Opossum: Family Style

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#1 of Alt Hard

Five opossums travel to escape slavers invading their village. They get far, but not far enough. The dragons that catch them don't have much use for the young and old, so they get something out of them. They don't hold back, and why should they? They're just tribal slaves to be used and discarded in any way seen fit.

Whole LOTTA things in this one off. Gets dark, but hopefully that's the fun bits for all of you. I know I had fun writing it. Lemme know how much fun you had reading it. >=3

Disclaimer: These stories are purely works of fiction. Nothing is meant to represent actual events that happened or will happen. No part of this is ever supposed to be replicated in real life. As adults, we're responsible for distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Any actions replicated by any person in real life should be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.

Opossum: Family Style

By DeviantAmp

Five hooded figures silently padded through the brush that ran along the mountainside. They were doing their best to stay quiet, hushing each other if any of them made a sound. They would carefully avoid even stepping on a leaf or twig to keep themselves hidden from everything else. Their brown cloaks blended with the terrain, keeping them shielded from anyone looking for them from a distance. They were stealthy, but they were also tired.

The five were opossums: the leader, his twin sons, and their two sons. They were small creatures, the leader being the tallest at two and a half feet tall while the children were barely over a foot tall. They had been running for hours, narrowly escaping their village being overrun by treacherous dragon slavers. The primitive little creatures were no match for the advanced ten foot tall dragon raiders. At the cost of sacrificing their friends, their wives, and everyone they ever knew, the five had barely managed to escape.

"I'm tired, papa," Jaden, one of the boys, whispered.

"Fucking stay quiet, we're almost there," Iki hissed to his son.

"All of you, shut it," the leader, Detali called back.

"My son's tired too," Nuna insisted.

"No, I'm not. I can do this forever," Turoc said as he picked up his pace.

The five of them bickered for a second before any of them realized that they were making more noise trying to keep each other quiet than actually staying quiet. The group scaled along the mountain, trying to find a pass for another thirty minutes until they ran into a cave. Their feet were sore and their spirits were drained. They didn't even question their leader as he sulked into the cave.

All of them walked into the cave, the sound of their dragging tails echoed deep into the cave. They listened carefully, their disk-like ears picking up any sounds of wild animals that might be lurking in the cave. When they knew that the place was safe enough, all of them gathered in a circle in the cave. The preteens opened their cloaks up, revealing they were completely naked except a couple satchels on their sides.

The two brothers were next to open their cloaks. The opossums were wearing loincloths to hide their crotches, but everything else was exposed to the rest of them. Iki had a bundle of twigs in his arms while Nuna had a bag in his. Iki set down the sticks on the floor in front of them while Nuna pulled out flint and leafs from his sack. He got down and lit them with the flint, starting a fire in the middle of all of them.

The leader sat down and leaned back in front of the fire. Though experience had hardened him, age had worn him down. This wasn't his first time having his tribe decimated by beasts, but the dragon slavers were the worst. He and his sons were foraging just before they hit, so they had been lucky enough to be far enough from the camp to avoid the slaughter. The dragons were fast and relentless, grabbing whoever they wanted and crushing their little makeshift huts to pull opossums out by their tails.

The sons wanted to fight, but the leader had to convince them of the futility of trying to go after these beasts. It is better for them to survive like this and maybe find others later than it would be to try and rescue anyone. Nobody was happy with the decision, but it was the only thing that made sense. They now remained alone and cold, huddled by a fire that would keep them warm for now but would never last.

"Send the boys to forage for berries. We will leave here in the morning," the leader said, just starting to get comfortable.

"I wouldn't bother," a voice said from the entrance of the cave.

The five of them jumped up, turning towards the mysterious voice. Their hearts were filled with dread as standing in front of them were two male dragons. Both of them were in green shorts and shirts, their company's uniform when on excursions. They both had on thick black military boots that climbed up halfway up their legs. Their eyes were hidden behind reflective sunglasses, hiding their cold glares from the opossums. Their wingspan blocked the sunlight outside as they walked closer to the family.

"You were right, Troy. They do all cower to the nearest cave," the golden dragon said as he looked down on the opossums.

"No no, it was your idea to scout the surroundings before the raid, Jesse," the red one said as he opened a bag.

The opossums were mortified when the dragon threw down a handful of handcuffs at their feet. He then opened another bag, throwing down a chunk of collars down with them. The dragons weren't even expecting a fight with their remaining flock. There was nowhere left to run. They couldn't get past the dragons and both of them knew damn well that the cave led nowhere. They could either put on the collars and handcuffs themselves or be put in them.

"Please, I'm old and no good as a slave to you. Spare me and take my son's and their seed and let me live my life out in peace," Detali begged while on his knees.

The twins looked down at their pathetic father, scowling as they and their offspring were offered up. Iki, the older brother pulled his hand back and slapped the father hard on the back of his head, sending him flying into the cuffs and collars laid about on the floor. Nuna turned on his brother, tackling him down to the floor while the two cub cousins held onto each other. The dragons watched in amusement, surprised they turned on eachother so quickly.

"Enough fighting. You're all family. You should love each other," Jesse said as he stepped to the young cubs.

The golden dragon inspected the preteens, noticing their little bits. Troy smirked as he knew what his companion was after and walked towards the adults. They immediately stopped fighting as the dragon towered them. Instead, they scrambled to grab the collars and handcuffs, putting them on themselves and locking each other up. The opossums were so pathetic that they'd rather present as docile slaves than get on a slaver's bad side.

The two boys were too petrified to move, but that didn't bother Jesse too much. The massive dragon got down on one knee and reached his hands out, separating the boys by pulling Jaden off of his cousin. He tugged off the boy's cloak with one hand and lifted him up with the other. The damn thing was only about a foot tall and didn't look like it had much use at all. Jaden squirmed in the big dragon's hand, trying to get out of his grasp.

"These ones are pretty young. They'll just be discarded when we take them back to camp. I say we have a little fun with them," Jesse said as he brought the boy close to his muzzle.

Iki cried out in fear as the dragon put the boy close to his face. Before he could leap in to save his son, Troy grabbed the opossum by the scruff and kept him still. Instead of being swallowed whole by the superior species, the dragon stuck out his thick reptilian tongue and began licking the boy's privates. Jaden squealed as he was being tickled down there by the dragon. His little jewels bounced around while he was licked up and down.

""Perverts! Have you no shame?" Detali cried out, instantly getting rewarded by Jesse.

The ten foot tall muscular red dragon picked up the elder with one hand and backhanded his muzzle with the other. The opossum's nose was crushed and blood spilt on the cave floor. It was important to keep the other opossums in line by making an example out of one of them. Iki and Nuna learned well as they put their heads down to avoid any further punishment. The elder was thrown down next to his two sons where he remained dazed.

Knowing that he was no longer going to get any more trouble from the adults, Troy walked to the other preteen and stood over him. Turoc looked up at the dragon, afraid of what he wanted from him. The dragon motioned at the boy's cloak and he reached his hands up and took it off himself. He also grabbed his satchel and sat it down with the cloak. He was completely naked in front of the dragon in front of him.

The opossum's genitals were tiny in comparison to any other species the dragon's had encountered. His pubescent penis was two inches long, and unlike the other boy, he had some pubic fur growing in. His balls had very recently descended and he was definitely maturing faster than his cousin. Despite the size difference, the boy was actually hung for his species. He was definitely the boy that Troy wanted to play with if he was gonna have fun with the tribals.

"You've gotten hard before. Show me," he demanded.

Turoc wasn't ashamed of his body and even though the situation was terrifying, he had seen what happens when you disobey. As well, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous of his cousin who was giggling as the dragon tickled his dick. He reached down and began to rub himself. He was inexperienced in his own mastubration though. No one in the tribe would show him how to pleasure himself and he was left to discover it on his own.

The opossum first pushed his fingers against his own dick and began to make circles over it. He pressed himself in and around, trying to figure out what motion would make him get erect. It would get hard all the time on its own when he didn't want it, but now someone wanted him to be erect, it wouldn't get up. He tried to rub his balls for the dragon and stroke himself, but remained hopelessly limp.

"Here, let me help you out with that," Troy said as he grabbed the boy with both hands.

He picked up the foot and a half long opossum and brought his crotch over to his muzzle. Turoc was imagining that he was going to get licked and tickled like his cousin but his treatment would be different. The dragon flipped the boy around, exposing his backside to him. He grabbed hold of the dragon's hands and tried to pull them off, not wanting anything to happen to his butt. It was not enough to stop him though as the dragon put his face to the opossum.

"Ow! Wait! No!! NOT MY BUTT!! OW OW OW STOPPPPP!!!" The boy screamed out loudly.

The dragon's tongue was thick and long, forcing the boy open painfully. His asshole stretched wide as he managed to sink in several inches right into the boy's pucker. His opossum tail wrapped around Troy's muzzle as his tongue slithered inside of him. He could feel the boy's prostate against his tip, massaging it up and down as he lapped his insides. Turoc sobbed loudly through his anal penetration.

The forked tonguing worked though, getting him erect despite the pain that came with it. The dragon's tongue was much thicker than an opossum's entire arm. His tailhole was stretched way beyond its means and would leave him permanently gaped. Troy had no care for the boy's well being though, so he kept going. He loved the taste of the boy's insides and began to force his tongue further inside of him.

Meanwhile, Jesse was beginning to have his own fun with his opossum boy. Jaden was sexually immature, even for his age. He should have been reaching puberty with his cousin, but had remained completely inactive. His baby boy cocklet was only a centimeter long while he was soft, but the dragon's attention managed to bring it out to its full inch length. It began to feel a lot less like tickling and a new better sensation he'd never experienced before.

Jaden wanted to know why his cousin was screaming so much, but he figured Turoc was just being stubborn like he always was. He felt good and he wanted the dragon to keep playing with his thingy. He reached his little paws down and began to rub the slaver's muzzle, coaxing him to keep licking him. Jesse smirked in appreciation, feeling like it was a good time to show this little boy his intentions. He slowly set the boy down, licking him all the while before finally pulling away.

"You're quite a good obedient little boy, so I'll let you in on a secret," Jesse said as he reached his hands down and unbuckled his belt.

The dragon kicked his shoes off before pulling his shorts down to reveal his green jockstrap. All of the adult opossums knew what was going to be happening soon, but could not turn away from the huge bulge in his underwear. He kicked his shorts to the side and before revealing his cock to everyone. He pulled out inch after inch after inch of his dick out of the strap until his full foot long dick was standing out in all of its glory.

"This is your god. This is what you worship. This is what your life is all about now," he said to the room, waving his cock in front of the adults.

Troy loved the other dragon's speech and hearing it always turned him on. He pushed his tongue in further to the boy, almost six inches deep into the boy's intestines. Turoc had cried the last of his tears, but continued to sob in pain and humiliation. Jesse walked over to the adults and waved his dick around at them, leaving the boy on his back on the cave floor. The elder tried to turn his head away from the dick, but he reached down and grabbed his sore muzzle. The dragon's cock was aiming down at his muzzle like it was the barrel of a rifle.

"Bathe in the gifts of your gods. Proudly drink your fill."

Jesse let out a stream of piss right onto the three adult opossums, starting with the elder. Detali got most of the stream straight into his muzzle, choking on it and spitting up most of it all over the floor. The rest of it hit his eyes and nose, blinding him as it drenched his small frail frame. The golden dragon didn't want the other opossums to feel left out though. He turned his cock on them, hosing their exposed muzzles with his hot dragon piss.

Iki was resilient, turning his head away from the dragon's cock and letting it catch him on the side of his face. It soaked the white of his muzzle instantly, staining it yellow as it dripped off his chin. He closed his eyes as he left it soak his headfur and drench his body. The opossum's thick fur soaked up all the dragon's urine like a sponge. Even as he tried to retain some of his resilience and pride, he was left to be nothing but a soaking collared slave to the dragons.

Nuna had none of the fight that his brother had. The coward opened his muzzle wide, accepting all of his new master's piss right into his mouth. The small opossum caught the stream right on his tongue, tasting the hot dragon piss freely to prove his submission. He began to drink his master's gift like the dragon told him to, filling his belly willingly. He leaned his head back to force down more of the piss into himself and chugged it like wine.

Jaden turned his head to watch the entire thing, seeing his father resist as he got marked by the dragon. He felt confused at his father's defiance, already only enjoying being slave to the dragons. He wondered if the piss tasted good as he watched his uncle actively drink it in front of everyone. He couldn't help but to reach down and play with his little erection, jerking himself and wondering if his dragon was going to come back to continue pleasing him.

Troy turned his opossum boy over to the adults, forcing the cub's eyes open to watch his father drink the piss willingly. He felt ashamed as he watched his dad guzzling down the dragon's piss. He tried to turn his head away but was instantly forced back by the red dragon. The reptilian tongue was eight inches inside of him, but the thickest parts were already inside of him. Turoc could feel it inside of his gut like a snake slithering inside of it. He could feel a bulge moving around his gut and protruding his insides.

Jesse's stream eventually was ending, but he focused the last of it on Nuna. The opossum was so willing to serve that he let his stomach bloat with the dragon's piss. He put his little handcuffed paws on his gut, trying to hold his big inflated belly while he caught the last drops. He barely had any more space in his body and looked like he was ready to pop any second. He was so diligent drinking the piss that hardly any of it got on his fur whatsoever.

"Uh oh. Look how dry you are. You're supposed to bathe and drink the piss," Jesse said as he stood over the opossum.

Nuna was confused, thinking he did everything his new master had asked him to do. He had thought that if he willingly drank his waste, he would have proven himself to be a better asset than his brother or father. His ears were pressed back against his head, scolding himself in his mind for thinking that his compliance would have been enough to prove his worth as a captive. He remained on his knees, bloated and with breath stenching of piss.

"Lay on your back," Jesse said, not giving him a chance to do it on his own as he pushed the opossum down with his foot.

"You two. I think he needs to be rung out." The dragon said as he pointed at Detali and Iki.

Both of them resented the coward for drinking piss willingly, and they had no problems following their new master's orders. Each of them brought their cuffed hands to the opossum's bloated belly and laid them on it. Nuna tried to protest, but he was too heavy from all the piss to do anything but waddle on his back. He felt the pressure of their paws begin to increase and the piss began to find exits out of his body.

His cock was the first to give into the pressure building up inside of him. A steady flow of his own piss mixed with the dragon's shot from his cock and began to drench his body. The stream was heavy, splashing loudly against his chest and stomach like a hose. His tiny cocklet wasn't a large enough release for the piss though. Not only was it squirting out of his dick, but it also began to push out of his tailhole and mouth. It squeezed out of his tailhole, leaving a puddle of piss right underneath his tail. The rest flowed out the sides of his muzzle and covered all of his face.

Jesse's interest in the adults was waning and he turned back to the little one on the floor. Jaden was still stroking himself, enjoying all the new and exciting sensations that the dragon was teaching him. He wondered how close the boy was to his first orgasm. He could see that the boy was struggling to hold something back as he stroked himself to his family's piss marking ritual. He definitely could use some help.

The dragon loomed over the little opossum, watching the pathetic creature try to play with itself. He reached down and picked up the boy by the scruff of his neck. Jaden squirmed in his hand, not comfortable with being handled like that. He was brought over to his master's large cock, still dripping piss from the tip. It was larger than him and almost as thick as him. Being so close to it made him feel how inferior of a race he actually was and how superior dragons were.

"Go ahead, boy. Give your master a kiss."

Jesse brought Jaden's muzzle close to the tip of his cock. The opossum reached out and grabbed it with both of his hands, holding onto it to steady himself. The attention was enough to please the dragon, coaxing a bead of pre to form. It stood out like a pearl for the opossum, glimmering in the light of the fire. He reached his muzzle forward and did as he was told. He wrapped his lips around the dragon's head and sucked the drop right into his mouth before pulling back.

"Bleh. It tastes weird," the boy protested.

Jesse laughed and lifted the boy up further until his tiny opossum dick was right up against his own. He pressed the boy against his dick and started to stroke himself using the boy's soft fur. The warmth from the dragon's cock against his own dick was starting to send him to the edge. He didn't mind the hot dragon pre being smeared all over his chest and chin fur. He felt pure bliss rubbing himself up against the godly male.

"It's a good thing you won't have to taste it then," the golden dragon said before hoisting the boy up and putting his ass on his dick.

The boy was confused for only a second before he knew what the dragon meant. He let out the highest pitched squeal that he could make as the dragon's cock quickly began to spread the opossum's tight hole. It forced him to spread further and further, more than his body ever was intended to. He screamed louder and louder, crying out for help as the dragon's head pushed inside of him. The girth and length of his head was large enough to fill up his entire anus.

Troy got tired of stretching his own opossum boy with his tongue and he could tell that the boy was getting used to it already. The boy had stopped crying like a baby and had resigned to quietly sniffling to himself, a sign of defeat. Unfortunately for Turoc, things were far from over and this was just the beginning of the end for him. The massive dragon decided it was time for the boy to see what god he would be worshipping.

The red dragon pulled down his own shorts and underwear at once, letting his own foot long cock flop out into the air. He gave himself a few strokes with his free hand before pulling his tongue out of the opossum's ass. His tongue took a second, dragging along the opossum's guts and rectum before slurping out of his stretched asshole. The dragon gave a final kiss to the opossum's ass before turning him around so they were face to face.

"You taste great kid, but you should see how I taste," Troy said with a chuckle.

Turoc looked exhausted. His breathing was labored and his eyes were droopy. The track of his tears stained and wore the fur on his face. Despite him believing he was the most courageous of his tribe, he was now reduced to a crying cub with snot running down his nose. Troy loved looking at the whimpering boy, but he had bigger plans for him as he brought the two foot tall marsupial down to his cock and pressed his face against his foreskin.

The dragon pinched the boy's muzzle open, squeezing it hard as he forced the tip of his long reptilian cock inside of his muzzle. The dragon's dick was covered in red scales, giving a ridged texture to the cock sliding into his mouth. Turoc had no fight left in him and barely fought the dick being forced into his mouth. The tracker's dick marinated in sweat and pre all day, giving it a harsh taste. Turoc had no capacity to gag as the entire thing began to force its way down his throat.

Troy was not gentle as he lined up the entire boy's body to his erect shaft and pushed him down inch after inch. It was visible to all the adults that the boy's neck was being stretched out to accommodate the large phallic meat. The bulge of the dragon's head could be seen travelling down further and further until he was about thee quarters into the boy. That's where the dragon met the opossum's stomach. He could feel the warmth of the cub's gut's surrounding his head, his body pumping his fat dick as he cramped in agony.

Meanwhile, Jesse had settled inside of the cub's ass and was pushing onto new territory. The boy was still screaming in his high pitched voice, begging and pleading for it all to stop. His hands were flailing about as the dragon forced more of his dick inside of him. The cub was already stretched out to his breaking point, tearing as he was skewered by the massive dick. His tiny erection still bouncing in the air, kept hard by the rough bumps of the dragon's scale massaging his little prostate.

He felt his insides get stretched as the dragon moved into his intestines, stretching them out to fit the head of his uncut dick. He looked down in horror and watched his stomach inflate and bulge with the dragon's dick. Jaden put his paws down to his belly and tried to push down, screaming in terror like the baby he was. He squirmed about, begging the dragon to stop but he continued until the boy's chest was bulging with dragon cock.

The boy's insides were wrapped tightly around the dick inside of him and even the opossum's breathing felt like his head was being rubbed. His cock leaked pre into the boy's stomach, filling him up to the brim. The cub felt nauseous, watching his own malformed body being bloated by the horny dragon. Between the torture and the rape, he couldn't hold it back and gurgled up whatever was left in his stomach. Dragon pre spilled down the sides of his muzzle in front of the men watching.

The shuddering opossums stayed seated as their sons were raped in front of them. Detali had come enough out of being dazed to see his grandsons be stretched by the dragon dick. It was only a matter of time before that would be them. The three of them were soaked in the once warm, now cold dragon piss. They huddled next to each other and watched in fear, staying silent to avoid any further consequences. Only Detali had thoughts of escaping.

As if the dragons knew what was on the elder opossum's mind, the two of them turned to their frightened captives. Their opossum sons were still wrapped around both of their dicks as they looked over them. Jesse pointed at Iki and then pointed his long dragon claw over to Nuna. Iki turned his head over to his brother questioningly, knowing that the dragon had nothing good planned for any of them.

"You two seem able. Rape your elder. We don't want to be the only ones having fun," Troy said in laughter, still stroking their sons' bodies over their dicks like fleshlights.

Nuna sat there in disbelief, confused as to what he was going to do. Could he really rape his own father just to live a little longer? Iki had that question already answered as he wrapped his cuffed hands around his father's neck and brought him to the ground. Detali was ready to run, but his son's grasp on his neck immobilized him. The two of them wrestled until the steel cuffs were tightly around his father's neck and cutting off his airway.

"He was going to sell us and our sons to these dragons. He is no elder. I'll hold him down for you and then you'll hold him down for me," Iki shouted at his brother.

Nuna crawled forward, looking into his father's eyes. They were bloodshot and glossy, pleading for mercy from his youngest son. They wouldn't find any as Nuna reached forward and tore off his father's loincloth. He pulled aside his own loincloth, revealing his hard dick to everyone. While watching the dragon's fuck, he couldn't help but get hard at seeing his own son be torn apart by the dragon's massive dick. If the dragons hadn't attacked, he might've had more time with Turoc to do that himself.

He was large for his species, his dick almost five inches long and much bigger than his father's completely soft wrinkled inch long dick. Detali tried to struggle again against Iki's arms, but he only managed to strangle himself trying to break free. He shook his head back and forth while Nuna spit on his own cock and moved closer to him. He tried to kick his legs, but the opossum just slid right between them and put himself up against his father's crotch. He brought his knees forward, arching the other opossum up as he lined himself up against his tailhole.

Detali looked up at Iki, trying to turn himself away from the shame that was about to happen. He saw Iki's face full of hate, looking at his brother while he began to force his fat head right into his asshole. The elder opossum tried not to scream as he was penetrated with almost no lube, but his brave face broke as he felt it going in him. Before he could make too much noise, Iki began to cut off his airways again. The clenching opossum felt amazing around Nuna's thick dick.

"Holy fuck. They're really going at it," Jesse said as he began to stroke himself faster with Jaden's body.

He didn't even realize that he had gone even further into the boy's limp body. His dick had made its way up into his stomach and now gone into his esophagus. Pre was forcing its way up the boy's throat and into his mouth and nostrils. The little cub was practically drowning in the dragon's spunk as it filled up his lungs and throat. Jaden couldn't even turn his head away from what his own family was doing.

Turoc couldn't see what was going on, but he knew his father would be the type of coward to do exactly what the dragons told him to do. He could hear his grandpa and cousin screaming in pain from their brutal rapes. It hurt his throat bad, but he could still breath even with the dragon completely inside of his body. His gut hung heavy underneath him. He felt like he was having a baby with how much the dragon had filled him up. He could even feel it leaking out his rear, down his taint, and dripping of his tiny ballsack.

Nuna's breathing was sharp as he thrust back and forth into his father. The opossum underneath him wriggled and whined, but his son's had no intention of letting him go with the dragon's about. His long five inch cock slammed into the elder's hole, his crotch hilting against his grey ass and his balls slapping against the sagging elder's sack. Every now and then, Nuna would hit hard and fast enough to get the elder to start crying out again.

His cries fueled him to end this, not enjoying it nearly as much as his brother was. He could feel his dick growing soft at times and he'd have to turn to Turoc's brutal muzzle fuck to get himself aroused again. Seeing his tiny son stuffed to the gut with dragon cock was enough to turn him back on again and he went at it faster than he did. After agonizing minutes to raping his own dad, he felt it coming.

Detali's muzzle opened wide and he shrilled, sensing what Nuna was about to do in him. He could feel his pace get a kick and his thrust get that pre-climax jump that tore into his old worn asshole. Iki wasn't interested in hearing the old man's screams though and he grabbed hold of the sides of his gaping muzzle. He leaned in, scouring at him in rage, before opening his own maw and letting spit and mucus fall right into his open mouth.

Nuna turned his head in disgust at seeing him disrespect his own father and elder, but it was not enough to curb the opossum's orgasm. While his brother cut Detali's screams of pain, Nuna caused them by digging his claws into the elder's sides as he came. He shot his load right into his ass, filling him with his hot thick cum. He could feel it slosh inside of him as his dick continued to mercilessly pound away at his insides.

Iki hardly waited for Nuna to finish before letting go of his father's throat and getting up over him. Nuna slid out his spent dick from his ass, getting shoved out of the way by the more stern opossum son. He remembered his promise and crawled over his father's limp body grabbing him by the shoulders and keeping him still. Detali didn't put up a fight though as Iki forced his four inch cock inside of him, lubed only by his brother's cum.

Jesse was enjoying the show a bit too much and began to pound into the opossum harder and harder. He didn't even look down at the cub around his dick to see that his long reptilian cock was no longer inside of the cub's hot body anymore. He was using the opossum like a fleshlight, but now he went right through his entire body. From his ass to his insides, throat, and now forced out of the opossum's muzzle.

He couldn't hear the choking sound that Jaden was making as the cock head rammed in and out of his throat and muzzle. The poor boy watching his father now brutally rape his grandpa, both whom he loved. His vision got blurry while he tried to gasp for air, but the cum in his lungs and the cock blocking his airways made it hard to get anything. His head felt heavy even while being propped up by the cock and soon he found it hard to keep his eyes open.

Turoc was not having this problem while his dragon raped his muzzle. The cock pushed right into his gut and he was able to breathe through his nose while being muzzle fucked. He could feel the dick tearing at his insides though, forcing its way through chambers not made to be open like this. Pre-cum was now gushing out his ass and he felt conscious not being able to see if anyone was watching him. They'd see him shitting the dragon's seed out uncontrollably, but he had no perspective just how little it was on anyone's mind.

Troy's thick dragon cock was destroying Turoc's insides and he was starting to lose his battle with stamina. He'd hoped that he would be able to cum just after watching his teammate snuff out the little opossum choking on his dick and the two opossum brother's rape their father. It was simply becoming too much for him to see and his orgasm was quickly approaching. He couldn't hold back any longer.

The dragon's claws stabbed deep into the opossum's sides as he clenched him with both of his paws. He could feel the little boy's organs getting crushed in his palms while he pressed down on his tiny body. Squeals squeezed passed the dragon's cock, but the cum rushing into his stomach and throat quickly silenced them to gurgles. His belly expanded as it tried to make room for the seed filling inside of his guts.

Troy pulled his cock back, dragging it almost completely out of the cub's muzzle. He could feel the opossum struggling to get air around his dick and even managed to get a little in through his nose before he crammed himself back inside of the boy. His cock slid back inside of him easily through his jizz slicked esophagus. He was able to ram the entirety of his cock into his little body until his crotch hilted harshly against the opossum's nose.

His body tried to make room for all of the dragon's dick and his cum flooding inside of him, but his stomach could only inflate so much before it strained. Cum rushed through his intestines before cleaning out his bowels. It filled his anus, and despite the young boy trying to keep himself from messing himself in front of everyone, he was eventually forced to squeeze out the cum surging through him. He squirted it all out right onto the floor and continued to do so with the dragon still cumming inside of him.

Jaden was long gone by the time that Jesse reached his orgasm. His eyes rolled around aimlessly as the dragon ravaged his stiffening body. He had no care if the boy was alive or dead, insides still warm enough for him to use like a fleshlight. His guts gave no resistance as he fucked him through and through, and he dragged his dangling body along his dick like a sleeve.

With his cockhead still pushed out of the dead opossum's muzzle, he began to shoot right at the direction of the male opossums that he was watching. They were still fucking and holding onto each other, and their show was just enough to set the dragon off. Jesse let out a large growl as the first string of cum shot strong enough to reach the men. His line cast long and thick enough to leave a rope draped over their already sticky sweaty piss covered bodies.

Iki was the first to turn his head as a string of seed streamed on top of him and clung to his fur. The dragon's cum felt hot on his body and his attention turned to the cock that was hosing on him. Dangingly lifelessly was his son's violently violated body around the dragon's shaft, and the dragon's tip forced out of his gaped maw. His head bounced around, neck snapped by the force of the dragon's fucking. His expression pained, forever twisted in the rape of his final moments alive.

The opossum turned to his father underneath him and saw a similar expression on his maw. His snout scowled in pain, frustration, and anger as his body was penetrated. Tears stained tracks of fur on either side of his cheeks. His throat strained from screaming in agony. However, his father's eyes, with life still in them, pleaded for mercy from his son as he was raped. Iki could not and would not spare him.

"You did this to him. It's you're fault we're in this mess," he yelled down at him.

The opossum's thrusts were harder as he forced himself to stay erect through his grief. His claws dug deep into the old man's hips and sank enough to draw blood. The elder screamed and squirmed, trying to free himself from the pain, but his other son wouldn't let him move enough to escape. Iki dug in deep, hooking his claws into the old opossum and dragging him to his dick while he slammed into him.

The elder's asshole wasn't tight after Nuna got finished using him. He probably wasn't even that tight prior to getting fucked by his other son, so Iki had to rely on stuffing himself in deep to get the friction he needed. He fucked fast and rough, hilting inside of the old opossum with his dick nailing into his prostate. His cock stretched his already torn asshole and he had to claw into Detali to get him to clench.

But eventually the friction and thrusting was enough for the younger opossum and he felt his climax building up. He made no effort to hide his enjoyment from everyone staring at the show he was putting on. The opossum threw his head back and started to moan and howl in pleasure as he sprayed Detali's inside with his own cum, his seed joining his brother's to fill the old man's ass.

"Fuck, go at him, boy!" Troy cheered.

The red dragon pulled the boy's body off of his long spent dick and threw him onto the ground. Turoc bounced against the cave floor. Cum and blood got everywhere. His body remained limp on the floor, twitching as the dragon's jizz dripped out of both ends. His gut slowly deflated as he leaked out of his orifices motionlessly. Troy laughed, not realizing his opossum passed sometime while he was cumming inside of it.


Jesse did the same, slowly sliding his cub's body off of his dick. The cold opossum made a sickly slurp as insides, cum, and bodily fluids squeezed out of all sides of his limp body. Jaden's entire form was stretched and mangled, deformed into the flesh sleeve that the dragon had turned him into with his dick. He weighed nothing and hardly made a sound as he slapped him onto the ground next to Turoc.

Nuna turned his head to see his son and nephew's spent bodies laying there on the ground and gasped. He let go of Detali's arms and got up off the ground. Iki would have complained, but the elder had no will left to fight for his freedom and lay there torn and battered, accepting the last of his son's cum into him. His head lay limp and cranked on the ground. His expression was blank from shock.

Nuna laid down next to his son and nephew, reaching down with his cuffed paws to try and revive them. He grabbed Turoc's shoulders and shook him hard, trying to wake him up. The boy didn't respond, bobbing around like a dummy in his father's arms. Nuna was ready to apply all of his knowledge of CPR, but a quick kick from Troy sent him flying back towards the other opossums.

His small body flew through the cave and collided with Iki's and Detali's. The three of them were scattered about, laying ontop of each other covered in piss, cum, and blood. All of them were sore, cold, and weak from the day's treatment and there was no energy left between the group of them to get up off the ground. They lay there defeated and broken by their dragon captors.

"Well, would you look at that," Troy said as he walked over to the two opossum cubs.

His dick pendulumed back and forth as he walked over their tiny frames. Jesse did the same, letting cum drip off his cock every step he took towards them. Laying next to Jaden's corpse was Turoc, sputtering cum and blood out from his stomach and throat. He struggled to breathe with his lungs still filled with more dragon than it was air. His eyes bloodshot and strained, but open and focused while he tried to recover.

"You always like them live. You want him?" Troy asked politely.

"Always the gentleman! Mine isn't really that cream-filled, so only if you insist," Jesse replied.

Troy dipped his head and paw in submission, granting his partner his boon. The golden dragon reached down and snagged Jaden off of the ground, holding him out to the other. Turoc's body was lifted off the ground in Troy's mighty claws and he was left sputtered out cum as he was carried over. The two traded their prey and raised a paw in cheers before they brought the opossums to their open muzzles.

Turoc could barely see through the tears as he was lifted over the golden dragon's massive open maw. He hardly had a concept of what was happening until he was lowered down towards the sharp fangs underneath him. He screamed as loud as he could, but his throat was too torn up to make much sounds other than a squeak. It felt like a terrible nightmare, the kind that were always a little over exaggerated to emphasize the dream's impossibleness.

The day was too long and his body was too battered and sore for this to have been a dream. His muzzle flung from left to right, searching for something to grab ahold of to keep himself from falling into the dragon's open mouth. Sight of Jaden's dangling body froze him still and he was unable to turn away as he watched his fate through his cousin. The limp opossum put up no fight as he was dropped into the red dragon's open maw and rested for a second.

Troy caught Turoc's eyes turned towards him and smiled with his mouth full of cub. There was a flash of white from his grin before he clasped his mouth shut around the dead opossum's body. He hid nothing from the boy, chewing with his maw open and taking parts of his cousin down his throat in pieces. The little boy went down easy and soon there was nothing left of Jaden inside of the massive dragon's maw.

Jesse let his cum filled tart watch for just a little bit longer before he made him focus on his own fate. Turoc turned his head down to see what was in store for him. The golden dragon's teeth and fangs were pointed all at him. Saliva sparkled as it ran down the sides of his fangs and the sides of his maw. His stomach gurgled in hunger for the boy, and though the teasing was fun, he craved the taste of the raw cub.

Turoc let out another squeak before he was dropped right into the open maw of the dragon. He landed on his thick reptilian tongue and sank into the soft flesh. His arms and legs weakly flailed as he felt himself slipping down towards the dragon's throat underneath him. Jesse's maw was just large enough to hold the opossum's body in it and his throat was wide enough to threaten swallowing the boy whole.

He tried to grab at the dragon's fangs, hoping that he could use it to keep himself from falling down the dragon's throat. They were all just too slick with spit to really grab hold of with his weak grip. He cut himself on the sharp points and the smell of blood made the dragon salivate profusely. His slick muzzle made it impossible for Turoc to spend much more time inside of the dragon's mouth.

His feet were first to slip inside of the warm throat underneath him. His crotch and legs were grabbed hold by the dragon's esophagus and he felt tugged towards the inside of the dragon. There was some relief in not being chewed apart like his dead cousin, giving him false hope that there was some escape for him. Of course, there was no hope for him by the time that his chest and arms were caught inside of the dragon's gullet. He let out one final squeak, tried to call for his dad, and took his last breath of fresh air before disappearing entirely into the dragon's throat.

"Delicious," Jesse said as he patted his stomach.

"You hardly tasted him! You just swallowed it whole," Troy complained.

The two of them walked towards their beaten prey laying on top of each other. The men were hardly that, cowering on top of each other after witnessing the fate of their son's. The eldest lay on his back, still in shock from the brutal raping he'd received from his sons, as well as the beatings from the dragons. He didn't look like he was going to be walking on his own anytime soon.

"Ugh, I hate when they get like that," Jesse said in disgust.

"I know, right? We've got two studs. Don't think he'd be good for anything anyways. We'll skin and cook him at the Jeep."

The dragons grabbed both of the men and stood them to their feet before Troy picked up the elder. He slung the nasty marsupial over his shoulder and forced the other two to walk out of the cave. The entire time, gurgles and moans could be heard coming from Jesse's stomach as Turoc was slowly digested by the dragon. Both Iki and Nana wept in shame and disgust for what had happened to their sons.

"Stop your crying, slaves!" Troy shouted at them.

It was a half mile out of the cave and he was done hearing their whimpering. He'd forgotten how much he'd hated raiding opossum villages because none of the other species they would conquer were quite like the sniveling group of opossums. The red dragon pulled out a whip and cracked it behind the two of them, forcing them to pick up their pace lest they end up getting licked in the back.

"Yeah, nothing to cry about anyways. You two will make great studs. Soon, you'll have hundreds if not thousands of cubs between you two. All of which will be very tasty."

The two looked at each other. There was no doubt that neither of them wanted to be swallowed whole or chewed apart like their pre-teen sons. Neither of them wanted to end up like their broken father soon to be skinned alive and roasted above a spit. They were too scared to make a run for it and so both would resign to live their lives as tools to breed like cattle for their new dragon masters.

Disclaimer: These stories are purely works of fiction. Nothing is meant to represent actual events that happened or will happen. No part of this is ever supposed to be replicated in real life. As adults, we're responsible for distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Any actions replicated by any person in real life should be reported to the proper authorities. Thank you.