The Forest Part One...

Story by Rose Wolfsbane on SoFurry

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"Get out and Don't Come Back you disgrace our family!"

"Begone, before we call the Police on you!"

A boy jumped up hearing those voices as he slept in the forest awaking from the nightmare were he heard those words.The Boy was Sixteen of Age.He was laying on the forest ground because he was homeless.He had black skinny jeans with no top. He was muscalar upon his upper body and lower.He had tattoo's all over his back of his favorite animal the wolf with a few pictures of its mutated side The Werewolf.He looked at his hands thinking about the incident a year ago on his 16th birthday.He fall on his back slowly drifting to sleep watching a group of hikers walk the forest as he fell fully asleep.

"Hey Wake up sleepy head....",a unfamilar voice said to him as he sprung up looking around for the voice as he turned his head upwards seeing a girl staring down at him.

"Who are you and why are you staring at me?",he asked.

"I saw you sleeping and I got worried and besides think back its me Jade you ex-girlfriend...Don't you remember me adam?",she asked smiling.

"Oh Yeah",he said sighing standing up as he scratched his hair.

"You've gotten more bulky since I've seen you...",she said biting her bottom lip.

"Its what happens when you live in the forest....",he said sctretching looking at her.

She was speechless as she walked to him and rubbed his chest with her hand staring up and down his body with lustful eyes.Adam looked at her wondering what she was doing as he put one arm out and put a arm around her back pulling her close to him.She stared into his eyes smiling as she got on her heel kissing him.Adam kissed her back embracing her into the kiss smiling wrapping his tongue around hers.She looked him in the eyes whispering "I'm gonna rock your world today...".She broke away from the kiss slowly placing her head on the now bulging spot on adam's bottom half.Adam looked at where her hand was rubbing as the bulge began to grow some more. She smiled bitting her bottom lip.He looked at her his body almost full of lust pushed her off me as he ripped her shirt off and bra showing her 42FF breasts as he smiled staring at her already erected nipples as he put his head down to lick them smiling as he bit on them softly as Jade moaned from his licking as she smiled moaning as she blushed.

"You're so wild at this...",she said moaning from his licking.As she started to slowly get turned on slowly putting her hand in her shorts to finger herself as she moaned from the extreme pleasure.Adam looked at what her hand was doing as he smiled stopping licking as he could feel the fabric of his Jeans give wg to his growing erectionwith bursted out breaking the button on the jeans as it stood out his jean at 13 inches as he looked at her as he could smell her vaginal juices and her lust with his sensitive nose as he stared as she unbuttoned her pants as the smell filled the air going into his nose as he began to pant.She smied as she grabed his pulsing erection with her left hand and began to stroke it as she embraced him ina kiss as she stroked him off.He began to moan silently to himself as she stroked him as the night slowly ascended as the full moon light shined upon them as he smiled while she stroked him.Adam let out a howl as he picked her up as he entered her wet slit with his erection as he began to thrust smiling as he was getting his lust out and so was Jade.

"Oh God Yes....",Jade moaned as she was holding onto Adam while he thrusted.Her Breasts rocked up and down in sync with the thrusting as she wrapped her arms around Adam back as fur began to grow from his back.His face began to crack morphing into a muzzle as the muzzle grew his entire body began to grow as well as his erection which gained 5 more inches as she moaned as she could feel her cervix about to be entered she put her hand on his back moving it around rubbing the fur as Adam grew claws which began to scratch Jade up as he let put a howl as he reached close to climax as he came sperm which went shooting through her cervix into her womb as Jade fell to the ground worn out hot warm sperm coming out of her slit as Adam howled as he beast was satisfied for the night as he returned to normal as he fell to the ground laying alongside her as they drifted to sleep.

Ten Hours Later....

"Wake up Adam I got a suprise for you...",a voice could be heard in adam sleep as he woke up look at Jade as he kissed her rubing her belly expected babies as he smiled.