Lab Rats - Part 3

Story by JackLupin on SoFurry

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#3 of Lab Rats

(Chapter 3, looks like the fun is spreading!)

Sandy awoke with a start, peering around the dark office and rubbing her eyes slowly. Had this all been a dream? Had she simply fallen asleep at work yet again?

Those questions were answered a moment later, when the rodent slowly raised her limp arms from her side and settled them down on top of her greatly swollen middle...sparks of pleasure shooting through her body at the mere touch. A clock on her desk let her know that she had only been asleep for an hour or so, it was not too late in the night...her body had just needed a short nap. She quickly reached forward and tapped the lamp on her desk, causing it to illuminate the scene around her.

The room was in shambles, books knocked from the shelves and papers strewn about. A large brown furred lapine sat passed out on the carpet, massive limp shaft laying to the side as little bits of thick white fluids continued to dribble from the softened member. Her gaze continued to survey the room before those blue orbs turned to her own form. The rodent's belly had grown quite over the last hour, now giving Sandy the appearance of being nearly full term with twins. That heavy, sensitive belly filled her lap as she sat in the chair, struggling slightly to lean forward and stand herself up. A slight spasm of heat rushed along her body with the change in elevation, the rodent reaching down to press a paw against her belly in an attempt to stabilize herself...though the action only caused pleasured sparks to jolt along her strained bellyfur.

"Mmm, well not quite what I had expected....but it's felt good so far, and doesn't look like I am in any danger of popping..." she laughed, patting her heavy belly a few more times, inspecting along her own fur slowly. No signs of any stretch marks, even at her current size...that was certainly a good sign. Though as that heat continued to spread, Sandy had to resist the urge to play with herself for yet another time that evening...she had to get home eventually or someone might start to wonder. With a glance down to the clock again the rat grabbed her skirt from the floor, pulling it up until it reached the top of her thighs, the dome of her belly hanging far over the elastic. Next came her shirt, though it barely reached past her heavy breasts, becoming more of a half-shirt that barely hoped to keep her decent. Finally she took hold of her overcoat and pulled it on, leaving her swollen belly sticking out far in front of her body, she had no hopes of actually covering herself at this point.

Luckily, Sandy drove quite a large SUV, and when she moved the seat all the way back she still had a few inches between her belly and the steering wheel.

"Phew...." the rodent thought, grateful that she would be able to drive herself home.

With a flick of her paw Sandy turned the radio on, occupying herself with some music during the half hour or so it took her to drive back to her apartment. Every so often her belly gave a slight gurgle, pressure applying itself against her strained belly. Though the pressure felt nothing but pleasurable to the rodent, causing Sandy to moan and pant slightly at every one of those sensations.

Half an hour later on the dot Sandy pulled up to her apartment, giggling slightly at a tickling feeling along the dome of her belly. Though as she peered down she saw just what was causing it; her belly was brushing up against the steering wheel from her reclined position now, causing the rodent's mind to race in questioning thoughts.

"What...I wasn't this big..." she began, though the question seemed to melt from her mind a moment later as another light tingle of pleasure filled her body...this time starting at her toes and working it's way all the way up to the tips of her rounded ears.

She was getting used to these strange and seemingly random fits of pleasure her body was going through, though that did not make them any less enjoyable for the plump rodent. Slowly but surely standing herself up from the seat of her truck and waddling her way over to the door, fumbling with her keys slightly before every so slowly stepping inside.

"Made it!"

Sandy huffed, collapsing back onto her large plush bed, sinking in much more than usual due to her weight as the downy sheets puffed up around her form. One of her paws raised up to rest against the top of her heavy belly, rubbing that swollen dome in slow circles as fits of heated sparks rolled along her fur in response to the touch.

*thump* *thump* *thump*

Sandy's ears flicked in light annoyance, hearing a series of low pounding noises coming from the adjacent room. Her roommate was probably at it with her boyfriend again. The rodent sighed, grabbing two nearby pillows and stuffing them over her ears to muffle the noises...suddenly realizing just how tired the mere act of walking up the stairs to her apartment had made her. With that, the rodent slowly drifted off into slumber yet again.

"Holy crap, Sandy!?"

A voice pierced the air, the rodent rolling onto her side slightly...though her body did not seem to want to move very much at the effort. Pulling the pillows away from her face, Sandy's vision blurrd and cleared before focusing on the pair of forms standing in the doorway to her room.

A rather large white-furred tigress with black stripes stood in the foreground, paw clasped over her mouth as she stared wide-eyed at the heavily pregnant rodent reclined on the bed. The tigress looked as though she had just hopped out of bed, or else other bedroom activities; clad in only a lacy black bra and matching panties, which seemed to have been pulled up rather hastily. Just a bit of toned muscle filled out her curved frame, the lace undergarments struggling slightly to hold in all of her soft warm flesh. The male tiger standing behind her was of more traditional colors, orange fur with thin black stripes covering his body from head to toe. The tiger had only a pair of boxers covering his thickly muscled frame, one of his arms wrapped around the female's form as she stood there in shock.

"Well....are you just going to stand there and stare, Kali?" the rodent murred out sensually, raising a paw into the air and slowly curling her finger as if to beckon them closer.

The pair of tigers exchanged questioning looks with one another...though even as they thought over the situation, their feet seemed to be moving on their own, slowly walking over to the bed and sitting down beside the rodent. Already that delicious scent was filling the room, causing both of the felines' noses to twitch and wiggle with interest... a light shiver running along Kali's spine.

"When did...."

"Oh, no need to worry about that, I will fill you in on the details later..." Sandy interrupted with a slight giggle, reaching back to push herself up into a sitting position, that now triplet-sized belly filling her lap completely.

"You two were pretty loud before....mmm, though I can just imagine what you were doing in there..." the rodent chuckled with a bit of a smile, forgetting any annoyance she'd had with their actions which had occurred only 15 minutes prior.

Kali blushed deeply at that, turning her head to face the tiger at her side. Though the male was simply smiling at all of this, unable to shake a growing heat lightly rising through his body. It was like someone else was controlling his body as the large tiger leaned forward to place his paws on the rodent's belly, gently squeezing along the sides and running his fingers through her silky fur.

"Chris? What are you..... what... are....." the tigress trailed off, starting to question her boyfriend's actions before suddenly coming to a realization. She didn't know why, but she had no objections to his actions anymore. Even just a few minutes ago she may have scolded him for so readily rubbing the belly of that heavily pregnant rat sitting on the bed, but not now. In fact...she just had to have a few touches for herself!

With that, four large furred paws were roaming along the surface of Sandy's swollen middle, the rodent's own forced to press down against the bed and steady herself, lightly clenching pawfulls of blanket into her palms. Those individual points of pleasure along her belly were tingling and burning, so many different points of contact from the couple's fingertips, their palms steadily applying pressure in slow circles, their sharpened fingernails gently scratching against her skin.

"Mm...Mmmmphh fuck!" Sandy yelped out, slowly arching her back as that heavy belly jutted out into the air. From under her skirt a light spray of slick feminine juices dribbled out against the sheets, causing her to huff and pant slightly.

With Sandy's first orgasm in front of the pair, their thoughts quickly changed, growing more perverted and sensual as they gazed upon the fertile goddess of a rodent in front of them. Almost mechanically the pair stood up from the bed, stripping what little clothing they had on and tossing the useless garments to the the floor.

Kali's plump, easily DD breasts jiggled out from their confines, thick hardened nipples capping the peaks and poking out through her fur into the air. Shapely, wide hips curved down into her now bared and slightly reddened sex, a hint of fluids still dribbling from her opening due to her fun from not long ago. Though Sandy seemed somewhat more interested in the sight to her side, the large male tugging down his boxers with a slight groan. Already somewhat re-hardening was quite the delicious looking foot-long slab of tiger cock, causing the rodent to lick her lips lightly at the possibilities.

"Mmm...wonderful! Now then, I am afraid I missed the show from earlier...." Sandy mused to herself, leaning back against the headboard of her bed while her long, thin tail flicked around mischievously through the air. "So, I want you two to re-create the scene for me." the rodent giggled in an almost commanding tone, though it might have been hard to take what she was taking seriously due to the random giggles and moans that punctuated her words.

The pair of tigers, however, did not seem to have any problem obeying the rodent at this point; drunk off the heated scent flowing around them and pushing into their lungs like vaporized honey.

Kali slowly crawled onto the bed, settling onto her paws and knees while slowly flicking her thick tail through the air. The action caused her own scent to waft around the room, further arousing the male tiger who was steadily approaching Kali from behind.

The tiger's length had completely hardened by now, standing at full length and even bouncing slightly while he knelt up onto the bed. Kali peered backward and shot him a wide grin, spreading her thighs just a bit further as the tigress leaned herself down onto the bed, arms folded with her head resting against the sheets, plump rear stuck up high into the air.

"Mmm, that's it my lovelies..." the rodent cooed, stroking along the sides of that heavy belly filling her lap as she watched the two tigers...even flicking one of her fingers down the curve of her swollen middle to pet against her own thighs.

Kali let out a heated hiss as she felt that thick, bumpy length begin to grind right against her heated folds, still quite damp from their antics in the other room. As the male steadily pushed inside her the tigress' head rolled backward, staring at the ceiling while giving short, heated pants of pleasure.

"Oww...ohh fuck, that feels good. Just like...mmmph, every time..." the tigress continued to huff slowly, tongue lolled from the side of her muzzle as she felt that thick tiger length grind against her heated folds from behind. Suddenly the tigress grinned to herself, gripping the sheets and *slamming* herself backward, taking the tiger's fat cock all the way up to the hilt. Her plump rear bounced slightly as it came into contact with the tiger's stomach.

Sandy continued those happy moans at the sight before her, slowly shifting up onto her knees as she crawled over beside the two tigers, her belly dragging along the sheets along the way. Her large rodent ears flicked slowly through the air, drinking in the noises of heated huffs and fur slapping against flesh while she moved. Finally coming to kneel up beside the large male, Sandy slowly curled one of her arms around his head and pulled the tiger down into a kiss.

The tiger's hips bucked forward all the harder at Sandy's actions, tongue rolling against her own as he kissed deeply of the rodent, that thick tiger cock ramming itself in and out of the white tigress being pressed ever harder into the bed below.

The heated rodent slowly pulled her head back from that embrace before smirking lightly to herself, reaching down to heft one of her heavily bloated breasts upward, that thick sensitive nipple shoved against the tiger's lips a moment later.

"Drink...drink my lovely tiger...." she growled lowly, giving the heavy orb a light squeeze once she had felt the tiger's lips latch on.

It was like the sweetest, creamiest milk he had ever drank down, the rodent milk filling his muzzle and licking at the back of his throat before being gulped down into his stomach hungrily. Every drop that leaked against his tongue only made him hungry for more, and as he drank down more that hunger just seemed to grow even further. It was a never ending cycle for the tiger, the more he drank the more he hungered to drink more.

Sandy whimpered slightly at the intense suckling pressure against her nipple, the heated little nub swelling between that tiger's lips while he brought one paw, and then both paws up to massage against her heavy bloated breast. Hips alone were driving into the tigress in front of him now, even as the male's throat bulged slightly with every mouthful of warm cream he gulped hotly down into his stomach.

"Mmmphh, owww...owww, fuckkk!!"

Kali whimpered and cried out into the air, one of the arms supporting her weight slipping down along her stomach to stroke and tease at her own sensitive fur, fingertips trailing across the top of her sex to tickle at her heated little pleasure button. Thick feminine juices began to drizzle out around her stretched sex, coating the male's cock and drooling along Kali's thighs as she hit yet another orgasm that less intense than any of the previous. As her paw slipped back up to brush across her stomach it even felt slightly full, the cock being shoved deeper and deeper causing a slight bump under her palm.

"Ohh god, so deep...." she huffed, twisting her head in pleasure...he was so deep, much deeper than he had been before.

Sandy simply smirked at the female's intense orgasm, her eyes trailing down to their joined sexes as the rodent's grin widened further. The squirming rodent watched on as Kali's heated little folds were stretched and strained wider apart, the root of that huge cock stuffing itself inside her growing thicker every few seconds...every slight spasm of growth causing both of the felines to moan hotly into the air.

By now, the rodent could feel that breast starting to run dry from the tiger's hungry attention. Not deterred, she slowly twisted her body and immediately shoved the other untouched nipple against his muzzle, giving that tiger a fresh infusion of her silky warm milk. Already he had guzzled down almost a gallon of her thick cream, more piling on top of the sloshing milk in his stomach already while he was nearly force-fed more; the tiger's stomach even taking a slight pudge from the volume of milk he was greedily suckling down.

Every thrust seemed to feel even better than the last, that large tiger trying to increase the pace of his thrusting only to find every movement more difficult as well. Suddenly Kali became very aware of a heavy pounding against her thighs, the feeling traveling lower before she turned her head to peer back between her thighs. Not sure how to react to what she saw...

A massive, heavy pair of nuts were slowly swinging through the air and ramming against her thighs on each impact of the tiger's hips against her own. Any questioning thoughts quickly forced from her brain moments later, replaced with feelings of overwhelming pleasure and lust.

Sandy huffed a few times, feeling that second breast slowly draining...and once she felt it had only a trickle of milk left to give the tiger, it was pulled away from his mouth.

"I think you've had enough to drink..." she laughed, slipping a paw down his stomach while giving it a few pats. That paw continued to slide lower as her fingers attempted to wrap around the root of his cock, finding that one paw was certainly not enough to encircle his length. The other dainty paw slid itself down to join the first, that rodent giggling lightly into the air as she found that both paws could just barely curl themselves around that spasming and nearly burning hot tiger cock.

Chris did not seem to know or else care what was going on around him at this point, driving his hips forward and back in unbridled lust. The tigress' hips rolled and rammed back to meet each of those thrusts forward, her belly giving a slight bulge every time the swollen and thick tiger meat was shoved inside her...both felines panting hotly into the air as mixed juices drooled and dribbled down from around her strained sex to soak against the sheets below.

Sandy slowly crawled back to lean herself back against the headboard of her bed, thighs spreading slowly to give the two felines a view of her heated and puffy folds while they fucked wildly on her bed. Her gaze shot up to the male as her lips curled into another wide grin, running her tongue across her plump lips.

"Cum..." she spoke in a soft whisper, the word seeming to fill the male's ear as if commanded by some unknown force, a massive surge of heat suddenly bolting up and down along his spine at the single utterance from the heavily pregnant rodent sitting on the bed in front of him.

The tiger's teeth clenched tightly, lowering his head and arching forward into the tigress riding along his length. The action causing her face to be shoved against the soft sheets while they both howled out in unison. That massive breeding tool was shoved and hilted all the way into the tigress, ramming past the tight seal to her heated and fertile womb as the tip pushed so deeply that it rubbed against the back of her deepest reaches.

That tiger's entire length began to spasm wildly, growing still thicker along Kali's heated walls before a tremendous surge of seed blasted out from the tip. A dull thudding sound filled the air around them, causing the rodent's ears to perk up at the low noise. Every thick spatter of seed that filled that tigress caused another low noise to echo around them, along with a growl of pleasure from both of the orgasming felines. Chris's paws flew to Kali's hips in an attempt to steady himself, fingers gripping and rolling at her heated flesh as every nerve in his body spasmed with electricity.

Kali could feel every thick jet of cum that flooded into her womb, one shaky paw pushing itself down her stomach again...feeling her fur stretch and swell, filling her paw and continuing to grow in time with every growl of the tiger behind her. Even after a full minute of spasming he was still going strong, the tigress never felt her boyfriend cum like this before...or any male for that fact...the feeling was so overwhelming that her entire body seemed to be undergoing it's own unending orgasm.

Slowly her belly continued to strain under the pressure, womb bloating from the inside out and pushing down heavily against her fur. Several minutes later the tigress was looking as though she was pregnant...and quite heavily so, and ready to give birth any day now. The tiger continuing to pump wet ropes of cum along her insides for several seconds more before the tremendous eruption finally began to taper off.

The two felines slowly wavered as each of their tremendous orgasms trailed off, slumping to the side as they passed out in tandem, the male's thick cock still shoved deep inside Kali's strained sex.

Sandy giggled and reached forward to place a palm against the unconscious tigress' belly, feeling those gallons of seed swirling around inside of her bloated womb.

"Yes yes, my kitties. Sleep well..." the rodent murred, pulling her paw up from between her thighs to lick those juice-coated fingers clean. With that, the rodent laid her head back onto a pillow with a slight huff, paws roaming across the dome of her belly while drifting into the warm afterglow, soon joining the felines in slumber.

What would await them in the morning? Sandy hoped that her mattress could handle the weight...

(I was going to end this here, but after thinking about it....perhaps the trio will get another day to enjoy themselves! I don't tend to draw this story out forever though, one more chapter I think.)

To be continued....