Paying Tribute

Story by BlackWolfe on SoFurry

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#2 of Erotic Friction

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Part two of Erotic Friction, which began with "Rousing the Beast". Contains: - A hermaphrodite main character

  • More hermy action (and I don't mean kung-fu)!

  • A lot of consensual yiffing

  • Still more BE, PE, and a lot more growth

  • Gender-bending

  • A whole lot of yiffing

  • Microelementalspiritfurry (whew, that's a mouthful) size play

  • A bit of exposition into the world of "Erotic Friction"

  • An introduction to Lady Harmony's School of Nymphomancy

  • An explanation of what the heck Nymphomancy is anyway

  • Did I mention the yiffing? Yeah, there's more of it this time. * * * I walked around my room, letting Sahara and Jacob sleep. It's amazing how bored it's possible to become when you don't need to sleep. I picked up my History of Religions textbook, flipped through a few pages, and disgustedly threw it against a pillow. It was one thing to read about demons and angels in a book. But to find out that all this time, you've actually been one... it brings a whole new perspective to the concepts. I didn't feel evil. I felt kind of... blessed. It was odd. I shrugged, and clopped over to the full-length mirror in my bedroom. The new Mashara took some getting used to. I was taller, that's the first thing I noticed. The top of my mane actually was no longer visible in the mirror, its brushy tip extending up a few inches beyond it. I was silently thankful that my apartment, being on the top floor, had a very high ceiling. My breasts were definitely larger, and despite my increased size, my waist had stayed the same, making it seem narrower. My hips were wider, and between my thighs, the fur had receded slightly around my sex. Sexes, I should say, although I appeared to lack testes, and when my shaft wasn't erect, my sheath neatly blended into the pale fur above my pussy, which seemed to be permanently moist. In fact, I was in a near-constant state of mild arousal. My shaft, somehow nestled in a sheath that could not possibly be large enough to hold it, was sensitive even when retracted. As I thought about it, it began to slide, a glistening ebony rod of firm flesh, out of the tight orifice of my sheath. It was almost like fucking myself, and I shivered. The better it felt, the faster my shaft slid out and firmed up. I moaned, pumping my hips slightly as I felt that extrusion almost like a reversed penetration. Even my sheath could feel pleasure, I realized, like it was a vagina in and of itself. Soon, it was fully erect, bobbing in the air in front of my belly, and the cool breeze from the partially opened bedroom window caressed it like an insubstantial lover. I moaned again, and continued thrusting against the air, eyes drifting shut. If I wasn't looking, I could almost feel a multitude of tiny hands stroking along my shaft. There came another moan, higher-pitched than my own voice, and my eyes opened as much as they could, as driven by pleasure as I was. There was someone in the room with me, several someones. They were almost completely invisible, as though the dust in the air had consolidated into shapely female forms, ranging from three to six inches high. They appeared to be feline in shape, except for the largest, an incredibly curved vulpine at least two feet tall. They hovered in the air, pressing as much of their bodies against my shaft as they could manage. I moaned, and continued thrusting. This was, I decided, sheer bliss. Then, the large - relatively so, anyway - vulpine and four of the smaller ones decided to show me how very wrong I was. I collapsed to my knees, and two of the little felines flew away from my shaft, their places immediately taken up by the ones around where they had been, and drifted down out of my field of vision. Two more, who had just come in through the window, flew up to my chest and began to tease my nipples, which were already firm and sensitive. :Can you,: said a voice in my head that I knew was coming from the vulpine, :keep your legs in that position and lean back at the same time, Succubus?: I didn't know if I could, but I could, and would, certainly try. As soon as I resolved to tell her that, a formerly dormant part of my mind - the part, I realized, that had allowed me to easily walk through the wall separating my apartment from my neighbors' - told me that if any sort of sexual fantasy was involved, by my very nature, I could fulfill it. I nodded and did so. :Oh!: the vulpine spirit said, in the sort of tone used by someone who expects a bouquet and gets a necklace from Tyffani's instead. :You've only just awakened, haven't you? How lovely!: As soon as I had gotten myself in the position the vulpine requested, the two little spirits on my breasts straddled my nipples and squeezed their tiny cunts down around them while, simultaneously, their leader opened her muzzle wide and, impossibly, began to engulf a member as big around as her head. Her muzzle and throat were warm and moist, incredibly yielding, and even more delightfully tight than Sahara's cunt. I gasped, my cock tensing and letting loose a jet of cum down the vulpine air elemental's throat. She murred, the seed vanishing as she became more substantial, and mentally signalled the two spirits waiting beneath me. As one, they pushed their way into me, one entering my throbbing cunt while the other pushed her way into my ass. If you've never been center stage of an air elemental orgy, I highly recommend it. The elementals around my cock drifted away, making room for their leader to take more of my shaft into a body that could in no way accommodate it - but somehow did. While I could feel their arousal and frustration, and see and feel the lust-ridden thoughts of the elementals driving me to heights of pleasure I'd never dreamed of before, I couldn't link our senses as I had with myself, Jacob, and Sahara. :It is because,: the orally talented vulpine spirit said, :we are spiritual, like you. That particular talent is only useable on mortals.: Her mouth and throat, it appeared, were usable on anything. There was a gentle, persistent tugging feeling as her throat massaged my cock, and her tongue, writhing along the sensitive underside of my shaft, flicked its tip against all of the hypersensitive areas of it. I felt pressure building inside me, and knew I was about to climax again. The writhing spirit sliding her legs and tail around inside my cunt, while massaging my clit with her breasts and tongue, found a particularly pleasurable way to stimulate me, and began nipping gently at my clit, which did not help what passed for my self control. And the one in my ass - I had begun to wonder why I even had an ass, since I never recalled using it. She showed me what my ass was there for, sliding her body in and out with deft, powerful - for her size - movements, her tiny paws bunched in the fur on my rump to give her leverage. It was going to be a hell of a blowout. It was really, I thought, too bad the ones on the side could only wait, watch, and, naturally, masturbate. Then, unexpected by me, the apartment door opened and closed. Sahara was there, her flimsy nightgown hugging her figure. She had her eyes on me, her tongue sticking out of the corner of her pert muzzle, and was lightly stroking herself through the sheer cloth. She wasn't, I noted, wearing panties, and her nightgown was very damp around her crotch. Before either of us could say anything - not that I could or she seemed likely to - she was swarmed by the idle air elementals. A gust of wind in the form of half a dozen translucent felines pressed her gown against her body, highlighting her lovely figure, then shifted directions and peeled it off of her. Somewhat surprisingly, she was as cooperative with the elementals as she had been with me, lifting her arms out of the way, then letting them lead her by the wrist to my bed. :Well, now,: the vulpine said, letting her teeth become a bit more substantial to redirect my attention back to her ministrations. My shaft tensed and swelled larger in her muzzle, and she resumed suckling, driving her body up and down on the engorged member. :I see you've got an acolyte.: I wasn't entirely sure what she meant, and not only didn't I know what to say, but I didn't have time to think of anything before the next orgasm swept over me and I came into her insubstantial gullet like a fire hose. I could feel her becoming more solid around my cock as her body absorbed my seed and the energy that went into it, and the elementals that were pleasuring other parts of my body shared in that apparent bounty. I realized that what I had been feeling was merely a shadow of the pleasure they were striving to give me, and as the feel tiny cunts pulsating around my nipples combined with the double-penetration I was getting from the other two and the way the leader had impaled herself from head to gullet on my member, I came again, even more forcefully, and a fourth time. Each orgasm made the elementals fucking me more solid, more real, and the pleasure they were giving me even more intense. The fifth orgasm hit a sort of sex-magic critical mass, and back-washed into me, amplifying the pleasure it generated. The pussies of the two spirits humping my nipples tightened, not spasmodically, but steadily, until with a muffled sound not unlike a cork coming out of a bottle, the pressure around my nipples vanished. At the same time, the vulpine's body tightened around my shaft, and the two felines in my cunt and ass felt like they were getting smaller. The vulpine disembodied, becoming a warm, moist rush of air around my cock, and the two felines slid out of me wetly, giggling. I lay there, bent over backwards on my knees, with my ass resting on my hooves, and gasped with the intensity of it. My cock swayed back and forth in the sex-laden air, and although it was no longer jetting forth cum, I a steady stream poured out it and ran down along the length of my member. I heard a familiar voice saying, :Oh, Gods, if I had a cock like that.: As I sat up to look around, the vulpine padded up to me, wide hips swaying enticingly. She looked shorter than before, but completely solid. Her fur was blue with wisps of white in it like clouds. :Don't look at me, Succubus,: she said, tilting her head at the bed. :You're the one in a position to do something about this.: I looked where she indicated. There, on the bed, being titillated by a bevy of three-inch Siamese-patterned felines with the same blue and white fur colorations, was Sahara. She was looking right at me - at my erect phallus, rather - and blushing furiously. :Damn, sie's hot,: she said - no, thought. :What I wouldn't give for curves like hirs. Tits that big. That glorious, magnificently huge cock.: It was within my power to give her what she wanted, that quiet part of me that knew what I was capable of said. But hell if I knew how. I tried concentrating on the image in her mind, willing it to be. All I did was make myself even hornier. I could not POSSIBLY, I thought, look that impressive. :You will be able to make changes in that manner,: the vulpine spirit said, :once you have received your tithe from the other elemental courts.: I remember worrying about what being fucked like that by a fire elemental would be like, but she continued. :For this one, however, you are trying too hard. Your seed is within her. All you need do is awaken it, and it will honor her requests.: I squinted at her, thinking perhaps getting advice from something as flighty as an air elemental wasn't such a good idea after all, then realized she was telling the truth. My seed, like myself, was a concentrated mix of sex and magic. I reached out, laying a hand on Sahara's womb, and closed my eyes, telling that power I had deposited within her to awaken. :But not--: Sahara's eyes opened wide, and she let out a scream as her body almost instantly became a caricature of what she had been envisioning. Her breasts did not so much swell as explode, covering her ribcage and some of her belly in a split second with massive, round, firm tit-flesh. Her hips widened in a way that, combined with the narrowness of her waist and her suddenly-massive bosom, would make an hourglass look almost like a test-tube by comparison. And just above where an elemental was playfully driving herself in and out of Sahara's cunt, a truly massive erection erupted out of her body, gushing forth a jet of seed that made me worry about damaging the architecture. :...all at once,: the vulpine said belatedly. "Oh, crap," I said, standing up and cracking my head a good one on the ceiling - I'd get a nasty lump there in a bit. "Is she all right?" The vulpine arched an eyebrow at me. :All right? Your priestess is beyond all right, Madam.: I panicked. I'm firmly of the opinion that one can only take so much supernatural weirdness before your brain unplugs itself and starts going "budabudabuda" with its lips in its happy place in your skull. "HOLY FUCK, I KILLED HER?!" The air elemental padded around in front of me, forcing me to make eye contact. I could feel her imposing a soothing presence on what was left of my mind for the moment. :You did no such thing. A mortal mind can only take so much pleasure before it crashes. You overloaded her. Her consciousness is temporarily stuck in the sensations you just subjected her to. She -- or rather, I should say sie -- is having quite a good time, and judging from how pronounced the effects were, could be out for a while.: She looked around. :Is this where we are to hold court? This... clerk's quarters?: "This is my apartment," I said, hackles rising at the thought. "You can't hold your court here! I mean, seriously, I'm pretty sure the landlady would object to storms in the apartment." I tilted my head. "I'm pretty sure there's a clause in the lease about it." The elemental laughed. It sounded like a breeze through wind-chimes. :I was referring, Madam, to your court. We are the representatives of the Kingdom of the Element of Air.: She looked around. :Traditionally, the Kingdom of Earth is first to greet the birth of a fertility deity, but your abode is closer to ours than theirs.: She had a point, I supposed. "Look," I said, "I'm no god. I'm just a college student who's had a very weird - and admittedly extremely kinky, sweaty and fun - weekend." She shrugged. :And Heracles started off as, in his words, "just a guy who likes to hit things." All gods start small. You've made a fair start of things, however. You have a devout follower who is so devoted to you that her greatest desire is to be physically like you. You have a court of,: she looked around, taking a head count, :fifteen air elementals, and you have myself.: She dropped to one knee. :My Lady, I am Zephyr, and it will please me greatly to be your Herald.: This was all going way too quickly. "I, uh..." I was stumped for words. Fortunately, at that moment, Sahara came around and provided exactly the words I was looking for. "Hooooly FUCK." She - no, Zephyr was right, Sahara was very definitely, and prominently, a SIE - sat up. "That was too fuckin' intense." Sie blinked at hir massive cock, which, still very erect, extended over hir head, a crimson tower of masculinity. "I gotta be more specific in the future," sie said with a throaty chuckle that made my feminine sex spasm. "Mashara? You okay over there?" Sie leaned over so that sie could see me around hir potent masculinity. "Heh. I bet it's as big as yours down to the millimeter." I shook my head, knocking stucco from the textured ceiling. "Mine doesn't reach above my head, hon," I said. "I don't run a risk of putting holes in the ceiling when I stand up," sie countered. I blinked. Sie was right, I realized. It hadn't registered because of all the intense sensations I had experienced, but I was standing there, getting a crick in my neck from stooping slightly, and my head was still pressed against the ceiling. Wobbling slightly, Sahara eased hirself out of the bed. Sie didn't ignore the elementals around hir, but sie didn't seem bothered by them either. Hir knees buckled, and before I knew what I was doing, I was standing beside hir, bent over, and holding hir in my arms. :Sie's right,: Zephyr said, chuckling slightly. :Apart from the height and race, you two have exactly the same features.: She waved a paw, and the mirror detached itself smoothly from the wall and moved over into our line of sight. :Look for yourselves.: When I saw the two of us there, I wanted to laugh. Sahara had gotten exactly what sie asked for: Hir cock was an exact match for mine except for the color - hirs was red while mine was jet black. Hir breasts were massive on hir, but on me they would have been about proportionate to an F-cup, which matched mine exactly. And hir hips were exactly the same width as me. Sie looked like someone had taken my figure, and pushed down until I was hir five foot, two inch height. It should have been ridiculous. It wasn't. My body, as odd as it was, was a sort of repository for sexual energy and sexual attraction. Sahara's, while sie didn't store sex energy like I did, had all of the same potent attraction, but condensed. Sie was even more breathtaking than I was. And seeing those traits on someone else made me realize just how attractive I really was. Standing like that, with my arms wrapped around hir, the two of us exuded animal magnetism, so potently that just by looking at our reflection, we actually climaxed again. It was a weak one, in comparison to what we'd experienced already, but it was definitely an orgasm. Even so, having tits and a cock like mine at hir size had to be awkward. "I think I can do something about--" "Not on your life, hot stuff," sie growled. "I got what I asked for, and I'm keepin' 'em." Sie grinned and playfully nipped at the tip of my cock. "And you, if you'll let me." "What about Jacob?" Sie shrugged, making hir breasts bounce, and stood up, easing back over to the bed like liquid sex wrapped in fur. "Jacob was temporary," sie said. "We both knew it was going nowhere. Only thing kept us together was the sex." I grinned. "You had to admit, the sex was pretty incredible." "No I don't," sie said, looking at me. "Until you showed up the other night, the sex was boring. He wouldn't try half the things I wanted to do. Magic scares him, first of all, and I can't date someone who's afraid of what I am and what I do." I blinked. "You're... You're a college student, aren't you?" Pretty much everyone in our building was going to one college or another. Sie grinned. "Yeeesss," sie said slowly. "I'm a student at Lady Harmony's School." Sitting on the floor beside hir, I still loomed over hir. "I've heard of that one. Isn't that that sorcerer's university?" Sie shook hir head, grinning. "No, that's across town. Lady Harmony's is a completely different type of magic than sorcery. It's a school of Nymphomancy." I blinked. "Who with the what now?" Sie rolled hir eyes and looked at Zephyr. "Is sie really this clueless?" Zephyr shrugged. :I wouldn't know, Your Grace, you've known Hir Majesty longer than I.: "You've talked to hir more," sie countered. "All I did was fuck hir for about thirty hours straight." Sie grinned. "Best weekend ever. Anyway, Mashara, Nymphomancy is exactly what it sounds like: sex magic. It's what you're made of, for fuck's sake." Sie giggled. "Literally for fuck's sake." Sie stood up, and we still weren't eye-to-eye with each other. This was getting disconcerting on a purely physical level. "You are," sie said, "what some cultures referred to as a Succubus. I'm sure you've figured that much out." I nodded. "Yeah, what with the rampant fucking and the dawning realization that if I didn't let you guys get some sleep, you'd have a heart attack or something." Sie giggled and shook hir head. "Not likely," sie said. "I'm studying Nymphomancy. You may have noticed that you're a lot larger after about an hour with these ladies than an entire weekend with me and Jake, right?" I shrugged. "There's more of them," I said. "Ah," sie replied, "but until the end, they weren't actually physical. You weren't feeding off of them until then. The difference is that I was too damned blissed out from the - by the way, extremely skillful - ministrations of Zephyr's aides that I couldn't channel any of that energy. Most Succubi store their excess energy in a sort of extra-planar pocket. You seem to convert yours into mass. During our little marathon yesterday, I was siphoning off most of that energy to keep me and Jake healthy while you used most of what was left to keep us awake and horny." Sie grinned, and I realized that with all of the metaphysics being thrown around, hir erection had receded, dwindling and retracting until, like mine, its sheath was all but invisible in the thick fur around it. My own had done the same. Despite the fact I was still horny, and given what I was, probably would be for as long as I lived, when I wasn't using my dick, I didn't need it out - so it wasn't. Maybe that was why I hadn't noticed it sooner. :That,: Zephyr said, :and the spell of ignorance your Sire placed on you as a foal.: "You noticed that too?" Sahara shook hir head. "What am I talking about, you're an elemental, of course you noticed it. I figure there's probably a good reason for that. We can probably figure it out when I take Mashara to the school tomorrow." I blinked. "I can't go to your school," I said, "I've got a test tomorrow. If I don't buckle down, I'm going to fail. How the hell can I get a degree if I skip out on tests?" Sahara rolled hir eyes. "You really don't get it, do you? What are you studying? What's your plan?" I blinked. I'd never really had a plan. I took classes that interested me, figured I would decide on a major once I had an idea what I was leaning towards. I looked around the room at my textbooks. There were the obligatories, of course, math, physics, two biology books... with, I realized, beat up, dog-eared pages in the sections dealing with reproduction in sapient species. There was my Religions textbook, split in two from when I had hurled it across the room earlier. And my... psycholo... It hit me. I had been studying, in a roundabout way, fertility and magic. I had been studying Nymphomancy, or as close to it as a mundane school got. I had been studying, without realizing it, myself. Besides, as Sahara had put it when we were on the way to hir school the next day, what better place for an awakening Succubus than a school of sex magic?