The Jock and the Fat Cat ch. 2

Story by FurryFurryRabbit on SoFurry

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#2 of The Jock and the Fat Cat

I'm really happy with the reception the last chapter got. Hope you guys enjoy this one as well!

Kyle's grades in math class continued to improve. Every few weeks he had a study session with Abby, and most of them didn't end in an hour-long cuddle session with his knot lodged inside of her. Usually they were able to focus on the material, but even then the jock found his attention distressingly drawn more and more to his tutor's enormous curves.

While his darkest secret was safe, others had noticed that he was occasionally chatting with the world's least outgoing house cat. Some of his friends had even teased him about it, but he was able to play it off and avoid arousing suspicion. It really seemed like he was going to make it through this year without any permanent consequences from his regular, reluctant trysts.

That all changed in December. Kyle and his team had just won a big basketball game, and were clowning around in the locker room while waiting for the bus to take them home. Carlos, a rhinoceros with muscles that put every other player's to shame, was chatting with another member of the team about the trouble he'd been having in his history class.

Ben, a brown rabbit, didn't seem interested. "Just get a tutor," he said. "That's what Kyle did for trig. Guy's got a C- in the class now."

Carlos snorted. "Yeah, but have you _seen_his tutor? Girl looks like she's got Crisco in her veins and probably buys all her clothes and shit from Hot Topic. Bet she'll dye her hair next year and go full TERF. Hey, Kyle! Kyle! You've been spending a lot of time with her lately. Thinking of hanging yourself yet?"

"Only once or twice," Kyle said. "She isn't so bad. She's quiet, minds her own business. She's fat as fuck, but she doesn't babble about inane shit like your mom, so that's nice."

A few of the guys laughed, while Carlos looked annoyed. "Fuck that shit, bro. Fat skank probably bathes monthly. Bet she talks your ear off about anime and feminism."

It was hard not to be angry, and Kyle suddenly stopped to wonder why he_shouldn't_ be. It was shitty to talk about a person like that. He glared at the rhino and drew himself up to his full height. The dalmatian wasn't quite as tall as Carlos, but he was tougher by a mile and they both knew it. "Do you fucking mind? She's doing something nice for me. I'm not going to fuck her, so what do I care what she looks like? Quit being such a fucking asshole." He went back to getting dressed before adding one final afterthought. "Also, she doesn't stink. You smell way worse than she does. Go take another fucking shower."

What on earth had gotten into him? Why was he defending someone that he wanted nothing to do with? Kyle was normally the type of guy to join in with his buddies, not throw a wet blanket on things. His heart began to pound as he worried that his friends were going to put two and two together any moment now.

Ben nudged Kyle with his elbow. "Hey man, you're not wrong. Not saying I envy you, but...yeah. You know Carlos, he's just talking shit. Speaking of girls, you're going to be at Stacy Lane's party, right?" He gave the quarterback a knowing smirk. "She's got the whole house to herself for the weekend. Long as we don't make a mess, she says we're all invited."

Another one of the guys snickered and clapped him on the back. "Yeah, and she mentioned you by name. Stacy wants the spotted dick, dude. How long do you think it'll take you to hit that?"


Stacy Lane did indeed want the spotted dick. What "all-American" boy could have missed out on a date like that? Kyle was happy to forget his problems for a while with some rowdy friends, loud music, and a few beers. Well, more than a few. He was already tipsy by the time Stacy pulled him aside and kissed him on the lips. She was a tall, svelte mink with pure white fur and eyes that begged him to take her upstairs.

Kyle was all too happy to oblige his host. They slipped away from the others and snuck into her bedroom, locking the door behind them as she tugged off his letterman jacket. Her dress was strapless, and fell away the moment he pulled the zipper down her back.

At long last he was getting some action with his preferred kind of girl. Kyle and Stacy had flirted a lot in the past, and were even considering going steady. He ran his fingers through her silky fur, kissing her passionately as her legs wrapped around his waist and he thrust into her. It was nice, but the mink was so light that the slightest push sent her sliding across the bedsheets. He had to go easy on her lest she slide right out of his arms.

He ended up getting poked and prodded several times by her knees and elbows. Kyle kept struggling to find a comfortable position with her, and began wishing she had a bit more heft to get a proper grip on. Why was she so...bad at this? She was hot as hell, but he found himself wondering why she didn't put any effort into making this fun for both of him. The selfish bitch just expected him to do all the work.

Oh god. He was missing Abby. Kyle gritted his teeth and focused hard on the girl in front of him, drinking in the sight of a beautiful mink biting her lip as she came. She was gorgeous, just like most of the other girls he'd fucked, but he was having a lot of trouble enjoying himself.

Eventually he gave up. Kyle pretended to cum, shuddered on top of her and groaned her name, then lay down next to her to catch his breath. They'd been at it for over an hour, and he hadn't gotten off once. Hell, he hadn't even enjoyed himself! Stacy, meanwhile, was a quivering mess of endorphins and sweat. To her it seemed that the stud lying next to her had incredible stamina, which was at least partly true. What she didn't realize was that nothing she did would ever satisfy him.

Kyle nodded absently as Stacy began talking about prom plans and the upcoming holiday dance. He wished she would shut up. He'd come to the party hoping to reaffirm his status as a lady killer, but now all he wanted to do was go home and get some rest.

Once the party was over and Kyle was home, he opened his cell phone and pulled up Abby's number. He agonized over what to do next for hours, thinking about it in the shower and while lying awake in bed. This was the most frustrated he'd been in years. He was angry at Abby for doing this to him, at himself for struggling with something so stupid, and at Stacy for...well, for being Stacy. Eventually the ache in his balls became too much to bear, and he started to masturbate for relief.

Kyle tried so, so hard to think of Stacy. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school, and had a damn good chance of becoming a model after graduation. Well, that or a porn star. Compared to Abby, however, she was boring as hell in bed. The only way he finally managed to get off was by picturing the way his study buddy jiggled while bouncing on his lap.

He'd never felt so ashamed of himself. What the fuck was wrong with him? He'd been so excited to finally get laid with a girl that was actually in his league, but the disappointment of actually doing the deed was immeasurable. What good was a supercharged libido and a body that every girl in school drooled over if he couldn't have any fun with it?

Before he went to sleep, Kyle pulled out his phone and finally made his decision. He knew texting her was a terrible idea, but was feeling too depressed and miserable to care. "Can you come over tomorrow? I need to study."

To his surprise, Abby responded almost immediately. "Sure. We can have snacks after we're done. Can I bring a movie? Is this a date?"

Kyle fought the urge to vomit. "What? Absolutely fucking not! We're just studying."

Abby didn't respond until the next morning. "I'll come over," she said. "I've got a fun cookie recipe I've been wanting to try."


The next day was Friday, which meant that Kyle would have all weekend to think about whatever he and Abby got up to that night. He resolved to keep his dick in his pants no matter what, heat or no heat. His confidence received a boost when she arrived smelling like cookies rather than estrus. The dalmatian was immensely relieved, and settled in with her to do a little studying before his parents got home.

It didn't take long for him to get bored of math. Kyle didn't have another test for several weeks, and without the looming threat of his extracurricular activities being disrupted he wasn't motivated to try very hard. He finally called it quits, tossed his math book into his backpack, and flopped down onto his bed. "Fuck numbers and shit," he moaned. "I just want to play ball! Is that too much to ask?"

Abby politely cleared her throat, shrinking a little as he glared at her. "S-Sorry. It's just, um, statistically speaking you're not likely to play ball past college."

"The fuck's that supposed to mean?" Kyle asked.

Abby pushed her thick glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Fewer than two percent of NCAA athletes go pro, and you aren't even in the NCAA yet. It's more important right now to learn than to play."

The dalmatian snorted and buried his face in his pillow. "Says you," he grumbled, telling himself that she didn't know what she was talking about. He was bound and determined to become an NFL all-star, and to hell with anyone that told him otherwise. Kyle only looked up from his bed when he heard a Tupperware container opening. Abby held out a cookie with a trembling paw.

Kyle reluctantly took a bite and, completely out of the blue, had his mind blown. Holy shit, he hadn't known that cookies could taste this good before. His mother and father were both full-time architects, and rarely had the time to prepare a home-cooked meal. He hadn't enjoyed a snack this much in...ever, really.

Abby offered to put in a movie they could watch. Kyle waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. Soon they were lying on his bed, watching some stupid anime movie about a white-haired pretty boy with a giant sword. The tubby feline was clearly enchanted by it, and it was tempting to say something about how incredibly stupid the whole thing was.

He kept quiet. Normally Kyle hated anime with a passion, but if it shut Abby up then he was all for it. He sullenly munched on a few of her cookies, then did a double-take when the container she'd brought came up empty. There had been, what, twenty in there? He'd had four, which meant that his lardass study partner had scarfed down more than a dozen of them! No wonder she was so fat. She was a messy eater too, and had quite a few crumbs caught on her shirt.

"These two are so cute together," Abby said, snapping him out of his thoughts. He watched as the long-haired boy finally kissed a generic girl he'd been flirting with for the whole movie. Kyle rolled his eyes and tried not to think about how lonely and pathetic someone had to be to get hooked on this shit. He was glad he had better things in his life than bad anime and junk food.

After a moment the full implication of his thoughts settled in on him. Of course it had to be miserable to have nothing going for you in life but this garbage. He looked over at Abby and wondered how often she wished someone would love her like Whats-his-name loved Who-gives-a-shit. She was too fat to attract any of the more handsome guys at school and too shy to approach someone in her league, so she had no chance of something like that ever happening. That was...sad.

Poor Kyle began to feel sick to his stomach. Was he actually empathizing with the fattest girl in school? He felt the urge to take a shower, but a more powerful urge was already growing within him. He was horny, and the only relief he'd had in days was the halfhearted jerkoff session after failing to cum with Stacy. Now his regular partner was here, and she was sitting only a few inches away.

The dalmatian almost smacked himself. He'd sworn to keep it in his pants, damn it! His resolve hardened, but only until Abby leaned against him and let out a long sigh. The credits were rolling. "I love that movie," she murmured. "Do you...mind if we watch another?"

"No," Kyle said before he could stop himself. Abby happily popped another DVD in, and when she came back to the bed she sat right up against him. It annoyed the hell out of him at first, since he could still smell the delicious scent of baking sweets on her. Her body was warm and soft, as always, and before long it had worn down his willpower like a river burrowing through solid rock.

Halfway through the movie Kyle wrapped his arms around Abby and pulled her into his lap. He ignored her surprised gasp. It took almost all his strength to budge her, unlike the frail stick he'd pounded into the mattress the night before. He let out a resigned sigh, his nose buried in her hair as he enjoyed her scent. Kyle had been dealing with intense self-loathing for months, and knew deep down that this was absolutely not going to help matters.

They finished the movie and didn't move to turn off the TV. Kyle's erection was grinding into Abby's backside, and he grunted as she shifted position to look back at him. "Are you sure this isn't a date?" she asked. Her voice had that soft, nervous tone that he'd come to expect from her. Most of his friends were loud and brash, but Abby always sounded like she was scared to be heard at all.

"It's not a date," Kyle insisted. His arms squeezed her a little, feeling her body bulge where he touched her. His cock was desperate for attention, and his jeans were putting an uncomfortable amount of pressure on his balls. He reminded himself that he didn't want to fuck her again, that he was way out of her league in every way, but his body didn't care when she was pressed against him like this.

Fuck it. The dalmatian sighed and rolled Abby off his lap, then stood up to pull his shirt off. She watched as he disrobed, her cheeks turning red as the scent of her arousal filling the air. "Well?" Kyle asked when he was finished. "Do you want to or not?"

Abby bit her lip, and spoke so quietly that only a dog could have heard her. "No. Not unless you say it's a date."

Kyle was shocked. The tubbiest girl in school was willing to turn down a night with the star quarterback? Where did she find that kind of nerve all of a sudden? Didn't she know that he could (and did!) fuck girls ten times hotter than she would ever be on the regular? Didn't she know that plenty of girls a quarter her weight would have given anything to bounce on his cock? Where the fuck did she get off turning him down?

Kyle's opinion of himself as God's gift to women was at war with his lust, trapping him between his pride and the depressing certainty that thinner girls stood no chance of satisfying him. Hell, he'd fucked one of the hottest girls in school only the night before. That had been even more boring and unrewarding than Abby's shitty anime.

Eventually the jock made his decision. He hated himself for it, but he made it knowing that the alternative was letting Abby walk out on him and possibly never sleeping with her again. He closed his eyes so he wouldn't have to look a her. "It''s a date," he muttered. "This is a date. We're dating."

By the time Kyle opened his eyes, Abby was already undressing. It was a relief to see that she was just as eager as he was. The cat yanked off her top and unfastened her bra, letting her enormous tits bounce free of their fabric prison. Damn, those were huge. Maybe eating all those cookies had a bright side after all. Her pants went next, and Kyle's cock twitched at the sight of her ass. It was enormous, and he knew that it felt perfect nestled in his lap.

Kyle wasn't gentle with her, but she seemed to prefer it that way. Abby clung to him like a lead weight, pushing his endurance and sapping his strength every time they changed positions. It was a full-body workout, and he found that there was always more of her for his hands to explore. At first he tried to picture Stacy in his mind, but thinking of her only made it harder to perform. Compared with Abby she was flat as a board and light as a feather, two things that he really didn't want right now.

Tonight they didn't stop after he came the first time. Kyle had a lot of sexual frustration to work out, and by god, he was going to get his! He bent her over the side of the bed first, occasionally smacking her ass to watch it ripple. He was careful not to knot her, and so they put off the long cuddling session for a while. Kyle pushed her up onto the bed next and rolled her onto her back. Watching Abby's face while he fucked her was immensely gratifying. He could see her squirm, watch as her soft face screwed up into ever more intense expressions as she rode out orgasm after orgasm.

This felt more important than their previous flings. Kyle was proving to himself that he still outclassed her, that he hadn't lost his edge in the sack just because skinny women didn't excite him anymore. He made Abby scream, savored her voice as she cried his name. It was the first time he'd ever heard her get loud.

Finally, after almost two hours of backbreaking work, the dalmatian let himself finish for the last time. He had Abby trapped in a full Nelson, his muscular arms pinning her legs up as he thrust himself into her harder than he'd ever fucked a woman in his young life. They were both damp with sweat, and every muscle in the stud's body ached with fatigue. He shoved her down onto his knot at long last, moaning with relief as his balls drew up to empty their payload.

Neither of them had any energy left. Kyle wrapped his legs around his feline lover, squeezing tightly as his cum flooded into her. This was the first time he'd ever fucked without a condom, and it felt incredible. "I-I...think...I love you," Abby stammered after a few minutes of silence. Her body was still quivering in his arms.

"No you don't," Kyle said. "I'm just really fucking good at this." He watched her reach for the TV remote and start the movie over again. Great. Now he'd be forced to watch it until he could pull out of her.

Abby snuggled back against him, and it felt incredible. Kyle thought back to his previous partners, some of the more popular girls in school, and tried to compare the after-sex experiences he'd had with them. Most were thin and bony, uncomfortable to hold tightly for long periods of time. Some even refused to let him tie, preferring to finish him off with their hands. All of them had one thing in common; none knew how to shut up and enjoy the moment.

After a long time spent cuddling and occasionally kissing, Kyle pulled out of his partner. They both wearily trudged to the bathroom to get cleaned up, and he helped her wash the sweat from her back with zero hesitation. This was his life now. Kyle wasn't sure what to call the thing he'd lost, that ability to enjoy conventionally beautiful girls, but he mourned it with all his heart. He was stuck with Abby now, and if anyone ever found out that only a girl her size could get him off...well, he wasn't sure what would happen, but it wouldn't be good.