Savage Love

Story by Kirsen on SoFurry

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Since I don't have much to share, I'm going to simply upload the few stories I have done already over the next day or so. This little story was, I think, the first bit of erotica I ever did, written at the request of a friend of mine. Hopefully some will enjoy this story despite its rather, shall we say, esoteric nature.

In a far away place, in a meadow filled with tall grass and flowers of every conceivable color, two creatures stared at each other. No words needed to be said. They both knew exactly why they were there. The only sound was the rustling of the grass in the wind.

One was a lioness, tawny fur over most of her body with white covering her underbelly and the bottom of her muzzle. Muscle shifted visibly under fur whenever she moved, even though she was relaxed she gave the impression that she could leap forward at any moment to rip out a throat. She lay there with her golden eyes fixed upon the only other living being within sight: a dragoness with scales as black as a moonless night. Every razor-edged fang, each gleaming talon, every curve, point and edge upon her body seemed to say that this creature was death delivered in a form of graceful beauty. She was nearly twice the size of her companion, with a neck and tail that were almost as long as her body. She stared at the lioness with scarlet eyes, the one color on her body that could be seen in the darkness she obviously favored.

Finally the dragoness rose to her feet and moved forward, standing imposingly in front of the feline. The lioness watched with the look of bemused indifference her kind had perfected. Bending her neck so she was at eye level with the big cat, she looked her right in the eye with a faint smile upon her face. After a moment of building anticipation, she pressed her snout against the lion's muzzle in a kiss. With a rumbling purr, the lion wholeheartedly reciprocated it, pressing into the dragon's lips. She broke it off for just a moment to give her draconian lover a tender lick under the chin. The dragoness took the opportunity to slide her tongue into the feline's mouth, her long agile muscle dancing around the broader, rougher occupant it found.

As their tongues caressed one another, the two lovers began to shift their positions, the lion rolling onto her back while the dragon brought her body around so she stood atop her smaller companion. All of this was done without a single moment of their lips parting from one another, the pleasure so great they were loathe to end it for a single second. After a good deal of time, the dragon pulled away from the lioness, to the disappointment of both. They knew, however, that if they continued their kissing that their mouths would be too occupied to continue with activities that provided even more pleasure.

The dragoness slowly began moving her head down her partner's body, tongue lapping at the velvety fur of her neck and stomach. The lioness shivered, deeply enjoying the teasing treatment even though her body felt ready to explode with anticipation. Finally, her lover reached her most pleasurable of areas, already damp from the activities they had already accomplished. With a lustful growl, the dragon dragged her tongue all around the wet slit in front of her, trying to get every drop of fluid that had been spilled thus far. The lion let out a pleasured murr, beginning to breathe with labored breath as the pink cloud of lust fogged her mind. Meanwhile, her lover began to slip her tongue between the cat's folds, her own mind begging to cloud as the sweet, musky smell of the lion's juices drifted to her nostrils. Her own sex was beginning to burn, desiring attention. She carefully swung her body around so that the base of her tail was directly over the muzzle of her partner, implying the obvious. The feline took the hint and began to scrape her tongue over the draconian labia above her, drawing a shudder from the scaled lover.

They continue to pleasure each other, growls, murrs, and dull roars escaping from their mouths, though muffled for obvious reasons. The dragon's tongue, though thin, was very flexible, brushing against every spot in the lion's nethers, moving to lick against her g-spot again and again. It was also long enough to plunge into depths that any male would have a hard time matching, repeatedly touching the feline's cervix. The lion, however, proved to be just as skilled in her oral assault as her companion. Her tongue was broad and rough, filling up the dragons slit and greatly stimulating her as it repeatedly brushed against her clitoris. It wasn't long before both of them began to reach their peaks, the torrent of sexual delight starting to be too much to hold back any longer.

Even with the lion's head start, it was the dragoness who reached orgasm first. The heat that had been building between her legs became sharper and more focused until it seemed to erupt, filling her entire body with a rush of orgasmic bliss. She let loose a monstrous roar, the earth seeming to shake from the sound. Before she could come down from the peak, she clamped her jaws over the feline's leg, digging in deep with her teeth before tearing off a large chunk of flesh.

The lioness let out a tortured roar, riding the line between pain and pleasure from the dragoness's bite. Regardless, the stimulation was enough to bring her to her own orgasm, white fire seeming to rush through her entire body, every nerve ending burning with unbelievable pleasure which left her weak in its wake. Her partner continued to devour her, teeth closing over the foot of her other leg and ripping it off with a wet crunch. The dragoness swallowed the chunk of meat without even chewing, the lump traveling visibly down her throat. Even as she did this, however, the first wound she had caused began to heal at a rapid rate, faintly glowing as the dragon's magic healed her lover.

The lioness began to return the dragon's treatment, snapping at her tail when it flitted close to her head. Although the dragon's hide was too thick for her to do much damage to, she managed to catch the limb near the tip and bit down hard, feeling bone crunch beneath her fangs and a small amount of blood flow into her mouth. Her attempts paled in comparison to her partners, however, as she continued to tear strips of flesh from the lion's legs and lower body. Deciding to try another area to give the lioness's legs time to heal, she turned around and sunk her fangs into the flesh of the cat's stomach, feeling the blood spray forth onto her muzzle. She licked it off, enjoying the flavor too much to let it go to waste.

They continued to bite, rip, and tear at one another, too caught up in lust and bloodlust to feel anything but the pleasure that came from both feeling pain and inflicting it. The lion was beginning to tire, her much more severe injuries beginning to cause her to loose consciousness even if she couldn't feel them. With one more feeble bite at the dragoness's neck, the blackness clinging to the edge of her vision clouded it completely and she sunk to the blood-soaked ground, deep asleep.

The dragoness saw this and began to finally think clearly again, her rational mind breaking through the predatory instincts that had been driving her. She took one more bite from the feline's shoulder, rolling it around on her tongue to savor the taste before swallowing one final time. She watched her companion for a moment, seeing the blue glow of her magic repairing all the damage she had done. With a contented sigh, she curled around her lover and began to drift to off to sleep herself, her mind full of the euphoric day that had just occurred.

She hoped that most of the days to come would be filled with the same.

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