Swimwear: Trent On Top
#9 of The Perfect Pair
Part 2 of the Swimwear Arc for The Perfect Pair
Trent Russo has always tried his hardest to get out of his hometown of Sohomo, Florida but all of his attempts have either been half-baked or outright stupid. Thankfully his friend Ulric, who has just recently joined the Department, knows exactly what he needs and how to get there.
The Perfect Pair
Trent On Top
"Hey Trent. What's up, man?"
Ulric picked up on the third ring. This was a little unusual for the otter. Since there was generally so little to do in Sohomo, Florida before Spring Break, everyone - Trent Russo included - was usually eager to pick up the phone if it meant some respite from their boredom.
Sitting in his room, curtains drawn and in nothing but a pair of swim shorts, the 6'1'' Trent was absently clicking through some of his favorite websites when he realized what time it was. The eyelids of his green eyes were growing heavy at that point so he was more than eager to give his best friend a call. Ulric had been invited to tour the new Department of Socio-Political Economic Reform and Maintenance facility today and had been out of contact all day. Trent was up for a tour himself in a few days.
Beaming brightly to himself as he always did when speaking to someone who could alleviate his boredom, Trent leaned back in his desk chair, one arm draped over the back while the other was clutching his phone which had to be at least three generations old. He and his mother weren't exactly poor. Likely on the lower end of the middle-class spectrum. Frugal is what his mom would like to call them.
"Dude," he began, "how was the tour?"
Trent absently swung his long legs and placed them on this desk. His mother hated when he did that but she was currently off in the next town over on some business trip. She ran a flower shop downtown. Not exactly the most lucrative of professions especially in a Spring Break Town. She actually closed the shop during slow parts of the year whereas guys like Ulric and his dad, Gustav, had work all year around - even if that work didn't pay as much. From what he recalled; his mom was over at Les Bien for some small business conference for women.
He absently tilted his legs. As an orca, he was naturally built with strong leg muscles for swimming to match his equally thick tail. Definition was where he lacked, however. His skin was like a really dark brown. When the light hit it just right, it would look like he had a coppery sheen. It went well with his mostly flat and undefined chest since that metallic edge carried over to his white chest and belly to highlight what little muscles could come through.
"It was a lot of fun," answered Ulric. "Pretty educational too. They've got a lot of hi-tech stuff there and everything is pretty clean and new. Hard to believe that they built up the old waterfront into that place."
_Never thought anyone would actually want to build in that place,_Trent mused.
He recalled the days back in middle school when he and Ulric would 'explore' the old warehouse district. They would have adventures in the ramshackle warehouses, weaving through the rotting boxes and pretending they were adventurers looking for some ancient treasure or space marines fighting off some alien horde in a corrupted settlement somewhere in the stars. Such innocent, simple days.
"Seriously? Damn. I can't wait to see it myself in a couple of days."
Then he heard something... odd. It sounded like a loud gurgle from a stomach or an animal's growl. He inclined his head to the side as he straightened.
"Whoa. What was that?" he asked.
"I'm just..." He heard Ulric swallow. "... hungry."
Okay, maybe the Department isn't that impressive...
If there was anything Trent knew about himself, it was that he was very protective of Ulric. Back when they were kids, he was always the taller one and was protective of the little otter. They were both Spring Break babies; kids born around the same time of year because they were conceived during Spring Break. Their parents had become friends early on and that naturally meant the two of them became best friends. Ulric saw Trent as a brother. Trent felt the same way. They were inseparable since they were young.
"They didn't feed you over there?" he asked, concerned.
"They fed me alright. Just haven't had dinner."
It was fairly late in the evening so dinner was right around the corner. That reminded Trent that he needed to eat. Today had been somewhat less boring than previous days. With Spring Break right around the corner, he was getting calls to get some of the pools cleaned around town. From what he heard, the Department facilities had a lot of pools. Some of them were indoor as well. One of the reasons he agreed to touring the facilities was to see if he could get a job with them.
Trent always had big dreams and it had been an ambition to leave this town. Sadly, lack of funds and resources didn't afford him that luxury. It always confused him how someone like the Webbers could have consistent jobs all year around and still be stuck in this town. Jealousy was not something he was accustomed to but whenever Ulric talked about being comfortable in Sohomo and never leaving, he couldn't help but think that if he had the fortune and resources that Ulric had, he would have been out of this town and made it rich.
But that was a dark thought that he shook away. Green was not a good colour on an orca.
"Seriously?" he said brightly. "Now I'm more excited." His mind turned to more immediate matters. His tour wouldn't commence for a couple more days. Banking on getting work from the Department when the government agency would likely have their fair share of pool cleaners would be like writing his own financial suicide note. This called for a change of subject and to a brighter topic.
"But before that, we still up for a surf tomorrow after work?" His best friend was silent for a very long time. At least a minute or so. This wasn't that unusual. Ulric was the type of guy that took things easy and didn't really worry about anything. Much like the surf, he just went with the flow and Trent would often catch him just gazing off into the distance, staring at nothing in particular. When over a minute and a half passed, he had to knock his friend back to reality. "Ulric, dude? You still there?"
"Y - Yeah," came the mumbling reply like Ulric was just waking up from a nap."And yeah. Let's go to the beach tomorrow. I... I... Listen. I gotta go. Catch you tomorrow."
That was Ulric-speak for 'I'm probably not going to be much of a conversationalist right now because my head is in the clouds'. That was Trent's cue to end the conversation. "Sure thing, dude. Laters."
He hung up and set his phone on his desk. The thought of going back to beach and practicing surfing had him excited. So much so that his thick tail lightly thumped against his carpeted floor. He absently wiggled his toes and scratched at the waistband of his shorts, the small, swirls of coppery black skin that curled around his tawny white belly that made it look someone had taken to dipping a finger into the dark parks of his skin and playfully smudging it across his belly.
Not one to ever just sit around and do nothing, he grabbed his phone one more time and checked his emails. Apart from all the spam and the clearly fake email from Apple telling him his account needed to be reverified because it had been hacked and they needed his credit card number as a last resort, there was one email in particular that caught his attention.
It was from one Lucian Garrows.
Garrows was a return customer and one of the few locals who had actually escaped Sohomo. During the warmer months, he constantly requested Trent's assistance to clean up the pools at the Fletcher Residence. The personal assistant of Calvin Fletcher, who was a rich, self-made man living somewhere in New York, Garrows would call Trent to not only clean the two pools in the massive mansion but also the jacuzzi and sauna. Garrows didn't actually _use_the facilities. He was just preparing it for Fletcher's two sons who - as typical trust fund babies - would spend Spring Break in Sohomo and make the occasional trip during summer to get away from the heat. Fletcher was rich enough to have a summer beach house with ten rooms, two pools, an indoor jacuzzi and an inbuilt sauna but apparently, he wasn't rich enough to actually send his sons to a more popular Spring Break location. There was a running joke that Fletcher only sent his boys to Sohomo because it was so secluded that if they did anything embarrassing, it wouldn't hit national news.
Not that it mattered. Blaine Fletcher always came with a posse and that often made up a good portion of Sohomo's partying population.
He opened the email, eager for some work and nearly balked in surprise.
Blaine was going to head down to Sohomo in about nine days. Garrows needed Trent to go to the mansion and start cleaning the pools ASAP. As usual, Garrows would mail the keys to Trent's mom upon acceptance through express courier.
This is great!
If he could get in the Fletchers' good graces, he'd have a ticket to this year's parties. A few suave words here and there, a little flex of what muscles he could muster and some boasting about his swimming skills followed by a casual invitation to the beach for some impromptu swimming lessons and he'd be on his way to snagging himself a ticket out of Sohomo just like Garrows. He would have to play it very smooth, though. Blaine was an asshole and Boris didn't often come to Spring Break. Depending on who came along, he'd have to act appropriately so that he could actually get invited into the parties.
Trent immediately began typing a reply to Garrows, trying to play it off that he was acting cool and accepting the job in a professional manner. The moment he hit 'send', butterflies were fluttering around in his stomach. All he needed to do now was to actually learn how to surf and swim properly. Sure he could float and splash about but actually swim...? The nickname of 'beached orca' was starting to invade his thoughts again and caused those butterflies to come crashing down into the pit of his stomach like iron weights.
Sadly, that left him with too much energy and anxiety to actually go to sleep. It was just after midnight that he collapsed into his bed, still thinking about the best way to woo some rich, smart, college girl into taking him as her trophy husband. Before he knew it, it was already morning. The sun was streaming in through the blinds. Despite having gotten at least three or four hours of sleep, he was feeling energized and ready to greet the day.
After a small breakfast, he jumped into his white truck that housed all his pool cleaning gear and headed down to his first job and only job of the day. It was just at a local motel that had a pool. At this time of year, the motel wasn't busy at all. Though they would have _some_customers by the time Spring Break rolled around, they would never be out of rooms. The green-scaled frill neck lizard at the reception desk was mysteriously absent.
I wonder where Wally went?
The motel was a family run-business like most businesses in Sohomo. Wally was a father of six and ran the reception while his kids cleaned the rooms and performed other services. Though there was no business around this time of year, Wally was always at front desk. Diligence he called it. 'Strict' or 'obsessed' was what his kids would say.
Given that he knew his way around, Trent parked his truck near the back of the property, grabbed some cleaning supplies and started headed towards the pool. He balked in surprise when he saw three lizards currently lounging around in the pool in nothing but pairs of speedos. Trent's jaw dropped open in surprise when he recognized one of them as Wally Fitzgerald. The other two were his two eldest sons. The biggest shock had to be the fact that all three_of them had big, broad shoulders, ripped, tight abdominals and thick thighs with a _huge package sitting between them, one that was barely concealed by their speedos. Trent had never stared at anyone's package before, but it was impossible not to stare at the bulge between Wally's thighs. Even harder to miss when there were three of them. How the trio managed to remain floating with those huge pieces of meat was beyond his comprehension.
He must have been staring for quite a while because Wally took notice of him and waved him over.
"Hey Trent!" bellowed the lizard. "Come on in! We were just finishing up."
Cheeks aflame with embarrassment, Trent gingerly opened unlatched the gate into the pool area and padded inside. "Uhm... Hi, Wally. I'm here to... uh... clean the pool?"
Don't look at his dick! For God's sake! Don't look at his dick!
"I can come back if you're using it...?"
The lizard swam over to the edge of the pool with smooth, gently strokes. The length of his limbs and the gently swaying of his tail helped the reptile propel himself through the water while barely disturbing the clear, blue surface. Wally grabbed the railings of the poolside ladder and extracted himself from the water. Trent's eyes boggled. Wally was about fifty years of age with his sons in their early twenties. The guy had been shorter than Trent at about 5'6''.
Had being the operative word.
Wally padded over to him, orange-green scales dripping wet and nearly blocking out the sun with his titanic seven foot height.
What the hell...?
"Thanks for all your hard work," Wally said, beaming at him brightly. That gesture alone made him look like he was in his early thirties. He looked fantastic.
Don't stare!
Trent's eyes slowly gravitated down Wally's sculpted chest, over his rippling abs and to the bright green speedo that -
Don't look at his fucking crotch!
Trent immediately pivoted his head to the side with enough speed that he could've broken his neck with that gesture alone. His eyes immediately took notice of Wally's sons, both of them emerging from the pools with their shapely asses covered by similarly colored speedos.
Oh god! They're everywhere!
"I'm going to get to work then!" he exclaimed a little too loudly.
The flustered orca immediately set down his chemicals and tools, rushing back and forth from his truck to get all the equipment he needed to do a proper job of cleaning the pool. It was obvious that the Fitzgeralds were watching him closely in a very predatory manner. He could feel their stares even as they toweled off and returned to the change rooms which was really just a moderately sized pool house. Trent tried to ignore the crawling feeling of being spied upon as he went about his job fishing out debris, scrubbing the tiles and adding chemicals to make sure everything would stay clean.
He was done within an hour. Not bad for a very large communal pool. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that the Fitzgeralds were still watching him from the pool house even though he couldn't see them. In fact, it had been a whole hour and they hadn't emerged from the structure the entire time.
Okay... That's really weird.
"I think I'll just send them the bill afterwards," Trent told himself as he packed up his equipment. Without saying another word to his employer, he hopped back into his truck smelling of chlorine and drove away.
With his one job of the day done, he wondered what he could be doing. Going to the beach to practice surfing was certainly an option but he wasn't confident enough to wade out into open waters without someone watching his back. That brought his thoughts back to Ulric.
Trent was always secretly jealous of Ulric. The otter and his dad had stable jobs whereas Trent worked as a pool cleaning boy for the rich socialites that had beach houses here. While that did pay decently enough, it wasn't really that steady especially during the winter months. It was only around Spring Break and summer when his business really boomed. Still, he was extremely grateful that Ulric was always so willingly to tolerate his schemes.
He was close enough with the Webbers that they wouldn't mind if he stopped over and hung out until it was time to go surfing.
It was with this in mind that he padded up to Ulric's doorstep. With a key in hand, he entered the house which was predictably empty at this time of day. He parked himself in front of the TV, switched on some arbitrary channel and waited. He didn't have to wait long, however, which was a surprise.
As he recalled, Ulric wasn't meant to actually be back until later in the afternoon but by the roar of the old engine, he guessed that this was probably Gustav Webber. Being on good terms with both Webbers was a good thing as they were both more than happy to share their good fortune with Trent. In fact, when he was younger, he had secretly hoped Gustav would marry his divorced mom so that they could be on big family.
He shook away the thought that had plagued him since youth and turned towards the door, eager to greet Ulric's dad.
The otter that stepped inside, however, was one he barely recognized.
The guy wore a far more refined, chiseled version of Ulric's face but he was at least seven feet tall, ripped as hell and he wore nothing but a single, black speedo with the name 'Watch' on the waistband. Trent was about to leap up to his feet in panic when this titan of an otter stepped aside and let a flustered Gustav Webber step inside.
Stunned, unable to speak, Trent could only stare.
What the...? Did... What happened to the Fitzgeralds happen to Ulric too!?
"Hey Trent," greeted the giant. "You ready to go surfing?"
It took him a second to realize that this really _was_his best friend. "U - Ulric...!? I - I - Is that you!?"
Ulric placed his huge, vascular paws on his hips and grinned brightly. "Who else would we be?"
Trent struggled for words. He glanced towards Gustav who was unashamedly starting at his son's package. The orca's own eyes were drawn towards the enormous beast that was barely contained within Ulric's speedo. The outline of that flaccid cock had to at least be eleven inches long and those low hanging, heavy balls were so big that they looked to be stretching the fabric obscenely. It took all his strength to tear his gaze from the envy-inducing package.
"W - What happened to you?"
Ulric grinned at him, a dazzling, disarming smile.
"We joined the Department!"
"That doesn't explain anything!" exclaimed Trent, practically waving his hands through the air in panic. "Wally Fitzgerald... he... You... What's going on!?"
Ulric laughed mirthfully and waved away his concerns. "Look dude, just chill. How about we fill you in while we hit the surf. It's still fairly early in the day so no one else will be around. It'll just be us."
That was the Ulric he knew. Chill, laid back and with an easy going attitude. That sense of familiarity eased Trent's concerns, compelling him to take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay... Okay." He managed to push out an uneasy grin. "Yeah. Surfing sounds good."
"Great!" Ulric winked at his dad and even went so far as to slap the shorter otter's ass. "We'll see you later, dad."
Gustav's cheeks were bright red but the look he gave his son was something that Trent found both disturbing and puzzling. The coy smile on the older otter's lips whispered of some forbidden secret that sparked Trent's curiosity. He followed Ulric out of the house and to the garage. There, Ulric fetched their surfboards. Trent's house was too small to house the boards but his truck was certainly big enough to carry them to the beach.
Trent was grateful that he was going to drive because otherwise, he'd be staring at his best friend for the entire ride. Even from the corner of his eyes, he could make out Ulric's chiseled frame. The otter was hot. Not just hot, smoking hot. He could physically feel the heat radiating out of his best friend.
Jealousy began to rear itself back up in his chest. What chance would he have for leaving this town by snagging a rich girl when Ulric was this glistening Adonis who had enough confidence to just be strutting around in a speedo. His mind was invaded by those huge bulges the Fitzgeralds possessed and just as they hit a stop sign, he snuck a glance at Ulric's package. Sure enough, that speedo was barely containing a behemoth.
What the hell!? How'd this all happen!?
"Okay, I can't just stay silent about this anymore," he said with a sigh. "Dude, what the fuck happened to you!?"
The towering and admittedly sexy otter let out a hearty laugh that was at least an octave deeper than his usual bright, carefree tenor. "Already told you. We joined the Department of Socio-Political Economic Reform and Maintenance."
"Joined?" Trent repeated. He drove slowly. Every single word was important and he didn't want to divide his attention between the road and whatever Ulric was saying. Not that it really mattered. Sohomo's streets were mostly abandoned especially during off-season mid-afternoons. "As in you signed up with them? You quit your job at McAllen's coffee shop?"
"Yeah," Ulric replied with a chuckle. "Mr. McAllen will understand. Eventually. It was just a really good opportunity. Couldn't resist."
"I'll bet..." mumbled Trent, his stomach sinking in fear steeped in jealousy. Again, Ulric had come into more fortune than himself. He had always imagined he'd be a little like Garrows. Find some success in some big metropolitan city and come back home every now and to humble-brag about how successful he was. Now, Ulric was working for some big government corporation. Will anything Trent achieved ever compare to that sort of thing?
"What exactly are you going to be doing for them?" the orca with the coppery sheen croaked.
"Advertising," Ulric replied with a grin. "And a bit of modelling. There's a whole bunch of us. We're gonna be like poster boys for the Department out here in Sohomo and we'll be advertising some of the products the Department produces. When we're not doing that, there's this whole plan to do stuff for the steamworks."
Ulric winked at him slyly. "Sorry bud. Can't really tell you unless you sign up."
Ignoring the obvious bait, Trent returned his attention the road... and the feeling of abandonment in his chest.
A model... Damn. That's a pretty awesome job...
"I'm... I'm really happy for you, Ulric," Trent said. Thankfully, he didn't have to offer more false platitudes as they arrived at the beach. Predictably, it was empty even though the weather was that beautiful balance of bright sun but pleasantly cool winds. "Let's get to hitting the waves!"
In the span of time it took him to open the door and grab his surfboard, he had concluded that he genuinely was happy for Ulric. His brother-from-another-mother had found success in his own way. That wouldn't affect how successful he was. He'd stick with his plan. Learn how to surf, get hitched to someone rich and then leave this town to find success elsewhere.
Then Ulric said something that derailed that whole plan.
"Ever thought about joining the Department, bud?"
He stopped in mid-stride, staring at the statuesque otter just a few feet to his left. The warm sands of the beach tickled his toes. Ulric's wavy, brown hair caught the wind in such a way that it looked like they were coppery waves lapping at the shore of his brown fur. Stunning. Insecurity was biting at his heels again.
How will I nab a rich wife if Ulric is around...?
"I was kind of thinking that they'd need a pool cleaner," he said with a lopsided smile. "I hear they have a lot of pools."
Ulric chuckled in response and began walking down towards the beach. "We sure do. But maybe you could be more?" Only then did Trent notice Ulric was carrying a small bag in his left paw while holding his surfboard in his right. "What's your plan with this surfing thing, Trent? Were you going to show off in front of anyone that's watching and hope they will be so impressed that they'll sweep you away from this place? You got to know that it takes more than a couple of weeks to learn how to surf and even if you did_become a pro, the chances of that plan working are slim _at best."
Low blow.
Trent slammed the tail of his surfboard into the sand, keeping it fully upright. "Well not everyone of us can grab a cushy government job, you know!"
The grin Ulric gave him was weirdly reminiscent of the smiles the Fitzgeralds gave him. "Never said that."
"What... what do you mean?"
His best friend tilted his head a little to the side, showing off those corded muscles along his neck. "The Department is hiring, dude. In fact, we're hoping to get all of Sohomo involved. That's what the tours are all about. Everyone gets to keep the jobs that they're doing right now, of course, but everyone knows that most of the time, everything we do is just part-time. We're bored and doing nothing most of the year until Spring Break comes around." Ulric beamed at him, showing off pearly white teeth that Trent swore shone in the afternoon sun. "This way, we can spend our downtime from our other jobs being productive for this country and getting paid to do it."
That was more a commentary on Sohomo as a whole and Spring Break towns than him but it still stung.
"You're the last person I'd expect those words from," Trent growled.
Ulric let out that easy-going laugh again and absently scratched his cheek. "Yeah. I suppose up until yesterday we were the stereotypical Break-Baby. No future. Content with just lounging about and whittling away the days without any purpose and just waiting for the day to come when I died." Then he turned that bright smile towards Trent and the young orca was once again struck by Ulric's sudden, stunning transformation. "But then the Department opened our eyes and showed us that we could be better. That there was something better out there."
There was a contradiction fighting away in Trent's heart and soul. On the one hand, his heart was set on this plan to marry someone rich and get whisked away from this dead-end town and live it large in some big city like Garrows. Then on the other hand there was this incredibly lucrative offer from the Department. If Sohomo could become as modern and advanced as the warehouse district, was there any point to leaving? Why spend the expense and take the chance if there was effectively a sure thing right here and now?
"You're probably still thinking it over," Ulric said, setting down his bag. "How about this?" After some rifling through his bag, he retrieved a dark, unmarked bottle. "Here's one of the products we're developing and are gonna sell. It's a special sort of sunscreen. Why don't you try it out?"
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "You're really pushing the hard sell there huh, bud?"
"Just practicing for the real thing!" The statuesque otter held out the bottle towards him but the moment Trent reached for it, he retracted the offer. "Word of warning, bud. You start using this, you're basically on your way to being employed by the Department. You sure you want this?"
Trent rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle from his best friend. "What? You guys going to spam me with ads and offers? Whatever dude. I can take it."
"We know you can," came the oddly predatory reply.
Shrugging off the off-handed comment, Trent popped open the bottle and squirted some of the substance onto his hands. The goo had a pleasant musky smell to it instead of that often off-putting chalky smell most sunscreens had. A light application on his shoulders and arms left his skin feeling a little tingly. Not in a bad way but still a little odd. It was just for a second and seemed to seep past his skin into his muscles like those muscle relaxant creams. His lean but wry frame felt warmer for it, like he was looser but also brimming with energy.
Wow... This actually feels really good.
"What's in this stuff?" he asked, holding out the unmarked bottle. "It feels pretty good."
Ulric lifted a finger to his lips slyly. "Trade secret. You'd have to join with the Department to know more."
"Suppose I do want to join...?" Those were just words to get the secret out of his best friend. Still, somewhere deep within him, he toyed with the idea of being a towering Adonis like Ulric. It would certainly be easier to attract a handsome man to sweep him away from this town.
Wait!? Man? Fuck. I'm not gay.
He quickly shook the image from his mind. The heat that tickled his black flesh with a coppery sheen didn't help matters; it felt like he was having a full-body-blush. The strange heat radiating from beneath his skin made him all the more eager to jump into the water. Shaking off both the disturbing thoughts swirling around his head and the strange warmth radiating all over his body, he picked up his board and dashed towards the waves. The cool touch of the water sent a wave of relief all over his body that made him shiver in delight. The orca's entire body practically shut down as the waves lapped around his feet, sinking between his toes and sending radiating tendrils of cooling energy throughout his system. A sigh escaped his lips. The whole world seemed to fade away into that sensation of relief. Some part of his brain drew the similarity that this sensation was oddly the same as that soothing sensation right after a euphoric release; afterglow.
A paw gripped his shoulder tightly and he jerked in surprise. Not for the first time that day, he had to do a double take as he realized the near-total-stranger beside him was his best friend.
"You okay there, bud?" Ulric said with a dazzling smile that was equal parts predatory and knowing.
"Uh... Yeah," Trent mumbled, turning away with a light blush on his cheeks. "Just feels like forever since I've been in the water."
"It's just been two days!"
He nudged his friend with an elbow. "That's why I said it 'feels like'. I don't have that much time before Spring Break kicks in, you know. Need to make the best of what time I've got."
"Then let's stop talking and get to surfin'!"
Since it was still just a little after noon, the waters were that pleasant combination of warm but not so hot to be boiling. Trent jumped on his board and paddled out into the surf alongside Ulric. Even before his transformation, Ulric had been an excellent swimmer and an even better surfer so it was no surprise that he quickly broke away from Trent, giving the orca a nice view of that juicy ass.
Damnit! Stop looking at your best friend's ass!
Whatever other changes had occurred in Ulric weren't just cosmetic. Those new, firm, lean muscles easily carried the otter across the salty waters like he had been born beneath the waves. Trent tried his best to keep up, but he quickly found himself starting to grow exhausted. His limbs were burning. The moments when the sun ducked behind one of the few clouds in the sky offered some reprieve. Splashes of cool water gave him some few shots of cool but the waterproof sunscreen was definitely worth every dollar as he could still feel it clinging to his skin without washing off.
He watched as a suitable wave ahead began to break and Ulric easily leapt up on his board to ride the breaker in a single, smooth movement. Trent was in awe watching his friend's sculpted physique glide effortlessly across the crashing wave with a perfectly balanced stance and even with one paw playfully rushing across the curve of the wave.
Ulric's brown eyes locked with his and it was an instinct to look away.
"Dude! Pay attention!"
That shout made him turn back.
With a 'huh', he realized too late that the same wave came crashing down on him.
"Oh shi -!"
His half-open beak became filled with salty water. The shock of the blow was so strong it sent him careening off his board and hurtling into the ocean. He couldn't be too mad. The sudden, fully body embrace of cool water eased the burning in his limbs. It was the sudden lungful of salt water that sent him paddling for the surface. Fresh air rushed in between his coughs and splutters. Panic set in and he wildly flailed and kicked in all directions.
"Help!" he gurgled. "Ulric! Help!"
Not a second later, a strong paw gripped his arm and gently guided him towards his board. Without the strength to pull himself out of the waters, he just clung to his board, defeated and cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"I am never going to get good at surfing..." he sighed.
"Come on, dude," Ulric said, floating beside him and straddling his board with those powerful legs. "If you put your mind to it, you can learn how to surf!"
"You mean like how I put my mind to all the other bullshit schemes I've put in throughout the years?" He slumped against his board with a defeated sigh. "I've put so much effort into everything. I put my heart and soul into it! But all that bullshit about just putting the effort into something and it'll come together is... is well.. shit. It just doesn't work that way."
He didn't even have to look to see the pitying look he got from Ulric. How many failures had he borne on his shoulders? How many rejections? How many lapses of judgement? Through it all, he had tried to smile and be as easy going as his best friend. Yet where did all his hard work get him? Drifting in the ocean, unable to swing and barely keeping his head above water while his best friend got a comfortable government job and a what appeared to be some really good health benefits.
"You wanna know what we think?" Ulric asked.
"If you're just going to tell me to go along for the ride and go with the flow like you always do, forget it." Trent pulled himself up onto his board, resting his back against it and staring up at the clear blue sky. He draped an arm over his eyes but he couldn't keep his back arched as it was since his fin prevented him from ever resting flat on his back. "I've heard it all before."
The sun was really hot today. It was already starting to cook him with his skin starting to feel like it was being slowly baked. The shade of his friend over him offered some degree of relief. He pulled his hand away and was stunned when he found Ulric hovering just a few inches away from his lips. A new kind of heat began rising towards his cheeks... and his crotch.
"You've got the dedication and the drive to see things through but it just so happens that you're not going in the right direction," Ulric explained.
"Uh-huh," Trent groaned, giving his friend a half-eyed, exasperated look. "And I suppose joining up with the Department is the direction I should be going, huh?"
"Why not?" answered his cheerful, easy-going friend. "If it turns out to be another one of the roads that goes nowhere, you don't lose anything. But if it just happens to go somewhere..."
He averted his gaze not just because he was feeling dejected but also because Ulric was getting really close to him. "Who's to say this one would be the one to go anywhere?" Trent rolled onto his side away from his otter friend. "It may have worked out for you but why would it work for me?"
Ulric's paw rested on his flank and he nearly jerked in surprise at just how hot it was. Maybe his skin was just super-sensitive right now, but he could swear his friend's touch was like being branded with hot lava. Jerking away was the least he could do. Part of him wanted to apologize and say he didn't really want to pull away from Ulric. There were no emotions to the act; it was all just the temperature. The heat of his body and the sun started to drain him of energy rapidly and he was starting to sweat out all his stamina making it impossible to utter an apology.
"Not talking about all your ideas about hooking up with a girl so that you can leave Sohomo, bud."
Huh? He's not?
Somehow, Trent managed to muster the strength to roll back towards Ulric. His eyes boggled when he found his lips firmly planted against Ulric's. The first instinct was to gasp and as he did so, a slick, smooth, otter tongue pushed into his mouth and began tenderly dancing across his own. The heat all over his body began to rise to overwhelming levels, leaving him weak and at the mercy of Ulric's expert tonguemanship.
The tender kiss only lasted for about five seconds before Ulric pulled away, a smirk on his lips.
"Trent," breathed the otter, warm breath oddly cooling against his heated skin. "We were talking about your direction to leave Sohomo."
"Umm-huh...?" he moaned softly, eyes half-closed in a heat-induced delirium.
Ulric reached a paw around his neck, pulling them closer until their foreheads were pressed against one another. "Stay here in Sohomo. Stay here with us. Let us show you that staying isn't so bad."
Trent blinked a couple of times, trying to blink away the tears in his eyes. "Uhm... but... why...?"
"You know the old saying, 'the grass is always greener on the other side', right?" Ulric's other paw gently ran over Trent's chest, caressing the flat, hot, slick flesh. The heat from the otter only stimulated the fire that was burning in the orca. He couldn't sweat fast enough to compensate so his body needed some other way to relieve it. For some reason, that manifested in blood rushing towards his cock, making him squirm in Ulric's firm yet affectionate grip. "Why do you want to leave Sohomo so bad?"
"Because..." he moaned softly, eyes drifting into the back of his head. "... nothing here..."
"But what if there was? What if the Department could make it more than it is? Would you stay?"
"I... I suppose...?"
"Then stay. Because that's what we're doing. Will you let us show you why you should stay?"
Trent was fully erect, his impressive eight-inch cock tenting his board shorts. The need to ejaculate, to get rid of all this _heat_was overwhelming. "Y - Y - Yes..." he moaned.
Ulric's lips locked with his own, that tongue sliding over his and bringing with it some degree of relief. Trent couldn't help himself. He reached up with both hands, clasping the back of the otter's head and pulling them together like his life depended on it. He sucked and gulped down Ulric's saliva like his very life depended on it. His hips instinctively began thrusting against Ulric's paw, each movement, each sensation like a fresh wave of fire that added to the inferno churning away in his balls.
The jerky movements shook both their boards and the sudden sense of instability jerked him out of his trance if only for a second. It allowed him a second of lucid though.
Why am I kissing my best friend!?
Then he plunged back into the affectionate lip-lock and asked himself why that would be so odd? If there was any reason to stay in Sohomo it'd be Ulric and Gustav. Not his mother even though he didn't hold anything against her. He would stay for the two men who were closest to him.
That set off more fevered thrusting. Even with is legs dangling over the edge of the board and into the water, it was not enough to cool his body. The rocking of the board allowed some small waves to splash along his body, bringing a wave of coolness that sent shivers up his spine. Compared to Ulric's fiery passion pouring into him from the passionate kiss, Trent found himself fighting to maintain an equilibrium between the two opposing temperatures. With every second that Ulric's tongue explored his mouth, his body heat rose and rose thus demanding more water to cool him. That paired well with more powerful thrusts... but at the same time, shook the board all the more.
He managed to let out a cry of warning before the board completely tipped to the side. He and Ulric dropped back into the water. Fear of being incapable of swimming quickly replaced the fiery lust. The kiss was broken. Instincts told him to take a big, deep breath but his brain screamed at him not to be so stupid because he would likely get a lungful of water. Strangely, that didn't happen.
Though the water dipped down to about nipple height, he didn't plunge into the clear waves beneath him. One look down and he realized the reason.
The otter was beneath the water, arms wrapped around his waist and propping him up while gently kicking. That gave him the time he needed to grip the upside-down surfboard, propping his back against the edge and draping his arms along its sides. He was at least able to stay afloat that way.
"Alright..." he gasped, offering a lopsided smile. "I'm up. You can let me go."
Wait... can he hear me down there?
The answer to the question didn't matter because Ulric had an ulterior motive. He gasped when the otter grasped the edge of his board shorts between his teeth and savagely pulled them down over his erect cock. Trent couldn't manage a moment of protest before the voracious otter's lips wrapped around his long, pink tool. The sensitive flesh responded to Ulric's tongue with a violent spasm and a shot of hot, precum right into the otter's muzzle.
Trent squirmed beneath the expert tongue. It baffled him how Ulric could become so good at giving head when he was fairly sure his boyfriend had always been straight.
Wait... He's not by boyfriend! He's my best friend!
That didn't matter though. Not when Ulric was currently sucking him off beneath the waves. Trent leaned back, lost in the waves both literally and metaphorically. The rhythm of the ocean's ebb and flow matched Ulric's pace. The otter's lips formed a tight, smooth ring around the orca's cock, the suction just enough to tease the whale but not enough to fully make him cum. A gentle wave lapped against Trent's chest and Ulric buried his muzzle right up against Trent's crotch. The act alone was enough to make the orca squirm, his legs instinctively lashing out to his sides in an attempt to keep himself from hurting his friend. There was a brief gap between waves and that was Ulric's signal to drag his lips all the way up Trent's dick, all eight inches, right up to the edges of the orca's glands. There was even a little playful lick over the mushroom-shaped head to give the orca a burst of ecstasy.
Then the next wave hit and Ulric was once again diving down to bury his nose into Trent's crotch. The orca instinctively thrust into his friend's muzzle, long, muscular tail thrashing beneath him while his legs continued to kick and flail, toes curling and uncurling constantly with every beat of the waves. The immense heat from his cock intensified, pulsating like a power plant's carbon rod being doused in water. The scintillating fire that wreathed his body drained from his fingertips and toes, funneling through his veins and pooling towards his balls. His sac hungrily devoured the raw energy it was fed, gurgling loudly as each testicle expanded, jostling with each movement and happily producing a seemingly unlimited amount of precum.
Whether he realized it or not, Trent's movements were keeping him aloft. Slowly, as if his body was being driven on autopilot, he lifted both himself and Ulric towards the surface. As the heat drained from his calves, more power was given towards his tail. The long, finned appendage gained enough momentum and strength to allow him to slowly tilt the angle of his body until he was fully floating on his back. His legs, in the meantime, gently draped around Ulric's shoulders. The touch of the hot otter offset the sudden loss of heat from his body. More of that inferno flooded away from his forearms, draining past his shoulders and towards his crotch. He lay back against the board, exposing as much of his body as he could to the sun.
Squirming and twitching, Trent purposefully thrusting his hips with enough strength to let Ulric's head bob out from under the water and to give the otter a moment of respite to gasp for air. His balls were stretched against his sack and there was still fire churning in his belly and thighs. There was nowhere else for that power to go so it was forced to shoot up towards his cock. Trent was overwhelmed by the sensation of his dick growing erect once more. He shut his eyes, lay his head back against the board and let out a long, loud moan. The heat pushed up against the walls of his cock, adding thickness and girth. A shot of precum barreled through his dick, pushing that heat towards the tip of his member and stretching its length out another inch.
That was the last straw. Trent's moan turned into a thunderous cry of bliss as all the cum stored in his balls blasted out his newly lengthened nine-inch cock. He thrust one more time, signaling Ulric to clamp down on his cock and pull at his dick with the most powerful suction the young orca had experienced up to that point. Trent squeezed his eyes shut, screaming at the top of his lungs. The remnants of the heat that had barely made it past his chest drained away from the rest of his body like someone had pulled the plug to a half-full bathtub. All that power materialized in the form of his seed which Ulric eagerly devoured, never letting a single drop go sink into the ocean around them.
Trent came once, twice, three times and then a mind-blowing fourth that left his body quaking and weak. His tail remained waving in the water despite this, controlled by instinct or perhaps... something else. He felt Ulric's tongue clean him off from within the otter's muzzle, taking every last drop of cum and making sure not a single one went to waste. Somehow, he knew that was part of the process... a process that he had begun and knew he wanted more of.
"Oh fuck..." he gasped, sweat dripping from his brow. He reached up with a hand, sliding it across his forehead. The oily sensation of the sunscreen was gone. Ulric slowly slid off his cock. A grimace left his lips as that tight muzzle slid up his new length and left off with a loud pop. "Ulric... dude... what...?"
The otter beamed at him and he could swear there was a moment when his friend's eyes had turned dark; like everything but his irises had gone black. Through the bleary haze of afterglow, he couldn't be sure. The otter paddled up next to him, resting his beefy arms and head on the same surfboard as Trent.
"The Department bonded us with a thing called the 'P3 Symbiont'. We're not just Ulric Webber anymore, Trent. We're Ulric and Watch Webber."
"Watch... The name on your speedo?"
Ulric grinned brightly at him. "That's right. Watch is our speedo."
"You're underwear?"
"Uh-huh. We're bonded together forever. The transformation made us this." He lifted at arm, showing off the lean, compact muscles that his glistening, wet fur seemed to accentuate. "And now you're on your way to being transformed too."
Trent frowned at his friend. He wasn't sure if he should be angry or afraid. Instead, he felt oddly calm. "That's what you meant, isn't it? When you said I needed to change directions, it's because you wanted me to stay and become... infected."
The otter waved a large paw at him. "We don't use the word 'infected'. We like to use 'integrated'. And don't worry, we Breakers are all over the country. You don't have to stay in Sohomo. Hell, you're more likely to find a place to live and work away from Sohomo if you join us." A sly wink was thrown his way. "It's a government job, after all. Plenty of openings all over the country. I hear there are Breakers all the way in Hawaii and even Illinois."
Holy shit... he's right!
He was mentally kicking himself for not having realized sooner. Why would he settle for a simple pool cleaning job with the Department if he could actually join the Department and maybe get transferred elsewhere?
"Why didn't you just tell me?"
Ulric gave him a shrug. "Because it had to be your choice." The muscled otter held up four fingers. "We gotta ask you four times if you want to join the Department. Each time, it's your choice. We can't coerce you or force you into it. Sure we might give you a little sample and each time we drink your cum it gets a little harder but it's always your choice. And besides, there's always a way out." Ulric's easy going grin shone in the mid-afternoon sun. "But we've got the feeling you don't really wanna do that now that you've got it in your system."
"Damn straight!" exclaimed Trent, grinning eagerly. "You know me! I'm gonna ride this whole thing through until it either flops or I see it through! I can't thank you enough!"
On instinct, he leaned forward and kissed Ulric's lips. It was only a small peck and with just a little bit of tongue but the moment he did, he realized something was... off. It took him another second of their lips pressed against one another's before he pulled away and concluded what was strange.
"Am... Am I gay now?"
Ulric smirked at him. "Yeah. Condition of joining the Department. We're all gay now. Part of our mission is to curb overpopulation. Sohomo is a Spring Break town and that usually means people get knocked up here. The Department's goal is to make every guy here gay so that the chance of getting pregnant is dropped to zero."
"If you ask me, the Department should hit some of the more popular places. Sohomo is a Spring Break town, yeah, but it's one of the smaller ones."
His friend shook his head sadly. "We want to curb overpopulation not neuter the population entirely. The guys get to stay here in Sohomo but the girls go to Les Bien. Anyone who doesn't want to participate either gets their minds wiped and given a reason to move away from the project or gets to move to Aldermark where they can live their lives out normally."
So that's the out that he was talking about.
"Hypothetically," he began, "if I said I didn't want to go ahead with joining the Department, you guys will just wipe my mind and I'll get to move somewhere else, right?"
Ulric nodded grimly. "Yeah. You'll get one more orgasm that's literally mind-blowing and then wake up with a fresh set of memories as if you'd never been to Sohomo or moved away of your own accord. The Department will even give you funds, housing and whatever you need so you won't come back here."
That was very tempting. Unlike any of his previous schemes, it would be incredibly easy and pleasurable from Ulric's description. In fact, when Ulric mentioned it would get harder to say 'no' as he progressed through the program, his stubbornness and determination only drove him to see this transformation to its completion.
I've never been one to take the easy way out.
"Alright," he concluded. "So what's next for me? How do I get to Stage 2 of joining the Department?"
The otter beamed at him and inclined his head towards the shore. "Let's head back to shore. I'll tell you more there."
Trent nodded, flipped his board back around and then paddled back towards the shoreline. Ulric was right beside him, giving him an unobstructed view of the ripped otter's beautiful beach body. Not only couldn't he wait for a body like that, but he wanted to taste that body. Those thoughts alone kept his cock very much erect. The soft gurgling of his balls against the surface of his board made him realize he had without his board shorts.
"Uh..." he began, glancing over his shoulder back at the open ocean. Wherever his garment was now, it was out of reach. "Dude... I think I lost my shorts..." He glanced back towards Ulric, smirking. "Was that part of the process? You get me to strip then give me my speedo?"
Ulric let out a bright laugh that brought him back to the good old days when they were just kids playing together or even recently during high school when they were inseparable. "No, dude. Your Symbiont is growing inside of you."
Trent paused for a moment and instinctively gripped his balls. Something in the back of his mind triggered a comforting, affectionate response like the sort of love one would get from a pet; no words just pure affection. "Really? How'd you in... erm... initiate me?"
The pause allowed Ulric to get a little bit ahead of him so he quickly caught up. Thankfully, no one else was on the shore which allowed him to emerged from the waters, cock still fully erect. Ulric padded over to the bag he had deposited and fished out an extra pair of board shorts. He threw that and the unmarked bottle of sunscreen towards Trent.
"Remember the stuff I gave you? That's what began the transformation. We Breakers initiate others through our bodily fluids. That stuff was made in our lab."
Trent regarded the dark bottle.
Wait... If this was made from bodily fluids, does that mean...?
"Is this stuff...?" he began.
Ulric's grin was strangely predatory. "Yep. That's made from our precum. We've got a more concentrated version in our place at the Department made from our cum but it's more potent. Gotta start small, ya know?"
"Right..." Trent regarded the bottle. Some part of him wanted to lather it all over his skin; to empty it and even drink it. But he resisted... for the moment. He tossed the bottle back towards Ulric before slipping on the board shorts. They were comfortable, snug and helped hide his incredibly hard member. A soft, proud smile touched his lips as he noticed just how much bigger he had gotten. The orca gently squeezed his cock, beaming at its beer-can-sized width. Then his eyes drifted up to Ulric's own bulge which, while soft, still dwarfed his own.
"Dude, let me see your dick," he said, salivating slightly.
"In a little bit," Ulric laughed. "First, let's go to the Department. We've got to give you the spiel before we move on."
Trent sighed, surprising even himself at his disappointment. "Fine."
They packed their belongings and headed back to the truck. As his member started to go down, he found himself thinking a little more clearly. His overactive mind was already making plans of what he could get out of the Department. Personal pride was never an issue. After being rejected so many times and having many of his schemes fail, he was more than willing to throw himself at the Department and become bonded with a symbiotic creature. Just as long as he got out of Sohomo.
And get a body like Ulric's.
His friend told him to head for the Department facilities which was built off the old warehouse district. As they drove, he interrogated his life-long friend.
"When did you get so good at sucking cock?" he asked, deciding to start with something playful to break the ice.
"Comes with the transformation and training we had to go through." Ulric tapped the side of his head with one paw and gently fondled his sizable package with the other. Trent had to remind himself to keep his eyes on the road and away from Ulric's fist-sized balls. "When you merge with your Symbiont, you get smarter, stronger, faster. It's like you get optimized in a certain way, a certain build. Watch really helped us. Used to be that we would just be apathetic and not really care where we were going but now, we know what we want."
Wow... That's really a turning point for him.
"And what you want is cock?" Trent joked.
"So much cock," laughed Ulric. "But seriously, the Department is doing good work here. We're going to make it more than it is now."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
His friend gave him a coy smirk. "Sorry, man. We can't tell you until you move on to the next stage." He pointed ahead of them as they approached the Department parking lot. "We'll ask you again if you want to join after we head over to our place."
Trent grumbled but agreed to the terms. After parking, he followed Ulric down the clean, white boardwalk that used to be a dilapidated wharf with broken warehouses. Those broken-down warehouses were all gone and replaced with bright, clean buildings. There was one central building that looked very official and modern but there were other shops and structures that had a different flair and colour to them. He was surprised to find one of the Fitzgeralds was just putting up some lighting for what looked to be a large hotel built in a sort of French-Victorian style.
Catching his stare, Ulric grasped his shoulder lightly. "The Department did a lot of profiling before coming here," mentioned the otter, keeping them moving down the boardwalk. "They worked scoped out each of us and especially for the business owners, made plans to convince them to join. The Fitzgeralds always wanted to have a hotel had a more elegant look instead of the crappy motel that they run. Each of the shops down this boardwalk will eventually be for each of the guys who want to stay and rebuild with all the resources of the Department."
"Whoa..." Trent mumbled. "What did they have planned for me?"
Ulric laughed softly. "Not everyone gets a shop and it's just one of the sales pitches that the Department makes to get you to sign up." He winked at Trent. "We know that you want to be successful and rich so that's why we offered you the chance sign up and even move out of town if you wanted. Oh and it pays really well. You also get free housing, the health benefits are clearly awesome and it's a really secure position."
"Right but what exactly will my position be?"
Again, the otter gave him that coy, seductive smile. "Can't tell you until you join up."
... Of course.
Sighing in resignation, Trent let Ulric take him on the tour of the facility from the massive gymnasium, the multiple pools and the various shops and stores that were under construction. He recognized some other people from town who had clearly been converted and couldn't help but notice some people were in the process of being converted. His eyebrows rose when he saw Father Paulson reclined on a bench while a Department man was giving the badger what was clearly a very good blowjob. To think that they had managed to convince the town pastor spoke volumes.
And it's pretty fucking hot...
His temperature was starting to rise again and his dick was hardening like a divining rod for smut. Even if he was only dressed in the board shorts and the cooled environment of the Department buildings offered some relief, he was starting to sweat. Desperate to get his mind off his rising temperature, he asked, "So I noticed you guys give a lot of head..."
"Part of the process," explained Ulric. "While there's a Symbiont growing in you, it's still untrained. We swallow your seed not only because it feels and tastes good but because we need to gauge your Symbiont and your progress."
"You're tracking my..." He glanced at his throbbing balls, cupping them protectively. "... our progress by drinking our cum?"
"Yep. Every drop is important too. Your cum contains information. Details about you and your Symbiont. In the final stages, it's really important as our Symbiont will train yours in how to make sure you're optimized to be a Breaker."
"I see... I think." Trent was panting softly, wiping his head with the back of his hand. "Fuck... I'm getting hot all over again..."
"Part of being a Breaker. Your body temperature keeps rising. That's why we keep this place as cool as possible. I mean, it helps to keep cool but the only thing that'll really cool you down is if you cum."
Trent grimaced, barely able to let out a soft sound of confusion.
Ulric gently grabbed his hand and led him back out of the Department's main structure. The blazing sun didn't help his rising temperature and the otter's own body heat added to the equation. It was a wonder how Ulric could remain sane under such conditions. Then he registered the otter's last words.
He needed to cum...
For some reason, the idea of having to constantly ejaculate just to maintain a decent body temperature while being surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of willing able men was incredibly appealing to him. It was a paradise... If only it wasn't still in Sohomo. Maybe if it was somewhere else except for his dead-end town, then maybe it really would be perfect.
These thoughts swirled about his head as Ulric led him to a series of bungalows that was hidden behind a large, concrete wall at the rear of the Department building. He was led into one of the bungalows, the door effortlessly opening for the otter. The wave of cold air offered some relief from the blaze that was slowly gaining growing inside of him.
The bungalow was mostly barren but there was a certain aura about it that reminded him of the Webber's home. Maybe it was the presence of seashells here and there or the cream-colored walls but it felt like he was stepping right back into the same house that he had basically grown up in with the company of his best friend. The only difference was the constant presence of water. Right from the get go, there was a water feature to his right that looked like some textured, sandy colored waterfall. The water from the feature followed a sort of 'river' that channeled throughout the entire house.
"This must take a lot of water to run..." he mumbled. "... and power."
"We've got ways around that," chuckled Ulric. "Part of being a Breaker." He hiked a thumb towards the back of the home. "Come on. We'll show you our room."
"Wait... This is your place? Just you?"
"Yep! Dad will get the place right next door."
Whoa... The Department is so rich and influential that they can afford to give each of their employees housing like this? Damn... I wish I had signed up sooner...
The bungalow really only had a kitchen, a combined lounge and entertainment room and the large bedroom but it was spacious enough that it could easily fit one of the enormous Breakers. He did note that the ceilings were unusually tall. Little surprise given Ulric's new height. The dominating feature of the bedroom was the large bed that had to be bigger than even the average king-sized bed. Its sheets we neatly folded and at the foot of the bed was a large television mounted on the wall. Apart from the wardrobe and the sliding glass door that led into the backyard, there didn't seem anything too odd about the room.
Until Trent rested a hand against the bed itself.
The moment he pressed his fingers against it, a soft mechanical whirring emerged from the bed. A large, plastic tube emerged from somewhere beneath the bed, positioning itself neatly at the foot of the bed. The tube was connected to some sort of pipe that led to the house's bowels.
"What the...?" he began.
"Remember how we said that we Breakers need to basically keep cumming to stay cool?" prompted Ulric. "Well you can imagine it's pretty hard for us to get any sleep if we have to keep waking up in the middle of the night to jack off. That's why we all have this in our beds."
It took the confused orca a second to realize exactly what 'this' was.
"It's a dick pump."
Ulric grinned at him and grabbed the tube, slowly moving it towards him. The giant otter gently placed the plastic tube in Trent's hands.
Oh shit... This thing has been used to milk Ulric...
"Want to give it a go?" Ulric cooed into his ear.
Trent's eyes boggled. The tube alone was so big that he'd need a third hand to wrap around it entirely. What kind of beast_would it fit! Even with all the development in his own member, it was still _much too big to fit him!
"Uhm... Will it fit me...?"
"With a little help."
Ulric's paws gently guided Trent onto the bed. The orca, a little fearful but at the same time excited, spread his legs wide, resting the tube just over his crotch. With gentle, practiced paws, Ulric hooked the edges of the borrowed board shorts with a claw and slowly pulled them down. Trent surprised himself by being fully erect.
"Now before we proceed," Ulric said, his tone grave, "even with everything we've told you - the overheating, the constant need to cum, being unapologetically gay - do you still want to join the Department?"
Trent had to pause and stare at the massive tube sitting in front of him. It was at least as long as his arm. It filled him with excitement knowing that if he joined, he'd get a dick that would fit this monster. At the same time, he wondered if he could take the responsibility of managing his overheating body. A scenario played out in his head where he was quietly working behind a desk, slowly starting to sweat into his government-issue suit, his cock slowly growing more and more erect until the monster ripped out of his pants and he was forced to cum. The sheer embarrassment would kill him. What if he was eating out at a restaurant or meeting an important client. Excusing himself just to 'cum' surely wasn't acceptable.
Then, his mind brought his gaze back to the stunning Ulric, dressing in nothing but a speedo. The image of him working at the desk was replaced instead by him standing out in the middle of the beach. The drab, grey suit was whisked away leaving him only in a matching pair of speedos. His growing erection was met with lewd hungry glares and instead of having to rush off to the bathroom, one of those hot guys on the beach fell to their knees in front of him and happily offered his muzzle to cool off the king of the beach.
A deep rumble of contentment rose from Trent's throat.
That wouldn't be so bad.
"Yeah," he growled bringing the tube towards his throbbing dick which was already leaking precum all over Ulric's bed. "I want to join." The device itself was still much bigger than his member but when the edges latched onto his flesh, it felt right. The suction took a bit of time to start building up given the size difference but when it started to really work, Trent shivered and quivered with euphoria. His fingers bunched up the sheets beneath him and his toes curled over the footboard.
A loud squishing noise pulled his attention away from his own bliss. Trent's green eyes went wide in surprise as the inky, black speedo gripping Ulric's package seemed to liquefy, turning into goo that peeled away from the curve of the otter's flaccid dick and retreated in between those sculpted butt cheeks. He didn't get a second to process the mysterious sight as his entire vision became consumed by the enormous genitals in front of him. Somehow, Watch had concealed about 70% of his best friend's dick and even then, the bulge had been substantial. His jaw dropped open as the enormous, flaccid beast that already had to be at least a foot long and as thick as a beer can flopped out with testicles the size of small melons hanging low and heavy between two, muscled legs.
Trent was caught in a hypnotic trance as that furry tube swung in front of him, Ulric's pink member dripping sticky, white fluids onto the sheets like a leaky faucet. The tip of that cock slowly began emerging, the lip of Ulric's sheath peeling back to reveal the majesty of the beast within. Trent's throat went dry, almost in preparation to be drowned in the fluids Ulric was willing to give him. His gaze was fully locked on the thick beast that grew in front of him, the cock rising up like a serpent ready to consume his head. Strange thing was, some part of him wanted that to happen.
Turn me... make me like you!
Even though it started about as thick as a beer can, as more and more blood funneled into the dick, it grew thicker and longer. It easily crossed the distance between them, gently pressing itself against Trent's chin. As it rose, it pushed his jaw shut once more while trailing long lines of precum all over his chest. The moment the first droplet touched his skin, it was like he was struck by lightning.
The hungry beast within him, a slavering pup waiting patiently to be fed, pounced at the throbbing member. His long, pink tongue pushed into Ulric's dick to form a continuous slide straight down his throat. The slick, salty fluids funneled out like a waterfall. He was unprepared for the sheer volume that came pumping out and he choked a little until Ulric's paws gently cupped the back of his head. His eyes met with his best friend's, a moment of fear striking him as those brilliant emerald orbs were consumed by a field of black. That fear was quickly brushed aside by a sense of familiarity, like something within him recognized that the coloration was perfectly normal and to be accepted. He embraced that sensation and suddenly he was gulping down the precum as if it was the very air he needed to breathe. He couldn't get everything down with much of the sticky fluids dribbling down his chin and onto his chest. That didn't matter as the goo seemed to seep into his every pore, through his very flesh and into his system; his whole body was craving the juices of his friend.
A volcanic explosion of heat erupted from within his stomach, bursting outward with every drop of salty, sticky fluid that he consumed. The suction from the dick pump began drew all that heat towards his cock and balls. Liquid fire funneled through his circulatory system, spooling out from his stomach, reaching the very tips of his fingers before rushing back towards his testicles which visibly jostled and thrashed without him moving. Every other fiber of his body was paralyzed with pleasure save for his tongue, throat and throbbing dick. Muscles all over his body contracted and seized up, locking into place. Thick veins crisscrossed over his biceps like hot, green brands marking him as member of the Department. Similar veins pulsed out from the base of his cock, snaking their way up the bright, pint rod towards the tip.
The moment the last vein touched the mushroom-shaped glands, another explosion of heat erupted out of Trent. His dick pulsed, pushing outward in all directions with the sensitive helmet slapping up against the plastic of pump. Another lightning bolt struck him, this time originating from his cock. He could barely peer around Ulric's massive dick to gawk at his own member visibly throbbing before his eyes. The constant suction from the pump pulled but contrary to what he would have expected, his member began to fill the tube with his girth instead of length. His relatively thin dick widened, the pink flesh inflating with the big, green veins growing alongside it. The heat burning from his testicles pumped into his dick, fuelling the euphoric growth. His own hot precum spurted out of the tip, quickly being sucked into the tube that led somewhere beneath the bed. The heat from his member was growing so intense that some of the precum even evaporated, fogging up the tub.
There was no time to give it too much thought as there was a sudden gush of precum from Ulric's dick. Instincts or perhaps his symbiont took over and he immediately swallowed, drinking straight from the warm, fleshy tap without missing a beat. Most of it still washed over past his lips and onto his chest but it was like being engulfed in a warm, gooey blanket that reached down to his very core. The fluid was fuel to the fire and the inferno that burned within him exploded into a wild, thrashing, angry sun. Every muscle in his body hardened like steel; a loud sound like a tree's bark crackling reverberated off the walls in tandem with the bands of lean muscle across his arms pressing up against his black-coppery skin. The clear juice slid over his shoulders and arms, veins quickly following suit like they were roots growing from the fertilizer which was Ulric's precum; becoming permanent fixtures that wouldn't vanish even if he was not experiencing the pump after a workout. Thick muscles bulged up and down his arm; his biceps ballooning out to become big, meaty peaks that rose in tandem with his broadening pectorals.
Trent focus was drawn towards his belly which constantly filled and inflated the more and more he drank. The soft groan he emitted was barely audible between his gurgles of precum. That sound of crunching bark was accompanied by the rumble of his stomach as it rapidly digested Ulric's precum and the same goo slipped over his inflating pecs over his stomach. The girth from his building belly competed with the similar growth rising from his balls which jostled and swelled like two orbs of dark flesh. His cock became sandwiched between the two mounds, twin sources of heat that pumped more and more width into his fleshy member.
The increased mass could not be held back and though he felt like he was on the verge of exploding, something told him to just keep drinking. It's what he wanted after all. Entire body still frozen with immense pleasure, he could only endure the immense sensation of being filled only for his body to immediately expand. If he could liken it to anything else, it was like his whole body was a big, erect dick that had just reached full mast before suddenly finding it had another inch to give and expanding a little more. With each inch of growth, his precum thickened and poured out of his dick in a more consistent flow.
Some of the precum slipped behind his shoulders and over his back. The muscles there stretched and hardened, mounds growing to support the girth of his belly. A clear divide formed right down his spine, the valley between the twin peaks of his shoulder blades with the contours of other muscles making the descent into the crevasse a bumpy ride. Shoulders that were lean and firm rounded out a little to match his expanding pectorals and biceps. They glistened, slick with the nutritious precum to just barely make the scalloped edges visible. His belly expanded more, triggering his chest to broaden to match. This gave him a stocky silhouette, a single vertical line instead of a 'Y' shape of his best friend.
He bucked his hips, the first movement he had since the ordeal began. This caused his dick to surge forward, similarly the first growth length-wise it had experienced. The shot of precum that shot from his pink tip was more violent than before; so much so that his fluids shot right down the connecting pipe and straight down into the secretive tanks. The momentum and force remained the same with each subsequent shot with the gap between each burst shortening.
The strength of his thrust funneled the strength down towards his lower body. Legs which had been neglected up until that point tightened and hardened with firm muscles. More veins pushed up against his thighs, spreading out like a net of green tendrils that wrapped most of his hamstrings, snaking up across his inner thighs and just barely vanishing across his quads. As his balls expanded, the pushed his legs to split further apart as the competing growths and twin sources of head grew unbearable. He vaguely wondered how he'd even walk with such meaty thighs and huge balls but that thought was quickly washed aside by the waves of pleasure that assaulted his mind, massaging his consciousness with the eddy of bliss that emanated from his thickening calves. His toes curled and uncurled, stretching out a little further to make wearing his current shoes somewhat uncomfortable. He kicked off the sandals that he was wearing but not before noticing how they dangled from his toes by an inch or two. That was oddly satisfying.
Then the girth of his sensitive dick pressed up against the plastic of the dick pump. That extra pressure sent Trent over the edge.
The dark bronze orca gasped as his dick unleashed a torrent of seed right down the length of the pump. The force of the blast was so strong that he was sent a foot back away from Ulric's dick. The splash of precum against his chest was weirdly comforting but it was the explosion of strength and power from his balls that sent his hips thrusting upwards, his back arching and his jaw opening in a silent cry, eyes wide with veins popping up his thick neck. The heat from all over his body was drained all at once towards his balls. All that energy was compressed but even his testicles couldn't hold that much all at once so they were forced to expand, inflating into the size of lemons before finally shooting all their contents up his 11-inch dick and out into the dick pump.
The relief of release, the rush of pleasure from his molten seed rocketing up every inch of his member and the growth of from his churning balls all sent his mind reeling. Coupled with the splashes of hot precum that coated his chest from Ulric's seemingly never-ending supply and he was squirming and writhing in place. Burst after burst of cum exploded from his dick with such force and volume that he could_feel_ his own dick swimming in the goo within seconds. Containing with the tube of the dick pump, a swell of pride filled his meaty chest as his cock marinated in his own man-juices for a whole minute as he produced as much as the pump funneled away.
But he wasn't a full member of the Department just yet and eventually, he could no longer keep up with the suction. Little by little, his cum drained away to wherever the pipes led. He became acutely aware of the cold sweat that covered his frame and he slumped into the bed, panting and eyes unfocused. Time just seemed to blur by until he felt Ulric extract his member from the humming pump. He barely had enough strength to sit up slightly, worried that some of his cum might drop onto the bedsheets. It was not something he had to worry about as Ulric immediately leaned down towards his cock and cleaned every inch of it with his long, wet tongue.
Just like that, Trent was fully hard again but lacked the strength to do more than moan. He draped an over his eyes and only then became aware of how thick it was. Lifting it slightly, he gazed at the big, beefy appendage from the large, fat fingers, the broad palm to where his wrist practically vanished into his broad forearm. He wasn't as lean as Ulric and not as big. At least not yet. What puzzled him was the rather pronounced belly he had. It wasn't too big. As he ran that very same hand over it, he could feel that his pectorals were still firmer, bigger and higher but as he ran his hand down his abdomen, there was a distinct lack of definition.
"Huh..." he mumbled, over Ulric's shuffling. "Do I get abs later on?"
"Maybe," answered the otter. Trent found the strength to slowly prop himself up on his elbows and found Ulric was just out of sight, messing with something underneath the bed. A second later, his best friend emerged - eyes back to normal - with a very large tank of gooey white liquid. It had to at least be a gallon's worth of cum.
Maybe it's two.
"Everyone takes the transformation slightly differently," Ulric said, popping the lid off the tank. "I remember Agent Braid telling us that back in his hometown, the Jocks had different archetypes when the transformed and their symbionts also changed. Like there was the traditional jockstraps which made guys that looked like football players then there was a leather jockstrap which gave the guy more of a wrestler-kind of build. Not too lean but _really_thick. Maybe you won't be the same as us but you'll be just as awesome."
Trent grinned brightly and crossed his arms behind his head. "Then what are you waiting for, bud? I'm rock hard and ready to go!"
Ulric waggled a finger at him. "Not so fast." He turned that finger towards the jug he was holding. "Still got to see how you're going."
Wondering just how Ulric was going to drink two gallons of cum, Trent straightened once more and watched his best friend tilt his head back and tip the tank towards his muzzle. Ulric wrapped his lips around the small opening in the container, never letting a single drop fall on his chin. Trent could only watch, mesmerized, as the cum he had produced vanished into the otter's throat, the gyrations of that Adam's Apple the only signs of Ulric truly devouring it all. Ulric didn't even take a single breath nor a pause; he just downed every drop of cum like it was nothing.
Fuck that's hot...
He shivered at the thought of sticking his cock down Ulric's muzzle and pumping the otter full of his cum directly. The image floated around in his mind, the pervasive thought stirring his cock and balls and giving him a predatory grin. The instant that the last drop left the canister, Trent was gripping his cock and licking his lips suggestively at Ulric.
"Good yeah?" growled the orca. "How about getting it right from the tap next time?"
Ulric gave him a coy smile. "For sure. But I'll need to wait until tomorrow for my next helping."
It took a whole ten seconds for those words to register in Trent's mind. "Huh?"
His lean, statuesque best friend with the elephantine dick moved easily towards the closet nearby. Despite the erect status of his member, he moved with a fluidity that was both silent and graceful. Ulric opened the wooden doors and fished out a tank top and some shorts, both of which he tossed to Trent.
"Let's pick this up again tomorrow," Ulric said with a sly smile.
"What?" Trent exclaimed, crawling to the edge of the bed. "But I'm ready now. You want me to offer up my ass? I'll do it! I'll give you my fucking cherry!"
Ulric shook his head, that smile becoming gentle. "You don't think we want to? Fuck, Trent, you're both our best friend and basically our brother. That makes us fucking so much hotter but we can't." He hiked a thumb over his shoulder. "Just like the waves, tides and surfing, bro, you can't just ride every breaker that comes your way. You gotta wait for the right one."
Trent tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Really? That's a thing? You don't just get on your board and...?"
"Naw dude," Ulric laughed. The tall, runway-ready otter pulled Trent to his feet. "Come back to our place tomorrow. We'll pick things up then."
Somehow, he knew there was no way to convince Ulric otherwise. Even though his cock was throbbing with need and every inch of body craved_to feel that rush of growth and transformation once more, there was also a part of him that told him to be patient. He slipped on the shirt and the shorts before being escorted back out to his truck by Ulric. He got a light hug before he entered his truck and purposefully procrastinated driving away _just in case Ulric decided otherwise.
Sadly, his handsome friend just stood there, watching him patiently with a smile on his muzzle. Trent quivered in anticipation, before resigning himself to waiting the next twelve or so hours before he would eventually get to meet up with Ulric again and complete his transformation.
As he drove, his mind grew clearer the further he drove away from Ulric. The sexual haze ebbed even though his cock continued to throb - albeit in a flaccid state. The absence of that bestial drive was replaced with something else, however, something that he was all too familiar with. A sense of imperfection; a feeling of not being complete. It had haunted him for so long.
"Huh..." he mused aloud as he drove through the mostly empty streets of Sohomo. "Maybe... Maybe all those half-assed attempts to leave this town have always been because I've felt... incomplete?" He snorted derisively to himself. "And maybe I only ever half-assed them because I never had my heart set on it..."
A soft rumbled emanated from his balls and he reached down with a hand to gently cup his sac.
"I guess you agree..."
He reached his driveway and got out of his truck. Only when he crossed the threshold into his home did he realize just how thirsty he was. After having produced two gallons of cum, he was surprised that he wasn't shriveled up in dehydration. Downing a single glass of water was not enough. Three had him feeling somewhat bloated but satiated at the very least. He ran his fingers over the slight paunch he now possessed and wondered exactly what he was turning into.
Moving towards his room, he stripped off the borrowed clothing and stood in front of the full-length mirror that also served as the sliding door to his in-built closet. The orca before him was someone he barely recognized; like he was looking at a distant cousin. The vaguely skinny build had been replaced with a stockier form. Thick arms hung from broad shoulders, forced into a slight angle because his large biceps wouldn't allow his arms to press against his sides. There was no 'V-shape' in his frame. Instead the lines of his pectorals curved outward, dipped inward into a sharp incline before spreading out again into a slight belly. Only when he tilted his stomach to the side could he vaguely see the outline of his abdominal muscles. The massive seven-inch flaccid member hanging between his legs was like a hypnotic pendulum swinging back and forth between thicker, massive legs that were, by far, the most defined part of his form.
"Not bad," he commented, running his hand over his stomach. "I think I like it."
Slowly, he lifted his arms and gave a traditional double-bicep flex. The muscles there bunched up and sprang up into a respectable size. Only then did the veins across the mounds really pop out and he couldn't help but offer a proud grin at his reflection.
"Damn... I look good."
Heat began to build in his crotch and he glanced downward at his rapidly rising member.
That grin remained as he said, "Oh. You wanna play, huh?"
Recalling Ulric's warning about being a Breaker and his most recent experience, he decided that he wanted to let the heat build up a little first before he relieved himself. There was a whole twenty-four hours before he'd meet Ulric again, after all. Moving towards the bathroom fully in the nude, he headed for the shower when he heard the ring tone of his phone.
His heart skipped a beat at the prospect of the otter calling him back after changing his mind so he rushed all the way to his room and snatched his phone off his desk, lifting it to his ear without even checking who it was.
"Hello?" he began.
"Hi sweetie," came the sing-song voice.
Trent took a full three seconds to realize the voice belonged to his mom. Another three seconds to remember he had a mother and the last three seconds before his reply to feel the pang of guilt over forgetting he had a mother.
"Hey mom," he croaked. "Wassup?"
"Just calling to tell you that I'll be staying is Les Bien for a little longer. You can take care of yourself, right? If you need anything, I'm sure Gustav and Ulric would be willing to help you out. I've already given them a heads up."
The cogs began to tick away in Trent's mind and he frowned slightly. "Uh... Hey mom... Did you join the Department?"
There was a pause on the other end and he could swear_he heard giggling. _"No dear. I can honestly say that I haven't."
His throat went dry again. Lying to his mother had never been an option. She had supported him throughout his life even through all his hair-brained schemes. How could he tell her that he was on his way to not only joining a secret government agency but also transforming into an unabashed gay man bonded with a symbiotic creature that'd also change him physically?
"I'm... sort of on my way to joining up. Ulric has already joined and I'm... sort of halfway through the process."
"Oh. You're on your way to becoming a Breaker then?"
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "How do you know about Breakers?"
His mother clucked her tongue in disappointment. "Ulric mustn't have told you about the Department's counterpart. OVUM or the Office of Virtuous Unity and Maintenance is Department's female counterpart. They're working out of Les Bien. Like the Department, they're making us homosexual and bonding us with P3 Symbionts but our transformations are obviously more on the feminine side than masculine."
Trent's jaw dropped in shock. "Y - You're in already?"
"It just sort of happened and like you, I'm on my way. Not fully there yet. There's this 'grace period' between the stages. They get you really riled up then tell you to wait."
He laughed softly and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah... I mean, what's up with that right?"
"Not totally sure," answer his mother with a chuckle. "I'm sure we'll find out eventually. But I'm proud of you, Trent. I'm glad you're joining up."
"You too, mom. Love you."
"Love you too. Talk to you soon."
He hung up, smiling wanly at his phone. Pride and happiness swelled in his chest. The thought of his mother joining OVUM made him smile. There was no unnecessary complications considering their familial ties. They would definitely meet again and there was no doubt in his mind that they would be very different people come that time.
Still with that smile on his face, he headed to the shower, only barely noticing that he was already starting to heat up again. The shower's waters were practically ice-cold and when he stepped inside, it was quite pleasant. It would surely save on his electricity bill if he wouldn't have to shower with hot water every now and then.
He took the time to enjoy the sensation before eventually stepping out. After drying off, he heard his phone ring again. For a second, his heart once again skipped a beat at the thought that this might be Ulric but this time, he didn't rush to the phone. The cold shower and the talk with his mother soothed the beast that was thrashing inside of him and he strode casually through the house. This time, he_did_ look at the phone and was surprised to find that it was Blaine Fluorite.
"Hello?" he greeted.
"Hey Trent, it's Blaine."
Blaine's real name was Blaine Fletcher, the guy that Lucian Garrows worked for. However, Blaine was the rebellious sort and wanted to get out from under the shadow of his multi-millionaire father. So he had legally changed his name to 'Fluorite' even though his twin and elder brother - just by a minute - Boris, retained the Fletcher name. As he recalled from Garrows, it was Blaine who was making his way to Sohomo in a week or so.
"Hi Blaine," he greeted, sitting down at his desk. He began absently browsing through the contents of his PC and the Internet while talking. "Wassup?"
"Yo. So listen up, bruv." Blaine had adopted a very annoying fratboy personality. The complete opposite of Boris who was stern, studious and a very dedicated son. "I'm heading down there in about a week. Gonna have a fuckin' hell of a party. I need ya to make sure the pool and jacuzzi is cleaned up, capiche?"
Typical Blaine. Rude, blunt and kind of disrespectful. Still, he was one of Trent's regulars. Then again, with this opportunity coming up from the Department, he wondered if he should even bother. Nothing would please him more than to blow of Blaine but at the same time...
Damn... I wonder what it'd be like to fuck his tight, fratboy ass...?
He licked his lips as a familiar heat began rising in his groin. His hand moved of its own accord as he looked through old pictures he had of Blaine from last year's visit.
"Yeah, yeah," he said absently. "I can get it done by the end of the week."
Blaine tended to change his appearance every year in what many assumed was just another form of rebellion. Last year, the athletic fox had dyed his fur completely white. In the picture on Trent's screen, the normally coppery-red fox was completely white from head to toe and dressed in a black collared shirt and red shorts. The guy had a loosely athletic build, typical college fratboy look. Not too bulky but clearly the build of someone who worked out during his many hours of spare time between classes. One bright, blue eye was shut in a douchebag wink accompanied by his tongue stuck out. The left ear was pierced with a skull earring though that changed every year.
Trent licked his lips and shamelessly reached down towards his board shorts. His dick was already semi-erect and throbbing with need.
Do I really want to fuck Blaine?
The fox provided the answer.
"Dude, you ain't listenin'," growled the fratboy. "Imma head down there in a week. My bros ain't headin' down for a few days after that. Ya need to get off your fuckin' lazy ass 'n clean my fuckin' pool before I get there. I ain't gonna have your scrawny ass doin' your dead-end job while I'm there."
Yes. Yes he definitely wanted to fuck Blaine.
I'm gonna wash out his foul muzzle with my cum!
"Alright," Trent said with a grin. "I'll get to it as soon as I get the keys."
"What? Ya don't have it already? Fuck..."
"I only got the order from Lucian today. I already accepted so I'm guessing he just sent out the keys."
"Fucking hell... Whatever. I'll make sure Garrows mails it by express. My pool and Jacuzzi better be clean by the time I get there. I'll be keeping an eye on the tracking numbers."
If anything, Blaine was a fair and didn't unnecessarily assign blame. If someone was at fault, he would make sure they would get chewed out but wouldn't persecute an innocent man. Of course, his wrath was often disproportionate to the crime.
"Sure. When I get the keys, it'll be the first thing I do."
"Good man." Blaine's tone lightened. "You still want in to this year's party?"
Trent paused for a moment only then noticing that he had been shamelessly stroking his dick. Lifting an eyebrow, he wondered if he _should_be attending the party given his entanglement with the Department or if it'd even be allowed. Given the Department's extensive research into him and the rest of the town, they would have learned about Blaine's annual parties and his standing invitation.
"Yeah, sure," he rumbled, resuming his stroking though now he was conscious of the actions. Biting back a moan, he absently flicked through all the pictures he had of Blaine, watching how the fox evolved over the years. Though fur color, hair color and the earring always changed, Blaine's build and physique never seemed to change. The fox seemed to cycle through all of the same three poses as well in every picture.
"Cool dude. Thanks."
"Hey, before you go," Trent began, staring at a picture where Blaine's crotch was bulging through a pair of tan, khaki shorts. "Have you ever tried anal?"
"What the fuck dude?" exclaimed Blaine. "What the hell kind of question is that?"
Something told him that Blaine was one of those guys that was so insecure about his own sexuality that he had to ooze masculinity all the time for fear that someone would call him out on it. "I was just wondering if you were ever with a girl and you didn't have a condom so instead of putting it in the front you went for the rear entrance, you know?"
There was a sigh of relief on the other side.
"Oh... Right. Well shit. Yeah. A couple of times. Why? You got some chick you wanna try it out with?"
"Something like that."
Blaine laughed heartily. "Dude, trust me, it's fuckin' awesome. Hard to convince some random ho to try it unless she's a total skank but it's better than getting a slut pregnant."
"Tell me about it. What was it like?"
There was a pause on the other end. "Really...?"
"I know we've never really gotten to know each other over these years but I'm looking for advice here. You're the most sexually active guy I know and you know how dead Sohomo is."
"Heh, that's fuckin' true. At least your girls look halfway decent. Probably the only way they can leave that deadend town is to hitch up with a total stud like me." He heard a bit of shuffling on the other side and he guessed Blaine was sitting down somewhere. "Alright... So, like... It was tough convincing her to take it up the ass for the first time and it's not just something you can do off the bat. You gotta get that shit clean, you know what I'm saying?"
Something told him that after fully merging with his symbiont, that was not really something he'd have to worry about. "Uh-huh..."
"But man... It is amazing_. Every time I try it, it's fucking tight! And when they clench on your dick... shit. Urgh... I'm getting hard just thinkin' 'bout it."_
"Hmmm... Me too..." he mumbled.
"Dude, really?"
Trent mentally fumbled for a second before he grinned and said, "I've been blue-balled for days now, dude. You can't blame me. Hell, I'm at full mast right now."
Blaine let out a comfortable laugh. "You're such a homo, dude. But yeah, I can't blame ya. 'Bout this time of year, bet all the babes are savin' themselves for the Spring Break rush."
"You could say that."
"Tell ya what, I'll send you a freebie. Don't say I never did nothing for ya."
It took a few seconds before the email icon on his desktop began flashing. Curious, Trent opened up the email to find it without a subject line and just a video attachment. Little surprise that it was a sex tape. It showed Blaine, his fur back to it's usual coppery red but his hair was now bleached blonde and his earring had become a diamond stud. The fox was shamelessly flexing and kissing his own modest muscles while the girl beneath him - a meerkat with way too much eyeliner - was raising her ass up towards his six-inch member.
Trent heard the click of Blaine hanging up which freed up his other hand to grip the table tightly as the amateur scene began. Though it was fairly dark, that only ensured that what muscles on Blaine were further accentuated by the scant lighting. Blaine slowly shoved his cock into the girl's ass, the loud moan rising from the fox causing Trent's own dick to spurt some thick precum in excitement.
Utterly mesmerized and with no fragment of doubt left in his mind, Trent gripped his cock and began stroking himself in pace with Blaine's gentle thrusts. It didn't take long before the vulpine trust-fund baby hit a rhythm. Trent, in turn, matched his pace, leaning back in his chair and watching the scene as more and more precum poured out of his dick like a fountain. He ignored the sounds and noises the two made. His eyes were focused entirely on Blaine and in his mind, he imagined that six inch cock buried in him, filling him with cum and slowly bringing the fox into the Department's fold.
Wait a second...
He paused for a second, wondering if he really wanted to take part in the systematic conversion of Sohomo and its citizens into sexy, big-dicked, super hot - both literally and figuratively - Breakers. As a response, his cock shuddered and a jet of precum shot from the tip, splattering onto his screen.
Yeah. I definitely do.
With a hungry grin on the orca's lips, he grabbed his cock with both hands, one over the other. His whole body shuddered, his eyes mad with excitement as the scene before him intensified. The moans of both Blaine and his partner became louder, their pacing increasing in pace. Blaine, eyes partially rolled into the back of his head, had his tongue flapping wildly as he fucked the girl to the hilt of his dick. Just imagining that wild fervour with a cock that was growing bigger, thicker and longer in him excited Trent all the more. His symbiont clearly agreed as his own dick shuddered and began stretching, widening at first but then adding an extra inch as the video hit the midway mark.
Trent bit his lower lip, trying to keep himself from shooting to early. The precum pouring from his cock became thicker and thicker just like his member. His fingers were slowly pushed apart with his increasing girth. The smell of his need permeated his room, his chest heaving and breathing in his own scent. There was a near constant stream of precum that dribbled down his dick, soaking into his chair and the borrowed board shorts. Within a few minutes, the fabric of both couldn't take anymore and the sticky white fluid began drooling all over the floor.
Blaine let out a very strained yip and yowl, hilting his dick into the girl. Trent allowed himself to unleash his load, letting out a primal cry as his balls erupted in a burst of ecstasy and sent a powerful blast of his seed hurtling up his newly minted 13-inch shaft and right onto his computer screen. Thick wads of pure-white slime coated the screen, obscuring the scene for a moment. Trent shuddered, his entire body quaking as he held onto his dick like it was the only thing keeping him stable in an earthquake. More and more cum came pouring out, carried on tsunamis of pleasure. His second load was powerful enough that he inadvertently pushed his chair back, rolling backwards away from his desk and computer. Both legs were now in the air and somewhere in his sex-addled imagination, he pictured Blaine's dick buried deep inside of him, pumping hot seed through him and fuelling that fire that surged through his veins.
By the time of his seventh load, he was exhausted. Trent barely managed to stumble off his chair before his eighth load sent him crashing to his knees with a moan. He crawled halfway to his bed and the next blast from his dick had him tumbling into the carpet. The orca barely managed to pull his blanket from the sheets and over him before his tenth and final load sent him into a deep slumber.
It was a dreamless sleep and by the time he woke, it was to the familiar heat that stirring inside of him.
Trent knew exactly what he needed to do. Kicking off his cum-soaked blanket, he rose from the floor and turned towards his door. He ignored all the cum stains all over his room, ignored the loud, wet, squishing noises his bare feet made against his carpet, ignored the heavy smell of sex and the faint bands of dawn's golden light streaming in from his window. The dark-copper orca didn't even bother putting on any clothes. He wouldn't need any. Not after what came next.
With a content smile on his features, he left his home and stepped into his truck. The drive to the Webber's place was agonizingly slow even if it was just a block away. The warmth of dawn was on his back and stirred the beast within him by the time he had stepped out of his truck. Keys in hand, he stepped up to the Webber's front porch and opened the door to his new life. Part of him had expected Ulric to greet him instantly, to drag him into bed and fuck his brains out. He was only slightly disappointed when no one was there to greet him but that was replaced by curiosity when he heard giggles and moans coming from the rear of the house - the bedrooms.
As quietly as he could manage, he followed the noises until he came to Gustav's master bedroom. There, his eyes went wide just as his cock became stiff and excited.
There was Ulric and Gustav, both naked and with their perfectly chiseled frames pressed against one another. Their lips were locked, tongues dancing against one another in a lusty kiss filled with unbridled passion. Were it not for the faint grey fur on Gustav's temples and streaks of grey in his crotch-fur, the two would have looked like twins. Both of their bodies were lean, muscled and the perfect swimmer's build; so little body fat that it he was sure he'd cut himself on their abdominals, pectorals so plump and broad that their nipples were pointing downward and with shoulders so wide that they blocked out the sun from the windows. Both of them were wearing a pair of speedos with Ulric's familiar black pair with 'Watch' emblazoned on the back and Gustav's being a deep navy blue and the word 'Rigger' in golden letters.
The smell of sex was heavy in the air and there were large globs of cum decorating the room like big, white lakes on the ground or sticky, white clouds dripping from the ceiling and wall. It was clear by the cum-soaked sheets alone that they had been at it all night.
Holy shit...
Gustav was the first to open his eyes and since he was facing Trent, he noticed the voyeuristic orca. He broke the kiss with his son, cupping Ulric's chin and gently turning it towards the door.
"Looks like our guest of honor has finally arrived, son."
Ulric beamed brightly and beckoned for Trent to enter. "We were expecting you around midnight, Trent." He reached up towards his father's cheek and pulled the older otter into a tender kiss. "Sorry we started without you. Dad finished joining up around then and we just had to play..."
Trent had to grip his dick to keep himself from exploding there and then. "I... uh... Fuck... Sorry to keep you both waiting."
"That's okay," Gustav said, moving towards him with liquid, graceful movements. His fur was caked with fresh cum, muscles glistening in the early morning sunlight. "It'll be more fun this way." He gently gripped Trent's other hand and pulled him into the room. The leaner otter moved towards him, nuzzling his neck. The gesture alone made Trent weak in the knees.
Then his foot landed in one of the puddles of cum.
Skin contact was how his conversion begun. First it had been that sunscreen which was heavily diluted. Then he had bathed in Ulric's precum. This was the first time he was coming into direct contact with the pure cum. He might as well have stepped in lava as the heat was both a mix of excruciating fire and pleasurable electricity. It rocketed up from his feet, causing his toes to curl into the substance while weakening his knees at the same time. Ulric was suddenly on his other shoulder, keeping him propped up as he was dragged slowly towards the bed.
The cum-soaked bed.
Trent's entire body seized up like he was preparing to drive head first into the frigid ocean. He was brought up against the edge of the bed with Ulric and Gustav holding him up.
"Are you ready to do this, son?" Gustav asked.
"You can still back out," Ulric assured him. "Do you want to still join the Department?"
Trent swallowed hard. His cock was like a divining rod, begging him to jump on that bed and join the Department. There was no doubt in his mind. "For the longest time, you two have been like my family," he said. "If you're in the Department, I am too. But it's not only that." He turned towards Ulric and offered a bright smile. "You were right. I just needed to find the right direction to focus all my energy on." Turning towards the bed, he unhooked his arms from the Webbers' broader shoulders. "And this is the right direction."
Trent Russo took the plunge, diving into the cum-soaked bed. He landed on the damp sheets with a loud squishing noise_._ Raw otter cum touched his black-coppery skin. Every nerve was instantly activated and his whole body seized up; muscles bunching, veins popping and bones hardening. He gasped, eyes rolling into the back of his head as infinite pleasure exploded all over body.
The greatest focus of his bliss came directly from his crotch. His 13-inch dick throbbed and pulsed, seemingly soaking up all the energy the cum produced to fuel its own growth. Already the width of a beer can, it thickened to be a huge, meaty log that no normal man would ever be able to take. Each vein pulsed against his mighty pink flesh, adding inch after inch to its expanding mass to the sound of breaking bark. Trent gasped, flipping to his side and arching his back. His cock rose up past his belly button, crawling up inch by inch towards his pectorals.
A second source of heat suddenly gently touched his beak and his vision refocused. A pair of furry, brown balls the size of oranges hovered just on the tip of his muzzle with the huge rod of pink flesh that was Ulric's cock just an inch away.
"We promised you'd get it right from the tap next time," Ulric said, winking down at him. "And we've still got to get a taste." The otter reached down with a furry paw, gripping the orca's thick meat and, with a lick of his lips, drew the dripping cock towards his muzzle.
Trent gasped but was further surprised when a _third_source of heat pressed up between his ass cheeks and Gustav's warm breath wafted against his neck. The elder otter wrapped his meaty arms around Trent's waist, reaching down to fondle the orca's balls.
"We've always considered you part of the family, Trent," whispered Gustav, gently kissing his neck. "What do you say to coming to live with us, son?"
"Id love to," Trent rumbled, momentarily tearing his lips away from Ulric's balls to give Gustav a light kiss on the cheek. "But won't we all get those single-bedroom bungalows?"
"That's just temporary while Sohomo is still being converted. When this place becomes a gay man's paradise, we'll all start moving back into our homes and rebuilding to make sure everything is updated. We couldn't imagine a home without you in it."
Waking up every day to the sound of running water and Gustav and Ulric was a dream come true. For his answer, he locked lips with his surrogate father, his heart leaping to his throat in excitement. Gustav was the one that broke the kiss and gently turned his head with a thumb back towards Ulric's dick.
"Now complete your transformation, son. But if you don't mind..." He felt the elder otter's hot, hard dick slide beneath his long, muscular tail, squeezing between his ass cheeks and poking his virgin ass. "... We can't wait to have us inside of you."
"Oooooh daddy..." Trent moaned, his jaw opened wide and eagerly lowering himself onto Gustav's waiting cock. The gesture alone positioned him to deep throat Ulric's throbbing member. The touch of the salty rod coupled with the immense pressure from Gustav's dick piercing him send his senses into overdrive. Ulric expertly wrapped his lips around the orca's cock, forming a vacuum-like seal with his lips and beginning an intense suction like he was determined to extract the orca's balls right out his dick. Soaking the cum-soaked bed that set his flesh afire, Trent's senses went haywire and there was nothing he could do but suck on the cock offered to him while Gustav slowly and gently drilled his hole.
It was Gustav's rhythmic thrusts that set the pace. With one gentle push, two inches of the otter's massive dick pushed into Trent and caused the orca to go down on the mammoth cock that was offered to him. He could only accept about five inches of it before he reached his limit for the moment. He was surprised, however, that he could feel Ulric's muzzle push up all the way down to his crotch, taking all thirteen inches of his fat cock like a champion. Then Gustav began to pull back, signalling both young men to pull back, leaving the length of dick they had consumed slick with their drool and some precum.
Another push and another two inches in. Trent swallowed a further three inches of Ulric's dick, jets of precum pouring straight into his belly and feeding the fire that was pulsing through his body with each thrust. Inch by inch, Gustav buried deeper into him, each thrust faster than the last. Sandwiched between the two men he loved the most was ecstasy. Fed by the fluids of both otters, the orca could feel a great pressure building in his gut, like someone was filling a water balloon in his belly with liquid fire. It was constantly building and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Two more inches pushed into him and he gobbled up more of Ulric's dick. The pressure in his gut was becoming unbearable. That familiar sound of crackling bark radiated from every part of his body.
One more inch and the dam was fit to burst!
Gustav thrust -
And it was like a star was born behind Trent's eyes.
That pressure exploded outward from his stomach, shooting through his veins and filling his bones, muscles and organs. His belly was the first to erupt with growth, surging out in all directions and rising upwards in a sizable mound that was thicker than both his legs combined. This was not just fat; it was hardened muscle fed and fuelled by mass. The softer lines of abdominal muscles stretched over the curve of his belly and were further accentuated by a sudden rush of dark brown hairs that erupted from his crotch.
That same hair spread upwards towards his pectorals, triggering the growth there. The groan that left his lips was longer and deeper as his lungs and chest expanded to match the sudden girth added to his frame. Each pectoral broadened in all directions, maintaining their firm square shape with nipples pointed straight down. Neat striations were visible when he flexed them between breaths, emphasised by long strands of down-facing hairs that covered his pecs in a loose fuzz. His pear-shaped body evened out into a solid slab of flesh.
All that was in preparation for Ulric to shove the rest of his cock deep into Trent's throat, hilting with the euphoria-stunned orca. The moment Trent's lips locked around the base of Ulric's dick, the otter did the same and their balls immediately jostled simultaneously.
There was a second explosion of heat and fire, this time originating from Trent's balls as his seed was fired up the length of his dick like a wild firehose right into Ulric's waiting throat. The otter, the sclera of his eyes now fully black, never let a single drop of cum fall onto the sheets. His focus remained laser-like even as Trent thrust hard into his muzzle with the desperation of someone who wanted to eject the entire contents of his balls out his cock.
This fervour did just that as a young, juvenile symbiont was fired unceremoniously from its home within Trent's balls, shooting up the length of all 13 inches and riding the flood of cum right into Ulric. There was a brief moment of confusion, a flash of fear and emptiness from Trent but that was quickly replaced by the powerful euphoria that followed when he fired off his second load. Trent's young symbiont, thus far unnamed, travelled through Ulric's system where it met its mentor and senior, Watch. The more senior symbiont passed on knowledge, cradles the young symbiont, before sending it on its way through Ulric's waiting balls. Almost instantly, Ulric unleashed his own load, firing the symbiont back into Trent's waiting system.
Trent spasmed, instinctively clenching his ass against Gustav's cock. The otter growled lustily and ran his tongue over the orca's neck, the appendage briefly touching the same gulp of cum that carried the same symbiont as it re-entered Trent's system. The rush of nutritious cum mixed with the new knowledge passed from Watch triggered a growth within Trent.
The orca's spine surged upwards, back muscles growing taut and firm. Lats spread outward like wings, broadening his shoulders and ensuring that he would get that strong 'V-shape' whenever he lifted his arms but only then. Symmetrical mountain ranges formed all up and down his back, something that Gustav more than happily pawed at and licked. The elder otter even reached around Trent's broadening lats to squeeze at the orca's taut, hairy nipples.
Already broad shoulders broadened into firm, boulder-like spheres that led straight into massive, broad uppers arms that rivalled the size of his head. Trent reached over his shoulder before his movement became limited by the sheer size of his biceps. Thick hairs spring up from his armpits, joining his chest hair. He grasped the back of Gustav's head with his hand before immediately letting go as the growth forced his fingers to fatten, his palms to broaden and his wrist to basically vanish into his thick, hairy forearm. He grabbed Gustav's head with the newfound strength of his harm, pulling the otter's muzzle against his shoulder. His surrogate father was more than happy to bury his teeth lightly against the meaty mounds, bringing a new jolt of pleasure along with an injection of true affection through his body. His other arm stretched around Ulric's slim waist, his massive paw-like hand seizing the otter's firm, bubbly butt and pulling it towards him, burying another two inches of cock down his throat.
His balls seized up and his symbiont was once again thrust out of his system, flushed out of his balls and right into Ulric. More information was passed, more lessons and in the span of three seconds before Trent even finished shooting his fourth load, he was swallowing another gallon of cum from Ulric and his symbiont was back inside of him.
The rush of fiery-hot cum broadened his neck, allowing him to simultaneously take another inch of the throbbing member. Faint, dark-brown stubble grew around his cheeks, thickening along his jawline and joining with his sideburns. The rush of hair and growth spread down his legs. Already broad quads widened even further, taut muscles with vine-like veins spreading his stand further to the point where would have to walk with a permanent swagger because the mass of his guy and thighs would never allow him to walk as elegantly as either Ulric or Gustav. At the same time, his ass ballooned out, forming two, large cushions that gripped Gustav's erect dick as the otter continued to bury inch after inch into him.
Bones lengthened to the chorus of crackling bark. His toes stretched just a little past Gustav's making him slightly taller than the elder otter. Calves thickened, spreading out on either side of his shins while a dense collection of hair spread over them. Gustav couldn't help but run his toes over the new addition, making Trent's toes curl in time for his feet to grow big enough that no ordinary shoe size would fit him. As a finishing touch, his tail, already thick and fat from being an orca, broadened and lengthened, allowing him to snake it around Gustav and pull the otter's last few inches deep inside of him.
That last push was all Gustav needed and the otter sank his fangs a little harder into Trent's shoulder as his massive orange-sized balls slammed against Trent's new, big ass. A flood of cum came blasting into Trent, triggering his last orgasm in the sequence. For the last time, his cock blasted his symbiont out of him, sending it hurtling into Ulric where the last lessons were exchanged. Then, with an affectionate hug, Watch sent the now matured symbiont back into Ulric's balls were they were blasted back into Trent to the fireworks of an explosive orgasm.
Trent welcomed his partner back with a smile.
Only then did Ulric release his dick allowing Trent's cock to erupt like a volcano, splattering the otter's face and chest with a sea of cum. Each blast had the pink, fleshy member broaden a little more, almost as thick as a third arm hanging right between Trent's legs. The heavy balls sank low, pulling his sac down as their contents grew, becoming almost melon-sized and certainly bigger than Ulric or Gustav's. His cock surged length-wise with another orgasm, reaching an impressive fourteen inches. Then with another blast, it followed the curve of his belly to splatter cum right at his chest. The final burst saw now further growth but it was the most voluminous and splattered his neck in his own, salty, warm seed.
With one last lick, Trent pulled away from Ulric's cock, releasing both otters in his arms. Gustav remained firmly planted inside of him, the otter clinging onto him and rumbling softly. Ulric rolled onto his back, sighing softly.
Strangely, Trent felt... clear-minded. Like he couldn't hear the voice of his symbiont anymore.
"It's... It's not over, is it?" he asked.
Ulric gave him a wry smile, emerald eyes still shrouded in inky black. "Not yet. But you know what you've got to do."
He did and with a smile, he glanced towards his throbbing dick cresting the mound of his belly.
"Before you do, son," Gustav whispered softly. "We've got to ask. Do you want to join the Department?"
There was no doubt in his mind what he wanted. Not now that he had found his path. For the first time in his life, he would see one of his plans reach completion.
Trent grinned. "Fuck yeah."
He then rolled onto his back, spearing himself further against Gustav's cock and then lifting his legs into the air. With surprising flexibility despite his girth, he leaned towards his own dick...
... planting his lips firmly around the fourteen-inch fat length...
... and for the last time as Trent Russo...
... came.
The summer home in Sohomo, Florida wasn't exactly a five-star hotel but it served its purpose as a getaway from college with easy access to the beach and enough rooms that he could house all of his friends in it for the week that was Spring Break before heading back up to class. There were other similar houses along what one could consider as the 'wealthy district' of Sohomo but that very same district maybe had - at most - ten such homes. Sohomo wasn't very well known and as far as Blaine Fluorite was concerned, he was the only one that made the trip over here to throw a Spring Break party. The other owners of the other homes and their kids had better places to celebrate their break at.
Blaine had been tempted many times to go to Miami or some of the other more popular locations but Lucian Garrows - his father's personal assistant - had constantly insisted that he go to Sohomo. Maybe it was because this was Garrows' hometown or maybe it was because this was was where their beach house was located. Either way, this was the tenth year in a row that the 25-year old fox was going to spend his Spring Break in Sohomo.
It was the first time that he'd be coming here ahead of his friends, however.
The reason for that was because his friends were cramming for their finals and wanted to take as much time as they could to study before hitting Spring Break. In previous years, they had never really cared for finals. It never really mattered. But this year, they were flagged to graduate.
And Blaine... well... Blaine had been in college for five years now. His twin brother, Boris, had already graduated. His best friends had stuck around for the same five years. They had barely passed their classes together, remained undecided together and went to Spring Break together.
But this year was different.
This year, they wanted to graduate.
And they were putting in the effort.
"Fuckin' assholes," Blaine cursed as he drove up in his bright-yellow sports car towards the steel gates of his summer home. "I'll show them," he scowled. "I'll throw them the bitching-est party ever and they'll remember who's on top and never want to leave."
The gates opened at his command and he drove all the way up the bright red driveway. Without a care for where he was parking, he settled right next to the red pickup truck that was set right in front of his doorstep.
Has to be Russo.
There had been some sort of mix-up with the express delivery of the summer home's keys to his pool cleaner. Trent Russo had always been a sort of... afterthought to Blaine. The guy was kind of clingy and was desperate to get out of Sohomo. Every year, Blaine would get him to clean the pool under the guise that it'd get him invited to the party. One of these years, he'd not invite Trent and proudly exclaim that the orca was only ever invited out of the pity. Maybe this would be the year.
Would be a good excuse given how Blaine had wanted his pool and Jacuzzi cleaned well before he arrived. He was looking forward to a soak in the hot tub after having driven long hours to get here.
Blaine stepped out his car and grumbled to himself.
"Naw, that's stupid," he mumbled. "I'm angry at those assholes not Russo." He recalled that very strange request from the orca about a week ago.
If he's stuck in this dead end town, maybe he'd be a better hang than the 'graduates'.
"Hell, might even share a chick between us," he chuckled.
Eager for some personal contact and conversation since the drive here had been fairly lonely, Blaine headed straight for the rear of the house. The tell-tale sound of water splashing about told him that Trent was hard at work.
"Hey Trent!" he bellowed as he rounded the corner to the pool. "Ya almost done, bruv? I'm -"
He stopped dead in his tracks.
The orca standing by the pool in nothing but a pair of board shorts with the word 'Trace' on the rim, was not the Trent Russo he was familiar with. The guy was a beast. Standing at least seven and a half feet tall, the orca was thick all over with muscle covered in a gentle layer of fat and body hair. One could easily mistake his rotund belly to be the sign of obesity but that was a deception. The orca's dark skin with a coppery tinge were stretched taut over a pair of pectorals that were distended just as far as his belly and when the light caught the white crest on his chest just right, it was possible to see the creases of abdominal muscles beneath all that body hair. Hell, the guy's thighs alone were like tree trunks complete with vines!
The orca looked up at him with bright, brown eyes. "Hey, Blaine! Sorry for the delay. The keys only arrived today."
Blaine had to do a double take. The voice definitely belonged to the Trent he knew only it was about an octave deeper. "Uhm... Trent?"
"And more!" Trent lifted a bicep, flexing it and immediately putting Blaine to shame. That mound was bigger than his head!
"What... Dude... what the fuck? What happened?"
The orca grinned broadly. "Simple. The Department happened. We joined up."