Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 19

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#19 of TOTGM - After Story Specials

Chapter 19 - A Captain Like No Other (Part 1)

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Voyage Begins! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfGYD1Vnk80 Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"It really is something, isn't it?" Chris asked, walking up to Smith outside the bridge who, now living as a Cofagrigus, was still coming to terms with his ship born anew and sailing the seas once more, taking in a deep breath with only an "Aye" in response as he looked toward the horizon ahead. "It does this old soul good..." he added before noticing Chris had brought him a hot cup of tea. "Thank ye' lad." he smiled, taking the offering and having a sip. "Although she's a great deal different than my vessel, the purpose and spirit remain unchanged." he chuckled. "To carry the hopes and dreams of all on board toward a tomorrow full of possibilities." he went on in a nostalgic tone. "Upon our original voyage, it was in this very spot, sipping tea in this very way, that I gazed upon this same horizon..." Smith sighed, looking down at his cup. "...Almost as though it never happened..." he finished, his tone turning into a mumble. "We all deserve a second chance... It's up to us to make sure we do it in style." Chris affirmed, giving the former Captain a slap on the back causing him to fumble his cup. "A-Aye, that we must." Smith smiled nervously. Looking down at the bow below them, countless passengers could be seen roaming about the deck, with crew consisting of Chris's own and the Yamask who stayed in the living world with their Captain busily serving passerby's snacks and beverages. "It's good to see the boys so busy again, brings back a real spunk they haven't had in ages." Smith grinned proudly. "Captain!!" one of the officers shout from the bridge, making both turn. "What is it?" Chris asked. "We're picking up a large mass of migrating Pokemon ahead, orders sir?" the officer asked.

"Hmm..." Chris muttered, rubbing his chin before showing a smirk. "Change the radius and strength of our sonars, use it to tell those Pokemon to make way for our ship. Make sure the pulse isn't strong enough to harm them! We just want some wiggle room to get by." he ordered. "What path are they on?" he asked. "Northwestern from the looks of it Captain, our course is due west." the officer answered. "Mm... How are we on time?" Chris replied. "Ahead by several hours sir, why?" the officer answered while Smith glanced at him curiously. "Go ahead and steer the ship along their course of travel then. We'll follow them for a bit and... See what happens." Chris grinned in an adventurous manner, the officers looking at one another just as curiously before getting an "Aye aye!" in response. "What are you up to lad? A vessel should always remain on course... Unless emergencies are in order." Smith cautioned. "It's fine, I think this may be worth a little detour." Chris assured as the ship began a gradual turn. "Hey girls!! Come over here!!" he waved, getting their attention as they explored the area within and around the bridge. "What is it now?" Zorua asked, raising her brow as everyone gathered. "We might be in for a show in a minute, so stay here." Chris instructed as Sera climbed up his coat and leaned over his shoulder, looking around curiously. Noticing the passengers and staff alike looking around curiously, one of the officers in the bridge suddenly shout "Wailord off the port side!" before the cry from the colossal Pokemon could be heard as it rose from the surface. "Here we go!" Chris grinned excitedly, and not long after an entire pod of the mighty Pokemon could be seen swimming along from all corners of the Legend, making their way along the same course as the ship as it followed their migration.

With passengers along the ship rushing to the rails, they point out the countless Wailord in excitement, after which Chris leaned toward Smith with a "Worth it now?" response to his earlier critique, making the former Captain smirk with a "Cheeky rookie" remark. With some Wailord shooting up from the sea and crashing down, seeing so much of their scale had passengers taking out their devices to record the spectacle. "How are we on space?" Chris asked, turning back to the bridge. "Plenty of room to wiggle Captain, we can make our way back on course any time." one of the officers assured. "No sign of any getting too close?" Chris pressed, making sure the ship wasn't a threat to any of the sea life with the officer responding that all was well. "We'll just consider this an extra treat for folks." Chris chuckled as the group watched the Pokemon swimming alongside the worlds largest liner. In the midst of all the Wailord, countless Dragonair as well as Gorebyss and Dewgong could be seen leaping from the surface, accompanied by species like Starmie and Mantine, Luvdisk and more, species from all walks of ocean life had gathered to make their way along, likely to breed elsewhere as the ship followed. "This is how you start a journey!" Chris laughed in a hearty and infectious manner. On his right shoulder, Sera's eyes were wide and lit up, her mouth open slightly from the sight while Zorua gave a "Look at that..." response in her usual casual way. Brionne was looking at all the Pokemon in a slightly envious manner, seeing their proud and graceful forms moving along the surface while by Chris's side, Britney giggled at the excitement everyone was showing. Valora was just as surprised from the sheer number of Pokemon swimming around them, looking similar to Sera as she watched. Reaching up to his mic attached to his headgear, the girls suddenly heard his voice echoing "Ladies and gentlemen!" from speakers throughout the ship. "This is Nakazaki, your Captain speaking! Due to being ahead of schedule, and not wanting you to miss a fantastic sight, we have decided to change course for a few minutes!" he explained. "Our ship has come across a massive migration! Those of you inside the ship who'd like to see a real treat, I encourage you to head to our outer decks at this time! To all passengers in our medical wards, please turn your camera station to..." he went on, listing which channels for those stuck in bed to switch to so they could enjoy the event as well. Instructing his crew to turn TV's throughout the ship to a certain channel as well, this allowed passengers and crew alike who were busy or just passively curious to watch the migration from wherever they might be on the many decks inside.

"See there?" Chris grinned, looking at Sera making the small fox tilt her head. "Your papa said he'd take you to see the wonders of the world, didn't he? A cruise worthy of a princess, right?" he asked, making her bark excitedly and rub her face against his cheek. "What about the rest of you? Having a good time?" he added, each of the girls giving a smile and a nod, save for Zorua who merely shrugged. "Seriously... Does anything impress you?" Chris scowled, only to get a smirk from the smug Pokemon in response. After giving everyone plenty of time to enjoy the spectacle, Chris finally gave the order to leave, getting an obedient "Aye Captain!" before the ship gradually veered off the path of the migration and resumed its western voyage, putting itself back on its proper course. With the pod now falling behind them, many passengers made their way toward the stern of the ship to watch the migration as long as they could, waving the countless Pokemon farewell as if departing from loved ones. "Attention ladies and gentlemen! This is your Captain again! I hope you enjoyed our little detour! Our ship is now back on course and we're on our way!" Chris called through his mic. "Well now... Somebody's having fun, steering us this way and that." a voice called from behind, turning out to be Rostron as he waved in greeting. "Ha ha, sorry about that. You can't blame me though, it was worth it." Chris grinned youthfully. "It's a fine feeling, commanding your first vessel... I remember my own experience well to this day." Rostron sighed, taking in his own breath of air. "It was quite a show lad, a good call on your part." he nodded. "The well-being and happiness of passengers keeps top priority. If there are things we can do to make their experience with us all the greater, I've no qualms." he added, a hand on Chris's shoulder.

"Is the other Smith still down on the lower decks?" Chris asked. "Aye, just came back from a visit with him. Hard to pull the man away from the inner workings. Seems dead set on spending this entire trip making sure everything is ship-shape from bolt to piston." Rostron sighed. "Nothing wrong with that, a Captain needs a crew on their A game. If he wants to take charge of overseeing maintenance, I won't stop him." Chris replied, looking around. "It's a shame he's missing out on all this though." he added. "Well, it's not just for our sake, he has somebody to live up to as well..." Rostron reminded, looking at the original Smith as he smiled nervously. "The old boy needn't work so hard to impress this tired soul. I'm proud as it stands." he assured. "I know what it's like, wanting to live up to those around you. Once the drive kicks in, you can't be stopped." Chris smirked, turning back to the sea. "The drive to make people proud... And the drive to make up for the past..." he added, his expression turning slightly somber as the girls picked up on his change in tone, looking at him curiously. "I can relate to both of you." he sighed before raising his head again. "Just like this ship, we can only move forward, and do our best along the way." Chris finished, his smirk returning as the ocean glistened before them and split along the bow of the ship below. "True words lad." Smith agreed, giving him a pat on the back. After some time had passed and the officers had proven they had a handle on things, Chris excused himself from the bridge and began making his rounds along the outer decks of the ship with the girls, warmly greeting passengers while offering praise to crew as he walked. Passing by kids playing hopscotch, he jumped along the squares and waved with a warm grin.

"Are you a child yourself?" Zorua asked. "In spirit." Chris answered proudly as they moved along. Eventually coming to a battle in the midst of finishing on the stern, it was a match between two passengers, one using a Machamp while the other pushed their Machoke, and with the later trapped in a headlock, the struggling Pokemon was finally forced to tap out, hitting its hand on the deck before finally being released with a groan. "Alright! It's another win for us!" a young man shout excitedly, walking up to his companion for a high five before Machamp began flexing and posing. "Doing things in line with regulations I hope?" Chris spoke up, making the fighters and the crowd around them jolt. "Y-Yes sir, Captain sir!" the young man replied with a quick salute. "We're not in the army, I was just asking." Chris smiled with slight sweat showing. On board the Legend, any battles that took place were limited to designated wide open areas, with the only type of fighting allowed being limited to a more wrestling, and/or close combat type of setup, with projectile and elemental type abilities strictly banned and crew keeping watch over each fight. In order to start one, a request had to be made and forms filled, things Chris had already started checking for as he spoke to a nearby guard, looking over the documents signed by the trainers. "Quite a few people applied to fight against you... Looks like you've got a sturdy partner." Chris praised. "You're looking at the next Champ of Ureaxion, winning is what we do!" the young man grinned while his Machamp faced Chris with another flex and a grin of his own. "Ah hah... Then again, you're facing people who came for a vacation, they aren't exactly ready for a serious fight." Chris reminded with a cautionary tone.

"Confidence is great, but if there's one thing I've learned, get too full of yourself and next thing you know..." he added, pausing as the defeated Machoke sat up and sulked, its trainer assuring it was alright to lose from time to time before coaxing it to stand as it rubbed its head and grumbled in apology. Noticing his competitor on its feet again, Machamp walked up and offered its hand, making the Machoke blink in surprise before showing a grin and accepting, the two flexing their muscles as they shook hands. "Not bad..." Chris praised, looking between the two Pokemon before scanning the list in his hands again. Nearby, the girls were looking at the crowd around them, with Britney having pushed Brionne along in a wheelchair Chris had ordered so she wouldn't have to drag herself along or be carried. "You're going to battle this passenger Captain?" they heard the guard ask, drawing their attention to Chris as he stood signing the papers. "Why not? Could be fun." he smirked, handing the papers back to the guard as the girls approached. "Then... Which will do the fighting?" the guard replied, looking at the girls. "Excuse us?" Zorua scowled, raising her brow. "Who said anything about you being allowed to pit us against others?" she asked in agitation, the rest looking puzzled while Britney fidget uncomfortably. "Relax, none of you are gonna fight." Chris assured with a smirk. "Then... Who sir?" the guard asked before Chris pulled off his coat and hat, handing them to the guard before turning and hitting his fist in his palm. "Yours truly!" he grinned, both puzzling and stunning the girls and those around them. "You two are gonna be champs right? I should be an easy win then." he affirmed, the young trainer and his Machamp blinking at one another.

"Not much of a match, pitting a human against a Pokemon..." the trainer cautioned, with Machamp crossing his arms unsure of taking Chris on, looking as though debating it as well. "If that's the case you can breeze past me." Chris replied before calling for Midna, making its eyes open in his shadow before popping out and climbing its way onto his shoulder. "Me being a human in mind, I hope you don't mind if I have a little help." he added before giving Midna an order to brace his body. Nodding and climbing into his shirt, Chris then rolled up his sleeves as the imp's shadow spread along his skin, covering his arms and hands in a black coating. "Never judge an opponent by their looks, you never know what secrets and tricks they have." he warned, moving about in place like a boxer warming up for a match before taking on a fighting stance. "Wadaya say? You can turn me down, no hard feelings if you do... I think it'd be fun though." Chris grinned, the trainer looking wary of harming the ships Captain while Machamp merely looked as though sizing him up a before taking on its own fighting stance, accepting the challenge. "You... Sure about this?" the trainer asked, getting a nod and a grunt from the Pokemon in turn. "My companion will keep your strength from doing any major damage, so no need to hold back." Chris assured. "This will help keep me from getting rusty and toughen up my pal at the same time, so treat me like any other fighter." he insisted, Machamp nodding with a grin as its fists raised at the ready. "...You're gonna get yourself killed..." Zorua sighed, the others continuing to look at him in surprise. "Well, it's not fair to push you girls to toughen up without doing some training of my own, right?" Chris winked, looking at Valora making her blush.

Optional Track To LWR - Listen While Reading - Guardian in the Ring! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rFS3Fa7uoM Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Well then, fighters at the ready... And..." the guard called, raising his hand and lowering it with a "Begin!" before Machamp let out a shout and charged toward Chris, the crowd backing further away around them to make room. With its four arms against his two, Chris braced himself and blocked the first two fists, dodging his head away from the third before the fourth fist landed a direct hit on his torso, making his body arch. Gritting his teeth, he muttered about a "bad start..." as he worked himself away from the Pokemon, blocking and dodging its volley of blows. Nearby, Sera was whimpering warily, her ears sulked from seeing her "Papa" backed in a corner so easily. "Wonder who will order the flowers." Zorua smirked smugly as they watched. "N-Not bad... I can see how you made it through so many fights..." Chris praised, getting a grin from Machamp in turn before landing a blow against Chris's face, making him stumble aside before jolting as the Pokemon lift him above its head. Letting out a shout, just as he was told Machamp wasn't holding back, and as the girls tensed from seeing him in the air, the crowd gasped as Chris was hurled. As he flew through the air, Machamp gave chase, ready to slam into him only for Chris to twist and grab a lamp post, making his body abruptly swing around before shooting back toward Machamp and delivering a kick across its face, sending the Pokemon flying back while Chris land on the deck, making Sera cheer while the others relaxed. "Oof... Now we're even." he sighed, rubbing the mark on his face from the punch while the Pokemon raised with a groan. Facing each other, Machamp raised its fists with a grunt from the sly attack. "I told you, gotta be ready for any tricks a rival has." Chris chuckled.

Charging back toward him, Chris raced off as well, putting the two in another close-combat situation as they dealt and blocked blows. "First lesson!" he suddenly shout. "When in a match, always be aware of your surroundings!" Chris affirmed so the trainer and Machamp both could hear. "Using the air to catch an opponent off guard is all well and good, but never forget what can be used to your opponents advantage, even when you think you've got the upper hand!" he warned before being given another blow to the torso, then the face before delivering blows to Machamp in the same manner, albeit with more of an uppercut to the chin. "Don't just send your opponent flying in any direction, or what I just did can happen again! If you want to catch them by surprise, make sure there's nothing they can do or use to surprise you instead!" he added just before the two stumbled back from one another, giving him a chance to look at the girls. "Got that?" he insisted, getting a nod in response from Steenee and Sera. "A lecture during a fight? What kind of idiot tips off his opponent mid-combat?" Zorua skepticized before the two continued dealing blows, noticing the young trainer looking as though thinking over the tip himself. After a moment of giving and taking damage, Chris suddenly backed away and lift his hands, looking as though ready to surrender making Machamp blink before Midna created an additional pair of shadowy arms under his, making the Pokemon jolt. "Lesson two... Always expect the unexpected..." Chris grinned before resuming his attack with Midna dealing blows via its own fists, making him look like a miniature Machamp of sorts himself. "Never judge a book by its cover!" he warned as Machamp grit its teeth and redoubled its own efforts.

"Every challenger worth its muster will have tricks up its sleeve to get the upper hand! More often than not, the weakest looking foes can be the most deadly! The smaller they are, the more creative they get when it comes to surviving!" Chris instructed before finally managing to snatch one of Machamp's arms. Pulling it with all his might, while doing so Zorua noticed the faintest sparks rushing along Chris's arms, making her smirk. "He's a cheat..." she chuckled before the crowd watched as Machamp flipped over Chris and was slammed down into the deck before him, making the Pokemon shout while laying at his feet. "Just like the saying about the bigger they are, the harder they fall... Never forget, the smaller one is, the harder they tend to fight!" Chris grinned before stepping back, giving Machamp a chance to collect itself before being attacked again. "It's not the size of your opponent, it's a matter of wit against wit. Brawn is great, but brains can turn the tide no matter how mighty the foe may seem!" Chris insisted just before Machamp broke through and began battering him, sending Chris stumbling back as he tried to defend before the Pokemon hit him with two fists at once, sending him flying and landing on his back with a shout of his own. Struggling to lift himself up, Machamp was barreling toward him for a tackle, making him brace himself before catching hold of the Pokemon and using his arms and feet to flip his opponent over his body, giving him a chance to stand again while Machamp slid along the deck and hit against the railing of the ship. "Not... Too shabby..." Chris pant before looking at his hand. "Hard to believe taking down one guy is this tough now..." he thought, reflecting on his capabilities years prior.

Clenching his fist with a smirk, he stood at the ready again as Machamp recovered, shaking his head with a growl. "Seems you haven't paid attention to my style, so I'll clue you in on another tip..." Chris began as the Pokemon charged in and began another volley of punches. "It's all well and good to overwhelm your opponent, but I've said this to someone else already..." he paused, glancing toward Valora making her blink curiously as he focused on Machamp again. "There's no shame in keeping distance from your foe! Charging in headfirst, no matter how big or strong you are, is the best method to send you down a path of destruction!" Chris warned, snatching Machamp's arm and pulling it up into another flip. This time however it braced itself, forcing its body to turn in his grasp before landing on its hands and knees, looking up at Chris with a grin of its own from figuring out his move. Using this to his own advantage, while the Pokemon was low he used his knee, pulling Machamp's face into it making it clutch its face and stumble back, allowing Chris an opportunity to sweep its feet out from under it using his leg. Slamming onto the deck, Machamp winced while looking up at Chris, who was standing ready for more. "They say you shouldn't kick a man when he's down... Whenever you get me cornered, you race in like nothing matters. Even a beast that's cornered can have tricks to get the upper hand. Which is how I've gotten my best hits on you so far." he tipped off while the young trainer pat his fist in his palm in an "I get it" manner nearby, grasping the lesson as the fight went on. "When fighting someone, you have to know when to keep your enemy close, and when to keep your distance... You need to work on the later." Chris insisted, turning to the trainer.

However, in doing so Machamp managed to use his own move against him, sweeping his legs under Chris knocking him in the air and on his back. Following this, it grabbed him by the legs, lifting him over its body before slamming him down the opposite side and ending the move my leaping and sending two of its elbows down onto his torso, making Chris's cheeks and eyes bulge from the impact. Raising up, the Pokemon flexed with a "How you like that?!" type of snarl. Pushing himself up, Chris winced with a "My bad" remark from not keeping his focus. "Gotta say... I like the way you learn." he praised, getting a smirk from his opponent. Suddenly hearing a groan from Midna, he paused and pulled his collar, looking down at his torso covered in its shadow and seeing its face looking woozy. "Sorry about this... I promise the biggest slab of meat on this ship later, deal?" Chris offered before looking back at Machamp and taking on another fighting pose. "Gotta admit it, me and my pal are gettin' a little worse for the wear... You look roughed up yourself, so how about we wrap things up?" Chris asked, after which Machamp nodded with it's fists at the ready.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Drive Between Equals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdbEJYS1wh4 Recommended - Right Lick On Video - Select Loop

Nodding back, it was like watching the pair head into round two as they charged into one another, and as both went into a no-holds-barred style of close-combat, the crowd around them murmured their surprise at Chris's endurance, as well as the fact he was wearing down a Pokemon like Machamp as each took blow after blow to their faces and torso's. Retracting the extra arms Midna had created, Chris instead had the imp focus on using its remaining stamina to brace his arms. Even though the imp had countless abilities that could turn the tide in his favor, Chris wanted to end the tricks and lessons and focus on fighting his opponent on its own level instead, a sign of respect Machamp had picked up on and was ready to go all out in response. For every two blows the Pokemon delivered with its extra arms, Chris did his best to land one on par with the same strength, enduring his own double damage to whittle down the Pokemon as much as he could. Watching it all happen, the girls were silent in their own all, albeit with winces to the blows Chris took. "Hey... Sera!" he suddenly shout, dodging as best he could as the fox shot up. "No matter... What happens in life... No matter the challenge..." he began as he delivered another blow to Machamp's face. "Stand tall! Be proud! And give it your all!" he insisted as her eyes lit up. "Even... When the odds are against you... Believe in yourself, until the very end!" he went on before Machamp charged into him, tackling him to the ground causing Chris to slide along until they stopped in front of the girls. Wincing, he looked up at the fox as she whimpered before he turned toward Valora and Brionne, showing a grin through the pain.

"Life... It's tough, especially for the little guys... But if you can find a reason to go on, you will! If you can't find your own reason..." he paused, looking back at Sera's eyes. "Then fight for those you love the most. When you're at your worst, think of those who are deep in your heart, and find your strength to be your best!" he insisted before letting out a shout and delivering the strongest headbutt he could to Machamp, making the Pokemon shout and back away from him while clutching its forehead in pain. Quickly rising, Chris grabbed Machamp and sent his knee into its abdomen, making its eyes shoot open before the Captain of the Legend began his own volley of punches to push the Pokemon back. "Believe in yourself! If nobody else believes in you..." he paused, showing another grin to the young fox. "Then believe in the ME, because no matter what, I'll believe in you!" he finished, putting yet another spark in the fiery Pokemon's heart. "No matter how many times you fall in life, you gotta keep standing up! No matter how many blows you take, you gotta deal blows back!" he insisted as Machamp began gaining the upper hand again, sending Chris stumbling back as he was hammered by the bulky fists of the powerful opponent. "My words... Matter in every aspect of life! Heed them, you, and everyone on this ship!" he shout, making the crowd around them go silent. "Fight! When all seems lost, when you think there's no hope left, fight!" he insisted before shouting and redoubling his efforts, hammering against Machamp, the two now bleeding from their injuries. "When fate seems cruelest, show the world you can't be stopped! And... Even if you are at the end of the road... Even if your time is really up..." he paused before looking toward the girls.

"Then go out with a smile... Knowing you lived to the fullest and fought things through till the end." Chris grinned before Machamp slammed into him yet again, sending Chris flying and slamming to the deck. Letting out a groan, he weakly pushed himself back up and stood, his legs wobbling as he clutched his torso. "You know... I'm starting to believe what you said..." he praised, looking toward the young trainer. Hearing another groan from under his shirt, Chris felt Midna's coating slip away from his skin before the imp rolled out from his clothes, laying on the deck in a daze. "Looks like my support just tapped out..." he smirked, looking at Machamp as it raised its fists in its own weakened state. "Well then, if I'm on my own, guess it's as good a time as any to live up to my words." Chris affirmed, straightening himself to show respect for his opponents endurance. "Brionne... Valora..." he called while focusing on his opponent. "Don't forget what I've said, or what you've seen, got it?" he insisted, the two nodding just before the two charged toward one another. Rearing their fists back, the fighters prepared for their final blow as both let out an "Lets finish it!" type of shout, and as she watched closely, Zorua noticed the faint sparks appear along Chris's arm, making her smirk. Finally ready to throw their fists, the two landed a mighty punch across each other's faces, a blow that seemed to send a shock wave out as the onlookers inched back and winced. With both remaining still, everyone looked with anticipation to see who would win, jolting when both finally stepped back from one another and looked each other in the eyes. "Not bad at all... I guess I'm the one in the dust this time..." Chris admit, bowing to the Machamp before falling forward on the deck with a thud.

Shocked from seeing him defeated, the girls eyes widened while Sera sulked, letting out a "shoot" type of noise. Looking down at Chris in silence for a moment, Machamp clenched its fists and began breathing heavily before rearing its head back and letting out a mighty roar of victory, hammering its chest with its fists in pride. "The match is over! Machamp is the winner!" the nearby judge declared with his hand raised. Running up to Chris, Sera pushed his face with her own, letting out another concerned whimper making him twitch before wincing with a groan and looking at her. "I'm okay kiddo... Just a little rougher for the wear." he assured with a nervous laugh. "Just need a minute to... See things straight again..." he admit before groaning again. After a moment, he struggled to push himself up, looking at Machamp who was continuing to shout while walking around, raising its hands to encourage the crowd to applaud more. Turning toward him, the Pokemon walked up and offered its hand just as it had for the Machoke, helping Chris the rest of the way up and giving him a slap on the back as he stumbled. "I gotta say, I don't mind losing a fight to you." he praised, shaking the Pokemon's hand as the girls stepped up. "You keep in mind what I said and my lessons too, yeah?" he insisted, getting a nod from the victor. "If someone wants to challenge you, take them on. Everyone deserves to show their best, against the best." Chris grinned, making Machamp grin as well from the praise with a thumbs up in response. "Well, you didn't die, but you didn't win." Zorua smirked. "So? Winning wasn't the point, I just wanted to have some fun." Chris laughed heartily, putting the passengers and crew alike at ease given his injuries.

"It also seemed like a chance to give a moral lesson too." he added while the guard gave him back his coat and hat. "For all the times we humans pit Pokemon against each other, it should be our responsibility to take on the fighting ourselves from time to time too... Any trainer, or rather, anyone who respects Pokemon in general, should be willing to show they're worthy of all the respect a Pokemon gives them, that they are worth fighting for, and with." he point out, turning back to the victor as the girls looked at him with the same inspired eyes as Sera. "It was an honor, friend... Thanks for the good fight." he bowed a second time, with Machamp hitting his fists in his palms and bowing in response to show its own respect for Chris's efforts, a scene that had those around them taking pictures. "Forgive me Captain but, you'd best call for a medic..." the guard suggested, making him pause before looking himself over. "I guess I did get a little carried away, huh?" Chris laughed, making the guard sweat slightly as he walked up to Midna and lift the imp into his coat pocket. "Thanks again buddy... I'll keep my word on that meat, yeah?" he asked, causing it to lift its thumb up from his pocket in a Terminator style before it slowly lowered back inside. "Well then, guess it's back to the bridge for this battered sailor!" Chris sighed before wincing from the marks on his face as he touched them. "You'd best stop the matches for now and give your champion a break too, alright?" he instructed to the young trainer, getting a nod. "As an order from your Captain, you're also to join me for a victory meal tonight as a reward, got it? On me of course." he added, getting an eager grin from Machamp and a second thumbs up.

"Well then... I'm off!" he waved before instructing the girls to follow. Looking up at him, though he was the loser of the match, Sera couldn't help but beam with pride, letting out a chipper bark and trotting happily behind her "Papa" as he made his way along. About to follow themselves, the girls paused when they heard a deep groan from nearby, making them turn toward Machamp as the young trainer panicked, asking if the Pokemon was okay as the recoil from the fight against Chris finally caught up to it. Though it was a delayed response thanks to all the adrenaline in the midst of battle, the girls watched as the mighty creature began to wobble, and next thing they knew, like a tree snapping from the ground by its roots, the behemoth of a fighter lost its footing and fell backwards, landing on the deck with a thud of its own out cold. With their eyes widened, the girls looked between the fallen victor and Chris's back as he continued along the deck, oblivious of the aftermath of his own strength. "He had help you know..." Zorua point out, making them look at her. "Not just the creature, but I saw it... Looks like that stone of his got itself involved too... Not sure if he was aware of it or not, still hard to tell how that thing functions." she shrugged. "Regardless... I guess he did okay, even if he monologue'd himself into defeat." she grinned smugly.

Looking at one another, the girls were impressed regardless as they took a final look at the unconscious Pokemon, with the young trainer fanning it with a small towel. Turning back in the direction Chris left, the group followed his path and left the Machamp to recover on its own time, eventually catching up to Chris as, despite his injuries, he had already resumed greeting passengers and encouraging crew as he made his way back toward the bridge, getting puzzled and shocked looks from his appearance in the process while assuring passerby's he was okay...

Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 20

Chapter 20 - A Captain Like No Other (Part 2) "Alright now... Comfortable?" Chris asked, tucking Sera under the sheets of his cabin bed, the small fox resting on her back with a nod as her paws held the sheets. "You've been such a good girl......

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 162

Chapter 162 - Save The Temple! (Part 3) "You sure you okay?" Serenity asked, sitting by Chris in a chair she'd pulled close to him as he nibbled on a small sandwich from one of the nearby buffet tables. "Would you stop worrying? I'm fine already."...

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 161

Chapter 161 - Save the Temple! (Part 2) "Whoo... Not bad so far..." Chris muttered, taking another break as he enjoyed tea on the sidelines of the temple's chamber, looking toward the stage as a mixer offered filler music until the next...

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