Seven Days Chapter 5

Story by Redregon on SoFurry

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This isn't intended as the final draft so comments/critique is welcome.

I slept like a log that night.

I don't recall if I dreamed of anything because it felt like the hours of the night passed in an instant.

Opening my eyes I was reminded that I had, indeed, fallen asleep next to a dragon.

When I managed to clear the cobwebs out of my head, I thought back to the events of the past few days; the meeting with Arh'eoban, frantically sorting through my books, and the journey with him to his home. It was only natural that I would sleep as deeply as I did... even with his snoring.

Laying there, my head on his arm, I started to think on why I came with him. Was my life back in the other world really so bad? But I had to stop that thought from continuing. It was a familiar mental trap that I knew would only end in me feeling like shit as I tried to tell myself that maybe I was just confused or misinterpreting what happened, or that maybe things would have gotten better if I just tried a little harder.

Having lived like that for so long, I had to learn the hard way when I was finally free that not everything was my fault; Sometimes shit just stinks no matter how much perfume you spray on it.

Turning my attention back to the dragon, I wondered why there was such a pull. Was it only because I wanted to become like him? Or was there something more? That question vexed me more because of how quickly I came to the decision rather than any of the potential strings attached.

And the one string that was attached was a somewhat confusing, yet arousing string; We were to come together in consummation.

Granted, when I asked him about this when we first met, he responded with sputtering and blushing. Though coaxing out the answer, consummation seemed to imply something intimate. He couldn't provide me with all of the details through his stammering and flushed face but the joining ritual did seem to require the two of us to join physically.

The idea was fascinating. Strangely enough, I did find him attractive on a physical level... and what I knew of his personality thus far was endearing.

However, the part of me that had been lonely for so long intruded and made me question if the reason I was growing fond of him was desperation to take whatever was offered to me.

Maybe that's why I leapt at the chance and upended my entire life on what the rational side of me kept saying was just a whim.

Maybe my imagination was running away and I was losing touch with reality... again.

I didn't think I would ever truly understand it... Maybe I didn't want to understand it. So I looked back at him and studied the way his nostrils quivered whenever a snore rumbled out of them.

I wanted to reach out and stroke his muzzle but my body decided to step in and announce that it needed tending to since I was now awake. And when your body threatens to void your bladder in someone else's bed, you do what it tells you to do.

Extricating myself from his grasp wasn't a simple task. Twisting my body around like a ferret, I managed to get free without waking him.

Now that I was standing I let myself stretch the remaining sleep from my body. By this time my bladder was now screaming for relief so I quickly scanned my surroundings for a place to go.

There was nothing. At least nothing I recognized. So, the only spot that seemed suitable was the forest below. While I knew wouldn't be the first person to piss on a tree, I might have been the first human to do so from as high up as we were.

So with my cock as hard as a rock I made a beeline to the entrance, pulled down the fly of my pants, fished my dick out, and let nature take over.

The relief sent a shiver down my body and I closed my eyes to sigh.

When I had finished, and having shaken the few remaining drops free, the sound of heavy feet on stone came up from behind.

I turned to greet the waking dragon. He stretched and yawned so wide that I could see all of his teeth... and the smell of his breath made my nose wrinkle. It wasn't the worst I'd ever smelled, but it did make me wish I had brought some breath-mints with me.

"Mmm. Good morning, little one," He said, shaking his body to dislodge the remnants of sleep from his body.

"Morning! Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Quite well, thank you. And you? Did you find your accommodations sufficient?"

"Yes," I said, smiling. "Though I'm not used to sleeping with someone."

"Then I should be honored to be an acceptable sleeping-partner for you," He grinned, then looked down to my crotch. "I am not sure I understand hyooms very well but... does it always stand out like that?"

My cock, still at half-mast, was poking out. Having been distracted when he woke up, I didn't think to stuff it back in my pants.

"No," I said, my cheeks flushing. "It sometimes gets that way in the morning. When I really have to piss."

"Piss?" He appeared confused, but after sniffing the air he nodded. "Oh, urination."

I nodded sheepishly.

"I cannot say I have experienced that. At least not that I am aware of," He circled back a few paces to lay down, crossing his forelegs over one another. "Do you need a full bladder for your phallus to engorge?"

"No," I blurted out a bit too sharply as I wrestled my cock back into my pants. "It, ah," I stumbled trying to find the right way to say it. "It doesn't happen only when I have to... to piss. But in the mornings it can get... I, uh... get morning-wood."

"Ahh," He mused. "That is rather fitting symbolism. Though after hearing that I assume it would be improper for me to assume your arousal was because of me," He grinned long enough to turn the heat in my cheeks to a raging inferno.

He laughed and then smiled, bringing his head closer to mine. "Relax, little one. While I am curious about your body, I also know you are likely beset by a great many thoughts. This is a new beginning for you," He brought his snout to the side of my head and took in my scent, and that sent a shiver down my spine.

"In any case, in the future if you need to relieve yourself, and would prefer privacy from the eyes of the dryads, there is an alcove beyond where we slept that should suffice."

I looked to where he gestured. I didn't see anything that looked like a bathroom, but I did see a passageway that branched off past his nest. I must have missed seeing it when I got here. But I had just arrived and my mind was certainly preoccupied.

I paused. He said something about privacy from...

"Dryads?" I blurted out.

"Yes," He said. "They can be rather curious about corporeal creatures such as ourselves. Though it is best that you do not disrespect them. They can be quite... strict, at times."

A rush of cold washed over me as I realized I may have pissed on someone without knowing.

When Arh'eoban noticed my reaction, he chuckled, which did nothing to prevent another round of blushing. "Relax, William. Our waste is food for their homes. Dryads are not known to take umbrage at that sort of thing."

That was a relief.

"Though if there were goblins down there?" He paused. "Well, it is good luck that you have a greater dragon by your side."

I wasn't sure if he was teasing me, trying to get me to turn a deeper shade than I already was. "Goblins?" I asked, trying to change the subject to something less embarrassing.

"Do you know of them in your world?" He asked, the fins on the side of his head perking out.

"Mostly fairy-tales and legends," That was as succinct as I could put it, but I felt the need to force more words out. "But dragons were... I mean, they were thought to be myth too... and... well..." I gestured to him with a nod.

He shifted to make a space for me next to him, inviting me to join him.

"Please do not mistake my words as being cruel towards the goblins. They are wonderful folk, and quite friendly," He began, the rumble of his voice carrying to me from where I sat, leaning up against him. "They are masters artificers, and exceptionally skilled at imbuing objects with magic."

"Like charms and talismans."

"Yes, exactly that," Then an inquisitive look crossed his face "You know of such magics? But your world does not... Ahh, forgive me, your species must have kept a record of the past when our worlds were once connected. Well, the cities to the north are where you are most likely to encounter them. They are not often found this far south."

"Maybe I'll meet some one day?" I asked.

"That is entirely possible."

"Just don't piss on them?"

"Yes" he said, chuckling. "I would assume that to be a decent policy towards most of the other creatures you may meet."

"Dryads excepted." I wryly asked, which he answered with a bellow that could have shook the walls had they not been made of stone.

"Yes, dryads excepted," He smiled, then brought his head closer, looking me in the eye. "I hope you do not mind me saying this at this time, but I am glad that it was you that answered the call."

I felt a fluttering in my stomach when he said that. Like a pulse of light burst forth and tumbled around in my guts. I smiled, but I don't think my body gave me much of a choice in the matter.

The silence that crept over us was broken from sounds coming from below. It started as a lilting whisper carried by the breeze, but grew to a soft, feminine laughter.

"I was wondering when they would investigate," Arh said. "This may be a good chance for you to meet your new neighbors," He craned his neck, easier to do considering how long it was, to look to the trees below. When he saw what he appeared to be looking for, his eyes became brighter and his mouth went wider, showing a few teeth.

Then he hummed a short tune.

It was a fairly simple tune, but when he finished, the sounds from below ceased for a moment before a rustling sound and a different song rose up from the canopy below. Whatever it was seemed to be coming to investigate.

Moments after, three women appeared. They were quite pretty, but they looked to be made of mist.

The one closest, in front of the other two had a cherubic face and was youthful in appearance. And she was as nude as the others. Aside from her feminine proportions, I wouldn't have known what her sex was because there were no other indicators I could see. Though she appeared to have leaves woven through her hair, and along her crown was a wreath of blossoms.

The one behind her and to the left appeared more plump and voluptuous than the others and her hair curled around while she dipped and bobbed in mid-air. Her hair also appeared to have leaves and blooms in it, but the flowers were sprinkled throughout her voluminous mane.

The third, to the right, was taller and somewhat gaunt, but she held herself in a regal posture with a gentle smile on her thinner lips. Her hair was similarly plain, but as with the others, she looked to have leaves in her hair, and clusters of blooms tucked just above her ears.

They looked at Arh, then to me, and their faces lit up with curiosity.

Before any fears or anxieties from this surprise visit could take hold, the one in front spoke.

"Smooth skin offers gift to our homes," Her lips barely moved but her words were as clear as the sky. "Smooth skin shows generosity."

She turned to look at Arh, bowing her head as she curtsied in the air. "Welcome home, Scales of ebony. Warmest greetings on this fresh morning."

"Greetings to you, Cherry," He said. "And to you as well Pear, and Plum," They all nodded as their bodies bowed. Their laughter soft like a bubbling river and clear as water from a spring. "I hope my companion for the night did not disturb your play."

A blush intruded on my cheeks.

"Disturbed not. His gift fresh and nutritious," Cherry said as she floated back to rejoin her sisters. Each of them beaming and humming softly in appreciation. "And what does scales of ebony say smooth-skin be named?" She finished, looking to him, than me.

I sat there like a dolt, unaware that this was intended to be a formal introduction. When I realized it, I stood up quickly and extended my hand out to them. "Pleased to meet you. My name is William."

The three of them continued smiling, but stared at my hand in amusement. Realizing the error of my assumption I smiled through a blush that had grown thicker.

They smiled in return.

"I am surprised to see your sisters here, Pear. Is there a gathering?" Arh'eoban interjected.

"Oh yes. Magic flows. Ripples and eddies. Refreshing to feel magic of ancestors once more," Pear replied, the blooms in her hair opening slightly with her gesture. "Forward, backward. Above and below. It clings to you like pollen and tastes of fresh rain through pith."

"Yes. The magics allowed me to reach into William's world."

"Glad we are. Sadness waning. Heart sings as if in flight."

Now Arh was the one blushing. "Yes, Pear, I do feel better now."

With that the three of them spun and bobbed in the air, their giggles ringing out brightly. From below a crescendo of joy erupted.

"If scales of ebony permit, sup on lingering magics we may?" She asked.

"Of course," He bowed his head.

All three burst forth in a rippling peal of laughter that faded to humming as they twirled in the air.

"More magic comes. Great power erupting," Pear said. Then leaned closer to me with a grin and eyes brimming with glee. "Pleasures harmonious and resonant."

At first I didn't understand what she was referring to, but then I remembered what Arh told me about the joining ritual. When my imagination pursued that thought, my body reacted accordingly.

"Ooh, smooth-skin presents stamen," Pear said, setting off a cacophony of soft laughter from the trio.

"Oh?" Arh said, his eyes perking up as he looked down to my crotch.

"Oh stop," I said as my cheeks flushed yet again. "I've faced enough embarrassment for one lifetime."

"Very well, little one. I am not aware of how hyooms approach intimacy. Likely differently than dragons do," Arh said. "But I would be remiss if I didn't mention that it brings me a thrill to think that you find me arousing."

Cherry decided to pipe up, breaking me of my imagination's lechery. "Reminder, scales of ebony. Matriarch calls. Meet prospective keo'vah. Feast and festivities await."

"Thank you, Cherry," He nodded. "We shall remember."

"Gladness! Tell sisters to send confirmation?" She asked.

"Yes. We will be in attendance tomorrow. But today I wish to have more time together. Perhaps to show him more of our world."

"Many blessings, Ebon-scale," Cherry said. "If there is need for food, be sure to ask. Children are ripe and ready."

He nodded.

"Smooth-skin has gifted us this morning. If smooth-skin willing, many sisters far away would be grateful for similar boon," Pear spoke up. "May offer sustenance in return. Kindness for kindness."

"I think I can remember that. Thank you," I said, nodding at her in acknowledgment.

"Choir restless. Inquisitive. Must depart now," Cherry spoke as she twirled around her other sisters. "Many pleasures greeting you, Will-hee-amm, soon to be keo'vah," And with that they floated down, spiraling and swirling on the breeze towards the singing below which rose when they sank beneath the canopy.

Then we were alone once more. Standing there, hearing them refer to me as his keo'vah, and knowing a bit about what it meant, I began to grow nervous. I had only met him a few days ago. That was hardly enough time for me to know whether we were suitable for one another. An idea formed in my mind. An idea that I hoped would give me more reason to be comfortable with the thought of becoming closer with him.

"Arh," I broke through the stillness. "Can I ask you something?"

"You are free to ask me whatever you wish. I only hope I can provide a sufficient answer," He replied.

"Will you go out with me?" I said. My heart was in my throat as I asked and I had to swallow it down.

"Are we not out? Or... I am misinterpreting what you are saying?" He turned his head toward me. The look in his eyes made me want to crumple, or dart away.

And he must have read my expression because he continued, almost in haste.

"Oh, little one, I am sorry. I did not intend to cause you distress."

"A d-date..." I managed to croak out.

He still appeared perplexed.

The heat radiating from my skin felt like the surface of the sun and my skin must have turned two-shades deeper. My heart was hammering in my chest as I tried to stifle this attempt at being bold.

"A date. Where two people go somewhere to get to know one another better... Before they..." I was scared to say it. "Before they get... closer."

There. The last of it was now out and I had said what I needed to say. Now the real fear bubbled out from my guts as I waited for his response.

But he did not let me stew for very long.

"If it is customary then I would be honored to date you, William," His words cut through me and managed to deflate much of the anxiety. The tremors that had threatened to burst forth faded, and the relief that washed through me was like a spring thaw.

Though, even with the worries fading, my heart still skipped and stumbled when he pressed his cheek next to mine.

I nearly fell to my knees from his soothing warmth.

If the sort of tenderness he was showing me at this moment was truly part of who he was, maybe I could see myself growing closer to him.