you for the sake of honour. And then there's Chieftain Ressentia. I'm not sure what ticked her off, but she wants to eat you."

I slowly looked up and met her blue eyes. "And you? What do you get out of this? Why help me?"

She looked at me for a long time before her eyes half-closed and she half smiled, her mandibles twisting into an alien grin. "I think you're kinda cute... here." Without a moment delay as I processed that reasoning for turning against her own kind and helping me, she reached back and tugged something on the back of her belt loose.

It was an M6C pistol, only looked slightly different. The magazine was slightly longer, sticking a centimetre or two out the bottom of the grip, and the barrel was longer with a laser sight mounted underneath. One finger in the trigger guard, she span the weapon around, caught it by the barrel and presented the handle to me. I took it and weighed the weapon in my hands. Perfectly balanced, the weight indicated a full magazine. Automatically I pulled the slide halfway back to reveal the first chambered round.

Weapon gripped in two hands I looked up at the elite again. "Thanks..."

The elite nodded and turned, indicating I should follow. With one hand she palmed the controls beside the door and waited for them to slowly open. "My name is Mira, by the way." She added. "Mira 'Xesolee. I used to be an arbiter. That was fucking thrilling. Now I suppose I'm a heretic." She shrugged as the doors slid neatly aside. "Wort, wort, wort." She sighed as she led the way into the new room. It was stacked high with soft purple weapons crates all around, contrasted heavily by the army green weapons and ammo crates piled between them.

"Wort, wort, wort?" I repeated slowly, following her in before the doors slid shut behind me.

"May he who accepts his fate find salvation." Mira's voice translated before I turned my head to look at her and not the abundance of gear around me. "May he who defies his fate find happiness... it's a fancy way of saying fuck 'em."

I grinned. "I'll remember that one."

"The armoury. Many trophies claimed by the brute crew, as you can see." Mira indicated the green crates as she passed before picking up something and facing me with it. "Yours I presume."

It was an M7S submachine gun. The stock was collapsed, there were dents here and there and the black paint was chipped and scratched to reveal the dull metal beneath. It was my SMG.

I smiled taking the weapon. "Old faithful. Never thought I'd see it again."

"That's not all I have for you." The elite stepped back and beckoned me over.

I rounded a high pile of crates to look into the dark corner of the room. Standing in a beam of faint light, some sort of gravity tether by the looks of it, I saw a suit of armour. My ODST armour to be exact. The plates were dented here and there and the paint was chipping, but it had been cleaned. Lying beside it was my rucksack with survival supplies, and my web-belt with ammo pouches seemed to have been re-supplied.

"You've earned your armour, Seth." Mira smiled. "Try to take better care of it though. I had to do some repairs because you fucked it."

"Yeah." I said as I walked closer. "There's been plenty of me getting fucked going around."

"Now I come to the awkward moment though." Mira added scratching the back of her head. "I need something in return for all this."

I turned to face her and nodded. I owed her. I owed her big time. "Anything. Just name it."

That seemed to make her happy. "I need Captain Locks." Mira said awkwardly none the less.

My jaw literally hit the ground as my mouth fell open. "What?" I exclaimed. "Captain fucking Locks? Why does everyone have such a hard-on for that guy? What? Does the sun shine out his ass or something?"

Mira held out her hands and indicated me to calm down. "Easy, there. It's not the captain himself I need. I need something he knows. His UNSC access codes. If I want to get off this planet, I'm going to need a ship, but the Covenant ships won't get very far. They'll be able to track me too easily. However, if I use a human ship..."

"All you need is Locks' authorisation codes and you fly away clean." I finished for her. It was a sound plan. It was kind of embarrassing I never thought of that. The only thing she didn't have was a ship. "Do you have a ship?"

"I'm working on it." Mira sighed.

"I can help with that." I said folding my arms and looking at her sideways.

She cocked her head slightly and gave me that shifty smile she'd given me earlier. "Really? And what do you need in return?"

"A lift." I answered simply. My mind was made. I wasn't just ditching Boone and the other retards of the UNSC. I wasn't going to stand for this random shit anymore. I wanted out. Out of the UNSC, away from the Covenant and out of this war. "I want out of this war, completely, no strings attached."

Mira thought about it. I could tell she was thinking very hard about this decision. Her eyes were squinted and there were creases in her forehead where she was furrowing her... well, what I suppose I could call her brow.

Her eyes suddenly widened and she smiled, rubbing her bottom right mandible with on hand, her other arm crossed her chest. "I think we'll get along very well." The hand rubbing her face reached out, her wrist cocking back elegantly. "You have a deal. Shake on it."

I grinned, putting my weapons on the nearest crate and stepped forward, grasping her hand in mine. We shook... and then she pulled me close in one painful tug. My shoulder was nearly pulled clean out of its socket as I was yanked into her arms, which immediately locked around me. I crashed face first into her bosom and was pulled further in as she stepped back. Next thing I knew she was sitting on the edge of a green ammo crate, her legs wrapped around my waist, crushing my pelvis against hers.

Her arms let up slightly and I lifted my head out of her soft cleavage, gasping for breath, more out of surprise than anything else.

"Or we could do something else to seal the deal." Mira suggested in a husky tone.

I chuckled, more out of discomfort than amusement. "Aheh... er, or we could not." I tried to push away, but she was holding me tight, gazing at me through her eyelashes.

"You know, when I said you were cute earlier..." she paused, craning her neck so her face rubbed against my cheek, before adding in a low whisper: "That's my way of saying you are severely fuckable."

Naughty words in that accent of hers again. It caused a twitch in my nethers.

"Jesus, you love swearing, don't you." I said, almost playfully now. My hands were on automatic, feeling up and down along the smooth curves of her armour before rubbing over the exposed skin of her mid-section. She was warm to the touch, and she seemed to giggle lightly as my fingers stroked over her skin.

"Almost as much as I love fucking." She said with a smile.

Another twitch. Fuck me. You'll have to forgive me for all the language, but it's just something about a posh bird talking naughty.

"Mira, this is probably..." I was going to say something about a bad idea, but my breath caught in my throat as her hands undid my trousers. Before I knew it my shorts were around my ankles and the bottom half of her armour lay scattered at our feet.

Mira twisted around and leaned forward, her hands gripping the stack of crates in front of me as she turned her head to fix her eyes with mine, her shapely ass positioned in front of me. Her long slender legs were spread so she was down to my height, and looking down I could see a moist, light blue slit positioned right in front of my raging boner.

"Well?" the elite wagged her hips, then bucked closer to me, rubbing her moisture off on the head of my erection. "Don't fucking leave me hanging, hot-shot!"

Awww, nuts.

Gingerly I reached forward and touched her bare waist, sliding my fingers over the smooth, slender curves as I clumsily pushed forward. I must have done something right as Mira's eyes closed and her mandibles parted. I felt her lips press against me, then smoothly part, her wet, silky walls engulfing me in one slick motion.

"Oh, Gods, fuck yes." Mira whispered, rocking backwards until her buttocks pressed firmly against me.

I could only imagine the strained look on my face. My eyes were shut, my hands clamped on her hips for balance. It took every ounce of focus to keep my legs from buckling. She was so wet and tight. It was incredible... but that was only the start of it.

Mira threw her head back and started bucking her hips up and down, while she rocked back and forth slightly. She moaned loudly her quad-jointed jaws going slack. "Gods! Fucking give it to me! What are you waiting for?"

That was all the incentive I needed. Lowering my gaze to her narrow waist, I pulled back, until I almost slipped out and thrust sharply forward. I was immediately rewarded with a wet noise and a simultaneous cry of pleasure from the elite in front of me. I repeated the process, and soon we were lost in a rhythm of bucking and thrusting.

Breathing hard, I kept my mouth shut and strained to hear over Mira's cries of pleasure. I was terrified a passing patrol would hear this and barge in, and I'd rather not be caught with my pants down. Quite literally. Never the less, caught in the tickle that rose from my loins and caused my gut to tighten, I continued to thrust.

"Oh, fuck yes." Mira planted her hands flat on the stack of crates in front of her and lowered her head. "I'm going to come... fuck, oh fuck make me come..." her vulgar whispers trailed off into a long moan, which suddenly turned to a cry.

Her wet tunnel tightened around me, to a point where I couldn't move any more without hurting myself. She held on tight, arching her back, her legs twitching violently... and a second later she quite literally exploded, letting a moan escape her gritted jaws. It sounded almost like a blood-lust cry... well, it was a cry of lust anyway.

Her muscles loosened and she rocked and bucked again, her slick, warm juices coating my erection, leaking out and clinging to my skin and the hem of my shirt. Soon our rhythm started up again, only faster now. She grew wetter again. The wet sounds of sex were almost as loud as Mira's cries of ecstasy now. Something stirred in my loins, similar to what had stirred in Mira's only a second ago. A fire that burned and raged. My vision narrowed and my head swam.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm such a naughty girl! Oh yes! Yes, yes, yes, Gods fuck me harder, Seth! Punish this dirty bitch!" Mira cried, bucking her hips harder and squeezing tightly as I started to thrust with shorter lengths, but buried myself deeper and harder in her wet, soft hole than before. "Fuck me! Fuck me, by the Gods make me fucking come again! Aaaaaah!"

"Christ lady." I muttered between breaths, thrusting as hard and as deep as I could. "I... can't... keep... this..."

"Go on!" Mira cried. "Come inside! Fucking come inside your dirty bitch! Go on..."

At least I had permission. Regardless, I wouldn't have had much of a choice anyway. As I instinctively pulled back, Mira ground her body tighter against mine, raising her ass slightly and bucking her hips so I remained deep in her as I came.

As I twitched, unable to move or breathe, or even blink for that matter, she did to. Her head was turned to lock her gaze of pure pleasure with mine... a look of sheer surprise. We were frozen like that for a moment as my erection twitched and unleashed waves of semen into her womb... and then mira closed her eyes and opened her mandibles, letting out a long sigh. Clamping her muscles around me again, as she did before, she slowly rocked her hips back and forth, milking me for every last drop.

Sweat formed on my skin. Every inch of my body tingled. My hearing was gone, like a grenade exploded right beside my head. Unable to keep myself up anymore, I fell backwards. Mira fell with me and landed on top of me as I hit the deck, panting for breath.

Propped up on her hands and knees she looked back, riding on top reverse cowgirl. There was a mischievous smile on her alien face. That glint in her eye indicated pure evil.

Spreading her legs she swivelled right around, twisting around one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, my softening member still inside her. As her wet insides slipped and slid around me, I closed my eyes, shuddering with sensitivity. That was it. I was spent. My body was on strike. My spirit was broken? Is this what happened to porn-stars on the first week on the job? Sex overdose? I was like a first time heroin user who had just taken an OD. Every muscle trembled. My gut was tight, my head was in another universe. I thought I was dying.

Mira's hands clamped on my shoulders as she leaned over me, still straddling my hips, her face hanging mere inches above mine. "What's the matter? Can't go for round two?"

"Jesus, you are a crazy bitch." I breathed.

In response Mira arched her back and slid forward until my soft member slipped out of her completely with a soft, wet pop. The air outside was cold, and caused me to tremble some more. But Mira quickly fixed that, reaching down with one hand. Her two index fingers spread her lips apart, and she rested her soft, wet flesh over my flaccid privates. Her outer lips holding on to my shaft, she started bucking back and forth, spreading her juices all over me.

"Oh, God, enough!" If my hair wasn't so cropped I would ahve started pulling it out. Instead I buried my face in my hands, groaning loudly. "Enough with the sex already! This is crazy."

Mira suddenly stopped and chuckled. "Ugh, fine. Fucking pussy." She slapped me in the chest and straightened up before climbing off me. I didn't waste any time pulling up my pants. Gathering up her pieces of armour, she watched me climb to my feet a little unevenly. "I suppose I'll have to save you for later then."

I gave a half smile. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy that, but I'd need at least twenty four hours to recover.

We got dressed. I started pulling on my own armour as Mira sorted hers. I'd felt naked without my trusted armour. Especially without my helmet. As it slotted neatly over my head, I felt much safer.

Mira finished first and brushed her hair back as she gazed at me for a while. The last buckle on my armour clicked in place before I straightened up and retrieved my survival pack and the weapons. The SMG latched on to the anchor on my right hip and I stuffed the pistol into a hard-plastic holster on my belt. Complete again, I polarised over my visor and looked up at the elite standing over me.

"Er..." this was kind of awkward. I wasn't used to girls sticking around me for this long. She must have meant it when we agreed to seal the deal. "So... what's the plan?"

"I have some shit to take care of." She answered almost immediately, as if she anticipated the question. Crossing the armoury, she glanced over her shoulder to make sure I was in tow. "You grab Locks from the brig, then get off this fucking ship and dig in somewhere. I'll contact you with further instructions."

"Got it." I watched the armoury doors open before we stepped out into the hall. It was clear, no signs of life. "Where's the brig?"

"That way and take a right." She pointed down one way. "Careful of the guards. They're bad-ass mother fuckers." Mira warned before turning to leave in the opposite direction. She took one step, then stopped looking over her shoulder. She smiled and winked. "Be careful, Seth." Her voice turned soft and caring for a moment, then she turned away and marched as it turned to her usual coarse tone again. "T'would be a fucking pity if you died before I got to try more positions with you."

I smirked. She was a character that one.

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I liked her. She was probably the only alien so far I liked. The jackal didn't count; I didn't know who that was. But Mira... I felt we shared something other than a common goal. Or the fact we exchanged bodily fluids. It was hard to explain.

Scratching the back of my helmet, I turned the other way and walked quietly through alien corridors. In the background was a soft hum. Guessing it was the engines running several decks away, I couldn't shake the feeling I was being stalked by a soft musical tone. Like ambient music was playing in my head. I ignored it as best I could.

A door swished open nearby to my right. My instincts immediately kicked in... and by instinct I mean fear-reflex. Before I knew what was happening, my legs turned to jelly and I dropped face down to the deck. The loud clatter of armour hitting the deck-plates was soon replaced with heavy footfalls.

On hands and knees I scrambled behind the nearest bulkhead rim that protruded from the sleek walls every twenty feet or so. It was ample cover, but it would do. Planting my ass in the shadows, I flattened myself against the wall, knees huddled under my chin, hand clamped tight on my holstered SMG's grip. Shifting my gaze from the deck in front of me, I looked up at the door that had opened. Just as I took my hiding place, brutes marched out into the corridor. They were females, all of them, clad in ample armour, showing off bare hide and the smooth curve of their muscular body. There were five of them. They seemed in a rush, weapons in hand, gaze scanning the immediate area. And then I saw an all too familiar brute.

"Shit." I whispered under my breath as chieftainess Ressentia pushed past one of her brutes, flexing her hands, looking right past me and down the corridor I had come from. Squinting, her brow heavily furrowed in anger, she turned to her soldiers.

"The human known as Corporal Sawyer is in this sector!" she barked loudly. "Comb the corridors. Scour every room and check every ventilation duct! I want him found, and I want him brought to me alive!" she lowered her voice, looking directly at my hidden position. I held my breath until she finally looked away again. "I wish to deal with this one myself." She added suggestively, before pointing out two brutes and leading them past my hidey-hole. The others scattered down the corridor, the other way.

I counted slowly to ten before standing up, my back still flattened against the wall. Leaning forward, I checked left and right. The way was clear. The door they brutes had appeared out of was still open. I immediately ran over to it, halting in a skid just outside, inspecting the doorway.

"Must have been born in a barn." I muttered, stepping over the threshold and looking around the new room.

It was a cell block, exactly like the one I had been in. A long room, with a control pedestal at the end, the flank walls lined with cells barricaded by pinkish force fields. I walked across the space, inspecting each cell as I went along. The first three were empty, until I reached the centre of the room and looked left. The fourth was full... packed even. Seven marines inside, clad in their combat armour, huddled at the force field, waving like maniacs at me, their shouts and cries for my attention muffled through the force field.

A wave of static light wavered down the force field as I approached it, seeing a good sight for sore eyes. Token. I didn't know how the sergeant major could possibly be alive after being cleaved in two by an energy sword, but he was standing there, waving with one hand, the other pounding on the field causing ripples like water in a still lake to waver outwards as he chewed on his signature cigar stump. That thing must have been rank by now.

"Sergeant major!" I cried, standing close to the field separating us. "You up here makes no sense, but am I glad to see you. Where's Captain Locks?"

Then I noticed none of the marines were actually waving. They were pointing, and making slicing motions across their throats. My relieved smile slowly faded as I read Token's lips as he cried as loud as he could.

Behind you!

Cold sweat filled my suit as I slowly turned on the spot. Before I knew it I was standing face to face with seven elites.

Nothing gave way to where the hell they had suddenly spawned from. And Mira hadn't been kidding earlier. These seven were the heaviest, badasses I'd seen so far. Excessively muscular, arms the size of trees, the aliens were hunched over in a combat stance, but still stood several feet higher than me. They had long razor sharp teeth facing outward from their mandibles, kind of like the frightening, nightmarish version of buck-teeth. The leader held a white hot energy blade in his right hand, hanging by his side and was clad from head to toe in ceramic gold combat armour. The others were in sky-blue, armed with a mixture of plasma rifles and pulse carbines.

"Holy shit." I muttered out loud, my hand twitching for my SMG. I stowed my fear-reflex for now. As I mentioned earlier. I'd pick living a little longer over suicidal attempts of escape.

"Return to your cell, human." The leader's deep, gravely voice boomed, nearly blowing me away. "Or you will be harmed."

"I'll only break out again, squid-face." I retorted, clenching my hands into fists.

"Your faith in your meagre skills is your weakness." The elite growled, narrowing his eyes.

I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest. "I got faith in your momma." Again, petty insults, but the longer I kept this guy talking, the longer I lived.

Never the less, it seemed to hit a nerve. The elite visibly flinched, a watery look forming in his eyes as his bottom two mandibles started to tremble. I frowned at the sight. Was this guy seriously going to cry?

"Do not speak of my mother, human." The elite tried to sound dangerous, but his voice broke slightly.

My arms went slack, slowly falling to my sides as I glanced over my shoulder. Sergeant Major Token seemed equally surprised, but nodded me on. It was worth a try. "What? Did I hit a nerve?" I asked.

"No!" the elite snapped offended.

"Well then, you won't mind me saying, your momma is so fat, the Spirit drop ship had to ride her." I relied.

A humorous chuckle spread through the blue armoured elites. The gold elite let out a furious bark and they immediately stopped, glancing among themselves awkwardly.

"Well, your mother is so fat, she tried to jump through a Halo ring and got stuck!" the elite retorted.

I rolled my eyes. "Really? But your momma is so stupid, when a marine told her to duck in battle, she looked up and said; That's a Pelican."

The elite suddenly jabbed a finger in my chest. "Your mother is so ugly, the Gravemind went; Daaaaaaaaamn!" he held out a hand and one of his fellow elites slapped him a high five.

"Fair enough. But I'm just gonna say your momma is so stupid she went to a Covenant dress-up party dressed as a marine!" I retorted, shoving both hands as hard as I could in the elite's chest, forcing him back a pace.

The gesture took him by surprise, causing him to hesitate.

"And your mother is such a skank, I parked my dick on her ass and had to wait half an hour to get in." I added. "Or should I mention how ugly your momma is. She's so fugly, I might shove her face in dough and make brute cookies."

"Stop." The elite muttered.

"That bitch is so stupid, she tried to find ammo for the plasma pistol."

"Enough." the elite rose his voice slightly.

"Your mom, that dirty fuck she is, is such a fat bitch, when she tried to moon the UNSC, they said; That's not a moon, that's a space station!" I stopped abruptly as the elite rose his sword.

"ENOUGH!" he roared out loud.

I jumped back, my back flat against the force field. "Whoa, crap."

The two pronged weapon sizzled and crackled, the let out a loud swoosh as it sliced down. My eyes were fixed on the weapon. My body tensed. I braced for pain, then death. But it didn't come.

My mouth fell open as the elite sliced down, turning the points on himself and driving the weapon through his armour, deep into his chest. The alien immediately doubled over and dropped to the ground, groaning as blood poured over his hands where he gripped the sword. The elite kicked a few times, then his whole body went limp, blood dripping from his mandibles.

I was in complete shock, staring at the body of the huge, most badass elite I'd seen. "Wow. That was random." Shuffling feet caused me to look up at the other elites, looking nervously among themselves. "Well? Which one of you fuckers is next?" I demanded suddenly, taking a firm step forward, squaring my shoulders as best I could, my skinny chest puffed out and hands clenched into fists.

The elites froze. We stared at each other for what felt like the longest few seconds of my life... before they all dropped their weapons and ran out of the room. If they had tails, they would have been between their legs.

I let out the breath I was holding and gripped the side of my helmet as I fought to prevent my legs turning to jelly again. Those were the longest, and most frightening two seconds of my life. "Thank God for that." I muttered, stumbling past the elite's body and punching the holo-panel beside the cell.

The force field evaporated and Token was the first to step out. "That was pretty random." He said, holding up a fist.

I did the same and knocked my knuckles against his. "Would you have it any other way? Do you know where Captain Locks is?"

"The fat-ass?" Token said darkly as he shrugged. "Last I saw a jackal dragged him into the next cell. I haven't heard anything since."

"Fat-ass?" I asked. "You don't like him?"

"The fucker blew us up!" Token exclaimed as he stooped to pick up a plasma rifle from the dead elite at our feet. The other marines also scavenged weapons, fighting over who got the pulse carbine.

"Blew me up." I corrected.

"Never the less, we want off this planet, out of this fight. Things on Olduvai are spiralling rapidly out of control." Token reasoned.

I smiled. "Well, sergeant major, you're in luck. I happen to have a way off this colony, but I need Locks' access to the bee-net to get us safe passage through the orbital defences."

Token looked at his men, who nodded firmly before the dark skinned sergeant returned his gaze to my visor. "We're with you one hundred percent."

Gripping my SMG in two hands I walked to the next cell. This cell's dividing shield was thicker than the previous, and I could hardly see through it. All I could see was a blurry mess, the thick silhouette rocking forward and back.

"Rise and shine ass..." I started to say, disabling the force field. My fingers brushed over the holo-panel and the force field dropped in a shimmer of static. Evaporating into a cloud of pixels, I found myself staring at a gross display of prison justice taking place. I get chickenpox just thinking about it.

Locks was on hands and knees, his shirt pulled up and his trousers pulled down. Standing behind him, digging his claws into the captain's back-fat was a jackal, raping Locks up the ass, going at it like a rabid dog with only a few more hours to live. Locks was a prison bitch. That's about as much detail I want to put into it.

"Whoa! Nasty." Token let out. "Should we help him?"

"I dunno." I cocked my head slightly, watching Locks shut his eyes, biting his lower lip, swaying back and forth with each vulgar thrust. "He looks like he's enjoying it."

"Dude," an Australian accent said behind us. "There's wrong, there's disgusting, and then there is that! Blow that fucker away."

I sighed, shouldering my weapon. My finger flexed around the trigger and the SMG coughed out two rounds. Both hit the jackal square in the chest at the deepest point of his thrust. Pulling a face, the jackal keeled backwards and hit the ground flat on his back, eyes wide with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Locks seemed to let out a sigh as the jackal fell away and slumped over onto his side, feebly trying to pull up his trousers.

"Get the fuck up!" I yelled at the captain.

Slowly the fat-ass managed to dress himself and roll onto his front. The guy was like an upturned turtle, waving his pudgy arms to shift his balance and roll over. Once on his front he managed to get back on hands and knees and climb to his feet. Stretching his back, the captain waddled over to where we stood.

"Sorry about that." Captain Locks exclaimed with a smile. "The Covenant hydro-colonic programme is thorough. Sessions could last hours."

"Hydro-colonic programme?" Token shook his head.

"But not to worry. We're free now." Locks sighed and looked around before stooping and picking up a needler. "Our situation has turned..." he paused for dramatic effect and narrowed his eyes. "FUBAR. We have to get off this ship and join the fight for..." again, a pause for dramatic effect and eye narrowing. "Survival."

"Shut the fuck up, captain exposition!" I yelled, stepping forward and snatching the needler out of his hands before tossing the weapon I didn't want to see in Locks' hands again across the room. I didn't even see where he could have pulled that thing out of. It had just magically popped out of nowhere. There hadn't even been any needlers in this room. "I need you so the rest of us can get the fuck off this rock. That is the reason I even let you out of your cell. That is why you are no longer taking it up the ass from an alien. That is why I have not shot you in the head already. You're going to come with us, and you are not going to do anything stupid. Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth? You know what I'm saying? Pickin' up what I'm layin' down?" my visor was inches from Locks' face as I finished.

He looked deep in thought, furrowing his brow, gazing upward and to the left while chewing on his fat lips. He held that odd expression for a while before looking into my visor with a confused look. "Could you rephrase that in the form of a cheese-burger?"

I grabbed the captain by the collar and shook him. "If this goes south, with my last bullet and my final breath, I will fucking kill you! Kapish?"

The captain's eyes were wide with fear now, his back arched as he leaned back so my visor would crash into his bulbous nose. "Ka- ka- ka..". he struggled with the word, before quickly nodding and saying very simple; "Yes."

I gave a shove and let go of Locks, causing him to stumble slightly. Making sure he didn't run after his needler, I nodded to Token who nodded back and took the lead with his men. Gripping my M7S in both hands, stock against my shoulder pad and muzzle pointed at the ground in front of me, I glanced over my shoulder, past my survival pack at the captain.

"Shut up and stay behind me." I said moving after the others , before bitterly adding; "Sir!"