A New Job (commission for Cyrus Nygma)

Story by Jon Sanders on SoFurry

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Another butthole commission for @ CyrusE_Nygma on Twitter!

His ref sheet is by FA: sunnysketches , enjoy!

Jon was adjusting quite well to his new job, he thought while adjusting his uniform jockstrap. He had plenty of experience in hospitality and service, but a job as a live-in butler for a mysterious writer's mansion had been daunting at first. He had started to relax, however, when during the interview it was mentioned that the butler would be required to wear only the aforementioned underwear on his lower half. Jon always felt more at ease if his bare ass was out.

So far his interactions with Cyrus, the owner of the mansion, were cordial but actually minimal. Jon attended to the writer's whims, which were sometimes odd but never cruel or strict. The sabertoothed otter ushered in guests, fetched food and drinks and supplies, and generally made sure his employer was comfortable. The tufted yellow dragon often favored him with a smile and a few appreciative glances lower down, seeing that Jon did indeed fill out his jockstrap pouch quite well.

All in all, the first week had gone smoothly. Jon's job was fairly easy and free, the pay and benefits and lodging were excellent, and scuttling around the huge house all day with only open-reared underwear below his formal suit shirt had already gotten him a fair amount of friendly ass-slapping from the other staff, and even one delightfully unexpected fingering from one of the cooks behind the kitchen.

But even those mild pleasures of partial nudity and easy assplay didn't prepare the otter for the reveal of the benefits and even the very nature of his job.

Jon stood outside Cyrus's private chamber and expertly balanced a silver tray on one nimble hand while knocking on the door with the other. His rudder twitched and idly writhed behind him as he waited for the signal. The dragon within was not unkind, but was very particular about who disturbed him while he was writing, and why. Jon had quickly learned that it was prudent to intrude only when he was asked or welcomed to.

"Yes?" came the voice from inside the room.

"It's Jon!" the otter chirped, his tail sprigging up again.

"Ah yes, please come in!"

The thick mahogany door swung inward smoothly when Jon pressed down on the handle. The room inside was immaculate and well-dressed, but not rococo. A beautifully simple four-poster bed was draped with a thin curtain, and there was a wash basin and mirror on the wall on the other side of the bed. Dozens of tall shelves held books of every shape, size, age, and condition. But it was the massive and solid writing desk at the foot of the bed, by the gorgeous multi-sectioned window, that Jon looked to now. Or rather, to who was seated at it.

Cyrus smiled warmly and maybe just a little predatorily at the otter as the bulky door clicked shut smoothly. Jon's resume and experience had been more than enough to secure him the butler job on their own, but when the dragon first met him in person, the odd otter's gracefully thin frame and absolute willingness to be partially nude had easily cinched the appointment. Of course, Cyrus thought as he sat his pen down upon the manuscript of the mystery play he was currently drafting, those side-mouth saber-tusks were quite appealing as well. And Jon did NOT know that those same fangs had played a secret part in getting him this dream job as well. Cyrus had intended all along to give them a spin of their own.

"Your wine, Sir Nygma, as requested." Jon plucked the delicate glass from the middle of the tray he carried, and respectfully set it down on the desk by Cyrus's left hand.

"Why thank you, Jon. Your timing is perfect, I was just taking a break to rest my hand anyway!" The yellow dragon almost purred as he took a sip of the lush red liquid from the glass, one of his favorite vintages from his vast collection. He had wanted something special for the occasion of truly breaking in his new butler.

"How goes the writing?" Jon asked with a flick of his long ottery whiskers.

Cyrus chuckled and sipped again. "Quite well, thank you Jon. Please, set the tray down, and sit on the bed, I'd like to talk for a bit."

Jon gulped. And here he had thought the job had been going so well...

As he pushed aside the bed's curtain and gingerly sat his bare but fuzzy butt on the luxuriously soft and cool sheets, the otter cleared his throat and inquired, "Is something wrong with my job performance so far? I'm still sort of settling in, but I've been really enjoying it so far and I'm willing to learn anything else you'd like me to do!"

The dragon smiled again. "No no, you've been doing fantastic, it's a pleasure to have you around. Though, since you mentioned it, there IS one more thing I would like you to do, and something I was secretly looking for in a new full-time employee."

Jon tugged on the hem of his jacket and shirt to make them look straight and professional. "Anything you want! Please let me know the responsibilities."

"Actually, I think it'd be much easier if I just showed you," Cyrus smirked a little bit, standing up and stretching, his own thick and tufted tail flipping on the floor.

"Good idea, I'm best at learning hands-on!" the otter butler squeaked innocently.

"That's exactly what I'd hoped you'd say, Jon. But your hands won't be the most important thing in this task." The dragon unbuttoned his pants and began to pull them down.

Jon's gray eyes widened with surreal shock. Up until now he had believed that his own revealing uniform was just the product of Cyrus's eccentricities and the dragon just liked to have some eye candy around at all times. But now the otter's employer was stripping himself...and he seemed to have as little on underneath his pants as Jon currently wore.

"You see, Jon, I can afford any extravagant or comfortable or stylish chair I want, and I do have several favorites indeed. My writing chair at my desk, my reading chair in the lounge... But I've also had a hankering for another place to be able to sit. That's why I hired you. Your face looked comfortable."

Cyrus had finished removing his pants now, and kicked them next to his desk. He stood proudly in his own jockstrap, the pouch looking plump and soft and full. Jon's eyes fixed on it; his whiskers trembled and his mouth watered. It was a few seconds later that it occurred to him: as much as he had been enjoying having his own ass out constantly because of the jock requirement, that meant his boss's butt was now equally bare behind him.

That thought came to dominate Jon's mind as Cyrus strolled up to the bed and placed his hands on either side of Jon's thighs. "Go ahead and lie back, Jon, I'll show you what I had in mind for the rest of your duties." Now in a mesmerized trance, the otter did as directed, first scooting back on his elbows and then fully lying on his back.

The slightly larger dragon crawled over Jon's form until the crotch of his jock was pressed right up to the otter's large bearish nose. He could feel Jon's whiskers tickling the inner sides of his scaled thighs. "You might think I'm about to give you a mouthful of dragon dong. But for now, I'll spare you that. Your main responsibility will actually be my asshole."

"Your a-?!" But Jon's mouth was already occupied before he could question this development. His boss's taint was sliding across his lips as the dragon crawled forward a few more inches. Only a few seconds lapsed before the dragon fully lowered down, but that was enough time for Jon to moan at the view of a dark purple anus between the lighter-yellow scales in Cyrus's ass crack. He didn't have time to sniff, but Jon's extra-large nostrils still caught an odd fruitlike scent in the dragon's ass. Is that...?

He quickly found out, and yes it was. Cyrus gently pressed his asshole down into Jon's mouth, and the otter's lips eagerly found the rim and sucked. There was definitely a flavor much like fresh raspberries, but also appealingly floral, like lavender. It gave off a sensation of cleanliness even though the dragon hadn't scrubbed his asshole at all before plugging it between Jon's lips. Apparently, said cleaning was Jon's tongue's job now.

"There you go, butler. I know I didn't include buffing and polishing in the job description when you applied, but from now on I'll be expecting you to suck up to my asshole whenever I say to. Or to accept it into your mouth whenever I want to put it there. I'll give you one chance to disagree with those terms. Right now." Cyrus lifted his ass just a few inches off of his employee's face. "Do you accept this responsibility as described?"

Jon didn't have to mull it over for even a second. "Yes! Yes! Ohhhhh yes!" he said breathlessly. "I'll be your butthole's butler as much as I am yours!"

Cyrus rippled his tail, the black and white fur ridge on the top and tip of it rustling happily. "Excellent, and good to know. Have a kiss." The dragon's weight bore down on Jon's snout again, the anus perfectly targeted right to the otter's bearlike black lips. Jon hungrily kissed the beautifully wrinkled butthole right back, his lips locking around the rim as his tongue swiped over the sunken center repeatedly.

His eyes drifted open blearily and he stared up at the cloth-contained bulge of Cyrus's testicles. With a noseful of taint and a mouthful of asshole, he could just barely see past the jock pouch and up the front of the dragon's shirt. His hands lifted slowly so he could feel the dry roundness of Cyrus's bare ass cheeks, kneading them and squeezing them and feeling his motions work the shapes of the buttocks around his muzzle.

He could not have been more in heaven. All thoughts of his other responsibilities faded away to a dim buzz at the back of his mind, replaced by only butthole and asshole and anus to suck on. The pleasantly strong raspberry flavor only made him munch more greedily at the warm flesh of Cyrus's hole. He thought dreamily that he could stay down here for hours, just getting to know the butthole of his boss. He would be thrilled to soon learn that hours of nonstop nursing is exactly what would be expected of him.

"Just a second, don't move..." Cyrus rumbled as he hastily lifted off one more time. The rush of fresh air and absence of butthole made Jon moan wordlessly. He wanted more.

He looked over at the desk, where the dragon had stepped to, and watched him pluck the mostly-full wine glass off the polished wooden surface. "I figured I might as well enjoy life's finest pleasures from both ends at once!" The dragon took a tiny sip from the thin glass and then sauntered back over to the bed with it, this time squatting on his knees over Jon's head facing the other way. The thick yellow tail draped over the otter's forehead, and now Jon had a better and longer view of Cyrus's beautiful asshole as it descended more slowly this time. He was almost hypnotized by the puckered purple oval as it came to take over his mouth once again.

And it was a very good thing that Jon took such an immediate liking to Cyrus's butthole. In the many months to come while Jon was happily employed at Nygma Manor, he would spend at least an hour a day with his mouth around that succulent purple anus. And he would love every minute of it.

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