During the Storm

Story by SexyKaiser on SoFurry

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#1 of Singles, One-Shots, and Side Stories

During the Storm...

By SexyKaiser

I'm taking short break from my ...

During the Storm...

By SexyKaiser

I'm taking short break from my series for a while, but I'd better get back to killing people quite soon -.-

Also better make sure a certain fox with a horse cock gets laid. Well, I hope you will enjoy this! A bit of gay action! XD

You all like Roo boys, right?

Christine looked out the window for the third time and stared at the falling rain. The window was opened, and he could hear the beautiful pattering of rain drops as they hit the ground and he loved the cold breeze that wafted through his room on the second level of the house. The moon was out and shining across the sky, just where he could lean forward in his computer chair and stare out at the beautiful white sphere and stare into the face of the lonely rock. And that's what he did, he leaned forward on his elbows and rested his head in his paws and gazed.

Padding behind him alerted him to his best friends approach. He ripped his eyes away from the moon and pressed his long, silly ears against his skull. His eyes closed as a paw stroked over his ears. He turned his head up to the wolf petting him. "Hey Christy, I made it here just as the rain started. Refreshing, huh?" the wolf asked. Christine raised his ears again and grinned. "Isn't it amazing that you always make it just in time? And don't call my Christy, unless you want me to use my teeth during a bit of sucky-sucky." he threatened lightly, and watched as the wolf murred at a thought. "I guess it depends on how the teeth are used, doesn't it?"

Christine stood and caressed the wolf's face. He gazed into his eyes and brought his muzzle closer to his friend's. He watched as the wolf closed his eyes and Christine licked his lips. Closer and closer, slowly, until their breaths mingled with each other until...*chomp*.

"Motherfucker!" the wolf jumped as Christine's teeth slid over his black nose and came in only a hair's distance of biting his nose off. Christine just smiled. "I'll use my teeth like that, Alex." he said playfully as his swaying tail thumped lightly against the window frame. "How do you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" Christine asked innocently as he slipped a paw into his pants and rubbed his balls, which contrary to popular belief, hang under his cock.

"That thing with your teeth. You're fucking spot on accurate with that shit!" he said, flailing for emphasis and smiling lightly.

"I dunno. Remember that one time you were leaning against the wall and I was on my bed, and you came in my eye from across the room?"

"Yeah...That was funny as hell."

"Same thing, I dunno how the hell I do it, I just do."

"But dude..." Alex started, snickering. "It hit you dead in the fucking eye...And the next painted your tan nuts white!"

Christine grabbed the wolf's tail and stroked it lightly. "Enough with that story, alright?"

Alex smiled and licked Christine's nose. "Sure thing. Can I take my pants off now?"

"Yep. Sure can. But only if you take mine off first."

Christine watched Alex get on his knees. He murred as the wolf took his pants off for him and nuzzled his groin through his boxers. Christine's half hard cock leapt as the canine's muzzle rubbed against it. The roo leaned back against the window and his thick tail as Alex pulled the boxers off and licked his cock.

Christine moaned as his cock was gently sucked into the canine's maw. He reached down and rubbed Alex's ears. Alex took the cock in his maw into his throat, swallowed around the stiffening eight inches of kangaroo cock, and rubbed the tan-furred orbs below. Christine leaned over his friend, licking one of his ears before calmly asking, "Can we take it to the bed now? I'm getting rained on..."

Alex pulled off of the cock and gripped it firmly with his right paw. With the dick as a leash, he lead Christine to the bed on the other side of the large room. He wiggled his fingers around the slick meat and smiled as Christine whimpered and a few drops of pre-cum dripped down the pink shaft.

Christine slid his cock out of the wolf's grasp and threw his friend onto his bed, before peeling his pants off and licking at the furry wolf nuts. Alex murred above him and reached down with both paws to stroke over Christine's long, wide ears. Christine lightly kissed up the wolf's cock, from both sides of the half swollen knot to the tapered tip, and then back down with a lick to the base. Christine rubbed Alex's tailhole and slowly pushed inside as he suckled on the tip of Alex's meat. Alex lifted his hips up, and Christine wiggled is finger inside of the tight passage.

Not adding another digit for his friend, Christine placed Alex's legs on his shoulders and pressed the tip of his cock against the hot hole. He leaned down and once again suckled on his friend's pre-cum spurting cock as he slowly stretched Alex's ass with slow rolls of his hips. His head bobbed on the wolf's cock and his suction increased in power as his cock finally penetrated the wolf with a quick thrust and buried itself three inches deep. Alex bit into his wrist to muffle his groan.

Christine rubbed the wolf's nuts as he flicked his tongue over the eye of Alex's dick and gave teasing licks to the shaft in his maw. With a teasingly slow thrust Christine slowly buried himself in the depths of Alex's bowels. He took a paw from Alex's nuts and rubbed the knot which sat below Alex's seven inch shaft. As the kangaroo's hips met Alex's ass with a slow grinding motion, Christine squeezed the knot, causing the wolf to moan again and release a squirt of pre into his maw. Christine grinned and swallowed around Alex's dick.

Christine gripped Alex's knot and rubbed just below it, causing Alex's shaft to throb in his maw and finally explode with four long, thick spurts of canine cream. Christine masterfully swallowed all four, leaving nothing to drip from his muzzle as he pulled off of Alex's cock.

"That wasn't fair...!" Alex complained.

"It was totally fair. You tasted great too. Ready to get fucked?"

"I was...until you forced me to cum prematurely!"

"Don't play that game with me, Alex." Christine grinned as he pulled halfway out of Alex's ass and slid back home with a light smack.

"S-shut up and fuck me. I can take it, I want it rough!"

"Well Alex, maybe next time I'll have a go while you sleep."

"Do it and I'll knot fuck you!"

"You wouldn't dare..."

"I would..." Alex trailed off and clenched around Christine's embedded cock.

Christine pulled halfway out again and slowly began to thrust into Alex's tight hole, keeping a slow pace that slowly became complete bliss for Alex. Christine moaned out and tilted his head back. He let his ears fall back and moaned again, and again every thrust just before the light smack of his hips and his friend's ass.




"Damnit Christine! Fuck me harder!"

Christine leaned over and planted his paws on either side of Alex's head, leaning down to kiss his friend's neck before whispering, "As you wish..."

Christine placed his hind paws on the floor behind him and pulled his cock out of Alex's ass so that only about an inch after the head remained inside before releasing a thrust that would've propelled his ancestors over an eight foot wall.

Christine thrust again, moaning loudly with Alex as his own orgasm slowly began to creep up on him. He moaned again and began to give in to Alex's wishes and thrust erratically, licking Alex's cock a few times as the wolf's meat pulsed and Christine finally accomplished his goal. With one last sharp thrust Christine spilled his load into Alex's ass and buried his cock as deeply inside the wolf as he could. Alex groaned and thrust as he let his load splash all over him, releasing another three spurts of white and a trickle or two down his canine cock.

Christine panted and fell atop his lover, as he slowly lost consciousness. He murred one last time as he fell asleep, still to the hilt in the wolf's hot ass. He whispered one last word to Alex as his eyes opened just long enough to see Alex dozing off as well.


Forgive me for the poor yiff scene. i could've probably done better, but...I'd have never finished it at all if I didn't do it already. Please comment, rate, cum.... COMMENT...

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