Me x Meika: Passion In Water

Story by Colord44 on SoFurry

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#123 of Rimba Racer

So first I never fully gave up on my Meika. Far from it I just needed time to organize and figure things out. But make no mistake the story will continue and pics to. Especially with the next episode coming out. The idea is once the pics for this are finished up I'll move onto what is supposed to come next before the episode does. That will have spoilers so I'll make sure to wait a bit so people can see it before doing the canon chapter that goes with it. Like always the talking will happen first and then if there's a race the race in the next one.

In the meantime here is the next canon thing with me and my Meika and her first time along with mine with having sex in the shower. Enjoy as it really shows how much we love the other as we show it and to you who she really belongs with.



Read description First.


Racing World

Passion in Water

Even though things were bad for some and more so for others, right now in that room that was Nicholas's, things were only perfect. It was morning on the Ark and so far he and Meika hadn't woken yet. After what happened last night, anyone might have wondered if the two would wake up at all. But that wasn't the case for the husky was indeed the first to do so. Slowly the male opened his eyes and instantly felt her naked body on his nude one. The husky glanced down and saw Meika. He saw how happy she was, the happiest he'd ever seen his girl with her smile. The vixen seemed to be radiating happiness. The husky closed his eyes, his arms slowly brining her in closer. The guy let out a growl of amazement as he thought back to what had been the best night of his life with this beautiful female. No, the best so far was a better term. Meika had simply been amazing through the number of times they had passionately made love. Everything they had done had been incredible as one would expect for his first and even more so because it had been due to love. "She really was amazing last night," Nicholas thought in his head. The guy knew now without a doubt he was Meika's first. Even so, the way she handled the sex was like she had been doing it all her life even if that fact wasn't true. And the best part was that unlike what they had seen online, this time it had been with true passion and love.

"Honestly I don't think anyone else could know what it's like to treat Meika the right way with love and respect," the husky thought in his head. "They don't love her at all. All they want is to see her the wrong way for their twisted, sick amusement. But I'm not like that." The guy glanced down at her. "I'm glad I was her first."

Meanwhile Meika herself was also beginning to wake up. But she didn't want to move, she didn't want to change anything. The female couldn't remember the last time she'd been this happy. Well, unless she counted the time Nicholas asked her out. But what they had done last night shattered that by a mile. This was how the female dreamed it would be and her boyfriend hadn't disappointed her in the slightest. He had been loving, romantic, sweet, and a bit dominating to. But at the same time Nicholas had been patient and perfectly open for her to take control to a point. Noting too kinky or extreme but what a normal couple in love would do. Well as normal as it got for the vixen and husky. It made the female smile to herself, just lying on his muscled chest and how wonderful that felt along with having her guy's strong arms around her. However, both of their bodies had other plans and they felt the urge to rise up. But not quite yet. Nicholas leaned in and kissed her forehead. That caused her to mummer in response and her paws to move up around his neck. The male knew she was awake. "Good morning gorgeous," Nicholas whispered.

Meika slowly opened her eyes before rising up to look at him with a sleepy, happy smile. "Morning you," she cooed and leaned in to lick his nose before kissing him on the cheek. "Last night..." Here the female kissed her guy again. "Was amazing."

"It really was," Nicholas replied with a smirk. The vixen sighed happily and snuggled into him.

"All I want to do right now is just stay here," Meika said softly.

"But we can't."

"No... as much as I hate to agree with you this one time, yes."

"Hey at least a night's sleep and being with you has helped me. I don't feel as hopeless now. Maybe something can be done to fight the enemy. Maybe even from an unexpected bit of help from someone. Who knows? It's what I'm feeling now."

"I feel better to. Much more." The couple grinned and then he pulled Meika in who giggled.

The male then placed his paws on either side of his girl's tail. "I'm surprised you were able to keep up with me," he stated with a smirk. "I figured you'd be tired after all of that."

"Why?" Meika asked with amusement. "Why would you assume that? Are you tired?"

"Are you kidding? I could've gone on for days if it weren't for the fact I needed sleep."

"I have no doubt," the female thought in her head happily.

The couple grinned and rolled over so that they were on their sides and facing the other. "I honestly wish that we didn't have this stupid problem in the tournament," Meika stated. "I wish we could just run away from all of this and find a place to spend together forever."

"I would love nothing more than that," Nicholas replied. "But... we can't for a number of reasons. But I can promise you that no matter what happens I will make sure we get through this. No matter who or what stands in our way. And once this over... well, we'll figure it out then."

Meika nuzzled him. Nicholas always knew what to say to make her have hope. Despite the backlash and attacks on them and especially on her boyfriend, she knew there were those that supported them being together. They would make it through this for certain. "Well since we need to get up, what now?" the husky asked.

"Well..." Here she rose up to look at him with a grin. "I feel the need for a shower."

"Oh? Care for some company in there?"

"You mean it?!" the vixen asked excitedly.

"Unless you'd rather shower alone." Meika squealed and smothered his face with licks and kisses. She then rose up from the bed to get one of her birth control pills and took it dry. The male saw her move and was aroused. With a growl, Nicholas got up and swept her off her feet. The vixen laughed, her legs kicking playfully and tail swishing with her arms around his neck as the male carried her to the shower. She also got the lube and Fur Shine Shampoo needed in one paw to.

"Oh babe, you're so strong, sweet, and romantic," the vixen cooed. "You're so much better than what people say or try to show with others."

"You're damn right and that goes for him as well. He can't possible come close to how I am with loving you." They both knew Nicholas meant Pike and they both knew it to be true. The female found his mouth as the air around them began to thicken with love, lust, and passion again. The two knew this next round of sex was going to be quiet something and new in their lives as well with where this would happen.

They made it to the bathroom and the lights were turned on. The husky set her down and they pulled back with their muzzles inches apart. "Why don't I turn on the water and you take care of what you need to first?" Nicholas suggested with a smile. They could feel the need to use the bathroom right now.

The vixen just nodded and kissed his cheek. While her guy got the water on in the shower she took care of that need. Nicholas made sure the temperature of the liquid was at the right level before placing those items on a small ledge in here. He then felt her paw on his muscled back. "I'm ready babe," Meika cooed to him.

He saw the look in her eyes of love and lust burning in them. Nicholas grinned. "Not yet I need to use the bathroom to," the male told her and she got a small frown. The canine laughed as it was so adorable sight. "Just be patient it'll only take some seconds."

Meika then got in and under the liquid. It felt so good after a night of raw passion and love with the sex. And now he would soon be in here holding the female in his strong arms. She closed her eyes, letting the warm liquid run over her head down to her feet. Just then a nose that indicated Nicholas was finished made the female open her eyes and turn her head to see him come in with a grin. The couple came in for a loving kiss under the water, turned on. Already his erection was coming up to bear and the female's body tingled with feelings of anticipation and lust for the husky. The two then pulled back, slightly out of breath already. "Here... let me start on you..." Meika whispered.

"And with what exactly?" he replied softly.

"How about I get some of yesterday's filth off?"

"Mmmmm sounds like fun. There's a bottle like your Fur Shine Shampoo that's for males that will work."

The vixen spotted what her boyfriend was talking about. She got out of the falling liquid and grabbed it. Getting the right amount on the palms, the female began to work on the body and muscles Nicholas had. "That feel good?" the vixen cooed with love, her paws having the same feeling in them.

"You have no idea how good that feels babe," the husky sighed happily, closing his eyes. To have the love of his life do this felt more than wonderful. Meika kissed his neck and continued her work, moving down his body. She already loved doing this and knew in the future there would be more opportunities for showers with this amazing male. The female wanted to just show how much she loved him, her boyfriend, and knew what to do. After finishing on his tail and lower legs, Meika moved back up slowly with a grin. Her paws then went to the male's balls and erected dick, with the latter still haven't softened or lost its glorious shape or size despite not being the biggest thing. But that was fine with the female. Because Meika knew that Nicholas was able to fully please her. And to begin she began to massage his paws with paw and slowly start jerking him off with the other.

"Unnnnnn..." he moaned with pleasure.

"Mmmm... come here darling," Meika cooed. "Let me show you how much I love you..."

The husky allowed her to turn him around and up against one of the walls of the shower. The vixen grinned at him before slowly licking and kissing her way south. Nicholas just saw how beautiful the sight was before him to see this female head to his dick and relished in the fact that this vixen was his. His alone and how lucky he was. Meanwhile Meika made it to her prize and with a grin up to him, began to lick at the head. Nicholas sucked in his breath, feeling that. The female began to hum and brought his head in, bathing it with affection and swirling her tongue around it. The vixen then pulled back and jerked her boyfriend off while looking up at him. "You love it?" she cooed.

"Yeah..." the male grunted. Meika didn't reply but then went back to blowing him again. Only this time she took more of his rod into her mouth. After the amount of times she had given Nicholas oral, this was something she loved doing to the male. And it was only fair since her boyfriend really knew how to eat her out. The female kept going, sometimes pulling back to look up at him and lick the head of his meat before going fully back on him and past the knot while massaging her own tits to get him more turned on. But this time the female wanted this to end a bit differently than the times she had performed oral on Nicholas. He in the meantime was in heaven. Meika was doing so good and this amazing female could only get better. And what made this the best was not only she his alone, but also because there was love and feelings between them.

"Unnnnhhh... good..." the husky moaned.

Meika in the meantime felt his dick was throbbing. She could tell he was getting closer and doubled her efforts, really licking and sucking on his meat. He felt this to. "Babe... oh... so close..." Nicholas grunted. The vixen picked up her speed and went faster. And then after some seconds, the male arched his back and came with a loud gasp. Meika's mouth was open over the head of his dick and as such some of the cum her guy shot out got her on the muzzle and tits. But she didn't mind and was grinning as the water would not only wash it away, the vixen had been marked as the husky's another way. Her paws were still on her tits as well.

Meika swallowed what she could while the rest of Nicholas's cum was washed away. He in the meantime was leaning against the shower wall, recovering from his girl's amazing work. The vixen rose up and hugged him. "Mmmm, how was that?" she cooed.

The husky managed to recover and hugged her back, kissing her on the forehead. "Perfect as always babe," he replied.

"Only the best... only for the male I only truly love and can be with," Meika whispered back. "The one who truly was my first last night."

"Yes..." The male kissed her forehead again. "However... I think it's my turn to treat the vixen well..."

She giggled and nuzzled him. "Then go ahead sweetie," Meika encouraged her boyfriend.

Nicholas got the Fur Shine Shampoo ready in his paws and began to clean the female with love and care. She murmured with pleasure, loving the feeling of what the husky was doing. "You like that?" he whispered into her ear.

"I love it..." the female replied softly. Nicholas kept going, not wanting to miss a spot from her tail, arms, shoulders, and legs. But when those had been cleaned, the male's fingers began to trail to his girl's tits. He began to fondle them and play with her nipples with love and affection.

"Mmmmmmm..." Meika moaned happily, loving that Nicholas was doing this to her. She felt him get her neck with a loving kiss and lick before playfully biting that area as his actions with her tits began to increase.

"Now then my dear, I think I need to treat you well even more," the husky stated.

Nicholas then placed her against the same shower wall he had been at while his paws went for her tits to massage and treat them with love and respect. "Ooohhhh... Babe..." the vixen moaned louder. Already she felt herself being turned on and her pussy beginning to drip. Even after all the sex from last night, Meika certainly didn't have enough from this amazing husky who was hers only. Nicholas knew this to be true as well and this spurred on his actions. He went for her nipple on the left tit and began to lick and kiss it with love.

"Unnnhhh.. right there..." the vixen encouraged him with a moan. No one before Nicholas had done this to her and Meika loved the fact Nicholas was. Just like her first for sex with everything else. No matter what people said or tried to show.

The male then moved off that tit and went for the other one, not wanting to leave that out. It was only fair. But he was far from finished. That was why his right paw began to trail down her body after he pulled off and looked to her with a loving grin. "Let's see how much I can warm you up babe," Nicholas told her.

His finger found Meika's pussy and then the middle finger slipped inside. She felt that and let out a loud gasp and arched her back. "NNNNNNN!" she exclaimed, feeling her boyfriend finger her.

He kept going, starting nice and slow but then the fingering got faster. "I feel how wet you are babe," the husky told Meika with happiness. "Now let me treat you properly and well..."

His finger came out of her pussy but he then went south and began to eat her out. "OH! UGH! RIGHT THERE!" the vixen, exclaimed, already in heaven to have Nicholas do this to her entrance. Last night despite it being their first time, not just for both but in general, but that her boyfriend was so good. And that was how it was meant to be.

Meanwhile the male began to increase his licking as he ate her out. Meika was so tasty and she was all his no matter who or what was said or drawn. The husky stuck his tongue in deep into her opening before pulling out really quickly. He then rubbed her lips some more before spreading them to get at her inner walls even more. She in the meantime wasn't faking her gasps and moans. They were all real and letting her boyfriend know he was doing good.

"DON'T STOP; DON'T STOP!" Meika begged him, her tongue out and high in the clouds. Nicholas then did something that really made her moan. He began to finger her pussy to a bit with his right middle finger to get it wet with her juices before moving to her tail hole and rubbing it as well.

The female felt herself getting closer and closer. Meika tried to hold back to make this last long as possible but it was so hard with Nicholas doing this. Also blowing him with love had turned her on to. And then it became ten times harder when feeling his middle finger begin to finger her tight tail hole. "Babe... I'm so close...!" she gasped.

Nicholas just kept going, wanting to make Meika orgasm and once again show how he was the only person for her. Plus her juices were tasty. The vixen felt it building it up and this time unlike the first time she arched her back and came with a cry. The female squirted like always, the kind that wasn't ridiculous. The husky with her lapped up everything her could before pulling back with a grin. His arms held his girlfriend with love. "I've got you babe," he whispered. "You okay?"

She managed to open up her eyes and look into his with love and passion. "I'm more than that..." the vixen whispered. "Oh Nicholas that was so awesome... I love you..."

"I love you to babe. I love you more than anything in this world."

He waited for her to get her breath back and then Nicholas's paws went to Meika's wonderful ass cheeks, grabbing those. She giggled and snuggled into the male's body. "Naughty boy," she playfully scolded him.

"You love it you know," the husky shot back playfully. He then got serious. "You know... we could do more with that then last night."


"Want me to cum up that hole?"

Meika got a seductive grin and kissed him again. "Mmmmm go for it..."

She did turn around first after getting out of his arm, sticking her ass at her boyfriend and shook it a little. Meika's tail went up so he could see all her juicy bits. "Come get me," his girlfriend told the male seductively looking back at him with a look to match her tone.

He grinned and went to his knees, spreading her juicy ass cheeks apart so Nicholas could rim her tail hole. Meika gasped when feeling his tongue do so, and then moaned. She loved how the husky was her first for that and anal. Despite what others had drawn or claimed, Meika had never done that except with toys. He in the meantime was living in the fact that he was the first for her with the things mentioned and nobody else. That was why Nicholas's canine tongue dance around her tail hole, licking away with love and turning her on. He kept going for a good minute or so before pulling back and rising up. The husky then grabbed the lube that had been brought in here and prepare Meika's tail hole with that. When it was ready, the male placed the tube to the side before hugging her from behind, rubbing his dick against her ass cheeks. The vixen murmured with pleasure. But then she felt him sweep her up so he was holding her and Nicholas's back was against the wall. "Nicholas!" Meika gasped. "What are you doing?!"

"Trust me, you'll love this," he whispered into her ear and then began to insert himself up her tail hole.

"Ooooohhhh..." she moaned, loving the feeling of his meat where it was going.

"Mmmmm... such a tight hole..." Nicholas grunted.

The guy began to insert himself more and more. Meika gasped and let out harder moans. The husky then began to trust her up and down. The couples let out combined noses of pleasure. It felt good to both of them and unlike what so many others tried to say, do, or show, there were real feelings of love and connection between the vixen and husky. Meika was especially like that and leaned her head back to kiss his cheek. "More..." she gasped.

Nicholas began to go harder, faster, and stronger. The vixen felt herself turned on even more to feel him do this. She felt her pussy beginning to drip and knew that what Nicholas was doing would be enough to make her orgasm if he kept this up without needing to finger herself. The husky in the meanwhile took great pleasure and pride that he had been the first for Meika when it came to anal and now this tight passage was his alone like everything else. But it was for the right reasons. And the male could tell from the gasps of his girlfriend that she was truly enjoying this. But then these got more loving and passionate very quickly. "AH! MMM! YES!" Meika exclaimed, her tongue coming out in a pant.

"Unnnnh..." her guy groaned.

Nicholas then really picked up the pace with the anal. They found their rhythm and his grip on the vixen got tighter. She was very flexible and now he had her in a full nelson position for the anal. She really felt his dick up her anal passage and felt her pussy really dripping with her love juices. At points she would turn her head back to his cheek to kiss and lick his cheek. But then at last it came time. "Gonna... knot you..." the male grunted.

"Do it!" she gasped.

The husky fully inserted himself up that hole. Meika's anal passage was fully stuffed with his meat and it felt so good. It was almost enough to make her orgasm. This was a first for her to have a knot up that passage. "FUCK! UNH! OH GOD!" she cried with pleasure.

"Mmmm... so wonderful..." the husky managed to grunt.

It would take some time still before he was ready to blow his load again. But they weren't in a hurry. After all they had all day today and no races. The couple could take their time to enjoy this anal sex. But of course it wouldn't last forever and after a good solid amount of time had passed, they could feel it coming. "Babe... I can't..." Nicholas grunted.

"Sammme...." Meika moaned.

The husky did a few more thrust and they came with loud gasps. Her juices squirted while the male fired his load up her anal passage. The couple were gasping in unison before Meika leaned back to find his mouth and they had a loving kiss. They broke apart and his knot shrank, allowing the husky to pull out of her anal passage. The vixen was set down on her feet, cum leaking from her tail hole. She rested her body against his with love. "Ooooh... oh that was so wonderful babe," she cooed to him.

His arms were around her, holding the vixen with love. "I told you you'd love that," Nicholas commented.

"I did. More than you can know. You really are perfect for me."

"And you are for me to. You really are an amazing female."

"Got that right."

"I love you so much..." The male's paws began to trail and massage her body. "I love everything single thing about you. Your smile, your kind personality, the way you kiss me, the feel of your fur, all of it..."

Meika began to whimper and moan as Nicholas's words were turning her on along with his paws. Even after all the times they had made love last night, the female couldn't get enough and doubted she ever would. And right now the female wanted him in her so badly. "I love you to..." she managed to tell the husky. "You're so strong, kind, sweet, loving, and funny... You are able to connect with me in such a way that nobody else can despite what others say or try to show..."

"Ain't that the damn truth," the male growled. His paws were now on her ass cheeks, gripping them. The couple came in for a make out and Meika felt her guy's dick getting hard again. Her right paw stroked it to get it fully up to bear.

They then came apart and she looked to him with love and lust burning in her eyes. "Fuck me..." Meika moaned to him.

Nicholas moved and so she was bent over and against the wall. The vixen looked back to him with her tail raised up so her boyfriend could see her pussy that was already slightly wet again. Her eyes still harbored the same look and her smile matched. The husky rubbed his dick against her ass cheeks, causing the vixen to murmur with pleasure. Then Nicholas inserted himself into her waiting needy opening. "Yes... that's it..." Meika told him with a moan.

"Mmmm... wonderfully tight..." he also moaned.

The husky then began to thrust back and forth. "MMM! YES! RIGHT THERE!" the vixen exclaimed. It felt so good for Nicholas to do this and she thrusted against him to help get even greater pleasure.

His paws were on her ass and then he began to spank her cheeks causing Meika to pant and her moans and gasps to become even more passionate. The male let out a growl, the kind that showed this vixen was his and his alone. Nobody else was going to have her, the real Meika. Everyone else who portrayed her didn't know her like he did. And the other versions of her were fake. These facts spurred the husky on to then really start fucking her. She felt it and her tail was swishing back and forth with happiness. "HARDER!" Meika told him. "FUCK ME HARDER!"

"Take it!" Nicholas growled. "You're my girl and mine!"

"I'm yours!" she gasped as his dick got a sensitive spot in her pussy.

The couple were lost in the love and passion they had for the other, tongues out as they panted. The sex was the kind that only truly in love could feel. It was what Meika and Nicholas had and felt. They knew they were meant for the other and no matter what they would be together. At points he leaned forward and she tilted her head back so they could make out. Even so because of how the male had unloaded his seed up her anal passage, it would take some time for him to recharge. Not that the husky or Meika minded. They weren't in a hurry for this to end. Eventually though the male knotted her, tying them together. Once more Nicholas and his vixen were one again. "AH! MMM!" she moaned.

His paws moved to her hips while one of hers was against the shower wall and the other was up higher. Meika's head was turned to the right to look back at her boyfriend, the love and lust for him and passion burning in her eyes. Both were still panting. "Ugh..." he grunted, able to see this through the slits of his eyes.

This last round of passionate loving sex continued for a good half hour. Then at last they felt it. "Meika... I can't..." Nicholas gasped. "I'm gonna..."

"Do it!" she told him. "Mark me as yours!"

The male thrusted with all his might and that triggered both of their orgasms. "NICHOLAS!!!!!" Meika cried his name with love and passion.

"MEIKA!!!!" he exclaimed her name with a voice to match her. They felt her juices squirt and his cum shot inside, marking the female as his alone again.

The couple then were left to catch their breath, riding out their orgasms, and feel the water falling on their bodies. The male then leaned in and the two had a loving kiss. "I love you..." Nicholas whispered to her after they pulled back.

"And I love you..." Meika said softly. "I'll never leave your side or let anyone have me but you..."

His knot then shrank and he was able to pull out of her and get one last pleasure filled sigh from the female. The two turned off the water and got out. They dried each other off before laying on his bed naked. "Such an awesome way to begin a morning!" the vixen said happily.

"Will it always be like this?" Nicholas asked with a smirk.

"You tell me babe." They had a kiss and then got dressed. For now they weren't sure about sharing the same room but at least they knew they would switch back and forth for now. The two felt at peace and happy despite what had happened with the Black Box. Now looking online they saw support for them being together and decided to just focus on their true supporting fans and friends and to not worry about those that stood against them. But now only time would tell if this would grow and what was going to happen next in this racing tournament.


Pics will be uploaded as soon as possible.

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