Seven Days Chapter 1

I knew what I agreed to. It was a bargain... of sorts. Not to a friend, or a banker. Not even to a loan-shark. I bargained with a dragon... or, rather, a dragon bargained with me. Now, you may be thinking that it's impossible. I've heard them...

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The Lion and the Gazelle: Caged

He walked into the club at the apex of the night's festivities. His cool head and meticulously coiffed hair swimming in the smell of sweat and arousal. The fop on stage noticed, but paid him no mind. Daniel the gazelle was too preoccupied with...

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Seven Days Chapter 2

The dragon and I talked for what felt like hours that day, and the first thing I learned (as it would have been rude to converse without a formal introduction) was that his name was Arh'eoban, and he was around two-hundred and fifty years old. That...

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"Hey there!" the elder dragon said with a grin. "Glad you came." I blushed. Mostly because it was something that just tended to happen when I was flustered. "I was told to come here for some additional training." "Excellent. Well, now you're...

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Seven Days Chapter 9

Aih'ohna. That was the name she was known as in the history of her people. But to her court, and all those whom laid eyes on her, she was the Queen of all dragons; The matriarch to a golden age for her children. Her reign was one marked by a...

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Seven Days Chapter 8

"You will love the palace" Arh said as he moved about the cave with a sprightly bounce in his step. "And I am certain you will enjoy the feast." He was like that all morning. I couldn't blame him, last night was our first moment of genuine intimacy,...

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Seven Days Chapter 7

When we finished our date, it was near midnight and as much as I could have spent more time, we had to call it a night and make our fare-wells. The flight back was quicker than I thought, and when Arh landed, he fetched some logs for the fire and...

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Seven Days Chapter 6

"I do not think I have much in the way of clothing." Arh piped up as a furrow became rooted on his brow. "It isn't all that necessary to get dressed up in your best clothing." I said, trying to assuage his growing anxiety. "Besides, I didn't bring...

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Seven Days Chapter 5

I slept like a log that night. I don't recall if I dreamed of anything because it felt like the hours of the night passed in an instant. Opening my eyes I was reminded that I had, indeed, fallen asleep next to a dragon. When I managed to clear...

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Seven Days Chapter 4

"Does this world have a name?" I asked, wiping my mouth with my shirt to clear away the remains of the feast I had just enjoyed. "Not that I am aware of." Arh replied. "If this world has a name then the gods haven't seen fit to inform us of it." ...

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