That One Night at Camp

Story by Shereth on SoFurry

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Author's note : This story depicts sexual acts between teenagers aged 16-18.

"What about you Harris?"

As the youths crowded around the fire all turned their attention to the raccoon that was sitting on the other side - whose name apparently was Harris - Eric huffed another anxious little breath, hugging his knees closer to his chest and hanging his head.

The tabby paid no attention to the conversation going on around him, or at least as little attention as he could. Sitting around a campfire and listening to a bunch of other young guys swap stories about one sexual conquest or another would be uncomfortable enough for him under any circumstances, let alone a bunch of guys he had only met a few hours before. He wished that he could simply escape, quietly slink out of the ring of light that the fire had cast, and make his way back home. A hundred miles of wild forest stood in his way, however. The nearest road was a three mile hike out to the highway, where he would have to hitch a ride with a perfect stranger. No, escape was simply not an option.

"... and I'll tell you what ... she might have technically been a virgin until that night, but there's no way that was her first time sucking a guy off. That cute little wolf-bitch really knew how to use her muzzle ... should have seen the way it looked wrapped around my cock, fuck that was hot ..."

It had been his mother's idea to send him to the camp, probably in hopes of him making new friends and feeling more comfortable in their new home. He really could not blame her; he knew that she meant well. He had always loved camping, always loved the outdoors, and it had originally been his idea to sign up for the Rangers program, a scouting program that was especially designed with young men over the age of sixteen in mind, guys who were on the cusp of adulthood. But being thrust into a situation like this, where he would have to spend the entire weekend in the company of a bunch of guys he didn't know was only going to freak him out.

It did not help that, being from a small town, the dozen or so other guys were all good, old friends who had probably known each other since they were small, clearly comfortable enough with each other to spout off raunchy tales of one variety or another. Being a newcomer in such a tight-knit group really made him feel like the outsider. Sure, they had all at least been cordial to him when they were first introduced, but he had seen the unmistakeable look in their eyes, the question that did not need to be voiced : "Who do you think you are, trying to get in to our group?"

A peal of laughter around the campfire briefly forced him to look up. The eyes of the group were now on a doberman whose name he did not know, and who looked to have already exceeded the age of eighteen. The young man was smiling wickedly with all eyes upon him. "I think it was probably the only time I wished I were a snake or something like that. I mean, two hot bitches ready to go and only one cock ... that's a good way to get a guy confused ..."

Once again, Eric hung his head and sighed. He was convinced that they were lying, or at the very least embellishing. He didn't doubt that more than a couple of them had probably gotten lucky with a girl by their age - perhaps even all of them had managed to score - but the tales they were sharing were more suited to a hardcore porn magazine, the kinds of wily sexual conquests that men twice their age had not yet managed to notch in to their belt. There was no way that they had all managed to bed so many girls in so many wild and varied situations. It wasn't really any worse than he had heard before - many of his friends from school in the town where he had grown up would happily swap invented stories of sexual proficiency to satisfy their ingrained machismo, an unavoidable rite of passage for many young boys who were just becoming men.

Still, hearing it from guys who he did not know, strangers whose personalities and motivations he was unfamiliar with, was extraordinarily uncomfortable. At least among his friends, everybody knew that everyone else was lying.

The unexpected impact of a pine cone against his shoulder broke him out of his reverie, and he looked up, startled to discover that all the eyes were now upon him. A voice he did not immediately place spoke up. "And what about you, new guy? Tell us about your favorite fuck."

Eric's eyes went a little wide with surprise. He had hoped to find some way, some excuse to slip away from the campfire before they had gotten around to him, but in not paying attention he had not realized that his turn was soon to come up. Mortified as he was, the tabby could only stare right back at those eyes, his jaw quivering a little as he desperately tried to conjure up some answer to their question. "Uhh ... umm ..."

"Hey, wait, I have a better idea." The question came from an athletic looking young drake named Bryce, one of the few whose names he had managed to commit to memory. The green dragon grinned at him and snapped his fingers. "Start from the beginning. Tell us about your first time."

"My ... my ... first time?"

A barely stifled little chuckle sounded from around the campfire, and the dragon merely shook his head. "Yeah, come on, tell us about your first time. Don't be shy, we all came way too fast our first time," he said, and was again met with a little round of chuckles.

He supposed it would have been embarrassing to share such a story, but he was absolutely terrified at the prospect of letting loose his personal little secret. Each and every one of the boys had at least one story about a sexual conquest to share; lacking one of his own would surely make him an eternal outcast. He would have to try and come up with some kind of story to satisfy them. "Well ... well ... there was this one girl, and she, ah ... well we were holding hands, and, ah ... she wanted to kiss me, so I was like ... umm ... and she was, umm, real horny and just kind of stuck her hands in my pants ..."

The wolf sitting next to him couldn't help but to speak up. "Dude ... new guy ... you've never been with a chick have you ... you're a virgin!"

For a moment there was no sound other than the quiet crackle of the fire, the constant chirping of the crickets off in the darkness, before several of the guys began to snicker. "No," he protested, shaking his head and gulping down a nervous breath. "I'm ... not ..."

Another guy, a lion who was seated just on the other side of the wolf, laughed. "Well if you're not a virgin and you can't tell us about the first chick you fucked, that makes you a fag."

Another peal of laughter, a little more raucous and grating on his ears, sounded from around the fire. The accusation stung him hard, made him feel angry, but not so much because it was a misguided insult - but because it was the truth. "No, shut up ... I'm not gay ..."

His response only earned him another round of hearty laughter. Eric felt torn - he did not know whether he should stay and try to convince the guys otherwise, steer them away from the fact that he was, well, different, or if it would simply be easier to try and run away. Either way he had to do something before he began to burst in to tears, and he stood up straight. Before he could say a word, however, a gruff voice cut through the air behind him. "What's going on over here?"

He wheeled around and found himself coming practically face to face with Mr. Davis, the adult who was in charge of the camp, an old and tired looking bear. On top of that, he looked to be rather grouchy, and Eric supposed that the laughter had roused him from an early sleep. The bear did not wait for a response from any of them before speaking up again. "Actually, I don't care what's going on around here. It's late and you boys are being too loud. There's other campers who are trying to sleep. I want you to put out this fire pronto, and then hit the sack. Daybreak comes early and I'm not going to put up with any sleeping in." With a grunt, he turned and lumbered back in the direction of the tent he had set up.

A general mutter of dissatisfaction went up among the gathered males, who all began to get up to their feet and shuffle away in the direction where the boys' tents had been set up, on the opposite side of the camp from where the bear was trying to sleep. One of them took it upon himself to dump a large bucket of water on the fire, extinguishing it instantly with a loud hiss while another grabbed a shovel to stir up the remaining ashes and ensure they were all out. Flashlights came out and flicked on to illuminate the way.

Eric had been spared, at least to some extent, but he knew that he would have to face up to them sooner or later. At least, he thought to himself, he would have time to come up with a more convincing story to share, some way to ensure the rest of the guys that, not only was he not gay, but he was not a virgin, and that he'd had his own conquests worthy of shared tales. Dipping his head, he flicked his own flashlight on and trudged his way over toward his tent, not looking up once he was pointed in the right direction.

Just before he got to his tent, however, he felt a hand clasp upon his shoulder. Almost jumping, he turned around again and found himself this time face to face with Bryce, the dragon. "Hey ... where you going, new guy?"

"I ... back to my tent ..."

The green drake shook his head. "Uh-uh. Not yet. Look, we got a tradition here at camp. You might be the new guy and all but you gotta take part in the tradition too, or else yer gonna be the new guy forever."

Eric blinked a little, feeling his chest swell a bit. Were these guys really willing to accept him into their group, in spite of his embarrassing revelation? "Real ... really?"

"Yes really," Bryce said, nodding, before dragging him away toward the woods. Up ahead, he could see several flashlights bobbing their way into the distance, and indeed it looked as if the entire camp was headed in that direction. "But let me tell you something first. I'm sorry if I put you on the spot back there, I just had no idea that you're a virgin. Or gay."

The tabby gulped a little as that was brought up again. He did not want that label sticking to him. "No, I ..."

The drake hushed him and shook his head. "Look, no one here cares if you are gay. Honest. Gay is totally cool. Being a virgin is not."

"What ... what do you mean?"

"Just what it sounds like. It's not cool to be a virgin. We don't want to hang out with virgins, we don't want them hanging out with us, and we don't want them sleeping in our camp. So we're gonna take care of that for you."

Again Eric blinked, feeling a little knot forming up in his stomach. Just what was meant by that he had no idea. "I ... uh ... what do you mean?"

Bryce laughed softly, a firm hand on his back pushing him forward through the woods. "Look, just because we all like fucking chicks doesn't mean we don't like fucking dudes, too. If you're gay you're missing out on some fine pussy but that's your choice; we can all still get along."

It took a moment for it to sink in, another minute of walking through the darkened woods and following those flashlights in the distance before the statement really began to sink in, and when it did, the young housecat suddenly felt himself intensely conflicted.

Did they really mean to cure him of his virginity? He certainly was able to find some of them attractive - most of them, in fact - and in other circumstances might be quite open to exploring just prospects with them, but somehow it didn't feel right. He didn't know if he wanted his first experience with another guy to be with someone he had just met.

Before he could lodge any kind of protest, he found himself stepping out of the woods and in to a little clearing. He immediately recognized where he had been taken, to the small lake that was near the campground. During the day it was full of activity, fishing and boating and other activities, but now in the dark of night it was all but empty. The thin sliver of a moon hanging overhead did little to illuminate it, a faint silver sheen on the surface of the water, but there was enough light - between the moon and the flashlights - for him to see the rest of the guys standing near the water's edge, stripping naked and wading into the water. He was positive he could see each and every one of their sheaths swollen before they were hidden by the water. The sight made his own loins stir.

"Now guys, we got a new guy here ... Eric, I think his name is ... so before we get to having our fun, we gotta explain the rules to him." Bryce turned to look at him and grinned. "See, every time we go camping, we tell a bunch of sex stories to get ourselves in the mood, and then we ... mmm ... do some bonding. But this is how it works. We all strip down naked, get into the water, and stand in a circle. Then we all put our blindfolds on."

Eric looked around with a slightly unsettled expression, but true to the drake's words, all of the furries that had waded in to the water were indeed tying dark blindfolds over their eyes. "Wha ... why?"

Once again he was hushed by Bryce, who was also in the process of taking his clothes off. "When I give the signal, we all start walking around in the water. When you finally bump in to someone, the two of you must decide what you're going to do, without words. It doesn't really matter. You can just make out, jerk each other off, it doesn't really matter. When everyone's done, blindfolds come off and you get to see who you enjoyed for the night. Now come on new guy, everyone else is waiting on you."

The tabby's bright golden eyes reflected the dim light of the flashlight that was cast in his direction as he once again cast his glance around. Several of the guys were standing in the waist-deep water, grinning, some of them apparently stroking themselves off while they waited. Some part of him told him that it was a terrible idea - this was not how he had wanted, not how he had imagined it. He had always imagined some sweet guy who would take care of him, wine him and dine him, caress him gently before making him feel wanted, need, and oh so delicious ...

On the other hand, he had never had an opportunity like this. He could feel the urging in his loins, all too strong, demanding he consent. Before he realized it, he was beginning to unbutton his pants.

"Good boy," the drake said, approaching him with a black blindfold, pulling it over his eyes and wrapping it around his head, shrouding everything in darkness. The tabby could feel his heart skipping a beat at the loss of his sight, but he could feel the excitement growing deep inside of him. Was this really happening? "No peeking, till both you and your partner cum ..."

Then he was being led carefully along. First he could feel mud squelching between his toes, and then the surprising chill of the water as he took his first few steps into the lake. Eric could feel a brief panic beginning to rise up in his chest, a visceral sense of terror at being led into the water when he could not see, feeling it come up his calves and past his knees, but he had to trust that he was not going to be led too far in, where it was too deep. Sure enough, as soon as the water was up past his waist, the dragon stopped tugging him along. He had arrived.

"All right then," Bryce's disembodied voice spoke at his side, before he could hear the drake begin to walk away, splashing quietly in the water. "Everybody ready for some fun?"

There were a dozen or so murmurs around him, and he shook his head. The "Ready" that came out of his own muzzle was weak to the point of being inaudible, but it didn't matter.

"Okay. Remember, when I give the signal, pick a direction and start walking. Slow. Turn around and come the other way if you start walking into the deeper water. If you don't find a partner after a minute or two I'll start redirecting you. No talking," the dragon commanded gruffly. "Now go!"

The quiet night around him suddenly came alive with splashing sounds in every direction. Eric could feel his heart really beginning to thump and thud in his chest, knowing there were so many naked and eager guys around him, that all he had to do was reach out and grab one of them and soon he'd finally know what it felt like to be with someone, to enjoy himself, to have someone enjoy him. Still he found he was paralyzed by fear, by uncertainty, and could not bring himself to move.

Guys must have begun pairing off, as the splashing sounds around him began to die off, one by one, and he began to panic. Would they mock him if he took too long to find his partner? Were there an odd number of guys in the lake, and did he run the risk of being left out in the cold? With a soft gasp, he reached out and took a shaky, stumbling step forward, the water sloshing around his hips as he stumbled. He heard a splash not far behind him, and he turned around and began to slosh in that direction.

It took a lot less time than he thought before his fingers made contact. The first touch was like a lightning bolt of electricity running through his arm, and he nearly jerked back at the reaction. Knowing that it might be his only chance, he lurched forward and flailed with his other hand until it came to a rest on the other male's torso. He tried to think of who it might be that he had found, tentatively running his hands against the form that he had bumped in to. The other male was very solidly built, covered in short, coarse hair. Could it be the young stallion, the bulky equine who was bigger than any of the other guys in the camp? The thought made his body quiver and his heart flutter. The horse was, in a word, gorgeous.

The night had gone almost still around him. There was no more splashing in the lake, save for tiny little splashes that no doubt were the sounds of paws going in to the water to help take care of what was beneath. The stallion - if that was indeed who he had found - had not yet reciprocated by holding him, by touching him. Eric felt himself beginning to panic again. What was he supposed to do? What if the horse didn't like him and was ignoring him?

Then another thought crossed his mind - what if the stallion, in spite of his undeniable masculinity, was a passive guy when it came to these things? Eric was not ready to assume the role of the dominant partner, but realized he might have little choice but to act. Quivering, he began to slip his arms more around the male's form to hug himself up against that hard torso, wanting to feel the muscles beneath the hide. Unwittingly, he pressed his groin up against the other male, perhaps into his hip, and realized that he was already fully aroused, his erection brushing up against that short, coarse fur.

He couldn't help but to groan quietly at that.

The horse, or whoever he was, was still not responding, but at least was not pulling away. Giving a gentle grind to signal his interest, Eric held himself firmly up against the thick, powerful body and breathed out another groan. Going on instinct alone, he leaned in for a kiss, feeling his lips finally come in to contact with ... smooth rubber?

A loud snickering at his side suddenly made him freeze. Even through his blindfold, he could see the faint hints of light being shined on him. With another gasp, he reached up and tore the blindfold away from his eyes.

He was immediately met by the telltale click-click of cameras going off, cellphones pointed in his direction as all the guys around him began to snicker and giggle. With a horrified expression, he turned to look at the fur that he held in his hands - or at least what he thought was a fur. Instead, he found himself hugging and grinding against a wooden barrel that had been covered in some kind of faux-fur pelt. A white balloon with a smiley face drawn on in marker was tied to the top. In some fit of irony, the whole contraption was being held up and in place by the stallion he thought he had been grinding against.

Just as he pushed away from the barrel, the snickers around him exploded into raucous laughter. An unidentified voice cried out, "Haha, he really is a faggot," which was followed up by another series of harsh, unforgiving laughs. Immediately Eric's eyes began to well up with tears, his vision going blurry.

He had fallen victim to a cruel prank. Worse than that, it was the kind of prank that exposed what he had always tried to keep his deepest, most intimate secret. It was something he should never have fallen for; he knew that childish pranks and hazing rituals were always a part of these campouts, even if they were not so cruel. He knew he'd never live it down.

As quick as he could, he sloshed his way toward the shore of the lake, pushing his way past Bryce, who was standing there at the shore, keeled over in laughter. Eric did not even bother to pick up his clothes that had been left in a pile, did not even bother finding a flashlight. As soon as his feet were on dry ground, he tore off through the woods just as fast as his legs would take him. He was fairly certain he knew the way to the campgrounds, and he wanted to be sure to have a chance to sequester himself away in his tent long before any of the other guys had a chance to follow him and tease him.

The thought also crossed his mind that he would take off in the wrong direction, miss the camp entirely, and be forever lost in the forest. Morbidly, he found himself half hoping that would be his fate.


"I wish I'd at least gotten the flashlight."

Eric had no idea how late it was. He had indeed managed to make it all the way back to the camp, bawling like a baby. It had been a miracle that he didn't wake Mr. Davis as he scurried into his tent, burying himself into his sleeping back and sobbing into the pillow that he had brought. If the other boys had returned and began teasing him, he wouldn't have known, for he had been so upset, he had cried so hard, that he simply passed out where he was.

Now, the campsite was almost as silent as death. He peeked out the flap to his tent and waited a moment for his eyes to try and adjust to the darkness, but by now even that little sliver of a moon had set and left the area nearly pitch black. There was no way he was going to make it up to the latrine on the opposite side of camp, but he figured it wouldn't really matter. He just had to take a piss, after all.

Crawling out on his hands and knees, he suddenly remembered that he was naked. For a second he contemplated digging around in his pack, at least for a pair of shorts, but decided that in this darkness, no one would be spotting him. Carefully he began to make his way toward the edge of the camp. His eyes had adjusted to the dark enough that he could see the shape of a tent looming up right in front of him; he knew it belonged to Bryce. The slow, even sound of the drake's breathing confirmed that he was fast asleep, and Eric briefly contemplated relieving himself upon the dragon's tent, but then thought better. It might satisfy some urge for revenge, but he knew that it would only serve to make his situation much, much worse.

Carefully bypassing the tent, he made his way to the shadows of the trees several yards away. His paws finally came in to contact with the rough bark, using his sense of touch to augment his severely limited sight, stepping his way around the trunk and then breathing a quiet sigh of relief. His cock dropped limply from its sheath, and he held it steady, pointed at the base of the tree as he drained himself, leaning forward with his other hand against the tree.

He must have had to go more than he realized, as it took probably a full minute before the stream finally died off to a little trickle. Shaking himself dry, he reached down to pull up his shorts, again realizing that he was wandering around in the buff. Chuckling quietly, he shook his head and began to slowly work his way around the tree once more, careful not to step in the mess that he had made.

It was then he noticed one of the tents in the campground was then illuminated. Keeping himself close to the tree, just in case, Eric watched quietly as the source of the light jostled around within the tent. The quiet sound of a zipper being undone met his ears as the door was slowly opened, and he was able to watch the shadowed figure begin to creep across the campsite. He moved in the opposite direction, much to the tabby's relief.

Eric could not tell who it was. He watched the light bob across the ground as whoever was holding it slunk quietly across to the far end of the encampment, almost vanishing behind some more trees before coming to a halt at one of the other tents. The male seemed to stop and lean over there, and a moment later the flashlight grew dim as it was pulled into the tent in question.

The light grew dim again, almost to the point where he couldn't see it anymore. He realized that it had been covered by something that blocked most of it out, yet left just barely enough that he could see the outline of the tent in the distance.

For some reason, he found himself intensely curious as to what was going on. "Damn that feline curiosity," he whispered under his breath, watching for several minutes to see if they would emerge from the tent again. Instead there was no sign that anyone was doing anything at all, no sign that anything had happened save for the almost phantasmal outline of the tent across the way. Slowly, he began to slink out of the trees and into the encampment.

Curiosity had gotten the best of him.

He had to move slowly, carefully, to keep from making noise, to keep from accidentally walking right into another of the tents. He didn't want to imagine the consequence of stumbling right into someone's tent and collapsing it while they slept, worse still while he was stalking around the camp naked. He passed very near the dragon's tent on the way again, the steady, quiet breathing having not changed. All the camp was still fast asleep - all save for himself and at least one other.

The slow pace was agonizing and it took him the better part of five minutes to cross the camp, but Eric soon found himself coming up to the slightly illuminated tent. As he neared his ears began to register sound, the quiet but distinct sound of something being dragged against cloth, and breathing heavier than he expected.

He noticed that the flap covering the door had been left partly open, and in the dim light that seeped out of the tent he could finally make out a foot, a clearly feline foot, that was poking partway out of the tent, moving erratically and flexing. Unable to quell his curiosity, Eric slowly, carefully slunk his way around, trying not to get close enough that the light might make him visible, that he might not make any sounds that might be heard.

Just as he maneuvered his way into a position that he could see inside the partially closed door, he realized that he was not hearing the sound of one person breathing deeply and heavily, but was hearing two. As soon as he made that realization his eyes finally peered inside the tent. What he saw shocked him.

It was the lion that he had seen at the campfire, buck naked himself, on his knees and leaning forward, holding himself up on his hands. From this angle, Eric could see the lion's back end flexing and relaxing, his tail thrashing the air behind him as his hips swayed and rocked forward in a regular rhythm.

Next to the lion's feet he could see another pair, and jutting out at an odd angle from beneath the lion's torso was a big bushy tail, unmistakeably a raccoon's tail. It was all of the raccoon that he could see from this angle, but it was more than enough to figure out what was going on.

The heavy breathing from within the tent was punctuated by quiet, muffled moans that barely registered in his ears. As he watched, wide-eyed, he became aware of the fact that he was instantly becoming aroused, his cock quickly stiffening up in the night air. He had seen more than his fair share of gay porn, thanks in no small part to the wonders of the Internet, but this was altogether different. Watching a couple of guys - guys his own age, no less - fucking, in the flesh, was something intense. He instantly decided that it was the hottest thing he had ever laid eyes on.

Eric backed up a little bit to reduce the chances that he'd be heard or seen, at the same time dropping in to a crouch near the ground. The angle was a little better here, he thought to himself, as he was able to watch the lion's toned ass flexing with each thrust, heavy balls swinging in the air as he rutted into the male in front of him. He could even catch glimpses of the coon's own cock, dangling in the air.

He couldn't help but to reach down and curls his fingers around his own prick, beginning to stroke at himself nice and slow. He was already dribbling with excitement, just at the mere sight of the lion's ass pumping back and forth, knowing that his cock was being slid nice and deep into the coon's backside. More muffled groans could be heard from within the tent, the two males obviously making an effort to keep their voices down and not wake anyone else up. He wished he could see their faces : the raccoon's cute, young features twisted in pleasure as he was speared by the lion's member, while the feline's own face would be clenched tight and tense, his jaw probably set as he rutted needily at the male beneath him, drawing ever closer to his climax.

He wished he was closer, wished he could see what was going on better. He half considered crawling in a little closer; perhaps they would be so caught up in the act that they would never notice him. Maybe he could get right up to the tent, right where he could stick his head inside and watch them from mere inches away, his eyes bulging at the sight of lioncock buried to the root, so close that their scent would be heavy on his nostrils, so close he could almost taste them. He wasn't that brave, however. Even this sight was enough to make him intensely aroused; this was as close as he had ever come to the act of sex.

The pace of the action in front of him was changing. He recognized the subtle increase in the lion's thrusting, the ragged timbre in those muffled groans that he could hear. It was obvious the male was getting close to his climax; soon, he would be emptying those gorgeous balls into the ass beneath him. Eric licked his lips and began to stroke at himself a little more greedily, urging on his own pleasure. He'd never seen another guy cum in person, let alone in someone's ass. "Oh yeah ... fuck him good ... fucking cum in that ass," he mouthed, not lending any voice to the words.

Eric knew that his own climax was going to be intense; he could feel it building to a peak in his loins. He could hear the moans in that tent beginning to take on a feral, needy quality, could see the ragged thrusts the lion was making now. He was so close. He watched, wide-eyed, as the lion's hips bucked harder, harder, and suddenly went tense, jabbing forward. He was cumming! The tabby leaned his own head back, closing his eyes, tugging hard on his shaft. He was ready for the rush he felt just a few strokes away.

Then, mere seconds before he exploded into the night air, a firm, solid grip on the back of his neck, and a low, angry voice hissing dangerously close to his ears. "Make a sound and I'll snap your neck."

Eric froze instantly. His cock throbbed in his grip for a few heartbeats before his excitement quickly transformed into fear, his desire for release ebbing as the desire to escape grew. He cast a panicky glance backward in hopes of catching a glimpse of his assailant. A green scaled snout was enough to identify him as Bryce, who he had thought was sleeping peacefully in his tent. "Fucking pervert," the drake hissed again, lifting him to his feet by the scruff of his neck and shoving him forward.

Before he realized what was happening, the terrified housecat found himself stumbling forward, pushed right into the tent that he had only seconds before been fixating on with all of his lust. Bryce shoved him incongruously into the half-open entrance, forcing him down to his knees just to the side of the pair who were still panting and writhing, each of them turning slightly confused looks in his direction.

The drake stooped into the tent, stopping only to turn around and zip the flap shut. "Look what I found outside, jerking himself off while spying on the two of you."

The pair looked at him again and merely nodded, oddly nonplussed by the intrusion. The raccoon looked to still be in need of his own orgasm, as he was slowly stroking himself where he knelt, shuddering lightly. "Sick little fuck ... knew he was a faggot ..."

Eric wanted to shout out in protest, spit it back in the boy's face, that he was clearly a faggot as well, what with his ass full of spunk. Somehow he could not bring himself to speak a word, however, just looking on in shock at the pair in front of him.

"Rude faggot, at that," Bryce hissed again from behind him. He turned to look at the drake over his shoulder, bewildered to find that he was in the process of pulling off his own clothes. "Don't you know it ain't cool to watch people fuck without their permission?"

He had no clue how to react, how to respond. He turned again and watched the other pair for a moment, as if he expected them to say something as well, demand an apology perhaps, but they still seemed strangely disinterested in him. The lion was busy rolling off the raccoon's back, popping out of his ass with a wet little slurp, to which the coon groaned softly in response before rolling on to his own back, leaning against a sleeping bag as he was stroking himself off.

Then he felt the pressure of claws on his neck again, the drake pinching and shoving him forward again. Caught off guard he barely had time to reach out and keep himself from crashing face-first into the ground. "Just so you know what it's like ... now they're gonna watch you get fucked. Without your permission."

In a fit of panic he turned around, just in time to see the dragon kneeling behind him, his own sizable endowment thick and throbbing in one of his paws as it was being pointed precariously right at his undertail. He needed no information other than that to figure out that the dragon intended to fuck him right then and there. "Oh, god ... please, no ..."

With a growl the drake reached around, clamping a powerful paw around his muzzle and snapping it shut. "What did I just say I was gonna do without your permission? Now shut up before you wake someone," he hissed, pressing his tip right against the tabby's pucker.

The contact was startling. His whole body tried to pitch forward and get out of the way while his mind roiled over the fact that he was about to be fucked against his will. Eric tried to cry out, tried to scream, but the drake's grip on his muzzle was too much; his voice came out as nothing more than a pitiful, muffled whimper. He cast his panicked eyes at the other pair sitting in the tent, practically begging them for help with his eyes. Surely they wouldn't just sit idly and watch the assault unfold in front of them?

Neither of them moved; they didn't even seem mildly concerned. They merely watched. Horrified, Eric's eyes went wide and his voice died off, briefly going quiet. They were going to just let it happen, after all.

Then Bryce's cock was pressed right against his quivering pucker, and the drake breathed out a quiet little growl. Suddenly he thrust forward, pushing most of his throbbing length into that tight, virgin ass in one fell swoop. The sensation was bright and painful, a fire erupting from between his legs that rushed up to make all of his nerves scream. Even his vision flashed in bright points of light in reaction to the pain, his head leaning back as he tried to scream and cry at the top of his lungs. His muzzle was still clamped, however; his voice nothing other than a muffled whine.

"Oh fuck ... he really is a virgin ... he's so fucking tight," the drake hissed over him, as he pulled his hips back and began to withdraw his cock. Eric whined for mercy again, tried to pull his hips forward and out of the way, but his efforts were futile. Again the dragon's hips pistoned forward, this time burying the remainder of his meat under the feline's tail, bringing that terrible fire back to his loins, wracking his body with pain.

Eric felt tears stinging at the corners of his eyes as again his head swam in pain. He was seeing red in the sides of his vision, he could feel his ears throbbing. He was certain he was going to pass out, and found himself hoping beyond hope that he would indeed lose consciousness. When it did not, and he felt the drake again pulling back, only to grind his way forward anew, he began to devolve into a series of deep, helpless sobs.

"Don't be a baby," he heard the drake hissing over him, letting his hips begin to settle into an even rhythm. Each thrust brought a fresh wave of pain that coursed through his body. He could swear that he was being split in half back there, could swear that he was already beginning to bleed.

The dragon showed no signs of letting up. Even though the pain was slowly beginning to subside, each thrust carrying less fire with it, he did not stop sobbing. By now his tears had completely obscured his vision, nothing but a strange and twisted vision of the other two staring at him almost blankly.

He had no idea how long it had gone on already, or how long it would keep going on, when he found the painful sensation slowly beginning to give way to something more akin to pleasure. With each thrust of the dragon's cock deep inside of him, the tip brushing and dragging against more sensitive spots within, little quivers of delight started to run between his thighs. His cock began to drop from his sheath and stiffen as it filled with blood, unbidden. He was starting to feel good; he was starting to enjoy it.

The fact made him sob with renewed passion. It wasn't supposed to have been like this. His first time was supposed to be with someone loving and kind, who would make love to him, not humiliate and rape him. This was supposed to hurt, this was supposed to be wrong, but his body was betraying him. Fresh tears spilled down his face.

The dragon growled over him again. "God damn it, he's not going to shut up ... nfh ... can't hold his muzzle shut forever ... someone find a way to ... quiet him."

The raccoon, who had been stroking himself the entire time, suddenly perked up. "I still haven't gotten off," he said, scooting up in front of him and getting on his knees. Eric watched with a strange mix of fascination and horror as his vision, blurred as it was, was now filled with the coon's crotch, the heady aroma of his erection hanging just inches from his nose tingling his senses.

For a brief moment the pressure on his muzzle was released and his jaw allowed to open, but it was instantly filled with the coon's throbbing erection. Immediately the raccoon cupped his paws around his muzzle and kept it from opening any further, and started thrusting deep in to his maw. "Be a good boy and suck on it ... easier that way ..."

Eric wanted to gag, wanted to spit it out, but he could not. The taste of the salty precum now dribbling on his tongue should have horrified him but again his body betrayed him. His throat swallowed in reflex, his tongue collecting the taste that was strangely invigorating to him. His cock had swollen to a full erection and was beginning to dribble beneath him.

Bryce, his hands now free, rested them on the tabby's hindquarters and held him tight in place, redoubling his efforts beneath his tail. Suddenly the drake's cock was pounding in and out of him at a heightened and eager pace, and Eric was beginning to enjoy it. He could feel the echoes of a climax beginning to build in his loins. He wanted to fight it, wanted to remind his body that he was being violated, but it would have none of it.

"I think he likes it," the coon said in a husky voice, making him realize that he was beginning to suck on the male's tool even without thinking about it. His lips had formed a nice tight seal around that flesh, his tongue working against the heated member as he sucked and swallowed on the steady stream of precum. It tasted too good, it felt too good; he couldn't stop.

Again the dragon growled behind him, though his voice was beginning to take on an unsteady quality to it. "Good, good little bitch ... feed him good, Harris, pump that dirty little muzzle of his to the brim ... uuhhh ... and I'll make sure ... nngh ... he gets ..."

The drake lost his voice in a quiet little groan, his body suddenly going tense. Eric closed his eyes and readied himself for what he knew was coming, feeling that cock start to swell and throb in his backside, pumping a steady stream of cum beneath his tail. His body rejoiced in the seeding, his own arousal now full and ready, practically at a hair trigger from the sensations he was feeling, while his mind reeled at the fact that his virginity was now gone; it had been stolen from him.

He wanted to be upset, wanted to be furious, yet he wanted to enjoy himself, he wanted to cum as well. While he was tyring to figure out his feelings, sort out the whirlwind in his head, the coon suddenly breathed out a gasp and another flood of cum was released into his body, this time into his muzzle. He tried to swallow it down but couldn't, much of it leaking out of the corners of his mouth and dribbling over his chin, but the taste surprised him; salty and bitter, yet somehow so delicious. Some part of him ached to swallow as much of it as he could, ached to have it hot and heavy in his belly.

Then it ended, as suddenly as it had begun. The flow of spunk into his muzzle ebbed and stopped, and the raccoon fell backward onto his rump, panting and spent. The dragon under his tail was equally sated, but was not so spent - he immediately leaned forward and grasped the tabby by the scruff of his neck, pulling and hissing at him lowly. "Now listen close you little bitch ... I'm gonna make you a deal ..."

Eric swallowed the remnants of the spunk in his muzzle, gasping at the grip on his neck, unable to do anything but listen as the dragon had him by the neck - as well as still had his rump filled with his cock. "You come back here every night, let us have our way with you, and we'll make sure that the rest of the guys in the camp go easy on you. No more faggot jokes, no more pranks, no more teasing. But you so much as whisper a word of what happened tonight to anyone, and we'll make the rest of your stay a living hell. Don't forget, we have pictures of you humping a barrel. Got it?"

With more force than was necessary, Bryce shoved back down on his neck and forced his head into the ground at the same time that he pulled back and withdrew. Eric gasped at the sensation of suddenly being empty, rolling on to his side and hugging his arms to his chest and looking up at the green drake with a frightened expression.

"Well? Got it?" The dragon growled at him angrily again.

Cringing, Eric nodded his head and spoke meekly. "Yes ..."

"Good," Bryce grunted, reaching over and tugging the flap to the tent open. "Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind."

He didn't need to be instructed twice and immediately crawled back out into the night air. He scurried away from the tent without so much as looking back, crossing the distance to his tent and climbing in, zipping the door shut behind him. He did not want to know if he'd been followed.

Lying on his bedroll, he shivered and looked blankly up into the darkness above him. He knew that there was actually a third option, one that he had not been given : he could go to Mr. Davis and tell him what happened. He could ask to speak with his mother and tell her that he'd been violated, tell her what the other boys had done to him, and then he would really have his revenge upon them.

Then he felt his cock still twitching, throbbing between his legs. Without so much as thinking about it, he reached between his legs and grabbed hold of it. The sensation was electric. It demanded that he start stroking, tugging on himself, bringing that climax hiding just under the surface up rapidly. It felt too damned good; he could still taste the cum on his lips, still smell the musky odor of those guys who had used him. It didn't take long before his head was positively swimming with lust and need, arching his back and breathing a quiet moan as he brought himself to bliss.

It was there, in that half second before he came so hard that he would have to sneak out in the morning to take a shower before anyone else awoke, that he realized whose tent he would be visiting again the next night.