The Basement

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#1 of The Basement

Being tightly bound, gagged, and blindfolded is definitely a familiar feeling for Adhara... but waking up in bondage and not knowing how she got there is definitely not! Despite strict, teasing bondage, the dragoness is determined not to stay that way, but just having the will to escape won't make her bonds any looser. Still, she's going to give it her best shot, not going to just lie there and accept being held captive by whoever put her there, and she'll figure something out if she just struggles enough. Right?

"Mmmnf... mmnh? Whhnn-- hhmmmf! Lmm-- Mmmmmmff!"

Adhara awoke disoriented. The power must have gone out, she thought at first from the pitch blackness around her, though her snout felt strange; it was only when she tried to get up that she realized she'd been bound. Instantly panicked, she thrashed and struggled and tried to pull free--but her muffled grunts of effort turned to a high yowl when she tried to move her hands and found they'd been tied to a tight crotch rope! She wriggled one way, then the other, kicking her legs and twisting her hands against tight coils of rope, jaws working around what felt like a big ball gag strapped in tight, and after a few moments realizing nothing was going to pop free she forced herself to stop, take a breath, slow her racing heart, and take stock of her predicament.

She was stripped naked, blindfolded, "hhmnnnf," and definitely ball gagged. She could feel ropes pinning her elbows strictly together behind her back, and her wrists, which were tied to an even tighter crotch rope that dug into her cleft: she had to arch her back exhaustingly to find any relief from it, and to make matters, well, teasier, it felt like there were a couple knots in the rope putting extra pressure on her clit! Her boobs, too, felt like they'd received special attention, the coils trapping her elbows part of a chest harness that wound tight around the base of each breast, pushing them out almost achingly taut and sensitive! It seemed whoever had tied her up had bound the midpoint of her tail to her elbows as well... plus ropes pinning her thighs together, and her knees, and her ankles too, making it feel as if one leg couldn't budge an inch without the other moving right along with it.

Whoever had tied her up. "Mmhhnf." Her mind had expected to wake up in her own bed, but she couldn't remember falling asleep there, she realized slowly, and somehow she was awfully sure she wasn't in her bed now. Something soft lay beneath her, yes, but if she twisted her legs far enough to the side they found a cool, hard surface instead: a mattress on a concrete floor? That was ominous, she thought with a shiver, wishing the ropes teasing her sensitive bits didn't make it so easy for the situation to feel so arousing, especially when the slightest movement of her hands made the crotch rope twitch, and encouraged her to grind against it... She moaned quietly and pressed her thighs together. She couldn't get distracted, she needed to figure out where she was, what was happening, who had tied her up and just how urgently she would need to escape!

Also whether she could escape. These ropes were really tight...

For starters, she'd have to find a way to see. At first she tried to rub her snout against the mattress, to see if she could move the blindfold from friction, and though it might not have been too tight for that she stopped, realizing: the midpoint of her tail was tied behind her, but its end was still free enough to reach her head. A mistake one of her friends never would have made... She shivered again at the thought, but tossing her snout back managed to worm the end of her tail underneath the cloth of her blindfold, and from there it was a simple matter of tugging and scooting it up away from her eyes and onto her forehead.

Light! Dim light, but it was enough to see by, and she looked around as she eased the blindfold off her head: she was on a narrow twin mattress sitting on a concrete floor in a bare, empty room, no bigger than 8 by 8: some kind of basement storage room? One wall was cinderblock--which made a basement more likely--and one of the others had a closed door, but there was nothing else, no furniture or equipment or further bondage gear, and definitely nothing she could use to help untie herself. Speaking of untying herself, she checked her own body next, and moaned at the sight: the first thing she saw was her boobs, and no wonder they ached! Each mound had two coils of rope wound around its base, and tight too, her yellow hide pulled taut and nipples stiff--though that might have been the cool air of the basement. She flexed her arms and wiggled her shoulders uselessly, but that only reminded her of the other rope that felt like such a tease...

Adhara had to curl forward a little to see the crotch rope, but there it was--and there it was tightening, by curving her back the other way, making her jaws clamp down around her gag. "Mmmmhhff...!" Her hips jerked a couple of times, but she couldn't have said even without a gag whether it was to try to find a way to make that aching pressure stop or to pleasure herself with it, it looked and it felt like it was so so very tight, and combining that with the secure look of all those coils of rope on her legs... She tried to lift her hips, pressed her legs together together, then kicked down again, and moaned as her crotch rope went nowhere, twisting a bit farther onto her back as she tried to breathe. That she loved being stuck in tight ropes so very much was really not helping! The dragoness loved tight ropes, loved teasing, loved being gagged, being unable to escape, and now here she was feeling more turned on by the second despite having no idea where she was or who had tied her up.

She wasn't going to make much progress without freeing her hands, but even when she craned her snout around as far as she could she could only see so much. Tight lengths of rope wrapped around and between her wrists, some rope ran down around the base of her tail to slip between her legs, and she could see what looked like a knot... but it was on the outside of her hands, making it near impossible to reach, and she didn't even see the ends of the rope there. For all she knew the rope ended somewhere else, and that knot wouldn't even budge unless something else was untied to loosen things up first! She tried anyway, twisting first one hand one way, and then the other, then trying to push the ropes further up one arm to move the knots closer to the other hand's fingers... But the ropes were too tight to even let her move her hands into a more flexible crossed position! And while she managed to get her dull pinkie claws to touch the knots, there was no way to get any grip or strength into that finger to disturb the knot. She threw her whole body into struggling, arching her back for more slack in her crotch rope to work with, craning her snout around for so long her neck ached, her torso rocking to one side and then the other and back again--and not finding a way to loosen the knot even the littlest bit!

Meanwhile every attempt to pull her wrists in one direction or other drew the rope taut against her cleft again, so all her struggling really accomplished was to gently grind those knots into her clit over, and over, and over again, and when her arms and her neck felt so tired and sore that she had to flop back on the mattress to catch her breath she started to hump the tight crotch rope gently without even realizing it. Her chest heaved, her breasts nearly tingling against the chest harness, and she moaned again, drooling, her toes and her fingers curling, shivering a little from the thought. She couldn't get her hands free. They were stuck there! Which meant she couldn't unbuckle her gag, no freeing her elbows or her poor tits, no-- Well, hmm. Could she free her legs anyway?

The knot tying her thighs together was on her front side, and with her wrists tied to her crotch there was simply no way she was going to get her hands around her butt to reach that. Her ankles seemed more promising, and rolling onto her side to arch her back yet again--mmmhhf that was really exhausting to hold for more than a few seconds!--she bent her legs to bring her feet into the so very limited reach of her fingers. Though the knot was also on the front side of her ankles she managed to reach it with a little effort, but she moaned in dismay as she felt how tight it was: tight and not loosening! Her legs were also rapidly cramping, and she let her limbs go slack, taking another few deep breaths to recover before lifting her head to look. She didn't see any rope-ends down at her ankles either... was the end of that rope at her knees? Where she couldn't possibly reach... The trapped, aroused dragoness moaned a little louder. Come on, there had to be something she could do! Something other than try to use her crotch rope to get off, anyway!

She tried to reach her ankles again, and though her hamstrings started to cramp almost immediately she kept pushing, kept reaching and twisting and feeling for the knot, pulling at the tight hard bits of rope as best she could with her restrained reach, shivering at the thought of how utterly trapped and immobile she would be right now if they'd only hogtied her to force her into this very position... Gods, she'd be hardly able to move, let alone figuring out ways to get herself untied! "Mmmh-- Cmm mmnn! Cmmmf-- mmnnf!" she grunted into her gag, her hips writhing of their own accord from every pull and tug the rope gave her cunny from all her attempts to move her hands, as her legs tightened up and the heat between her legs intensified and her fingers started to tingle from her wrists pushing against the ropes so much.

Eventually the pain in her legs forced her to stop, and she slumped back down gasping for air, drool trickling past her gag and past her crotch rope. She just couldn't do it... she couldn't get out. Couldn't untie any of it! And that just made her moan, more anxious and more horny than ever from the helplessness and thrill of the unknown that she'd be powerless to control. Grind, grunt, pull, "mmmhhhff..." Maybe she should just go ahead and try to make herself cum and see if that cleared her head?

No, that would tire her out even worse, and considering the noise she was making, who knew when her captor might return! That thought made her clamp down on her next needy groan trying to bubble up in her throat, though her hips only sped up for a few moments before she managed to get them under control. More pleasure would just be more distraction...

So she couldn't untie herself. But could she get up anyway? Could she leave the room? Maybe outside this... cell... she could find a knife or some scissors or something she could use to get herself free? Assuming the door wasn't locked. Assuming she could get to the door. Assuming she could even stand up.

Lying on her side, her limbs bound so tight, she felt almost like a snake when she tried to wriggle--a snake with really, really tender boobs, that felt so sensitive that just the slightest bit of pressure of one of them smushed between the mattress and her body was enough to make her curl her toes and moan. Adhara wasn't even sure which way she should try to go. With her legs stuck together and her arms and tail bound behind her, did it make sense to roll on her stomach and try to stand up that way so she didn't have to try to get onto her back and her tail? Or would lying on her tail mean she could crunch herself up to a sitting position, and then wiggle to her feet from there?

Might as well try one and go from there, she figured, it wasn't like she only had one attempt! She twisted onto her stomach since that direction felt easier, and she moaned again: no amount of arching her back could keep her from squishing her poor breasts under her, and she shuddered and writhed in place, but the stimulation wasn't going to just go away! She rolled towards one shoulder, getting a little relief for one boob at the expense of the other, but that was enough space for her to fold her legs up underneath her, then roll to the edge of the mattress... She wobbled, unable to reach a knee out to help her up, but a push with her tail finally got her into a kneel on the floor--one that was just pulling her crotch rope tighter from how she leaned forward! But from here, she could probably just push off with her legs... And nearly see stars, from how winding up for that made the rope dig into her pussy, but after a moment she straightened herself out with a grunt, and up onto her toes she went!

And with her legs bound together and her tail pinned to her back, she nearly fell right back over, dizzy from the rush of blood trying to push past the tight coils around her limbs and get to her head, but with a few frantic shuffles to one side she manged to catch herself. Barely. But she was standing now! Still bound and gagged, and still really horny, but it was something. Taking a deep breath that didn't calm her down at all, she looked at the doorknob: right there at waist height, maybe five feet away. She took an experimental step... and her foot made it an inch, maybe two, before she reached the limit of all the ropes binding her legs and had to stop and shuffle her other foot forward. Another couple of inches, not too unsteady but frustratingly slow, and if she did try to speed up then that would probably get harder to balance in a hurry!

Well, she could hop, right? She tried a short hop forward, and she wasn't sure which jolt was worse: the hop or the landing. Each sent a tug through the crotch rope and made her boobs bounce too! But she could hop a lot further than she could step, which definitely felt better to her even if how her figure bounced felt a little comical, or humiliating... not to mention teased her, but at this rate it wasn't like she was going to manage to get any less horny! Trying to keep from moaning despite the sensations, she hopped carefully over to the door, twisted around, got her tied hands on the knob, turned...

It wasn't locked! Adhara was able to ease the door open, shuffling out of its way before using the end of her tail to pull it further open and poke her head through.

Definitely a basement. Aside from the room she was leaving, the rest of it looked like one big, open space--and full of stuff that made her blush. The floor was padded black foam, with anchor bolts all over the place, driven into the walls, the floor, the ceiling, not to mention quite a few pieces of furniture plainly meant to tie someone to. Over in the corner was a simple desk and chair, and on the same wall, stairs leading up...

Another low moan, as she ventured cautiously out into room. There was no way she was going to manage any stairs while tied up like this. Unless she like, sat on her rump and slowly levered herself up stair by stair with her legs... But hopefully she wouldn't have to worry about that. Hopefully she could find something sharp in that desk! A knife, some safety scissors, even a tool of some kind? The padded floor was easier on her toes, and despite the yanks of the rope teasing her as she moved, she was quickly getting more confident in her roped-up bunny-hops. She just wished she wasn't getting that much more worked up in turn, and she was panting heavily by the time she reached the desk, looking down at herself, blushing and swallowing yet another moan of lust. Ugh she wanted to hold her breasts, wanted to run a hand between her legs, tease herself with her fingers... She could imagine the gentle familiar sensations of her own hands so easily, she craved them, she wanted to cum...

She tried, almost by reflex, but her busy fingers could hardly budge, just pull those ropes taut yet again, "mmhhfff!" Well, with a little more focused effort humping her crotch rope, she could probably get herself off, but unless she get her mind back to escaping, those hands she was fantasizing about would be remaining tight behind her back, and her boobs she so enjoyed playing with would remain so tender and achingly taut in their own bondage! She lifted her snout and she squirmed and she huffed out a breath, giving in long enough to grind a few times on her crotch rope, and then she turned around to ease the drawers open and look inside, having to reach her hands back as far as she dared, carefully grasp the handle, and then slowly shimmy away from the desk...

She started with the larger side drawers, those she could get open without moving the chair. Thankfully they came open without much force or noise, because--was that a voice from up above? A footstep? She shivered at the sound. She didn't know how long she'd be left alone down here, surely not too much longer regardless of how tightly her captor had thought they'd bound her, and her heart was racing again at the reminder that this wasn't just a game with one of her kinky friends! The first drawer was no help, though: it was rolls and rolls and rolls of duct tape, probably enough to mummify her twice over, and definitely nothing sharp within, just a sight to get her thinking of being really immobilized... The second drawer drew a stronger shiver, as she pulled it open to find a couple of floggers, a coiled up single tail whip, a crop... Not the sort of implements she felt much, but was definitely at least a little familiar with! And, "mnnhf," might get some more experience with if she didn't find something to untie herself with soon. But again, no luck, so she carefully lowered herself down to a squat, groaning to herself as her crotch rope got tighter, and tighter, the knots digging in on either side of her clit so that every little wiggle of her hands opening the bottom drawer made them rub against it from one side or the other, and, "mmh, mmhn mmmf..." the strong aching tease of it felt way too good...

Especially considering what she saw in here. Dildos, butt plugs, little egg vibrators, and a couple of big plug-in wand vibes that she really, really wanted to feel right about now! She swayed a little, and moaned, already starting to look around wondering what she could wedge one against so she could turn it on, turn around, and then start grinding on it, she bet even with the crotch rope in the way that would feel so good! Heck, the crotch rope itself was feeling better and better, her chest warm from more than just the breast bondage, her cleft wet and hot and increasingly sensitive...

More footsteps above. Focus, Adhara. There was nothing sharp in this drawer either! Thanks to the chair's weight, it didn't drag easily away from the table when she tried to grab it behind her back and shuffle along to pull it far enough from the desk to have room to open the final desk drawer, but at least it wasn't loud when she moved it, and then she was into the last drawer: it had nipple clamps and weights, it had a couple wartenberg wheels, a ring gag and a leather blindfold, and-- The sight of a couple of keys made her heart leap, of course associating keys with freedom... except she wasn't wearing anything that locked! She needed a knife, not a key, and there was nothing even remotely sharp in here! Just more things to make her moan, the pinching sensations of clamps, the pricking feelings of the wheel rolling, something to blind her properly--open up her maw for easy use--

She made a trapped, needy muffled sound past her gag, bouncing in place and squirming, humping... She needed to get out and she just... couldn't! She arched her back and yanked with her wrists, turned her hands and her fingers this way and that, yanking and pulling and trying to find something she could do--it just--it made her ache and it made her so horny but it was useless to get her free, any attempt to move her bound arms just made her entire torso turn thanks to the coils at her elbows and wrists! "Mmhhnn, nnhhllmm, phhllhf!" she said uselessly, and her heart only beat faster as she heard more steps. Something rattling. Oh no--were they right at the top of the stairs? About to open the door and come find her? But she was still so strictly bound, so helpless, and she didn't even have anywhere to hide-- She was so close to the edge now but she hadn't even take the time to cum! She thrashed again, just about doubling over from how hard a yank she'd just given the knots at her clit, and only managed one clumsy hop before the door at the top of the stairs swung open.

"I see my guest is a bit of a houdini," said a voice, and her snout snapped up with a muffled whine to see a big stallion descending the stairs. He seemed vaguely familiar, like maybe she'd seen him at--that party..? But he was definitely not someone who she'd let tie her up before! "Well. Not enough of one to get very far, but still, I think I'll have to make sure to keep things a lot tighter," he said as he approached, and though she squirmed and struggled and tried to twist away there was nowhere to go, nothing she could do, no way to even speak thanks to her ball gag! He reached out to grab her by the shoulders, his other hand squeezing one of her aching taut breasts until she yowled in sensitivity, whole body quivering, and after a couple more pinches his hand slowly slid down her torso until it reached the rope around her waist... He gave it a couple of little tugs, making her twitch and press her thighs together and hump it a little even while giving him a fearful, pleading look, and she only moaned louder when he reached even further down to let his fingers rub between her legs, on either side of the tight rope through her cleft that was making her so sensitive! She couldn't stop herself from moaning again in need, grinding into the touch, her legs straining one way, then the other, unable to spread or get any closer together to give him access or push him away or get a little relief from the constant pressure that teased her.

"Seems like you're enjoying yourself quite a bit," he taunted, giving her rear a couple gropes and then a spank! She flinched, it jerked the crotch rope, and she made a muffled powerless moan as her butt stung and heat ran through her teased aching cleft and chest, blushing and panting and with no way to resist as he rummaged through his desk and pulled out another couple of lengths of rope... and she couldn't do a thing when he scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to her room. She squirmed, she whimpered, feeling so trapped and defeated as he eased her through the door and set her gently back down on the mattress. Right where she'd started--and only worse off, most likely, depending on just how tight he planned to keep her now that she'd been caught trying to get away!

The horse rolled her onto her stomach, yet again smushing her tits against the bed, and when he grabbed her ankles and pulled them up against her butt she whined and shivered: he was going to hogtie her, just like she'd--she'd fantasized about, she'd be immobilized and trapped and powerless--! "Mmmnn! Lllmmf, mmn-nnhh!" she managed to find her voice, for all she could speak through her gag, and she tried to kick her feet away, kick him-- But tied down so strictly already, it was so easy for him to just hold her there as he passed the ends of the rope between her forearms, then between her calves, drew the rope tight, added another coil, and tightened again... and put an arm under her chest, lifted, and pulled even tighter! She whimpered from the strain as he tightened the rope, forced to arch her back by the ropes: he'd hogtied her so tightly her wrists and ankles were barely an inch apart, forcing her shoulders back, her chest out, and just lying there felt so instantly draining from the strict position!

With her arms and legs bound tight, he took the ends of the rope and brought them up behind her, and used them to make a couple coils around her tail near the tip, pulling it back down and away from her head--she shuddered in her ropes when she realized what would come next, trying to squirm, but she could hardly move a muscle now, let alone stop him when he reached for the blindfold she'd left on the floor! "Mmmnf! Nnnhhg! Phhllnnhm! Lllnnh mmmh gmf!" she begged, but he just draped the cloth back over her eyes, wound it around her head a couple of times, then tied it off behind her head, leaving her world pitch dark once more.

"There. Break out of your room now, and I'll really be impressed." Rolling her onto her side, he took her boobs in both hands and gently fondled them, ran his fingers over the taut mounds, his thumbs circling and rubbing and teasing across her horribly sensitive nipples. Adhara writhed and whimpered and moaned, she couldn't make him stop and couldn't get away and her body was far too aroused, she couldn't take it... And whatever sounds she forced around her gag he just ignored! She felt so, so powerless, so trapped, there was nothing she could do but wiggle in the ropes while he teased her.

"Or just keep teasing yourself, while you can." He chuckled as he put her back on her stomach, and she moaned again, feeling her snout flush in humiliation... that she could be so preoccupied by lust after being... abducted or however he'd gotten her there, but she just couldn't stop herself! She trembled at the unknown meaning of while she could, wondering as she squirmed if he meant chastity, or a position without a crotch rope, or something more ominous... More quivering, and then she could hear the sound of his hoofs as he straightened up and walked away, the noise getting so much quieter when he stepped off the concrete onto the padded floor.

Oh no. He was leaving her there! Leaving her trapped, trussed up impossibly tight, blind and gagged, hardly able to breathe in her strenuous position... Way too horny... "Mmnn! Nnngh! Phhllnnhh!" she cried, lifting her snout, blindly looking towards the sound of his steps. "Dmmnt lllmmvf mmm!" She kicked and she struggled, she twisted her hands in place, her fingers scrabbled at her ankles trying to find the rope keeping her hogtied even though she already knew it now ended at her tail, well out of her reach, and even that couldn't pull free-- And then she could hear soft rattling, the distinctive little clunks of a key sliding into a lock: not just hogtied, but locked in her room!

Adhara let out a wordless, helpless yowl, and slumped in defeat. She didn't know where she was, she didn't know who was keeping her captive, and she definitely couldn't escape... She tried to focus, to think things through like she had when she'd first woken up, but her thoughts were far too scattered by anxiety and arousal now to make any progress. She struggled thoughtlessly, just pulling all her limbs one way and then the other, side to side, the mattress springs softly creaking beneath her as she wriggled, coughing as her arched back made drool from her gag try to run down her throat instead of out of her mouth, and definitely making no progress at all--all she was doing was teasing herself, by showing herself how thorough and inescapable all the tight coils of rope were, by squishing her boobs and making them slip on the material of the mattress as she rocked in place, by every single little movement of hips or back or hands teasing her with the crotch rope! But she couldn't pull a hand free, couldn't straighten her bound-together legs, couldn't reach her gag to get her speech back, couldn't even get her tail to the blindfold this time to be able to see again! She was stuck, she was helpless, she was already feeling exhausted, she was going to cum...

Even that was more difficult with the hogtie arching her back and loosening the crotch rope just a bit, but that wasn't going to stop her now. She was too worked up and too sensitive and constantly teased by even the slightest of movements, the stimulation heightened still further by her anxiety, by her helplessness in the super-strict tie, by how much she loved it... Some part of her whispered that she shouldn't, that she needed to focus, that she'd never find the strength to get free if she let herself get off now, but there was no way she could listen, not when humping the crotch rope was so easy, and when it was the only thing she could do in this hogtie! She moaned, and then again, louder, pulling with her hands to really get those knots digging in against her cleft and humping, grinding, her toes curling and her breaths coming in gasps as the harsh sensations brought her closer and closer and closer... Teetering on the edge, come on, she was right there right there--

"Mmmmmmfff!" It was a rough, hard orgasm, and she jerked in her bonds before resuming her rapid uneven thrusts, ecstasy slamming hard into sore bound limbs and making her tremble all over, every muscle wound tight and shaking, cleft pulsing, clenching, spasms racing through her as the heavy stimulation across her clit dragged her climax on and on. Her hands balled into fists, her toes curled, her jaws clamped tight around her ball gag, she thrashed and she squirmed and all the ropes held her so tight while she came, her immobilization and helplessness and fear only making everything feel that much more intense, that much more powerful, until at last the orgasm wound down and she slumped in a gasping, quivering heap.

The ropes had felt tight before, but now they felt like iron, utterly immobile and useless to even try to fight after tiring herself out struggling, and cumming, after her limbs had fought even harder against all the coils while she was in such throes of ecstasy. She couldn't even bring herself to try to roll onto her side to take her weight off her aching squashed breasts. She just felt drained, sore, powerless, defeated... Humiliated that she'd used all that energy to cum at a time like this, despite the afterglow still making everything feel fuzzy--and sensitive, just because she'd managed that orgasm hadn't made any of the ropes go away, her boobs still bound, that crotch rope digging in even harder from her weariness making her slouch forward instead of holding her back up and arched... She could only think over and over again that there was nothing she could do, that she couldn't get out, that she was trapped and so so very helpless, that there was absolutely no way out of the hogtie, no safeword and no one to plead to, nothing, just tight ropes binding her increasingly sore, tired limbs...

She couldn't get free. She couldn't do a thing. She could only surrender to being utterly, hopelessly trapped in bondage.

Helpful Friends

Sarassa had never been the most sexually adventurous dragoness. Her experiences had been mostly limited to lifting her tail to let a dragon mount her, with little bits of foreplay with tail or snout or paws to help get her and her partner into the mood...

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The Spell

Kerreth was frustrated. The prey he'd been pursuing had moved from cover to cover, never giving him an opportunity to swoop down for the kill, always hugging something too big and sturdy for him to get through to finally bring down his quarry. But the...

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Strong Enough

There was someone in Kahvur's forest. They were trying to be sneaky, he thought, but there was no getting past a dragon's acute senses. He'd been able to smell something before he even landed, and after drinking his fill from the creek he lifted up...

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