Living as a Skunk: chapter seven

Story by shyfox5 on SoFurry

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As I stared at the new skunk that stood before me we had only one though, how else could it spread. I threw myself at her and began to sob.

"Oh honey...its...its not so bad. Maybe...maybe it only spreads by hands, yeah! Yeah, yeah that's it!"

"You think so?" As I looked at her with tears pouring down my face.

"Yeah, maybe it's only me, maybe tormorrow we'll leave and forget this mess." her words came as no surpise but still hurt.

"But mom!!!"

"No buts young skunk, you've done enough damage. The only thing we can do now is sleep until we can leave tomorrow." I groaned pretending to be upset, but I wasn't really upset I was worried, worried about how much more pain I had caused. I couldn't sleep not a wink, all I did was stare at my new mother all night, thinking about how I ruined her life. Yet somehow, I fell asleep and thought to myself, could this get any worse, unfortunately it could.

Living as a Skunk: chapter eight.1

As I awoke the TV was blaring. I don't remember most of the broadcast, but I remember the end well. "Hospital now also overrun by disease, all hospital staff are now motionless on the floor growing fur as...we...." the camera lady fell to the floor as...

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Living as a Skunk: chapter six

Was I still dreaming? No, no I couldn't be could I? It all felt so unreal, so abstract. Me, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, attending anthrocon! I felt so excited I wanted to jump right out of my fur! "Wow" I said, stunned with awe. "I can't beleive I'm...

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Living as a Skunk: chapter five

I has been a month since school ended, and life has been normal, well, about as normal as it can get around here. However, we've started our packing for anthrocon. Even though she said she bought the tickets, I still had to pay half. Getting a job was...

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