A Dark Meeting

Story by AstratheGryphon on SoFurry

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A portal to the world of dragons allows Astra the gryphon to meet the Dark Master Malefor! Read on as Malefor's dark plan for her comes to fruition.

Night had fallen on the world of dragons, and with night came the general haunts and growls that came with it. But on this particular night things were different, the entirety of the land was quiet for a long moment. Dark ruins bloated over an even darker forest that threatened to overtake them at any moment with the forest's roots and thick sickly vines. This was a place of evil, of vile incantations. Where darkness ruled through domination and such vileness that none from the city of Warfang or the other dragon cities that had cropped up after the world had healed from the Dark Master's attack on the world.

But here, in this dark horrific place cracks began to etch across the vale between worlds. Flickers of lightning and energy echoed as yellow bolts arched off of the various trees and branches as a tear in reality started to form. For many, this would have been a moment to flee. To hide away until whatever event unfolded was done, but for the large purple dragon who watched from the entrance to a long overgrown temple. It was just another curiosity to him, he had already assumed it was a portal of some sort but what fool would dare to try and travel by portal without a gate to stabilize the energy flow. The purple dragon took a step back and tilted his head a bit as light flashed briefly through the tear and a sight that he had not seen in thousands of years made his eyes widen.

The rip in reality vanished with the crackle of the energy that supported the portal and in it's place stood a white and silver feathered gryphoness. The dragon blinked and watched as the gryphoness stretched a bit and folded and unfolded her wings, only to refold them close to her back.

The gryphoness was smaller than the purple dragon, though from what he could tell she stood about up to his neck. She had dark purple eyes with a scar that ran down over her right eye, a small tuff of feathers dropped down over her left as she blinked and stretched her neck a bit.

"The portal actually worked, guess that old gryphon's library was worth something after all." Her voice was soft, but she had a roughness to her. This was a gryphoness that had seen war and suffering.

"I am impressed that you were able to slip through without any body parts being torn and thrown into the cosmos." The dragon remarked as he stepped out of the entrance.

The gryphoness quickly turned her attention to him and gripped the dirt with her talons, she glared at him and tilted her head in a bird-like fashion as she sized him up and yellow bolts of lightning crackled around her body "I find another world, and still dragons stalk my every move."

"Now now, no need to rush into a battle girl. If I had wished to harm you, I would have simply collapsed the portal on your body. The void between worlds would have done the rest of the work." The purple dragon spoke as he took a step toward her and chuckled in a cold and vile way.

He smirked at her and tilted his head "I have not seen a gryphon in this world in thousands of years."

"Well I'm standing right here! I don't care if you are a purple dragon, I'll light you up if you even think of-"

"Hehehe... You could certainly try girl, though I would prefer to not kill you on this night. Tell me, why did you jump through an unstable portal?" The dragon asked with an amused expression.

The gryphoness considered the question, her lion-like ears twitch as she searched her mind for all that she could think of "Another gryphon had a scroll of portal crafting... I wanted to give it a try for myself."

"What do you think of this world?" The purple dragon asked as he took another step toward her, clearly not afraid of the bolts of energy crackling around the gryphoness at the moment as he tried to get her to answer his questions.

"I-I don't know anything about your world."

"That is true, yet you acted on your curiosity. I like to think of myself as a scholar and I can tell by the way you look at things and how your eyes light up that you are too."

The gryphoness frowned at him and slowly she started to lower her guard a bit, the energy around her dimmed and became less obvious in the air as she slowly nodded "Yes, I am an apprentice of magic and history."

"Ah wonderful! What is your name gryphoness?"

"Astra." She answered as she slowly dimmed out her spell completely and the dragon gave a nod.

He smiled at her and with a shift of his body he gave her a gracious bow as he swept his arm against his chest and lowered his head "I am called Malefor."

"You're a purple dragon, my world has one too. But she's vile, cruel, uncaring for life." Astra said as she looked away briefly, the scar over her eye seemed to shimmer a bit withe magic but Malefor was unsure if it was because of how the wound was inflicted or if she were doing it herself.

He moved to her and offered one of his paws to her, giving a tilt of his head as he looked her over. Astra hesitated at first and slowly, with an untrusting expression on her face she rested her own paw in his. Malefor lifted it gently and leaned his head down, with a nod he kissed the back of her paw softly.

"You must be tired from using such magic." His voice was more saltry now, more alluring. Astra tried to avoid his gaze, but more than once she caught herself staring into it. What was more, was that Malefor had caught her staring to. He chuckled and released her paw, then motioned for her to follow him into his temple.

Astra once more hasitated, but after a long moment she shrugged "Where are the other dragons? Or is it just you?"

"They are... elsewhere? Come, you are welcome to rest within my home. I have been alone out here for some time and company is most welcomed." The purple dragon said as he led the way. Slowly Astra followed behind him, she truthfully wasn't that powerful but her old mentors had often made her weary of the use of such magical feats such as portal travel.

Malefor meanwhile had already begun to construct a plan within his own thoughts, the gryphoness had brought with her an opportunity that he had considered in the past but had never thought to actually use. Astra was, at least in his eyes the perfect getaway away from the world of dragons. More importantly, away from the thorn in his side Spyro and the traitor Cynder.

He glanced over his shoulder as he walked and spoke once more "Tell me of your world, what is it like?"

"Well for a long time gryphons and dragons lived peacefully together, but then she came. The purple dragoness Valix, she conquered a large section of land and declared war on all those none-dragon." Astra explained with a sigh, her ears lowering as she followed him into the main hall of the ancient temple.

"Have your people been able to defeat her? Surely with magical power such as your own, you could stand up to her." Malefor answered back, playing into the gryphoness's strengths and attempting to turn the compliment into a weakness.

Astra shifted in an uncomfortable jolt and blinked as she shrugged "I-I suppose so... But when she took over, it sent all of the gryphon kingdoms into chaos. No one is unified enough to oppose her."

Malefor nodded and led the silver gryphoness down along a hall with long eroded paintings and several small collapsed statues of ancient dragon heroes. He led her out into the courtyard and nodded "Well, this is as good a spot to rest as any."

Before Astra could protect he waved his wrist and a rug suddenly rolled out in front of Astra and a pillow appeared on it. He turned to face her as he moved to stand just beside the gryphoness "It sounds like your world could use aid."

"Yes, we could."

"Hmm... What if I told you I could give you the power to defeat this Valix?" Malefor asked, he draped a wing over her now as he spoke, making Astra begin to question his motives.

"I would want to know what was in it for you." She answered back as she looked up at him, the gryphoness saying the exact words Malefor wanted to hear.

He chuckled and lifted his paw, the purple dragon reached forth and gently cupped her beak as he stared directly into her eyes "It is simple really, I have an enemy of my own I wish to defeat. Another purple dragon."

Astra blinked at him, but was entranced by the gaze Malefor gave her. His yellow orbs had her purple ones trapped utterly in their grasp "What did this other purple dragon do?"

"He shamed me, stripped me of what belongs rightfully to me and convinced one of my most trusted allies to betray me and join his cause. He is called Spyro and I am certain he would not hesitate to join your enemy in destroying your people." Malefor continued to speak as his paw very gently slid along her cheek, his thumb claw lightly brushing her feathers and the scar upon her right eye.

"So you want to... join forces?" Astra asked as she shifted into a sitting position, leaning on her back legs like a lion or other feline would.

Malefor gave a nod "Not just join forces my dear, but bring our two races ever closer. Think about it! Think of what we could create together."

Astra did think about it, she turned her head away from him for a moment and considered his words as she felt the dragon's paw on the feathers of her face. The dragon made sense, combining their magical power together and achieving the goals of both Astra and him. She gave him a nod and looked back at the purple dragon.

"Yes, I think that could work."

Now Malefor had her in his grasp, he nodded and with a slight smile continued to lay on his honeyed words "This our combined magical power we will be victorious, not to mention with how beautiful you are my dear! You are truly stunning!"

"O-oh, well thank you Malefor." She blushed at his words, and the purple dragon chuckled. Then slowly his muzzle leaned forward, Astra wanted to protest his advancement on her. But she was so wrapped up in the things he said that she hardly realized it when his lips caught her beak and the dragon kissed her.

Her eyes went wide as she felt his tongue press into her beak, he was a skillful kisser too. The purple dragon took hold of one of her paws and gently pulled her close to him as his tongue wrapped with her own. Slowly Astra's will began to crack and the gryphoness melted slowly into his embrace. The kiss seemed to go on for eternity for Astra, though it was truthfully only a few moments. Malefor pulled his muzzle away from her beak and licked his lips, he smirked at her and licked her cheek.

"Your beak tastes so sweet... You truly are a beauty Astra."

"Y-your to kind, truly." Astra replied back as she fought to hide the blush that was showing through her feathers.

"I noticed your beauty when you first stepped out of that portal, you are truly a wonder to behold." He ran his thumb over the scar on her eye again and he chuckled. Malefor tilted his head as his eyes graced her own and they changed color.

The moment Malefor had been waiting for had finally come, his eyes turned a dark purple and glowed as he once more cupped Astra's beak. His spell washing over the gryphoness as Malefor began to influence her thoughts toward what he wished her to think.

The Dark Master nodded and kissed her again, this time more dominantly as he moved to get around her. Malefor gently pushed the gryphoness down on the rug on her belly and grinned.

Astra looked up at him "Malefor... This is-"

He touched a single finger to her beak and smiled, silencing her as Malefor looked her form over. She was quite pleasing to his eye, not only would Astra serve him in much the same vein as Cynder had once. But she could aid him in another way as well, long had Malefor felt the pings and prods of feeling alone. But with Astra now under his influence, he would be no longer.

The purple dragon nuzzled her neck and nodded "Relax my dear Astra, relax and enjoy."

His voice was seductive, it washed over her now and Astra was unable to resist it. He kissed slowly down her neck and over her back, kissing down between her wings as he worked himself along her body. Malefor kissed the base of her tail and chuckled as one paw slid over her rump. He gave her rump a soft squeeze prompting a light gasp from the gryphoness, Astra glanced over her shoulder at him and blushed at the sight of the purple dragon licking his lips.

He took hold of her hips and lifted her back quarters up a bit, then Malefor grinned as he gazed at the true prize he sought. Astra's slit already moist from his earlier advances on her was a true sight to behold for the dragon. Malefor nodded and leaned forth, he gave her a long lick, from the lips of her pussy to her tailhole making the gryphoness gasp again and tremble in his grasp.

"My my Astra... You are simply beautiful." Malefor spoke, he smirked and licked her slit again making the gryphoness tremble all the more.

Malefor leaned his snout in and pressed his tongue to her pussy lips again, this time he began to push in as Astra's body twitched from the prodding tongue. She gasped and let out a soft moan as she watched him from over her shoulder, her beak trapped ajar as the dragon began to explore her folds. She moaned in pleasure as Malefor's tongue sank into her and spread her walls a bit.

"M-Malefor... Ohh by the ancestors...!" Astra lifted her beak up and closed her eyes as each movement of his tongue made her shudder and tremble in pleasure and though her thoughts were not entirely her own, those that truly were could not help but enjoy the dragon's tongue within her.

After a few minutes of exploring and eating the gryphoness out, Malefor pulled his tongue from her pussy and licked his lips "Mmm... Such a succulent slit you have. But I want more of you Astra."

He gave her rump a quick slap, making the gryphoness yelp as warm pain spidered up her back. Malefor nodded and ran his paws over her hips as he glanced down between his own back legs. His own member had grown hard and stiff, perfect for the event at hand. He looked to her and grinned "Rest your head on that pillow my dear, it is time for the main act."

The silver gryphoness obeyed him and laid her head on the pillow, Malefor then lifted onto his hind legs and raised himself over her. He mounted Astra and used his back leg to guide his great shaft to the lips of Astra's pussy "Mmm... Now my sweet. You are mine."

With that Matefor grunted as he pushed into her, making Astra gasp as her back arched from the feeling of the dragon's member pressing into her, invading her most sacred place. Malefor groaned as he gripped two fistfuls of feathers on her sides and he pressed his lips to her neck.

The Dark Master began to trust into her, he was gentle at first allowing her folds to grow used to his dragon cock. With each thrust Astra moaned in pleasure, whatever freewill she had left had at that point submitted utterly to the dragon. Malefore grinned as he grunted and groaned with each thrust, to him she felt like the greatest lay of his long long life at the moment.

"Hmmph! Such a tight girl you are..." He commented as he slowly started to increase his pace, making her moan a bit louder in pleasure as he continued to lay claim to her body and mind.

"Ahh... Ahh... M-Malefor.. Ancestors..! You feel good...!" Astra managed to moan out as Malefor began to push himself deeper into the female gryphon. He gave her another swat on the rump prompting another yelp from her beak as he continued.

"No my dear... Mmm... You shall call me Master from now on." He chuckled and began to speed up much more now. The sound of his hips clapping against her rump echoed around the silent temple as he held onto her sides.

Astra's moans quickly became yelps of pleasure as the purple dragon used her body to pleasure himself, he grinned as he tongue stuck out of him mouth the sounds of her yelping and the echos of their bodies connecting over and over again only drove him on all the more.

"Grrr...! Your going to be getting well used to this cock within you my sweet Astra. I have thousands of years worth of pent up lust, and I shall take great joy in fucking your slit often!" He no longer hid his intentions from her, he had no need to. Astra was his now, his to lay as much as he wished.

"Male- Master...! Ahh... Master! Y-yess!" Astra yelped out, verbally submitting any freewill she might have had remaining. Malefor took that moment to press further, he used his hold on her to pry into her mind and see all that her own world had to offer. As his hips plowed into the gryphoness over and over again he discovered various spells and the history and stories of the gryphon people of her world.

"Hehehe... Mmm... I'm close my sweet! Heh... Beg for it! Beg for your Master's seed!" Malefor was driven into a lustful frenzy as he plowed her hard now, the gentleness he had shown her earlier was gone as he reached and gripped the feathers on the back of her head and lifted her head off of the pillow. He slowed a bit, not wanting to peak too early as he dominated Astra.

Astra wanted it now though, regardless of his influence or not she wanted the dragon to paint her insides with his life giving seed "Y-yes! Ohh Master! Fill me! Make me yours forever!"

Malefor let go of her head and let it fall back to the pillow, he grinned and sped up fucking the gryphoness hard and fast as he felt himself starting to go over the edge. The dragon gripped her sides hard and with a growl he slammed himself into the gryphoness and roared as he let fly his seed into her womb.

Astra cried out, gripping the rug with her talons as her body trembled and shook "Master!"

He felt her go over the edge too, her pussy folds tightening around his cock and seeming to suck his length into as the dragon's cum mixed with her own fluids. He released his hold on her and gave a few more thrusts to empty himself out within her. Then Malefor chuckled and leaned over her and kissed Astra deeply, once again his tongue wrapped with her own as his paw rested on her cheek. Then Malefor pulled himself out of the gryphoness, a single strand of his seed connecting the two still.

He chuckled and nodded, looking into Astra's eyes as his thumb again grazed across the scar over her right eye "You and me my dear, we shall bring this world to an end. Then when the time comes, we shall build our own.."

Malefor kissed her softly and tilted his head, the gryphoness pushed her beak forward and nuzzled him lightly.

"Yes Master..."



I wanted to do this story because I love Malefor as a character and I do sometimes feel he gets overshadowed by the more light hearted characters in Spyro canon. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this and who knows. Maybe Malefor and Astra will romp again! Maybe Astra will romp with other Spyro characters! We shall see. I do however wanna note that this is a "What If" sort of thing, so Astra x Malefor isn't my canon ship for the gryphoness. This is just a story I've really wanted to try for a long while.