War against cats part 2: First Strike

Story by Onewiththeyiff on SoFurry

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#1 of War against cats

Today was the day, our day of reckoning. This was the day that we humans would stand up to our 'superiors'. This was the day when the cats would meet their demise. Or so I thought.

I arrived in an alley way, our meeting spot for this first strike against the cats. 10 people were already waiting for me. Already, hundreds more were on the way, looking like they were only running errands for their masters. Caitlin was at a safe house, along with some other cats who decided to side with us. We waited for 20 minutes. When it seemed that everyone was here, I stood up on a makeshift platform, which was really a dumpster.

"Today, my fellow men, is the day that we make these bastards pay for what they did!" I started out, and the whole alley erupted into shouts of disgust towards the cats. "You, who are here with me, are risking your lives! For what?"

"Humanity!" Was the reply, from hundreds of men.

"Thats right!" I continued. "We risk our lives, and our families, for the greater of humanity! Without us, these cats would've taken over everything! All of you here know your mission, know what it is we need to do!"

As if on cue hundreds of voices screamed, "Attack and destroy one of their main weapon factories!"

I looked over the crowd, knowing all to well that most of them would die in the following battle. When I came up with this plan, I didnt take into account of who I trusted. That would prove my downfall, and the fall of humanity.

We arrived at the factory around noon. Armed with weapons from other factories we'd raided, we made our way silently towards the doors. Along with a gun, I also came with my custom-made katana. Light-wieght and easy to handle, I had always used it in fights. One of my squad members handed out night-vision goggles. These came from the guards around the compound.

"Place the charges now!" I whispered. Soon after breach charges were placed on the door, one on each of the double door. We lined up along the wall and I gave the signal. The doors soundlessly blew off their hinges and we entered the blackened factory.

"Activate night-vision." I said into the boom mike in my helmet, sliding my googles over my eyes. We made our way into the factory, slow and alert.

'This is strange,' I thought to myself. 'Where are all the workers?'

The answer came soon enough, as we all grouped in the middle. The lights suddenly sprang to life and for a few seconds, we were all blinded. That was all the time the cats who were lying in wait needed. I heard the sound of gunfire from both sides as I struggled to take my goggles off. When I could finally see, the battle field was already littered with bodies. I raise my pistol and put a bead into a cats skull as he aimed for a human. Another shot rang out as a second cat was put out of his misery by my hands. I went to take a third shot when my pistol was knocked out of my hand. Instinct ran through my body as my hand shot up to grab the handle of my katana. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something flash and my arm was cut. I saw another flash and was able to block it with my katana. I took a look at my attacker and almost let go of my katana.

"Yes, that's right." Said the cat. " How stupid you must feel, putting your trust into a cat."

"You bastard!" I growled. "Not only did I trust you, Felix, but so did Caitlin."

"Don't you fret about caitlin, soon she won't even know it was me."

Felix was one of the few cats we put our trust into. I always thought he was with us, but it seemed I was mistaken. He was also the only one who knew we were attacking this factory. I broke contact with him and lunged again. Just before the blade hit his arm, he caught it! Caught is more of an underestimate as I notice that his claws were steel coated. He smiled a demented smile as I felt my stomach ripped open. Fenix started laughing as he ripped my guts out. I fell in my own gore and died.

'Where am I?' I ask myself as I open my eyes. 'Am I dead?'

I looked at my surroundings but there wasn't much to see. I realized I was in a pitch-black room. Looking down, I noticed a long scar running horizontally around my stomach. Just before I realized what had happened, the room turned bright white, if that was even possible. I then noticed an small female angel. As I focused my attention to her, I saw the swish of a tail. She walked up to me and grasped my face in her small, soft hands. Soon we were kissing. She pulled away after a while and turned around, showing me her soft pussy and round ass. I started rubbing her pussy, getting harder and harder by the second. Soon, I couldn't sustain myself as I ripped my pants off and shoved my dick into her tight ass. I started fucking her, but she kept on tightening her muscles. I was close to coming when I was pushed, slapped, away from this cat girl.

"Now that I have your attention," A deep voice said. "you have a choice to make."

A door started to appear to the left of the girl.

"You can leave this world and go back," The door on the left started shining more and more. "or, you can stay here." The cat girl shook her ass, temptingly.

I thought for a while, then made my decision. I got off the ground and walked through the door. Again, complete darkness.

I woke up on the floor af the factory, the battle still waging on. I got up and shook my head. Looking around, I saw Felix in hand-to-hand combat with a human. I gripped my katana tightly and made my move. Felix turned around at the last second and blocked my blade with both clawed paws. This time, I was the one smiling as I drew out my knife. Felixs' eyes widened in horror as I stabbed him in the stomach with the knife. Drawing it to one side, I completely gutted the bastard. He managed to catch his own intestines just before dying. The mission was a complete success. We lost only 30 people, where as the cats lost a good 1000. As we left, loaded with better weaponry, I set the explosives in one of the reactors. 3 minutes later, the factory blew up. We had done it, we had destroyed one of their main gun suppliers. We were victorious, yet, I still had a feeling that we weren't done yet.

I met up with Caitlin at the safe house. We stood there, hugging for a good 2 minutes when I heard what seemed like a gun cocking. By the time it registered, there was nothing I could do as the bullet that was meant for me caught Caitlin in the back of her head. She slumpped into my arms as I drew my own gun, putting a bead in my assassins head without looking up. I dropped the gun and knelt next to my mistresses body.

"I'm so sorry," I cried, craddling my lovers head. "I love you!" I set her body down and got up off the ground, fire in my eyes. This time, I'll make sure I kill each and everyone of the bastards.

To be continued...

War against cats part 1: the beginning

My name is Sebastian, you know, like off of the Little Mermaid, except I‘m not a crab and I don‘t want to screw Ariel's snatch. I live on Earth, or at least what's left of it. You see, around the year 2020, scientist‘s discovered a way to make...

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