Désirée: Old Friends & New Lovers

Story by Beige on SoFurry

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#3 of Désirée

Désirée and Dizzy arrive at the Furry Convention and after a bit to eat, hit the dance floor and make some new friends. But the night doesn't truly start until they heady back to the hotel.

[This story does contain explicit material, so if you're under the age of 18, you probably shouldn't read any further, blah blah blah.]

"You never told me that!" Clara laughed, staring at me with new eyes. I of course was blushing profusely. "Guys!"

"No need to tell the whole highway." I said sheepishly, keeping my hands on the wheel despite the urge to hide myself. "But yeah. Sexuality is a bit odd for me."

"So does that mean you're not attracted to guys once they're out of the suit?" She asked. I could tell there were a million more questions behind those sparkling eyes. "What about-"

"Okay." I had to shut her up somehow. "Look, the way it works is this. Humans; Pretty much only attracted to women. Sure there are a few guys with amazing voices - Stephen Fry, Peter Serafinowicz, y'know, those sorts of voices - but it's nothing physical. But furs are... a little more complicated."

"Complicated how?" Didn't miss a beat, this one.

I sighed. "You want the short version?" The silent grin was enough to make me continue. "The thought of an Alpha Fur ramming his cock up my arse and cumming gallons is the small sliver of hope that keeps me in suit at con parties till sunrise." The shortness of my statement managed to silence Clara long enough for me to take a swig of water and get back to revealing my inner secrets. "That said; Male, Female or anywhere in between, the idea of having sex in a fursuit is why I made my second suit."

"And mine." Clara chimed in, or was it Désirée throwing something in from the bleachers?

"How did you know?" I hadn't told her about her second suit.

"Uh, you were there. I wouldn't have thought-"

"Oh, that's what- Yes, yeah." I was never very good at covering up mistakes.

"Wait. Did you make me a second suit?" Her eyes gleamed. I could feel Désirée staring at me from behind them.

I nodded. "Was supposed to be a surprise." I grumbled somewhat lightheartedly. But I was annoyed at myself for letting slip. "The one you have now has much better craftmanship, but I figured you should have one with a few... 'alterations' to the design."

"Alterations? Like?" Clara was super interested, though I wasn't sure how much she was being influenced.

"Well, the - uh - nether regions are considerably more tidy; no zips down there, just one going down the spine. I also kinda shaped the front area a bit-"

"Did you give Désirée a furry..." she lowered her voice as though someone would hear "Pussy?"

I nodded. "Velvet, yeah. Using the blue highlight colour." I thumbed a black crate in the back marked 'PROPS'. "It's in there."

"You're a legend!" Clara gave me a tight sideways hug, or at least the best attempt one could feasibly do given seatbelts and a center console. "I can't believe you made a suit just for, well, sex."

"Didn't want the other one to get ruined." I looked out at the approaching storm and the beautiful red light it was casting on the buildings as sunset struck from behind the city. "Right, we're close enough that I need you on the map."

"Map App." She spoke aloud, retrieving her phone.

"Maaap AAAAAAAAPP!" We sang as the city streets pulled us inwards towards the entertainment center.

The elevator doors pinged open as Clara and I stepped inside. My arms ached from dragging the multiple suitcases through the hotel to the right room, and my stomach had decided it needed dinner. "So why can't he make it?"

Clara sighed, frustratingly gripping her phone. "Something about a meeting in the morning to coincide with the head office's afternoon meeting."

"That's right. Where was that head office again?" Clara stared daggers at me. "Whoknowsistan. Got it." I mashed the button for the hotel restaurant. "Maybe he can come for Sunday still?"

"Maybe. But all the things I wanted him to see were tomorrow afternoon. Him coming by the morning after is pointless." She flexed on the handrail inside the small compartment as the electric display counted down. With a muffled ding the doors parted once more. "I just wanted him to have someone other than me try to explain it." I opened my mouth but was beaten to it. "No. Not you. God that would open so many cans of worms."

"Okay. Well, let's work with what we got. We have four suits between us, three days of furry convention and three nights of parties." as we rounded the corner to see several tables of multicoloured fur and pop-culture t-shirts I couldn't help but add "Maybe four nights."

Clara stared mouth agape as we made our way through the throng. Several fellow furs recognised me and gave me salutes and waves from across the room. Once the crowd realised we were one of them, they began slipping us greetings as we passed. Eventually we found a table for two just to the side of the main gathering and sat down.

Having been tapped on the shoulder, I turned around cautiously to see a woman with a mostly shaved head, multiple piercings, loose fitting tee and very tight jeans eyeing me up and down. "Show us yer hands." She asked. Cocking an eyebrow I offered my right hand. She took one look at the fingertips and smiled. Fishing into her bra, she eventually presented me with a small business card sized flyer. "Suits only." She smiled before taking her seat a few tables away. The man next to her gave me a wave and a wink.

"What was that about?" Clara asked, grinning cheekily at me.

"The dude in the beanie is Overwulf. Met him last year. If I were to guess, I think she's Shaede. Not sure. Only ever chatted on forums. But Shae an' Over are super close, super defensive of each other. Last year, I only met Over on the last night. Shae was home sick or something." I picked up the menu and my eyes almost burst at the prices. "Can't remember exa- For just a BURGER?"

Several furs chuckled from the neighboring table and handed Clara a slip of paper. She immediately put away the menu. "Use this one." She passed it to me, and we went over the much more reasonable prices of the restricted convention menu.

By the time our meals had arrived, the majority of other Furs had left. Then later as we were leaving, the flyer slipped from my shirt pocket onto the table. "That's right." I muttered. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten about it so quickly. I chalked it up to the beginnings of 'con-mind' setting in. "9pm-Late, Club Nitrous, Omega Room." I read aloud before checking my phone for the time. "Twenty minutes. Wanna start off the con clubbing in suit?" Clara had dragged me halfway to the elevator before she gave me an answer.

In a half hour I was all suited up and ready to go, having chosen to wear my Murrsuit. It was the same as my regular suit - both polar bears - except with more attention paid to fitting my junk properly with a sheath and all, and alot more reinforcement around certain seams. For me, it was technically more effort than my regular suit to build, but the normal suit had a lot more detail in the shading around the eyes, muzzle, and so on.

I figured club hopping, lots of alcohol, who knows what sort of glow-sticks or glow-paint or whatever might be around, best use the slightly less detailed one. I mentioned this to Clara and she agreed. So to cover our stitched on indecencies we were also wearing a small amount of clothing. For me a pair of boardshorts and UV sensitive Hawaiian shirt. But what Clara - or rather, Désirée - had chosen to wear almost had me hit the floor in shock. A very tight, very short latex skirt and a similarly short latex top just a bit larger than a bra. "Holy shit!" I managed to say before thinking.

"I knew you'd love it." Désirée chimed back. "Think anyone else will?" I nodded, a cartoonishly big grin plastered across my hidden face. "Mmmmmm... C'mon Bear. Let's get our party on."

The club was attached to the Hotel on one side, so we chose to enter from that way rather than the street; though there were plenty lining up out front to get photos with passers by. A huge letter N wreathed in neon flames marked the entrance, and I made sure to have the cover charge on hand. The systems you come up with for fursuiting in public can be incredibly complicated. But fortunately most bouncers are too busy being dumbfounded to take advantage when you hand them a fifty and hope for change.

The entrance led around to the side of the bar, avoiding the already crowded dance floor and leading us straight to a set of stairs and a sign pointing to the Omega room. I whistled in my suit. The Omega room looked like it was the private area some clubs have for VIPs. I took Désirée's hand and led her up the stairs. My first time navigating steps was comical to say the least, but I wanted my friend to have as accident-free of a night as possible.

Once inside the room, my suspicions were confirmed. The place was quieter, but still had a heavy, driving beat going from the DJ in the corner; who was in a partial Fennec outfit. I looked around and spotted Overwulf and Shaede in a booth in the corner of the room. The massive grey wolf with undulating electric blue stripes spotted me at the same time and waved me over. "DIZZY!" He shouted over the music. "Good to see you man." he grabbed me in a friendly handshake and shoulder-bump.

Now, I consider myself to be tall, but Overwulf was easily a head above me. And built like a weightlifter. His suit was super detailed, with all sorts of mottled highlights throughout not to mention lit optic fibre woven into the fur to give it the look of mystical tiger stripes glowing on and off in a slow strobe across his entire body; including the backs of his hands, tops of his feet and even ear tips. The dude was a fursuit connoisseur.

"Good to see you too!" I gave our handshake an extra slap with the other paw. Before turning to Shaede. "And you as well. Missed you last time." Unlike the super muscular and quite tall wolf next to her, Shaede had a skin-tight dragonscale patterned latex catsuit. She had a pair of draconic claw gloves on either hand, and her legs were in a very expensive set of sprung digitigrade boots fashioned to look like dragons feet. Her colours were black and red, marbled in the latex everywhere except for a brass-coloured strip running from under her chin all the way down the underside of her lengthy stuffed tail.

Her mask was amazing as well, a fully latex construction, affixed by straps made to look like those for a wire muzzle guard one would normally find on rabid dogs picked up by the pound, but with just enough space between the wires to fit a bottleneck through. She winked at me and I shivered. Desired outcome achieved I guess. I took Shaede's claw in one hand and kissed it with my big furry muzzle.

"And who is this?" Asked Shaede, stepping over to Désirée. She walked around the purple Anthro Displacer-beast, looking her up and down. Of course Désirée loved the attention, and seemingly free of all inhibition, even posed sexily for the dragoness. Shaede nodded in approval.

"Désirée, pleased to meet you." she said before I could introduce her. I noticed her hand come down and lightly stroke Shaede's thigh as the dragoness finished her walk around. There was the briefest of pauses in her latex clad walk, but eventually she made her way back to the booth, indicating for Désirée to sit next to her.

"The pleasure is all ours." Overwulf said, clearly as turned on by the display as I was. He waved me to sit down next to him as he sat next to Shaede, Désirée and I capping the ends of the booth seat on either side. "Tell me, is that one yours?" He asked.

"Désirée? No, no, she's just a friend."

"HA!" I could hear the smile in his voice. "No, the suit."

We both laughed at my misunderstanding. But I eventually brought myself to enough of a chuckle that I could reply. "Yeah. The show suit is still upstairs though." I could see him recoil a little.

"You mean that's not the show suit?" I nodded, not sure where this was going. I didn't want to take a seat at his table with a sub-par suit and be looked down on forever for it. But my fears were allayed - or confused - as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and gave me a tight sideways hug. "Excellent work! Can't wait to see the proper thing!" I let out a deep sigh of relief. "So does that mean...?" I looked a little puzzled, trying to appear innocent to what I'm sure he would ask next. "Club-suit or Murrsuit?"

I think he could tell the shade of red I was turning through the large foam head. But with an audible smile, I gave him his answer. "You'll have to ask her that." What was I thinking? I can't give him ideas like that. I tried to cement my brain with the thoughts of Clara and John. Clara and John. I know she said it would be okay, that she even wanted it. But I didn't want to be the instigator. Then I felt a foot press against my crotch. I looked down to see the familiar purple fur pushing me to get my attention. I look up. Désirée signs 'O.K.?' I nod, shaking the thoughts from my mind.

Throughout the night Désirée and Shaede talked mostly between themselves; occasionally I picked up a word here or there, but in the nightclub atmosphere it's hard to make out anything decent. Overwulf informed me the club was set to host a furry rave every night throughout the con, with the Omega Room for Fursuits only. One of the nearby expo spaces in the hotel had been set up as a Headless Lounge, and connected by what would be the fire escape hallway behind the top level of the bar. It was the perfect setup, and I told him as much.

The night moved on, and while there were a dozen or so suits up in the Omega room, it was clear by midnight that the party was winding down. Over and Shaede had done a couple rounds of the room making sure everyone was okay and enjoying themselves, but by the time it was just us four and the DJ left, they had gotten ready to end it for the night. Over had a brief chat to the DJ before coming back to us. He started speaking just as the music shut off. "So I- *ahem* So, I thought we could head up to our room and chill for a bit."

I looked at Désirée but she and Shaede were caught up in their conversation. Smiling, I shook my head in amusement and chuckled "Sounds like a plan. Not ready to end the night just yet."

"Neither are we." He growled, patting me on the back. "Come on." He waved the other two up from the booth and we made our way back to the hotel lifts.

Overwulf pressed a button for one of the higher floors, and I felt Désirée squeeze my hand in anticipation as the elevator rocketed skywards. My heart was beating a million miles an hour. On the one hand, I was sure they just wanted to ogle at suits, and have us ogle theirs. But some of the words and sidewards glances I picked up from the girls conversation had me thinking particularly naughty thoughts. Those thoughts washed away as the doors opened and I was yanked out of the elevator by Overwulf. My sub side cheered at being pulled around the place, and I fell in line easily.

Swiping his card across the door's card reader Overwulf opened the way to his and Shaede's room. It was much bigger than ours, with a functioning kitchen and multiple couches. If it were any more lavish it'd have been a penthouse suite. I closed the door behind me as I took in the place, Désirée a few steps ahead of me but feeling the same way.

"Damn it feels good to get this off." Thinking Over was just talking about the suit I turned around cheerfully. But I was not prepared for what I saw. Clutching at his crotch, the large grey wolf jiggled it up and down until the sound of velcro could be heard. Then pulling it off and smoothing down where it had been attached he revealed a massive rubber canid cock, attached to his body by a thin rubber strap disappearing into his still complete suit; the furry 'shorts' only there to cover up the indecent appendage.

"Told you he'd like it." I heard Désirée say from somewhere in the room. All my attention was focused on that monster. I knew what it was. I had wanted to order one for myself. It was a canine sheath, and from the looks of things it was one of the larger sizes.

Overwulf put his paws on the beast and stroked it a little. "We have all weekend for you to get acquainted. Would you like that?"

Damn Désirée. Damn her. More than anything I wanted to take that cock in every way possible and I have her to thank for the opportunity. But somehow I still felt betrayed. By the time I realised what I was doing, I had walked over to the masterpiece of silicone and had knelt in front of it. I looked up to see Overwulf's commanding posture, and I knew then that the weekend was not going to be enough time.

The articulated jaw of my suit opened up as I gave Over my permission. "Fuck that's hot." I heard Shaede say behind me. I turned to look but a big grey paw turned my head back.

"Would you like a taste?" Overwulf asked, and I nodded in reply, my head bopping up and down as I eagerly held my mouth open for him. I could feel the length press against the muzzle, his silicone sliding through my latex muzzle until the rubber cock tip reached my lips. But it kept going, the pointed glans widening my jaw as more and more of the cock slid down into my mouth. I felt the knot pass through the muzzle and the foam squash as I reached his hips. I was amazed that the tip was already scratching the back of my throat.

"Oh yeah..." Overwulf moaned above me. I can do better than that I thought as I opened the fuzzy maw a little wider, angling my head to both rub the top of the rubber cock against the roof of my mouth while also getting the furry lips and latex teeth to grab at his balls. Then as I heard the big wolf gasp I sucked hard, sealing my lips around the shaft just inches away from the knot. Fortunately the sheath had a small hole in the tip - as some do for a more intense kind of play - and by sucking hard I'd vacuumed out the remaining air in the sheath.

The musky burst of air filled my lungs as I realised I wasn't leaving this room until I'd emptied those balls. Subconsciously I moaned into the silicone phallus, sending shivers up Overwulf's spine. With my hands extended I ran them gently against the still strobing legs, my opaque suit blocking the shifting lights as I groped his muscular thighs. Over groaned, his knees buckling slightly as I sucked on his throbbing member.

I was surprised how much of him I could feel through the sheath. Sure, it was still a thick layer of rubber, but I could sense every throb, every twitch and pulse as his arousal increased. The tip of the red rubber slowly began producing beads of pre which slid down against my throat and tongue.

I couldn't describe the taste. Prior to trying some asian treats a friend brought back from their holiday I'd have said it was salty or savoury, but now I understood that type of flavour to be 'edamame'. Those little globules of natural lube were like a tangy edamame syrup rolling down my throat. I'd never tasted it before, but in my gut I knew I needed more.

"Damn Dizzy," Overwulf growled, his paw pushing my muzzle against his pelvis "Who should I thank?" He chuckled, fingertips swirling at the base of my skull as I moaned in pleasure. He shuddered from the vibrations.

"Thank for what?" Désirée asked, curious at the comment despite being somewhat distracted by the display. Shaede had been filming the two but couldn't resist turning the camera to the purple displacer beast, who'd begun furiously fingering herself over the last few minutes.

Overwulf moaned as I made a gulping motion with my head, grinding those rubbery teeth against his perineum. "Thank the person who taught you how to suck cock like that."

A flourish of pride spread through me, blushing my cheeks and causing me to smile around the thick member. I sucked hard, pushing myself a little further down the canid cock before pulling away with a smack of my lips. Looking up to the wolf innocently, I said in as sultrily sensual a voice as I could muster "You're my first." Then with only a pump of my hand around the knotted cock as indication of my intention, I dove back down onto the well-filled sheath. I could see Shaede out of the corner of my somewhat restricted field of view, mouth agape as she began touching herself alongside Désirée.

I'd always dreamt of this moment, but never thought I'd be here. And I'd not gotten this far with a guy before, so it was all still a little alien to me. But I knew what I liked done to me, and I tried my best to replicate that on the red rubber sheath that was suddenly being thrust down my throat. Over had decided to take the forceful path and was now mouth fucking me, my muzzle the only thing stopping his member from wedging itself in my throat.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the task at hand. In the split-second, Over had pulled back to better position himself and I did the same; angling my head to have teeth run over his fur-coated ballsack and allow the pre-leaking tool better access to the mouth inside. The strobing wolf wasted no time introducing my tonsils to his sheath as he slammed forward with a moan. My eyes bugged out from the depth, but I quickly adjusted. With enough suction I was able to keep half the rubber member inside my mouth, while the rhythmic squeezing of my tongue against its underside elicited growls of appreciation from above.

I could see Shaede move out of my view, then suddenly I felt a pressure behind my head. Overwulf's arms moved a little further behind me and the pressure increased. "You want some of this too, do you?" The flashing Dom groaned, his pace increasing.

I was expecting Shaede to chirpily growl her answer. "Every last inch." Désirée moaned from behind me, her hands running down my head as she held me tight, grinding into the back of my skull with each rough thrust from Over. I think the displacer beast holding my head in place for the wolf to fuck was what sent him over the edge. He grunted loudly, shoving the member as deep as possible within my maw, his cum spurting against the back of my throat as I massaged the pulsing tool with my tongue.

I'd worried my gag reflex would take over at some point, and the force of Over's seed painting the back of my throat was certainly giving it a good run for it's money. But a couple blasts of his creamy seed was all I got, as he pulled out; knot pupping free from the latex mouth. I swallowed quickly, subduing the urge to retch and watched as Over pressed one finger hard against the base of his balls. I could see the silicone member twitch and throb, desperately trying to cum more, but prevented by that lone digit. If I couldn't tell any better, I'd swear Over was in pain the way his body hunched over and backed up against a nearby wall. Désirée bent over, whispering in my ear "May I?"

I remembered the deal we'd made earlier and sighed. This was entirely her own choice, at no point was I forcing her into the elevator, or into this room, or to hump my head. "Might wanna give him a minute." I chuckled, reaching back to squeeze her leg comfortingly. "But you have my permission." Désirée ground against my head in approval while Shaede sauntered over, camera in hand.

"That was hot as hell." She ran clawed fingertips along my shoulder, sending goosebumps cascading through my body. "Did I hear you say he was your first?"

The term bounced around my mind for a bit until it clicked. "Oh, uh-" I stammered, realising the secondary implications "No, uh... my first... guy."

Désirée saved me from my word prison, running her hand through the fur atop my head "Mmm, he's given me the best orgasms of my life, this one." I raised my eyebrows at that, but realised from her point of view, it was kinda true.

"Oh really?" The draconic muzzle mouthed, the woman's eyes behind it glimmering with wicked lust. "Perhaps I should give him a try myself?" Shaede stepped in front of me, taking the place Overwulf had just vacated as the smooth sound of a well-cared for zipper caught my attention. Her scent of her femininity wafted through my latex muzzle, and combined with the still potent mix of spunk and rubber, it filled my mind with hedonistic thoughts. "If that's okay with you, of course."

Shaede spoke as if Désirée was my Domme. I'd not really considered it before, but I suppose she kinda was. Or at the very least, we were still in the phase of experimenting with the power setup. But right here and now, facing a semi-stranger's uncovered crotch while my displacer-beast friend humped my head, I was happy to concede my control over the situation. "Of course. He's all yours." Désirée purred back, running her hands through my headfur and down to my neck. "Just leave me enough for a nightcap."

My muzzle was open before Shaede's claws could dig into it. Angling my head just right I made the latex teeth slide between her lips like a sensual sawblade, parting them before dragging against the silky soft flesh either side. She pulled my head against her pelvis as the nose got caught on a leather strap, but it was just far enough for an outstretched tongue to flick at her mound. Given her reaction - a gasping moan accompanied by her claws digging into the foam around my ears - I take it she wasn't expecting me to be able to reach her, the dragoness having done what she did as a display of dominance more than anything else. But with a quick flick of my head, the muzzle freed itself and I found myself lip-to-lip.

Shaede's gasp turned to a moan as I gently kissed up and down her clean shaven cunt. While Désirée's pussy had thin inner labial lips blossoming from her vulva, the dragoness before me was smooth skin all the way to her entrance. I'd never had the pleasure of eating out such a tidy looking pussy, and after delving in-between those silken folds I finally found the target of my attention. With the flat of my tongue I slowly licked back along Shaede's sensitive clit, flicking at it with the tip of my tongue before savouring her unique taste.

The Dragoness' claws tensed against my skull as she felt my tongue rub along her little nub. Once released from the sensual assault she exhaled with a grunted groan, her legs twitching. I ran my paws up her lithe frame, fur tracing along latex as she pushed herself forwards into my waiting mouth yet again. That time I was a little more bold, pressing my tongue against the very base of her sex before drawing upwards slowly. I pushed with enough force to slide between those soft of flesh to taste the meat inside, sending shivers up Shaede's spine. As soon as I felt the skin curve back into the slickened passage, I wrapped my paws around her rear and drew her closer, gently thrusting my tongue as deep as I dared.

"Di-Dizzy!" She moaned, hands holding my muzzle in place as her breathing hastened.

"What'd I tell ya?" Désirée growled from beside me. "He's got a tongue that doesn't quit."

"That theory sounds like it requires further testing." Shaede moaned, pushing me away. A draconic claw of rubber footwear pressed against my shoulder, forcing me to recline. As I descended I got a brief view of the room. Désirée was backed against the wall to my side, leaning against it as Over had two fingers of one hand buried in her pussy while the other was filming Shaede and me. I made a mental note to ask for a copy later.

As my head came to rest against the floor, Shaede stepped over me, her Digitigrade legs planted either side of my hips as she lowered herself down. The last foot of movement her knees made towards the floor was fast, and she landed hard but the padding did it's job. The extra leg height sometimes has it's disadvantages. But her kneeling pose placed that delicious pussy only inches from my muzzle, and I wasted no time in opening wide for her. "Fuck Shay, it looks like he wants to eat you, pussy first." Over growled in awe.

"Isn't that the point?" Shaede moaned, shuffling forward to get in just the right spot while holding my upper muzzle in place. "Now be a good Bear and make this Dragon roar!" I thought she would slam herself down onto me, but she moved at just fast enough of a pace that I could give her a nice long lick before once again burying my tongue in her sweet passage.

The pointy rubber teeth just below my suit's nose were rubbing up near her navel, providing squeaky little noises with each grind of her hips against my mouth. Now, I don't have a particularly long tongue, as far as I know it's pretty much average length. But like my cock, my tongue is wide. And while I enjoy putting my member to good use, I discovered very early on my partners loved my tongue-play. So I did the nerdy thing and researched all sorts of ways to use said tongue to best effect. So what was writhing and wriggling within Shaede's quivering cunt was a well practiced, prehensile muscle.

And boy did I use it to its fullest effect. Like before I would start at the base of her sex and lick upwards, tracing the contours of her lips before finding the oversensitive nub at it's peak. But instead of flicking, caressing or otherwise contacting that bud of pleasure, I ignored it to thrust my thick tongue as deep as possible. The anticipation of every lick combined with the denial of its culmination was slowly driving the dragoness to madness, a state I could feel in her claws as they impatiently dug into my shoulder, head, neck, arms, anywhere they could get purchase before changing frustrated to somewhere else.

And just as I was adept at using my tongue, I had also become well versed in my partners reactions. I could tell when they were just starting to ride the edge and when they were about to reach breaking point. Shaede was just reaching the latter, I was gonna get properly clawed if I didn't give her what she wanted.

So I did.

Sweeping my tongue slowly up her lips only to stop before her clit, I began pushing my tongue into her but changed mid-thrust to continue the upwards lick and gave that sensitive nub my full attention. With a firm pressure I ran the entire length of my tongue along Shaede's clitoris, scooping it into my mouth at the end so I could suckle on it. Again my expectations were shattered; for while I was waiting to hear a moaned sigh from the Dragoness, instead I was treated to an orgasmic wail.

I halted my movements immediately as Shaede shuddered above me, worried I'd hurt her. But the Dragoness' vocal display subsided, turning to a threatening growl. "Stop now 'n' I'll rip yer throat out..." Wide eyed I resumed sucking, my tongue lashing against the sensitive skin in double time. Turns out, Shaede was a screamer. Moaners, praisers, and squeakers I'd all been with. But up until then, never a screamer.

The initial thought of having hurt Shaede had been a massive blow to my state of arousal, my cock quickly shrinking. The tent in my boardshorts all but disappeared as I focused on the Dragoness above me. But as soon as I'd resumed tongue fucking the latex-clad dominatrix, I felt the bottom half of my clothing being tugged away. I couldn't see what was happening but after a few seconds I could feel a hand cupping my fur-covered balls while another played with the faux sheath.

The touch down there sent tingles through me, resulting in a moan uttered straight into Shaede's clit. "Fuck!" She growled, bucking against my mouth. I released her from the suction of my lips, opening my mouth to resume tongue-fucking the Dragoness. The thrusting of my tongue into her slick passage didn't abate her own need to hump my face, and soon I had her grinding full force against my muzzle, the teeth squeaking against her thighs as she rode my face. Each grind forward resulted in Shaede impaling herself on my tongue, while sliding backwards she got the full length of my tongue licking the underside of her clit.

The motion was almost easier than her straddling me motionless, as I fell into her rhythm with each lick. Further down my body that same rhythm was being applied via gentle undulations to my balls. In little time, the tip of my cock pushed past the furry rim of the sheath, where it was met by the soft breeze of someone's hot breath. That stole my attention and I almost fell out of synch with Shaede's pace because of it. Désirée must have seen my lack of arousal and was preparing me for - what I hoped was - the inevitable fucking this Dragoness had in store for me.

As my cock emerged further from it's fabric shelter, Désirée's other hand wrapped around it, pumping it to full height in several gentle tugs. I moaned again and Shaede moaned back, increasing the impact of each rotation of her hips. What caused us to both pause what the sensation of a latex mouth descending upon my engorged prick, where the lips hidden within wrapped around my glans and sucked. Or rather, it was the half-shouted moan of pleasure I released into Shaede's pussy as the pressure brought me right to the edge of where it was more pain than pleasure.

I have no idea where Désirée learned that, but it felt incredible. Not to mention feeling the blood thumping so hard at the end of my cock made me feel nigh-invincible. "I think he's ready." Overwulf growled from somewhere out of sight. Shaede wasted no time pulling away from my face. Shuffling down my body as I looked up to see Désirée looking down at me from behind a camera. My confusion must have been visible through the fursuit head as I could still feel a paw gently caressing my orbs.

I didn't have time to process this new information as Shaede ran a clawed hand forcefully down my chest. Had I not been wearing the suit I'd have had thick red stripes running from collarbone to abs. "I cum first, Bear." It wasn't a statement, it was a demand. I gulped, nodding the affirmative as the black and red dragoness lined herself up. I could tell from the look in her eyes - and the shuddering of her body only moments earlier - that she was quite close to her climax and that gave me a bit of hope.

Relaxing my head I looked back up to Désirée, who was fingering herself while trying to hold the camera steady. I'm not sure what came over me, but as Shaede impaled herself on my cock, I opened my maw wide, reaching up to grab behind the displacer-beast's knees. "Aaaahhhmmm..." I moaned, squinting my eyes closed as the slick warmth of Shaede's pussy engulfed my member whole.

Désirée needed no further encouragement, and by the time I had my eyes open she had knelt astride my head, lowering her nether lips to my waiting mouth. A small readjustment to the position of my muzzle and I was penetrating two women with both ends of me. It wasn't a conventional fuck sandwich but I didn't care. Désirée leaned forward, an excuse to get a closeup of the action near my hips but the reason was clear; bent over like that I had much better access to her pussy and I went to town.

It took a moment for Shaede to recover from her impalement, but given she probably had a lot of practice with Over's knotted sheath, someone like me was no doubt an easy lay. It didn't change the fact that she felt incredibly tight, and incredibly warm; bordering on hot. Like me, it seemed this dragoness ran hot, something she couldn't help but mention "Nothing like a nice thick cock to warm you up..." She growled, her internal muscles milking me already, no doubt a practiced move but effective nonetheless.

Her words echoed inside my head more than I honestly intended them to. They really lifted my spirits, somehow. Maybe because it was the approval of someone I had massive respect for, or perhaps simply the fact Shaede liked my cock. I knew she and Over were very careful about whom they allowed into their private life, and from the rumors I'd heard: once you'd gotten as far as Désirée and I had, they basically considered you part of their inner circle.

Shaede began to bounce on my cock, returning my mind back to the threesome at hand. There was little I had to focus on down below, with Shaede building up a rhythm that required zero input from me. However I had a needy displacer beast riding my face, and with a few tongue flicks to her clit, I soon had Désirée moving in time with the Dragoness. I felt two sets of claws scraping against my somewhat pudgy abs, indicating Désirée had passed the camera back to Overwulf at some point.

I regulated my breathing and did my best to keep my own orgasm in check as I ate out my friend and got pounded by someone I'd only properly met that night. As Shaede's thrusts became harder, I could tell she was nearing her limit, and I echoed this by doubling my effort with Désirée. But before I could build a good rhythm, she was pulled up off me. As her legs disappeared from either side of my face I spied a tripod set up to one side, filming the entire lewd scene.

But before I could see anything else, Désirée dropped to all fours above me. I saw Over's strobing legs press against hers, his dribbling cock coating my muzzle in his pre once more as it pressed against my friend's blue belly. I got to watch in awe as the thick knotted cock pushed past the velvety lips and almost instantly into the waiting pussy beyond. He pushed in to the curve of his knot and held it in place. Désirée's legs muffled the sound a little, but I could hear Over say "Do you want more?"

"Yes!" Désirée cried back.

"Think you can take my monster?" He growled, pushing forward to remind the woman what she was in for. "It ain't gonna be easy."

"Fuckin' try!" Désirée moaned back "I need this!"

"Someone's eager!" Moaned Shaede "Better give it to her!" And give it to her he did. The five or so inches of cock before the sizeable knot was pistoned into Désirée's pussy with a speed I'd only seen in pornos and wildlife documentaries. A string of incomprehensible moans escaped her lips as Overwulf pounded away. "Fuck!" Shaede cried, her body tensing up.

I can only imagine what Shaede was seeing; Désirée's half-lidded eyes staring out into space, mumbled moans warbled from her lips while her body shook with the impact of a jackhammer in the form of a muscular Overwulf. Whatever it looked like, it seemed enough for the Dragoness to reach her peak, slamming down on my hips with all her might to drive my cock deep inside.

But the depth wasn't what took my breath away. As tight as Shaede was before, that was nothing compared to the rippling contractions pulsating around my cock. Her pussy was well and truly trying to milk me as she came. An orgasmic scream rumbled from deep inside the dragoness, starting as a guttural vocalisation before raising up to an ear-piercing roar of lust. My body shuddered from the primal nature of it.

The sound and feel of Shaede's climax sent me over the edge. I could feel myself throbbing with need, desperate for release. And so could Shaede. "Good Bear." She cooed, her voice hoarse after that animalistic declaration of pleasure "You let this Dragoness cum first."

Overwulf slowed his pace, Désirée both whimpering from the lack of sensation and signing for the brief reprieve. "Dizzy lasted?" He said in jest. "Nicely done, not many have."

"And that deserves a reward." despite her worn vocal chords, Shaede still managed to have a silky sweet voice as she writhed on my hair-trigger erection. "You wanna cum for me?"

"Yes Dragoness." I replied, my cock driving the conversation as the logical part of my mind melted into a goopy pool of lust. Her inner muscles pinched tight around her entrance before rolling upward, as though her pussy were trying to suck me in further.

"Then cum, Dizzy."

Her demand was all it took. Balls shuddering, cock pulsing I fired my first load deep into Shaede's tight cunt. Or at least, I tried. Her muscles clamped down just behind my glans, wringing my shaft tight as the second volley of cum backed up behind the first. She had such a tight grip on me, it was almost painful. With each burst of seed I writhed uncomfortably underneath her. Was this payback for my oral antics earlier? What sort of excercises did someone have to do to be capable of that? Questions bounced around inside my mind as I contemplated the position I was in; looking up at my friends pussy getting pounded by a famous fur while my own cock was being denied it's release by that same fur's equally famous partner.

And then; Bliss.

With a subtle grind forward the floodgates opened, and in one massive blast I felt every drop of cum pressurised within my shaft launch into Shaede's welcoming pussy. The Dragoness sighed long and loud at the voluminous burst within her, taking immense pleasure in the sudden flood of cum filling her pussy. And due to her clamping down, part of me felt as though I still hadn't climaxed, even though my hazy mind and aching balls would say otherwise. So despite my feeling of emptiness, I was still hard as a rock.

Before I could further comprehend my state of being, Shaede humphed, leaning forwards to release me from her toasty grasp before swinging back to get up on her false feet. The few stumbled steps I heard preceded the strain of springs and fabric as she collapsed on the couch. Looking to the side I could see her fingering herself gently, enjoying the view of her wolf slowly stretching Désirée's pussy with each thrust.

Over must have noticed my erection as with a particularly forceful thrust he pushed the Displacer-beast forward, her muzzle grazing the still hard shaft as her arms buckled. I saw an opportunity, and must admit I felt no guilt in guiding Désirée's muzzle to my cock. As soon as my cum-coated member slipped inside that latex muzzle, she understood and lowered herself upon it. I moaned in delight as her lips wrapped around the sensitive head and sucked it deeper. My hands, no longer needing to guide slid down her form to the pendulous breasts swaying with each thrust.

I love Désirée's breasts.

I love Clara's breasts too, don't get me wrong, but there's something about them being presented that way. Somewhere inside I remembered the way Désirée described how she saw me; her creator, her father even. Those breasts were a culmination of my artistic design and her natural beauty. And in my hands they felt perfect. And I think Désirée felt the same, the way I rolled her flesh in my palms, sensuously kneading her bosom brought out some kind of animal inside her. Suddenly each thrust forward was met by a thrust back from her. She wanted that knot. And she wanted it badly.

"Fuck, She always this needy Diz?" Over growled from above.

"You've no idea." I chirpily admitted from between their legs. As if in response, Désirée readjusted her maw and sucked half my cock into her mouth in one go, the rubber teeth grinding against my balls as she licked every drop of cum from my swollen tool. "Oh Désirée..." I moaned, squeezing her breasts a little harder as she went to town on my cock.

"Désirée," Over said, his tone a little calmer than it had been throughout the rest of the night "I'm gonna try pushing a bit harder, okay?" She nodded her head, humming an affirmative into my cock. I wondered whether I should try to pull her off me to stop her biting down in pain, but I didn't have time to do so as Over wrapped his massive paws around her purple and blue waist. I gulped, watching as the thick knot slowly pushed further inside my friend's pussy.

Moaned mixes of pleasure and pain huffed over my cock as Désirée took each push like a champ. The moans turned to whimpers as Over pulled back, allowing the stretched pussy time to recover before trying again. Teeth grazed my shaft as Désirée went absolutely nuts suckling and licking my tool between stretchings. Then with an audible squelch, the knot slipped beyond her lips. Désirée screamed into my member, sending shivers through my entire body.

Overwulf's hands slid from her sides to her back. "You okay?" He asked tenderly, concern in his voice as he checked on his most recent conquer. I could feel Désirée panting on my cock, a whimper with each exhale. It took a few moments before she nodded. That's when I noticed the spasming of her leg muscles. Somewhere during the knot's entry, she had reached her climax. But Over wasn't done yet. I knew what this might lead to, but I kept my mouth shut. I wanted her first con experience to be as magical as possible, and having Mr. Rules show up to ruin it would be wrong of me.

She moaned lustily as Over began gyrating inside her, her mind shot, only able to concentrate on the pleasure she was receiving. Feeling I was hampering the process, I slowly slid my way out from under them, stopping briefly by Désirée's head to whisper "I'm here if you need me. You're safe." Rolling out of the way of the camera I joined Shaede on the couch, an ivory-coloured paw wrapped around my cock as I masturbated to the sight of the strobing wolf balls-deep inside my friend. All four of us were in view of the camera, and I couldn't wait to get ahold of the footage.

Désirée moaned aloud again, her thighs quivering as a second orgasm shot through her system. Over continued to pound away, his pace getting more and more hungry. Grunts of lust accentuated each thrust as he crept closer to his own climax. Désirée seemed barely conscious at this stage, her body attempting to push back against Overwulf after panting her way through that second orgasm. But it wouldn't last long.

As Over's groan turned into a growl, he readjusted his grip on Désirée's hips and pulled back, the knot popping free from her well stretched pussy before slamming the whole length back in. Désirée screamed as the wolf came. Holding her hips tightly to his, he pumped load after load of his spunk into the displacer beast, her scream quickly turning to a mumbled moan as she collapsed on the floor. Over used the new position to push himself deeper, filling my friend with as much of his cum as he could muster, the finger against the perineum trick apparently having worked exceptionally well.

It was only after Shaede asked "Get what you wanted?" and didn't get a reaction that the penny dropped. "Désirée, sweetie?" She stood, a little worried.

I got up with her. "Don't worry, it's okay." Walking over to Désirée I placed a paw on her back. She was still breathing, I could feel it. "It's only happened once to me, but if she cums too many times in a row she can kinda 'overload'." Overwulf pulled out gently, eliciting a subconscious whimper from the suited up woman. I was glad I was there to hold her as she slowly fell to the floor. Guiding her down a little ways, I let Désirée rest a moment.

"We should get her to the bed." Shaede said, a little concerned.

"It's okay, I'll carry her back to our room." I said with a heavy sigh.

"I think it would be better if she stayed the night here." Over said, crouching down to check for himself that Désirée was - in fact - okay.

"While I appreciate it, and I'm sure she does too-" I stroked down her purple furry back "-there's a bit more than just exhaustion." I knelt down next to Désirée, facing Overwulf and Shaede. Keeping an eye on Désirée I ran through the basics of Dissociative Identity Disorder, and while they had heard about it kinda tangentially, they seemed quite intrigued by the detail I gave them. I admitted to the nature of our relationship as well as the complexity of hers; having been given permission in the car ride down to talk about it if necessary. Over was a little concerned that he'd just cucked some poor guy but I explained as best as possible that Clara and Désirée - despite sharing a body - were very different people.

But what I made sure to emphasize was the existence of the smaller aspects. "So when she wakes up in the morning, neither of us know which aspect will be out. And if it's one of the younger ones, she might freak out being in bed with two strangers. Our room has two queen beds, one for each of us, so at the very least she can wake up alone and figure things out herself." I chuckled. "Her primary aspect even wrote a letter for the younger ones explaining they were here to look at big lifesize teddy bears; so not to worry about the costumes, as we'd need to use them to sneak in."

Shaede's eyes were wide with amazement. "Wow. That's... super complicated."

"Imagine not knowing of Désirée's existence and having her jump you the moment the suit was on." Two sets of jaws dropped before me as I regaled them of how I met Désirée for the first time.

"Does John know?" Over asked, stunned.

"About Désirée? Yes. About Désirée's libido?" I sighed "Not exactly. Apparently she's met him in suit - she refuses to show up outside it - and he was a little weirded out by her advances. He was supposed to be here this weekend to learn more about the culture and stuff, but is caught up with last minute work stuff."

"And, you're okay with that?" Shaede's question was as loaded as a question could be. I could feel them waiting in anticipation to judge my answer.

To my credit, I didn't hesitate and spoke my heart. "No. I know in some regard I am betraying him every time Désirée and I go down this path. But when it comes down to it, she's right: Désirée is not Clara. And having brought her into this world, I'm responsible for her well being. Without me she'd be going around fucking everyone in sight. Which would be her choice of course, but I want to make sure she stays safe. So I've taken the burden of guilt in that regard. If she's safe, then it's worth it."

"And what about us?" Over indicated the two of them.

"I'm sorry. I should have found time to talk to you about it earlier-"

"No," he chuckled "I mean why come up here this evening?"

I smiled. "She wanted this." I gestured to the room, to the camera and to her. "She wanted a fur to fill her up, to be fucked silly and have the freedom to love every second of it. That was our agreement." I stroked her head, smiling "She gets fucked stupid as long as I give her the go-ahead."

"And you trust us?" Shaede stated more than asked.

I thought about it for a moment, before nodding. "Yes. I've only ever really spoken to you two online before, but you both seemed genuine and I could tell from in the club how much you cared about your fellow furs. Reputation aside, I spent most of tonight trying to come to that decision. And I feel I made the right choice." I sighed, looking back to them. "I'm sorry if any of this seems deceptive, I didn't intend for it to be."

Over grunted, standing. "I think we need to sleep on it." He said, offering a hand to Shaede, who took it. "In the meantime, do you need help getting Désirée back to your room?"

I shook my head. "It's all good. I can carry her, and we're just a few doors down opposite the elevator, so it's not too difficult." I crouched beside Désirée's limp body, scooping my arms under her like a forklift. The night's activities had taken their toll on my muscles, my body screaming a little as I stood. But I tried my best to hide the stress with a little chuckle. "Wish she'd stayed away from those pints of cider."

Over slapped me gently on the shoulder. "Tonight was wild. Rest up and we'll have a chat tomorrow." I nodded as I made my way to the door. Shaede and Over waved goodbye as I stepped through. Keeping my arms straight I turned one hand and gave a little finger wave before pressing the button for our floor.

As the door behind me closed and the elevator opened, I nervously stepped inside. "Mmmmm, Dizzy..." Désirée moaned in my arms. Or perhaps it was Clara.

I squeezed her a little closer to me. "Almost back to our room, it's okay." The doors opened and I moved toward our room. I'd strapped the keycard to my forearm inside the suit, so with a little maneuvering I managed to unlock it with Désirée still in my arms. Pushing inside I carried her straight to her bed, laying her down gently. The first thing I did once there was gently remove her head.

A tired looking Clara turned to look at me, grin plastered across her face. "Don't forget your promise..."

I laughed. The night was clearly not over.

Désirée; The Agreement

With the black duffel slung over my shoulder, I strode up to Clara's door. It had been only a few days since I was last here, and while I had received texts from her since, they felt a little off. The message last night was particularly curious. 'Lunch...

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Update: Google drive

I don't know what's going on, but my google drive and google docs are taking ages to load and are a pain to type in. Due to office 365 running out of subscription sometime earlier this year, I've not got a decent word editor on my computer to deal with...


Désirée; The Arrival

I held the suitcase tightly in one hand as I reached for the door. It might have only been a pile of fur and foam, but it was damn heavy regardless. Taking a deep breath I knocked. The cheap wooden door reverberated the hollow thud through the house's...

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